#of redditors aghast at
thepotentialof2007 · 2 years
Sentencing Judgment for Nelson Piquet
Judge Pedro Matos de Arruda stated that the amount of the compensation is "in the sense that one should not only appreciate the reparatory function of civil liability, but also (and perhaps mainly) the punitive function, precisely so that, as a society we may someday be rid of the pernicious acts of racism and homophobia."
From the r/formula1 comments: "I read the sentence. The judge determined the value based on the fact Piquet was able to donate R$501,000 to Jair Bolsonaro's presidential campaign, and one is not allowed to donate more than 10% of their yearly gross income. Therefore, Piquet's income is at least R$5,010,000."
Here is the sentencing document [direct link to PDF - in Portuguese, naturally - hosted via the Congress in Focus section of UOL’s news site]
A thread on the same reddit post speaks from the perspective of one of the lawyers against Piquet explaining how Brazilian law works in these cases.
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 2 months
““It really went against his normally considerate, shy, bashful, and insecure demeanor” reading this about a nearly 40 year old man in response to him grabbing ass at coachella makes me wish i was illiterate. 🥲”
No seriously 😂 like Evan is a grown adult, it’s okay for him to make out a little and grab ass sometimes. It doesn’t take away from him being a nice and considerate person. I just really don’t get being aghast at the Coachella stuff. The subreddit always reminds me that slut shaming is still in full force in this world lmao.
i know lmfao man, that quote took me out. we're like, one iteration away from the redditor and rosa brigade framing this story as natalie deflowering evan at coachella.... not our precious baby boy! and before marriage!
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very entertaining reading redditors completely aghast at being asked to consider a miracle occurring in Klara and the Sun
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princessnijireiki · 4 years
seeing people on reddit respond sympathetically to other people struggling through moderated content versions of your trauma or baggage is like. hey. how dare you lmao. don't feel fucking sorry for me! I'm offended at the very LOUD implication that I'm more pitiable & maladjusted than you!
but at the same time some of those moments really are like PHEW okay one: good to know you are all aghast at this thing I genuinely would not think twice about mentioning in passing lol oops, gotta keep that one to myself from now on. and two: is this what a "come to jesus" moment feels like? redditors telling people with issues just like yours that they're not okay & that they need therapy? thanks I hate it
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etirabys · 4 years
Rec: meditation
I started meditating with the app Headspace in 2017, and started using the app Waking Up this past month at the same time I started meditating a lot more. Part I of this post is a comparison of the two apps, meant to justify why I think someone getting into meditation should start with Headspace. If you are not interested in meditation but enjoy thinking about the human mind, the description in Part I of what Waking Up teaches may still be interesting.
Part II describes my motivation for meditating and what I think other people can get out of it, Part III gives specific recommendations for meditation.
Part I. Headspace vs Waking Up
Note before I go on: Headspace and Waking Up are both paid apps. Headspace is $13/month. Waking Up is $100/year, but many redditors in threads I read about Waking Up before buying it assure me that the team really wants people to meditate and will give it to you for free if you produce a good reason, like “I cannot afford this but I find meditation helpful”.
I think I’m getting about five times more out of Waking Up because I started with Headspace. Some things that I think are very useful before starting Waking Up that Headspace teaches better:
Being sufficiently good at staying at your breath that you can by default stay with your breath for 3 cycles before you get distracted
Being sufficiently good at noticing when you're distracted that distractions are normally <=1m
Either finding body scan (moving your attention down the body, tuning into signals from different subsections) easy/intuitive to begin with, or being familiar enough that you just 'know what to do' when prompted
Headspace teaches you these in a more accessible way. Waking Up asks you to perform new mental motions in almost every session of the introductory sequence, and I think it’s hard to get something out of this if you’re busy struggling on the basics listed above.
Headspace has a 30-session introductory course, where each session is 10m. Even if you never do another Headspace pack, I recommend this. I also endorse speedrunning it by doing it 2/day and finishing in 2 weeks.
