#of course minerva is still alive
nightingale2004 · 6 months
Severus Snape as a parent headcanons
At first, he was terrified, worried, and panicking due to his past with his parents and was afraid he would hurt his own child like his dad did to him or neglect them like his mother (unintentionally).
As soon as he saw his child, he fell completely in love. He was still scared, but all he wanted to do in that moment was protect and love them until his last breathe
He made a vow that he would be better than his own father and try to give his child everything he never had.
He would prepare for every possible scenario (fevers, teething, diseases, baby proofing, medicine, etc)
He would expel any and every sign of alcohol (except if it's for disinfecting) from his home
He would buy the child bunches of toys since he never had any growing up.
He would've had an endless supply of diapers when the child was a baby (I do mean ENDLESS)
The people in Severus's life who know about his child are the Malfoys, Charity, and her wife Aurora (they are married) and Minerva McGonagall (who would tell Dumbledore so he knows as well)
The child would have black hair, black eyes, and pale skin like Severus. Their nose is normal than Severus's nose, which he is grateful for.
As soon as everyone saw the child, they immediately fell in love.
I think Severus would name Narcissa and Lucius as godparents (mostly because Narcissa kept pestering Severus about it and she would use the godfather card), and they spoil the child rotten along with Aurora and Charity
Minerva loves the child and helps Severus out when she can. She also becomes a grandmother figure and a mother figure to Severus and the child
Severus makes sure the child is not spoiled a lot by the Malfoys, so the child won't be a spoiled brat.
Severus is very overprotective and always keeps an eye on them. He constantly worries about them and is always vigilante of his surroundings, especially with his child
He educates them about both the wizarding world and the muggle world.
He cooks for them, he's a master chef.
He also teaches them potions
He teaches them about gardening and uses his magic to entertain them sometimes (he loves seeing his child smile)
He takes them to the park and they have fun.
He plays with them and sets up play dates with his child and Draco along with Aurora and Charity's child.
Minerva loves babysitting the child, and both she and severus make sure the child is ahead of their studies and not slacking
The child is either in Ravenclaw or Slytherin.
Severus always keeps the dark wizards away from his family with the Malfoys help of course.
When the child first did accidental magic, they made flowers grow from their hands and hair and made things levitate.
The child would be just as protective of their dad as Severus is of his child.
Draco and Severus's child are practically siblings
I feel like Regulus would be afraid of the child, but shortly after, fall in love with them (similar to Draco)
Narcissa treats Severus's child as her own along with Lucius.
Severus is strict, but he is reasonable with his child.
He also taught them how to dance along with Draco and Charity and Aurora's child.
He does not trust Bellatrix to be alone with his child
If he adopted Harry, his child and Harry would be siblings as well.
If Tobias was still alive at this time. Severus is keeping his child FAR AWAY FROM THAT MAN (HE HAS NO RIGHT TO COME ANYWHERE NEAR HIS CHILD)
Severus moved away from Cokeworth with Lucius, Narcissa, Charity, Aurora, and McGonagalls help, and he lives in a small flat with enough room for him and his child
I feel like he would have the child before the death eaters, but that's just me. I also feel like he would want to change his last name to his mother's maiden name or whoever the mother of the child's name is because of Tobias
What about you guys? Do you think he would've had a child before or after he became a death eater? What would happen if he saw Lily at the park or on the street with Harry? Would this be before or after Voldemort died? What happens if he sees one of the marauders with his child? Would he still be teaching at hogwarts?
I hope you guys enjoy it and let me know what you all think
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honeymoonblues · 1 year
Remus Lupin x Professor!Reader
Summary: You're the new History of Magic professor. (Gender neutral reader).
Word count: 882
A/N: This is completely self-indulgent. Let me know if there are any spelling errors, English is not my first language.
Not every first meeting was interesting. Truth to be told, most weren’t. And Remus Lupin has never considered himself to be an interesting person, either.Getting to know you, however, felt like crashing against a wall. Because that’s exactly what happened the first time he met you.
In his defense, he got distracted while being a true gentleman, showing you the way to your classroom.He understood first-hand the nerves that came with the first day as a professor, after all, it was only his second year teaching at Hogwarts.
When you approached him, a radiant smile on your lips and asking directions, he suddenly he remembered what Minerva mentioned on one of her letters she sent him. ‘The new History professor!’ he thought.
Remus had never imagined he’d seen the day when professor Binns decided to stop teaching, but it had happened, and in the middle of last year, too. Binns had died while sleeping in the staff room more than a hundred years before, and he was already old when that happened! But his ghost just showed up to the next class like nothing happened, and he didn’t intend to stop teaching for a long, long time.
So, when Minerva said they had finally found a substitute for him, Remus assumed they would be an alive version of old Binns, or even another boring ghost. It was more than a pleasant surprise when you showed up. Young, colorful and full of energy.
He thought he was doing a fantastic first impression. He introduced himself, not stuttering once, walking alongside you and giving you a brief tour. He was captivated by the fact that you were not from the UK. Are there no history professor in the country? He wondered. But he was definitely not complaining. You had a distinct accent, and a sparkling way of talking, as if you were vibrating with enthusiasm.
“It’ll do the students a great good, you know.” He smiled at you. “Learning a little history, I mean.”
“But... I thought there was another professor before me, that’s what i was told!” You looked at him, eyebrows slightly furrowed.
“Oh yes, yes. But you see, professor Binns was, uh...” He shook his hand slightly, gesturing ‘so-so’. “Old.”
You mouthed a little ‘oh’ and nodded, understanding that an old-school teacher could get a little boring to the kids.
After showing you around the great hall, the staff room, the main hallways, and spending a good few minutes trying to help you figure out the moving staircases, you were finally on the way to your classroom and office. You two were talking non-stop the whole time, and he was glad to find you were quite the chatterbox.
It had been a long time since Remus had the opportunity to meet someone new, a potential friend, and he felt full of energy for once.
That’s when it happened. He was already leaving your classroom, after he’d been assured a few times that yes, you would be fine to move in without help, and no, you didn’t need anything else, thanks. He kept walking forward, but looking back at you, saying that he’ll see you at dinner. He felt pretty confident he was directed straight to the open door, but when he looked straight ahead, his nose was directly met with the door frame. Missing the exit for a few good centimeters.
You had the good grace not to laugh at Remus when he squeaked at the impact, but in the haste of getting close to help him, you stumbled and almost crashed into him. That got a fantastic laugh out of you, and he started giggling almost immediately, still covering his nose with his hand, his embarrassment slowly subduing. You both had to take a moment to recover after that.
Trying to quit grinning, you approached him.
“Goodness, do you feel alright?”
“Yes, of course! Don’t you worry... See? It was just a little bump.” He uncovered his nose to show it to you, bloodless and seemingly normal. “I had worse, I promise.” And he smiled brilliantly.
‘Of course you did.’ You thought, admiring his smile and the scars that littered his face. Trying to appease the curiosity that you felt bubbling up inside you. You beamed at him. Realizing, at that same moment, that you truly wanted to know more about this man.
Remus finally left your classroom, he said goodbye one more time, assuring you that yes, his nose was completely fine, and no, he didn’t need any help, thanks. Then, he walked all the way to his own office smiling, forgetting about the pain almost without realizing it.
Oh, how long had it been since he felt like this?
You too, even occupied with unpacking and organizing, couldn’t help but giggle at the memories of the morning. Most of the nervousness you were feeling earlier was smoothed, and the only thing left in you was excitement. It was definitely a great start.
Even when your first meeting hadn’t been all that eventful (if not quite embarrassing), and while Remus still considered himself a boring person, he was sure none of you would would forget the first impression of each other. (He was also incredibly glad he had the whole year to get to know you.)
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athena and apollo headcanons?
also guess who
@txny-dragon IS THAT U (if not i'm sorry txny is the only person i've really screamed about this with - well, and chronic...👀)
Athena and Apollo???!!!! hrmmm...
Athena always got annoyed whenever she saw Hermes hanging around Apollo, especially during 'her' time with him. She's a competitive person, after all. Quit eating up her time!
Apollo got Athena to play the flute again - however, she only plays it around him.
He also taught her how to play the harp. Why the harp? idk, Athena would just look very poised playing a harp
Their first argument was over prophecy - Athena was experimenting with some pebbles for prophecy and Apollo got upset about it and complained to Zeus, who told Athena to leave prophecy alone.
Subtle bonding over being Daddy's Favorite and how that isolated Athena immediately and over time with Apollo.
Athena based her own parenting style off of Zeus's - the only parental figure she has. Apollo based his off his mother's.
Surprisingly, their conversations can be like:
Apollo: Athena, NO!
Athena: Athena, YES!
Athena quietly felt bad after the Olympian Rebellion when she saw Apollo's mortal punishment - but she was too self-persevering to think on it for long.
she still snuck him extra ambrosia dessert when he returned and listened to him as he told her about how cruel Laomedon had been
They have friendly arguments over who's city is better - Sparta, or Athens. Athena's mood, however, lowers if Ares is within earshot. Then it turns into a yelling match between the two war gods with an awkward Apollo standing Right There.
Arts and crafts sessions - weaving, painting, usually ends with somebody (Athena) covered in paint and somebody (Apollo) tied in thread.
