liveforjeongin · 8 months
Hii I'm new to your blog an Di love your fics!! Can I ease request lee seungmin with ler Chan and Minho with 3 & 27 from prompt list 2? Hope you have a great day!!💖💖💖
Your Laughs Are Worth It
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I literally love lee!Seungmin, he's too cute
Thanks for the request anon<3
-tickle fic, if you don't like that you can keep scrolling
requested by: anon
warnings: Seungmin all weak at the end, intense tickling(? not so described though so Idk, Minnie being cute<3
taglist: @itzsana-kiddingmenow @channieissocute125
Prompt 3, list #2: “Keep your arms up!”
Prompt 27, list #2: “There’s no escape!”
Chan woke up in the morning, as any other day. The day before he had wrecked Hyunjin with Minho, and that, surprisingly, made him wake up in a ler mood almost unbearable.
He texted Minho, telling him about this, and it turned out he was in the same situation.
"Seungminnie just woke up, he looks extremely cute... I wanna tickle him so bad, he's always got the cutest giggles" the younger of the two texted
"What if we do?" was the answer he got.
Some hours later, Chan arrived the maknaes+Lino dorm, ready to fulfill the craving of tickling one of their maknaes.
Seungmin, on the other hand, was totally unaware of his hyungs' plan. So, when they invited him to watch a movie, he accepted gladly.
Surprisingly for all three of them, a tickle scene showed up in the movie, sending chills all over their bodies, Seungmin even blushed a little, now realizing what's with the behavior of his hyungs. Oh no... He was their today victim.
The puppy-like boy tried to get out of there, thinking on how to do it without them noticing he noticed. Not able to think about any good idea, decided to just stand up and leave, but the nervousness was so noticeable in him, and the two oldests were not planning on give up on their plan, that's why Lino quickly tackled the younger, making them both fall in the ground.
"NO! No! No no no! Hyungs plehehease!" Was all that Seungmin could say when the cat lover sat on his hips and Channie sat on the floor too, after pausing the movie.
"There's no scape, Seungminnie~!" the oldest teased, starting to scribble on Minnie's ribs, causing him to immediately put his arms at his sides, protecting his ribs from the attack.
"Nohoho! Hyungs plehehease! We can talk about thihihis!"
"Hmmm... I don't think we can, Seungminnie. Now come on, raise your arms" Lino said, emphasizing with a poke on the youngest's belly.
Seungmin's eyes widened, what did he just say?! There was no way he would raise his arms for them to tickle him.
"The more you try to resist, the more we'll tickle you, so keep your arms up! It's all up to you~"
Thinking about it better... Yeah, it was safer to do it.
Minnie slowly raised his arms, putting them down every few seconds while giggling, the anticipation was getting to him "Plehehehehease hyungs! You don't have to do thihihis! Don't plehehease"
Of course Minho didn't listen to Seungmin's pleading and started squeezing his sides, kinda gently at first to get the younger used to the sensation, which the Minnie certainly appreciated.
"Hyuhuhuhuhung! Nohohohoho! Stop that plehehehehehehease!
"I don't think that's happening, Seungminnie~" Chan said and joined in in the tickling, going for the younger's armpits, rougher than how Minho was doing on his sides, making Seungmin go crazy at the too similar but different sensations on his body.
We can say Minho fixed that when he started squeezing, digging and scribbling way rougher on Seungmin's sides.
Seungmin was having a hard time trying to keep his arms up. lt was being almost imposible considering Chan's tickles on his armpits and his urge of protecting his sides from Minho's tickles as well.
He tried hard...
But failed.
Min put his arms down and squirmed away the best he could considering Minho was sat on his hips.
The odests both let out a dramatic gasp at the younger's actions, making Seungmin giggle a little at their exagerated reaction.
"You did not." Minho dramatized, taking his own hand to his chest, wanting to get some more giggles out of Minnie.
"Hyuhuhuhung! You're being too dramatic..."
"Oh, is he?~" The oldest of the three spoke up, lifting the youngest's arms over his head and sitting on his hands.
"N-No Hyung! Channie hyung! Please! Please nohoho!" Seungmin begged in anticipation, knowing the real torture was about to start.
He was fucked up.
