#of me doing a scene with my lineless style
ornithic · 8 days
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good morning, here's my dachshund fursona concept again <3
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crystalreydraws · 4 months
Hello hi I just found out you're the artist of my favorite pic of Jamil from all time 🥹 I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE SO MUUUUCH his bday art from 2020!! It's my favorite one from every art and he looks so pretty and hot and cool and like he's in a music clip and about to drop a fire verse!! I LOVE your painting style so much, as a baby artist, would you one day show us how you color? I'm sure you put so much blood, sweat and tears into your hard work and it would great to get a little bit of that wisdom. Please keep drawing, keep doing what you love because it makes the world a better place to live!
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Sketched my sleepy and tired oc to do a very quick demonstration but it covers how I color when i render things:
Start with rough greyscale first, it's a good start to roughly decide light direction and value of your overall work. Especially if you have no idea on your shading.
Next, apply base color to greyscale. I'll use gradient map if I want to keep the details of my greyscale. But if not, I'll just start with a flat base color, and try whatever I can to apply color.
Rendering phase. Add layers and just paint on top to refine it. Merge all layers if it's too messy. Then add layers again. My rendering really depends on how much time taken because it's just a loop of paint over and refining. Thats why i do more simple fanart cuz I sometimes get bored of rendering Also at this stage when doing lineless style, I merge lineart with layers and cover up the lines.
Final touch. Merge all layers and use [filter gallery > paint daubs (brush size 1, sharpness 2)]. It will sharpen your work and look detailed. Or add some very fine noise texture, it will look detailed too.
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Another very rough demonstration on how i apply color mood. This will be after step 2. And same will be more refining and even paint over to ensure the colors look ok.
Other tips:
Add warm and cool colors especially on skin.
Use pinterest. Always find more than one reference for a subject if you want to draw better than yesterday. Pure ref is a nice tool to gather reference on your pc. When i draw a single hand I had a lot of ref. (pose, color temperature, lighting, photos, artwork, all diff ref)
Color theory is so important I still struggle a lot. I highly recommend beginners start from practicing Marco Bucci's ball practice. After that slowly change to adding character into movie scene and photographs, the purpose is to adapt different color moods and learn the lighting from the image. Learn more from famous movie and cinematic. They did their best to nail the colors.
this is a long answer about how I color. My previous job influenced me so much on coloring so there's a lot of thinking and struggle on my colors.
So, I suggest you be more experimental and try new ways, at the end what remains is what fits you.
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re-re-redline · 2 months
Avenging Troy
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14 hours and 48 minutes, let’s go!! Honestly, the fact that this didn’t take nearly as long as Mehmed’s 1st ascension (≈27 hours) either means that I’m getting better at pain-ting or this piece wasn’t as intense in the detail department. Regardless, I am very proud of this! I suck at drawing profiles, so perfecting it this time around was certainly a major personal victory for me. Now, enough about me patting myself on the back. Let’s get into the behind the scenes for this piece.
The context—or perhaps what this piece IS may be a better way of phrasing—is Mehmed II doing exactly what the title of the piece says, avenging Troy. The top picture is Hector’s duel against Achilles in front of the Trojan gates. His pose is that of his NP, Durindana. The bottom picture is of Mehmed II striking a similar pose to Hector, but instead of calc’ing the angle of a spear it’s the super-awesome-big-fucking-cannon. Pretty cool concept right? Mehmed, 10 years post-conquering of Constantinople, going to what’s left of Troy and saying that he ‘avenged the Trojans’ is a thing that has some evidence to it actually happening (or so I’m told), so it’d be pretty cool for Mehmed to strike the same (or similar) pose as Hector during one of his campaigns as a homage to Hector since the Iliad was one of his favorite books in life.
There’s just one teeny-tiny problem. I originally drew this up with the intention of it being during the Siege of Constantinople because my dumb ass thought he said that RIGHT AFTER he got Constantinople, hence the very specific BFC in the back there. I only figured out my mistake when I was finished and showing it off to my pops who then promptly asked me “Huh? When did he say that?” And then he corrected me and I was in shambles.
Now. I can make the case that, since Durindana was Hector’s most powerful weapon and the BFC was Mehmed’s most powerful weapon, it’d make sense as an artistic parallel to have Mehmed with his BFC instead of some regular cannon and it’s just more iconic that way. It doesn’t have to make sense because of artistic liberties! Which is a neato way of making a positive outta this but…eh. That minor hole will always remain no matter how it is justified.
On to something else more light, you may have noticed that Hector’s section is significantly less detailed than Mehmed’s. It’s completely lineless, no lineart was had in that entire section. Just fills and clipping layers, baby! The reason for this is because Hector is a character in a book, therefore I thought he should be drawn as though he IS in a book. If that makes sense. His arm is a tube, the Trojan gate looks like a cardboard stand and he has no eyes—typical storybook vibes, I’d say. Plus you could also interpret this as Mehmed imagining what Hector’s final moments were as an ‘in-universe’ explanation for why it looks that way.
