#of Snowfall in New Orleans
splendidlyinlove · 9 months
Hearts and Homes
Pairing: O'Knutzy
Rating: General Audiences
Summary: Leo is home for Christmas with his boys and his mother has given them the very important job of helping her make Christmas cookies. Something feels different, though.
CW for holiday and food mentions
Thank you to the wonderful @lumosinlove for creating these characters!
Leo's childhood home was warm around this time of year. Warm in the way the incandescent bulbs threw a soft glow across rooms (The LEDS just aren't the same Le), warm from the coastal breeze fluttering through windows, but mostly warm because of preheating ovens. 
His mother had gone all out again this year. Every year since Leo could hold a wooden spoon, Eloise Knut had him mixing cookie dough. The only difference this year was the amount of bakers. 
Finn and Leo bobbed amongst a sea of cookie trays covering kitchen counters. Finn was in the ugliest Christmas sweater one could find, and Logan kept making little disgusted faces every time the blinking Santa Claus on said sweater broke into another verse of Jingle Bells. Though, Lohan did have flour on his face that Finn had yet to mention, so, payback. 
His mother hummed along to the radio as she tossed even more ingredients into the Kitchen Aid. It all felt familiar to Leo; it was home after all, but he couldn't shake a small desire in the back of his mind for snowfall behind the New York City skyline and Canadian cabins up to their eaves in snow. It was an adjustment, to say the least, not a bad one, just one he hadn't been expecting. 
"What's going on in that head of yours, Pumpkin?"
Leo snapped his head up from where he had been staring intently at a sheet of dough rolled out on the counter. 
"It's warm." 
"It is not! It's fifty degrees out; got out my thick socks for today." 
Leo gave his mother a cheeky look. 
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear you say that," Finn said. He was on oven duty and strictly oven duty. Logan was allowed to touch the dough under supervision. He was currently attempting to cut little gingerbread men that looked like the three of them. It was cute. It made something settle right behind Leo's sternum. 
"Oh, like you have anything to talk about." Logan poked Finn in the chest with a whisk. 
"I'll have you know, NYC winters–!" 
"So, it's warm." Leo turned back to Eloise as Finn and Logan devolved into increasingly nonsensical bickering. 
"Yeah. It's warm." 
Eloise gave him a look like she already had it all figured out. She probably did. 
"Oh, he's gone all northern on me already. Wistfully dreaming of a white Christmas in the New Orleans sun. The best I have is confetti pumpkin; hope it's enough." 
Leo laughed, and his mother smiled. He was seven years old again, stealing chocolate chips off the counter, laughing when he got caught, his mother laughing too.
They settled into a bout of comfortable silence after that. Something was still niggling at the back of Leo's mind, though. 
"It's just…" 
Eloise looked up, now rolling out her famous peppermint mocha cookie dough. 
"This is home." 
"This has always been my home." 
"It's not like it doesn't feel like home this time. It's just that…" 
Eloise looked at him and smiled that knowing smile. 
Eloise shrugged. "Didn't say anything." 
"You're up to something." 
"I am! I'm making cookies!" 
Eloise chuckled. "You're in love, sweetheart." 
"...Okay? But-" 
"Oh, sugar, it's simple. Home isn't really a place. It's just love." She picked up a silver cookie cutter and started pressing out shapes. "So, in that way, New Orleans is home because it's where Dad and I's love for you lives." 
The radio across the kitchen slowly faded to the next song. 
I'll be home for Christmas…
"A home, by the way, that you will continue to visit periodically til the end of time. I'll create new holidays to celebrate if I have to-"
"Of course, I'll always come back, Mama." 
Eloise patted his cheek with a floury hand. "Anyways, but New Orleans isn't the only place where love for you lives anymore, is it?" She tilted her head towards where Logan was taking pictures of Finn attempting to balance spoons on his nose. 
"And the people that hold that love for you, bless their heart, love the cold and snow. And so, home now isn't just the New Orleans sun. It's a little colder." 
Leo could almost feel things finally slot into place in his mind. They had always been there, the strings that tugged his heart North, South, and East. He had always thought one direction would win out, but he was wrong. They enabled his heart to stretch farther across state lines and biomes, rivers and lakes, cities and farms. Home had just gotten bigger, stretching out its limbs, settling into the comfort of having more room to breathe. 
Leo held back a few wayward tears that threatened to well up.
"I miss thirty-degree weather," he said with shock and awe. 
Eloise shook her head. "Lord, help us." 
Leo laughed at the same time a telltale Ding! sounded from the oven. 
"The cookies!" Finn yelped before putting on comically large oven mitts and racing towards the oven. He took out a tray of sugar cookies and started to place them on the wire racks. Logan wandered over to where Leo was working and rested his head on Leo's shoulder. 
"What are we talking about?" 
"The cold." 
"Oh! We should absolutely ask Noelle if she'd be up to trade weeks for the family cabin next month. Maybe we could go ice fishing." 
Leo looked at his mother.
"Don't look at me, you picked him." 
Leo trembled with barely contained laughter.
"Quoi? It will be fun, Soleil, I promise." 
Finn walked over, making little Ah! Ooh! noises as he gently tossed a cookie back and forth between both hands. 
"Here, Le, taste. We need to know if it's Knapproved." 
Leo leaned forward and took a bite out of the same sugar cookie his mother had been baking since he could talk, but it tasted a little different this time. 
