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limantigua · 2 years ago
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Antiguas casas comerciales en Lima - Casa Oechsle - Portal de Botoneros, Plaza Mayor de Lima. Sigue a @limantigua #Oechsle #vladimirvelasquez #coleccionlimantigua #limantigua https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpciyqlu4zs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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onlymenicons · 1 year ago
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itsdareeeh · 5 months ago
MY HONEST OPINION ON: Heldmaschine's new single "Karl Denke"
If you like German music and Rammstein I recommend you to listen to Heldmaschine. They are a Neue Deutsche Härte band from Koblenz, Germany; formed in 2008 they were initially a cover band of Rammstein, but after the release of their first album they changed name and focused on writing original music.
That being said, I'm going to talk about their new single "Karl Denke". The song opens with a whistle melody and later starts the heavy guitar riff. René Anlauff's vocals are just amazing and so are the instruments; the keyboards give the whole that electronic touch typical of their style. The atmosphere is creepy and fits perfectly the subject of the song*.
"Karl Denke" is a perfectly executed song, with a great guitar riff and a disturbing vibe. I'm sure the album won't disappoint.
*Not fun but definitely a fact: Karl Denke was a German serial k!ller and c@nnibal born in 1860 and active from 1903 to 1924 (the year of his death).
Have you listened to this song? Let me know what you think and stay tuned because I might make a post in which I talk better about Heldmaschine/other great German bands👀
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potroasttheghostdog · 1 year ago
Being on the spectrum, and having weird interests is actually crazy sometimes. Just scratching an itch leads you down an hours long rabbit hole of discovery and wikipedia pages. For me, one of my more mundane interests is fruits, plants, and botany.
I was eating an orange. Just chilling, while feeding my dog. I wondered what my favorite orange (cara cara) was a crossbreed from (it's *gotta* be blood and navel right it's so tasty but distinct from other oranges, can't be a valencia the color's not right!)
So I looked it up. Turns out, there's like 600 of these bastards. Well let's fucking read about all of them.
Oh Ermelo's orange. That sounds weird. What's that.
Oh it's just called that because takes its name from 'Ermelo', a parish in Arcos de Valdevez Municipality, Portugal. It was introduced to the region by Cistercian monks in the 12th century, but it is sweeter than the average orange. Oh, but it's on The Ark of Taste.
What the fuck is that.
Well, turns out it's kinda like the Endagered Wildlife registry, but for sustainably sourced heritage foods and local cuisines. They see local foods as tantamount to cultural landmarks that should be preserved and foods go on the list if they are either impotant orbrelevant to a specific culture or ethnoregion, or are in danger of dying out whether from extinction or a fading cultural relevancy. They urge the perpetuation of their existence by encouraging their continued consumption. This includes foodstuffs like fruit from extremely specific regions, breads, cheeses, and even certain breeds of livestock that meat comes from.
Here's some fun ones: classic mortadella of all things (because it originates in Italy and has been a staple of their cuisine for centuries) cuccalar (a specific type of italian bread) casu marzu (a gross kind of cheese, do not google if you have a weak stomach) carosello (an italian melon), Lake Michigan Whitefish, Gravenstein Apples, Mayhaw jelly, bogong moths, and bunya nuts. They have things on the list from all over the world and it's actually really gratifying knowing that someone somewhere can see whatever random little thing you have and see everywhere, is valued, because it represemts a culture that not everyone has. I've had Lake Michigan whitefish. I consider it just a fish. But it's on a list of important culture for the US that should be conserved for the sake of culture, and that's kind of eye opening.
The Ark of Taste is run by Slow Food.
Ok. What the fuck is that.
Turns out it's an international org dedicated to preserving cultural foodstuffs that also emphasizes sustainability by supporting eating, growing, and traditional cooking local foods. Think Audobon but for cheese.
What was I reading about? Oh right, oranges. Oh the chocolate orange has a 12 Brix.
What the fuck is a Brix.
Turns out Degrees Brix (°Bx) is the measure of dissolved solids in liquids and aqueous solutions, but is used to measure sugar content in foods and juices in common. So like Scoville scale but for sugar. Honey, soda, wine, sugar, fruit juice, fruits, and maple syrup use it to measure their sugar content. There's also some other scales that are used for sugar measuring. The Plato Scale (°P) is used in brewing, The Oechsle Scale used on german and swiss wine, and the Balling Scale, which is the oldest and not commonly used anymore.
What was I reading about? Oh yeah oranges.
Oh Smith Red Valencia. Sounds sultry.
It's a pigmented bud sport of the valencia orange tree.
What's a bud sport.