On the other hand, Mehmed’s section is much, MUCH more detailed. Just look at those lines! The reason for their existence is because I based Mehmed’s outfit on a painting of him walking through into Constantinople (because that’s what his section was originally about) but I couldn’t quite make out the details of his armor was. In hindsight this was probably denial. So, I searched up what Ottoman armor looked like and mother of god it was mostly chainmail. I wanted to throw myself out of a window. Drawing that many circles and shading that many circles would have been a maddening experience, so I got creative and this was the result. Not bad if I do say so myself. His helmet was another thing that made me want to throw myself out of a window. Mehmed II’s helmet is sick as fuck to look at and I bet wearing it gives you a major buff in the style department, but drawing it? Nope. Nope, I am not doing that. There is way too many specifics going there with the inscribed prayers and awesome ornate design, I could never draw that with the helm being this small in the picture. So I opted for a line texture on the green parts instead.
On his greaves? brace? and back plates there is a strange texture. At this point I ran out of ideas on how to fill up the space to make it look cool, so I drew the bog-standard vertical lines but this time I took an eraser with a specific shape (Procreate havers, look at Textures and it’ll be the first one you see) and erased it, leaving behind the specific shape in the negative. I thought that leaving it textureless would be lame, so I put that in.
As for that lovely cannon in the back, it wasn’t that hard to draw. I just had one hell of a time looking for clear crisp images of the pattern on the cannon for reference. Really, the most time consuming aspect of drawing the cannon was painting it. My dumb ass colored it as one whole thing instead of breaking it into pieces, which led me to have to erase a bunch of shit. Thank goodness I thought of using the selection lasso when I did or this would have taken WAY longer.
Last post, I said that this would be a trial run for Mehmed’s hypothetical 3rd ascension. It’s based off the aforementioned painting and I figured that Mehmed would need actual battle attire (y’know, armor) since his 1st and 2nd don’t exactly scream “I conquered Constantinople and almost got Europe” now do they? I like how I did the armor for this piece, but as an ascension it feels lacking. Like it needs MORE but I’m not sure what to add. A cool cape? A cool light halo? Or should I just say fuck it and make it a mech? <-Never drawn one before. Wouldn’t be the first time that happened in FGO, but it feels cheap! It should make sense but also look as bombastic and awesome as the man himself! So, if anyone has suggestions, please let me know.
During me fiddling around with the finished picture, I thought it would be cool to make Hector’s section desaturated to make it look like a flashback. But I found that it didn’t look as good. Even an orange hue for sepia vibes didn’t make the idea any better so it was scrapped.
Annnnd them’s my thoughts as well as the making of this piece. This had been gnawing at me ever since I learned that Mehmed said what he said and that Iliad was one of his favorite books. it’s such a cool thing, y’know? When if Mehmed comes to Grand Order, I really hope that his NP has him doing the pose as a call back to Hector. Would it make sense? Probably not. Do I care? Nah! I’d just be jumping for joy that Mehmed was in the game in the first place. Lasagna better make him one of the best buster archers to have ever lived, I hecking swear—!
Anywho, under this red line (ha-ha) are the individual pictures for Hector and Mehmed’s sections as well as a bonus black and white version of the sultan. It doesn’t jive with what I was going for, but it has a cool vibe to it that I just couldn’t let sleep. Plus it shows off my linework, so that is a plus. I hope you enjoy these and the piece itself. Oh, and I hope you have a good one!
—Redline, over and out.
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death-tinkerer · 1 year
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Commissions as of Autumn 2023!
(Note: Fandom commissions are still available! Just now has been generalised in the post <3)
Full Commission details are also included in this post, in case the graphics are hard to read for some users!
Still - 32 USD
Animated - 64 USD
Lineart Types
Add a Character + 8 USD
Twitch Emotes*
Still - 80 USD
Animated - 100 USD
(*This includes commercial usage in price)
General Emotes
Still - 25 USD
Animated - 45 USD
Packs (5 Still Emotes)
Twitch - 140 USD
General - 85 USD
Sketches to Detailed Pieces
Sketch - 30 USD
Lined - 50 USD
Detailed - 75 USD
Waist Up
Sketch - 40 USD
Lined - 80 USD
Detailed - 100 USD
Full Body
Sketch - 60 USD
Lined - 120 USD
Detailed - 150 USD
Add a Character
Bust - +10 USD
Waist Up - +15 USD
Full Body - +30 USD
Lineart Types
Props +10 USD
Dialogue +5 USD
Simple - +10 USD
Complex - +30 USD
1-2 Characters - 75 USD
3-4 Characters - 100 USD Add Color +20 USD Props are included!