It still tasted like boat rides and summer heat, but it also tasted like peppermint tea and long drives. It tasted like sleepy mornings and playoff wins and bookshops. It tasted like something impossible. It tasted like the simplest thing on Earth. 
Even though Leo's love stretched across country borders, it somehow managed to all fit in that small kitchen then, tucked into the corners and squeaky cabinets. 
"It's good."
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practically-an-x-man · 9 months
Pick any OC: They open the door to leave and find snow at least up to their waist against the door. What do they do?
Very interesting!! These will be fun :D
Madison takes one look, sighs, then goes back inside. A moment later, she's back with Alex, and he uses his ability to melt a path through the snow.
Rae's kind of used to this, growing up in the Highlands with a lot of snow, but she places shields under her feet to walk over the snow. Better than chilling herself to the bone, and she'll work on getting a more permanent path shoveler out later.
Kestrel just shapeshifts to fly over the snow, but they'll help Warren shovel if he needs to get outside (since he doesn't have the same talents lol)
Robin just bundles up and gets to work. She's spent her whole life in upstate New York, she's dealt with more than a few heavy snowfalls in her time
Ophelia straps on her actuators and using them to help her shovel. They alternate blowing hot air to melt the snow, spinning to blow the snow away, or simply scooping it away by the handful while Ophelia works on manually shoveling the rest
Jasper's just confused at where the hell all this snow came from. They've never left New Orleans, they've never seen a single snowfall more than half an inch.
Quinn turns right back around and goes inside. She'll effectively be a hermit until the snow either melts or someone else shovels it
Katherine summons Khepri (one form of Ra, representing the morning/sunrise) and melts the snow down to a more manageable level.
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youngchronicpain · 1 year
hey srry if this is an odd question but I saw that you use/used an EZ Lite Cruiser and I was wondering abt your experiences with it (+ the company) / if you would recommend it to others? Specifically how it handles slopes steeper than most ramps, shitty sidewalks, wet / somewhat icy roads, etc and also if it holds up well after a couple years. No pressure to respond if you don’t have the time/energy, hope you’re doing well!
I love my EZ Lite Crusier! I got it in 2018 and it has gotten me around my house, my yard, and the US. My dad had to replace a bunch of parts last year (I somehow bent something on the wheels and they were wonky for awhile, but he's a mechanic so it was no biggie) but it was honestly great up to that point. I've flown with it countless times as well.
The only thing I will say is that when I first got it, the first chair totally stopped working after my first 20 minute trip around the yard. But the company was great and replaced it as quickly as they could. (It took about a week.)
The reason I got this specific chair was because it could recline, which was something I absolutely needed. Plus, it had a bigger wheel option which I love for going on grassy areas and dirt trails that are a little uneven. It will sometimes slide a bit when going down a wet steep path, but that is to be expected, I think.
I've only used it with very light snowfall, so I can't speak on its use on ice and heavy snow.
(Weight mention tw: for reference, I was around 215 lbs at 5'11 when I first got it and 172 lbs at my lightest using it. The chair has been comfortable for me at all different weights, though I use more cushions to make the fit better when I'm closer to the bottom of the weight range.)
But please do your research on the other chairs available! There are many other options now and I can't confidently tell you this is the best foldable powerchair, I can just tell you it has been an amazing powerchair for me.
Places I've been using my EZ in the US: Las Vegas, NYC, Portland, Austin, Helen, Denver, Ouray, New Orleans, Knoxville, Charleston (WV), Houston, Tupelo, and all around Florida.
Just to illustrate that I've put some good miles on her. I wish you the best in finding the powerchair that works for you!! My powerchair has changed my life and enabled me to move about the world much more comfortably. I hope the same for you. ❤️
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xdivinity · 9 months
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     𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟⧸𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑒 :   davina alice claire   ››   witch   ››  danielle campbell  .
❛❛   aesthetic.  ❜❜   ―   ◜   ❏  . ― the  first  snowfall  spouting  layers  of  ivory ,  lazy  mornings  curled  up  in  black  silk  sheets  with  messy  curls  and  lacy  lingerie ,  she’s made up of silk , blood , and rose water . ―   ◜   ❏  . ―  →
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name . . . . davina alice claire
nicknames . . . . d
age . . . . 18/23
sexuality . . . . heterosexual
date of birth . . . . december 21st
place of birth . . . new orleans , LA
gender . . . . cis woman
pronouns . . . . she + her
current location . . . . beacon hills , CA
languages . . . . english , latin , french .
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zodiac . . . . sagittarius-capricorn cusp
bad habits . . . . losing her temper
hobbies . . . . painting , coming up with new spells
fears . . . . unknown
other mentionable details . . . . it's important to note that davina currently is missing a part of her soul .
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faceclaim . . . . danielle campbell
height . . . . 5'3''
hair color . . . . brown
eye color . . . . green
scars . . . . it's very faint but the bite on her neck when kol killed her .
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parents names . . . . cordelia claire ( mother / deceased ) + john blackwell ( father / unknown )
parents relationship . . . . unknown with her father since she never met him + horrible with her mother / she was the one that killed her
siblings names . . . . cassie blake , diana meade ( half sisters / unknown ) + the other 3 blackwell children .
pets . . . . n/a
income . . . unknown
residence . . . . davina is staying with hope at a large house
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davina growing up :
―  Born and raised in NOLA to a mother who was controlling as she was, she only cared about the coven. never paid any attention to davina unless it was beneficial to her. because having davina was not part of her plans.