Turns out a bud sport is any kind of sudden morphological difference growing from a plant caused by genetic mutation. Like when a dwarf pine starts growing foliage branches that are morpholigically identical to a regular pine. You ever notice how sometimes your christmas tree, if you get a live one, has irregular branches where they grow out longer than normal, and the needles are a bit different than the rest of the tree? Bud sport. Neat. Oh it's night time.
What was I reading about? Oh yeah. Oranges.
Yeah turns out I was right, cara caras are the hybrid of blood and navels. Knew it. Also, apparently oranges aren't even the original thing. They started out as a hybrid between pomelos and mandarins. Also, also, apparently fruit genomes have "moms and dads", i.e. the chloroplast genome is considered the "maternal line" of a fruit's ancestry. The orange's chloroplast genome comes from pomelos, meaning pomelos are the orange's "mother".
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ghohl · 12 days ago
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Ralph Oechsle auf Fotocommunity
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gabriel-91 · 10 months ago
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Si buscan una elfa, venga a mi tienda Oechsle plaza norte 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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gonzalolimo · 1 year ago
Oechsle - Vuelos
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cborrador · 3 years ago
Muerte en Oechsle, una crisis en progreso
Muerte en Oechsle, una crisis en progreso
Sin dar explicaciones claras sobre la intervención a una persona en la tienda de Oeschsle, en el Real Plaza de San Borja, Alex Gensollen Vera Tudela, perdió la vida. El hecho se produjo alrededor de las 10 de la noche del último martes 14 de septiembre y, por el cual, cinco agentes de seguridad, dos del centro comercial y tres de la tienda por departamentos fueron detenidos en el Departamento de…
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antonio70sworld · 5 years ago
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Emblemático edificio institucional - Banco Internacional del Perú, hoy con una imagen comercial, alberga a una tienda por departamento y supermercado. Su presencia en compañía de la Iglesia de La Merced, define uno de los espacios mas característicos de nuestro CHL. ...... #arquitectura #arquitecturarepublicana #cuarzo #plazavea #oechsle #bancointernacionaldelperu #interbank #estilo #arquitecturaperuana #pilastras #galaxys10plus #jirondelaunion (en Jirón De La Unión) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBjz3x1hfHq/?igshid=1htnqbfdu9gji
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sociedadcerrada · 8 years ago
¿Discriminación, preferencia o protocolo?
Despierto cada día con la mejor disposición a enfrentar la vida y sus obstáculos para alcanzar mis sueños y metas , pero en ese proceso dentro de las 24 horas, surge un momento denominado "Un mal trato" y no hago referencia a violencia física, sino a ciertas actitudes que toman algunas personas frente a otros, tan sólo por la "imagen". Últimamente he estado viendo en las noticias y publicaciones en redes casos de discriminación y marginación hacia diferentes personas en nuestra capital, en recurrentes establecimientos públicos (bancos, centros comerciales, supermercados e incluso el aeropuerto) donde se aprecia una constante violencia verbal. Y yendo más allá del origen de la discusión por lo cual se pudo originar estos actos, me pregunto ¿Es necesario usar calificativos despectivos y apabulladores para poder dar a conocer nuestras molestias o perspectivas? ¿Es necesario menospreciar a otra persona para salir victoriosos? ¿Es necesario sacar a relucir nuestra educación, economía o adeptos para decir que somos mejores? No sólo hago mención por lo que veo o escucho, sino porque lo he vivido.
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Suelo ir de compras a un concurrido supermercado cercano a mi casa (PlazaVea) y nunca había tenido algún problema hasta que ocurrió. Un día saliendo de trabajar decidí pasar a realizar unas compras pero me daba pereza sacar mi móvil y  billetera de mi mochila, así que decidí pasar de frente con mis cosas en la espalda, a lo que el encargado de seguridad rápidamente me impidió el paso y me pidió dejar mis cosas en recepción, sin más que agregar y a pesar de la pereza estuve dispuesto a realizar dicha petición tranquilamente hasta que pude percatarme de algo sin mayor lógica. Habían mujeres ingresando y comprando con sus bolsos, le repliqué y lo que respondió fue que "ellas como mujeres llevan sus cosas personales ahí",  a lo que que arremetí manifestando que yo también llevo mis cosas personales en mi mochila y que si pensaba que podría robarme algo y seguidamente guardarlo ahí, también podrían hacerlo ellas. En el momento que le aclaraba esto pude ver que habían extranjeros (turistas) hombres que ejercían compras con sus mochilas con total libertad, por ende no era cuestión de género sino de mis características físicas que no iban con su prototipo de  cliente "honrado y respetable". Esto quiere decir que si soy rubio y blanco o una mujer bien vestida no se me considera un peligro y que muy a pesar de lo acontecido, el encargado no pudo darme una respuesta válida.