Detailed Backgrounds
Simple Backgrounds
25 USD
Abstract Backgrounds
1 Variation + B&W - 12 USD
+1 Variant - +5 USD
Exclusively Lineless Desktop and Mobile BGs
Weapons and Tools
Simple - 25 USD
Complex - 45 USD
(Depending on details that are specified, the price may be higher)
PNGTuber Sprites
5 Expressions
Choose your own!
150 USD
I specialise in the following things:
Intense Lighting
Stylised Realism
Watercolor Painting-esque
I’ll generally do anything EXCEPT:
Hate Art
Illegal Content
Heavy Gore
Hyperdetailed Mecha
(Personally) Triggering Medias*
*(Ask when seeking to buy)
I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason. I must be paid upfront. Refunds are 100% until sketch approval, which refunds will be 50% afterwards. You cannot refund once lineart is completed. All pricing is AVERAGES, not final prices.
Ask for my Term of Services for full details.
If something you’d like done by me but don’t see information, feel free to DM me!
(Contact me via Twitter, Tumblr, or Furaffinity for considering a commission with me! You'll receive my Discord to lay down the details!)
(All transactions will be done on VenMo or PayPal.)
(More Commission Types may be added over time.)
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misterradio · 1 year
uuuuuuuooooo i have so many thoughts on this rur comic i wanna share im gonna put them under the read more 👍 pictures ahead wahoo
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lovely group shot 1) i think it is an interesting choice that alquist wears a robot's uniform ::-) 2) me and čupova both gave hallemeier a flower WAHOO i love that we both did that ehegehehegehhehre
[Miss, here are misters Alquist, Fabry, Gall, Hallemeier, and Busman! The daughter of president Glory. / I've passed on the info... / Thanks, Sulla. / Hello. / Welcome, Miss Glory!] idk what busman is talking about in the corner but he is saying something like [The name of a gentleman! What a story!]
💥eye horror warning💥
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[As for the spirit of rebellion... on rare occasions only... (What?) Nothing.]
I like this weird visual representation of robot cramp with the broken eye it looks kind of gross and eerie 👍 i like these pages with the snowy scene..... not posting it here tho just,saying...
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i love this watercolour style soooooo MUCH i love the use of lines vs lineless, its especially evident here ITS SO COOL RRRRAAAHHHHHH
[If you don't marry me, you will have to marry one of the others. Fabry or Gall. (My g-d! Why would I do such a thing?) But, because they are in love with you. (Tell them to stop now.)]
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[You really believe that? / Yes. / Watch it, Domin. You're describing for us a paradise.]
alquist is not into it ::-/
(i think "voyons" is like saying "watch it" but im not very sure. it means "see" but i keep noticing characters say it like in response to things they dont necessarily like..??)
ALSO I LOVE THAT FABRY HAS DOG(S) that follow him around its so cute and adds a really fun element to character interactions. and just a nice human element bc we love animals YAY
wait i have one thing else oooooooo i love the way this hallway warps between two different scenes ::-) i havent even reached this act this last one happens yet i just noticed it while flipping thru... so swag
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I REALYYYY love this comic so far the art is just so fun and it just makes me think about how cool it would b to make a comic book WAHOOO
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organizedchaotics · 2 years
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“III’M NORMA BATES!” Continueing the tradition of turning all my hyperfixations into ponies eventually. This one took quite a bit. Progress pictures in the readmore Ah, as to why I made Norman a Pegasus, I just found it fitting with the dozens and dozens of bird motives all up in the movie. Seriously, someone make a drinking game out of it.
My sketches tend to be very hit or miss and are one reason why I try to finish artpieces the same day i start them. My sketches are either hyperspecific or blue blobs that not even I will remember the meaning for in a week...
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Outlines are by far my least favorite part of making art. One would think this means I prefer doing lineless art, but that always looks unrendered in my style, blurred and unfinished. So lineart it is...
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Base colors and slight textures. This is the moment, that I am thankful the original movie was in black and white. Less colors means less of an eyecatcher, but it also means less work for me. I am allowed to be lazy in personal artpieces. Time for my favorite part: the rendering
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Lighting is key when I want my art to be atmospheric. Conedy pieces and small cute things can work without lighting or with cellshading. You CAN make atmospheric pieces with cellshading alone, but it will always have a bit of a “batman the animated series” vibe. As long as thats okay with you, you dont need 12 multiply and highlight layers. I chose to spend more time on Norman, and then had to reshade the entire rest because he was rendered much more detailed. Can you tell I like this character? X,D
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I now compressed the image into four layers. Lila Crane+Lamp, “Norma” Bates, Room background and cellar hallway with Sam Loomis. Gave the four new layers different focus, and added the final lighting touches. The scene has a swinging cellarlamp and I wanted to incorporate that somehow, whilst conveeeeniently putting more spotlight on “Norma” Bates
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numptypylon · 2 years
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I thought I’d do an early-stage wip wednesday today, because I haven’t in ages, and I do have stuff in the works. Currently doing what I can to prep for the planned follow-up to my S1-3 between-episodes fics Downtime in Wartime and Upside Downtime, working titled Downtime’s Up, because I’m drawn to cheesy titles and puns and am steering into the skid. It’ll add in downtime scenes within and between episodes, mainly focused on banter, romance, humor and character drama. I just really enjoy writing between-scenes stuff, so I’m so damn hype to have a whole new crop of episodes soon!
