#of her hugging jonathan lol
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transvampireboyfriend · 1 year ago
There's discussion of ronance under the cut! so if that's not your thing maybe skip this and the next part :)
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8
The sunset finds Steve sitting on a log, methodically breaking apart graham crackers and chocolate bars on top of a cooler.
Jonathan and Argyle are rolling joints beside him, sitting on a separate log and making light conversation with him.
Eddie's building a fire in front of them, a few feet away, just out of earshot. Steve loses the thread of conversation every now and then because he keeps getting distracted by Eddie's arms.
Some crackers and chocolate bars are unevenly split too. It's Eddie's fault that they're all wonky.
The taller boy (he will not let Steve forget this) is splitting a few dry logs into smaller ones using the cabin's axe.
He found and donned some leather work gloves, his tattoos shift as his arms flex, there are flashes of armpit hair every couple of swings, and there's sweat slowly dripping down his forehead.
Steve's doing his absolute best not to stare but it's very difficult.
When Eddie swipes the sweat off his brow and strips the gloves to bring out his pocket knife, Steve gets a coughing fit that Argyle has to bring him out of by clapping his back.
"Whoa there man, are you okay?" Argyle asks him,
Steve just franticaly nods as Jonathan snickers beside them.
Just as Eddie settles down in a crouch and starts shaving wood off the sides of the smaller logs, the girls come back from their walk.
Nancy walks to Eddie, offers a handful of dry pinecones and sets about arranging the logs.
Jonathan and Argyle announce they need popcorn and go back to the cabin to make some.
Robin has something trapped inside her hands.
She walks towards Steve, stands behind him and leans down to place her arms around his neck. Her hands remain closed, so that whatever is between them is now right in front of Steve's face.
"Guess what I got" she says, leaning her chin on top of Steve's head.
"That better not be a skunk, Bobbie"
Robin giggles "Have your ever seen a skunk, dingus? My hands are tiny!"
"A baby skunk, then" Steve amends, tone whiny.
Robin snorts, "Shut up. Look,"
As she opens her hands a tiny light shines out of them. Steve gasps.
"Hi!" he says, waving his index finger at the firefly,
"His name's Harold," Robin supplies.
"What? That sucks" Steve accuses, trying to look up at her, but only jostling her head a bit.
Robin gasps, "It's a perfectly good name for a firefly!" she protests, digging her chin atop his head.
Steve ducks his head and half turns in her arms, gives her a look and then turns back.
"How are the wife and kids, Harold?" he asks the bug,
Robin doesn't miss a beat, "He's gay, Steve. You should know better",
Steve can't help but laugh loudly at that.
Robin rushes to close her hands back up,
"Stop! you're scaring him!" she accuses, though there's a smile on her face.
Steve sobers up and puts down the two cracker halves in his hands to pry Robin's hands open again,
"Harold, I sincerely apologize." he offers in a gravely tone.
The bug turns around in Robin's hands.
"I think that means I'm forgiven" Steve says, looking up at her.
Robin chuckles and gently places the bug on top of Steve's left knee, moving to sit beside him.
Steve smiles at Harold before looking at her from the side,
"You having fun?" Steve checks in,
Robin smiles at him, throws her right arm around him and leans her chin against his shoulder.
"I am!" she answers "How about you?" she asks in return, half hugging him.
Steve presses his cheek against her in appreciation, just for a moment before he answers,
"Yeah, I'm having fun too" he smiles,
"Good. I wasn't lying earlier, when I said that suits you" Robin points out, drawing back without letting go of him, to look up at Eddie's bandana still on his hair.
Steve feels his cheeks start to burn.
"Shutup." he mutters defensively "he's-" Steve turns to look at Eddie, who's now fanning the flames of the fire he started and fanning himself every couple of seconds, making the few strands of hair that fell from his bun flap about wildly.
Steve can't help the smile on his face.
"Great. He's just great" he says honestly, feeling a little in awe of just how much he really likes Eddie.
Robin lets go of him only to jab her elbow in his ribs,
"See!" she says "I knew you had to make a move!"
"You were right." Steve concedes, "Not that I'm- I just mean he didn't seem put-off or anything when I tried flirting a little,"
"Of course he didn't! Steve!!" she protests,
"I know. I know," Steve says, reminded of the many times they've discussed his insecurities.
He relays his conversation with Jonathan then, and she listens, pointing out that putting it all together definitely makes it clear why Eddie hadn't made a move yet, and how Steve definitely has a chance.
"Yeah. I hope so," Steve says,
Robin rolls her eyes at his cautiousness and watches Harold finally fly away. Her eyes fall on Nancy, across from them.
Steve moves his eyes away to finish breaking off the last couple of crackers from the bunch.
Steve can admit he felt a pang of jealousy the first time he noticed his best friend laughing too hard at something Nancy said, but he quickly realized he was jealous of Nancy, he was worried she'd take Robin from him. An irrational fear that he also went through with Eddie, when he and Robin got close.
Whatever attempt Steve made at reviving the spark between him and Nancy in the upside down, got flipped right side up as soon as they were out of that hellish time.
Which was fortunate, because Nancy was still in a relationship back then, and Steve actually didn't feel like trying to woo the girl that broke his heart years ago.
Not to mention, they were different people now.
And he could admit now that he had freaked out. He'd seen the prettiest boy he'd ever known smirking at him and calling him metal and Steve had felt himself fall violently, far quicker than he was ready to.
So he'd grabbed on to whatever solid ground he could find, and he didn't have much of that.
It was just stupid. They hadn't really talked about it but Nancy had dropped by Eddie's room at the hospital a couple of times, she'd seen how devastated Steve was and she was never dumb. Steve could see the realization on her and luckily, the relief too.
Slowyly but surely they've arrived back to a place where Steve is glad to have her in his life again. He wouldn't hesitate to have dinner with her any day now, and every one of their friends know what they have is purely friendship.
So when he noticed her half-flirting with Robin at their job again, Steve tried to communicate to her that same understanding and relief with the same look.
And Nancy seemed like she got it.
Steve's fairly certain she and Robin would be good together, he's told Robin as much, but she disagrees, denied that she was attracted to their friend at first, and now refuses to give them a shot.
When he looks back up Robin's still looking at her, her cheeks on the verge of a smile.
Steve, done with his task, wipes his hands on his jeans.
"Are you sure there's nothing there?" Steve asks softly, for maybe the fifth time since Robin and Nancy met.
Looking back at that time now, with his own feelings out of the way, Steve can see clear as day, that Robin was into her from the start.
Robin looks at him now, and her face falls into the same caught look it always does when this comes up. She sighs,
"Are you sure you wanna ask me that?" she counters
"I want you to be happy," Steve tries,
"Even if it means I make a move on your ex?" she asks, her voice bitter,
"She's my friend too, Robs!" he protests,
"She broke your heart, Steve,"
"Years ago! And-"
"Not that many," Robin interrupts,
"And!" Steve emphasizes, "We're different people now,"
"You were practically offering her six babies not a year and a half ago," Robin points out,
"And you and I both agreed that that was a little bit crazy of me and a clear lapse in my judgement." Steve reminds her, "She doesn't want that. And I don't want that with her. I don't want anything with her beyond friendship and you know it,"
Robin doesn't look convinced.
"I don't care what you say. It would be weird." she says,
"Not for me, if that's what you're implying," Steve tells her,
"You've said that about other things when you did mind!" Robin accuses,
"And you've called me out on it!" Steve counters, "And I'm working on not doing that anymore. And it's not what I'm doing now!"
"I'm not gonna put my happiness before yours," Robin tells him,
Steve turns to her fully, straddling the log between them,
"I'm not asking you to do that, Robbie. I'm asking you not to put MY happiness before yours." he says, "Not even!" he amends, "I'm asking you not to put my comfort before your happiness."
Robin grimaces.
"What if you do mind? Down the line?" she asks,
"You can't base your decisions on hypotheticals." Steve protests, growing impatient, "And especially not on hypotheticals about my feelings, Rob!"
"Don't be an asshole. You're important to me!" she protests,
Steve sighs.
He reaches out and takes one of Robins hands in his own.
"And you're just as important to me," he tells her, "but i don't need you to protect me Robin. I'm not made of glass." he looks into her eyes as he goes on, "Yeah, maybe I'll be uncomfortable at some point, but I've been uncomfortable before and I'll be uncomfortable in the future,"
"I don't wanna be the cause of that," Robin says quietly, squeezing Steve's heart.
She moves to stradle the log too, facing Steve.
Steve offers her a soft smile.
"I know." he says, rubbing her knuckles in an attempt to reassure her, "You wouldn't be. Even if I saw you and Nance happy together and it made me uncomfortable, it wouldn't be because you decided to be with her, or because you're happy with her, Robs. It would be because she's my ex and she broke my heart. That's not on you,"
Robin looks like she wants to say something else but then changes her mind.
"It would be weird," she insists half-heartedly.
Steve understands what she doesn't say,  that she wants him to let it go.
"Okay." He concedes, taking her other hand and lacing their fingers. "Fine then. I won't bring it up again. I just ask that you don't- Don't think of me as this, this responsibility, okay? I don't wanna be that, I wanna be your best friend." he says, tugging on her hands a bit.
"Idiot." She calls him with a hesitant smile, clearly still awkward with displays of affection.
Steve chuckles. She tugs his hands towards her,
"I love you" she says.
It's not lost on Steve how this requires effort from her. He brings their hands to his lips and kisses the back of her palms, one and then the other, making her giggle.
"And I love you," Steve tells her, he untangles their hands and returns to his previous position, reaching for the big bag of marshmallows sitting next to the cooler.
"Now help me roast these," he requests, opening the bag, "this is as far as I came when I was little"
"Oh, did you have a maid that roasted your marshmallows growing up?"
"I hate youuuuuuu" Steve complains, and throws a marshmallow at her head.
part 6
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random percy headcanons:
wants to be the photographer friend SO bad and he technically is but like 70% of the pics come out blurry or weird bc there was a monster attack in the middle of them. his instagram is truly so chaotic looking.
literally always has seashells on him someone will ask him for a pencil or spare change and he has to empty all his pockets of shells to find it. drops his backpack and a bunch of shells fall out. kicks his shoes off and sand and shells fly out and his mortal friends are like percy What the Fuck
his eyes glow underwater!! bioluminescent king. no one told him though and he didn't find out until he joined his school's swim team and terrified everyone (he managed to convince them his contacts were having a weird reaction to chlorine lmao)
he really likes art!! he doesn't just pretend to for rachel's sake he genuinely enjoys painting with her. he likes splatter paint, collages and pop art styles the best. one day after splitting some edibles they realized percy could manipulate water colors and went CRAZY with it
will ask to be excused during class and comes back like an hour later with scorch marks all over his face bleeding from one of his ears covered in dust missing three fingernails rips in his jeans and a fat lip and the teacher is like percy what the actual hell were you doing in the bathroom all this time and he's just like uhhhhhh I have ibs
the brand from camp jupiter did unfortunately (for sally) Unlock something in him lmfao he keeps getting shitty little tattoos. usually stick-n-poke but someone's friends cousin's girlfriend's brother has a gun that gets brought to parties every now and then. most of them are sloppy but you can tell what they are HOWEVER he has one that was supposed to be a seal that came out looking like one of those shitty ms paint crying memes. annabeth laughed at him for ten minutes straight when she saw it.
he wanted to dye his hair blue but he was too chicken to bleach his entire head so he just did the tips. his hair is curly though so it looks absolutely ridiculous but he loves it
percy and annabeth get a crusty little yappy white dog in college and he carries it around like a baby lmao
back to his chaotic instagram, he's got so many pics of him like, relaxing at the bottom of the mariana trench or hugging a giant squid or riding on a whale shark and his mortal friends all think he's just really good at photoshop and this is a very specific bit he decided to commit to. they're always like lol percy where do you even FIND these pictures are you subscribed to like scientific journals for the laughs? but no he just took them all on his shell phone
has an ongoing prank war with annabeth's little brothers bobby and matthew but like it's Unhinged. they're playing 5D chess and she has no idea whats going on
weird tshirts!!! he loves them! like
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shit like this or those 'women want me fish fear me' shirts, anything with a funny or incomprehensible slogan is going in his closet right along with his band tees lmfao
bought estelle a panda pillow pet when she was born 🥺
can NOT bring himself to eat seafood no matter how many times poseidon has told him its fine. he's like NO these are my FRIENDS JONATHAN WAS TELLING ME ABOUT HIS GRANDDAUGHTERS WEDDING LITERALLY YESTERDAY WHY IS HE ON A PLATTER DAD. they had to give up and just start eating normal land food at the palace every time he comes to visit lmfao
gets into horsegirl antics with hazel she NEEDS to know everything the horses have to say. they spend hours gossiping in the stables.
movie nights in the poseidon cabin were 10000% a thing and when he was missing annabeth and thalia and grover (and a few others) would still sleep in there every now and then and talk about how much they miss him :(
percy and beckendorf had the worlds most elaborate handshake
he DOES impulse buy stuff just because they're ocean-themed. stuffed animals, home decor, school supplies, clothes, you name it he bought it if theres like a fish on it
has more scars from crashing off his skateboard than he does from monster attacks
grover is somehow the only person who's ever noticed percy is severely claustrophobic
has a deep passion for adele. I can't explain this one I just feel and know it to be true.
he and annabeth both proposed to each other at the same time and they were SO mad about it they kept yelling over each other's speeches lmao
he can SING but he doesn't know it. sally keeps trying to record him singing to himself but something always happens to the camera and she loses the evidence
called chiron a brony one time and mr d thought it was so funny he was nice to percy for an entire week
the camp keeps trying to convince him to teach sword fighting lessons to the younger kids but he can NOT bring himself to swing a sword at a 9 year old so he keeps getting injured
has the most complicated iced coffee order in the world his go-to local coffee shop finally just put the damn drink on the menu and named it after him
he IS the quiet kid in the back of your math class that always has his hood up to try and hide his headphones and eats increasingly elaborate meals out of his backpack when the teacher isn't looking. one time someone caught him with a rotisserie chicken in the middle of a geometry final.
he argued that he DID have enough to share with the class
currently obsessed with the image of him knocking back a container of sea salt as if it was a shot and his mortal friends being like hey! what the actual fuck! and he's just like uhhhhh anemia kills!
its his birthday<3
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munsonsmixtapes · 2 months ago
Smutty Steve request! Steve and reader are longtime friends, but he never thought of her *that* way until she shows up at a party or whatever in a this dress (that she got to finally get him to notice her) - like Dress by Taylor Swift inspired!
I got a little carried away with this one but I hope that’s okay lol
cw: MDNI (18+) smut (p in v) fingering, oral (f receiving)
Everyone knows how hopelessly in love with Steve you are. They can see how pathetically you look at him when he’s flirting with another girl. They can see it in the way you always go out of your way to touch him in a flirty manner. Everyone knows that you’re in love with Steve, well except for Steve.
You don’t know how obvious you can make it. You’ve asked him out multiple times and he always agrees, but he’s never aware that it’s a date. It’s just two friends hanging out. It’s to the point where you could tell him exactly how you feel and he still wouldn’t get it.
Steve isn’t stupid, you know that to be true, so why is he not getting your hints? How much longer are you going to have to spell it out for him until he finally gets it?
You stand in front of the house and take a deep breath as you smooth out your dress. It’s a little black thing. Something you would normally never wear, but after some convincing from Robin and Nancy at the mall, you caved and bought it.
It’s tight, hugging every single curve and heels you’re wearing make your legs look long even though it doesn’t matter because you can barely walk in there.
You hold on to Robin and Nancy for support as they lead you into the house, knowing that without them, you’d be walking like an animal who’s learning to walk for the first time. This is just saving you the embarrassment.
The second you walk through the door, Steve can’t seem to keep his eyes off of you. He’s not even paying attention to what Eddie, Jonathan, or Argyle are talking about. All he cares about is you.
Before he can stop himself, he’s making his way into the kitchen where you’re headed. Robin and Nancy let go of you and you hold onto the counter, trying to not make it obvious that you’re struggling.
“Can I get you a drink?” He asks and you nod enthusiastically. That would definitely make you forget about the pain of these stupid shoes.
“Please,” you nod and he’s quick to grab a solo cup and the red wine he knows you love. He pours it into the cup and watches you take a few sips, wondering what your pretty, red lips would look like with your mouth wide open as you moan his name over and over.
“Doesn’t y/n look great tonight, Steve?” Robin moves to stand beside him, nudging his shoulder with hers.
“Y-yeah,” he stutters, letting his eyes rake over your body. He’s never thought about you that way, but now he can’t stop thinking about burying his face between your thighs as your hands grab fistfuls of his hair, tugging on it.
You finally look at him and notice his cheeks flushing. You assume it’s the alcohol, but you can’t help but think that maybe it’s something else. Something dirty.
The tension between the two of you is now palpable as Steve steps forward and Robin and Nancy flee the kitchen, deciding that their work is now done.