Almost immediately, Minho went wild on Seungmin's belly, probably his worst spot.
"You practically asked for it… You were being just so cute... Your laugh is worth all this you know?~" Chan teased and started tickling the younger's ribs mercilessly.
Seungmin's laughter went hysterical. How are they so good at tickling?
Needless to say Chan and Minho were absolutely merciless with their dongsaeng, and Seungmin was going crazy.
Minchan didn't listen to him and just kept going for a little while more.
After some minutes, Seungmin looked visibly weak, tired and overwhelmed, so his hyungs thought that was enough, they didn't want to kill him, so they stopped. Minho got off of the puppy-like boy and Chan set his arms free.
Seungmin immediately curled up in a ball in the floor.
A giggly, blushy and weak ball.
His hyungs couldn't help but look down tenderly at him, he was so cute.
"How was it?" Channie asked, starting to stroke the younger's hair.
"Intense. Never do it again" Seungmin replied out of breathe, getting a chuckle out from both of his hyungs.
"We can't promise anything if you're so cute you know" Minho teased
The younger sighed "I'll have to change that then..."
Minho and Chan both chuckled and picked Seungmin up to place him back on the couch and this time actually see the movie.
But of course Seungmin fell asleep almost immediately, you didn't learn anything last time?
Later in the night, almost at midnight, Seungmin couldn't stop thinking about this situation over and over again, even blushing slightly remembering it.
Then he searched up on Google.
'How to never stop being cute'
Okay I wrote the last half of this on CLASS
Literally I had a sudden inspiration on fucking Physics and decided that writing was more important than... Well, really nothing considering I had already finished the workshop-
So I could pay all my attention to my writing😻
Ofc I had to digitalize the whole thing cuz I can't use my phone on school so I wrote in a NOTEBOOK
No one's ever touching that notebook from now on-
I also fixed a couple details (I'm kinda perfectionist writing-) but mostly is the same so y'all can expect more fics written in school since this one came out actually good-
I hope y'all liked it ;3 I'll try to be more active since this year is no-homework and everything will be in class. So yeah, expect more fics from now on😻
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bathroomcube · 10 months
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ogh yeah
the m
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odest moyse neckalce
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phanagoria · 2 years
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Ако благоволишъ да ми покажешъ, Господи,
нѣкакви нови твои заповѣди
да ги разнасямъ по свѣта,
тогава напиши ги на скрижалитѣ
съ Кирилица —
за да ги разбера до съвършенство.
(I: Troyan monastery, Bulgaria. II: Sts. Cyril and Methodius icon by Zahari Zograf. III: Tomić Psalter, 14th century Tarnovo Literary School. IV: Odest dated Cyrillic inscription circa 921 AD, Krepcha, northeastern Bulgaria.)
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ourglorioushistory · 1 month
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444names · 2 months
Names generated from American, French and German forenames, including the letter sequence "St"
Aggistéphis Aldesty Alesta Aliast Alinastin Alistas Aliste Alistiann Almunest Alukastin Amelaust Ameristinry Ancesta Ancestobyn Ancistine Andystell Anestia Anichristy Anistie Anistiff Annesta Annestalber Annestina Anstichere Ançoistia Aricest Aristo Arlarst Arsta Arstia Arvestie Arysta Astel Astéphitte Audystame Axisterryn...