Of course, I can’t really do any writing before the season drops, but I’m trying to nail down a chapter header style that’ll work for at least the upcoming season but potentially this entire arc of seasons, so I’ve been experimenting.
The headers for Downtime in Wartime was the first digital art I’d ever done, so my repertoire was really limited and I was basically copying what I knew from traditional art, and for Upside Downtime, it was the first lineless art I’d ever done, so I was figuring out that style, and what I could do with it. I’m trying to be bolder this time, more high-contrast and saturated, and using more colors rather than sticking to the monochrome. I’m using the ‘fragments’ motif from the s4 concept art and build-up to the season, but with scraps of paper to mimic the older sets of headers.
Here’s some header examples I’ve done, although bear in mind they’re more style experiments/practice, testing to see if the range of motifs I’ll be dealing with over potentially 3 seasons’ worth of headers, are something I can pull off in the style. I might use the first though, since we have a pretty good idea about the contents of the first episode, and you know it’ll very probably be some sad Callum pov for that one, I just can’t resist the allure of that sweet sweet angsty pining.
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You can see my terrible title brainstorming below, if you’re curious. I usually don’t HAVE a title until the ao3 title field is staring at me all judgy on posting day, maybe I’ve grown 😄
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7clubs · 2 years
14, 19, 20!
14. Any favorite motifs
A bit cliche, but eyes, absolutely, specifically eyes looking hauntingly straight at the camera + tears + cool hands if I'm feeling very spicy.
Add in a healthy dose of stars/celestial motifs and the occasional playing card and that's literally my entire brand.
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19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
i'm not a Fan Of Backgrounds for the most part but by god give me a nature scene any day. I love going ham on trees
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20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
I think a lot of people will say that lineless art is hard for them but It's one of the easiest/fastest styles for me. The only reason I don't do it all the time is that I just like lines a lot. People also tell me I have a knack for colors/compositions and like. yeehaw they ARE fun when my brain is in alignment to the task.
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nicolesartroom · 2 years
🔥❌ Let it Burn ❌🔥
Decided to draw Stan in my lineless style, which I don’t do often but want to do more of (the style) But I’m really proud of this!! This is basically that one scene where Stan burns down the farm, I wanted to draw some edge lmao. I’m probably gonna upload a speedpaint of this on my YouTube channel! I’m also way more active on my instagram @nicoles_art_room so please feel free to follow me there :) Thank you all for the support <3
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awiola · 6 months
Normal update, winter XXIV
BUT IT'S NOT WINTER ANYMORE HA! Happy after-equinox to y'all. I planned to write the update in march and it's still technically march but, like, y'know, it's the first day of spring so it feels kind of late, ig? Not that it really matters here and I drew Morana on fire so all is good.
This is not completely [un]related but I'm trying to complete the 'draw sth for 100 days straight' challenge and rn it's going okay though I have to admit I'm being a lazy ass. But hey, a bad sketch a day is still a drawing. Not sure if that's the reason I wasn't able to complete my easter sketch dump but knowing me it wouldn't be finished anyway so whatever ig. AND YES, I WILL DRAW FATHER DAKI ON TIME. I planned to do it when I was drawing Agatha for thug in PE's style but oh well... You'll see both ot these pics on the first of april.
Also, like, in case anyone was interested, I finally decided to learn how to adult and might open comms this year? I tell myself I'll open them since, like, 2020 so yeah. Maybe. I think I will, tho.
Current game stuff
Mushroom game... Yeah... It exists and I technically haven't dropped it but yeah... Yeah... Tbh I even hid the link from my page but it's still public and all... But yeah... It goes into the "finally finish it in 2024, you stupid fuck" list - which, incidentally, is a mouthful so from now on it's gonna be "24 >:C" - together with Enmity and all.
Remember the golem game? Yeah, we don't see its non human form but I did technically draw it. Humanoids are, like, so last decade. It's called Sorcerer's golem and because I was not the lead, we managed to nicely finish it on time ✨ [Unrelated but I wonder what happened to the old unicode emotes, I need to look into it]. There's not really a lot I have to say here, tbh. It's short, it's wholesome, I'm totally not gonna go almost fully lineless again. I almost died and it was only two sprites. Never again proceeds to do that again later anyway.
