b-lysia · 2 months
How to rizz the pretty girl across the room at the book store with the coffee that she just spilled on her dress
Make an "offer" You want her attention, affection, sex. Romance is a useless, selfish desire, that only begets exhaustion, connection, and satisfaction if done right. In this world of cruel and petty insecurities made into profit, it requires a hefty amount of vulnerability and trust to be invested into another person, or a heavy amount of deprogramming introspection, to enjoy.
So if you want that collection of things from another person, offer yourself too. You can't ask someone to give you something in exchange for probing into their life; begging for their validation of your worth as a human being, based on your attractiveness no less. You find them attractive enough to approach from across the room, just don't put the pressure of your self worth on them. They're a stranger
You're not proving your worth as a human being here, you're trying to convince a hot girl who's panicking a little bit because she just spilled coffee all over her favorite fucking dress, to pay enough attention to you to decide to date (we're not kids here, let's be honest; fuck) you later.
Grab some napkins for her. Maybe a spot of water, and a little soap.
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salubri-outcast · 2 years
venomous mushrooms
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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Concept art by Steven Olds, © Oddworld Inhabitants. Accessed at the Oddworld Wiki here
[Sponsored by @martyslittleusedblog. They're been trying to get me interested in monsters from platforming games for a while, and this is what hooked me. Partially because I remember Oddworld and Abe's Odyssee for the PS1. My cousin was the one with the Playstation, and he didn't like the game, but I remember poring over the manual and delighting in the concepts and the art. A dystopian game where a low level employee at a meat packing plant fights a corporate empire and becomes a reluctant Chosen One? Yes please!
The sligs are the main grunt force of said corporate empire, the Magog Cartel. Imagine if koopas carried shotguns. Apparently a slig slave revolt is a plot point in one of the later games. Good for them. If you're super worried about game balance, this is another monster, like the watchuka, that has a lot of treasure for its CR because guns and other ranged weapons are very expensive in Pathfinder 1e.]
Slig CR 4 NE Aberration This green skinned creature has a squid-like head with five finger-like feelers surrounding its mouth. It has large muscular arms and metal legs. It wears a set of red-tinted goggles and carries a large gun.
Sligs are eusocial mollusk-like creatures native to the swamps of the planet Mudos. They are most commonly found elsewhere as grunts, soldiers and assassins, as their queens have gladly sold the entire species to the Magog Cartel, a massive industrial empire. In exchange for unquestioning service, the Cartel provides sligs with greater mobility. A slig is born with strong forelimbs and stunted hind limbs, perfectly serviceable for pulling themselves between bodies of water, but good for little else. A slig in slig pants, however, can walk, jump and use its arms for carrying weapons; typically guns. Sligs love guns. Most sligs also wear goggles on a regular basis, both to protect their eyes (they are naturally nocturnal and live in foggy swamps) and because higher ups in the Magog Cartel find their beady eyes aesthetically displeasing.
Few sligs are very bright, but most of them are very cruel. Unlike many other eusocial sapient species but more similar to bumblebees and paper wasps, there is frequent infighting among sligs as they jockey for rank. The Cartel has managed to channel that into organized contests like kill counts, employee of the month bonuses and frequent games. Another privilege is the use of names—all sligs have a name, but using it publicly instead of a number and rank has to be earned by service to the Cartel. Sligs off duty are often found playing card games or sports, and those not playing are usually betting their spare income on such matches.
A slig stands about five feet tall. They are short lived, and considered adults by 2 years and ancient by 20.
Variant Sligs Sligs are naturally morphologically plastic, as they respond quickly to changes in hormone levels. In addition, different sligs may have different abilities due to different equipment and cybernetics bestowed on them by the Magog Cartel.  For example, Big Bro sligs are Large sligs who have to be equipped with special four-legged slig pants to support their weight, and are often given automatic weapons. Some sligs are given flying harnesses instead of pants—they have a fly speed of 40 feet (perfect), but no land speed. Other sligs, especially with class levels, may be equipped with heavier armor, flamethrowers, or rocket launchers.  