They both have "Can Use The Aegis" Privileges from Zeus - Athena uses them more often, Apollo has used it exactly once during The Trojan War
Apollo gave Athena the cold shoulder after The Trojan War for helping Achilles kill Hector. Athena tried to tell herself that it didn't matter he wasn't speaking to her - she didn't need friends, after all! - but when she saw how he would speak with Dionysus, Hermes, Artemis, and even - bleh! - Ares over her...it made her stomach twist in ways she never thought it could
She used Orestes's trial as a way to get back into Apollo's good graces - she really did believe Orestes valid for killing his mother (it was on Apollo's orders, after all) but if it came with the perk of Apollo's icy-cold shoulder melting? *zips lips*
As Artemis and Apollo slowly drifted apart, Athena gladly stepped in and started taking up more of Apollo's usual Artemis time - something he thought Artemis wouldn't notice, but she did.
(this, of course, leads to some stink-eyes between Athena and Artemis. platonic love triangle beloved)
Athena is the only one who suspects that the "flaying Marsyas alive" thing was a hoax - she was the one who put the curse on the flute, after all. But she never sensed the death of the one who picked it up.
When Rome came around, and Athena morphed into Minerva, it put Apollo off-kilter. He didn't quite know who this was anymore - sure, she was still the craft goddess he messed around with, and was a heck of a lot more interested in poetry, music, and medicine now, but...she just wasn't quite the Athena he knew.
He became more worried when the raging began. Minerva would flicker into Athena, and Apollo's heart would leap - she's back! she's okay! she's still here! - but then drop as all Athena would do is scream bloody vengeance upon Rome, and he realized that he was right.
Minerva wasn't the Athena he knew...but neither was the one before him.
When his fellow gods' Greek/Rome halves melded together after the fall of the Roman Empire, he was particularly worried about how that would affect Athena - and for a while, it seemed like nothing had.
(Though strangely she was suddenly interested in having kids. Not that there's anything wrong with that, he just never thought Athena would want to be a mom. She never said anything of the sort to him before...)
Then she sent her first child to retrieve the Athena Parthenos. They didn't return. She sent another. Same story. Over and over. Over and over. Apollo watched as Athena kept sacrificing her children for that damn statue the Romans stole.
Apollo tried to talk to her, to knock some sense into her, but nothing worked. Not until they moved all across Europe, and she finally stopped (for now).
In the modern day, they like to visit museums, art galleries, and theaters. Dionysus used to join them up until his punishment.
Athena attends every concert/party Apollo puts on. Partly because she wants to, and partly to flip the bird at Artemis, who rarely shows up.
(i swear i love artemis athena just isn't that fond of her. platonic love triangle beloved)
(txny if the anon is you...you'd get this next one)
Manwhore Manipulate Manslaughter. That's it that's the post.
While it's widely believed that Artemis does a lot of damage control for Apollo when their father cracks down on him - and she does - Athena is another major player in the game. (see: the Parthenon in Blood of Olympus - Athena being the only one to (covertly) defend Apollo, while Jason is the only one to openly defend him. Two underrated people, these two are.)
Why she can't openly defend him? It's because she knows Zeus sweats in his shoes ahem. becomes...concerned when his two favorite, and Very Powerful children form an alliance.
While she was unable to prevent Apollo's third mortality punishment, Athena believed whole-heartedly the entire time that he would return. He had to. He was Apollo, he was her friend, her brother, and he couldn't just leave her by herself die. So when Hermes made that betting pool? She betted on Apollo's success. Partly to gloat to the Council about being right, partly to throw the failed bet into Hermes's face, and partly because she liked winding Ares up.
I also firmly believe Athena was doing some deux ex machina on Apollo's behalf throughout the series. Artemis couldn't get away with it, sure, she had Zeus's eagle eye on her - but Athena? Why would Zeus ever consider her as a possible person to disobey him? Why I never-
The nod she gave him in The Tower of Nero is her equivalent of a bone-crushing hug.
Athena helped Apollo write his story with Calliope's help - they made two versions: the heavily censored version they gave to Zeus for him to parade around, and another, secret version - the one Apollo has in his library, the one Athena has in hers.
The one we have read.
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pascaloverx · 3 months
To Begin Again
Summary: You're a new teacher at a large and influential school. It's a risky step for you, as you've been running from your ex for almost two years. But when Dumbledore asks you to take on a class at the renowned Hogwarts, you can't refuse. However, your life as a newly arrived teacher won't be easy. Especially when the other teachers don't seem eager to make friends. Or rather, two teachers in particular: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.
Author's Note: Welcome, dear readers. Please leave your comments if you enjoy fanfiction. This fanfic takes place almost in the real world (with the addition of werewolves) and is not a wizarding fanfic. There will be some differences and changes in things from the Harry Potter story or other fanfics in the HP universe, but I promise to do my best writing this fanfic. There will be a love triangle coming in this fanfic. So, dear readers, just as in this fanfic it's meant to imagine Remus Lupin as being Andrew Garfield and Sirius Black as being Ben Barnes, now I present to you the fancast of Severus Snape as being actor Enzo Vogrincic. Imagine him as Snape if you can.
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Severus Snape is alive. This brings you a sense of relief as you are not, and never were, a murderer. However, upon regaining consciousness, he had no memory of who you were or what he was doing there. He only knew he'd been attacked by something because of the pain in his body. After you concocted an excuse for his injury, he simply wanted to leave, and that's exactly what he did. Of course, before he woke up, you had already gone to the cabin to find some clothes to wear. In fact, before he woke up, you were planning how to bury him. But with him waking up disoriented and not remembering who you were, you felt that, in a magical way, at least one of your problems was solved. Now, dressed in what is probably Lupin's clothes, you head towards Hogwarts, hoping not to encounter any more problems.
"Miss Y/L/N, could you accompany me to my office?" is the first thing you hear as soon as you arrive at the entrance of Hogwarts. Great, you're about to lose your job at the worst possible moment in your life. Minerva McGonagall doesn't look at all pleased as she says this, staring at you. You follow Professor McGonagall to her office. Your dismissal seems almost inevitable. When you enter the office, Sirius is standing while Draco, Harry, and Ron are seated in front of McGonagall's desk.
"I believe everyone knows why they're here. I was informed of your actions at the Hogwarts Ball last night," McGonagall says as she finishes closing the door to her office. You don't look at Sirius; you can't. Part of you is angry at being left behind, even though it doesn't make sense. Remus needed help more urgently than you did.
"Draco, you're conveniently forgetting that you hit Hermione, and that's why Ron hit you," Harry says, staring at Malfoy. Draco looks at him as if Harry had said something trivial.
"No one asked you to defend me, Potter. But since we're here, I fought with Draco because he hit Hermione, and then Harry fought with me because he's a pain in the neck. I'll accept any punishment that doesn't involve spending time with Harry or Draco," Ron says, and you can see that unresolved issues are not exclusive to you.
"And where were the two prom monitors while their students were attacking each other?" Mcgonagall asks seriously as she looks at you and Sirius. You still avoid looking Black in the eyes but you feel his gaze upon you.
"Unfortunately, I couldn't stop the fight in time. Professor Black was gone for a short time and I lost control of the situation." You speak with a slightly shaky voice. There is a growing nervousness inside you.
"Actually, it was my mistake. I shouldn't have leaving Miss Y/L/N alone. There was a horrible unforeseen event that almost caused Professor Lupin's death." Sirius speaks with a worried tone of voice, he must have Remus' health in mind.
"Now that we have clarified the events, I admit that you all disappointed me. If it were up to me, the two teachers would be fired and the students expelled. But upon consulting Headmaster Dumbledore, he pointed out that everyone had bad and good deeds. Draco Malfoy, you hurt a colleague of yours. But he was also a victim of aggression. Ron Weasley, You defended a colleague but attacked another. The same goes for you, Harry Potter. Thanks to Professor Y/L/N, the fight ended. And Professor Black no matter how irresponsible it was, saved someone's life." McGonagall says this looking at you all with a look that could kill. We are all irresponsible to some extent.
"However, consequences must be assigned for your wrongful actions. Y/N and Sirius, you will be responsible for cleaning the ballroom used yesterday. As for the students: Malfoy, Weasley and Potter will be responsible for assisting you in this task. Once you complete this task, you will be held in detention for a minimum of two months.” McGonagall speaks and you can't help but feel bad about it all. She took it harder on them than you did.
"Professor McGonagall, Professor Y/L/N, had already grounded us in detention." Draco Malfoy speaks and you feel embarrassed. Now that you will be humiliated.
"The teacher was fulfilling her role. Even the time she gave you in detention will be served after the time I gave you three. Now everyone is dismissed." McGonagall speaks, and you understand that she may no longer have the patience to put up with looking at you. For a moment, you feel like a child who has done something wrong and is being scolded.
"I don't want to hear what you have to say to me. There's nothing I want to hear. If you want some advice, Harry, try making friends with Malfoy. You seem made for each other," Ron says as you all leave McGonagall's office. Harry seems upset seeing his friend abruptly distance himself like that. Weasley runs off, while Harry and Draco stand looking at each other. Sirius, for some reason, is also observing them just like you.
"He'll forgive you. You just need to hate me like everyone else does. But I'd hurry. Weasley is too temperamental. Tomorrow, he might replace you with a rat," Draco Malfoy says, looking at Harry Potter. Malfoy's words bring a certain pain in facing the fact that he's hated by a portion of people at Hogwarts. You watch the poor blonde-haired child leave your field of vision almost as quickly as the red-haired child did. Poor little creatures suffering from petty misunderstandings.