Some time after, or maybe during, I can't really remember, I heard of Queer Vampire Jam and ofc had to join because I wouldn't be me if I managed to stop myself from joining yet another jam. It just so happened I both felt like shit and read something from my SF gods at the time so I commited this open ended 3k long story and it's, like, really obvious how I felt and what I was reading but then I decided to go yolo and publish it anyway, especially since I got an editor and made laby draw for me. Just had to publish it at that point. Enough about that, though - let's see what is it all about. Vani vani, because Tas tatum was deemed too lame of a name is a story about a [queer obviously] vampire who's kinda dead inside and it shows. I did say it was obvious I felt like shit. I'm not sure if it ended up being too edgy or not... I mean, I made it really obvious it's, like gestures vaguely y'know? I don't wanna spell it out but, like, the theme and everything there was so obvious I'll be disappointed in you if you didn't get it based on the pun title [the other two layers of puns there aren't as obvious] and the page/thumbnail. Unless, of course, you never heard about it at all which might be the case for people from other continents, I wouldn't know. I realise that doesn't say a lot about the contents but I mean, it's more of a progress update, I'm not actually trying to market anything here lol So whatever. It might be the only game ever where I put a whole nsfw scene of a sexual nature... Or it might just be the beginning of my unsexy h scene adventures. I even asked others how to make it as unsexy as possible and I hope I succeed. Going into gore or kink migh be sexy for some but boredom? Probably to no one who actually reads it. And, as is the case with my other personal games, not a lot of people read them. So I think I succeed at that. It's just the beginning of my SF adventures, though. Be prepared.
Now for the thing that might interest the potential reader the most because I saw the statistics and I bet all the follows are alse due to that - Impostor Syndrome. I know the page is pretty much silent but we are working on this. The common route received a lot of notes to make it longer, more cohesive, funnier and possibly better for all the gremlins that wanted a troll mode. Or at least that was the plan. Route wise we had something but after some consideration, it had to be basically scrapped. I won't go into all the details here as for why, but the rewriting of the outline is proceeding. Slowly cause it's kinda hard to find the best time to talk when you have multiple people from different timezones to consider but I think it's looking good. There's a sliiight possibility it might be a bit less vanilla than, like, your typical sfw otome but I don't think any vanilla lover would think it's too much or anything. Not nearly kinky enough for that. I think labelling it as having a soft dom MC might even be false advertising. Maybe. Hell if I know, I suck at tags. But yeah, it's proceeding. Obviously it won't be out during winter but I do think it will be finished this year. Most likely.
From other game stuff... I might have a monster type project made with Ameena for you. Or I might not. The designs are done but is anything gonna come out of them? We'll see. Leaving the possibility open.
I helped Doibats [who I helped with Cool Days before] with some art. This time it's an rpg, currently still in development. The cool art direction is still there so I think it would be worth a play when it's out. I think I'm more of a guest artist than an actual member of the team, though lol But yeah, check it out when it's done, I'll link it then.
Yet another game where I didn't do much - The Villainess Just Wants To Eat!! had its full, official release 🎉 Congrats to the team [check out their gui, btw]. I was mostly helping with this or that due to the usual jam team stuff that happens but yeah. Syd wrote afterstories for the charas, too. They're technically linked on the game's page, too, but you can read them on her tumblr, too.
I kind of forgot to mention, which also ties with my next point, but she hosted the Ossan jam again which I planned to join with my nano project about Wedding crashers but I overestimated my ability to write energetic chaos so... umm... Well, it's not dropped and while it won't get done in time for nano, I think I'll manage before Ossan jam ends. It started as a loose idea that kinda parodied romcoms and then the protag became an AAA battery but also aplatonic and then I got some concepts from tea[? - dunno how they want to be called 'officially' and this one seemed safe but?] and yeah. I'm trying to work on this, though. Even though I feel so stupid attempting to write an anthropologist. Should've stuck to writing mostly what you know like with Vani vani, eehhh... Wish me luck o3o
The last thing, or two, probably, is more of a... forecast? I happened to help with the editing of a certain 18+ otome game but I'm not on the team or anything so I can't really tell you more since I don't know how much should I reveal to the potential player but from what I've seen, the development goes well since they started making it for nano and might actually be finished before Otome jam ends so I'll link it then.
The other thing is that in an unspecified future I might have a yet another AAA battery protagonist, this time replacing the MC of an otome isekai story. I'm not sure how much I'll help with [maybe just editing, maybe we'd become a two person team, who knows] but it has a hight possibility of being developed eventually. No set dates or anything, though.
Pariiish noootiiiceees
Remember Tentacle jam and Insect [adjacent] jam? They're still happening, I'm just being lazy setting the pages up. The working date is from around the middle of august to the middle of october due to all the other jams happening at the time. I think it's the final date, though. It's come to my attention there's also the Monstrous Desires jam that also shares the timeframe almost perfectly so, y'know, why not make a game that lets you join all three of them? Just a thought.