Slig          CR 4 XP 1,200 NE Medium aberration (aquatic) Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +6 Defense AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15(+2 Dex, +3 natural, +2 armor) hp 47 (5d8+25) Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4 Weakness light blindness Offense Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft. Melee 2 slams +4 (1d6+1) or heavy mace +4 (1d8+1) Ranged masterwork shotgun +6 (1d8) Statistics Str 13, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 11 Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 16 Feats Deadly Aim, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms) (B), Gunsmithing (B), Point Blank Shot, Toughness Skills Acrobatics +8 (+12 when jumping), Craft (firearms) +2, Knowledge (engineering) +5, Perception +6, Survival +6 Languages Common, Slig SQ amphibious, slig pants, uplifted Ecology Environment any land Organization solitary, pair, squad (3-8), troop (9-24) or army (25-100) Treasure standard (veemod goggles with brown veemod, 2 batteries, masterwork shotgun with 10 pellet cartridges and 10 slug cartridges, heavy mace, other treasure) Special Abilities Slig Pants (Ex) Most sligs encountered wear slig pants, a set of robotic lower legs designed for a slig to sit in and control. These pants grant the slig a 30 foot land speed, a +2 armor bonus to AC (that doesn’t stack with worn armor) and a +4 racial bonus to Acrobatics checks. A slig without its pants on has a land speed of only 5 feet, and cannot use manufactured weapons as it needs its hands to move. A slig without pants is a CR 3 creature. A slig’s pants are destroyed when the creature is slain (and cannot be worn by anything besides a slig regardless). Uplifted (Ex) A slig gains Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms) and Gunsmithing as bonus feats.
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a-table-of-fics · 1 month
So, while writing for Oddworld: Conar's Ambition, I realized...
It feels a lot less focused than my Splatoon or Madness fics to me. I scrolled up to double-check some elements, and realized I'm over two hundred pages into this story and Conar still hasn't even gotten to the early steps of his revenge on his former boss!
It's been fun to jump from moment to moment, learning how to write more character set pieces and action moments, but I'm wondering if I need to take a step back, maybe reboot/retool what I originally wanted, maybe... gulp... make an outline...
I'm not sure.
I feel like I'm in orbit around what I wanted. I can see it, but I'm going to be unable to reach it without a forceful act like this.
On the flip side, I can't make this a habit, or else none of these fics will actually see completion.
But what do you think? Should I step back to retool this?
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asameera · 8 months
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Abe and his Slig friend (?) Reg are facing the ghosts Priests worshipers of Meeches.
Drawing I did for Oddword Element (a story I'm taking part in) for the one who's actually creating it (Happy birthday again!)
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nunezs-stuff · 1 year
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She has a soft and gentle smile
She's kind of a cinnamon roll at heart since she truly wants to see the good in other people but she knows it's not always there
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She's often referred as an Angel since she's very kind and doesn't like to hold on to anger she sees it as a chore and exhausts her brain and motivation she also have's piercings in one of her ears
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She doesn't like to cry because lots of tears come out and she doesn't want to bother people
She likes sweet but yet calm and compassionate people
She only smokes when she's extremely stressed she doesn't like smoking but it does help as a stress reliever when she needs something to calm her down quick
And because of the scar around her neck she sometimes wears Band-Aids around her neck
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and prefers to surround herself with people that both care about her and respect her she doesn't like being around toxic people she prefers healthy
The things and accessory she owns and her pet's/babies
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drasgondigger · 13 days
Aquisições de PS4 - Destroy All Humans! e Oddworld Soulstorm para PS4 🎮
#destroyallhumans #destroyallhumansps4 #oddworldsoulstorm #oddworldsoulstormps4 #oddworldinhabitants #oddword #thqnordic #frimastudio #microids #blackforestgames #ps4 #ps4games #playstation #playstation4 #game #retrogame #videogames #videogame #acaodrasgondigger #plataformadrasgondigger #ps4drasgondigger #destroyallhumansdrasgondigger #oddworlddrasgondigger #drasgondigger #ps4brasil #playstation4brasil #playstationbrasil #colecaodegames #ps4collection #colecaops4
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rollercoaster59 · 1 year
Oddword dessert floor 1
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b-lysia · 11 days
Be the kind bitch, that god, would put a hit on Dance n' talk ya shit, girl put that fuckin' shit on
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ohfugecannada · 3 years
The owner of Oddwords.hu shared some memes they’ve made over the years. Here are a couple of my favourites
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clamsontheside · 5 years
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Episode 182 - In Other Words
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nightwere-mojo · 2 years
Thanks @go-go-devil for tagging!