You mimic Steve, stepping forward, only for your ankle to roll as you do so. Steve is quick to catch you, preventing you from falling to the floor. Those honey eyes are looking down at you in concern and you feel like you could just melt under his gaze.
He’s leaning so close that you’re sure he’s going to kiss you, but he doesn’t. He’s whispering something to you, those beautiful eyes boring into yours, but you can’t quite make out the words.
“Are you okay?” He asks, concern etching his features and you’re honored that he cares, but Steve always cares about you. About everyone. Always quick to take care of anyone who needs the attention.
You still remember the moment you fell in love with him. You were all park riding bikes because it was such a nice day. You didn’t know how to ride, but you wanted to feel included so you borrowed one of his bikes without having any prior experience.
You couldn’t stay steady, the bike moving this way and that and eventually, you fell over, the bike landing on top of you. Steve was quick to hurry over to you. Without a word, he pushed the bike off of you then carried you over to the blanket where the others who weren’t riding were sitting.
He pulled out a first aid kit from his pocket and cared for your scraped up knee. He was just so sweet and no one had ever done anything like that for you. He was your knight in shining armor and he didn’t even know it.
You’re brought to the present as helps you stand up, but your ankle gives out again as you wince at the pain coursing through it. Without another thought, Steve picks you up and carries you down the hallway to the nearest empty room which happens to be a bedroom.
Steve sets you on the bed and kneels in front of you, quick bring his hands up to your shoes, unbuckling the ankle straps. He pulls the shoes off your feet and without a word, he begins to massage your ankle that you rolled.
An involuntary moan falls from your lips at the feeling, his fingers working magic on your muscles. It’s easily the most pleasure you’ve ever felt and you wonder if he’s this talented with his fingers in other areas.
“Does that feel good?” He asks and you can just imagine him asking you the same question with his hand between your legs, his fingers pumping in and out as you moan over and over.
“Mhm,” you nod as he presses even harder into your skin, causing you to moan even louder and he’s trying his best to hide his hard on as he moves back ever so slightly, but it’s so obvious now, sticking straight out.
You need him to touch you now, your mind not even focused on your pain as all you can think about now is having his fingers inside you. You’re desperate for it now as he continues to massage your ankle. You’re focused on his touch, his soft skin against yours.
It’s torture to think about but you can’t help it. You want him, need him so bad that you feel like you could cry.
You grab him by the wrist and guide his hand towards your cunt as you spread your legs. His eyes widen and you can clearly see his pupils dilate as his hands grab hold of the waist band of your panties. He pulls them down as you spread your legs even wider, looking up at him with a flirty look.
Steve presses his his middle and ring fingers together before he brings them to your cunt slowly, looking you in the eye, giving you every opportunity to back out if this isn’t what you want.
As soon as his fingers slide inside, he knows he’s made the right choice as you moan again. He never thought he’d do this kind of thing with you, but now that he is, there’s no way he’s backing out. Watching you splayed out on the bed just for him, he feels like he’s in heaven.
His pumps are slow at first as he tries to get the hang of it, only using the tips of his fingers. But as he picks up the pace, he pushes in further with each pump, eating up the way you’re enjoying it.
You lie back flat, spreading your legs even wider, each knee pressing against the bed. As you lie back, he’s able to get a much better view of your sopping wet cunt as well as feeling it.
You’re so wet, and for him. He wonders if you’ve ever thought about him this way. If you’ve fantasized about the two of you in this position. He hasn’t. Not until tonight. And he’s kicking himself for just now realizing how hot you are. He’s always found you attractive, he has eyes, but never sexually.
Up until now, you’ve always been just a friend to him. But now he’s itching to get inside you, desperate to know what your lips look like, what you look like underneath your dress. He wants to rip it to shreds with his teeth until you’re in your underwear. He’ll then rip apart your bra until you’re naked underneath him, whining, begging for you to fuck him.
His fingers are pumping so hard and fast as you moan and whine, your nails digging into the bedding underneath you, not even trying to stifle the sounds you’re making considering that there are other people in the house, but it’s not like they can hear you anyway. The stereo is up too loud and they’re all too busy mingling.
You can feel your eyes rolling into the back of your head, on the verge of an orgasm. You feel his fingers curl, hitting just the right spot to make you climax, to make you feel better than you ever have in the bedroom.
He clearly knows what he’s doing as he curls his fingers again and again, making you moan over and over until you’re absolutely spent. Once he’s, he removes his fingers, licking up the slick from his fingers as his well deserved reward and now that he’s gotten a taste, he thinks he needs another, but this time directly from the source.
Steve looks down between your legs, his mouth watering as his need to get a taste of you intensifies. God, he wants it so bad, so desperate that he’s drooling, spit dribbling down his chin.
“Can’t believe this is all for me,” he tells you as his hands rest gently on your knees. You’re so wet now that it’s trailing down your thighs and before he can stop himself, Steve grabs hold of one of your thighs. He brings it to his mouth and licks the trail all the way up until he’s just inches from your cunt.
You gasp as he does this, but you can’t deny how good it feels, especially when he goes for another lick, his tongue leaving behind a stripe of spit as he does so. He then goes for your other thigh, doing the exact same thing, but going slower now, chuckling to himself as you squirm underneath him, begging for him to eat you out already.
“Alright, relax,” he tells you as he pulls away. He pushes you back down onto the mattress, keeping his hands on your shoulders as he leans in, his lips just inches from yours. You close your eyes, expecting a kiss, but when you open them, Steve’s on his knees again, grabbing hold of your thighs.
“Steve-” you sit up to look him in the eye, to show him how upset you are by his teasing.
“Yes, honey?” He asks, that mischievous glint in his eye as throws your legs onto his shoulders. You instantly melt at the nickname then lie back again. He’s got you right where he wants you and you know it. He still doesn’t seem to understand that you’d do anything he’d say because you’re just that much in love with him.
He buries his face into your cunt and you gasp as his mouth licks and sucks on your clit, your hands subconsciously sliding into his hair. He pushes your dress up to your waist as you push down into your cunt even more. Steve decides right there that if he’s going to die like this that it’s a pretty fucking good way to go.
You let up and tug on his hair instead as he continues to lick and suck on your clit. Your heels are digging into his back as your toes curl in pleasure. You’ve been eaten out before, but not like this, never like this.
He’s definitely done this before as he knows exactly what he’s doing, knows exactly how to make you feel good. His mouth moves down to your slit as he bites down, his teeth sliding across the sensitive skin as you moan, your nails digging into his scalp in response.
Your thighs press tightly against the side of his head as he continues with his teeth, biting down even harder, making you feel so good. He then goes back in with his tongue, needing yet another taste of you, desperate for it.
This is the best pussy he’s ever tasted and he’s fully content right now, deciding that he could do this for hours without getting tired. Especially with how you’re reacting to the whole thing.
Steve sticks his tongue inside you and that’s where you absolutely lose it. You’re coming again and he can your slick leaking out onto his tongue. It’s the sweetest thing, almost resembling candy and he can get enough as he swirls his tongue around, desperate for more.
You come one more time and he’s reluctant to remove himself from you, but he has to if he wants to continue. He pulls away from you as you orgasm one more time as sits back on his knees, watching you, thinking that you’re the most beautiful creature that ever was.
You reach out for him and he’s quick to take your hands, bringing himself down to hover over you. His lips hesitantly press against yours as his hands pin yours against the bed.
The kiss is messy, clumsy at first, but the two of you eventually get the hang of it as it becomes progressively more hungry, especially on your end. You need him. You need him in ways that are concerning. And if his rock hard cock is any indication, you think you’re going to get pretty lucky.
His tongue slides into your mouth as you move to untuck his shirt from his jeans. He parts from you only to let you slip it over his head and as soon as his shirt is on the floor, his lips are on yours again, even more hungry this time as he takes exactly what he wants from you.
Your hands move to his belt and unbuckle it quickly before moving on to the button of his jeans. Before he knows it, you’re unzipping them and pulling them as much as you can. Steve reaches into his pocket for a condom and tosses it to the side before finishing the job, tossing his jeans to the side, followed by his underwear.
You always knew he had a big dick, but now the proof is right in front of you. He’s so hard and all you want is to make him feel as good as he made you feel. You want to make him come over and over, to return to favor.
He then helps you sit up then reaches up and unzips your dress with ease, pulling it up over your head. It drops next to him as he stares at the pretty, black, lacy bra you’re wearing.
“God, you’re perfect,” he sighs as he stares at you, almost completely naked, and for him.
“You’re the perfect one,” you reply and Steve doesn’t know why he feels his cheeks heat. You’ve complimented so many times, but this time, it feels different. “Now c’mere,” you waved him over and he scoots closer as your hands cradle his face.
You press a kiss to his lips as you feel around the mattress for the condom. Once you have it in your hands, you push Steve onto the mattress before straddling his waist.
“Now it’s your turn to come,” you tell him as you rip the packet open with your teeth. Steve watches you roll the condom onto him then discard your bra before settling yourself onto his cock, not even giving him a chance to think before begin to ride him.
His hands move to your waist as his hips buck against yours, the two of you working together. He’s working harder than you are, pushing all of himself inside of you, or at least, trying to.
“Hey,” you tell him, taking on an authoritative tone and he immediately stops. “You don’t have to try so hard. Let me take care of you, okay?”
“Okay,” he nods then lies back, his fingers still digging into your waist as you pick it up again. He’s already moaning so you know you’ve gotten it right, already knowing what he likes.
You continue, moving even faster and his nails are digging so far into you that you’re sure that he’s going to break skin, but he quickly eases up, probably sensing that he’s hurting you.
“You sound so hot. Wanna make some more sounds for me?”
“Mhm,” he nods and he moans again as you lean over, your lips finding his once again, moving against his so softly which juxtaposes how you’re fucking him so hard.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he whines into your mouth, already feeling he’s close which is so embarrassing for him since you’ve barely started, but he can’t help it. You’re just fucking him so good that he doesn’t think he’s not going to be able to walk afterwards. And he doesn’t even care. He wants you to do whatever you want to him. He wants to be your good boy.
“I knew you liked it rough,” you laugh as you watch him come completely undone underneath you. He’s already coming and he can’t stop, his orgasm completely taking over his body.
“Fuck, so good,” he whines as you keep up, trying to get one last climax out of him before you get off, watching him come down from it as you hurry to get dressed, but he reaches out and grabs hold of your waist, stopping you from going any where.
He discards the condom then gets under the covers, holding the blanket up for you. You get in beside him and he pulls you to his chest, bare skin to bare skin as he drops a kiss to your forehead.
The two of you lay there in the quiet, his hands moving up and down your back while yours plays with his hair, the only sound that can be heard is your breathing as the two of you think about nothing except what you’ve just done.
“Do you think we could do this again tomorrow night?” He asks, breaking the silence.
“Definitely,” you nod.
“Do you think that we could do it as a couple?” You move that you’re hovering over him, trying to make sure that you hear him right. There have been too many times when your fantasies took over so now you want to be one hundred percent sure.
“What did you just say?” You ask, maybe a bit too harshly and now you’ve got Steve stammering.
“Well, I was wondering if it would be okay if I was your boyfriend. Is that a tacky thing to ask after sex? Because I-”
You cut him off by pressing your lips to his, smiling into the kiss as his hand moves up to cradle the back of your head, his smile mimicking yours as you pull away far too soon for his liking.
“So is that a yes?”
“Of course it’s a yes,” you roll your eyes, giving him another kiss before lying back down on his chest.
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ddejavvu · 2 years ago
jonathan anon again lol!!! I love him so much. how about him introducing shy!you to his mom <3 ur super nervous she won’t like you but she totally adores you
Jonathan's stepped up to slot his keys in the door, and you consider using the time he's not paying attention to you to make your escape. You could do it, beeline back to his car, hotwire it, drive off into the distance with no planned return. But then he might have to walk to school, and you don't want him to have to do that. Before you can decide to sprint anywhere, the lock clicks, and the door swings open at his push.
"Mom," He calls into the house, rather unceremoniously, which makes you nervous, "I'm home, and I brought Y/N!"
"Oh!" A voice comes from the kitchen, honey-sweet but slightly flustered, "Oh, I'll- I'll be right there!"
"Jon-!" You swat at Jonathan's shoulder, hissing at him in a panic, "You said she knew I was coming!"
"No, I said she said you could come over anytime," He corrects you, dropping his backpack on the couch, "So I brought you over today."
This is a disaster. You're now an unexpected, barely-invited guest in the Byers household, and only your boyfriend really wants you there. You've met Will a handful of times, during pick-up or drop-off or just out and about, and he seems to like you, but you're sure he doesn't want you popping up in his living room unannounced. You'd been invited for dinner by your boyfriend, but you're not sure his mother has made enough, so you're not only intruding on their life, but you're putting the extra stress of another mouth to feed on her plate, and she's going to hate you for the burden you're causing, and-
"Will you stop burning holes in the wall? That's a picture of me, you know," Jonathan scoffs, tramping over to where you'd been zoning out to panic and pulling the frame off of the wall, "You're supposed to think I'm cute."
"That's- That is cute," You wanted to respond with a lot more fire than that, due to the nature of your boyfriend's planning abilities, but admittedly, the baby photo of him in nothing but a diaper is adorable. You can see the chubby rolls of his arms and legs, and his stomach pudges out in a round shape you're sure his mother kissed a thousand times.
"-but this is not fair to your mom! She probably didn't make enough, and now I look rude for showing up unannounced, and-"
"She always makes more than enough," He assures you, setting the picture frame down on the table and taking your hands in his. He has a way of looking at you while he speaks that calms the frantic beating of your panicked heart, and you let yourself get lost in his comforting aura for a moment. "She makes one giant meal on Monday nights, then we eat the leftovers until Sunday. Your one portion will not destroy the fabric of the household, Y/N."
"But it'll be one less portion for someone else," You fret, and you know his resulting glare is meant kindly.
"Will has a bad habit of sneaking into the kitchen for midnight meals. You'll just be preventing me from waking up to hear the microwave at one in the morning, babe. You're doing everyone a favor, here. Plus, my mom really wants to meet you. She bugs me every day about bringing you here, just because you're unexpected doesn't mean you're unwanted. Okay?"
You hear frantic footsteps from the kitchen, and nod before she has a chance to catch you in a freak-out, "Okay, Jon, okay."
"Okay." He grins at you, turning in sync with you just in time to see Joyce round the corner out from the kitchen, stuffing an apron onto the counter that she's clearly just taken off.
Her face lights up when she sees you, especially when she notices that Jonathan still has one of your hands in his own. She rushes for a hug, gushing "Hello!", and you're happy to let her engulf you in her embrace.
"Hi," You return just as enthusiastically, if not a little nervous, "Hi, I- I hope I'm not intruding."
You ignore the way Jonathan huffs out a sigh at your near-apology.
"No! No," Joyce pulls back from the hug, keeping her hands on your shoulders and shaking her head, a deep frown over her features, "No honey, not at all! I mean," She brightens, eyes wide, "I was really starting to think he'd made you up, or something! I mean I've been asking for ages, I- I was starting to worry." She concludes, a little drearily. Jonathan had admitted that he was nervous to bring you over in case you were expecting something better, something nicer, something newer, but a newer house with newer contents wouldn't hold the memories you see so plainly here, and you look around to admire the photos displayed.
"It's wonderful here," You promise, feeling Joyce's hands drop to your own and squeeze, "I've never seen baby pictures of Jonathan."
"Oh, I have a bunch." She grins, and Jonathan pales beside you.
"She's seen one!" He attempts to diffuse her excitement, "The- the one on the wall, mom. She's seen me in a diaper, isn't that enough?"
"No, she needs to see you in your Donald Duck Halloween costume," She insists, "After dinner- we're having spaghetti, honey, I hope that's okay." She cuts herself off to peer worriedly at you, and you nod vigorously.
"Oh, great! Okay, after dinner, I'll get the photo albums down, alright? And we can make fun of him," She looks far too eager to tease her son, "Does that sound good?"
"That sounds great," You laugh, at the same time Jonathan groans the opposite.
"Oh, stop," She swats at his chest, "You get to see her all the time, now let me take over."
"Not if you're gonna embarrass me!" Jonathan gripes, turning to you, "Y/N, don't hold my preschool drawings against me. I've gotten better with time, I swear."
"He hasn't," Joyce stage-whispers to you, then gushes to Jonathan, "Of course you have, sweetheart."
She's tugging you off to the dinner table without another word, and you glance back with a grin at Jonathan who looks half-mortified and half-fond.
"Now, sit," She pulls a chair out at the table for you, "And talk, I wanna know everything about you!"
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slut4thebroken · 2 years ago
Exposure Therapy pt. 4
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Jonathan Crane × reader
Summary | Dr. Crane tests a new drug on you and punishes your disobedience.