My god, this thing became so long. Like half the length of my typical personal project orz I had to add all the Ps and BRs manually. Damn you, html shakes fist
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tiptapricot · 1 year
Congrats @ 1000 followers!!!!
Question for your event: what's your top 5 fics you've made in the past? I think some people find their older works to be cringe, but I find looking back at what I've made in the past to be endearing. Like,, look how far you've come or maybe it's interesting to see what trends carry out through out all your works
Ty duder!! :-D
Hmbbb that’s a hard question. I do like rereading my old works, but there’s definitely a level of improvement I’ve gained that means I nitpick old stuff or don’t like my voice or pacing as much as I used to. Which happens with anything really but means sometimes I can’t enjoy the full piece. I also haven’t reread a lot of my old works recently so my vibes on how I feel about them are outdated.
If we’re talking about works older than a year, here a few I rmr still having a fondness for. They aren’t in any particular order though and I feel good gennnnerally about most of my stuff, but esp haven’t reread a lot of DC ones in awhile:
The in betweens (Bill n Ted) I rmr trying to do no scene breaks for this one, kind of like a lineless style but for writing, and I think I did that well in the end! Also always a sucker for domesticity and it feels very alive and dynamic and content in itself which is really nice
Contact (Lost Boys 1987) It’s a good short piece and while it feels kind of OOC for how I’d handle TLB these days, I think the intimacy and the inclusion of everyone in such a short word count is p well done and I like the texture of it a lot
Grounding Rod (Legion of Supes 2006) Iirc I have more issues with the prose of this one than most others, but the ideas I got out within it and the fact that it’s currently my only Legion fic endear it to me and I’d be interested to do More with some of what I outlined here
I’ll be there for you (Batman Beyond) THISSS was I think my first fic even close to this kind of length and I rmr it was written when I still had full on fic requests open in my inbox. It was meant to be so much shorter but it grew and it’s also like? Genuinely still pretty solid to me? Was a banger way to hit off my beyond phase and was one of the first times I’d done kind of a drawn out plot
Asynchronous (Bill n Ted) My very first Bill and Ted fic, and while it was still in an era of my writing I don’t like as muchhhh with like… kind of overly physical angsty or injury focused scenarios, I think it’s still pretty solid. It explores an alternate idea of what could happen in bogus journey and of if a do not separate set was separated, and even though it’s kind of gross and bleak being Bill and Ted adds a humor to it I think really works and also made me snicker a bit while reading
When it comes to trends I definitely know I use similar descriptions a lot esp when it comes to emotions and breakdowns as I was often pulling off my own experience. In my earlier writing especially my DC stuff like I mentioned above I was also very into harder angst? I’m not as into gore or injury for the sake of it anymore but a lot of my works starting out were very Sad for Sad sake and while they def still explored characters I’m glad I feel I have a wider range of focus now?
I do feel that, looking back, I’ve lost a level of natural-ness to a lot of my stuff. My older works feel looser and less stiff, and I’ve recently found myself in a place of having a difficult time writing regular interaction scenes. I dont know if I’m burnt out or if I’m just overly critical now, but I do wish I had some of that more pliant quality some of my older stuff has. I miss it!
That’s an interesting piece of looking back though and also why I have a no delete policy nowadays on stuff. Seeing where I’ve been and what’s changed and stayed the same is rly fascinating to me :-)
Ty for the Q! (And I’ll b trying to answer the others I’ve gotten from some diff peeps as well!)
1000 follower celebration
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vincavi · 1 year
Days 23-24-25
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Decided to combine these days together because I was "lazy". Imagine how I felt when it worked in my favor and gave me something to be proud of; even though it looks like nothing special
For the style I think it's called minimalist lineless art. Cause- listen I understand day 24 is like no lines allowed so we might be inclined to think this piece doesn't count as day 25 too because this covers the day 24 prompt already but this is simple. It's like all solid colors and no gradient shading~? Absolutely no blending um do I make sense?
I also restricted myself to only use colors from the color palette. Ngl.. this might be my favorite art piece I did this year ;; im crying
Colors! Pick a color palette, and paint a scene/character/object using only those colors (some blending allowed). Bonus points for good use of lights/shadows. [color palette used]
Draw and color a scene/object/character - no lines allowed! (aka - lineless art). Don't forget light and shadows!
Draw a scene/character in a style you've never drawn before. If emulating an artist, credit+link. Bonus for color style.
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mewmewkitten101 · 1 year
32 Day Art Fight Challenge
I've had this idea floating in my head for awhile and while it's definitely too late to use this now it'll be handy for next year! Feel free to play with these prompts if you want, you don't have to follow them 100%!