―  Her father is out of the picture but the coven hated him because he did magic against him and did expression. that’s all she knows about her father.
―  When the coven choose her, davina’s mother was finally proud. For the first time davina saw her smile. But not because of her…But because of the power davina would bring. She never cared about davina living or dying , she only cared about the magic that would fuel the coven.
―  So when the harvest finally came, davina’s excitement and pride of being there turned to fear when they were being killed on sight.  Davina witnessed her three friends, Monique, Abigail, and Cassie all being sacrificed in the ritual, but she was with the powers she gain from all 3 she managed to kill some of the witches ( including her own mother ) when marcel interfered and took her chance.
the rest is history which you can find HERE .  all up until s4 the rest is AU .
― Since coming dying and coming back , davina wasn't brought back completely . as in her soul isnt completely whole ( since the ancestors shredded them when davina died a while back ) so she has these dark impulses moments borderline without much humanity but its somewhat there . her morals being questionable . 
― waking up in beacon hills , it was hope that found her and currently took her in . davina now is simply trying to navigate her new life and is unsure how she even feels about the future hope talked about but she will help her .
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theultimatefan · 11 months
Four Hobbits Wood, Astin, Boyd, Monaghan In Rare ‘LOTR’ Reunion At FAN EXPO New Orleans in January
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It has been more than 20 years since Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan first took the film world by storm as the “four hobbits” in the original The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring in 2001. Now the four get together at FAN EXPO New Orleans, set for January 5-7, 2024, at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, to greet fans, pose for photo ops and sign autographs in a rare full reunion of the actors who portrayed “Frodo Baggins,” “Samwise Gamgee,” “Pippin Took” and “Merry Brandybuck,” respectively, in the popular trilogy. Additionally, FAN EXPO New Orleans announced today that popular guest Bruce Campbell (The Evil Dead, “Burn Notice”) will also attend the show.
Wood, Astin, Boyd and Monaghan will also participate in “The Four Hobbits: An Unexpected Reunion,” a special premium live show on Saturday, January 6 at 7:30 p.m., during which fans will have the opportunity for further interaction with the stars at this exclusive evening of stories, questions, discussions, hilarity and more. The once-in-a-lifetime Backstage Pass package includes an in-person Autograph and Photo Op with all four Hobbits plus a Gold Ticket to the reunion event.
Tickets for FAN EXPO New Orleans and the “Four Hobbits” reunion event are available at https://fanexpohq.com/fanexponeworleans/four-hobbits-unexpected-reunion, with a variety of individual single day, 3-day and Ultimate Fan Packages to choose from.
Following the LOTR trilogy, Wood has gone on to success in many areas of the entertainment industry. His record label, Simian Records and film production company SpectreVision/Company X have spearheaded numerous critically acclaimed projects, and his more than 120 film and television credits attest to his passion for his craft and enthusiasm to express his creativity.
In addition to the “Samwise” portrayal, Astin has demonstrated his innate ability to share his heart with the world through such iconic roles as “Mikey Walsh” in The Goonies, the title character of Rudy, and “Bob Newby” in "Stranger Things 2," roles that epitomize hope, determination and loyalty. Sean's recent feature films include the award-winning thriller Adverse (2020); the family comedy Hero Mode (2021); Charming the Hearts of Men (2021); and the 2022 comedy iMordecai.
The Scottish-born Boyd also had roles in Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, On a Clear Day and The Flying Scotsman. He has appeared in popular television series like “Outlander,” “Grey’s Anatomy,” “NCIS: Hawaii,” “Snowfall” and others, and in many iterations of the LOTR franchise, including video games. He has done voice work on numerous productions as well.
Monaghan has appeared in more than 50 productions and is known to many as “Charlie Pace” in the hit NBC series “Lost,” on which he appeared in 77 episodes. Some of his other featured roles have included spots on X-Men Origins: Wolverine in 2009 and ABC’s “Flash Forward” that year. He was recently the lead in the AMC+ series “Paul Sarno.”
Campbell first gained notice for his portrayal of “Ash Williams” in Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead franchise, appearing as the character in numerous films and series including the original 1981 movie, time-bending Army of Darkness in 1992, last decade’s “Ash vs. Evil Dead” series and others. He is also well-known for a long run in the hit USA Network series “Burn Notice” and last holiday season starred in the Hallmark Channel movie My Southern Family Christmas.
The LOTR cast and Campbell join an already impressive autograph area that includes Danny Trejo (Machete, The Book of Boba Fett), the "Daredevil" tandem of Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio, Katee Sackhoff (Star Wars’ “The Mandalorian”), Jon Bernthal (“The Punisher,” “The Walking Dead”), Sean Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy, “Avengers: Infinity War”), the “Charmed” duo of Holly Marie Combs and Rose McGowan, Peter Cullen (Transformers), Jason Lee (Vanilla Sky, Almost Famous); Linda Hamilton (The Terminator franchise, Dante’s Peak), Jeff Ward (“One Piece,” “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”), Peter Weller (RoboCop, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension), Felicia Day (“The Guild,” “Supernatural”) and many others. Fans can see the full list of celebrities at fanexpohq.com/fanexponeworleans/celebrities.