Warnings | 18+, sexual content, smut, dub con, p in v sex, crying, breeding, unprotected sex, drugs, coercion, impact play, bondage, degradation, humiliation, emotional manipulation, non consensual groping, angst, stockholm syndrome
Words | 6.6k
Notes | Sorry I did not mean to make this chapter so long lol but there's not really a good place for me to cut it unless I want a super short chapter.
Ao3 link | <3
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Part 3
The next few days were relatively uneventful. You ate, tried to sleep, and showered, not really interacting with anyone. You also didn’t see Dr. Crane that whole time either. Which was nice, but you were anxiously awaiting his return for three straight days. Three days of barely sleeping, panicking when someone walked down the hall or opened your cell. But the fourth day came and you knew that when the orderly took you from your cell, you were being taken to him. 
“Have a seat.” He said, finishing writing something, but pausing when you didn’t move. “Is something wrong?” That made you scoff. 
“Seriously? You drugged and raped me.” 
“With your consent.” He added. 
“Through coercion!” 
“What’s done is done. Sit.” You clenched your jaw and your fists, digging your nails into your palms, but decided to do what he said. “Thank you. I apologize for being gone so long, there was something I had to attend to.” It took everything in you to not tell him that you don’t fucking care and it was the best three days you’ve had since he kidnapped you. 
“However I did have some time to work on some modifications for the drug you tried.” You scoffed at the way he made it seem like it was voluntary. “It should still lower your inhibitions,” He said as he pulled out his desk drawer and took out a syringe, “but it shouldn’t necessarily make you aroused. We’re going to find out.” His lips turned up into a small smirk, making you narrow your eyes at him. 
“I’m not fucking taking that shit again.” You said bitterly, watching the way his smirk turned into an amused expression. 
“It truly baffles me how you still think you have a choice.” He said, standing up and walking toward you, making you stand to back away from him. “If I need to use force, I’m more than willing to do so.” 
“Fuck you.”   
He stopped walking and sighed, then went back to his desk, calling someone to come in. When a large man opened and closed the door, your breath caught in your throat. 
“I just need you to hold her still while I administer this. Afterwards she shouldn’t be a problem.” He said to the orderly, who nodded and walked toward you. 
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You yelled, trying to move away from him, but you accidentally cornered yourself. You could either go toward the orderly, or toward Dr. Crane. The man didn’t give you a chance to decide before he was lunging toward you and pushing you back until you slammed into the wall, knocking the breath out of you and making your vision spin. In your disoriented state, Dr. Crane was able to easily grab your face and turn your head to inject the drug. When they both stepped back, you stayed leaning against the wall, head pounding from the force of him pushing you into it. 
“That’ll be all, thank you.”
You whimpered at the throbbing pain, but he paid no mind to your dramatics. Letting yourself slide down the wall until you were sitting against it and hugging your knees, you couldn’t hold down the sob crawling up your throat.   
“I don’t wanna do it again.” You whimpered, grabbing the sides of your head and resting your face on your knees. You babbled out incoherent protests and pleas, trying not to give in to the feeling flooding your brain, calming you down, making the emotions you were feeling only seconds ago, all but disappear, now a distant thought. When your sobbing died down after a few minutes, he moved his chair back and turned to face you. 
“Look at me.” You obeyed, wiping your tear stained cheeks with a sniffle. “How do you feel?” 
“Normal? I don’t- I don’t know. I’m sorry.” You croaked. 
“What do you mean by normal?” 
“I feel like how I used to feel.” 
“Elaborate.” He said, quickly growing impatient. 
“Before… you. I feel like how I felt before you- before you… took me.” 
“You feel like you can trust me?” You just nodded in response. “Come here and sit down.” You obeyed, sitting across from him, waiting for his next command. 
“Do you feel like you would be honest with me?” Another silent nod. “Do you think you could lie?” You hesitated at that. 
“I- I’m not sure.” 
“Let’s find out. I’m going to ask something I know the answer to, I want you to lie. What did you see during the experiment?” 
“Another just to be sure… You moved to Gotham a year ago, yes or no?”
“N-no?” Despite the simple questions, your brain was still getting confused over what he wanted. 
“Interesting. So you’ll tell me anything I ask?” You nodded hesitantly. “What is your biggest fear?” 
 “You...” You said quietly, feeling awkward saying it to his face. 
“What was your biggest fear?” 
“Being raped.”   
“Do you think that with time, you could become willing and eager to participate in my experiments?” 
“Um… yes? I think? I would now.” You said, making his brows raise. 
“You would?” You just nodded. “What about your treatment? Are you willing and eager to continue that now too?”
“If that’s what you want, yes…” You said quietly, cheeks growing warm. 
“Fascinating. You’re still aware of your fears, but this has completely overridden it.” You internally beamed at the fact that he seemed pleased with you. “I’d like to try something.” He said as he opened the briefcase on his desk, then put on the mask. He walked over to you and you waited patiently. 
“You’re not scared?” He asked, tilting his head. 
“No?” He hummed in acknowledgment, then sprayed the toxin in your face, making you flinch back and start coughing. Now that you knew what to expect, it wasn’t as bad, but it was still unpleasant. 
“Look at me.” He said eagerly and you obeyed. “What do you see?” 
“Just you.” Then, after you remembered how this conversation went last time, added, “Dr. Crane. I see Dr. Crane’s face.” He took a step back, staring down at you, making you squirm. “Did I say the wrong thing?” You asked quietly, wondering why he was looking at you like that. 
“As long as it was the truth, then no.” You breathed a sigh of relief at that. As you stared up at him, it looked like his face was glitching between him and the scarecrow mask he put on. “What are you seeing now?”
“Still you, but also… the mask? It’s changing.” 
“My toxin is wearing off significantly faster.” He muttered to himself. Then, to you, “I’m going to try something. Stand up.” You rose from your seat and waited as he moved closer to you. He placed a hand on your neck and squeezed lightly. “That doesn’t frighten you?”
“Does it arouse you?”
“A little I guess.” He moved his hand down to grope your breast, making your breath hitch. 
“And how does this make you feel?” He asked, tone void of any emotion. 
“What about this?” He cupped your sex, making your hips flinch forward. 
“Good.” You said through a breath.
“Do you want me to keep doing it?” You nodded and he pulled back completely, walking to his desk, making you almost whine. 
“Bring in Dr. Bowman.” He said into the phone. “I want to try something else. When he gets here, you’ll listen to me, correct?” 
“Good.” He said, then the door was being opened and a man was walking inside. “Thank you for coming, I’ll only need a moment of your time.”
“No problem. What can I do for you?” 
“I need you to touch her.” 
“What?” You and the doctor both asked in unison. 
“I just need to verify something.” When he hesitated, Dr. Crane continued. “I am aware of your history here and I’m giving you permission, so what’s the problem?” He waited a moment as if he was expecting Dr. Crane to say that this was all a joke. When he didn’t, he shrugged, moving toward you. 
“If you say so.” He said and you stepped back, looking to the other man for help. 
“Stay.” He demanded, making your legs freeze. 
“Where?” The other doctor asked as he looked you up and down with revolting hunger. 
“Start with her breasts.” He said, crossing his arms over his chest. You wanted to recoil away from him as he reached out, but you couldn’t make yourself do it. He groped you slow but firm and you couldn’t hide the grimace on your face. “What about that?” He addressed you this time. 
“Don’t like it…” You muttered. 
“You can touch between her legs- over her clothes.” He said, making you whine in disfavor. The doctor eagerly obeyed, cupping your sex more aggressively than Dr. Crane had. He rubbed your clit through your pants and you held back tears as you couldn’t make yourself move away. 
“And that?” All you could do was shake your head while you squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for it to be over. “Thank you, Dr. Bowman, that’ll be all.” Despite the obvious dismissal, the man didn’t move yet. “Leave.” He growled, making the man huff but obey. He waited until the door slammed shut before talking to you again. 
“You seem to have formed a connection to me specifically. If I had to guess why… maybe because I administered the drug. Although that’s unlikely.” He said, walking back over to his desk to write down his thoughts and telling you to sit back down. “Other than the occasional escort and other patients, you're mostly only seeing me… Can you answer me honestly again?” He said, looking up from his writing.
“Have you formed some kind of attachment or feelings toward me?” Your brows furrowed as you stared at him, caught off guard by the question. 
Have you? Even though right now it feels like you have, you remember how you felt four days ago when the drug wore off and how you felt every time you were around him before that. But you also remember how you used to feel during your sessions, just sitting and talking, fully trusting him. 
“I think… I did? Before you brought me here. But it- it’s hard to tell now.” 
“How so?”
“I can’t tell if it’s really how I feel or not.” 
“So you’re cognizant of the fact that the drug is changing your perception?” You nodded. “And that doesn’t bother you?” 
“Not right now. But I remember that it bothered me last time after it wore off.” He hummed in acknowledgment, writing something down, then taking off his glasses and furrowing his brows as he thought. 
“It’s almost like I’ve accelerated the stockholm syndrome process rather than simply alter your feelings.” He muttered to himself.
“You think I have stockholm syndrome?” You asked, interrupting his thoughts. 
“Early stage, but yes.” You frowned and looked away from him. “Does that bother you?” 
“I feel like it’s supposed to.”
“But it doesn’t?” You shook your head. 
He asked you questions for a while before someone opened the door, reminding him of an appointment. He checked his watch and sighed, then dismissed you, calling an orderly to escort you back to your cell. 
The drugs wore off and you had a long crying session, trying to make your head feel like your own again. You tried to think plainly about what he did- drug you against your will, grope you, and have someone else grope you. It doesn’t matter what your headspace was, he still did that, knowing you wouldn’t want him to. And that was just today. 
But those thoughts were getting muddled in your brain. Instead, the more clear ones were how he had a normal conversation with you when you were on his lap, how he gave you relief from that aphrodisiac even after he was done and trying to work, and the way he smiled when you said something that pleased him. 
You were getting confused. So you tried to repeat all the bad things he did to you, but the more you said it, the harder it was to remember. 
You saw him over a week later- you know because you started counting after the second day. And you grew to miss his calm presence. The nurses and orderlies were mean and the patients were all bat shit crazy, as well as mean. You hated being around everyone because of that. 
As you sat across from him, anxiously picking at your cuticles and bouncing your leg, you were reminded of your first session with him. 
“You were gone a long time.” You finally said, breaking the silence, making him look up from his work. 
“I have other things I need to attend to besides you.” He said plainly. Your stomach twisted and you averted your gaze to the ground, swallowing thickly. “I hear your behavior has improved.” All you could do was shrug in response, still not looking at him. 
“Is something wrong?” He sighed, making you look up at him. You were silent as you tried to think of a response. How can you answer when you don’t even truly know what is happening? 
“I feel like I’m going insane.” You said quietly, looking away from him and biting your bottom lip when it started trembling. 
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” You whispered, voice breaking. You blinked back tears, not wanting to embarrass yourself further. 
“I can only help you if you tell me.” His tone wasn’t empathetic, it was clinical and detached. 
“I don’t like being around anyone else here. And this past week was just so dull and- and long. It was so long. And I’m trying to make myself remember but it keeps getting foggier,” 
“Remember what?” 
“What you did. That I hate you.” You whimpered, not meeting his gaze. “I hate you because you ruined my life, but- but I just… What’s happening to me?” You whispered brokenly, hearing him let out a soft sigh. 
“I can give you something so you don’t feel like that.” He finally said, breaking the silence. “What I gave you last time.” 
“No- no. I don’t- want to not feel like that. I want to remember, I want to hate you. I want to… I want to leave.” You whispered the last part, unsure. 
“I can’t let you do that. Not in your current state.” You let out a choked sob, only this time you weren’t sure if it was because you were upset or relieved that he denied you…
“I don’t understand. Why me? Why did you take me?” You cried, watching his form become blurry from unshed tears. 
“The more I learn about your mind, the more intrigued I become.” He said simply. 
“Out of millions of people in Gotham, some who probably have more interesting minds than I do, you just had to pick me?” You scoffed. 
“Let’s not forget that you came to me.” 
“No.” You hissed. “I came to a psychologist who specialized in psychotherapy for the treatment of phobias. Not some fucking psycho doing illegal experiments on non consenting patients.” 
“Do not raise your voice at me,” 
“How are you so fucking calm?” You asked, louder than before. “How does none of this bother you? How can you so easily rape and drug me repeatedly?” 
“I do what I do because I am dedicated to my work.” 
“Bullshit! You’re just insecure and need to have power over everyone’s minds to make yourself feel like you’re above them but you’re not.”
“I recommend you choose your next words carefully.” He said lowly. 
“Or what? You’ll drug and rape me again? That trick’s getting old, doctor.” You spat, ignoring the way your heart was pounding in your chest. As he stared at you, you forced yourself to maintain eye contact. 
“You know, I was planning on having a nice conversation with you. Give you more of that drug, let you decide if you want to resume your treatment today or not.” He said, opening a drawer and taking out a syringe. “Now you’re going to spend the next week in isolation, tied down, getting more of this everyday.” He said, raising the syringe to indicate what he was talking about. 
“Unless you apologize and correct your behavior immediately.” 
“Apologize?” You scoffed. 
“For being a fucking brat and abusing my kindness.” He said harshly, not even raising his voice.  
“So- what, I tell you something we both know is true and now you’re going to have a tantrum about it? “Punish” me so you can regain control, is that it?” You did your best to hide the growing fear, trying to sound assertive. 
“You know what? Punishing you physically won’t do any good.” He said, opening the drawer and switching out the syringe for another. “Your mind however? Well you just confessed that one dose of this has already started to break you down. I shouldn’t need much more before you lose the battle to your own mind completely.” When he started walking toward you, you stood up and staggered back. 
“Be a good girl and let me do this and I won’t hurt you as much as I plan to.” He sneered and your body started trembling from his words. 
“Fuck you.” You spat. 
When he lunged at you and managed to push you into a wall, you shoved his chest, making him stagger back a step. You used that opportunity to run, but before you could even take two steps, he was grabbing your hair and yanking you backwards until you fell to the ground. He placed a knee on your chest, resting his weight on it, then used one hand to turn your head and painfully push your face into the floor while the other injected you. 
He waited impatiently for the drug to kick in before telling you to follow him as he grabbed the briefcase from his desk. You obeyed and he led you to an elevator, going down two floors. As you walked down the hallway, your eyes widened at the sight of the patients in the cells, some restrained, some not. Most screaming or crying or both. The ones who weren’t were just muttering things to themselves, staring blankly at the wall or floor. He stopped in front of a cell and unlocked it before leading you inside. 
“Mr. Williams, how are you?” The patient visibly got hit with a wave of panic when he walked in. He started shaking his head, muttering incoherently, body shaking under the straps of the bed he was on.  “Since you’re mostly immune to the toxin with that drug in your system, I’m not going to give you a mask.” He explained to you, opening the briefcase and taking out his mask and the fear toxin. 
“Do it.” He said, presenting the canister to you. 
“What?” You asked with wide eyes. 
“Take it.” He waited until you obeyed before continuing. “Do it.” 
“I- I don’t…”
“Now.” Your body stiffened at the harsh tone and you unwillingly stepped closer to the man. As you stood in front of him, you could make out some of the words he was muttering, like ‘no’ and ‘please.’ You hesitated, looking back at the man in the mask who just stared at you, waiting. As you slowly raised your hand, his muttering turned into sobs, begging you not to. 
“I- I’m sorry.” You whispered, knowing the effects of even a small dose and not wanting to make someone else experience that. You sprayed it at him, then took a step back, listening to the way his sobs turned into full blown wails and screams.  
“Good.” He said, startling you and making you turn to face him. 
“Why did you make me do that?” You frowned. You knew why. It was so that he could display his control over you. But the thought didn’t make much sense in your cloudy head. You blinked rapidly as you watched him start to glitch between burlap and skin, trying to make it stop and just see one. 
“I’ll make you a deal. You help me with my experiments and I’ll stop everything I’ve been doing to you. No more drugs, no more treatments, no more fear toxin. You live as a normal patient, but you assist me everyday.” Your frown deepened and you looked away from him. “It’s either you and them, or just them. The question is whether or not you’ll be able to live with yourself after being the cause of that every single day.” He gestured to the man behind you who was now writing under the restraints, still screaming and crying. 
“Think about it. As for right now, you still need to be punished for your behavior.” He said, walking out the room. Once the door was closed, he pulled off the mask and put it and the canister away before leading you somewhere. 
“Punished how?” You asked quietly, growing more and more nervous when he ignored you. Finally you reached a room and he opened the door, walking in behind you and locking the door as you eyed the room anxiously. It looked like a doctor's office. There were cabinets on a few of the walls, as well as a sink. The only difference was the restraints on the exam chair. 
“Sit.” He said, not looking at you as he walked over to a counter to set the briefcase on. You tentatively walked toward the chair and sat down, watching him. “Take off your clothes and sit back.” Your face flushed at his words, but you did what he said anyway, slowly removing your clothing, then hesitantly sitting back down. You eyed the stirrups nervously, hoping he would just pull out the bottom of the chair to make a table and have you lay down instead. But when has anything worked out for you here?