"If it's any consolation, Harry, I think you did the best you could. Sometimes, even when we do our best, we still get hurt. But you're a smart boy; you'll know how to overcome this." You gently touch Harry's head, trying to console him. He looks at you, adjusts his glasses, and gives a weak smile. Then he says goodbye to you and Sirius and walks away. You don't wait for any movement from Sirius and simply start walking towards your room. The last thing you want right now is to talk to him.
"So I'm the one you decided to blame for what happened yesterday, apparently," Sirius Black says as you walk to your respective rooms. You don't say anything, just keep walking. When you reach the corridor to your rooms, he pulls you into a corner, making your back hit the cold wall, leaving you face to face with him.
"Are you going to force me to talk to you?" you ask, trying to move away from Sirius, but his arms trap you.
"Yes, I will. You won't look at me, you don't want to talk to me. You haven't asked how Remus is doing, and on top of that, you're making that super sexy angry face that, instead of scaring me, is turning me on…" Sirius starts to say, but you cover his mouth with your hand. His eyes watch you as if you were a painting, while your fingers rest on his lips.
"Stop talking nonsense and tell me how your boyfriend is doing. Will Remus be okay?" you ask, removing your hand from his mouth so he can answer.
"He’s fine. The bullet just grazed him. But coincidentally or not, the silver bullet kind of affected the wolf part of Lupin. The village doctor is going to transfer him to Hogwarts soon." Sirius says, and you feel like hitting him. The way he spoke made it sound like Remus was dying.
"Now that I know that, can I go?" you ask, staring seriously at Sirius as he begins to look annoyed with you.
"What's wrong with you?" Sirius says in an angry tone, as if not understanding at all. Your indifference must be bothering him.
"I'm a complete idiot, that's what's wrong with me. You tangled with my ex, who nearly killed your little boyfriend. Then I tried to help and ended up bitten by Remus. I almost died, almost killed my ex, and now I turn into a werewolf. Now tell me, how would you be if all that had happened to you?" You speak, getting worked up, with some anger. Everything went wrong yesterday, waking up with blood in your mouth and disoriented, not knowing exactly what you did, was awful, and right now your anger is directed at Sirius.
"And it's my fault? You're going to blame me for everyone's mistakes, including yours?" Sirius asks, anger and maybe defiance in his eyes.
"I will blame you. You and Lupin. I never should have gotten close to you. Now I'm sentenced to spend my life transforming into something dangerous. Do us both a favor and stay out of my life. And send my best to Lupin, but I'd prefer he stay away from me too." You speak, using all your strength to push Sirius's arms away from you. You storm into your room shortly after, like a storm about to break.
You hear Sirius enter his room shortly after, slamming his door shut. There's silence for a while. You pace around your room, and he seems to do the same in his. Eventually, you decide to open the bathroom door—the place where you both used to meet. And there he is, on his side of the bathroom, looking confused and tense. You look at him, unsure of what to do. Then, both of you have the same idea. He starts walking towards you, and you move towards him.
"I'm fine with the idea of ​​you making me your villain. If it's going to make you happy, blame me. Hate me. But don't turn away. I'd rather your hate be directed at me, personally and preferably with clothes off." Sirius speaks and you don't even take two seconds to think. You pull him towards him and kiss him. With all the desire you feel to have him close to you. Your fingers run along Sirius' chest, while you slowly take off his clothes. His lips seeming like they want to consume all of you. He holds your legs pulling you up. Your legs wrap around Sirius' waist as you hold onto his hair.
"I hate you." You whisper against Sirius' mouth. He smiles and bites your lip then kisses you again. The slight taste of blood that his bite leaves in your kiss is exciting. Unfortunately, a knock on the door interrupts you, causing you to almost fall.
"Professor Y/L/N? Would you mind talking to me for a bit?" You hear Draco Malfoy's voice passing through your door. Your eyes They meet Sirius's who seems reluctant to let you go. He kisses your neck and you hold him tight as you return to the floor. Soon after, you hear another knock on the door, this time in Sirius's room.
"Sirius, would you have a moment to talk?" Harry Potter asks as he taps Sirius' door. You both adjust yourself so you don't look inappropriate and go to your respective rooms to help your students.
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hp-abandonshipfest · 3 months
Abandon Ship Fest Masterlist
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Ahoy there! Our voyage is now at an end, and we, the mods, are delighted to announce that we have 23 spectacular gen works for your perusal! Thank you to everyone who engaged, commented, reblogged, and followed along. Your support means so much and we are so grateful! Without further ado, here are our entries ⚓
Fine Print by nocturn Marietta's maxims for a life well-learned and well-lived.
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Where the Heart is by silver_fish - a Podfic by @cailynwrites After the events at the Department of Mysteries in June—and all that came after—Harry finds himself once again stranded at Number Four Privet Drive. With only his own thoughts to keep him company, he takes to writing letters to the only person he thinks can help, if only he were still alive to do so.
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Collected Correspondence by Artemisaki, jtimu Correspondence between Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy regarding publication of novel findings in magizoology and wizarding space. 
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Maybe this is enough by Patriceavril Scattered moments throughout a doomed friendship.
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All The Whys To Map The Stars by @nogenrealldrama  Sometimes Astronomy feels like the least magical subject at Hogwarts. But while the influence of the planets can seem subtle, it’s also ever-present. This fic is a short narrative exploration of how Astronomy might affect magic in the Wizarding world.
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Eat Your Death, Draco by @sillywives Draco's first dinner with the Death Eaters isn't what he expected.
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The Ostentation by @lumosatnight, @nanneramma Lucius Malfoy: the boy, the man, the bird.
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[ART] Never Been in Love by @okeydokeylackey Little piece of art/gif of Voldemort with an aro/ace flag 🧡💛🤍💙🖤
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The Winds Forbid by @dodgerkedavra The third letter Petunia receives from Albus Dumbledore simply can’t be right.
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The Sacred Blood We Spilled by @bunnieblair Her sisters were her ever-present companions in life. Their presence at her side firm and unyielding. Years of treasured girlhood, of never being alone. A lifetime spent fighting, learning and growing together.
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Between Truth & Repose by @caitriona-3 Lily figures the assignment is as good a chance as any to ask her question - why are the three curses unforgivable?
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Aniseed by @poljupci The Art of Identifying the Things which No Longer Serve You
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These Dreams That Deepen Our Desires by Clueless Anxious Ghost of Hayhay (ShadowfoxFreyja) Narcissa finds herself in Azkaban, unwillingly dwelling on her past experiences.
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The Diary of T.M. Riddle by @midnightstargazer On a visit to the Malfoys, fourteen-year-old Sirius insists on sneaking off to explore. What happens when he and Regulus find a blank diary hidden deep within the Malfoys’ library?
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Ollivanders and Potter: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C. by That_Dark_Forest_Witch The wand may be the one to do all the choosing, but wandmakers are needed to help the pairs find each other. The getting-ready-for-school rush in Diagon Ally is one of Harry's favourites now that the shop is his.
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A Good Place (Believe Me) by SquibNation10 Five-year-old Harry's idyllic summer in Godric's Hollow takes a dramatic turn when he meets Tom, a troubled boy. Tragedy strikes: Harry's sister, Luna, is missing. Can Tom and Harry solve the mystery together?
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The boy and the dogfather by HadrianPeverellBlack Trouble is very protective of the young boy.
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The Secrets We Keep by sky_watcher_rose Minerva knows who the black cat with the brown eyes is, but she never says anything. After all, as she keeps telling herself, she has no proof.
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Learning to Unlearn by @offthemap A Pansy Parkinson character study. Over the course of a year and a half, Pansy starts to become more open-minded about the world she lives in... though at first not on purpose. A series of vignettes.
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My brothers, my boys, my twins by @lucigoo Percy was unintentionally parentified at a young age. Now, on his first birthday without Fred, he finds himself with George and Harry. Reminiscing about the boys he all but helped raised.
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Missing Pages by @nightfalltwen Something isn't right with Monica Wilkins' life. It's like reading a book with the pages torn out and she doesn't know.
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Unbreakable bonds by x_manga_Bleach_x Bill was Ginny's favourite brother. She'd never tell Ron though. He'd pout and sulk for days.
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our house in the middle of our street by daniko A neglected orphan, a former and future spy, and a convicted felon take up residence in a grim old place.
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graphx · 6 months
I DON’T CARE IF THIS FANDOM IS DEAD ITS STILL ALIVE TO ME *spits on the grave of anime season 2*
The three week travel timeskip with more Ray and Goldy Pond character development!
Ray grinded his teeth at the realization that this was the only course of action they had. If not then…
Then Emma would die.
Emma, with scraped knees and a chipped tooth smile against a face stained with freckles. Emma who still raced her siblings to breakfast and pretended to lose. Emma, staying up for hours to learn the morse code in Minerva’s books, falling asleep in the library. Emma with burn marks on her calloused hands. Emma, auburn hair stained with blood, the smoldering house behind them still not quite burning as much as the determination in her eyes.
Emma who got into fights knew she couldn’t win if there was even a chance of saving someone. Emma, promising to strangers she had never even met, that they would all get out of this hunting ground alive.
I don’t care what it takes, Ray vowed as Emma grew colder by the second, so unlike sunlit days dragging him from the shade, with warm smiles and soft blankets and bitter tea and old books.
I won’t let that happen again.
I’m not going to let you die!
lyrics for every chapter come from Heirloom by sleeping at last! worked really hard on this fic, hope u enjoy! (I personally have a bit of a hard time writing emotional stuff especially for side characters that didn’t get that much development but I did my best to stay in character and it was a fun exercise!)