Each Headspace course (1 course = 10-sessions with a theme like ‘Anxiety’, ‘Mindful eating’, ‘Pain management’) has 1~3 of the following techniques associated with it:
Body scan (moving your attention from your head to your toes – practicing letting sensory data fill up your mind)
Noting (basically installing the TAP of noticing when you have a thought, emotion, or sensation that is not the thing you intend to focus on, and bringing your attention back to the object of focus, using the breath)
Reflection (Emptying your mind a bit first, then asking yourself a specific question, or rather letting the question sit in your head, letting potential answers come and go)
Focused attention (focusing on one thing, noting when something that is not that rises to your mind, watching the thought run its course, which it generally will much faster if you're watching it rather than running it, and then going back)
Resting awareness (think and feel ~normally without an object of focus, but have a watcher process that's looking at thoughts and feelings interleaved with the process that's actually having those thoughts and feelings)
I don't think Headspace is very good at articulating and teaching the last two techniques. Waking Up teaches those two better, and those are the interesting ones.
Waking Up's schtick, as interpreted by me, is that it asks you to
Model your mind as a projector screen (or mirror, or ‘space’) on which things are appearing,
Notice how much of what's on that screen appears there without your input (like bodily sensations or sounds),
Notice an increasing set of things as 'things that appear there without your input',
Notice the 'you' that is the watcher-entity / consciousness that is separate from everything on the projector screen, because the watcher is not producing mental phenomena
And once you have this model and a visceral sense of using this model to move your mind the same way you use the model of a car to drive a car, you can do things you couldn't do before when your model was "my mind is me, making choices and doing things", e.g. having greater control over how you react to a thought or emotion.
My current view is that focused attention is the practice you do to familiarize your mind with using the "the mind is a screen and watcher" model instead of the "the mind is me" model, and resting awareness is just the thing your mind will do a lot with normal life once it is used to using the model. Like constrained exercises in physical therapy vs normal walking.
Waking Up also teaches you to
5. Notice that the watcher does not really exist – that every mental effort to ‘locate’ the watcher will fail.
because part of what WU tries to teach you is to let go of the notion of the self, completely step out of the “my mind is me” model. The creator thinks that letting go of this is a fundamental component of the mental transformation the practice of meditation is for. I am personally not very interested in this and am electing to ignore this / not actively learn it.
Part II. What for?
My original motivation to meditate came from failing to meditate the first time I tried it, being aghast that it was so hard to do something as simple as focus on the breath for even one minute, linking it to my general lack of mental discipline, and deciding meditation was an obvious way to try to fix.
I have not seen tangible improvement in mental discipline. But after a month of meditation 20m/day on average, I’ve seen tangible improvement in emotional control and what I’m going to call a-freedom-to-choose-the-self.
I have several instances per day where I’m feeling frustrated or anxious or guilty, switch into observer mode, and kind of watch the observer process take up more and more CPU until the original process isn’t running at all.
I sometimes recognize when I’m lost in a thought or feeling that centers around a desire to control or set the course of the future – whether that’s on the scale of hours (will I get enough work done today) or years (am I going to get divorced in the next decade) – and immediately translate it to the present: will I do some work in the next minute, am I paying enough attention to my partner’s existence and needs today. You don’t need meditation to do this, exactly, but it really helps to have a visceral feeling of your entire life being composed of slices of ‘the present’, that the present is sort of the only thing you can control and be responsible for. And have that visceral feeling, it helps to have a lot of practice tuning into the present, which meditating trains you to do.
What I’m labeling freedom-to-choose-the-self is the feeling of (1) having a thought that’s pretty tightly anchored to you – e.g. a sense of judgment about something you’re consistently judgmental of people (including yourself) for, investment in maintaining your status in your workplace or gaming forum that you’ve been part of for years, (2) switching over to the mind-as-screen-and-watcher model and regarding the thought/feeling the same way you’d regard traffic noise that’s happened to arise outside your house, (3) thinking “do I want this thing attached to me? Is it good for me? Do I like it?”, and (4) if you don’t, letting it go with the same gentle indifference you’d let go of the traffic noise. Crucially, you’re not rejecting the underlying drive that generated the thought, or severing it from the self – you’re just choosing not to make that particular thought an “I-thought”. Your future self may very well have a similar thought and choose to claim it as an “I-thought”, and that’s your future self’s prerogative.
Please note that I am still impulsive, undisciplined, full of stupid feelings, struggling with my job, and that I had a ridiculous fight with my partner just this week that was 90% my fault. I am merely happier and more in control of myself as I do all this.