“Put your legs up.” Your blush deepened as your legs moved up on his command. He strapped you in, then attached the cuffs on either side of the chair to your wrists so that your arms stayed by your sides. When he walked back to the counter, you let out a shaky breath. 
“Do you like pain?” He asked, fidgeting with something before turning back around, mask in hand. 
“You have a cnc kink and you expect me to believe that?” He scoffed teasingly. He walked back over until he was next to you and your eyes moved between his face and the mask. 
“I- I like a little.” You said honestly, making him smile. 
“That’s good. I plan on inflicting more than a little so this should be a suitable punishment.” He placed the mask over your head backwards so that you couldn’t see through the eye holes in the front. When you didn’t feel or hear anything, you strained your ears, trying to get some indication of what he’s doing. You faintly heard a cabinet open and close, then a hand was placed on your thigh, making you jump. He rubbed up and down slowly, teasingly, and you tried not to squirm under his touch. 
“Have you ever used any bdsm toys before?” He lifted his hand so that only his fingertips touched your skin, raising goosebumps. 
“A few.” You squeaked out when his fingers grazed over your mound, just inches above your clit, to do the same to your other leg. 
“Arkham has quite a collection. I don’t particularly enjoy them myself, but a lot of the orderlies prefer that method of punishing patients, rather than your typical electroshock therapy or ice bath.” His fingers trailed all the way down to your ankle before slowly moving back up. 
“They like the extra amount of humiliation that it adds and in your case, I have a feeling you’ll enjoy that too, but your mind won’t.” He removed his hand and you stiffened in anticipation, then flinched when you felt his feather light touch on your stomach moving up to your chest. “Who knows, maybe you’ll even come from this. If you do, I won’t stop you, and you’ll have to accept the fact that you came from a punishment that had no intention of bringing you pleasure.” He said softly, moving up between your breasts. 
“As someone who’s studied psychology, I know what that can do to a person. You’re going to have to acknowledge that you enjoyed it- that you wanted it. Even if your mind disagrees, your body won’t lie to you.” He traced over your collar bones, then went down the outside of your breast, nowhere near your hardening nipple. 
“And once you give in to that fact, you’ll have to admit that the only reason you enjoyed it was because it was by my hand.” He grazed across your stomach, then up the outside of your other breast. “As we discovered last week, you only respond positively to my touch. Do you know why that is?” He asked, removing his hand as he waited for an answer. You shook your head and released a low whine. 
“Because you want my touch. You want me. Sure, your conscious mind might not be able to admit that, but your subconscious knows. The sooner you accept that, the sooner your time here will become more enjoyable.” You weren’t sure how to respond, but it didn’t seem like he expected you to. 
“Ready?” He asked, voice back at a normal volume. 
“For what,” A sharp smack on your clit had you crying out, at first from shock, but after a second from pain. It definitely wasn’t his hand, so if you had to guess it was probably a paddle. 
“I’m going to hit you until you break, I don’t care how long it takes. Do you understand?” You whined and squirmed in your binds, barely able to move. “Answer me.” He growled, emphasizing his words with another strike. 
“Y-yes! Yes, I- I understand.” 
The third time he hit you, you choked on a gasp. By the fifth time, you were letting out little sounds and breaths. By the tenth time you felt tears growing in your eyes. He barely paused between hits, never allowing you a genuine moment to get your bearings. And the mask made everything worse since you never knew when he was about to hit you again. After a few more he stopped, then strands of leather were being lightly dragged over your chest. 
“Do you know what this is?” He asked, trailing it over your nipples, then down to your stomach. 
“A flogger?” You choked out, body stiffening every time he removed it from your skin. 
“That’s right. Have you ever used one before?” His words almost sounded like praise, adding to the arousal quickly building in your stomach. 
“I’ve heard it can be quite painful- like knives cutting your skin, depending on how hard you hit. Shall we see if that’s true?” 
“No…” You whimpered, squirming away from the strands grazing your skin. 
“No?” You shook your head hesitantly. When the strands came down on your breast with a light slap, you flinched dramatically, making him chuckle under his breath. He hit you again, slightly harder this time, but it still didn’t hurt yet. In fact, you had to bite your lip to keep the sounds of pleasure in. He hit you three more times, then you heard footsteps before he started on your other breast. 
“You turn such a pretty shade of pink.” He said quietly, making you choke out an embarrassing sound. “Do you like it when I compliment you like that?” You nodded and he hit you slightly harder in response. “Use your words.” 
“Yes.” You said through a breath. After he finished the five hits, he trailed it down your stomach to between your legs, making you try to close them. 
“But you like it when I degrade and humiliate you too?” He asked, lightly dragging the strands over your sensitive clit, making your hips flinch. 
“Yes…” You whined. 
“I can tell. That’s why your pussy is dripping already.” You let out a choked moan as your whole face grew warm- the only positive part of wearing the mask. He brought the toy down lightly, teasing you, making you squirm in anticipation. 
“I bet you want me to fuck you too.” He said absentmindedly, lightly hitting you again. “You want my cock stretching that needy little cunt don’t you? Just give me the word and I’ll do it.” You whined as he purposefully brushed the strands over your clit. You did want that- really fucking bad. But can you say that out loud?
“I- I want…” He reached forward to lift the mask up enough to see your face and your blush burned brighter. 
“Go on. Be a good little whore and beg for it. Beg for your captor to fuck you.” You let out a long, needy whine, bucking your hips up as much as you could in the restraints. 
“I’m not giving you anything until you ask for it. I’m sick of you calling it rape when we both know you want it more than I do.” He scoffed, moving the toy up your leg slowly. 
“Fuck me…” You muttered, barely audible. 
“Speak up.” He said firmly, emphasizing it with a strike on your inner thigh. 
“Fuck me.” You whined, not looking at him. 
“I can’t fucking hear you.” He hit your other thigh, harder this time, and you swallowed down a whimper. 
“Fuck me! I want you to fuck me- Please.” You cried, feeling the blush spread down to your chest. He relented, holding the paddle and flogger in one hand so he could open his pants enough to free his cock. 
“Maybe I should’ve been more specific,” He started as he stroked his cock to full hardness, “I’m not going to fuck you yet.” He said, making you frown. “I’m just going to bury my cock in that tight little pussy and feel you clench around me every time I hit your clit. Maybe I’ll keep hitting you until you make me come, we’ll find out.” He shrugged, leaning down and spitting on your hole before lining himself up. 
You let out a low moan as he sunk in, not stopping until he was fully sheathed inside you. He groaned under his breath and closed his eyes for a second. Resting the flogger on your stomach, he readied the paddle in his right hand and pulled out just enough to have space to hit you. 
The first hit made you both release loud moans and you started squirming as you grew more eager for him to fuck you. He placed a strong hand on your hip and pushed you down. 
“Stop moving.” He hissed, making you freeze. He gave you another experimental hit, adjusted the position to have a better angle, then hit you again.  
He maintained a steady beat, not too hard, but hard enough that while he kept doing it, tears welled in your eyes. When he increased the intensity, you cried out, a few tears starting to fall.  
“It- it hurts, Dr. Crane, please.” You cried, trying to squirm away from the constant pain that was only getting worse. 
“You can take it.” He said and you squeezed your eyes shut while you shook your head. 
“Hurts too much.” You whined, making him slow to a stop. 
“I have a question for you.” He said, so you let your eyes flutter open. “How does it make you feel knowing that you’ve disappointed me?” Your brows furrowed at the question. 
“I- I didn’t mean to,” 
“That’s not what I asked.” 
“What about knowing that you’ve upset me?” 
“Still bad.” 
“Good to know. I guess since you can’t take it, that means we’re done.” He shrugged, pulling out of you, making you whine. 
“Well you can’t handle what I wanted to do so yes, we're done.” He picked up the flogger and reached for the mask, making you panic. 
“Wait-” You said suddenly and he froze as he waited for you to continue. “I… disappointed you?” You said hesitantly, almost confused. 
“I- I didn’t…” He stayed silent, waiting for the rest. “I didn’t mean to.” You said quietly. 
“Well you did.” The harshness of his tone made you flinch. 
“I’m sorry…” 
“I don’t forgive you.” He said simply. “I went through all of that trouble to give you what you want but you can’t even do one thing that I want?” He scoffed, making your frown deepen.
“No I- I’m sorry. You can keep going.” You whimpered, trying to ignore the way your burning clit was protesting your words. 
“I can keep going or you want me to keep going?”
“…I want you to.” He stared at you as he thought and you tried to wait patiently and not fidget. 
“Fine. I’ll give you what you want, but you owe me, okay?” You nodded, trying not to seem too eager. He slipped back inside and you let out a relieved sigh as you felt full again. 
“I’m going to hit harder this time, but I’m only going to do ten. I want you to count them, do you understand?”
He lined up the paddle and you watched anxiously, body tense. He wasn’t lying, the first hit was significantly harder than the previous ones. 
“One.” You whimpered, trying not to squirm. He lined up the paddle for the second hit, the sharp pain making you let out a choked sob. “Two.” 
“Look at me.” He said sternly and your watery eyes fluttered up to his face. He hit you again and you squeezed your eyes shut as you cried out, but quickly opened them when you remembered his words. 
“You poor thing. Does it hurt a lot?” He cooed, rubbing the leather over your aching clit. 
“Yes.” You pouted, hoping he’d go easier on you. Instead, he brought the paddle down the hardest he had so far.  You let out a quiet sob and started writhing. “Four.” You croaked. On the next strike, you couldn’t stop the tears from falling down your cheeks. “Five.” You whispered, looking up at him through wet lashes with furrowed brows, your bottom lip trembling. 
“Do you like it?” He asked casually. You shook your head with a whimper, feeling more tears fall. “No?”
“No.” You said through a sob, making him smile. 
“Good.” He hit you again, barely letting you get the word out before hitting you again. 
“S-six. Seven.” You whined. 
“I think you’re lying though- I think you do like it. Why else would you be clenching down on my cock so hard?” He brought the paddle down again, waiting for you to count this time. 
“Eight.” Before you could finish he was hitting you again. “Nine.” You cried, clit burning so bad it almost felt like you were on fire. The last one was the hardest of them all, making you let out a broken sob as even more tears streamed down your cheeks. “Ten.” You whimpered, staring at his face that was blurry from the few tears that remained unshed. He set the paddle on your stomach with the whip, then used his thumbs to pull your folds apart, examining you. 
“Such a pretty shade of red.” He mumbled with a small smile. When he brushed an experimental finger over your clit, your hips twitched as you whimpered. “That hurts?” He asked, looking back up at your face. You nodded with a pout, hoping that would be enough to make him not want to draw out your pain. Surprisingly, it was. 
He moved his gaze down as he placed both hands on your thighs for a better grip, then slowly pulled out, letting you feel every inch of him before pushing back in. He started up a cruel, teasing pace, slowly rolling his hips into yours, making you let out a needy whine. 
“Please, Dr. Crane.” You whimpered and his eyes snapped up to yours. He sped up, now seemingly chasing his own orgasm, using your body for his pleasure. When he touched your clit again, his lips curled up into a small smirk as you gasped out, your hips trying to move away from his fingers. 
“Keep squeezing me like that.” He groaned, rubbing your clit again, this time maintaining the cruel touch. You let out pained whimpers along with needy whines, the pleasure and pain confusing your fucked out, drugged mind. 
His hips stuttered and he removed his fingers from your clit to grab your thigh again and pull you flush to him as he let out a low groan. His hips bucked into you with each pulse of come that hit your walls, and you could just barely feel your orgasm starting to grow, but once he stilled inside you, it quickly disappeared. 
He pulled out, then examined your hole with a small smirk, pulling your folds apart for a better view. When his come trickled out, his expression faltered. 
“Is something wrong?” You asked, voice small, worried you were the cause of the sudden shift. He didn’t answer you as he freed your limbs and collected the mask and toys to bring to the counter. “Did I do something?” You tried not to cry at the thought. 
“Oh… Then what’s wrong?” 
“Why do you care?” He said coldly as he turned to face you. “You’re supposed to hate me, remember? That’s what you wanted.”
“I- I just…” 
“Stop talking. For once just stop fucking talking.” He spat, making your brows furrow as you frowned. 
“Sorry…” You whispered as you averted your gaze to the floor. 
“What did I just say?” He snapped, making you flinch as your eyes started watering. You didn’t understand where this was coming from. Especially because he’s never talked to you like this before— emotional. He slammed the briefcase shut then walked over to the cabinet to put the toys away. 
“Get dressed.” You slid off the table, then pulled on your discarded clothing, grimacing at the mess between your legs, too scared to ask if it was okay for you to clean it. He didn’t say another word as he left the room with you following him. He walked quickly, you barely managed to keep up with him until he stopped in front of your cell and opened it. 
“I don’t understand what,”
“Get in.” He said coldly, gaze hard. 
“What did I do wrong?” He grabbed your bicep and shoved you in, making you whimper and grab you now aching arm. He’s never been this rough with you in just normal circumstances. “Why are you mad at me? I don’t understand.” You whimpered, bottom lip trembling, now hurt from his words and his actions. Before you could protest, he was slamming the door shut and walking away. 
You stared at the door as your eyes started to burn and your chest started to ache. Trying to think back to what you could’ve done, nothing came to mind. You didn’t complain or fight him at all. But he only seemed upset after he pulled out, while you were just laying there, not moving or speaking. 
What else could it have been then? You thought back to your conversation after the switch. ‘Why do you care?’ He asked. 
Why do you care?? The answer couldn’t come to you. You just knew that seeing him like that was upsetting and you wanted to help him stop feeling like that. But there wasn’t a reason behind that either. 
Part 5
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uceyliyahh · 3 months ago
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Summary: "I want you more than anything in my life." After being in a difficult relationship with Carmelo Yasmine decided to move on from him and become the next big thing while getting drafted on the smackdown roster she always thought she would never find love again due to her commitment issues until she met him.
This fanfic is 18+! NO MINORS ALLOWED
word count: 5069
smut warning; it’ll come in the story randomly so PLEASE PLEASE look out for it I’m not really good at writing ✍🏽 smuts but I’m improving at the moment.
Jey Uso x Yasmine
comments, likes, repost are appreciated I would love the constructive feedback in what area I need to approve in. 🤍
ALSO! I don’t not want nobody stealing my fanfics or take it as theirs that will be an issue fasho so keep it cute respectfully.
I only own my OC along with the make up scenarios
But I’ll be writing along the way since this story is in my drafts on Wattpad right now so yuh. 💁🏽‍♀️
TAGS ⬇️ lmk if you wanna be tag 🏷️@pinkwithhearts @420days @jstarr86 @empressdede @angiedawn02 @biancasreign
@bebesobrielo @skyesthebomb @aikosilo @papireigns-05 @punksyeet @paigereeder @magnificentbouquetmusic
@hunnidmilly @celesteheartsjey @charmed-dreamssss @fearlesschimera @partypoison00 @mselenalovebug @bloodlinesbabe93 @justazzi @xbriexx
OMNISCIENT Yasmine's car accident occurred seven to eight months ago, and she has made significant progress in her healing journey. However, she has not been in contact with Jey since their breakup, which was primarily due to her focus on her mental health.
She has returned to work and is exceeding her own expectations. At the performance center, she was energetically moving between the ropes, focusing on her cardio workout.
As she paused to catch her breath, she reached for her water bottle. It was at that moment she heard someone calling her name. Turning around, she spotted Trinity and Bianca entering the room.
"Hey, baby girl!" Trinity greeted her as she gave her a warm hug.
"Hey, ya'll, how y'all been?" She asked.
"We've been doing well. Just come to check up on you and see how you're doing," Yasmine nodded her head, smiling at them.
She packed her things in her gym and walked with Trinity and Bianca to chat it up with each other. They all sat down together at the table, drinking their drinks.
"So, have you spoken with him?" Bianca asked as Yasmine shook her head.
"No, I haven't spoken to him in a while. Why?" Yasmine said.
Bianca shook her head. "I was just trying to figure out what was going on with you two." Yasmine did miss him dearly. She even started to have nightmares at night, feeling scared she missed being around his presence.
But to her, he was too intoxicated for her, "now I would be lying if I didn't say that I miss him, guys," Yasmine confessed as Bianca and Trinity looked at her.
"We understand, girl, hundred percent. We know you do, but Minks, you had to do what was necessary, even if I did hurt for a while," Bianca said as she agreed with them.
"But enough about him. So, girl, all of us were planning to head to the club tonight. Are you down?"
"Hell, yeah, I need to leave the house anyway," Yasmine said as they laughed together.
✧˚° Yasmine stepped out of the performance center and slid into her brand-new car, which she had bought just last month. She tossed her gym bag and purse onto the backseat before turning the ignition to life.