La siguiente vez que pasé por una incómoda situación fue en la reciente inaugurada tienda retail Oechsle (Miraflores), debido al acecho latente del personal de seguridad, dado que andaba probándome toda prenda que me gustaba ¿Acaso era la única persona en el lugar probándose ropa y viendo cosas? pues... ¡No! entonces ��Por qué la fijación sobre mi persona? ¿Por mi test o mi apariencia? ¿Acaso los rasgos caucásicos denotan autoridad, superioridad y confianza? En un país tan multiracial como el nuestro es insólito que juzguen por los rasgos, origen, lengua y demás.
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Lamentablemente eso no ha sido todo, ya que la última gota que derramó el vaso sucede en mi propia institución educativa de estudios superiores (ISIL). Quiero creer que es parte del protocolo de la institución, aunque a estas alturas se torna absurdo y poco funcional, puesto que más que ejercer un control de seguridad, lo que hacen es generar incomodidad y molestia en su alumnado. Y me refiero a ese incesante control de mochilas a la salida de clases. En principio a pesar de lo incómodo que suscita dicha acción, que me hace sentir como si estuviera saliendo de una penitenciaria más que un centro educativo, y  lo que genera mi molestia es que esta revisión no se aplica a todos. Las mujeres  y los que son rubios o de rasgos "atractivos" no pasan por este proceso. Es penoso que este tipo de actitudes se desarrollen en un sitio que precisamente brinda educación y cultura.
Vivimos en una sociedad que en vez de romper barreras que permitan una correcta integración y progreso a nivel cultural, lo que ocasiona es  separar y condicionar a las personas a la sumersión de prejuicios y maltratos. La discriminación frecuentemente se encuentra respaldada por protocolos absurdos y obsoletos, seguida de preferencias excluyentes.
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Lo bueno y lo malo no tiene rostro, nuestras acciones y aportes para con la sociedad y los demás sí lo tiene.                                     ¡Todos somos uno!
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limantigua · 3 years ago
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Plaza de Armas de Lima a finales de los años 20. Al fondo vemos la antigua Casa comercial Oechsle. Sigue a @limantigua #vladimirvelasquez #limantigua #coleccionlimantigua #lima #Oechsle https://www.instagram.com/p/CeIBm9Xu7an/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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princessgracekelly1956 · 5 years ago
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ABOVE: Jack Oechsle and Grace Kelly at a Lehigh University fraternity party in 1946 // Jack Oechsle in 1982
Below are reminiscences from Oechsle [Kelly neighbor who dated Grace whilst he was in college] which appeared in The Philadelphia Inquirer following the death of Princess Grace.
Jack Oechsle is 57 now, president of Metalweld in Conshohocken. He lives in East Falls, only a few blocks from the house he grew up in on Henry Avenue while Grace Kelly was growing up next door.
“I don’t know that I could really pick a time when I first became aware of her,” he said. “She was five years younger than me. She and my sister, Caroline Jean, were in the same class at the Springside School. Did I have a crush on her? Oh, I guess at that age all kids have crushes. Philosophically speaking, times were different in those days. I don’t think boys were as aware of girls as they are today. The restrictions, the moral code, everything was different. We were more aware of football and baseball and cars and motorcycles than we were of girls.
Grace was unique in the sense that she had a very natural beauty, without makeup or anything else. I knew her when she was a kid, and I dated her when I was in college and when I came out of the service. She was a beautiful, beautiful woman.
When I was 21 and she was 17, I invited her for a weekend at Lehigh University, at the Delta Upsilon fraternity house. Of course, I had to take my sister along, and get her a date, too. I put the both of them up at the Hotel Bethlehem.
Now think of the level of sophistication of these kids. These girls found out, much to their amazement, that there was such a thing as room service. All you had to do was pick up the phone and somebody would bring you a shrimp cocktail, or a chicken salad sandwich, or anything you wanted. It took me two and a half hours on Sunday afternoon to borrow enough money to bail them out of the hotel.
Grace was a lot of fun. She liked to go out. Once, after she was involved in movies and all that jazz, she was with a bunch of us down in Ocean City, and we were all going out to dinner in Somers Point. And she said, ‘Why don’t you all go ahead, because if I go you won’t have any fun.’
People wouldn’t leave her alone when she went out. Once you become a celebrity, you belong to everybody. I’m not altogether sure she wanted to belong to everybody.
I think meeting the Prince was the best thing that could have happened to Grace.
The marriage was the most perfect circumstance in the world for her. She had a husband, a family, everything in the world she could ever want.
She was a very stable person.”
- ‘Philadelphia’s Princess: A City Recalls Grace’ by Beth Gillin - The Philadelphia Inquirer - September 19, 1982
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harvardfineartslib · 2 years ago
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Japan: Described and Illustrated by the Japanese – Part 3 Continued from our previous post.