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heroictoonz · 7 months
Thinking about Tartaros Natsu au during the GMG
Natsu wanting SO FUCKIG BADLY to be a part of it and he’s like LETS GET TARTAROS IN!! IM GUILD MASTER NOW I CAN MAKE CHOICES LIKE THIS and Mard Geer is just very patiently like, no Master. We can’t joint the GMG. We aren’t an official guild and also we have to stay in hiding till the time is right. Natsu just pouts and Mard Geer is just like goddamn it I’m a failure of a demon for disappointing my Master. Okay okay why don’t you just pretend to join a guild for the games. And, of course, Natsu does it
They pick Ravens Tail for Natsu to fake join cause it was once a dark guild and I don’t know which I like better cause either a) Natsu goes in kicks ass and proves he should be in their team in the GMG or b) walks in and they’re like who the fuck are you and Natsu’s just like I’m END the most powerful demon of Zeref and guild master of the dark guild Tartaros and I wanna play games so your gonna let me in or else (cue Mard Geer so fucking distraught like MASTER PLEASE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE A SECRET WHAT THE FUCK meanwhile Ravens Tail is like wtf)
Either way, Natsu joins the guild for the games and like everyone watching calls out a loud who the FUCK is that especially when dude starts throwing around powerful dragon slayer magic (the other slayers are extra wtf over all this)
The Sabertooth shit still happens which makes Minerva joining Tartaros even funnier cause she takes one look at this dude when he announces himself to her as the master of Tartaros and she’s like THE FUCK??? THAT FREAK BRAT FROM THE GAMES?????
Natsu learns of Raven Tails plot and he’s like dude wtf you can’t just go around killing people for no reason and Ivan is like ????? Aren’t you a fucking demon of fucking Zeref???? And Natsu snaps at him like YEAH BUT IM NOT A MONSTER JESUS HAVE SOME FUCKING MORALS (can you imagine. Can you IMAGINE the master demon of the demons of Zeref telling you your beef is dumb as hell and u got stink ass morals. The absolute fucking WHIPLASH)
By the end of it all Natsu helped the other guilds stop the dragons and Ravens Tail cause he thinks Ivan’s an asshole and also cause UNCLE TIME FUCK YEAH and when he goes back home he tells Mard Geer about his adventures
And fucking Mard Geer looks at him and just goes. You met a guild that knows of the most powerful magic alive. And you didn’t. Think. Even for a moment. To take it in the name of Zeref, Master?
And Mard Geer already knew his Master END was an idiot but dear god did this solidify that fact
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teecupangel · 1 year
man I know you've got a million what ifs and I don't expect you to spin this anywhere but I was just looking at some Yusuf fanart and wondering how Desmond would feel if he was reborn as Yusuf
It would be such a weird intersection of Ezio and Altaïr memories for him
and the twin pulls to go to Ezio and help him however he can, and the rancid bile that is Templars making their home in Masyaf
and of course the Petruccio problem, that Desmond feels like he took someone else's life, someone he knew enough to know he's not him, that he's an identity thief.
(And also the continued tragedy of Desmond being born in Ezio's era, but too late to help him in his youth.)
We can keep Desmond from going ‘fuck it’ and either joining Ezio or doing something about the Templars’ occupation in Masyaf thanks to Yusuf’s backstory of having no father and only having his mother raised him. His mother would be the only reason why Desmond continued to stay in Constantinople. Honestly, what we know of Yusuf’s life is from the novelization of the movie where his descendant relived his early years. From that though, we can get Desmond into accidentally creating a Brotherhood made up of street urchins. They’re more on the side of thieves than actual Assassins because Desmond focused on keeping everyone alive and healthy.
So when the Brotherhood heard of an organized Thieves Guild, Ishak Pasha is the one to look into it.
There, he meets up with Desmond (who goes by Desmond with only his mother being the one to call him ‘Yusuf’) and Ishak mistakes Desmond as one of the leaders’ main messengers.
Desmond didn’t bother to correct his misconception and lets Ishak watch them in action with Desmond talking to himself in 3rd Person much to the amusement of his fellow ‘thieves’. Ishak learns they call their leader ‘mentor’ and realized that a lot of them move like Assassins.
When he sees Desmond’s Hidden Blade which he had received from his mother a few years back, Ishak finally realizes that Desmond is the mentor.
After this, we can go either:
Desmond and his Brotherhood of ‘street rats’ are taken in by the Brotherhood for formal training or
Desmond and his Brotherhood remain to be a separate organization that are closely allied with the Brotherhood but do not bow to any mentor.
I feel like Desmond would pick to remain independent for various reasons but mostly, he decides to be independent because he doesn’t see himself as an Ottoman Assassin, clinging to his Levantine roots. Ishak might even think that Desmond was truly a descendant of a Levantine Assassin of old, maybe of even the great Al-
Probably not.
With Desmond’s Brotherhood being an independent organization, he gets to train people he trust to keep his mother safe. Once he’s sure they’d be fine by their own, years have passed and Desmond…
Desmond knows Ezio would be making his way to Masyaf this year.
He goes to Masyaf as well.
Okay, so we know that Desmond would searched for the Masyaf Keys as soon as he could and we can give him maybe most of them… except one. The key that seemed to have disappeared, most probably in Templar hands that Desmond is still searching for.
This way, we have an excuse for Ezio to go to Constantinople with Desmond after they cleaned up Masyaf.
Ezio tries to reason that even if they kill every single Templar in Masyaf, they’d just bring in more and finds Desmond’s insistence to clean up Masyaf as a fool’s errand. At the same time, he’s jealousy of the passion Desmond has for the Creed but worries of how Desmond seems to be stuck in the past as well.
Desmond would be a bit cagey of who he is but he’d tell Ezio that his name is Desmond. Ezio would be surprised but he wouldn’t believe Desmond is the same Desmond that Minerva talked about because, as far as he knew, Desmond was meant to be alive centuries from now. Desmond didn’t bother to tell him the truth. Not yet, anyway.
Maybe after they have said their goodbyes to Altaïr…
The Petruccio problem will definitely rear its ugly head every time his mother would call him ‘Yusuf’, the first time Ezio would learn his real name is ‘Yusuf’ and whenever he sees the Brotherhood have a different mentor instead of… the real Yusuf Tazim. 
That was also a reason why he decided that his Brotherhood (maybe we’ll name it the Brotherhood of Shadows? It would be funny if Desmond goes “we’re the Hidden Ones” without having any ideas that that was the original name of the Brotherhood) would work independently. He’s trying to step away from Yusuf Tazim’s footsteps, like an exact opposite of the initial plans of the Desmond Miles who became Petruccio Auditore. 
He wants to carve his own path because he believes he’d only be sullying Yusuf’s memories if he pretended to be him.
……… Wanna fuck with Desmond some more?
Of course you do XD
How about Suleiman and Desmond actually meet and they sorta-kinda grow close in a ‘I think of you as a friend’ way for Suleiman and in a ‘I know you’re gonna be sultan later so I’m being nice to you’ way for Desmond.
But the more Desmond talk to Suleiman, the more he notices…
Suleiman sounds a lot like Malik.
And his memories of Malik make Desmond feel… a kinship with Suleiman that may or may not even be there. And Desmond is now worried.
That Suleiman would become the Lorenzo to his Giovanni and compromise them all.
(And yes, I did think of this because Suleiman and Malik have the same voice actor!)
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Ok I have an insane idea for a God of War sequel.
You know how the Roman Gods were basically the Greek Gods with a new coat of paint? And how Athena is still alive?
What if Athena spread worship of the Greek Gods in Rome, and brought them back as the Roman Gods, they'd be very similar, yet different. The only one being the Greek version is Athena, calling herself Minerva.
She still wants to kill Kratos, and with more worship, the gods become more powerful, hence Rome's exceptional expansionism to get more worshippers. But here's the kicker, she needs an ace up her sleeve, so she Brings Calliope back and turns her against Kratos and raising her as a weapon.
So Calliope becomes Bellona, the Roman Goddess of War and Destruction Out on Revenge against Kratos and her brother Loki
That's the gist of it, but it's been bouncing in my head since forever.
Other points of interest:
The Roman Gods aren't actually evil like the Greek Gods, they are just being lead by the nose by Athena/Minerva.
Jupiter/Zeus exists, and everyone acts like he's the leader, but its Athena actually.
Since we know Tyr travelled to other places and met other gods, perhaps the conflicts starts with the Romans expanding to Egypt, and their gods coming to Tyr for help.
The three way tie of Bellona/Calliope wanting to Kill Kratos, Atreus not wanting to kill his sister but willing to protect his dad, and Kratos there like 'kids please stop fighting' and more than happy to die if her daughter wishes.
Of course Calliope will eventually join them, specially after she sees how her dad changed and that Athena is just using her.
It's dumb but I love the idea of both Kratos' kids having 2 names Loki/Atreus and Bellona/Calliope.
Family of War.
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hexisssssssss · 3 months
What’s a twdg fanfic(s) that you really want to exist but don’t particularly want to write?
At the moment i have a few specific ideas. With two of them of course being Lilly centric (i heart my smoking hot wife 🫶). Also bare with me if theres like horrible grammar or anything is confusing, i got like 3 hours of sleep lol.