While she did that, she felt her phone buzzing. Seeing that Jonathan had texted her, she picked up her phone and read the message.
Big Jim 🩸 sent a message.
IMESSAGE 💬 Big Jim🩸: Wassup Minks! I was just checking up on you since I haven't seen you last time Yasmine🩵: I'm doing well Jon thanks for asking Big Jim🩸: you still coming to the club with us later on? Yasmine🩵: yeah, ofc! I need to be out the house anyways Yasmine🩵: are you and Josh good? Big Jim🩸: yeah, we good have yall spoken to each other since? Yasmine🩵: No we haven't I do miss him tho, how is he if I may ask? Big Jim🩸: he's doing well honestly he become a singles champion and just been chilling also if you wanted to know or if you care him and that girl Liv are no more Yasmine🩵: really? That's interesting what happened? Big Jim🩸: he found out that she was just with him for his money so he cut things off with her Yasmine🩵: that's crazy Jon Big Jim🩸: he's fine tho Yasmine🩵: that's good honestly I'm happy for him Big Jim🩸: yeah me too but I'll holla at you later minks Yasmine🩵: kk
Yasmine arrived home safely at last. After turning off her car, she collected her purse and gym bag from the backseat before closing the door behind her. Once she unlocked her apartment door, she slipped off her shoes and set her gym bag down on the floor.
Yasmine had finally secured her own apartment after leaving Montez and Bianca's place, eager to embrace her newfound independence. She made her way to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator to retrieve the leftovers from the previous night's meal.
As she waited for her food to heat up in the microwave, she casually scrolled through her social media feed, checking in on what everyone was up to. It was during this moment that she noticed Jey, and her attention was instantly captured.
He was shirtless, holding his IC champion around his shoulders, all wet, and looking good. She was happy that he was doing well and being happy without even paying attention; she liked his story.
Before she could proceed with her thoughts, she heard the microwave beeping, signaling that the food was done heating up.
She grabbed her food from the microwave and something to drink before heading inside the living room.
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biancabelairwwe replied to your story: omg girl you gonna have to let me come visit your living room is cute asf and cozy jonathanfatu replied to your story: when did yo' ass get a crib sis? MontezFordWWE replied to your story: can't believe you moved out 🥲🥲 trinity_fatu replied to your story: we gotta have a mini sleep over girl tiffanywwe replied to your story: omgggg girl I love your living room uceyjucey replied to your story: damn you living good girl
She saw that Jey had responded to her story, but it didn't bother her in the slightest. She was engrossed in her favorite Netflix series, Bridgerton, which she adored, particularly for its steamy scenes.
While enjoying her dinner, she kept a close eye on the clock, knowing she needed to prepare for a night out at the club with Bianca and the others.
After months of silence and separation, she felt a wave of anxiety wash over her at the thought of seeing Jey again. Yet, deep down, she recognized that she was still on her journey of healing from her past trauma.
Yasmine successfully obtained a restraining order against Carmelo, ensuring that if he approaches her, he will face termination from the company. She felt a sense of relief and satisfaction that Paul finally took action to protect her.
After finishing her meal, she headed upstairs to her bedroom, eager to select the perfect outfit for a night out with her friends. She was looking forward to enjoying every moment of their time together.
She just purchased a two-piece denim ensemble that fit her figure perfectly, laying it on the bed as she reached for her towel.
✧˚° Yasmine applied a final layer of lip gloss, perfecting her makeup, before reaching for her phone to check the time. It was nearly time to head out and meet Bianca and the others at the club.
She picked up her purse and keys, taking careful steps down the stairs in her heels before heading out the door and sliding into her car.
When she put the address on her maps she began driving towards the destination, Yasmine was vibing out to some music while fluffing her curly hair.
To be honest, she felt a bit anxious about the upcoming meeting, as it would be the first time she and Jey would reunite. She just hoped that nothing unexpected would occur between them.
As she gazed up at the sky, the vibrant hues of the sunset painted a beautiful scene around her. With that breathtaking view in mind, she finally arrived at her destination, spotting Bianca patiently waiting for her.
When they made eye contact with each other her and Bianca waved at each other. Yasmine parked her car while turning it off before exiting out her car with her purse.
"Oh my goodness girl, you look so fucking sexy in this outfit!" Bianca exclaimed as she hugged Yasmine.
"Why, thank you dearest, you should take my pictures so I can post it on my story," Yasmine commented on as Bianca nodded her head while using yasmine's phone to take her pictures.
After snapping some photos, she and Bianca headed into the club, which was absolutely packed. They were fortunate to even get inside, given how crowded it was.
They were both passing through the crowd as Bianca was holding her hand making sure that she didn't get lost.
Yasmine felt a jolt of surprise as she reached their table, her heart racing at the sight of the person she had severed all connections with. He looked incredibly handsome, effortlessly stylish with his red cup in hand, and his fit physique only added to the intensity of the moment.
Jey sported an all-black ensemble, complemented by stylish panda dunks. His look was further enhanced by a striking Cuban silver chain and a sleek silver Rolex adorning his wrist.
The intricate detail of his mullet, featuring a fade at both ends, captivated her attention until Trinity's voice broke through her thoughts.
"Yasmine? You good?" She asked.
"Y-yeah I'm fine tell yo' fat head ass husband to move over so I can sit with y'all," Yasmine said as Jonathan turned his head quick when she said that.
"Little girl I know you ain't talking—" before he could finish trinity popped him upside the head telling him to scoot over.
"you ain't have to hit me Trin," He muttered before rolling his eyes.
Yasmine settled into her seat, making herself comfortable as she poured a drink. In one swift motion, she downed the beverage, quickly following it with her chaser.
The Dj started to play don't tell em as Bianca and Trin got up from their seats heading towards the dance floor.
"C'mon Minks!" Bianca shouted as Yasmine followed them to the dance floor, they were all dancing with each other having a good time.
Yasmine started to throw it back as Bianca and Trinity were hyping her up while she dropped it down low.
She had them Megan Knees for sure.
She sensed a gaze fixed on her, and when she turned, she caught Jey looking at her intently, his lips glistening as he licked them.
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The way he was looking at her made her uneasy, so she averted her gaze and concentrated on her friends instead. She watched Trinity dancing playfully, and the laughter of the group filled the air, momentarily easing her tension.
JEY She looked absolutely stunning in that outfit, and it hit me just how much I've missed having her beautiful presence in my life. Since we ended things a few months back, I've really transformed. I can genuinely say that I've missed her more than I expected.
I had broken things off with me and Liv after finding out she was with me for my money and messing around with some dude name Dominick after that it made me realize that I fucked up badly with Yasmine.
My thoughts were interrupted by my twin brother nudging me on the shoulder catching my attention.
"You goin' to get her back or what Uce?" Jon asked me as I looked toward Yasmine's way then back to Jon.
"Honestly I don't know man, what if she still needs time? I mean I'm willing to wait I just don't wanna hurt her again," I confessed not sure of what to do right now.
I heard my brother sighing, "Look you've changed since then aight? you can win her heart back, lemme' see if the Dj can change the music to get the vibe right," I listen to him while nodding my head before placing the red cup on my lips taking a sip of water.
My eyes couldn't leave her direction seeing her sway her hips and bouncing that ass of hers just made me want to snatch her little ass up but that had to wait.
That's when I heard the music changing seeing the girls facial expressions changed into an annoyed one, they were playing Million By Tink one of Yasmine's favorite songs.
I chuckled to myself while thinking 'I see what you did there Twin,' I saw that Yasmine was all by herself while Bianca and Trinity came back to the table.
I couldn't bear the thought of her being alone, so I took a final sip from my cup before setting it aside and making my way to her.
Trin and Them caught on, saying, "They're about to kiss and make up, just wait and see." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Trin's comment. As I approached her, I made sure not to startle her; I gently wrapped my arms around her waist, which made her jump slightly.
Until I wrapped my arms around her waist before whispering in her ear, "it's okay mama it's just me relax," she did what she was told to do as her body relaxed in my arms.
'Your love is a one in a million It goes on and on and on You give me a really good feeling All Million, million'
As we moved together, the rhythm of our bodies created an electric connection, her movements igniting feelings within me. Yet, I was determined to tread carefully, not wanting to jeopardize the bond we were building once more.
I gently pressed my lips against her neck, a tender gesture that likely sent ripples of sensation through her, prompting her to turn and meet my gaze.
She was so fucking gorgeous I could just say fuck it and take her ass home but I wanted us to have this moment together it was something very needed.
"If I'm being honest, I've missed you Yasmine like so much," I confessed.
"I missed you too Josh, but I'm doing better than I was last time," she said as she turned around now facing me with her arms wrapped around my neck.
Our eyes locked for a moment, and I found myself drawn to her lips before returning my gaze to her captivating eyes.
"You look so sexy tonight it's killing me right now," she raised an eyebrow at me while having a grin on her face.
"Well I wore this for you but to look good of course," we both chucked at each other before she laid her head on my chest.
Being in her presence again was an incredible feeling; the way we intertwined felt destined, as if we were truly meant for one another.
'A million, million, million, people tell me not To trust in you But there's a million, million, million, million reasons why I fuck with you'
She clasped her tiny hands within my larger ones, swaying her hips to the rhythm as she sang the lyrics directly to me.
'Cause you touch my spirit, can you feel it, give me that There's a passion for it, can't ignore it, give me that, love 'Cause your love give me goosebumps Your the right one when I need some, I call you Real love never gives up on a Tuesday If it does rain, you come through'
'Your love's like a big hug on a bad day Just what I need in my life You're one in a million When I wake what's the first thing on my mind'
She made eye contact with me before singing, "your love is like my drug, I can't live without it, that's just what you do to me boy," Yasmine serenaded as I turned her around causing her to throw it back on me which caught me off guard.
We heard The girls hyping her up as she hid her face while giving them the middle finger, my hands were on her hips as she continued to dance on me. I wanted to tapped that ass but Montez was here so I didn't do it.
Yasmine was getting me all bricked up in my jeans, I'd adjust myself quick letting her continue to be herself with me.
"For your love I'd proudly climb a mountain," she continued to sing to me which made me chuckle.
"You gonna climb a mountain for my love huh? you something else girl," I replied turning her body around so she could be facing me placing my hands on her butt keeping them rested there
'That's just what you do to me boy You are, yeah, yeah, you are One in a million, one in a million, one in a million to me You are, yeah, yeah, you are One in a million, one in a million, one in a million to me'
"Josh?" She called for me.
"What's up mama?"
"Can we like take things slow this time? I feel like we moved way too fast last time," I nodded my head listening to her request knowing how things ended between us.
"You know I got'chu little mama, I'm a different man than I was before let me take care of you aight?" I said softly as she gazed up at me with her innocent eyes.
'Goes on and on and on (Somethin' you do to me) Goes on and on and on (Somethin' you do to me) Goes on and on and on (Somethin' you do to me) On and on and on (Somethin' you do to me)'
I placed a soft kiss on her forehead as she laid her head onto my chest yet again as we continued to vibe out for the night.
As the night came to a close, I noticed that Yasmine and the girls had indulged a bit too much. Taking it upon myself to ensure Yasmine got home safely, I gently lifted her and guided her to her car. With her keys in hand, I unlocked the door, ready to help her settle in.
I carefully settled her into her seat, securing the seatbelt around her and draping a blanket from the backseat over her. It's essential to always have that blanket on hand for moments like this.
I secured it around her body before closing the door. Then, I slid into the passenger seat, started the engine, and carefully backed out of the parking lot, driving away.
✧˚° OMNISCIENT Jey arrived at Yasmine's apartment complex, smoothly parking her car and shutting off the engine. As he stepped out, his gaze fell upon her, serene and asleep. He couldn't resist the urge to tenderly stroke her cheek, cherishing the moment.
He stepped out of the car and made his way to her side, opening the door and gently unbuckling her seatbelt. As he lifted her effortlessly, Jey took her purse and slung it over his shoulder, ensuring she was comfortable in his arms.
As he approached the door, he used her key to unlock it, pushing the door open with one hand while effortlessly kicking off his shoes.
'Your love's like a back rub when I back up And you catch what I throw down Your love's what I breathe from, I would go numb If you left me here right now'
Jey gently set Yasmine down on the couch, and as she stirred in her sleep, she let out soft whines reminiscent of a baby. This adorable sound brought a smile to his face, highlighting her undeniable charm.
He settled beside her, gently removing her heels and giving her feet a soothing massage. After a moment of relaxation, he carefully placed her shoes on the nearby shoe rack by the door.
He scanned the apartment, appreciating the beautiful decorations that adorned the space, when something caught his eye.
The photograph of her and Jey, carefully framed, held a special place in her heart, especially now that they were no longer together. It warmed his heart to know that she cherished that memory enough not to discard it.
'Our love gets stronger when we break up We'll be right back in no time And our love's made of concrete when you rock me I just feel so safe and'
He chose to remove his shirt and jeans while he carried Yasmine to her bedroom during his stay here.
He gently moved to the other side of the bed, carefully laying her down and wrapping the blanket snugly around her before joining her beneath it.
That's when he could hear her calling his name, "Josh? Please don't leave me..." when he heard that he pulled her body closer to his just for her to feel his warmth.
"I'm not going anywhere baby, I'm right here always right here,"  Jey reassured her as her eyes fluttered opened just to get a good look on his  face.
Their eyes locked in a captivating gaze, her delicate hands gently traced his cheeks, igniting a familiar thrill within him. Meanwhile, Jey's hands found their way to her waist, giving it a playful squeeze that heightened the electric tension between them.
She gazed deeply into his eyes while he sensually licked his lips, captivated by her beauty. In that moment, she leaned in and pressed her soft lips against his, sharing a tender kiss.
He returned her kiss with a slow, deliberate motion, his tongue exploring the depths of her mouth. Jey loomed over her, creating a sense of intimacy that made her feel delicate as they lost themselves in their passionate embrace.
Yasmine wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling the warmth of his presence, while his hands gently rested on her waist. For a brief moment, they separated just enough to lock eyes, creating an electric connection between them.
"Fuck, I missed this and you so bad Ma," Jey said softly as he pecked her lips.
"I did too Josh...I really did," She said.
'A million, million, million, people tell me not To trust in you But there's a million, million, million, million reasons why'
'I fuck with you, in love with you, I run with you, oh yeah I fuck with you, in love with you, I run with you, oh yeah'
He pressed his gentle lips against her neck, showering her with tender, moist kisses while her fingers tangled playfully in his mullet.
Yasmine longed for the connection they once shared, feeling the intensity of his body pressing against her soaked panties, a reminder of the desire that still lingered between them.
He pulled up her shirt, grabbing both her soft breasts and swirling his tongue around the nipples, causing her to moan softly.
"J-Josh..." Yasmine moaned as he gazed up at her.
"Lemme' take care of you, baby girl," He said as he continued to suck both of her breasts.
He was determined to approach their relationship with patience, fully aware of her past experiences. Before their breakup, he had been careful not to let her feel as though she was being taken for granted.
He tenderly pressed his lips against every inch of her skin, savoring the warmth of her body, before his attention shifted to her now moist panties. With deliberate slowness, he peeled them away, his eyes locked onto her with a mix of desire and admiration.
Jey began rubbing her wet folds causing her to flinch at his touch since it's been a while since they done something like this.
He didn't really do much for her to be this wet for him and only him.
"I'm still your peacemaker mama?" He asked as she nodded her head.
"Y-yes Josh...you're still my peacemaker even when I called things off with you..."
He smiled as he licked his fingers, his lips began kissing her folds as Yasmine arched her back.
MINI SMUT WARNING Jey began flicking his tongue in her clit as he was making out with her pussy, Yasmine was moaning his name softly while her hands were gripping onto his mullet.
He gazed up at her, seeing her squirming underneath his touch. "Mhm, mama," He muttered.
That's when he stuck both fingers inside of her, slowly moving them back and forth while continuing to eat her out.
"O-Oh my gosh, Josh..." Yasmine moaned as she sat up, watching him eating her out like it was his last meal.
He was gazing up at her as they made eye contact with each other swirling his tongue around her clit as he moved his fingers faster inside of her.
"Give me that shit mama, squirt on my face,"
She threw her head back in pleasure continuing to grip on his mullet, He knew that she was going to squirt on his face so he was prepared for anything.
He kept digging his fingers into her G-spot while he held onto her thighs tightly so that she wouldn't escape.
"I feel it coming, baby. Relax your body and let it go for me," Jey cooed softly.
Yasmine felt a pit in her stomach knowing that she about to cum, she let out a loud moan as she squirted all over his face.
'Your love's like my drug, I can't live without it That's just what you do to me boy For your love I'd proudly climb a mountain That's just what you do to me boy'
'You are, yeah, yeah, you are One in a million, one in a million, one in a million to me You are, yeah, yeah, you are'
'One in a million, one in a million, one in a million to me'
She felt her body shaking as he continued to finger her, getting the last bit of her orgasm out of her. Jey pulled out his fingers, kissing both ends of her thighs, trying to calm her down, seeing that the mess on her bedsheets was wet.