Part III. Where do I start?
Here’s an extremely prescriptive schedule. I have designed it for someone exactly like me.
Get Headspace for a month.
Do 10 minutes every day for a week. (Headspace says the first week is free, which might mean that you can cancel in the first 7 days and pay nothing.)
If you don’t hate it, kick it up to 10m twice a day for the rest of the month. The introductory 30 sessions teach Body scan and Noting, you should definitely do those. After that you can do whatever you want – Headspace’s courses are very similar to each other, despite the names. I liked Acceptance (Body scan, Reflection), Transforming Anger (Focused attention, Body scan), and Managing Anxiety (Body scan, Noting). If you want to try a Headspace course that teaches Resting Awareness you might want to try Pain Management (BS, FA, RA).
After the month is up you should have meditated for about 9h, which I think is a pretty good start.
If you’re still interested at this point, quit your Headspace subscription and get Waking Up, either by paying or asking politely.
Waking Up’s intro sequence made of 10m sessions. Do one a day, and follow it up immediately with 5~10m of unstructured meditation where you just set a timer and either meditate on the breath or continue practicing what the day’s WU session told you to do. The sessions are kind of dense, so do repeat or revert sessions as needed.
Do ramp up. Doing 40m every other day was the frequency at which I started seeing interesting mental shifts after several weeks. (40 consecutive minutes, but not continuous practice – I don’t have enough discipline/attention for that. I do 10m of a Waking Up session, and then 10m each of focusing on sound, breath, and body scan.)
?? (time passes? other things?)
You are a different person? Maybe chiller and nicer and more productive? We do not know.
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emperorren · 6 years
"But they came when the concept of Reylo was already normalized. Not necessarily accepted, but normalized and somewhat understandable even from a mainstream perspective. It hasn’t always been that way. Heck, it was categorically Not Like This in the old days." Can I ask how it was like in the old days, like why it was so strongly hated? And how it became more normalized and acceptable in the mainstream? Was it a gradual process after the initial outrage or just TLJ creating a sea change?
why it was so strongly hated?
eh, I feel like I've talked about this a million times, but TLDR: aversion to female-gaze romantic narratives on the fanbro side (”ewwwww space Twilight??? In MY star war?”), peak sjw discourse on the tumblr antis side (blah blah blah normalizes abuse, blah blah rape analogy, blah blah bad role model for little girls, You’re Erasing Finn So You’re A White Supremacist, etc). The an/ti reylo phenomenon is such a bizarre and complex conflation of bad takes, ubiquitous fandom trends and arbitrary projections that it’s not possible to analyze all the reasons in one single post. 
(Why Reylo in particular, you might want to know? Because the sequel trilogy was hailed as the chance of a lifetime to build a “healthy” and “progressive” fandom from scratch, almost surgically, with no bad ships, no racism, no misogyny, just rainbows and unicorns and unanimous condemnation of them angry white men who are the root of everything wrong with society (real or fictional). Reylo was the nasty virus inexplicably spreading in this artificially created, perfectly sanitized utopia—a whitey white ship built on super heteronormative regressive sexist tropes? a glorification of the loathed combo Woobie Villain + Victimized Female Character Doing Emotional Labour For His Redemption? The horror!!—so it needed to be eradicated. And when it wasn’t met with full blown hatred, it was considered absurd and a long shot and generally just an icky Female Fantasy. The heroine and the villain falling in love? what? how? that literally never happened in the history of all media!)
And how it became more normalized and acceptable in the mainstream? Was it a gradual process after the initial outrage or just TLJ creating a sea change?
Both, I’d say? Part of it was a gradual process—spoilers piled up, awesome meta was produced, encouraging commentary was released, “neutral” fans (redditors, clickbait youtubers etc) started picking up on Reylo theories and recycling them to their followers, anti culture began to be questioned and challenged on a wider scale on tumblr and so on—but it all culminated with TLJ, which radically changed the status quo.