Starting with the Lilly ones, I really want to see a fic about what happened to her after she took the RV that lead her to the delta. Which im sure has been done before, but there was a few specific ideas i’d love to see. Starting at a pov of her alone in the RV while the others deal with the train, just to show the thought process that led to her stealing the RV. And i feel that she would end up tangled with a group or community a lot like Carver’s, or the 400 days group that Becca and Shel are in. And at some point that group has a confrontation with the Delta, maybe similar to Ericsons where they are looking for people to take as soldiers. And Lilly see’s some opportunity for some level of greater purpose or control/command and betrays her new found group to join the Delta. Some smaller details i’d also like to see is a moment where she makes some sort of small memorial or grave for Larry. And when she is alone in the RV just driving i like the idea of her reflecting on the spiral she had after Larry died and the action she ended up taking and feeling some guilt, but in the end doubling down. And moments like that to see where her head was at to lead to her personality change in s4.
The idea has been floating in my head for a while but at the moment i just don’t feel like starting it.
The other Lilly idea is basically a s4 rewrite but from her POV. I am not sure if this exists because i have not gone looking specifically. Starting probably a bit before s4 just to give some insight to what the delta may look like (which is the part i would find most interesting to see but also what makes me not really want to write it at the moment because it seems a bit of a daunting task to execute well.). Then having her and her group set off on the boat for Ericsons. For a specific cannon timeline i think it would work best if Lilly gets away alive in the end. I see it working as a better emotionally satisfying ending than if it just ended abruptly cause she gets shot like 50 times by a toddler lol.
I also think it would be neat to see an AU where Minerva actually ends up helping the Ericsons kids. And later ends up back at the school with them. With Louis being the one captured, because i have this idea in my mind of his “talking too much” maybe being him urging Minnie to help them and reminding her of Tenn. And when she shows a bit of a reaction/seems to falter and consider helping them, whoever is with her (probably Lilly) decides he needs to be punished/stopped and also in turn try and “scare Minnie straight”. But what Louis has said mixed with seeing Violet again, will still lead her to aid them. So the whole bridge scene will be avoided and both Vi and Tenn will be alive. AJ and Clem still get separated from everyone else and she still ends up without a chunk of her leg later. The bulk of the fic would be her adjusting to being back at Ericsons again. I have some ideas for plot lines/events:
- Trying to rebuild a friendship with Vi
- A longer Tenn reunion arc and her trying to be a sister to him again, with difficulty due to her literally fucking killing their sister before
- Feeling guilt over Louis’s injury and trying to make it up to him, leading to a friendship there
- Generally having to unpack/confront all that happened to her and that she did and get over the brainwashing
- Recovering from an injury she sustained while helping Vi with the bomb
- And these are just small things i feel would be interesting: a few interactions with a “overprotective/not jealous but angry at what she did to vi” clem and this fic would follow the violentine cannon. And AJ interactions because i feel like theres an interesting opportunity for a dynamic there or lesson for aj??? Idk lol
Would absolutely love to write that but i just think the idea is too all over the place atm and not fleshed out enough that i could really do much with it lol
And this last one is incredibly vauge lol. But i’ve seen a couple fics for mostly stuff other than twdg where it’s like based off/taking inspo from a song. And i think it would be cool asf to see that with Violentine/Clouis with like an Adrianne Lenker or Big Theif song.
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via-the-cryptid · 11 months
Simon goes to the Isles and Elements does happen. After Finn meets Minerva, she and Simon have a little talk, she wants to meet one of the persons looking over her son and maybe Simon can convice her that Ooo its not a bad place and that Finn its better there that trapped in Founder's Isle (and stopping the White Cloud incident from even happening to beggin with).
And once they return to Ooo, everyone freaks out and Simon immediatly flies to where the Snow Kingdom was to find Betty.
I do wonder, at this point Bonnie its again a Princess or is still on excile for her crimes? Because I can see Patience trying to convince her that aweakening her Elemental powers is what she needs to return to her position and protect her loved ones.
man you just keep hitting me with genius after genius, props to you.
so what I’m thinking is, Simon tags along to look for more humans and Snow Queen ends up going to see them off at the beach, but stays behind because she doesn’t really have a reason to go, but she knows it’s important to her prince so she’s obviously not going to try and stop him. At this point, she’s a lot more aware that Magic Simon can protect himself just fine, so she’s a little bit less overprotective and overbearing in that regard. still just as clingy, though, but Simon honestly sees this as a plus since he’s equally clingy.
on Founders’ Island, Minerva tries to convince Finn to stay, first by words and then by force. after seeing Jake stretch and Magic Simon hover in the air, she’s thoroughly weirded out by everything outside of their island and is utterly positive that Finn will be much safer if he never leaves. Simon, however, has seen this once before in the form of Snow Queen/Betty trying to keep him trapped in the Snow Kingdom forever in order to make sure no one can yet him. Minerva sees from Finn’s memories how dangerous Ooo is, but when Simon steps up, he knows exactly what to think of to prove to Minerva that Finn is capable of living in Ooo and doesn’t need to be coddled and constrained. Minerva sees all the times that Finn has won the fight and celebrated with all his friends, the times he’s sought out Simon and Snow Queen for comfort and reassurance, the times his friends have all supported him even when it does become too much. Finn may not be the most powerful in the world, may not win every single fight, but Minerva needs to see that Finn will always have his friends and family in Ooo to support him, no matter what.
and Minerva caves. Simon has been more of a parent to Finn than she ever got the opportunity to be, more than Martin ever chose to be, in her eyes. Finn has parents, a brother, so many friends and so much family, and Minerva… she can’t — won’t — take that away from him.
of course, then everything gets Weird As Hell as soon as they get back to Ooo. Simon definitely panics and runs off to go find his wife as soon as he realizes she might be in danger (so, immediately), leaving the rest of the gang to sort out whatever the fuck is going on by themselves.
when he finds her, she’s a heap in the newfound Ice Empire, lying on the outskirts just outside Patience’s dome, unconscious and without her crown (and strangely enough, there’s a propeller hat lying above her head like it fell off when she fell). Simon of course freaks out and tries to wake her up, but without the crown, she’s catatonic. the most he can do is cast a bubble around her to make sure that nothing and no one can harm her while he goes to get the crown back. the crown is a problem, yes, but without it, she wouldn’t be alive right now. Simon would much prefer an alive Snow Queen to a dead Betty, and he’s sure his beloved would agree.
Patience gives up the crown fairly easily, and it’s not hard for Magic Simon to figure out what happened from the remnants of the ritual left on the ground, etched into the ice itself. she used the crown as a battery for some sort of element-based spell, but rather than the traditional four of fire, earth, water, and air, it’s fire, ice, candy, and slime, a quartet he’s only ever seen before this in the Enchiridion and in a few old texts he found in Wizard City. there are at least four places which correspond to these elements that he already knows of — the four kingdoms that match the four elements, and the Snow Kingdom is already a mess as it is, what with Patience St Pim having gotten her hands on it. He shudders to think what the rest of Ooo might look like right now, but he needs to go and help Betty before anything else. Once she’s safe, they can go and find Finn and Jake and BMO, and regroup by the Candy Kingdom.
also: Bubblegum is back in her kingdom at this point and is on slightly better terms with SQ and Marcy after she apologized, but Marcy is still a little bit pissed off and will take a minute to cool down from that.
(KoO went running for the hills after they called Phoebe on his ass. She’s a very effective wax deterrent.)
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fanfic-lover-girl · 1 year
Oliver Wood is NOT a Good Captain
“Bad news, Harry. I’ve just been to see Professor McGonagall about the Firebolt. She — er — got a bit shirty with me. Told me I’d got my priorities wrong. Seemed to think I cared more about winning the Cup than I do about you staying alive. Just because I told her I didn’t care if it threw you off, as long as you caught the Snitch on it first.”
But even Quidditch had lost its fun. The rest of the team wouldn’t speak to Harry during practice, and if they had to speak about him, they called him ‘the Seeker’.
The Gryffindor team visited again on Sunday morning, this time accompanied by Wood, who told Harry, in a hollow, dead sort of voice, that he didn’t blame him in the slightest.
I get the impression that fandom thinks Wood is a loving, good captain but he really is not. In isolation, the third snippet could be read as a joke (they did lose the match after all and Wood is quidditch obsessed). However, when you look at Oliver in totality, he shows time after time that he cares more about winning than Harry's safety and is perfectly ok with throwing Harry under the bus.
Overall, contrary to popular opinion, the Gryffindor team sucks. I am not talking about the individual players, but the whole team. Hermione disses Draco by saying that the lions got on their team by talent (screw Hermione btw, what does this annoying girl know about talent?)...but without Harry, they seem to be a bunch of losers.
Remember Minerva broke the rules for Harry to join the team as a first-year. Do you think she would have done so if the team was truly competent? The Quidditch World Cup in book 4 proved that a team can have a crap seeker and still dominate/win. The lions literally needed favouritism/nepotism to have a chance at winning. Let that sink in. But Snape is totally the biased teacher around here (sarcasm)
In either book 1 or book 2 (I think book 2), Harry missed the match and the team had the worst defeat in over 300 years! Further proof that these people suck without "chosen-one in more ways than one" Harry. By the way, Slytherin has reserve players. Does the Gryfinfor team have reserve players? Because I never see any. In book 6, when Draco and other Slytherins are conveniently out sick (to give Ron a chance at winning because the golden trio never seems to have to earn anything), they have backup players ready (eg that Harper guy who played Seeker in Draco's place). However, in book 5 when Harry and the twins are suspended, the team needs to hold tryouts to get new players. No backups in sight.