SMUT OVER She and Jey locked eyes, sharing a lighthearted laugh before Jey casually wiped his mouth with his hand. He approached her, gently pressing his lips against hers, their foreheads resting together in a tender moment.
Yasmine gently cupped his face with her tiny hands, showering him with affectionate kisses that made him chuckle at her adorable charm.
"A'ight A'ight mama, c'mon let's get you cleaned up girl," Jey said as he carried Yasmine bridal style into her bathroom.
Following their shared shower, they nestled together in bed, wrapped snugly in blankets.
'Goes on and on and on (Somethin' you do to me) Goes on and on and on (Somethin' you do to me) Goes on and on and on (Somethin' you do to me) On and on and on (Somethin' you do to me)'
Jey gently played with her hair as he listened to her soft snores while she slept peacefully on his chest. It was in that serene moment that he felt his phone vibrate.
He snatched his phone from the dresser, noticing a text from Liv. As he read her message, he couldn't help but roll his eyes in exasperation.
Liv😒 sent a message.
IMESSAGE 💬 Liv😒: Jey? Baby I'm sorry can we start over? Jey: nah we can't start over I'm with someone new now Liv😒: who? Jey: that's none of yo' business so how about you stop playing on my phone and leave me alone respectfully. Liv😒: it's that bitch Yasmine ain't it? Why are you dealing with someone like her when she's mentally unstable Jey: because I love her that's all you need to know and watch yo' fucking mouth speaking on her Liv😒: Idgaf about her ass she don't deserve a man like you who has to deal with her shit Jey: don't matter imma still be there for her regardless so gtfo please Liv😒: whatever you'll be back with me before you know it and I'm going to taking everything away from her Jey: yeah we'll see
He let out a heavy sigh as he set his phone down on the dresser, struggling to comprehend how he had ended up dating someone like her—so irritating and, to make matters worse, a gold digger.
'You give me a really good feelin' You can make life worth livin' You can be the piece I'm missin' Love is amazing, we get through when we just listen'
'You can be the voice I carry You can be the man I marry We can have this for a very Long time, what's the wrong time When the right time is a life time You remember back when'
He looked down at Yasmine, noticing her restless movements in her sleep. Gently, he cupped her chin and pressed a tender kiss on her lips, whispering sweet words just above a murmur.
"I got'chu Minks I will never hurt you again or have you gone from my sight,"
'A million, million, million, people tell me not To trust in you But there's a million, million, million, million reasons why I fuck with you A million, million, million, people tell me not To trust in you But there's a million, million, million, million reasons why I fuck with you A million, million, million, people tell me not To trust in you But there's a million, million, million, million reasons why I fuck with you A million, million, million, people tell me not To trust in you But there's a million, million, million, million reasons why I fuck with you A million, million, million, people tell me not To trust in you But there's a million, million, million, million reasons why I fuck with you A million, million, million, people tell me not To trust in you But there's a million, million, million, million reasons why I fuck with you A million, million, million, people tell me not To trust in you But there's a million, million, million, million reasons why I fuck with you A million, million, million, people tell me not To trust in you But there's a million, million, million, million reasons why I fuck with you'
He shut his eyes and gently slipped into slumber.
SomeThing Bout' Us
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biancabelairwwe, jonathanfatu, uceyjucey and others liked your post.
minnieminks: His Favorite Girl 🤭 biancabelairwwe: pictures by me ya'll but yess girl did you and him make up? minnieminks: @ biancabelairwwe something like that 👀👀 jonathanfatu: you could've put something different on Minks 🥲 MontezFordWWE: @ jonathanfatu that's what I was saying minnieminks: @ MontezFordWWE both you and Jon are so annoying right now like 🙄🙄 uceyjucey: fuck girl allat back there fo' me huh? 😩😩 minnieminks: @ uceyjucey mhmm 😘 carmelohayes: @ uceyjucey 🤨 the fuck you mean by that didn't you cheat on her? uceyjucey: @ carmelohayes that was in the past little boy move around I'm getting back mines 😐
Read all comments.
A/n: I'm happy that her and Jey had finally made up along with starting fresh something that they both needed honestly. Liv and Melo aren't to happy about that.
But I hope yall enjoyed this chapter lmk in the comments below will be updating again I am feeding yall good atm 💁🏽‍♀️
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madlittlecriminal · 2 years ago
Saw that you were taking requests for Jonathan crane!! Could you do Jonathan crane x reader but specifically him as the judge in dark knight rises. It’s my fave crane cameo cause he’s just a sassy lil boy! So maybe the reader is the only one who can control him (she’s a villain as well but not as unhinged) so she’s like “honey don’t be cruel.” And like babying him. He’s just her sweet little unhinged baby boy!
Your Choice ↦ Jonathan Crane × Villain!Female!Reader
lol it reminds me of my fic "Judge" that i wrote when i was starting to write for him & i agree! that cameo was just *chef kiss* like it literally lives in my head rent free.
Warnings: mentions of death and exile
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There was no secret that your boyfriend was a ruthless judge. If anything, you've heard one of the others mumble something about being so "unhinged" that it was scary. Did you care? No. You didn't fear him, and he was a complete softie when it came to you anyway. However, he was at his limit when one of his new victims were being smart with him.
The cop rolled his eyes at Jonathan. "Listen Crane, you could try to scare us all you want, but I promise you're not getting anywhere!" Jonathan glared at the cop. "You're bolder than the Commissioner." The cop shrugged. "I try to be." Jonathan gripped the gavel as he continued to glare at the man. "Now, this is simply a hearing, so what will it be? Death or exile?" The cop shrugged. "I'll take my chances on the ice!" Jonathan nodded. "So, death!" The cop's eyes went wide. "What? No! Exile!"
The goons around them Boo'd as they wanted death. Jonathan smirked and shrugged. "Gotta give the people what they want, right?" Suddenly the room went quiet when Bane cleared his throat. You appeared behind him and rested your hands on your hips as you looked at Jonathan. You made your way towards him and sighed. When you finally got neck to him, you rested your hands on his shoulders. "Honey, don't be cruel. They don't know any better, okay?" Jonathan immediately softens and rested his free hand on top of yours.
"What should I do then, darling? Exile or death?" You planted a kiss on his hair. "Just give him exile." He nodded. "Exile!" He hit the gavel against the desk, and you giggled. "There you go, your honor." He felt his cheeks grow warm at your words. "You always know how to keep me on my toes, darling." You grinned and he dismissed the court for a 15-minute recess. When they left, you brought him in a hug and ran your fingers through his hair. He smiled softly, practically melting under your touch. He looks up at you and you couldn't help but squeeze his cheeks together before planting a kiss on his lips.
"I love you baby boy." He smiles, his eyes filled with love. "I love you too, darling."
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rougepancake · 2 years ago
Spill the Wine
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Dio Brando x F!Reader
Yes, the title is a song reference, but the song has nothing to do with the plot LOL- Also not proofread because we die like real men here.
Warnings: Drunk sex, degradation, Dio being mean, semi public sex (you’re in the library and there are people over), face fucking, oral (m!receiving), slight fingering, Dio has a god complex (shocker), You actually get caught by Jonathan but not like caught caught. Mdni. I will block you.
Summary: You’re a good friend of Joseph and Erina, having known both of them since you were children. However, you’re adults now, and Joseph and his adopted brother just graduated college. Celebration is in order!
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“Erina I’m serious!” You scoff and sit beside her on the picnic blanket, taking her hands into your own and looking her in the eyes seriously. “Joseph misses you very much! You can’t let that fool Dio stand in your way!”
“Well… I miss JoJo too… but I’m still afraid…” Erina trails off, frowning slightly. “What if Dio tries to do something again?”
“Oh please, he won’t do it again. It’s been years since then!” You roll your eyes and place a comforting hand on her cheek. “As a fellow woman, I won’t allow him to hurt you again. And as your friend, if he does such a thing he’ll be condemned to death by my shoes!” You laugh and lift up one of your legs, your dress riding up your calf as you wave your foot in the air.
“So.” You put your leg down and look her in the eyes. “Are you going to that party that JoJo is hosting at his estate, or are you not brave enough?”
Erina frowns and breaks eye contact with you.
“Y/n… you know I can’t…”
“But he still loves you, Erina! It’s been years and he still loves you!” You raise your voice slightly and pout. “Oh whatever, I’ll be going now, thank you for your time Erina.” You hop up off the ground and wave at her.
“Y/n please don’t-“
“It’s okay, I understand. But I’m going regardless. He is my friend and that stupid Dio is an acquaintance of mine, so I’m going. It’s a huge milestone in their lives and I’m going to celebrate with them.” You spun around and began to walk away, your dress swishing behind you. “Good day.”
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You sat on your bed, staring at the ceiling aimlessly as you waited for eight pm to roll around. You knew there were going to be a good number of people there, so you figured you’d socialize for a bit and then disappear to the library.
But that would be too easy, wouldn’t it?
Around seven, you began to get ready, putting on some decent earrings and bright red lipstick before hopping in the carriage your father had prepared for you.
Once you arrived, Jonathan greeted you with a smile, pulling you in for a warm hug. His father did the same, saying something along the lines of how you were like a daughter to him.
All things considered, the party was quite tame. There were people everywhere, surrounding Jonathan and Dio as they congratulated the boys on their successes. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes and head towards the library. If they wanted to talk to you, they would.
It was always like this.
Ever since you had known Jonathan, you had seemed to shy away from people. He attracted attention, and attention you avoided like the plague. He understood, however, and was willing to comfort you in your anxiety when necessary.
But he didn’t find you in your drunken and anxious state. He wasn’t the one that came into the library and talked you out of it, helping you sober up enough to face the crowd so you could go home. He wasn’t the one that walked through the doors of the library and called your name lazily, looking for you.
It was Dio that found you curled up in a ball towards the back of the library. And it was Dio who took care of you.
“My my, you look like a mess.” He walked over to you and sat down beside you, eyeing the bottle of wine that was resting at your side.
“Shut up…” You took a deep breath and held it. Not even the alcohol was able to calm you down. “The… people…”
“Ah yes, there are a lot of people here tonight, no?” Dio leaned over and grabbed the bottle of wine, hiding it from you with a chuckle.
You and Dio weren’t friends by any means, because you had heard about all of the terrible things he did to Jonathan. However, as time went on and as Jonathan forgave him, you did too. You grew to be acquainted with him, but you didn’t talk all that much unless he happened to catch you when you were alone.
Just like now.
“I hate people…” With a drunken sigh, you rested your head on his shoulder, your lips forming in a pout as you reached for the bottle of wine. Dio pulled it away and raised an eyebrow at you, a smirk forming on his lips.
“Me too.” He placed a gentle hand on your head and ran his fingers through your hair. You were drunk. And when you were drunk you were much more sensitive than usual. It was taking all he had to not tease you about your anxiety, and what little self control he had was being tested in this very moment.
“Why are you in here?” Your voice was soft, almost shy, which caught him off guard some. It was much different from the harsh, indifferent side of you he had grown to hate.
“Because I got bored.” He sighs and rests his head on the bookshelf behind him. “And JoJo told me to make sure you were still alive.” He looked down at your body, taking in the sight of you curled up next to him. “I guess I’ll just have to tell him that you died of alcohol poisoning in the library.”
“Please do.” You grumbled, letting out a long and over exaggerated sigh. “He’d be embarrassed to see me like this.” A soft hiccup escaped you as you frowned, pouting at the thought of Jonathan finding you in this state.
“He sees you like this all the time. What’s the harm now?” Dio scoffed and looked down at you, smirking ever so slightly.
“It’s his party… and I got drunk because I can’t handle people…” You sounded disappointed in yourself, as if you’re upset that you let it get this bad.
“Well… I have a way to sober you up, but I can’t guarantee it’s quickness.” Dio’s smirk grew and you can practically feel it as he stared down at you. He grabbed the bottle of wine and put it to his lips, chugging it like he needed it to survive. “But first…” he hiccuped. “I need to be drunker than you are.”
“H-Huh..?” You stared at him, eyes wide as he downed what was left of the wine. He popped his lips off of the bottle with an audible gasp, fighting for air as he turned to face you.
Without hesitation, he smashed his lips onto yours, forcing you to taste the wine he just downed. His tongue forced itself past your lips, pushing past your own and hungrily exploring every corner of your mouth.
It was almost like he had been waiting for this moment to come.
“My my y/n, you taste like a drunkard.” Dio chuckled as he pulled away from you, his left hand sliding underneath your dress while his right held you pressed against him. His hand was cold against your thighs, his fingers nearing your aching heat. However, he stopped moving and pushed you to the floor of the library, driving a knee between your legs and grinding it whilst you squirmed.
“D-Dio I-“ You but the inside of your cheek nervously, your legs shaking as you closed your eyes in anticipation.
Sure he wasn’t the first guy you’ve been intimate with, but he didn’t need to know that. No one needed to know it, actually. It was frowned upon to have sexual relations with someone you weren’t betrothed to. But you didn’t care.
You were young, so why not be reckless?
“No no no my dear.” He chided, and he leg stopped moving. You whined, longing for some form of friction, for some form of release. “You’re going to be nice and quiet for me.” He undid his belt and pulled down his pants, allowing his cock to spring free from its confines.
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you off of the floor, a grunt passing through his lips as he leaned back, giving you a nice view of his twitching cock. “D’ you like what you see, m’lady?” His words slurred together, but you didn’t care. He got his point through and that’s all that really mattered.
You crawled forward slowly, but too slowly according to Dio, seeing as he grabbed your arms and pulled you close, shoving your face down by his dick. He let out a pleased hum as he watched you lean forward and lick up his length, his eyes fluttering shut briefly before he pushed your head down onto his cock.
You gagged, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as Dio helped you bob your head up and down. Sighs escaped him here and there, turning into whines as he thrust his hips against your face.
He sure was desperate for someone who seemingly didn’t like you.
Maybe it was just the wine.
“There you go, you filthy little wench.” He panted, his grip on your hair tighter as his thrusts became sloppier. Dio forced you off of his cock, chuckling softly at the audible ‘pop’ that echoed in the peaceful silence of the library. “Say ‘ah’.” He grinned as he stroked himself, his tip pointed at your tongue.
With a shameful groan, he came all over your face, treating you like a blank canvas that had yet to be painted.
He let out a breathy chuckle and pulled you into his lap, pushing up your dress and pushing aside your panties. Without warning, he inserted two fingers into your soaking cunt, thrusting at an insane pace.
“Master Dio.” He corrected as you whined softly into his shoulder. “Lord Dio, even.” His fingers slowed inside you, and you shivered at the sudden lack of movement.
“L-Lord Dio…” You whispered, closing your eyes as you began to grind onto his fingers. His hand came up to your hip and held you in place harshly, his eyes seemingly glowing in the candle-lit room. He pulled his fingers out of your cunt slowly, hushing you when you whimpered drunkenly.
“Don’t be too loud now, or JoJo will hear us.” He leaned down to whisper into your ear, teasingly biting the shell of it as he pressed his tip against your lips. “I’m sure you wouldn’t want him to see you in such a…” He smirked and pushed himself in, cutting himself off with an unexpected moan. “O-Oh…” He trailed off and lost himself in you as he bottomed out.
He sat there for a couple of seconds, secretly relishing in the feeling of your tight pussy around him. It was wonderful, and it was everything he had hoped it would be.
You brought your hand to your face when he started thrusting, biting down harshly on it to prevent you from being too loud. However, Dio wasn’t making it easy in the slightest.
His pace was harsh, each thrust hitting deeper than the last and forcing you to see stars. Low grunts and whiny moans escaped him, and before you knew it, you were moving your hips in sync with him, both of you desperate for your release.
“Y/n? Are you in here?”
It was Jonathan.
Dio didn’t slow down and instead glared at you, silently threatening you into making the right decision. He waited for you to answer Jonathan, but you looked totally fucked out, unable to think of anything but the man who was rearranging your guts right now.
“Y-Yeah. I’ll be out in a few-!” You slurred slightly, slumping into Dio’s arms with a whiny sigh. The blonde chuckled and slowed his pace some, nearing his second release. His hand came down and found your clit, thumbing away at it until you felt your high getting nearer.
“In a few, you say?” He smirked. “You’re not going anywhere.”
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issuesdolly · 1 year ago
First date with Jonathan Davis
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This story is part 1 of a fantasy where a young lady from a bad home meets Jonathan in high school (both of you are high school aged) and fall in love/lust. Part 1 is about escaping home and going on your first date with him
Side note, I have a TikTok where I make a lot of Jonathan Davis thirst traps/sexy edits/comedy edits if y'all are interested. Here's a link to one example lol:
& a link to the TikTok in general. Apologies if that's not allowed I'll remove the links, I'm new to Tumblr.