Overwhelmed by the size of the order, Tamamura reportedly employed more than 350 assistants to help with the printing and coloring. He also called on other Yokohama photographers to supply images in addition to his, including Ogawa Kazumasa, Kusakabe Kimbei, and T. Enami (Enami Nobukuni). Through extensive research, photograph historian Rob Oechsle has identified almost 50 photographs by Enami used in the Japan volumes. To date, this constitutes the largest number of images positively attributed to a contributing photographer.
To be continued…
View the entire set as an album.
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missmaxime · 4 years ago
My confusion about the timeline is Annie's change of age. Season 1 she's 28 - considering Sadie/Ben is 11 and that they had the baby at 17. Even if she was nearly 18 at the time of Sadie's birth it would make her 29 (at the most) then in season 3 she's all of a sudden 33 and in her Jesus year. Am I getting this wrong? Beth's children don't seem to age much either.I also am curious as to how their criminal enterprises are worth it. How much money are they really making?
Hi Anon! Thank you so much for sending me this message! (I’m a nerd that loves math, so if anyone else has any questions please send me them!) I’ll make the post about the ages here. And I’ll post about the Crime Money in three parts in separate post over the coming week.  Annie and Ben’s Ages You’re right on all accounts, really. We do know Greg and Annie were 17 when they decided on the rules around custody around Ben/Sadie, Greg says it when they’re having the conversation in F&F. And we also know Ben/Sadie ’s 11 in season 1 because Annie says it out loud. So in season 1, yes that all is canon. But both Annie and Ben fell victim to the age shuffle that happened when the show started to determine the characters ages and background a little more in Season 2. I think what also came into play is Isaiah Stannard, the actor who plays Ben, doesn’t really look as young as they wrote Ben to be. He’ll be turning 16 this year, but on the show Ben would still be 13 – which I feel like they wouldn’t be able to really sell. But even if they only made him one or two years older, that would make Annie at the youngest fifteen when she had him. And while I think Annie would encounter similar struggles as an even younger mom, I think her and Greg’s story would have played out vastly different. I can imagine Greg’s parents taking full custody of Ben, and I can imagine it would probably expose how dire the Marks’ household is (whatever it is, we don’t really know) changing course on Beth’s story as well. Aging Annie up to 33 plays well into the existing story, not changing anything that happened up ‘till now. I feel like making her older makes her storylines in S3 even more believable. I mean, it’s a cliché, but nothing like throwing your life around when you reach early thirties. And even though it probably petrifies her, Ben’s not going to be around forever, he’s going to college in three years and then Annie has to take care of herself. This enhanced pressure makes it more compelling to me to see her struggle to give Ben that freedom of her not needing him to get through daily life. And her being older makes is sadder that she struggles so much to succeed, makes her childish behavior even more ridiculous, but makes you want her to get her GED even more because it feels even more like a last-chance opportunity. In short: Your math isn’t wrong, but the show aged them both up. The Boland Kids It’s no secret that they did a big recast between Season 1 and Season 2 for the kids. Back in the early days Braxton Bjerken (then 11, now 14) played Kenny (11), Mila Middleswarth played Jane Boland, Sutton Johnston played Danny Boland, and Kaitlyn Oechsle played Emma Boland. While I can’t find the exact ages of the actors (or it’s very ambiguous) I feel like this is the order they were born, judging by their appearances. In the second and third season only Braxton (14) kept playing Kenny, and his siblings were replaced by Mason Shea Joyce (10) for Danny, Scarlett Abinante (9) for Emma, and Everleigh McDonell (8) for Jane. Kenny’s birthday is in October, maybe early November, making him 12.5 at the end of Season 3. The other kids we don’t know their ages, but I think Danny is around 10, Emma’s around 8, and Jane’s 7. It’s not that odd that they don’t seem to age that much, considering most of them are still 10 or younger, we’ve only known most of Beth’s current kids since Season 2 and I also feel like they’re well-cast. And keep in mind that not that much time has passed between the beginning of the first season and the end of the last season, it’s only been about 18 months.
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t2000000000 · 5 years ago
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cborrador · 5 years ago
Indecopi ordena medida cautelar contra Saga, Ripley, Oechsle y otras 10 empresas de e-commerce
Indecopi ordena medida cautelar contra Saga, Ripley, Oechsle y otras 10 empresas de e-commerce
Si bien es claro y comprensible que la cuarentena ha representado un momento atípico para todos los peruanos, lo que los compradores no logran entender es cómo las empresas siguen cayendo en los mismos errores de siempre, es decir, hacer un vía crucis el pos venta.
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Dando una mirada a las redes sociales de cada uno de nosotros, es extraño el día en el cual un amigo no reclame por el producto que…
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