FAN EXPO New Orleans features the biggest and best in pop culture: movies, TV, music, artists, writers, exhibitors, cosplay, with three full days of themed programming to satisfy every fandom. More guest news will be released in the following weeks, including line-up reveals for comic creator guests, voice actors, and cosplayers.
FAN EXPO New Orleans runs January 5-7 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Show hours are Friday 3 - 8 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., and Sunday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tickets start at $28 during the advanced prices window until December 21, and begin at $38 from December 22 through the end of the show; 3-day passes and VIP packages also available at fanexpohq.com/fanexponeworleans/buy-tickets. More information and updates can be found at fanexpohq.com/fanexponeworleans.
New Orleans is the first event on the 2024 FAN EXPO HQ calendar; the full schedule is available at fanexpohq.com/home/events/.
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Day 133: Saturday May 13, 2023 - “Summer Saturdays are here”
For the plan this Saturday, I tried to make sure William was outside as much as possible including several trips to the pool to play but the real big ticket time was fun at the Zoo where we paid a visit to the Elephants, the Peacocks, the Frogs and the McCaw.  We grilled hot dogs for dinner and played with trucks, and soaked in as much sunshine and together time as we could.  With temps in the low 90s, it was perfect here for the time being but I told William it wouldn’t last long - soon itd be too damn hot out to have as much fun  -even in naked time. Love it while you can buddy, the Tucson summer furnace is coming fast!  At least I am training him well to take his little water bottle with him wherever he goes, and to enjoy putting on the sunscreen because I dont want to fight with you every dang day!
The best part of the zoo today was all the elephants were out and playing with the big pile of dirt given to them to coat themselves and stay cool. The big news this weekend was that the mama elephant is pregnant again and Penzi will have a little sibling.   Which got me curious how long a baby elephant is in gestation and found that they actually have the longest of any mammal - almost two years!!  I can only imagine coming back here to see the little baby elephant with William is four!  I am sure I’ll miss pushing him around in the stroller.
When we came home later, I started to research best zoos in the country with the idea that itd be fun at this age, to start travelling to the zoos.  I got my eye on San Diego, Omaha, Washington D.C., Chicago, Denver, Dallas, Cincinatti and New Orleans, reading up on all of them and what makes them some of the best zoos in the country.   Great way to put William’s flight benefits to work!
Song: Tom Tom Club - Genius of Love
Quote: “A person can learn a lot from a dog, even a loopy one like ours. Marley taught me about living each day with unbridled exuberance and joy, about seizing the moment and following your heart. He taught me to appreciate the simple things-a walk in the woods, a fresh snowfall, a nap in a shaft of winter sunlight. And as he grew old and achy, he taught me about optimism in the face of adversity. Mostly, he taught me about friendship and selflessness and, above all else, unwavering loyalty.” ― John Grogan, Marley and Me: Life and Love With the World's Worst Dog
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ofgraveblud · 3 days
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     𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟⧸𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑒 :   davina alice claire   ››   witch   ››  danielle campbell  .
❛❛   aesthetic.  ❜❜   ⸻   ◜   ❏  . ⸻ the  first  snowfall  spouting  layers  of  ivory ,  lazy  mornings  curled  up  in  black  silk  sheets  with  messy  curls  and  lacy  lingerie ,  she’s made up of silk , blood , and rose water . ⸻   ◜   ❏  . ⸻  →
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🇦​🇵​🇵​🇱​🇮​🇨​🇦​🇹​🇮​🇴​🇳​ ​​ ››
*   ⸻   ◜   ❏  . ⸻  &.  →   davina claire is a 19 year old witch , from 2010 , who looks like danielle campbell. her biggest secret is she's hiding from the ancestors and looking for a way to turn into a vampire without losing her magic. ⸻ ◜ ❏ . ⸻ .
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🇸​🇴​🇺​🇳​🇩​🇹​🇷​🇦​🇨​🇰​​  ››
* ⸻ ◜ ❏ . ⸻ tough ▶︎ lana del ray ft. quavo •• cravin ▶︎ stileto •• i put a spell on you ▶︎ annie lennox •• montagem coral X vois sur ton chemin (phonk remix) ▶︎ lucus •• bad things ▶︎ meiko •• daddy issues ( remix ) ▶︎ the neighbourhood •• darkside ▶︎ neoni •• after dark ▶︎ mr. kitty •• empathy ▶︎ crystal castles •• haunted ▶︎ isabel larosa •• baby doll ▶︎ ari adbul •• nda ▶︎ billie eilish •• black magic woman ▶︎ vctrys ⸻ .
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🇧​🇦​🇸​🇮​🇨​🇸  ››
full name : davina alice claire .
age : 19 .
date of birth : december 21st.
occupation : unemployed  .
species : witch .
language(s) spoken : english  ,  latin  ,   french  .
hair color :  brown .
eye color : green .
notable scars : one faint white scar on her upper thigh. davina wandered off on her own to the woods and got lost when she was 8. She had to climb up the tree to see if she could see her home or the road and slipped where a sharp tree branch went into her leg. she tried pulling away to get the pole out but it just tore through her whole leg, before she passed out due to blood loss . if it wasn’t for ( wanted con. ) davina would have probably died of blood loss if not the cold exposure of the woods . X
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🇮​🇳​🇹​🇪​🇷​🇮​🇴​🇷 ​ ››
positive : fervent  ,  strong willed .
negative : tempered  ,  unpredictable .
moral alignment : chaotic neutral .
deadly sin : lust .
hogwarts house : slytherpuff .
element : fire .
emotional stability : it’s stable on the darker side .
alcohol use : socially .
prone to violence? : when provoked .
habits : losing her temper .
drives / motivations : herself .