But when I say “normalized, not accepted” I mean that people are starting to get used to it as a concept. Liked or hated, it’s started to become an ordinary and fairly familiar part of fannish culture, if not of pop culture in general. Everyone has seen TLJ at least once, and the fact that Rey and Kylo did, in fact, share a couple of key scenes is… hard to miss, lmao. So we’re slowly moving past “why the hell would you ship something so absurd???” towards “ah, yes, Reylo…” [proceeds to explain why reylo is Okay or Not Okay, but you’re no longer met with genuine incomprehension or aghast horror at the idea that there are people who want these two characters to smooch]
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bbcbreakingnews · 4 years
Mother seeks 12-hour-a-day babysitter for just $100 A WEEK
A job posting for a mother seeking a babysitter has left Redditors aghast thanks to the woman’s shockingly unreasonable demands and even more shockingly low pay.
The unidentified Canadian mother shared the job posting on social media,  and even though it’s now been viewed by thousands, it seems unlikely she’ll find anyone interested to fill the role.  
In the posting, the mom says she wants a babysitter who will work nearly 60 hours for just $100 CAD ($74.83 USD) per week — and what’s more, she demands that they pay for their own background check, provide vegan organic food, and be available to work weekends with no notice.
What?! A Canadian mother advertised for a babysitter who would work a nearly 60-hour week for $100 CAD — and provide food
The preposterous listing asks for a babysitter in Toronto who will watch two girls, age two and six, from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. during the week, presumably Monday through Friday.
That totals 57.5 hours of work — all for just $100 CAD ($74.83 USD), or $1.74 CAD ($1.30 USD) per hour.
What’s more, the babysitter is expected to pay for food, which must be vegan organic.
Other requirements are that the babysitter be female, smoke-free, and pay for her own criminal background check (for which there will be a $5 reimbursement if it comes back with a clean record).
Additionally, the babysitter must work weekends with no notice.
‘After 6 months, if we are still conducting business, wages will go up to $150 a week,’ the post goes on.
‘No you cannot sleep at my condo. No you cannot have friends over. No you cannot study/watch YouTube/be in your phone while on duty,’ the mother adds. 
Yikes: The woman seemed to be looking for slave labor for her two children (stock image)
Unsurprisingly, the posting has earned plenty of backlash on Reddit, from commenters who are outraged by the mother’s sense of entitlement.
‘Why would you expect a sitter coming to your house to provide food for your kids????’ demanded one.
‘I will never understand how people could leave their children in the care of someone who is willing to accept $1.66 an hour,’ said another, while someone with similar ideas added: ‘All the serial killers reading this are like, “jackpot!”‘
‘Someone needs to tell her that slavery is unconstitutional,’ wrote one more.
‘She’s not looking for a babysitter she is looking for a new mom,’ yet another commenter wrote. 
Not demanding at all! A presumably wealthy mother living on Manhattan’s Upper East Side was mocked last year for a Craiglist job ad
Go wild! The ad was posted on Craigslist on October 24 and shared on Twitter by New York City writer Dorsey Shaw on November 16
This mother isn’t the first to make unreasonable demands in a job posting while offering an incredibly low wage.
Last November, a presumably wealthy mother living on Manhattan’s Upper East Side was ruthlessly mocked for a hyper-specific job ad she posted on Craigslist.
The woman, who was not identified, used the site to advertise for what she describes as a ‘Social Media Photographer/Coordinator and Mother’s Helper.’
According to the description, she was looking to hire a creative type with fashion photography experience to manage her social media profiles — and to also care for her children.
The ad reads: ‘Manhattan family looking for a photographer to work with them on a regular basis as their Social Media Coordinator, either [full time] or [part time]. 
‘This person MUST have advanced knowledge of of Photoshop and Lightroom, have experience working with/shooting young children/families and be comfortable acting as Mother’s Helper on days when not shooting/editing,’ it went on.
‘This person should also have experience in fashion photography and be internet/IG savvy. Compensation will be hourly or daily rate. 
Internet mockery: The tweet earned thousands of likes and quite a few horrified replies
‘Please do not apply if you do not have the required photo editing experience. Thank you,’ she concluded.   
The ad was posted on Craigslist on October 24 and shared on Twitter by New York City writer Dorsey Shaw on November 16.
‘May god have mercy on the soul of the person who takes this job,’ he wrote. ‘In the next 5 years NYC creatives will exist only to work on personal media projects for bored wealthy people.’