This is a prompt list for artfighters that would like to challenge themselves. This was also inspired by Pencilcat's 30 day art challenge so check that out as well!
Let's start off easy! Draw a character(s) that would be in your comfort zone (Do you like drawing demons? Draw demons! Do you like to draw complicated characters? Draw complicated characters! That kinda thing.)
Go on Pinterest or wherever you have poses stored away, pick a reference and use that to pose a character(s) (or more!)
Draw character(s) in action. Fight scene, moving, whatever, just do it!
Try to draw parts of anatomy you struggle with using other people's characters!
Draw a ship or a few.
Go to your characters page. Pick a character, then choose one of the tags. Using that tag look for a character(s) to draw. Bonus points if you choose the first one(s) you see.
Draw a character(s) interacting with objects
Use the search for a random character. Choose one or a few characters you see. Bonus points if you choose the first one(s) you see.
Put a character(s) on a landscape. Bonus points for shading and lighting
Draw a character(s) in one point perspective. Try to make it detailed!
Draw a character(s) in two point perspective.
Draw a character(s) in three point perspective.
Go outside or by a window. Take a picture. Draw a character(s) in there. Bonus points for redrawing the photo yourself.
Draw characters in a worms or birds eye view background.
Draw some action scenes with backgrounds and all that!
Draw a short comic with a few characters! If you don't want to go crazy on writing anything, look for some memes like the who broke it scene from parks and rec and change it to fit your characters!
If you draw mostly human/humanoid characters, challenge yourself to draw an animal or furry! If you draw mostly furries/animals, challenge yourself to draw human(s)/humanoid(s). If you are proficient at both, challenge yourself to draw a species you've never drawn before, like a fairy or deer! Tags are your friend for this.
Draw a character(s) interacting with a car.
Draw what you hate most (not counting body parts)
Pick an object in your house. Use that to look through tags. See if you find anything that catches your eye. You may need to look a few times.
Draw something in monochromatic blacks, whites, and greys.
Draw something with hatching, crosshatching or pointillism.
Pick a color pallete and draw a character(s). Make sure the creators of the characters are alright with the colors being changed! If they aren't, use this pallete in the background.
Draw a character(s) lineless. If you draw without lines as a default, try doing lines!
Draw in a new style. It can be someone else's or it can be of another artist or something from another media.
Draw a character(s) in other emotions.
Draw a character in a different outfit.
Try to find characters from your favorite pieces of media. If you find any, draw them! If not, keep trying with other pieces of media until you get something.
Look for a "design me a character". Design a character for someone following whatever guidelines they have.
If you draw in a more cartoony style, try drawing a character(s) in a more realistic style! If you draw in a more realistic style, try drawing in a more cartoony style! If you can do both do both!
Redraw an old piece from a year ago, same characters and all.
Almost done! Draw a character in a shitty doodle.
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coloredscribbli · 2 years
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I posted 1,268 times in 2022
That's 110 more posts than 2021!
209 posts created (16%)
1,059 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 429 of my posts in 2022
#colored chats - 80 posts
#inanimate insanity - 72 posts
#the colored shrine - 57 posts
#colored’s reblogs - 55 posts
#colored's reblogs - 29 posts (wh)
#colored’s doodles - 26 posts
#colored’s faves - 23 posts
#colored’s responses - 19 posts
#colored bliss - 15 posts
#oc tag: velvet scarf - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 113 characters
#when somebody triggers my misophonia i usually go into fight mode instead of flight mode & my family hates me 🥰 (when did i ever tag this)
My Top Posts in 2022:
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The lineless roles of a (Chap)man capable of many styles!
[Tags as kin, ID, f/o and the like: OK!]
39 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
So, I get it. Robow is canon, Testy and Fan made her too. That’s fun and all, very very fun.
I’m more focused on something else, though. Specifically, the scene right before Silver accidentally commits arson. Mostly because of Candle’s expression before Silver pulls out the comically large match, which is as follows.
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She looks shocked, as if she never expected Silver to crack the code of an inner flame. Also worth noting that not even a few hours earlier, he had recklessly tried what he had seen last time when looking to unlock his flame.
So the fact he could supposedly put things together in the span of one day just doesn’t make sense.
But at the same time, I think there’s far more to our anxiety riddled friend than meets the eye.
Why? Look at what he’s triggered over the season besides from the inner flame stuff.
He’s led his team to both disarray and redemption, triggered self consciousness in the likes of Yinyang and also self confidence in likes of the Floor. Lifted others up, dragged others down… but look at what happened to who he’s brought down.
Yinyang, while originally severely affected by Silver’s plotting, has actually grown to respect and understand one another thanks to Candle’s guidance and a change of perspective. This doesn’t mean the pair are done yet, not by a long run.