The day of the date, she woke up excited. She had a cute outfit picked out, but saw that it was pouring rain and quite cold out. Relunctantly, she got dressed in jeans and a hoodie and prepared to meet him. Time couldn't pass more slowly. As she got her stuff ready, her dad pulled her aside and demanded she stay home and help clean the garage.
She told him she had to head to the library and study. Although he wasn't going to fight her on that, he demanded she stay behind for awhile and at least begin helping him sort. She couldn't let on where she was really going, so instead she kept arguing she really had to get going.
That only made her father more mad until it escalated to a full blown fight.When he told her if she'd gotten up early she'd have time to help him and get her studying done, she lost it and yelled "it's the weekend can't I catch even a little break? Her dad didn't like it. Stood up and got in her face."Don't you ever raise your voice like that to me. Get the hell out of here before I really lose it. But when you're done studying you're going to finish all this sorting by yourself!" the dad bellowed.
Fighting back tears she took off. She went out into the rain, her cheek still stinging. She looked at her watch. She was already 45 minutes late for the date. She raced over to the pizza place, fulling expecting Jonathan will have given up by now.However, when she got to pizza place, she saw Jonathan was sat outside on at a bistro under the awning, looking around kind of sad and aimlessly. The awning didn't provide a whole lot of protection from the rain and he had his arms folded trying to keep warm.
He definitely looked like he'd already accepted that he had been stood up, but for whatever reason was just hanging out. When he saw her come into view, he quickly brightened and stood up. He had his hands tucked in his sleeves for warmth but he gave her a big hug and wrapped his arms around when she approached. She was genuinely so happy to see him she hugged him back very enthusiastically. They went inside.
"I'm so sorry, my dad wouldn't let me leave," she mustered as she shook from the cold and the mix of adrenaline from the morning and excitement that he was still there. She tried to smile but clearly was still flustered and upset about what happened at home. "I'm sorry," Jonathan said softly, already picking up on the fact that something was wrong. "I'm glad you're here," he added.She sat across from him in the booth, catching her breath.
She couldn't stop shivering. "You look really cold," Jonathan said. "Are you ok?" "I'm... sure I will be," she said trying to act normal. They looked at each other in silence for a minute after they ordered. "Come on that doesn't look fun, come sit on this side of the booth," Jonathan said. She got up and made her way over to sit next to him. She was too shy to start holding him but he put his arm around her. She was rigid in his arms, having a difficult time relaxing.
She still was suppressing tears thinking about her morning at home and how relieved she was he waited for her.There was an awkward silence and he gave her a tender kiss on the cheek and rubbed her shoulder, trying to warm her up. "Did something happen at home?" Jonathan asked. "Yeah," she said holding back tears. "It was just a really bad morning. I'm glad you waited for me." "Of course I waited!" Jonathan said, surprised she would even think he would stand her up. "I didn't want you to think I don't care," she said, still shivering but feeling the warmth of his body. "If you didn't turn up, I wasn't gonna think that."
Jonathan said. "I wish I had somewhere else to go when my dad gets like that," she admitted. "Same," Jonathan said with a resigned tone. The pizza arrived. It was warm and steam came up from it and it smelled good."Are you hungry?" Jonathan asked, trying to lighten the mood. "Um.... not really," she admitted. "You sure? It looks pretty good.... maybe having some will help," Jonathan said. She didn't know what to say. She was just grateful for him. She was still overwhelmed but shivering less.
Jonathan kept rubbing her shoulder and she relaxed her face against his chest for a second. Eventually, she decided to eat. They got talking and laughing and enjoying themselves again, all the while she stayed on Jon's side of the booth and he kept an arm around her. "What next?" Jonathan said, when they were done eating. "I don't know," she admitted. "But I definitely want to keep hanging out," she added. "It's not really walking weather, is it?" Jonathan said. "Do you want to just drive around?" he asked. "Sure," she said, happy for any excuse to spend more time.
They went outside to his car and she got inside. It was still raining and windy when they went back outside. Being out in the cold after being so cozy in his arms and eating the hot food was unpleasant. Jonathan ran the heat and they both warmed their hands over the vents. She began shivering again. He put his hand on her shoulder saying "sorry, you're too far away to cuddle now haha."
They both giggled a little and then grew silent, clearly realizing that's both what they wanted to do more of. After the car warmed up a little, Jonathan began driving. They made it up to the parking lot for the local park. There were not any cars nearby on such a lousy day. He parked but kept the car running with the heat going and the radio playing. He offered her his hand to at least warm up hers.
She wanted to scoot over next to him but the center divider was a major mojo block. It was clear he wasn't going to try to make a move, he was happy just being with her. She asked if they could sit in the back together instead. Jonathan said "sure, if you want to," making sure she didn't think it was something she had to do. They hopped out and got back in the back of the car and got under a spare jacket together. She was happy to be back in his arms and cuddling him again. She nervously returned the cuddle by putting her arm around his waist.
Jonathan paused and gave her a kiss on the cheek again. She turned her head to give him a kiss on the mouth in return. At first it was a quick kiss. But she withdrew from the kiss and looked at his eyes. They looked a mix of vulnerable, vibrant, and nervous. Searching kind of glance. She went for another kiss and they embraced while kissing longer this time.His grip tightened on her with need as he returned her kiss. He had one arm around the small of her back and the other moving up towards her face to stroke her hair and hold her face.
She couldn't believe her day had started so awful and now this was happening. She wished she could stay like this with him forever, but she knew she'd have to get back before dark. But, at the same time, she was getting quite lost in the makeout session.Her hands moved up to his hair and she gently stoked his long hair, surprised how soft it was. She shifted closer until she was practically sat on his lap. The closer she got to his lap, and the deeper they kissed, the more Jonathan started moaning softly. It was clear he was getting really into it.
He started shaking, but not from the cold this time. He was definitely getting really nervous and turned on by how aggressive their session was getting. She could feel his warm lap and his erection pressing hard between her trembling thighs . It turned her on knowing fabric was all that separated him from being so easily inside her and her clit throbbed nShe didn't want to, but in the back of her mind, she knew she should stop. This was a bit much for a first date, but she couldn't resist him.
She nuzzled his face for a minute and tried to catch her breath. His hands stayed wrapped around her while they shook a bit."I..... I have to get back.... I'm sorry," she said. "Don't be," Jonathan said, trying to catch his breath also. They looked at each other, catching his breath. His hair looked adorable all messed up. She patted his hair back into place and they giggled for a bit. She could feel how wet she was and was trying hard to play off how turned on she was as well. As they reluctantly scooted away from each other and prepared to hop back in the front seats, she stole a glimpse and his pants and could see he was very hard for her.
When they got back to the front seats, they decided to sit and "chill" while listening to the radio for awhile. Both of them could not wipe the smiles off their faces. They both felt that mix of silliness, romance, arousal and disbelief that they had found someone equally into them. Jonathan eventually got it together to start the car. They had a bit of an awkward ride back and he dropped her off a block from her dad's house, as per her request. Before hopping out, she couldn't resist giving him another kiss.
His lips tasted so good and his face was very soft. "Hang in there," Jonathan said honestly. "And call me if it gets bad ok?" "Yes, I promise... You too, ok? Call me" she replied. Jonathan was happy she was willing to keep him company in whatever way she could. He felt like they were both prisoners who escaped for the afternoon. He didn't want to leave her side. But they both knew they had to get home. "Okay, talk to you soon," Jonathan said softly, before leaning in for one last kiss. They kissed slowly and tenderly and made it last. She made her up the street slowly, staggering a little from still being turned on. Jonathan drove off and turned left, with his right blinker on. She giggled a little before going inside and returning to reality.
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nkotbblockparty · 7 months ago
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I don't post my own photo on here often, but this is one of those times I can make an exception.
August 16th, 2024, was the day I FINALLY realized a lifelong dream --- I FINALLY met New Kids On The Block. Where do I even find the words? I never thought I'd be face-to-face with them, much less hug and talk to each guy. I guess I can start by going through the meet and greet, step by step….
Danny: He greeted me and asked how I was doing, and I think I said I was fine lol. I gave him his "Block Party" bracelet (which 4/5 of the guys received, in their mic colors, and I have a multicolored matching bracelet. All five bracelets were made by my amazing niece). He said something along the lines of "Block Party!" and was happy about it lol. I told him it was my favorite song. (Is it any secret, considering I named my fan page after it AND had one a shirt & hat with "Block Party" on them).
Donnie: We greeted one another (hugs included, which goes without saying for all five guys), and I told him the bracelet was for him and the letter was for the group, and I wished him a happy early birthday, in which he thanked me. :)
Jordan: He said hi and hugged me, so I was relieved he broke the ice considering we're both shy and riddled with anxiety lol. I gave him his bracelet and he thanked me and put it on. :) We took the picture and I can't remember if anything else was said lol.
Joey: He greeted me, and then got distracted lol. But it's okay because he turned his attention back to me and I gave him his bracelet. He said "Aww for me!" D'awwww. :')
Jonathan: I didn't have a bracelet for Jon because he requested to not receive them, so I respected his wishes. I told him he was my Mom's favorite and she passed away in 2021, and he was so sweet about it and told me he was sorry. I wasn't sure what I was gonna say, but considering the three-year anniversary of her passing was the day before, and she was supposed to be the first one I talked to after meeting the guys (that was decided many years ago), I wanted to mention her; make her a part of this experience.
So, the interactions were kind of laid back, and with how nervous I was, I think that was for the best. :)
After meet and greet, I needed to kind of get myself together, so I went to get merchandise and food. Eventually, I found my seat and the show began. DJ Jazzy Jeff and Paula Abdul were so much fun. :)
When the lights went out for the boys, shy, nervous, anxious little me didn't exist for a little over two hours. I sang, danced, cheered, played in the confetti, captured memories, and waved to Donnie (and he waved back)…. I had the time of my life. I didn't care who saw me dancing like a dork or what anyone thought, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I'm planning to do it again next tour. There's something about their shows; my favorite Boston boys, my favorite songs, the confetti, the energy… you can just forget about everything for a few hours and dance the night away.
If there's anything I've learned in the last 11 years, it's that life is short and can change in the blink of an eye. Go to the concert. Sing your heart out. Dance like no one is watching (because I promise you, they're watching the guys anyway lol). If you cannot attend, blare that song in your room, grab a hairbrush, and have the time of your life. You only get one life, so live it, live it, live it up! ;)
Providing the boys continue touring for several more years, my long-term goal is Individual VIP for 2028. As for 2026, I'm hoping to get regular seats for my sisters and I, and just relax and enjoy the show! :D
Danny, Donnie, Joey, Jonathan, and Jordan, thank you for making my first meet and greet an easy one, and thank you for the AMAZING show you put on that night. You keep showing up, and I'll keep showing up. I love you guys to pieces. :)
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saelterlude · 1 year ago
lc musical clips pt.5!! can't believe this reaches 5 parts. to be fair, the more i watch the cooler the actors are and the more i love each of their quirks.
funfact before we start, if we exclude CMZ(bcs wtf. you are not 124 y/o CMZ), the average age of LG actors is 28 while the average age of CXS actors is 25 (I didn't take their birth month into account so give or take one)
The oldest being Du Guangyi at 34 y/o and the youngest being Jing Yangqiao at 20 (21 this April).
(pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.6, pt.7 here)
68. BONUS, the composer for the musical songs, metablue, posted a composing diary/vlog of her making 'forget about it' aka the encore sofa song. It's a really cool watch, and it's pretty short too.
69. 14/03/2024, Wang Minhui made Cai Qi laugh and break character so hard by sliding on the table that they skip rock paper scissors altogether. Thank youu shimmeringweeds for finding this clip, youre a life saver.
70. 15/03/2024, Zi Bowen is really fun/bratty during CX and his mom's song, he's also been really into that hat and his panicked face during 'Dive Back in Time' tutting is gold. Other than that, Ji Xiaokun and Guo Hongxu are fun as usual.
71. Zhang Jiahao short vid, I love how nonchalant he is. Who gives a damn abt rehearsals when you can play basketball. We got snippets of other songs. And where did he get the random card reader??
(ooh, i'm putting the side actor into focus for once. also, i just realized ZJH is the actor who started swinging when WMH mistook director Li Haolin's name lol i love him.)
72. 16/03/2024 day, blind dog Cai Qi is so funny plss and the way Wang Minhui just let him live with the consequences.
73. 17/03/2024 night, Du Guangyi focused but you can hear Teng Chunpeng cutely messed up 'Dive Back in Time' in the background.
74. 23/02/2024, I don't think I've shared this clip of Du Guangyi playing pattycake(?? IDK the english name. I call it mimimi) with Wu Hanglu.
75. 18/03/2024, Bai Zhuoming mic mishap here, aggressive feet flailing with Wang Minhui and Deng Xianling, and also extended rock paper scissors!
76. 17/03/2024 day, I'll be honest I miss Ding Xingchen. That said, him and Xian Dongyue are having the best sibling wrestle.
77. 17/03/2024 day, same performance as above, and there's Wu Yihan doing overhead RPS.
78. 16/03/2024 night, Guo Hongxu fumbles the sofa/leg choreo again (left leg first man!), Shu Rongbo blubbering bcs GHX twist his arm post-RPS, and Wu Hanglu being the teasing big sister ever.
79. 21/03/2024, he once did overhead, now Wu Yihan is doing hip-height RPS, and he cheated. Shu Rongbo being confused. And they once again give the cutest hug, even for a side hug.
(heh, funny how JXK likes to hogs/blocks the sofa to annoy LG meanwhile SRB is always clearing the sofa for LG.)
80. 23/03/2024 day, very fun performance with Wang Yifei, Zhu Hanbin, and Deng Xianling. I highly recommend watching this. It's so fun I wrote a whole post about it. Also, harmonizing.
81. 22/03/2024, very short but look!! A Jing Yanqiao clip!!! I'm happy, I recently brainrotted on him. I wish he could perform more since I really like his voice but unfortunately I'm pretty sure he's still in school and have a limited schedule. But I will make you all love him before his BDay!
Today's bonus clip is a voice reel of Du Guangyi as Enforcer from the game Arknights! It's very soothing, I can fall asleep to his voice. He's so cool, he's an actor in everything. Musical actor, stage-play actor, TV and films actor, voice actor, he was a child actor too.
But since that's not a musical and it's kinda cheating, here's an actual bonus clip of Zhu Hanbin in Dr. Bloodthirsty (? 嗜血博士) musical. A small 3 person play which is giving me Jekyll and Hyde vibes. He's playing Jonathan, a young psychologist called to examine patient 13. It's really cool, please check it out!
(if anyone ever have a request on who the next bonus clip should be (even the side actors) just say so and I'll do my best. i'm always up for exploring new things)
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hildred-rex · 1 year ago
LXGF Reread 2023-11-20
To make an analysis post I am currently rereading what is shaping up to be the entirety of LXGF.
This has gotten incredibly long, so I'm burying it under a readmore.
I love the bit of dramatic irony here. I think it's technically spoilers which bit is the dramatic irony, but just trust me, it's great.
The wham shot of Mina's teeth is so good. And coupled with "We have some experience with such matters."...
From this page: The supportive hand on Irene's shoulder. The supportive hand on Irene's shoulder. And Irene really looks haunted in the "An explanation would be welcome" panel. Everything from the angle she's looking to the shadows under her eyes to her interlaced hands. I just want to give her a hug.
Bam. The king. (Isn't looking quite himself, is he?) I remember I shuddered when I first read this page and came to this panel.
The king continues to look very bad on the last panel of this page. (TW scopophobia and disturbing imagery.) And the color. It's so subtle you almost don't notice it the first time, just that something about the page seems slightly off. It's very effective, even at that level. And then when you do notice it... Nothing in this comic is in color. Everything is sepia-toned. That's the way things should be. But the dead King Wilhelm von Ormstein has yellow eyes.
VAN HELSING! And it nails how he talks in the book! (Having tried to write him, it's harder than it looks.) Not to mention the joy in my heart upon continuing my left-to-right scan of the panel and seeing QUINCEY MORRIS!
I've skipped a bunch here because I'm supposed to be focusing on Griffin and haven't even gotten to him yet but Art—
JONNO EYES (not sepia. I repeat: not sepia.)
I forgot how much I loved our introduction to Dorian.
And then we actually meet him (and see Paul Lessingham, the Politician, the Statesman—thank you, alt text!). He's angelic when you focus only on him, but when you look at him in context (in the panel with Basil) he's... less so. Very well done!
Foreshadowing. (When something becomes not technically probably spoilers I have a very laudatory post about all this.) Also floppy Dorian lol
I love this page. Not only do we see Dorian purposely provoke Art (and then see Art react, showing off both of their characterss) we see—and I missed this the first time—some of the dynamic between Dorian and Basil. He jumps in to distract Art, despite being scared himself (and Dorian having earned it).
Awwh Basil looks so excited that someone's treating him kindly...