Bargista Barstie Baste Bastiam Belindraist Beristia Bersta Bersustine Besta Blestin Bresti Brichaniste Brist Bristh Bristim Brubesty Bryste Caraleste Caristi Carlistane Carstic Caste Casterredia Casty Cestieck Charrister Cheilistian Cheristence Cheristi Cholaniste Christ Christena Christiffel Christither Christois Clanste Clariste Claulastois Cliste Clistelie Clistine Clysta Clystéphand Colarsuste Constinaure Coriest Corste Cortistine Crist Custe Cyriste Daist Dançoistra Darilyst Darster Destinellia Destitz Dista Dolaursto Douisty Eliferiste Elisteller Eloistie Emaelexiste Emandrestin Ereste Eristan Eristana Esteri Estiane Estine Estisany Estof Eugleston Eugusta Faistyrt Floist Floista Fralista Frierresta Fristera Fristie Fristisca Frégistie Garista Garistie Garistiffor Gaétista Gertomisty Gista Gistalder Gisterie Gisterine Gistertalle Gisth Gistoddik Gistéphill Gistéphilo Glaistierna Glavistine Gloistindie Gothister Gredestie Grenaroster Guiste Guistie Guistinetha Guistitz Guiston Gusteral Gélivalista Gériste Hançoiste Hariast Helianste Heliste Hercustan Heristie Heristy Herstoy Holbestin Holerryst Homarstiell Huguste Ilistane Ineveste Irgustrack Iristin Istalmute Istamella Istanny Istephie Ister Istera Istia Istie Istient Istiette Istim Istimel Istin Istina Istineredd Istinettya Istya Janstéphan Jastitannat Jastithal Jealiste Jeanstiney Jeastie Jentoneste Jeriastia Jestargerna Jeste Jestie Jestin Jestinele Jestinie Jestodor Jorestonis Jorsustine Josti Jostie Julaust Julriste Justac Justerra Justie Justifrinz Justina Jörgiste Kargistanle Karistyl Karsterry Karsustine Kaste Kasterle Kastéphil Kathistise Koliste Konstith Krist Kriste Kristentz Kristindonn Kristinhein Lacelouiste Landarysta Lanineston Lastieu Laustachel Laustas Laustine Lawrestita Lentoistin Lettistinès Listele Listerhan Listielie Listo Listrudo Lodiaste Loisti Loistie Loistin Loristallyn Loristaléa Lorstiel Lottiste Louiste Louister Lucastamili Luciasta Lucista Lucistia Ludestin Ludista Luiste Luisty Lulisti Luppasta Lystan Madest Mandrister Manniaste Margistina Maristace Marister Maristina Maristinra Maristita Marlorstina Maroste Marsta Marste Masterrenny Matristi Maulauste Megista Melistine Micargiste Micista Milaustine Milberste Milhestinda Minfristona Mistoy Moharst Moriste Méliste Nathaëllist Niettiste Nista Nistia Odeste Ostanni Othistale Pasta Pastany Pastel Pasterne Pastie Pegaiste Pieuguste Pristin Pristingie Randystiste Raudestina Registamy Reste Rickirista Riste Rister Ristine Ristint Ristrundawn Riustia Roberistine Roberrist Rochriste Rolyste Romaulrist Rorgistelle Rostinette Rustodiani Rédéristam Régistomara Saacistim Scastente Scoliste Sharistin Shernorist Sherostia Shlouist Sinestrain Sonistiff Sopasthin Staced Stacelm Stale Stallauke Stalvine Stamonia Stannes Stanuela Stançois Stedrane Steffaylvia Stela Stelic Stelin Stelly Stelsonna Stence Stences Stent Stephel Stephilda Stericisa Sterna Sterne Sternel Sterry Stertne Steva Stiannor Stianorick Stick Stiel Stien Stiena Stier Stierna Stimel Stimis Stimmaria Stimon Stimonyanta Stina Stinder Stindritz Stine Stinhel Stinie Stinnee Stinon Stison Stita Stith Stithe Stittia Stoine Stomas Stonistie Stonjanetta Stylvine Styrik Stéph Stépharome Stéphia Stéphian Stéphilla Stéphille Sustaluce Suste Sustertrud Sustevires Sustia Sustie Sustiffaete Sustine Sustinese Sustinth Taste Tastisey Tista Tisteriane Tistia Toloristine Triste Tristed Tristert Tristinrie Tristy Uliste Ulrist Vaistiermar Vanneste Veste Vierstéph Visterinri Vistrusame Vièleste Vériste Véristois Wariste Wertristia Westista Wista Wistie Wolaumest Wolyst Yanneste Yvolauste Éliste Érist Étastevenna
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strawberryonfire · 1 year
Here's some art I made PT. 1
Proportions will be weird and wonky
Odest to newest
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hngjzrstyl · 2 years
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注册官网;hn1196.com 百家乐、斗牛、龙虎、炸金花、推筒子、大小点 经理开户QQ2463920149
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shownusfool · 3 years
you know what really sucks?