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🇫​🇦​🇲​🇮​🇱​🇾​​  ››
father : unknown .
mother : cordelia claire . †
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🇧​🇮​🇴  ››
davina growing up :
⸻  Born and raised in NOLA to a mother who was controlling as she was, she only cared about the coven. never paid any attention to davina unless it was beneficial to her. because having davina was not part of her plans.
⸻  Her father is out of the picture but the coven hated him . that’s all she knows about her father.
⸻  When the coven choose her, davina’s mother was finally proud. For the first time davina saw her smile. But not because of her…But because of the power davina would bring. She never cared about davina living or dying , she only cared about the magic that would fuel the coven.
⸻  So when the harvest finally came, davina’s excitement and pride of being there turned to fear when they were being killed on sight.  Davina witnessed her three friends, Monique, Abigail, and Cassie all being sacrificed in the ritual, but she was with the powers she gain from all 3 she managed to kill some of the witches ( including her own mother ) when marcel interfered and took her chance to plan and escape new orleans a week after the harvest .
the rest is history which you can find HERE .  
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goodpix2021 · 2 months
Once And Again
Even as the coming of winter puts most plants, trees and grasses into a state of dormancy the strong light and clean air still creates wonderful scenery just prior to the long winter’s snowfall. Some days I wonder why I left New Mexico to return to New Orleans. It doesn’t matter now. We are very happy in Virginia. And, Brooklyn. That’s a whole other story. While we don’t have that pure, strong…
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darkskiesrpg · 3 months
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♡ ━ ACCEPTED ━ ♡ welcome to new mystic orleans falls, Davina Claire, Tatia Petrovsdottir, Caroline Forbes, and Feyrah De'mor! Be sure to send in your account within forty-eight hours or your role will be reopened. don’t forget to look over our checklist. Danielle Campbell, Nina Dobrev, Candice King, and Melisa Asli Pamuk are now taken!
[ danielle campbell | she/her] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. DAVINA ALICE CLAIRE, an 27/35 year old WITCH, is one of those from the PRESENT learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re TEMPERED but the truth is that they’re really FERVENT. Their style can best be described as THE FIRST SNOWFALL SPOUTING LAYERS OF IVORY , LAZY MORNINGS CURLED UP IN BLACK SILK SHEETS WITH MESSY CURLS AND LACY LINGERIE , SHE’S MADE UP OF SILK , BLOOD , AND ROSE WATER, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in.( lily, 25+, est, she). 
[ nina dobrev | she/her] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. TATIA PETROVSDOTTIR, an 1000+ year old HUMAN, is one of those from the FUTURE learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re MERCILESS but the truth is that they’re really VEHEMENT. Their style can best be described as THE CALMING SOUND OF RAIN AGAINST PAVEMENT , THE GODS SMILING ON BRAVE WOMEN LIKE THE VALKYRIES WHOSE FURIES MEN FEAR AND DESIRE, AN EXQUISITE BEAUTY IN SILK AND LACES, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( lily, 25+, est, she). 
[ candice king | she/her] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. CAROLINE FORBES, an 18/36 year old VAMPIRE, is one of those from the PRESENT learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re HEAD-STRONG but the truth is that they’re really LOYAL. Their style can best be described as WHAT YOU NOTICED FIRST IS HER LIGHT THAT EVEN THE MOONLIGHT SKY SEEMED TO DULL IN HONOR OF HER BEAUTY , SHE’S THE KIND OF GIRL WHO TRY TO SAVE WOLVES INSTEAD OF RUNNING AWAY FROM THEM , AN ALLURE TO THE DARKNESS, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( lily, 25+, est, she). 
[ melisa asli pamuk | she/her ] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. FEYRAH DE'MOR, an 33 year old SUPERNATURAL HUNTER / HUMAN, is one of those from the FUTURE learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re DEFIANT but the truth is that they’re really KIND. Their style can best be described as SHE’S LIKE ONE OF THOSE RUSSIAN DOLLS; YOU OPEN ONE VERSION OF HER; ONLY TO FIND THERE’S ANOTHER HIDDEN INSIDE HER , PIANO MUSIC AT THE END OF AN EMPTY HALL , IF YOU WERE TO WRITE A STORY WITH HER IN THE LEAD ROLE … IT WOULD CERTAINLY BE A TRAGEDY , and we’ll see how that helps them fit in.  ( lily, 25+, est, she). 
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blogbridgekethy · 4 months
Top 5 Snow Total Updates for Allentown PA & Livingston NJ
Winter can be a time of serene beauty and unpredictable challenges, especially in regions like Allentown, PA, and Livingston, NJ. For weather enthusiasts and local residents alike, keeping track of snow totals is essential. It adds excitement for those interested in meteorology while providing crucial information that affects daily life, infrastructure, and community activities. In this post, we’ll explore the top 5 snow total updates from recent years; delve into the methods used to measure snowfall, and offer insights and practical tips for snow preparedness.