Dorian's stories from this page are all allusions to other things which have gone onto the "read soon" list.
The last panel of this page is so effective. (Its image description too!)
"boring filler headline" lol (and I enjoy the tags)
DETERMINED MINA PANEL 2! BLUSHING MINA PANEL 6! Also just Mina's outfit in general. (Also just the LXGF outfits in general. I love the little garlic flowers.)
Paranoid Kemp is done so well.
LXGF is very good at having very effective final panels. This one with the glass... It's very well composed (I think that's the word) and does a good job of displaying Irene's discomfort with the glass. (Here.)
It was introduced on the previous page, but here's the first time we get a good look at Jonnovision. My favorite cryptid solicitor.
On the next page there's more cryptidness (the speed), which I didn't notice my first time through. And his eyes are glowing in the first panel... And then the first expletive of the comic! Such a great way to properly introduce Griffin!
I love (in a sad way) how Griffin just caves in when he thinks about the murder. (Here.)
Griffin's whole first scene is incredible. I can't comment on all of it or this post would be several more miles long. Just go read it and imagine me vibrating with excitement and pointing at random bits and screaming.
Character growth for Jack! ...I'm now very sad.
The panel with Jonathan and the angelic smile and the giant knife is great.
I've been annotating over here less because we've gotten to the bit that I'm talking about in my actual post, but rest assured that I love it. Also, the yellow is brighter here. And the eye... I'll count myself lucky if that thing doesn't show up in my dreams tonight.
And the shot of the photo at the end here! The corruption happening to the king slowly coming to affect depictions of him... I love this for spoiler-related reasons.
Griffin's realization is both very well done and unaccountably hilarious to me.
Hel-lo Mr. Holmes!
He respects her change of surname! Better than a lot of adaptations... and the table lmao
He. He what. Also floomp.
Holmes's immediate concern for Mrs. Hudson warms my heart.
Accurate VH voice is back—what the deuce are you two talking about?
his blood is yellow his blood is yellow (well really more like golden)
Also Jack looking panicked in the second panel is so well done.
Almost namedrop! And Griffin being a delight as always.
Hello Jekyll! Great to see you! I enjoy your almost alchemical-looking setup there.
The king is progressing...
Same page; I enjoy Jekyll and Hyde's designs. They have the same hairstyle, very similar noses, and the same style of eye; but they still look different enough that you probably wouldn't believe them if they said they were cousins.
"He is a horror of the un-dead." Line of dialogue, presented without comment.
The drawingsss...
The first panel of this page is absolutely stunning. So is everything else. So much that I wrote an analysis rant of it.
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mrhowells · 2 years ago
Smallville 4x16
*this episode put me through it, also the character building for Lois is perfection (also, if you see any typos just close your eyes, it was late and I was emotional)*
Clark looks so suspicious😭😭 Jonathan too, the way he's eyeing that food lmaooooo
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"I'm willing to sleep in the barn." "No that's okay, Lois can sleep in the barn." LOL Clark
sass levels through the roof today for him
Look at how proud Lois is listing all of Lucy's achievements😭 She's the best wtf I love her
"Wow, that's impressive. What happened to Lois?"
He has the time of his life dragging her PLS
"You're gonna find that Clark's charm is an acquired taste, much like his sense of fashion." he had that coming
Lois said TRY ME BISH
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pls even Lucy is noticing the tension😭
she wasn't playing with that shoulder punch💀
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Yeah, Jason is not letting those stones go💀
I really feel for Lana, I feel like she just lives in constant fear bc there's always some weird shit happening around her
Lucy flirting with Clark, just pls no💀
"Lois I don't want you to get the wrong idea, but ever since Lucy came to town you've been grumpier than normal."
I love this whole conversation between them🥹
Also Clark making it so obvious he's an only child from a loving family, bless him
"You might be a little rough around the edges but as far as sisters go, Lucy could do a lot worse." EXACTLY
anyone who has Lois in their life won the lottery, not even an exaggeration she's the absolute best🤷🏻‍♀️
"I guess there was just a part of me that was always jealous she got out and I didn't."
the way she's like 'oh fuck I was vulnerable, gotta blast🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️', same Lois, same
Clark looks so worried too😭
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this is so wholesome🥹
I think those electric shocks left him with some permanent damage because Jason seems obsessed now👀
Okay let me rephrase, he doesn't just seem obsessed, he's completely unhinged. They fried his brain🤡
Clark is in disappointed dad mode again, he's so natural at it too😭
"You're not mom alright, so stop trying to be." That hurt me personally, goddamn
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also, is this the first episode where we see Lex and Lois in the same frame?👀
Lucy you snake
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To everyone who contributed to her feeling this way, I just want to have a talk
This is breaking my heart, the world doesn't deserve her😭😭
Their dad really failed at parenting HARD
no because this hurts fr, I want to hug her so bad
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she deserves to know that she's wanted and loved, SOMEBODY TELL HER
I can't get over the fact that she thinks that her life is less important than that of her sister
Clark defending Lois is something that can be so personal😭 (She deserves a good support system and friends who have her back idc)
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I'm getting very emotional about this excuse me
You know I love a character when I need everyone else to love them too. Like I need every other character on this show to appreciate how amazing Lois is.
"I'm a product of my father's breeding. He needed an heir. But your parents chose you out of love."
No because that's so important and I think it explains why both Lex and Lois are so (for the lack of a better word) fascinated with the Kents.
(ok I paused the episode and wrote like 4 paragraphs of character analysis prompted by that quote but idk what to do with them and if they make any sense, maybe I'll make a separate post🤡)
I need you guys to understand how much it means to me that he really cares about Lois😭
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Not even in any sort of romantic context, just that someone genuinely cares if she's okay or not because she's obviously never really had someone take care of her😭😭😭
I mean listen, good for Lionel that he's not an absolute monster anymore but he really needs to stay out of Lex's business💀💀
Did Lana vandalize her own apartment? Or did she just hide the stone and whoever searched for it didn't find it? In any case she's learning how to play the game, good for her😌😌
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Okay, first of all: More reasons to love Lois, she's self-aware and she can admit when she's wrong about something. Seriously I love her.
Second: Again, they way she's ready to be kicked out of the farm for something that wasn't even her fault??? MR. SAM LANE, SAMMY, GENERAL LANE, I'D LIKE TO HAVE SOME WORDS WITH YOU. Seriously though, this speaks volumes about how she grew up and it breaks my heart.
Third: The way she tries to be so casual and 'Lois' when she says it, I have very similar defense mechanisms and again, it hurts my heart.
"Yeah... actually I came here to tell you we have food in the oven if you're hungry."
Lois learning what unconditional love looks like through the Kent family is the only thing that matters to me, actually
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"You know, all these years I thought I had my sister pegged but... in reality? She's a complete stranger to me." "Even if that were true, I think that if she called you tomorrow you'd be there in a second to help her."
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"I guess that explains why we're friends." "Oh, we're friends now?" "Well, I mean, I won't tell anyone if you don't."
Yes you are and I'm so glad bc you're the most amazing people to ever exist😭
Clark deserves someone like Lois in his life and Lois deserves someone like Clark in her life, yes I'm on the verge of tears AND WHAT ABOUT IT
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shoulder punch my beloved🥹
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do you think these people knew they just created perfection?😭
🎶now it all begins🎶
written in the stars and all that, I love my OTP
More importantly though, I love Lois Lane she's everything and she deserves all the love in the world.
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krunktrunk · 1 year ago
it's late but I need to get this out
Mike's said something wrong again, he and Will had a fight, or he fully realized something and basically broke down. he runs away, in the middle of the literal end of the world, and everyone freaks out about where he is. Nancy goes out to find him (or multiple but she goes out) and goes to the junkyard.
she finds Mike there, either sitting in a old bus or the backseat of a rundown car, he's crying and curled himself up, as much as his limbs can. she's angry at him for running away and she's ready to yell at him but seeing him in this state makes her soften, she quietly sits down beside him and looks straight ahead.
Mike looks at her, but doesn't say anything. "why did you leave?" she asks, he just sniffles and shrugs. "come on Mike, talk to me" he uncurls himself slightly. "there's something wrong with me" Nancy is confused, of course she is. "what do you mean?" "why couldn't I just love her?" he says it more to himself, Nancy starts to understand. this is about eleven. "you're only young, the one for you will come eventually, it's not weird to not be in love at this age" she thinks she's helping, but Mike cries more. "that's the issue, I have met the one, i met them a long time ago,but I can't ever be with them" she looks interested, maybe picking up on the non-gender specific pronoun. "why?" Mike curls himself up more. "because it's wrong"
it finally clicks. Nancy sinks back into the seat, staying quiet for a moment. the only noise is Mike's sobs, but the camera is focused on Nancy as her face scrunches, confusion and slight sadness. her face lightens up just slightly, a smile forming as she starts to speak.
"do you remember the first time you watched superman?" Mike looks up, confused, but his sobs stop slightly. "because I do.. you were obsessed, like so much that we had to buy the DVD because we were spending so much money hiring it" she's laughing, but Mike just looks confused. "could you tell me about this person.. the one that is the one for you?" and Mike does, he says features about Will, and Nancy's gathered by this point who Mike likes, she already kind of figured. "why did you bring up superman?" it was a weird comment afterall, but Nancy laughs and explains.
"you were so obsessed, with superman, didn't care much for when he was Clark Kent.. but then you met Will" Mike freezes a little, but Nancy continues. "and instead of dragging me to watch the movies with you, you dragged him.. and he liked him as Clark Kent, so you did too.. even though you always had a thing for super powers" Mike 100% has a thing for a super powers so I don't think it would be unusual for him to have a crush on superman as he compared El to him lmao.
they keep talking, and Nancy talks more about his obsession with superman, and Clark Kent, but it turns more and more into Will, just without saying the name. like will using Els name to speak about his emotions.
"because.. everyone taught you to like superman, he was the better cooler version, he was who everyone liked.. but you liked Clark Kent, and there's nothing wrong with liking Clark Kent, even if everyone else likes superman" Mike nods, the scene slightly reminiscent of Wills coming out to Jonathan, not actually saying it but implying it, Nancy just doing it a bit more obviously.
I then feel like at the end of it she would say something like, "are you going to talk to Will?" to really show that she understands, and Mike will say yes, and they will hug and they will say how much they love and care for eachother because they are siblings and yeah.
that was long lol. I will forever spread my Mike has a crush on superman propaganda
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bella-rose29 · 10 months ago
episode 5 commentary - Death Is Coming
the usual warnings of swearing and lack of context, as well as a lot of comments on hands and arms and obviously spoilers for both the series and the books
girl has stare down with a skull in a jar
omg it's been so long since I watched and I forgot how pretty lockwood is
lolllll George is shipping already and the episode only just started
Georgie needs more sleep
lockwood takes the Mum Stance
I always think that the DEPRAC van is a lego van bc it's yellow
ohhh you can really see how big the coat is on lockwood :(((
ooo nice detail with the lavender pin that he has
'wILL yOu cAN iT pAm'
ugh Lockwood's so pretty
Georgie noo
'bobby Vernon will have been at it since dawn'
'alarming how quickly you got into character' (code for: I am completely in love with you')
careful Georgie that's a lot of blood
ew dead body
ohhh lockwood is trying so hard to not be upset and it breaks my heart :((( poor boy
I want an epic breakfast
'I hardly knew him' BOY DON'T-
wow she's a bitch let my boy do research
get away from Georgie you bitch
'when am I not nice' Luce I hate to break it to you
Lucy that is very clearly a ghost and not a real baby
silly goose behaviour
'I did' QUEEN
'who's the latest slapper?' ICONIC
'oh wow, a female serial killer? aspirational, why don't you stick it on a t-shirt'
I love lockwood bc he makes sure the remains go to a good home AND Flo gets her money
ohhhh I just had a Thought! what if one of the reasons they made Joplin a woman was to draw parallels between her and Mary dulac??? one of the headlines on the papers is 'mystery madwoman: Bickerstaff connection?' so maybe they wanted to repeat the past but this time make the crazy one go too far and die? idk if that even makes sense but oh well
Georgie noooo
no leave him alone
let him go clean the oven and I'll be there to make him a tea
he can't even slice toast without being Extra
'a suicide note' Lucy honey have you noticed that your bf has a tendency for suicidal things
I really wish the bisto was in the background bc that would be hilarious
'I thought you'd be dead by now' NO LETS TAKE A MOMENT TO TALK ABOUT THIS
give that boy some therapy for free
aw two nerds talking about mythology (I wish I was the other one)
also George has the city lights behind him and Joplin just has the beige walls and I love that for some reason, maybe to show that George's life is bright and he's got life left in him whereas Joplin can only gain brightness from George bc she needs him for the mirror? idk if I'm explaining that right but oh well! also Joplin's mirror reflects the light behind George which is funky
just you wait for my next analysis of the show which is almost certainly gonna be on the use of mirrors lol
'how did you meet Flo?' 'can't remember. ages ago' LOL HE'S HIDING THE FACT HE GOT HIS ASS BEATEN
ohhh the green lighting
'I'm not worried. are you?' well not when you say it like that
while I do love this show I am very sad we didn't see more of lockwood using disguises
of course he knows how to pick locks
I don't like it either Lucy dw
I love how jarringly innocent the stuffed bear is compared to the fact that they're in the warehouse of a family with a significantly traumatised boy
lockwood and kids <3
sack of potatoes
I cannot stop thinking about the fact that she must be dragging the Actual Cameron Chapman out by his feet
Georgie noooooo
idk why he's looking around bc he doesn't have his glasses on so he can't see shit
I shouldn't feel the way I do about lockwood regaining consciousness but the expressions- I just- hmm
'I'm a burglar, you should call the police' honey not one of your better lies
no bc why when I first watched this did I think that winkman was the same actor as Pekka Rollins
winkman: 'shall I draw some pretty pictures on your pretty little face'
lockwood: 'omg you think I'm pretty?? 🤭🥰'
ohhh I'm getting inspiration for a fic I started planning 👀
I can't imagine having to pretend you're being electrocuted like how do you know how to act that
I feel like something can be said about Leopold wearing red and mrs winkman (I forgot her first name WAIT ADELAIDE) also wearing red but idk what
omg hedgehogwood
winkman is actually so funny *points at lockwood* *puts hand over heart* 'ohhh' he's literally us
aw lockwood pls don't say that she's got more to live for than you :(((
omg Lucy tells Leopold to get out the way <333 she'll regret that :D
this couple loves setting fires
Georgie seriously how are you without your glasses rn
green light green light green light
funny looking bird you got there george
'total psychos' dude-
'I prefer to call it a noble sacrifice' NO I COULD WRITE AN ESSAY ABOUT IT
greeeeeeen lightssssss
'what is going on with you' Cameron Chapman Acts his Fucking Face Off
omg lockwood saw the knife and then looked out the door to see what was there
that's such an awful angle to be lying down
omg poor lockwood
the way he's sat in that final frame breaks my heart bc he's literally just had someone else die in his home :(((
wow what a depressing note to end on
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vinguistic · 2 years ago
Sorry for the long post but I'm thinking about Jonaeriwagon ♡♡♡♡
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Likeeeeee imagine Erina sneakily trying to get closer to Jonathan while they're sitting on the couch or something and Jonathan catches on and just goes and just hugs her so she's as close to him as possible bc he can't wait for her to nudge her way over
Jonathan getting like all these amazing handcrafted gifts from both Erina and Speedwagon [esp. Erina]. Jonathan feels bad that he's not giving anything back so he tries to learn to sew but he's,, really not that good. Still Speedwagon and Erina love his gifts even more than any of the things they've bought or made bc its from their husband.
Also Speedwagon teaching Erina how to make Jonathan's poorly made stitching last longer bc he had to learn to make things last from his time on the streets-
At a certain point Speedwagon and Erina *try* to go out on a date with eachother without Jonathan but ultimately it just is awkward until they just act like friends hanging out again
Only Erina and Jonathan may be *legally* married and Speedwagon not, but Jonathan still calls him his husband and he has a ring too. Which Erina helped Jonathan pick out lol and yes Jonathan did propose to Speedy. Married in every way but legally pretty much.
Speedwagon is basically his own damn heater [I mean,,, the heater abs scene lmaoo] so when they're sleeping & cuddling Jonathan practically doesn't even need a blanket.
Jonathan and Speedwagon still try to explain their relationship to strangers but Erina just tells anyone who questions them to bugger off. If anyone is actually straight up disrespectful about it though Jonathan will probably scare them off anyway.
Speedwagon's love language is verbal compliments & flirting, Jonathan's is physical, and Erina's is spending time & giving gifts.
If Jonathan had lived long enough to meet his son and eventually meet Joseph you know Joseph is going to constantly ask about all the wild things Jonathan got up to during his adventure, but by the end of telling the story Jonathan is usually like on the verge of tears so Erina has to come in and comfort him.
Anyyyway I'm just going to go cry over them again
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