The tweet earned thousands of likes and quite a few horrified replies, including one reading: ‘Good god I hope this is just a serial killer.’
‘That is an argument for raising taxes on the rich!’ said another, while a third tweeted: ‘Pretty good odds this is Jared and Ivanka.’
Several people were furious that the woman expects a single person to do three separate jobs — photographer, social media coordinator, mother’s helper — just because they were posted together, and also speculated that she doesn’t even plan to pay very much.
‘That’s three job descriptions in one,’ wrote one. 
‘Not only is that THREE separate jobs, but it also sounds like they expect 50+ hours a week and I’m guessing that the hourly/daily rate is going to be too low for ONE of the jobs,’ another said. ‘Rich people expect 200% from the worker and think paying more than slave wages is unfair.’
The post Mother seeks 12-hour-a-day babysitter for just $100 A WEEK appeared first on BBC BREAKING NEWS.
from WordPress https://bbcbreakingnews.com/mother-seeks-12-hour-a-day-babysitter-for-just-100-a-week/
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narcisbolgor-blog · 7 years
A teacher asked a great question about superintendent pay. Then, all hell broke loose.
Why should a superintendent get a raise while teachers in the same district struggling to make ends meet see their paychecks flatline — year after year after year?
Teacher Deyshia Hargrave begged the question. Minutes later, she was handcuffed and placed in the backseat of a cop car.
The scene was captured below by YouTube user Chris Rosa, who attended a board meeting for Vermilion Parish Schools in Louisiana.
You can watch Hargrave begin speaking about 33 seconds in. The situation starts becoming contentious around 6:35 minutes. Hargrave is arrested at 8:35, and then walked outside in handcuffs and placed in the back of police vehicle.  (Story continues below.)  
"We work very hard with very little to maintain the salaries that we have," Hargrave, who teaches middle school language arts, said during a public comment portion of the meeting, stating that she's seen classroom sizes balloon during her time at the school with no increased compensation. "We're meeting those goals, while someone in that position of leadership [the superintendent] is getting raise? It's a sad, sad day to be a teacher in Vermilion Parish."
According to comments Hargrave made to BuzzFeed News, she believes Superintendent Jerome Puyau was already making $110,000 before the board voted to give him a raise of $38,000. The raise alone is roughly the salary of "a teacher, or two cafeteria workers, or two janitors," Hargrave told the outlet.
After Hargrave spoke out again later in the meeting, a city marshal on duty asked her to leave — even though the school board was still addressing her.
"You're going to leave, or I'm going to remove you," the officer told her, as seen in the video. Many people in attendance seemed shocked. "Are you serious?" someone asked, aghast, in the crowd.
Hargrave leaves the room, followed by the officer. But moments later, someone chimed in, "he's putting her in handcuffs" — and the room erupts in disarray.
"I am not [resisting], you just pushed me to the floor!" Hargrave is heard screaming at the officer, as he forcibly removes her down the hallway and out the building in handcuffs. "Sir, hold on! I am way smaller than you!"
Image via KATV/YouTube.
According to KATV News, Hargrave was booked in the city jail for resisting an officer — a fact that left many commenters online flabbergasted. School officials are reportedly not pressing charges. "Umm ... what charges could they possibly make?" one Redditor noted.
With help from the Reddit community, Rosa's video has gone viral, garnering more than 600,000 views in less than 24 hours. Clearly, Hargrave's earnest question about inequality in our education system — met with a grotesque abuse of power — has clearly touched a nerve with people across the country.
"I don't know how this teacher could have been more polite and patient in her earnest desire to find out why the superintendent deserves a raise while the teachers work harder with less," YouTube commenter Scott Wells chimed in. "She continued to press because they refused to come up with an answer. Seems like a good question to me."
We agree.
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=> *********************************************** Original Post Here: A teacher asked a great question about superintendent pay. Then, all hell broke loose. ************************************ =>
A teacher asked a great question about superintendent pay. Then, all hell broke loose. was originally posted by 11 VA Viral News
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
A teacher asked a great question about superintendent pay. Then, all hell broke loose.
Why should a superintendent get a raise while teachers in the same district struggling to make ends meet see their paychecks flatline — year after year after year?