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morrigan-sims · 3 years
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Forrest Waites for @noncommittaltrait​ ‘s 2nd Chance Challenge
As soon as I saw that Leo was doing a challenge, I was like, yes please!! The minimal cc was a challenge, but I think it turned out okay! (I mean, I went full cc for his everyday outfit, but the rest are either EA stuff or blank.)  Anyways, meet Forrest!
Facts: - Trans-masc nb. - they/he (primarily they/them, tho) - 24 years old. - Loves pink. - Neurodivergent. (ADHD for sure!!) - Bi Icon. - Wears makeup.
Aspiration and Skills: - Super Parent Aspirtaion, Romantic, Clumsy, and Family Oriented.
Talent: - Comedy, ig?? They’re pretty good at making jokes, and also making friends!
Weakness: - Cooking.  Boy has burnt a freaking grilled cheese before.  
Longer Bio Under The Cut!
Bio: Forrest is one of the middle children of a VERY big family.  They have 2 older siblings and 2 younger ones.  Because of this, Forrest often wound up babysitting his siblings, especially when the odest ones were out of the house.  Their younger sisters know them as the best make-up artist in the family, and are always begging him to do their hair and make-up.  Or they did when they were younger.   Forrest began to label themselves as nb in highschool, at the age of 15 or 16.  They officially came out to their family at 17, to a very supportive crew.  They began to use masculine pronouns at age 19, and shortly after began to transition.  Now, at 24, they are very comfortable in their sexuality, and much more so in their body.   Dating Life: Forrest’s first partner was a boy they met in high school.  They dated for nearly a year, before breaking up.  Since then, Forrest has dated several poeple of multiple genders.  In college, at age 22, Forrest met their most recent ex, Will.  Will seemed to be everything that Forrest could have wanted in a partner.  Accepting, loving, attentive, and caring.  The relationship started off very well, and the two moved in together after dating for about 6 months.  However, as time went on the two began to drift apart.  This rift started over the topic of children.  Forrest very dearly wants children, and loves them a lot.  However, Will was not a fan of children and didn’t want to even discuss the topic.  He claimed it was “too early” in their relationship to have such discussions.  After dancing around the topic for almost 2 years while their relationship slowly crumbled, Forrest sat Will down and asked him point blank if he thought the relationship was still working.  The two talked, maybe the first time they really had in a while, and decided that their relationship was falling apart.  It wasn’t fair to either of them for them to be holding each other hostage from finding a better partner.  And so, Forrest’s longest and most impactful relationship ended after two years. After taking a few months off from dating, Forrest is ready to find their ideal partner.  Someone who can make them happy, and that they can make happy.  They are on the search for their happy ending.
Sorry for how long that got!! I didn’t realize how much I had typed until I looked back at it.  Oops.  Oh well, considering this challenge is about sims that have experienced a breakup, I figured it might be good to know a bit about their past relationship.
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crestah · 5 years
thinking about them.....
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silverlake-rp · 4 years
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The following characters have just joined Silver Lake! Please go over the checklist, make sure everything is in order, and send in your account in under 48 hours.