Top 5 Snow Total Updates
1. Winter Storm Jonas (January 2016)
Winter Storm Jonas was a significant event that left a mark on both snow total Allentown PA, and Livingston, NJ. Allentown recorded a staggering 31.9 inches of snow, while Livingston saw 28.1 inches. This storm brought life to a standstill, affecting transportation, utilities, and businesses. The community efforts to clear roads and assist neighbors showcased the resilience and unity of the residents.
2. Nor’easter Riley (March 2018)
Nor’easter Riley was another impactful storm that hit the Northeast. Allentown, PA, experienced 19.3 inches of snowfall, whereas Livingston, NJ, accumulated 24 inches. The heavy, wet snow led to widespread power outages and tree damage. The local governments quickly mobilized resources to manage the situation, highlighting the importance of preparedness and quick response.
3. Winter Storm Orleans (February 2021)
Winter Storm Orleans brought significant snowfall totals to both areas. Allentown saw 27.3 inches, and Livingston recorded 22.4 inches. This storm was notable for its long duration and the continuous accumulation of snow, which posed challenges for snow removal and travel. The storm emphasized the need for updated equipment and technology in managing such weather events.
4. March 2017 Snowstorm
The March 2017 snowstorm was another memorable event, with Allentown recording 18 inches and Livingston seeing 21 inches. The late-season storm caught many off guard, affecting schools, businesses, and travel plans. The event highlighted the unpredictability of weather patterns and the importance of staying informed throughout the entire winter season.
5. December 2020 Nor’easter
In December 2020, a nor’easter brought substantial snowfall to the region. Allentown, PA, received 23.9 inches of snow, while Livingston, NJ, recorded 20.5 inches. This early-season storm set the stage for a snowy winter and reminded residents to prepare their homes and vehicles for the months ahead.
Measuring Snowfall: Methods and Technology
Accurately measuring snowfall is crucial for providing reliable snow total updates. In regions like snow total Allentown PA, and Livingston, NJ, various methods are employed to ensure accuracy:
Manual Measurement: Using standardized tools such as snow boards and rulers, trained observers measure snowfall at regular intervals.
Automated Sensors: Advanced technology, including laser-based sensors and ultrasonic snow depth sensors, provides real-time data with high accuracy.
Historical Data Comparison: By comparing current snowfall data with historical records, meteorologists can identify trends and make more accurate forecasts.
Certified Snowfall Totals, a renowned service in this field, utilizes all these methods to deliver precise and reliable snow total updates for Allentown, PA, and Livingston, NJ.
Insights and Tips for Snow Preparedness
As we’ve seen with these top 5 snow total updates, winter weather can bring significant challenges. Here are some practical tips to stay prepared:
Stay Informed: Monitor local news and weather forecasts for the latest updates on snowfall amounts, road conditions, and potential hazards.
Prepare Your Home: Stock up on supplies and essentials, including food, medication, and heating fuel. Insulate pipes and check for drafts to prevent freezing.
Plan Ahead: Have a plan in place for potential power outages or travel disruptions. Keep emergency supplies ready in case of an unexpected event.
Use Caution: When clearing snow or traveling in hazardous conditions, use caution and follow safety guidelines to avoid accidents and injuries.
Winter weather may bring challenges, but it also offers opportunities for community bonding and appreciation for nature’s power.
By staying informed, prepared, and safe, we can make the most out of this beautiful season in Allentown, PA, and snow total Livingston NJ. So let's embrace the winter wonderland and stay tuned for more snow total updates! Happy winter!
Forecasting Challenges and Predictions
Forecasting snow totals is a complex task that involves understanding various atmospheric conditions. Meteorologists face several challenges, including:
Variable Weather Patterns: The Northeast’s weather is influenced by multiple factors, making it difficult to predict exact snowfall amounts.
Rapidly Changing Conditions: Sudden changes in temperature and precipitation can significantly impact snowfall totals.
Geographical Variations: Differences in elevation and proximity to bodies of water can cause variations in snowfall even within small regions.
Despite these challenges, advancements in technology and improved forecasting models have led to more accurate predictions. Experts emphasize the importance of staying updated with local forecasts and using reliable sources like Certified Snowfall Totals for the latest information.
Practical Tips for Snow Preparedness
Based on historical snow totals, here are some practical tips for residents of Allentown, PA, and Livingston, NJ:
Driving Safety
Equip Your Car: Ensure your vehicle is equipped with snow tires and has a winter emergency kit.
Drive Cautiously: Slow down, increase following distance, and be aware of changing road conditions.
Stay Informed: Check the latest traffic and weather updates before heading out.
Shoveling and Home Maintenance
Shovel Regularly: Don’t wait for the snow to pile up; shoveling frequently makes the task more manageable.
Use Safe Techniques: Push snow rather than lifting, and take breaks to avoid overexertion.
Protect Your Home: Insulate pipes, clear gutters, and ensure your heating system is in good working order.
Community Engagement
Be a Good Neighbor: Help elderly or disabled neighbors with shoveling and other tasks.
Stay Connected: Join local community groups and apps to stay informed and share resources.
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weather-usa · 5 months
Climate of Louisiana
Louisiana's climate is subtropical, influenced by its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico and its position at the mouth of the Mississippi-Missouri river valley. Situated roughly halfway between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the state experiences a blend of Gulf and continental weather patterns. Summers are hot and humid, with frequent afternoon thunderstorms providing some relief, while winters are generally mild.