Teacher Deyshia Hargrave begged the question. Minutes later, she was handcuffed and placed in the backseat of a cop car.
The scene was captured below by YouTube user Chris Rosa, who attended a board meeting for Vermilion Parish Schools in Louisiana.
You can watch Hargrave begin speaking about 33 seconds in. The situation starts becoming contentious around 6:35 minutes. Hargrave is arrested at 8:35, and then walked outside in handcuffs and placed in the back of police vehicle.  (Story continues below.)  
“We work very hard with very little to maintain the salaries that we have,” Hargrave, who teaches middle school language arts, said during a public comment portion of the meeting, stating that she’s seen classroom sizes balloon during her time at the school with no increased compensation. “We’re meeting those goals, while someone in that position of leadership [the superintendent] is getting raise? It’s a sad, sad day to be a teacher in Vermilion Parish.”
According to comments Hargrave made to BuzzFeed News, she believes Superintendent Jerome Puyau was already making $110,000 before the board voted to give him a raise of $38,000. The raise alone is roughly the salary of “a teacher, or two cafeteria workers, or two janitors,” Hargrave told the outlet.
After Hargrave spoke out again later in the meeting, a city marshal on duty asked her to leave — even though the school board was still addressing her.
“You’re going to leave, or I’m going to remove you,” the officer told her, as seen in the video. Many people in attendance seemed shocked. “Are you serious?” someone asked, aghast, in the crowd.
Hargrave leaves the room, followed by the officer. But moments later, someone chimed in, “he’s putting her in handcuffs” — and the room erupts in disarray.
“I am not [resisting], you just pushed me to the floor!” Hargrave is heard screaming at the officer, as he forcibly removes her down the hallway and out the building in handcuffs. “Sir, hold on! I am way smaller than you!”
Image via KATV/YouTube.
According to KATV News, Hargrave was booked in the city jail for resisting an officer — a fact that left many commenters online flabbergasted. School officials are reportedly not pressing charges. “Umm … what charges could they possibly make?” one Redditor noted.
With help from the Reddit community, Rosa’s video has gone viral, garnering more than 600,000 views in less than 24 hours. Clearly, Hargrave’s earnest question about inequality in our education system — met with a grotesque abuse of power — has clearly touched a nerve with people across the country.
“I don’t know how this teacher could have been more polite and patient in her earnest desire to find out why the superintendent deserves a raise while the teachers work harder with less,” YouTube commenter Scott Wells chimed in. “She continued to press because they refused to come up with an answer. Seems like a good question to me.”
We agree.
Read more: http://www.upworthy.com/a-teacher-asked-a-great-question-about-superintendent-pay-then-all-hell-broke-loose-2
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2C0UrZ6 via Viral News HQ
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meanwhileinoz · 7 years
10+ People Shared Dark Secrets They Found Out About Their Close Ones That Completely Changed Their View
There are people who trade in secrets.
Information to the right person, at the right price, can be devastating. There’s a reason why Snowden is such an important piece of the puzzle, why it must be discussed and talked about. A person’s secrets can be very important to them, and very valuable to others.
Because sometimes, they have something that completely changes the perception of their existence. Some redditors went through the same situation, and they found out that the people they thought they knew, they didn’t actually know at all.
Grab some popcorn, friend. It’s story time.
#1 Mexico border.
I was near the mexico border while on a work trip.
One of my co-workers wanted to go over the border for dinner and so he could buy an authentic Mexican poncho. He really wanted that poncho. Couldn’t stop talking about it to the point where it got annoying.
We all decided to go to Mexico, had dinner, split up for shopping in the touristy area, then met back up. While he was heading back, I saw that he had his poncho. Good for him!
But then I saw him walk by a woman begging on the side of the street. It was a chilly night, and she seemed cold with just a thin, ratty blanket around her shoulders. My co-worker stopped, gave her his poncho, and she put it on and seemed to express thanks. He then came to where we were, not knowing I had seen him.
We asked if he got his poncho, and he said “Nah, couldn’t find one.” And that was that.
Average annoying co-worker became good-guy Greg on the spot.
Source: Empire-Lakehouse
#2 The Big Bang Theory.
Recently found out that my wife enjoys The Big Bang Theory.