Tucker Odeste [ Charles Michael Davis, EMT ]
Fallon Ford [ Jodie Comer, Operator at Ready Player One ]
Mikayla Tilly [ Jennifer Lawrence, Barista at Intelligentsia ]
Sasha Holland [ Elle Fanning, Prostitute ]
Tierney Rose [ Molly Gordon, Music producer ]
Aera Jeong [ Seo Ye-ji, Film director ]
David Porter [ Dan Stevens, Crime scene investigator ]
Tyson Dobbs [ Colson Baker, Semi-pro skater & Employee at Daily Planet ]
[ TUCKER ODESTE. 34. CISMALE. HE/HIM] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ 5 MONTHS ] and are originally from [ ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI ]. They are an [ EMT ] and in their downtime love [ DANCING ] and [ BULLET JOURNALING ]. They look a lot like [ CHARLES MICHAEL DAVIS ] and live [ IN OASIS APTS ]. (ooc: elia, 26, she/her, est)
[ FALLON FORD. 25. FEMALE. SHE/HER.] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ 10 YEARS ] and are originally from [ CHICAGO ]. They are a [ Operator at Ready Player One ] and in their downtime love [ Roller Skating ] and [ Practical Mechanics ]. They look a lot like [ JODIE COMER ] and live [ IN OASIS APTS ]. (ooc: vex, 26, she/her, est)
[ MIKAYLA TILLY. 30. FEMALE. SHE/HER ] is here! They've lived in Silver Lake for [ 20 YEARS ] and are originally from [ BROOKLYN, NEW YORK ]. They are a [ BARISTA AT INTELLIGENTSIA COFFEE ] and in their downtime love [ ACTING ] and [ BAR HOPPING ]. They look a lot like [ JENNIFER LAWRENCE ] and live [ IN OASIS APARTMENTS ]. (ooc: fish, 27, she/her, est)
[ SASHA HOLLAND. 22. FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ 3 YEARS ] and are originally from [ CLEVELAND, OHIO ]. They are a [ PROSTITUTE ] and in their downtime love [ SMOKING ] and [ WATCHING TV ]. They look a lot like [ ELLE FANNING ] and live [ IN OASIS APTS ]. (ooc: beth, 28, she/her, gmt+2)
[ TIERNEY ROSE. 24. FEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ 24 YEARS ] and are originally from [ SILVER LAKE ]. They are a [ MUSIC PRODUCER ] and in their downtime love [ SHOPPING FOR RECORDS ] and [ MEDITATING & YOGA ]. They look a lot like [ MOLLY GORDON ] and live [ IN OASIS APTS ]. (ooc: m, 27, she/her, EST)
[ AERA JEONG. 28. CISFEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ 1 WEEK ] and are originally from [ BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA ]. They are a [ FILM DIRECTOR ] and in their downtime love [ WRITING ] and [ PLAYING TENNIS ]. They look a lot like [ SEO YE-JI ] and live [ ON SILVERWOOD TERRACE ]. (ooc: nora, 22, she/her, est)
[ DAVID PORTER. THIRTY FIVE. CISMALE, HE/HIM] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ TWO YEARS ] and are originally from [ LONDON ENGLAND ]. They are a [CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATOR ] and in their downtime love [NETFLIX ] and [ WORKING OUT ]. They look a lot like [ DAN STEVENS ] and live [ IN OASIS APARTMENTS ]. (v, 30, she/her, est)
[ TYSON DOBBS. 28. MALE. HE/HIM ] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ 14 YEARS ] and are originally from [ CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS ]. They are a [ SEMI-PRO SKATER & EMPLOYEE AT DAILY PLANET ] and in their downtime love [ BEATING CHILDREN AT READY PLAYER ONE GAMES ] and [ SMOKING WEED IN THE OASIS LAUNDRY ROOM ]. They look a lot like [ MACHINE GUN KELLY / COLSON BAKER ] and live [ IN OASIS APTS ]. (ooc: violet, 29, she/her, gmt)
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ourglorioushistory · 1 month
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matteredloyaltyaa · 4 years
relationship status:   I’m in a tough love relationship with school rn
favourite colour:   Green! 
lipstick or chap stick:   Chap stick. 
last song i listened to:  Here It Comes - M/odest Mouse
last movie i watched:  I can’t remember. 
top three tv shows:  I couldn’t tell you, I’ve lost interest in so many shows outside of a select few. 
top three ships:  On this blog? My ships with @kismetwright @notanoutlaw and @nvrlasting lol 
books i’m currently reading:  D/eath of a Salesman is not really a book but that’s the copy it came in, other than that it’s textbooks and it’s all for uni so. 
tagged by:  @maskeraide
tagging:  Be my guest! 