In book 3 when Harry gets his firebolt, the team (the entire school minus Slytherin house) gets all horny for the broomstick. "We have a firebolt!" basically reduced Harry's skill and importance to the team to his broomstick. These people don't care about Harry. Yet, it's such a crime when Draco and his team got new broomsticks in book 2! Gryffindors == Hypocrites.
I don't see much of Marcus Flint but from what I have read, I like him more as a captain. When the Gryffindor team tried to group assault a 12 yr old Draco after calling Hermione a mudblood (should have just called her a "bitch" or "hag" instead and saved everyone the need to virtue signal), Flint immediately threw himself in front of Draco to protect him. Remember these are older students trying to beat up a tiny 12 yr old because of something he said. The Weasley twins are BEATERS - just the 2 of them alone could have really hurt Draco. Compare this to Oliver who doesn't give a damn about Harry being hurt as long as he wins.
Also, when Draco is an idiot and loses to Harry in book 2 (of course, the only time someone has a better broom than Harry, Harry wins because that person decided to fool around despite wanting to play on a quidditch team before Harry even knew what the sport was), the Slytherins don't ostracize Draco the way the Gryfindors ostracized Harry when he lost house points.
In a nutshell: Marcus Flint >>> Oliver Wood & Gryffindor team sucks.
PS. If you are a Draco anti or Hermione stan or any other kind of Gryffindor stan that thinks Draco deserved to be group assaulted by bigger, older, stronger students because of calling Hermione a slur in response to her insulting him first, just ignore this post and move on. Unlike you and a good chunk of the HP fandom, I don't get sadistic pleasure from seeing Draco constantly (group) assaulted for saying mean words to characters who had contempt for him first.
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leonawriter · 4 months
I pretty much just zoomed through the London arc because I enjoyed it so much - one of those cases where it still holds up no matter what.
The fact that it takes place set in somewhere I know so well, with so many of the locations making me go "I know that place! I've been there!" or "I've gone past there!" and the inclusion of the Wimbledon Tennis, which I actually sort of attended once when I was still doing first aid (I'd love to go back properly one year), and even just Heathrow, which is near to where I live!
It's fun to see the characters' reactions to the weird shapes and the history of the buildings in the capital. The Gherkin! The Elephant and Castle! St Bride's! The Millennium Eye, which by this point is iconic and has been used as a landmark countless times, and as the centre point of the New Year's fireworks.
Last time I came back from London, I saw the sun setting in the middle of the Eye, even.
The case itself is one of the best, too - the twists and turns don't let up, the suspense is kept up, the switches between Conan and Shinichi, and the code itself just kept me reading because there's hardly any sense of "and now since it's the next chapter, we need to remind you what's happened before" - since it takes place over a couple or so days and they need to remind themselves what the code says, and they're sometimes wrong, it all happens naturally!
Then there's the way that tennis isn't just the setting. No, just like with football and baseball before, Gosho goes into the details of what makes a match good, and what makes it exciting. How he can use a game to give the protagonists clues, and how the players can really show their abilities and worth in a way that's keeping us thinking "that's a damn good player" but not sending it to the realm of "but I doubt anyone alive could be that good."
The player we're meant to be following is Minerva, but y'know, the fact that her rival in this case who wants Minerva to play to the best of her ability is "Demeter Bauer," a black woman, made me think of Serena Williams, someone who's also Just That Damn Good.
And then there's the confession scene, which... is so masterfully done?
It's like, any time I think "maybe I could imagine branching out and imagining one or the other of Shinichi and Ran with other people" canon comes and whacks me around the head, because. I MEAN.
"You really are a troublesome, tough case! When it's the heart of the woman one loves, how can I deduce that accurately?!"
It's just... it ties in with the Holmesian side of Shinichi (it's a reference to one of the things he says) but it's also the difference and divide between deduction as a logical aspect and love as an emotional aspect. Holmes kept himself separate from love, as is pointed out in the case, but Shinichi? Doesn't do that. He's clearly invested in also letting himself experience love, and be emotional.
And of course where deduction is logic, you can't logically deduce something emotion-based, because emotion is illogical. People still feel things no matter how unreliable the evidence is. Misunderstandings and miscommunications happen, making people do things they'd never do otherwise.
I also love the case (ha) for how Shinichi once again comes up with another iconic line in "Zero [love, in tennis terms] is where everything starts! Nothing would ever be born if we didn't depart from there! Nothing would ever be achieved!"
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If anything, I feel like those are words we need to remember and remind ourselves of more often. That it doesn't matter how far you fall, or how "bad" you are - you have to start at somewhere, or you won't improve.
And that goes for relationships as well - that you can always start over. Nothing is ever truly "finished with" if you want to start again at "love."
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the-delta-42 · 1 month
The Walking Dead Game What Ifs: What if Lilly was the leader of the Boarding School?
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What if Lilly was the leader of the Boarding School? Submitted by Mr_Giancarlo on AO3
Lilly frowned as Clarissa checked Alvin Jr over, the boy had been particularly insistent that they call him that. Sighing through her nose, she looked over at Marlon and Sophie, “So, you found him and his caretaker in a crashed car.”
Sophie nodded, as Marlon shifted uncomfortably, “We made sure they were alive and not bitten.”
Lilly frowned, “Did you check for any identifying marks on their stuff?”
The silence from the pair told her everything she needed to know, “You both know that dangers of taking people from hostile groups. What if she was part of the Saviors or the New Frontier or even those CRM nuts traders have talked about.”
“We checked after she got here.” Mumbled Marlon, getting sigh from Lilly.
“Right,” She looked around, “I’m going to check on our… guest, Louis,” the dreadlocked boy perked up, “watch Alvin.”
Louis nodded, prompting Lilly to head towards the dorms.
“So,” Louis looked down at Alvin, “ever seen a piano?”
Lilly passed Violet and Minerva as she went to the infirmary/English office. She’d arrived here a couple years after separating with her original group, after they left her on the side of the road. Of course, she did act irrationally, killing Carley and outing Lee’s secret to everyone, despite them already knowing. She remembered how Clementine looked at her, with so much fear in her eyes.
She’d bumped into Vince and his group, as well as two women, Christa and Jane. Vince’s group knew Jane, with Bonnie and Mike being wary of her. That was when she first found out that some of them knew Clementine, and Lilly felt some hope fill her. Only for Jane to mention fighting Kenny and the man almost killing her, because she pretended to have killed a baby to ‘prove’ to Clementine that Kenny was dangerous.
Lilly had stumbled across Kenny, dead and reanimated, dragging himself along the ground. When she looked at him, she just felt empty, she didn’t fee rage or sorrow or even a little bit of joy. Just empty.
“She hasn’t woken up.” Christa’s voice made Lilly jump, “I did take stock of her injuries though.”
“She’s got the New Frontier’s mark branded into her arm.” Said Christa, crossing her arms, “But, hers had line through it. Like she took a knife to it.”
“Maybe she left them.” Said Lilly, as they entered the room Clementine was in and looking down at her, “How long’s it been since the trials started?”
“Eight years,” Answered Christa, “according to Aasim, anyway.”
“She looks older than that.” Said Lilly, looking down as Clementine contorted in her sleep, “I really hope that’s not her turning.”
Christa frowned, before spotting the source of the contorting, “She’s awake.”
Lilly frowned, before noticing Clementine had suddenly gone still, spotting that Clementine was looking at them through her eyelashes.
“Wow.” Clementine’s voice sounded older than sixteen, “I must’ve really hit my head.”
“Why’s that?” Asked Christa, as Clementine finally got her wrist free.
“Because I’m seeing dead people.” Groaned Clementine, before hissing and grabbing her leg.
“We’re not dead, Clementine.” Said Lilly, as Clementine sluggishly sat up.
“Yeah, you are,” Retorted Clementine, “you were left on the side of the road after you shot Carley.”
“And me?” Asked Christa, folding her arms, “Why would I be dead?”
“The only sane conclusion.” Muttered Clementine, standing up, blacking out for a second and sitting back down, “The last time I saw you, you were surrounded by guys, and I heard a gunshot.”
Christa slapped Clementine, “Still think you’re hallucinating?”
Clementine blinked, “Nope.”
Rolling her eyes, Lilly helped Clementine up, “Are you with a group?”
“Not anymore.” Clementine shook her head, “I just kept moving.”
“Where’d Alvin come from?” Asked Christa, frowning.
“A group I ran into right after I got separated from you.” Answered Clementine, “We didn’t get along at first, but after getting stuck together, we started to like each other. Then we ran into Kenny’s group and—”
“Wait,” Christa interjected, “Kenny’s alive?”
“No,” Answered Clementine, “but, going back to what I was saying, the guy Rebecca, AJ’s mom, and her group were running from caught up, everyone was taken back to his community. Kenny got his eye beaten out and we escaped through a Walker herd. We lost a lot of people, half of Rebecca’s original group and Kenny’s girlfriend. The day after, we lost another, before we lost Rebecca, and then we lost the last member of Rebecca’s old group. Then in fighting started and the remainder of the group ended up splitting.” Clementine let out a sigh, “Soon, it was just me, Kenny, AJ and a woman called Jane. Jane said she’d killed AJ, just to get Kenny to blow his top, which he did, and he ended up killing her.”
Lilly and Christa shared a look, deciding to wait a bit before telling Clementine that Jane was still alive.