….I’m not sure how I’ll get through this. Prayers are appreciated.
Source: tallmidn
#3 D&D Redhead.
I had a guy in my D&D gaming group with a smokin’ redheaded girlfriend. All of us thought the red head was gorgeous but, you know, guy code… until it was revealed that the slightly-annoying-but-tolerated powergamer of the group made it clear that he thought he was “next in line” to date the redhead if Guy #1 left the picture.
Utterly destroyed our gaming group.
It all came out at a party, in a chat about relationships. She just simply laughed at him and said she’d never get together with him regardless of how things turned out with her and the SO. His reaction was simply to swallow his pride for the rest of the night but the consequence was immediate. We never gamed with him again after the party.
Redhead thought it was hilarious in a /r/sadcringe kind of way and hurt his feelings, and I personally (as the Dungeon Master) was aghast that a human being’s mind could operate that way. Like, dude, she’s not a friggin’ carnival prize! I couldn’t stand to play or even speak to him anymore, but it was pretty clear he wasn’t coming back anyway. Good riddance!
Source: rpgZenMaster
#4 Best friends.
When my best friend told me she was in love with me. I wasn’t at all in love with her (even though I loved her as a friend) so I could never treat her the same way. I am a very affectionate person who likes to touch and even hug people often (obviously with their permission), but I no longer felt comfortable doing that with her as I did not want her to get her hopes up.
Things just got akward afterwards, our friendship was damaged somehow. It is very unfortunate because I liked her, just not the way she was hoping me to like her
Source: MissMexicomod
#5 Kink shame.
I have a friend who’s sexually aroused by the idea of torturing those who they feel have earned it.
Source: Bike_shop_owner
#6 Part time dominatrix.
My wife’s bestie confided in us that, while short of money, was moonlighting as a professional dominatrix.
Until then we had thought that she was super vanilla.
Source: generic_brand_cola
#7 Witness Protection Program.
That my friend from middle school was in the witness protection program, and his last name was fake.
Source: Zweepy
#8 Cancer.
There was a woman, whom I considered my friend for many, many years. She had cancer, survived it, but it was still there and created many problems.
She even appeared on tv shows as an advocate for cancer patients, did a lot of political activism, was very much opposed to euthanasia. Published some books.
Then one fine day, through a series of coincidences, it turned out that her cancer had never existed. She had completely made it up. A big fat whopping lie.
I would feel ashamed because I fell for it for so long – except that a lot of other people fell for it too, including professionals – doctors, nurses, priests…
Needless to say, it ended that friendship. And it made me think a lot about how easily fooled we all are.
Oh, by the way, she has died by now. Of cancer. I’m not kidding. Not the cancer she had made up, of course. Karma can be such a bitch!
Source: bretzelkeksthrow3343
#9 Innocent friend.
I had a seemingly innocent friend who normally kept to herself about her issues. Then one day she told us that she couldn’t tell if she had a sore throat because she was sick or because she swallowed too much cum the other night. That was the only thing I associated her name with afterwards…
Source: SirGoji
#10 Shy girl.
There is a very shy girl at work, pretty but quiet and mousy, and I stumbled across her on /r/curvy.
Made me see her in a new light.
Source: Emily_Starke
#11 Parental white lies.
As a kid, I found out my friend had lied to me and the whole school saying that he had trained real pokemons and that he flies on the nimbus cloud. Broke my heart as a kid, not because he lied but because I really wanted to fly on the nimbus cloud.
Source: tonsofpuns
#12 Ex horror stories.
had an ex, he was one of those “im so gentle and kind uwu i love pastel colours and flower crowns uwu” types, who went on to date a friend of mine. this friend goes on to tell me they broke up because he admitted to getting sexual with his dog on multiple occasions and asked if my friend wanted to watch him jack off that dog on skype call i was like, shit dude,
i just broke up with him because he was fucking annoying.
Source: wowlame
#13 The sexual deviant.
Had a friend who hung out with two friends who were girls (and he was male). All went well according to him, but the girls told me he said “its getting hot,” and proceeded to take off his shirt and masturbate and finish into a cup, got all sweaty, then just left. Couldnt look this man in the eye ever again and cut off all contact
Source: skrt123
#14 Drugging daddy.