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inlightsimage · 4 years
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Modest Earnest Gullible Adolescent Meticulous Adaptable Negative
Tagged by: @cobaltspeedster​ Tagging: I’m still not good enough pals with anyone else to tag them so just steal it from me I think
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hajifurodaid · 4 years
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Haji Furoda Tangerang Selatan . . Haji Furoda Tangerang Selatan adalah layanan Haji Tanpa Antri untuk wilayah Tangerang Selatan dan sekitarnya. Menggunakan Visa Haji Mujamalah atau dikenal Visa Furoda resmi dan legal akan membuat ibadah haji anda lebih aman, tenang dan nyaman. Haji Furoda Tangerang Selatan memberikan jaminan garansi uang kembali 100% apabila Visa tidak terbit. Kami doakan agar semua jamaah haji yang telah mendaftar Haji dengan Visa Haji Mujamalah/Furoda diberikan kemudahan oleh Allah agar dapat berangkat haji tahun ini. Aamiin, Allahumma Aamiin. . . FASILITAS HAJI FURODA (VISA MUJAMALAH) TAHUN 2020/1441 H . ✔ Hotel Mekkah: Villa Hilton/Safwah ✔ Tower/Setaraf (+- 50M dari Masjidil Haram) ✔ Hotel Madinah: Al Saha/Odest/Setaraf (+- 75M dari Masjid Nabawi) ✔ Visa Haji Furoda (Visa Haji Mujamalah Resmi) ✔ Terdaftar di e-Hajj Saudi Arabia sebagai Jamaah Haji ✔ Muthowif Sunnah Berpengalaman ✔ Executive Lounge Soekarno-Hatta ✔ Ziarah dan City Tour Mekkah, Madinah, Jeddah ✔ Makan Menu Indonesia 3 X sehari ✔ Air Zamzam 5 liter ✔ Bagasi 23 kg x 2 ✔ Bus AC selama perjalanan ✔ Manasik Haji sesuai sunnah ✔ Tiket Pesawat Saudi Airlines (Direct) PP ✔ Hotel Mekkah-Madinah Quad/sekamar 4 orang ✔ Tenda ber-AC di Arafah dan Mina ✔ Handling Bandara Indonesia dan Arab Saudi In Out ✔ Manasik Haji 3X ✔ Buku Manasik Haji ✔ Free Tahalul . . Info: 085770635330 . Email: [email protected] https://www.instagram.com/p/B80a_Nqphgp/?igshid=18jxe0014gkxk
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Hollywood en abismo
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Desde Sunset Boulevard y La malvada, hasta The player y Once upon a time in Hollywood, la historia del cine estadounidense puso en abismo en numerosas ocasiones el detrás de escena de la industria cinematográfica norteamericana. Sin embargo, difícil encontrar un film que exponga las miserias y turbiedades hollywoodenses tan inflexiblemente como lo hace Intimidad de una estrella (1955), de Robert Aldrich, adaptación de la obra del dramaturgo Clifford Odets.
Charles Castle, un actor popular saturado de la explotación artística y el chantaje moral a los que está sometido, no encuentra la forma de desligarse de los productores que lo mantienen contratado bajo amenaza. Con una puesta esencialmente teatral -que, especialmente en los primeros tramos, puede resultar un tanto monótona-, Aldrich despliega de manera magistral el dilema íntimo del protagonista y su familia centralizando el idealismo y los valores éticos del actor y sus afectos ante las imposiciones y amenazas de los poderosos del negocio del espectáculo. Una trama que crece en tensión y transformaciones internas de los personajes a lo largo de su desarrollo, con actuaciones sobresalientes (Jack Palance e Ida Lupino establecen una relación encantadora) y situaciones que no solamente reflejan con cruda mordacidad las penurias y realidades de la fábrica de sueños sino que también plasman varias salidas ingeniosas y sorprendentes desde el guión, incluyendo un doble final explosivo.
Productores psicópatas e inescrupulosos, periodistas extorsivos, actrices jóvenes desilusionadas, representantes desesperados y guionistas deprimidos muestran sin eufemismos el lado latente de la fama que agobia al personaje principal. A diferencia de films anteriores de temática afín, donde la celebridad atormentada era una diva o una aspirante a estrella, Aldrich toma la pieza de Odests y se enfoca en los conflictos éticos y anímicos de un actor masculino, otro aspecto que inviste de originalidad a la experiencia en tanto lo melodramático parecía ser terreno exclusivo de las protagonistas mujeres. "Más allá del hecho de que presenta una pintura exacta de Hollywood, Intimidad de una estrella es la película americana más refinada e inteligente de los últimos meses", escribía Truffaut luego del estreno del film. Un clásico (y, acaso, una realidad del mundo artístico) al que no afectan el transcurso de las décadas.
*Proyectada en el ciclo “Ida Lupino: actriz, cineasta” en la Sala Lugones del Teatro San Martín.  
Por Gabriel Yurdurukian. 
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