See Weather Forecast for Louisiana today: https://weatherusa.app/louisiana
See more: https://weatherusa.app/zip-code/weather-70030
The state is prone to tropical storms, and the hurricane season extends from June through November. Average annual temperatures vary from 64 °F (18 °C) in the northern regions to 71 °F (21 °C) at the mouth of the Mississippi River. July typically sees the highest monthly average temperature at 82 °F (28 °C), while January marks the lowest at 50 °F (10 °C). Despite the heat, it's often the humidity that defines Louisiana's summers.
The frost season typically spans from November 1 in the north to December 14 in the extreme southeast. The growing season averages between 220 to 320 days, varying across different regions of the state. Precipitation also varies, with an average of nearly 45 inches (1,140 mm) in Shreveport and over 56 inches (1,420 mm) in New Orleans annually.
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See more: https://weatherusa.app/zip-code/weather-70055
Louisiana, situated in the Deep South region of South Central United States and bordered by Arkansas, Mississippi, the Gulf of Mexico, and Texas, features a predominantly humid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification Cfa). Summers are characterized by long, hot days and brief, mild winters. The state's low elevation, averaging only 30 meters above sea level, contributes to its unique geography, which includes coastal marshes, wet savannas, and elevated pine forests. The Mississippi River forms a significant portion of Louisiana's eastern boundary, with the state divided into uplands in the north and marshlands and barrier islands along the coast.
During the summer months of June to September, temperatures frequently exceed 90°F (32.2°C), accompanied by high humidity and afternoon thunderstorms. Winter days are milder, especially in the southern regions, with temperatures typically above 66°F (18.9°C), although colder conditions can be experienced in the north, where temperatures may drop below 59°F (15°C). The state experiences a wet and dry season throughout the year, with rainfall ranging from 48" (1219mm) in the north to 75" (1905mm) in the south. Snowfall is rare, particularly near the Gulf, but occasional light snow occurs in the northern areas.
Spring, from March to May, sees rising temperatures and significant rainfall, with the onset of storms. Autumn, from September to November, brings cooler temperatures and clearer skies, making it an ideal time to explore the state. The best times to visit Louisiana are during the spring and fall seasons when temperatures are milder and rainfall is less frequent. Conversely, summer, with its sweltering heat, high humidity, and frequent thunderstorms, is considered the least favorable time to visit, particularly in the southern regions prone to tropical cyclones and hurricanes.
See more: https://weatherusa.app/zip-code/weather-70183
That's a comprehensive overview of Louisiana's climate! It covers everything from the state's subtropical conditions to the seasonal variations and extreme weather events like hurricanes. The breakdown of the best and worst times to visit, along with details about each season, provides visitors with valuable insights for planning their trips. Overall, it paints a vivid picture of Louisiana's weather patterns throughout the year.
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wixblud · 8 months
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⸻ #WIXBLUD , a dependent 𝘿𝘼𝙑𝙄𝙉𝘼 𝘼𝙇𝙄𝘾𝙀 𝘾𝙇𝘼𝙄𝙍𝙀 for MYSTICAEHQ ; heavily influenced by my own headcanons and take on the character . loved / hated by lily , she + they , twenty8 . will frequently feature mature / triggering topics ⸻
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     𝑐𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟⧸𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑒 :   davina alice claire   ››   witch   ››  danielle campbell  .
❛❛   aesthetic.  ❜❜   ―   ◜   ❏  . ― the  first  snowfall  spouting  layers  of  ivory ,  lazy  mornings  curled  up  in  black  silk  sheets  with  messy  curls  and  lacy  lingerie ,  she’s made up of silk , blood , and rose water . ―   ◜   ❏  . ―  →
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name . . . . davina alice claire
nicknames . . . . d , harvest girl of fire
age . . . . 18
sexuality . . . . heterosexual
date of birth . . . . december 21st
place of birth . . . new orleans , LA
gender . . . . cis woman
pronouns . . . . she + her
current location . . . . mystic falls , VA
languages . . . . english , latin , french .
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zodiac . . . . sagittarius-capricorn cusp
bad habits . . . . losing her temper
hobbies . . . . painting , coming up with new spells
fears . . . . unknown
other mentionable details . . . . it's important to note that davina saved herself , rather than marcel and killed her own mother .
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faceclaim . . . . danielle campbell
height . . . . 5'3''
hair color . . . . brown
eye color . . . . green
scars . . . . it's very faint but the bite on her neck when kol killed her .
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parents names . . . . cordelia claire ( mother / deceased ) + john blackwell ( father / unknown )
parents relationship . . . . unknown with her father since she never met him + horrible with her mother / she was the one that killed her
pets . . . . n/a
income . . . unknown
residence . . . . davina and faye took up a place of their own
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―  Born and raised in NOLA to a mother who was controlling as she was, she only cared about the coven. never paid any attention to davina unless it was beneficial to her. because having davina was not part of her plans.
―  Her father is out of the picture but the coven hated him because he did magic against him and did expression. that’s all she knows about her father.
―  When the coven choose her, davina’s mother was finally proud. For the first time davina saw her smile. But not because of her…But because of the power davina would bring. She never cared about davina living or dying , she only cared about the magic that would fuel the coven.