“Kenny and I made it to a place called Wellington, but they weren’t taking anyone in, so we left and,” Clementine swallowed, “I got Kenny killed.”
“How?” Frowned Lilly, while Christa scowled.
“He was teaching me to drive and I lost control of the car.” Said Clementine, “I drove over some ice, skidded and crashed into a tree. Kenny went through the wind shield.”
Lilly and Christa blinked.
“Was…” Lilly had to stop and think about what she was going to say, “Was he wearing his seatbelt?”
Clementine was silent.
“They can’t stay.” Argued Mitch, getting a nod from Violet.
“Why?” Asked Louis, as Lilly nursed her headache, “They could help around here.”
“We don’t have the resources.” Said Shel, as Becca glared at Clementine, “And… she’s dangerous.”
“But Bill was a nutcase.” Argued Russell, glancing at Clementine, “Besides, for all we know, things could’ve changed.”
“How?” Demanded Becca, turning her glare on Russell, “What could’ve changed that now makes her trustworthy?”
“Clementine could be an asset.” Said Jane, as Mike and Bonnie glanced at her, “She’s able to make tough calls when needed.”
“She let you be stabbed.” Said Becca, bluntly.
Clementine, while keeping a hand on AJ’s shoulder, looked out of the school and into the forest. Part of her was screaming for them to get moving, while another part of saying that they should stay.
“Why don’t we put it to a vote?” Asked Tenn, looking at them, “Then we can decide.”
“All in favour of them leaving?” Asked Lilly, looking around at them. Shel and Becca raised their hands almost immediately, followed by Bonnie, Mitch, Minerva, Sophie, Violet, Aasim, Ruby, Brody, and, reluctantly, Christa.
Sighing, Lilly looked around again, “All in favour of them staying?” Louis’s hand shot up, with Tenn, mike, Clarissa, Jane, Marlon, Vince, Russell, Wyatt, Omar and Willy following him.
“Looks like you’re the tie breaker.” Shrugged Christa, as Clementine murmured something to AJ.
Lilly frowned, before glancing at Clementine and then at AJ. She couldn’t help but see Lee and a younger Clementine. She remembered when Lee was the tie breaker and now she understood why he took so long to decide on things, he was thinking things through. Sighing, Lilly looked at the group, “Stay.”
Becca frowned as Clementine examined a crashed car. They had a low yield of animals caught in their traps, so Clementine had suggested that they go to the station where Marlon had founded her and AJ.
“What are you doing?” Demanded Violet, frowning at Clementine.
“I’m trying to see how bad the damage is.” Answered Clementine, “And if I can get it unlocked.”
Clementine pulled her head out of the window, “Because there’s guns in the trunk, jackass.”
Violet bristled, as Clementine ducked back into the car.
“Aha!” Clementine yelled, as she unlocked the car, “Right, hopefully, none of the bottles have cracked.”
“What’s in them?” Asked Becca, as Clementine pulled a bottle of whiskey out of the trunk.
“Alcohol and weapons.” Said Clementine, “All useless without ammunition. There should be more inside, I’ll join you in a moment.”
Violet and Becca shared a look, before disappearing into the station, Clementine grabbed a sawn-off shotgun and stuffed it into her waistband. It wasn’t loaded, but that was for her to know.
“How come none of that fell out when you opened the trunk?” Lilly’s voice made Clementine jump.
“Jesus.” Swore Clementine, “They were in a hidden compartment. All this was already in the car when we took it.”
Lilly hummed, as they heard muffled yelling, “Alright, let’s see what the girls have gotten themselves in to.”
“Did you really need to push him into those Walkers?” Asked Violet, making Clementine and Lilly stop walking.
“Look, one of two things will happen,” Said Clementine, turning around, “he’ll either be devoured by the Walkers, meaning he won’t report back to whoever he reports to, or, he’ll be delayed by those Walkers and we’ll have more time to plan for whoever comes looking.”
Lilly frowned, she remembered Clementine not wanting steal from or hurt people. Now, it almost seems like it’d become second nature for her.
“What if—” Becca was silenced by a look from Lilly.
“Clem,” Lilly got Clementine’s attention, “Christa said you had the New Frontier’s mark on your arm.”
“I was with them for a bit.” Shrugged Clementine, “I didn’t see eye-to-eye with them on some things… one of them being AJ. But, they’ve reorganised, stopped raiding and all that.”
“Really?” Asked Lilly, as they started walking again.
“Yeah, I had planned on going back to Richmond after I got AJ back, but…” Clementine sighed, “But, I heard from some New Frontier guys that a war had started. I wasn’t willing to put AJ at risk.”
“So, instead, you crashed a car.” Muttered Violet, “Figures.”
Clementine rolled her eyes, before slowing down.
“What is it?” Asked Lilly, watching Clementine frown.
Clementine was silent, before shaking her head, “It’s nothing.”
Over the past two weeks, Clementine and AJ had integrated with their community quite well, with Clementine, Mitch and Minerva running a little competition on who could kill the most Walkers. Which actually led them to meet James, after Clementine’s shot narrowly missed his head. The only people who were still against Clementine and AJ staying were Becca and Bonnie, although Clementine brought up Bonnie and Mike splitting from one of her groups. Clementine had asked them about someone called Arvo, but neither Bonnie nor Mike were willing to answer her. Clementine and Mitch were able to get one of the school’s old buses to work, which Clementine suggested that they keep in working order in case the school were to fall. Lilly had agreed to it but told Clementine that she couldn’t drive because they’d all seen her ‘parking’.
Lilly grunted, the guy that Clementine pushed into the Walkers, Abel, had survived and brought his group to the school. Becca had tried to use it as proof that Clementine couldn’t be trusted, until Clementine managed to nail one of Abel’s guys in the head.
Lilly was currently wrestling a heavy-set woman, in the corner of her eye, she saw they were taking the kids. Marlon took out a raider, freezing when he saw that the guy was dead. Across the yard, she heard someone get kicked off the balcony of the admin building.
James, while a pacifist and refusing to harm any people, worked on getting the imprisoned kids out. Lilly finally managed to overpower the woman she was wrestling with, before grabbing Clementine’s shotgun, the girl having dropped it in the chaos, and shot the woman in the gut.
Lilly, discarding the empty weapon, looked over at the balcony, seeing an unconscious Abel and Clementine fighting a guy with a New Frontier brand on his neck. Lilly froze when she saw him plunge a machete into a Walker and slashed at Clementine’s leg with the tainted weapon. Watching the girl yell and grab her leg, before AJ shot the guy in the back.
The air grew quiet, letting Lilly take stock of their situations. Wyatt, Russell, Mike, Marlon and Sophie were dead, Violet had been blinded in one eye, Brody had a bloody gashed running down her face and Clementine had been stabbed in the leg with a tainted weapon.
Gurgling reached her ears, Lilly looked down at the man, as Clementine shakily stood up. Clementine glared down at the man, “Leaving you alive was a mistake.”
The man coughed up blood, as Clementine sighed through her nose, keeping her weight off her injured leg, before she picked up the tainted machete and brought it down on the man’s head.
Clarissa, having only received minor injuries, rushed over, barking orders at the others, preparing to remove Clementine’s infected leg. Lilly stopped Christa from going over to Clementine, as the girl started downing the six half-bottles of whiskey.
“Do you think that’ll work?” Asked Christa, as Minerva used her axe to sever Clementine’s leg.
“Hopefully.” Answered Lilly, as Clementine passed out.
Lilly tried not to wince as the Javi guy that Clementine knew let out a low whistle, “I think I came here with my team.”
“That’s nice.” Said Lilly, as one of Javi’s guys looked at the guy that stabbed Clementine.
Javi stared at the corpse, before sighing, “I’d hoped that David wouldn’t’ve gotten involved in any fighting after he left.”
“You knew him?” Asked Christa, getting a nod from Javi.
“Clem did too, they didn’t see eye to eye, especially where AJ’s concerned.” Said Javi, “He was my brother, he let the world change him until none of us recognised them. Clem had a thing for Gabe, I think she still does, by the looks of it.”
Lilly looked over at Clementine, the girl was laughing with a guy in an orange beanie, “Huh, I thought she’d been getting close to Louis.”
“Well, Gabe’s gonna be in Richmond, so who knows.” Shrugged Javi, “Maybe Clem will come with us, maybe Clem will stay here.”
Lilly found herself nodding, “I think… she’ll make her decision based on what her boy does.”
The two leaders silent watched at AJ ran up to Clementine holding an animal, “Is that a racoon?”
They watched as Clementine took the animal, before AJ ran off somewhere. The two continued to watch things, seeing Clementine get up using her crutches and look towards AJ.
“AJ, show me what you have.” Yelled Clementine, a frown forming on her face.
“A knife!”
Next Story: What if Clementine got bit in the shed?
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princesssarisa · 2 years
Character ask: Cinderella's stepsisters
Favorite thing about them: Well, most adaptations portray them as comic relief, and they typically are very funny in their cattiness, their vanity, and their clumsy efforts to be charming ladies and win over the Prince. They're usually characters we love to hate.
I especially like it when adaptations make an effort to give them distinct personalities. For example, one of them haughty and overbearing while the other is a nervous woman-child, or one of them clever and conniving while the other is a simpering ditz. Although even pairs of sisters that are basically interchangeable, like Clorinda and Tisbe in the opera La Cenerentola or Disney's Anastasia and Drizella, can still have plenty of personality and comedy. And while I don't want it done in every new retelling, I do enjoy the recent trend (starting in 1998 with Ever After's Jacqueline) of redeeming at least one sister if not both by the end, as long as it's done in a way that feels believable.