When I found out my dad smoked weed it didn’t really change my opinion on him that much. I had thought he might have been a stoner for a few years leading up to the reveal, but finding out he still actively does LSD, Shrooms, and occasionally cocaine made our relationship a little bit weirder. Especially after tripping with him a few times. I still love him and he’s still a great guy usually, but I can’t look at him the way that I used to anymore.
Source: Evan_dood
#15 The sister and the pig.
Had a work friend back in the day. His wife was really mean to him. She always would tell me his kids hate him (even though they would run to the door excited when their daddy was home) and when she was really mad at him she would flip out and say that he fucked his sister and fucked a pig. He would just ignore her and not say anything back. Now I just ignored it because she would always try and make him look bad when she was mad at him. Well one night we were drinking and he was pretty drunk. His wife got mad and did it again but this time the heated exchange went like this……
“You fucked your sister and you fucked a pig once!!!”
Long pause………….
” You know what!!!!!! Fuck you!!!! That shit happened like 3 years ago. You need to just drop it and move on, I don’t deserve to have it rubbed in my face all the time”
Then I realized why she held such resentment towards him and I noped the fuck out of there and never talked to them again. I feel so bad for their kids. It was a really dysfunctional situation for them. Luckily I heard they aren’t together anymore.
Source: tyrshand90
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
A teacher asked a great question about superintendent pay. Then, all hell broke loose.
Why should a superintendent get a raise while teachers in the same district struggling to make ends meet see their paychecks flatline — year after year after year?
Teacher Deyshia Hargrave begged the question. Minutes later, she was handcuffed and placed in the backseat of a cop car.
The scene was captured below by YouTube user Chris Rosa, who attended a board meeting for Vermilion Parish Schools in Louisiana.
You can watch Hargrave begin speaking about 33 seconds in. The situation starts becoming contentious around 6:35 minutes. Hargrave is arrested at 8:35, and then walked outside in handcuffs and placed in the back of police vehicle.  (Story continues below.)  
“We work very hard with very little to maintain the salaries that we have,” Hargrave, who teaches middle school language arts, said during a public comment portion of the meeting, stating that she’s seen classroom sizes balloon during her time at the school with no increased compensation. “We’re meeting those goals, while someone in that position of leadership [the superintendent] is getting raise? It’s a sad, sad day to be a teacher in Vermilion Parish.”
According to comments Hargrave made to BuzzFeed News, she believes Superintendent Jerome Puyau was already making $110,000 before the board voted to give him a raise of $38,000. The raise alone is roughly the salary of “a teacher, or two cafeteria workers, or two janitors,” Hargrave told the outlet.
After Hargrave spoke out again later in the meeting, a city marshal on duty asked her to leave — even though the school board was still addressing her.
“You’re going to leave, or I’m going to remove you,” the officer told her, as seen in the video. Many people in attendance seemed shocked. “Are you serious?” someone asked, aghast, in the crowd.
Hargrave leaves the room, followed by the officer. But moments later, someone chimed in, “he’s putting her in handcuffs” — and the room erupts in disarray.
“I am not [resisting], you just pushed me to the floor!” Hargrave is heard screaming at the officer, as he forcibly removes her down the hallway and out the building in handcuffs. “Sir, hold on! I am way smaller than you!”
Image via KATV/YouTube.
According to KATV News, Hargrave was booked in the city jail for resisting an officer — a fact that left many commenters online flabbergasted. School officials are reportedly not pressing charges. “Umm … what charges could they possibly make?” one Redditor noted.
With help from the Reddit community, Rosa’s video has gone viral, garnering more than 600,000 views in less than 24 hours. Clearly, Hargrave’s earnest question about inequality in our education system — met with a grotesque abuse of power — has clearly touched a nerve with people across the country.
“I don’t know how this teacher could have been more polite and patient in her earnest desire to find out why the superintendent deserves a raise while the teachers work harder with less,” YouTube commenter Scott Wells chimed in. “She continued to press because they refused to come up with an answer. Seems like a good question to me.”
We agree.
Read more: http://www.upworthy.com/a-teacher-asked-a-great-question-about-superintendent-pay-then-all-hell-broke-loose-2
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2C0UrZ6 via Viral News HQ
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