―  So when the harvest finally came, davina’s excitement and pride of being there turned to fear when they were being killed on sight.  Davina witnessed her three friends, Monique, Abigail, and Cassie all being sacrificed in the ritual, but she was with the powers she gain from all 3 , she and faye managed to kill some of the witches ( including her own mother ) when marcel interfered and took her chance and left .
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nosnowballs · 9 months
Tips To Enjoy Winters With New Orleans Snowball
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In New Orleans, where snowfall is an uncommon event, local people have tracked down a superb method for embracing the colder time of year soul — with New Orleans snowballs. These sweet and frosty treats are an ideal method for adding a hint of winter magic to the season. Here are a few hints to assist you in appreciating winters with New Orleans snowballs. To read more visit:- https://medium.com/@nosnowballsus/new-orleans-snowballstips-to-enjoy-winters-with-new-orleans-snowball-15d934a06b3c
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little-shop-of-nola · 3 years
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Let it snow with sweet snoballs & snowflakes! This fun, festive and colorful creation is newly available on many different things for this winter season! I love it! It's giving me mid century modern holiday feels. Stay cute and cozy, my friends!
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karinacapybara · 4 years
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According to Wikipedia, there was a snowfall in 1899 in New Orleans, so let just pretend that this is the first memory of a toddler Alastor
(Also, this was obviously a pre-holidays comic but some stuff happened so... Well, better now than never)
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odettedelacour · 2 years
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Odette Delacour - 28/802 - Vampire
☾. was that natalie dormer walking around New Orleans? no, it was just Odette Delacour. You know, the age in 28/802 year old cis female that goes by she/her who also happens to be a vampire. They have been in New Orleans for 3 weeks and they remind me of a moonless night, fresh untouched snowfall, the dancing flames of a fire, the sharpened edge of a knife.
Born in France 1220 to a highborn noble family, Odette was raised to be a proper lady, ready for a husband as soon as she was of age. The only girl of the family, it was on her shoulders to marry a successful duke or prince in order to secure her family’s status among the royals. Her two brothers could do as they pleased, often causing a rift between Odette and her father. She didn’t want to be sold off like cattle to the highest bidder. Her father was constantly striving to climb the socialite ladder, willing to sacrifice whatever necessary, even his own daughter’s happiness. 
She was eventually married off to an English duke when she was 17, forced to leave behind everything she ever knew of her beloved home. Once in England, she struggled, barely able to speak or understand the language. She was a quick learner, determined to never be left in the dark when it came to her husband and his affairs. It didn’t take her long to assimilate to the English culture. By the time she was 25, they were still childless, much to her glee and her husband’s dismay. What only few knew was that her husband was impotent which left her bed empty most nights. Odette found pleasure in other ways, such as her studies and entertaining her comrades by hosting lavish feasts with her husband’s coin. 
It was during one of these grand feasts, that she met the Mikaelson brothers; Elijah and Niklaus. Everyone at court was taken with the brothers, even her husband who invited them to stay for as long as they liked. Odette had no objections. She admired them and their stories, hanging on every word from their mouths. It wasn’t long before she found herself falling for the older brother, Elijah. He was everything she had ever wanted from life. Intelligence, beauty, freedom. They grew close as the days passed, Odette sneaking him into her chambers at night whenever she could. She soon learned of his dark secret, but instead of running in fear, she was intrigued. It was the answer to all of her problems. It was the key to unshackle her from this mundane live she lived. She begged him to turn her, and eventually he gave in. 
It was an entirely new world to Odette after she awoke as a vampire. Everything was heightened. She simply could not get enough of life, indulging in anything and everything she could. As the months past, she couldn’t contain her bloodlust, nor did she feel she needed to. Elijah did his best to control her and teach her how to blend into society, but eventually he realized there was no containing her. It wasn’t long before he and Odette parted ways for good. Though her humanity wasn’t completely shut off, she certainly reveled in the bloodshed and the pure power she now possessed. As the years past, she learned to control herself, knowing she needed to keep herself alive if she wanted to enjoy the freedom she had so desperately craved for years.
Odette spent the years on her own, travelling around the world and soaking up every ounce of freedom she never had in her past life. Now that she was a vampire, she no longer saw human as her equals, instead toying with them like a cat would a mouse. Everything had become a game to her, one she thoroughly enjoyed winning. It was around this time she met a man named Aeron Payne. 
At first he was only another toy to her, but soon, he became far more than that to her. He was the only man since Elijah that she had actually felt something for, but even this was different than Elijah. It wasn’t like anything she had ever felt before. She cared for him far more than any vampire should care for a mere mortal. Though, she dare not let him know the true extent of her feelings. When he chose to return to his wife, it shattered what was left of her blackened heart. When he came to her, begging her to save his wife from the black death, she denied him. However when he was soon dying of the same plague, she couldn’t bare to be in a world without him. Odette turned him and left him to awaken alone. 
In the following years, Odette grew somber, maturing in a way she hadn’t previously. She kept tabs on Aeron throughout the years, never engaging with him, but making sure he stayed alive. Odette still had her fun, but she now kept to herself, keeping a lower profile. At least until recently when she heard rumors of the happenings in New Orleans. The city seemed to hold many ghosts from her past, an opportunity that was too tempting to pass up. 
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