Least favorite thing about them: In-universe, their abuse of Cinderella, naturally. Different adaptations give them different ways to bully her, but the worst has to be the moment in the Disney version when Anastasia and Drizella rip her dress to shreds before the ball.
Out of universe, the fact that they're traditionally portrayed as ugly while Cinderella is beautiful, implicitly linking beauty with goodness and worth in women. This probably explains why so many of the more recent adaptations either make them pretty or make at least one of them sympathetic, with Disney even joining the trend and redeeming Anastasia in the direct-to-video sequels.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I like elegant clothes.
*I can be hot-tempered.
*I don't have small feet.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I try to be a nice person.
*I have no desire to marry into royalty.
*Both of my parents are still alive.
Favorite line:
From Perrault's version of the tale:
"For my part," said the eldest, "I will wear my red velvet suit with French trimming."
"And I," said the youngest, "shall have my usual petticoat; but then, to make amends for that, I will put on my gold-flowered cloak, and my diamond stomacher, which is far from being the most ordinary one in the world."
From the Disney version, mocking Cinderella when she wants to go to the ball:
Drizella: Hah! Her, dancing with the Prince!
Anastasia: I'd be honored, Your Highness! Would you mind holding my broom?
From the 1957 version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical, Portia trying to talk like her Shakespearean namesake as she dances with the Prince:
"I'll stand up in some old courtroom someday. And I'll say something to some old judge, about how the quality of mercy is not strained, ya know what I mean? And then I'll say it splashes down like the gentle dew..." (Cinderella enters at the top of the staircase and captures everyone's attention) "...from heaven?"
From the 1997 version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical:
Minerva: Did you ever see such a lazy girl in your life?
Calliope: Who are you calling lazy?
Minerva: Not you, stupid, Cinderella!
Calliope: Oh... Who are you calling stupid?
And from Ever After:
After Marguerite throws a screaming tantrum in front of the Queen when she learns that Prince Henry has been seeing Danielle, she tries to justify it:
"There was a bee."
When Jacqueline is forced to dress as a horse for the masked ball:
"Oh well, why don't I just pull the carriage while I'm at it?"
When Baroness Rodmilla and Marguerite's lies to the Queen are exposed and they're about to be punished, Jacqueline's response when Rodmilla wonders if she had something to do with this:
"'Course not, Mother. I'm only here for the food."
brOTP: Each other, in the rare moments when they're not competing.
OTP: The two courtiers from Perrault's version.
nOTP: The Prince.
Random headcanon: They would never tell anyone, but sometimes, when they're alone together, they talk about how much they miss their childhood, when their father was alive, their mother was happier, and she wasn't always pressuring them to be perfect ladies and to marry rich. (Or in the case of Clorinda and Tisbe in La Cenerentola, when their mother was alive and their father was happier, etc.) Maybe a part of why they hate Cinderella is that as their stepsister, she's a symbol of their changed life.
Unpopular opinion: I'm not sure how unpopular this is, but I'll list it because most stage productions of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella nowadays seem to be the 2013 Broadway version, even though two other stage scripts are still available.
Charlotte and Gabrielle from the 2013 version of Rodgers and Hammerstein's musical are my least favorite incarnations of the Rodgers and Hammerstein stepsisters. Not that I dislike them, but I think I'd prefer them in a new adaptation, not the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical. I like the idea, in and of itself, of one sister being the traditional annoying brat, but the other being secretly sympathetic and trying to help Cinderella... even if it does feel derived from Marguerite and Jacqueline in Ever After. But the two bratty, buffoonish stepsisters have always been a comic highlight of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical (whether their names are Joy and Portia, Prunella and Esmeralda, Calliope and Minerva, or Joy and Grace), and I much prefer "Stepsisters' Lament" as a duet then as a solo for Charlotte with a chorus of other jealous girls.
Song I associate with them:
"Stepsisters' Lament" from the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical
And two selections from the opera La Cenerentola:
"Cenerentola, vien qua!" ("Cinderella, come here!")
(Clorinda and Tisbe ecstatically look forward to the ball and run Cinderella ragged with orders to help them dress, while the "fairy godfather" Alidoro – disguised as a beggar – and the chorus of messengers from the palace look amusedly on.)
"Zitto zitto, piano piano" ("Hush, hush, quiet, quiet")
(Prince Ramiro and his valet Dandini – disguised as each other – steal a moment to discuss Clorinda and Tisbe's obnoxiousness, only for the girls to find them. Fake-prince Dandini says he'll marry one of them and let the other marry his "valet," and the sisters react with disgust at the thought of marrying such a "plebeian," "vulgar" young man, little knowing that they're insulting the real prince.)
Favorite picture of them:
This illustration by Charles Folkard
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This illustration by Hermann Vogel
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This illustration by Margaret Price
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Robert Helpmann and Frederick Ashton in Prokofiev's ballet, 1948
(I have misgivings about casting men as the sisters, but I appreciate that for two gay ballerinos in the 1940s, playing these flamboyant feminine roles meant something more than just "Ha ha, the ugly women are really men.")
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Disney's Drizella and Anastasia
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Alice Ghostley and Kaye Ballard as Joy and Portia in the 1957 version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical
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Pat Carroll and Barbara Ruick as Prunella and Esmeralda in the 1965 version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical
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Daniela Hlaváčová as Dora, the one stepsister in the 1973 Czech classic Tři oříšky pro Popelku (Three Nuts/Wishes for Cinderella)
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Rosalind Ayres and Sherrie Hewson as Isobella and Palatine (with Margaret Lockwood as their mother) in The Slipper and the Rose, 1976
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Catherine and Jeanne in the 1996 anime Cinderella Monogatari
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Natalie Desselle and Veanne Cox as Minerva and Calliope in the 1997 version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical
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Megan Dodds and Melanie Lynsky as Marguerite and Jacqueline in Ever After
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Johanna Paliege as Clothilde in the 2010 adaptation from the German Christmas fairy tale anthology Märchenperlen (like Three Wishes for Cinderella, this version has just one stepsister)
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Pheline Roggan as Annabella in another German Christmas fairy tale anthology, Sechs auf einen Streich (again, this adaptation has just one stepsister)
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Holliday Grainger and Sophie McShera as Anastasia and Drisella in Disney's 2015 live-action remake
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@ariel-seagull-wings, @the-blue-fairie, @themousefromfantasyland, @softlytowardthesun, @thealmightyemprex
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consistentsquash · 2 years
Detailed Fic Rec - Four Christmases Pomona Sprout Loved and One She Hated
Pairing - Pomona/Aberforth
Length - 6800 words. 4+1 Format.
Author - kelly_chambliss
Rating - T
TL;DR - Read this because the fic is a beautiful and 100% convincing take on the rare pair. Pomona, her BFF McG and Aberforth totally come alive here. Bittersweet, real and 100% Christmas vibes. ALSO KELLY CHAMBLISS <3
ALSO FIRST FIC REC FOR 2023!!!! Best fic to start the year honestly!!!!
Rec Blurb
Keeping it real!
This fic keeps it real. I really felt her pain because when you are an adult making new friends is super hard!
As a Hogwarts student, one was surrounded by hundreds of same-age potential friends, and Pomona had never realised how isolating the castle could be for the adults within its walls. She was becoming fast friends with Poppy and with Filius Flitwick, and of course Minerva was like a sister to her, but the fact was, if you were a sociable extrovert, you needed more than three friends, no matter how excellent they were.
The BEST Aberforth Dumbledore
Snarkiest!!!! <3 I am a big fan of how this author writes The Abe D! Actually I am a big fan of this author. FAVE! <3
Aberforth grinned wryly. "Let's hope that when my time comes, you don't lose me in quite the same way. A venomous tentacula! I ask you. I'd like to think that the lover of Hogwarts's star herbologist would be able to avoid death by poisonous plant."
Also the best relationship progression
A lot of times rarepairs can feel kind of hard to believe because the characters don't have canon time together. This author is an expert at making the rarepairs connect. You are totally going to be convinced. ALSO BANTER. I love relationship progression with banter. Lots of banter in this fic. Smart + funny banter also! My favorite type of banter <3
"So I won't be seeing you on Christmas Day, then?" Ab had asked.
Pomona had looked at him with a teasing air of innocence. "That's totally up to you. You know you're more than welcome to come to the ball. We'll be dancing till the wee hours."
Ab had snorted. "I'll dance till the wee hours when You-Know-Who decides to give up megalomania and join me in the goat business."
Then he'd added, more seriously, "But if it really matters to you, Pommie, I'll come. Not even the thought of Albus waltzing in purple robes will keep me away."
Of course flirting/good times/fun stuff is good. But the real characterization depth shines in some of the more bittersweet parts here. Love love love love <3
Yes, the Death Eaters were winning.
For now. They would be overthrown, though. They would. Harry Potter was still out there somewhere, still alive, still fighting for what was right. One day he would return to lead them all into victorious battle against the forces of darkness.
She believed it. She had to. It was the only way she could navigate the hell that Hogwarts had become.
A really beautiful earned happy ending <3
The chill welcomed her like an old friend, and Pomona had never been so happy to see the dusty, sparsely-furnished rooms and threadbare carpets. Ariana smiled at them from her portrait above the fireplace and even sketched a small wave.
They were home.
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