Last song: Glamorous by Fergie
Last show: A little of the anime Uncle from Another World
Currently watching: Well, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is on in the living room RN
Currently reading: The Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson
No pressure but I’ll tag @thedreamtraveller, @electronic-old-men, @gnotknormal, and anyone who wants
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kainissoable · 3 years
*adjusts tinfoil hat*
Some time ago I mentioned that there is very technically at least one transfem Mudokon according to word of god.
Sadly the original Dear Alf bits have mostly vanished from the OWI website, but wonderful people have kept archives, so I found the question and answer in question from “Dear Alf 63 - Kitchens, conversations & Chroniclers”
Question: How do you make time between reading fan mail and making tea?
Alf: It’s a gruelling regime that often has me up aaaall night trying to cram it all in. Sometimes I resort to reading fan mail while making tea. Sometimes that gets messy. Like this one time I poured teabags all over myself! But I was lucky, I know Muds who’ve been through worse. One of my assistants (hey, I gotta sleep too) wasn’t paying attenion one time when she was juggling tea-making with organizing the weekly hackey-sack tournament, and she poured sugar all over her feet! Let this be a warning: pay attention to what you’re doing in the kitchen! I don’t ever want my ingredients wasted again.
It’s always been made very clear that the only Mudokons we’ve seen in the games so far have been sexless workers and there aren’t any native Mudokon queens known to Abe’s circle. Therefore, the assistant Alf mentions in this post must be a worker Mudokon who uses she/her pronouns.
Another game series (presumably) accidentally created trans rep and I love it. Checkmate queerphobic fanboys.
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mudokon78 · 6 years
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drawing oddworld abe
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choclawastaken · 6 years
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Did I already upload this?
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a-table-of-fics · 4 years
Oddworld: Conar’s Ambition, Chapter 2, Draft 1, Part 7
Conar couldn’t believe it; he was expecting a tense escape, maybe an amazing shootout. But no; he was walking through the front door, with a Mudokon openly in tow. He even waved at a couple of the guards on his way out. He looked up at Slim, who kept himself hunched and shivering in a clearly practiced manner. The two of them marched in silence for a while, with Conar occasionally tapping the muzzle of his gun against Slim’s back for effect.
“You’re welcome,” Slim finally said, once they were closer to the Slog Huts again, and well out of earshot.
“What, you expectin’ thanks?” Conar asked, laughing at the audacity. “I was the one bustin’ ya out, y’know!”
Slim gave a smug grin, leaning against the wall as he did so.
“Oh, really? You go out the back with a Mudokon like you wanted, they’d be throwing your lead-filled ass into the recycler faster than you can say—”
He tried making that noise he heard many Sligs shout, but it sounded more like his lungs were playing tug-of-war.
“Yeah, well, you seemed pretty comfy in that filthy closet.”
“Ha, yeah, thanks,” Slim laughed, looking around for a moment. “So uh, why didja get me out of there anyway?”
“Right, yeah,” Conar said, clearing his throat. “So, you’re gonna help me take Zeb down a peg. If that Abe guy can take down RuptureFarms, I figure you can help me get his Moolah and ruin ‘im!”
Slim’s smile faded, and he looked at Conar like the Slig grew legs on the spot.
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