Paintbrush was angered by his actions at first, but they opted to warn him of what’s to come. This led Silver to lift the floor up and secure the pre-rearrange Thinkers safety into this new swap. And Paintbrush, not expecting their actions to get through to him and lead to his advisor status, got shocked by this.
And now Clover. Silver’s words had stuck with Nickel, leading to him calling Clover out. Yet Silver seemed to be indifferent about Clover after his outburst, as he hasn’t been shown to interact with her further. Yet Silver’s actions had led up to Clover exiting the game not even a few minutes later.
So without a doubt, there’s more to come for Silver. There’s his true inner flame that has potential to shine through, ongoing situations such as Balloon maybe getting through to him… I get a feeling Silver may wind up on a Microphone level of development in one way or another. Just without a Taco-like backup
39 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
Things in II that I like:
- silver’s canon anxiety
- the implications that lifering has some kind of trauma, presumably to multitask
-TK’s likely empty nesting thingo
- goo being the autism creature
43 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
you dare assume the case is sleeping on the grass? lies, as you can see here she is very comfy and happy /lh
52 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Lineless swagging
[Tag as kin/id/me: OK!]
61 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
Can't believe Tumblr said Pinkers supremacy.
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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comicaurora · 2 years
Hello Red! I'm happy to say you've inspired me to start drawing comics, but the biggest issue I've encountered is that it takes actually forever. I'm always really happy I did it when I'm done but it's hard to convince myself to start when I know a couple panels is gonna take me days. So I was wondering if you had any advice regarding streamlining the process for time efficiency or keeping up motivation for long projects, and, if you remember, how long a page took you when you first started vs how long it takes now?
Hoo boy. Yeah, I can help out with that. The very first page of the comic took me, if I'm recalling correctly, a full week. No other projects or pages, just this.
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A lot of work went into details that are frankly impossible to see, though I am still glad I did it, both as a learning experience and because I felt like I owed it to Vash to do it some justice before I squished it in twelve pages.
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Hell, if you look closely, you can even see the cavalcade of little visual errors I missed because I didn't have it in me to do a seventeenth cleanup pass after a week straight of drawing tiny houses. Getting faster meant I'd have more energy left to polish the pages and get them looking nicer.
The process of getting faster has been kind of a fits-and-starts situation. Drawing that many humanoid figures over and over again eventually means you just get better at the parts you're less sure of, so the process of lining the pages has gotten rather faster since I don't need to burn as much time getting the character poses and lines right. Currently, depending on page complexity, I can fairly consistently get 3-5 pages fully lined in one night. Backgrounds have also gotten faster, and I tend to do those in large batches, sometimes filling out entire chapters with location backgrounds and skyboxes because the scene location isn't going to change and that makes it easier to keep it consistent.
Initially my backgrounds were both more complicated and worse-looking, which is a bad combination.
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I ended up deciding between chapters that painstakingly lining a bunch of background trees probably wasn't worth the effort, and worked on finding a shortcut that would work better. I ended up doing something a little more lineless, a shortcut I initially discovered because I didn't want to plug in my drawing tablet and was playing around with things I could do with just my trackpad.
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It was simpler, faster, not too jarring, and it meant my clearly-lined foreground figures were more naturally visually separated from the distant background. Win-win-win.
For the style of coloring I do, I tend to shade before I add color, though this is a shortcut I didn't figure out until something like chapter 6. This process is also pretty fast, all things considered, though I've had a lot of practice doing this kind of cel shading which is why I can hammer out a lot of pages' worth of shading quite quickly.
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I like working in batches of about one scene, often broken up into subgroups of 4-6 pages at a time, so I can't give a front-to-back turnaround for an individual page - but I also think this kind of assembly-line process has sped up the process overall and makes it more fun for me, because I can storyboard basically as far in advance as I want to, which in turn makes it easier for me to motivate myself to keep going, because I know there's all kinds of good stuff I'm looking forward to drawing down the line. There's some good shit I'm excited for in Chapter 21, and bursts of enthusiasm on the storyboard end of things often translate to enthusiasm on the page-finalizing end which makes it easier to slog through even the tedious bits.
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As a bonus, working ahead means the story's got a better chance of making sense and having good pacing when it's read back as an archive. Another win-win.
Overall the greatest optimization tool I can recommend is just working on the project. There's no better way to identify the parts that feel unnecessarily slow and could be changed, or the parts of your art you're unsure of that need polish to get more speedy. If you're planning on publishing the comic anywhere, I recommend building up a buffer beforehand - something like the first chapter (or in my case, first three chapters) will give you a very good sense of what parts need more practice or improvement as you move forward. And it is genuinely easier to motivate yourself to continue if you have an audience giving you positive feedback and/or panicking at what you're doing to their darlings.
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waveoftheocean · 7 years
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(07/20) happy birthday oikawa tooru  🌱🌱🌱
(still version)
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