#ocean&039;s eleven
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awardswatcherik · 1 month ago
AwardsWatch Podcast Ep. 272 - Reviewing 'Presence' and Our Top 5 Steven Soderbergh Films
On episode 272 of The AwardsWatch Podcast, Executive Editor Ryan McQuade is joined by AwardsWatch contributor Trace Sauveur to talk about the latest film from Steven Soderbergh, Presence, and discuss the Top 5 film from the acclaimed director. Some of the films covered in the Top 5 range from Ocean’s Eleven, Contagion, Magic Mike, Kimi, Out of Sight, and more. You can listen to The AwardsWatch…
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notesfromachair · 5 months ago
Wolfs in Sheep's Clothing
This week I watched attempts by both J.D. Vance and George Clooney to charm their way through inferior material and ultimately both failed miserably.  The Chair comin’ in hot! Which only goes to show that whether it’s faux Republican schtick or tired Democratic schtick some of us viewers can still spot a con a mile away. In his new-ish Apple movie, Wolfs, Mr. Clooney – with support from his…
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lmaverick123 · 5 years ago
Lucien's Retro Review: Ocean's Eleven (2001)
Lucien’s Retro Review: Ocean’s Eleven (2001)
Let me tell about two things.  First, about what I would argue is the greatest heist movie ever made.  This film is just fantastic.  It had a massive all-star cast, some at the height of their popularity like George Clooney, and some who were just breaking into the arena in the A-grade status, like Matt Damon.  Everyone had a ton of personality and their performances were just the best.  Second,…
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cinemedios · 3 years ago
Margot Robbie y Ryan Gosling se reunirían en reboot de 'La Gran Estafa'
Poco después de haber trabajado en 'Barbie' de Greta Gerwig, Margot Robbie y Ryan Gosling ya tienen otro proyecto juntos.
Warner Bros. está preparando un reboot de La Gran Estafa y como protagonista tendrá a Margot Robbie, quien además producirá a través de LuckyChap. También se acaba de dar a conocer que Ryan Gosling se encuentra en pláticas para unirse al elenco. La noticia llega poco después de que se terminara el rodaje de Barbie de Greta Gerwig, que es protagonizada por Robbie y Gosling. Esta nueva versión de…
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universalmovies · 3 years ago
I migliori film Netflix dedicati al gioco d'azzardo
I migliori film Netflix dedicati al gioco d’azzardo
Per tutti gli amanti del grande schermo, Netflix è la piattaforma ideale dove trovare dei contenuti da visionare e passare del sano tempo in compagnia dei film più belli. Cosa c’è di meglio che trovare il film perfetto, quello che mette insieme anche il vostro interesse per il gioco? Per questo motivo abbiamo scelto tra le migliori pellicole dedicate al gioco d’azzardo, per allietare queste…
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L'as de coeur de Morgane Moncomble
L'as de coeur de Morgane Moncomble Après En équilibre et mon avis dessus, il fallait que je continue avec cette auteure. J'adore cet univers, la psychologie des personnages ainsi que leur profondeur mais ils sont un peu moins accessibles...
fragment de livre en guise de mise en bouche : Quand il revient enfin sur terre, son sourire est aussi charmant que calculateur. — Rose Alfieri, vous êtes un ange tombé du ciel. Ça, c’est ce que vous croyez. — Je suis tout sauf un ange. — Dans ce cas, ça nous fait un point commun, dit-il en décroisant ses jambes. On reparlera sûrement de cette conversation des années plus tard, aux Enfers, en…
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puzzlenation · 3 years ago
Spies, Crosswords, and Secret Messages!
In today's blog post, we explore the curious crossroads of secret messages, crosswords, and spycraft!
There are loads of ways to hide secret messages in puzzles. The field of cryptography is built around it. Many meta puzzles have a special secret lurking inside their clever constructions. Heck, our friends at Penny Press even have an entire word seek called Secret Message. But have you ever noticed that there’s a strange fascination in pop culture with secret messages in crosswords? No, I don’t…
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thelowdownunder · 7 years ago
U.S. Weekend Box Office Fri 8 - Sun 10 June, 2018
U.S. Weekend Box Office Fri 8 – Sun 10 June, 2018
It’s all about dem gurlz, dem, gurlz, dem starry gurlz as Ocean’s 8(4,145 screens) storms into pole position with $42m on a $10,128 screen average. That’s the best opening weekend of all the films in the franchise (Sorry, George, the girls gotya beat) and means good things for WB/VRP and their planned trilogy of films here. It’s also a perfectly placed piece of counter-programming against a wall…
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mycelebritylifeus · 5 years ago
Beloved Comedian Carl Reiner Dies at 98
Beloved Comedian Carl Reiner Dies at 98
Carl Reiner, the comedian, actor, director, and writer who helped shape the comedy landscape in Hollywood, died on June 29. The actor was 98 and away passed in his Beverly Hills home surrounded by his family.
TMZ originally announced the news, which Variety confirmed with Reiner’s assistant. Reiner’s
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Other Links From TVGuide.com
Carl Reiner
The Dick Van Dyke Show
The Jerk
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isabelledrake · 8 years ago
Making A Pitt Stop For Brad
Making A Pitt Stop For Brad
By Elizabeth Shore
In a conversation with my fellow Lady Smutters, we realized – to our dismay! – that in the nearly five years since we’ve had our blog, we’ve never once published anything about Brad Pitt. No gushing about his phenom body in Troy. No acknowledgement of his three Academy award nominations; no props for his humanitarian efforts. Not a Pittance! We’re like the blog version of Oscar…
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universalmovies · 7 years ago
Tanti auguri Julia Roberts! L'indimenticabile Pretty Woman compie 50 anni
Tanti auguri #JuliaRoberts! L'indimenticabile #PrettyWoman compie 50 anni
Pur non dimostrandoli affatto, Julia Roberts festeggia oggi il raggiungimento dei 50 anni e, per questo, noi di Universal Movies cogliamo l’occasione per ripercorrerne la straordinaria carriera, tra Oscar e Golden Globe. Nata a Smyrna (Georgia), Julia Roberts venne cresciuta dalla madre a causa della morte del padre avvenuta quando lei aveva solo dieci anni. Decise di seguire il fratello Eric a…
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takeagander1618 · 2 years ago
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shadowwingtronix · 5 years ago
BW's Daily Video: Ex-Jewel Thief Reacts To Famous Movie Heists Catch this and other experts react to fiction videos (and whatever else they show) on…
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globalfilmlocations · 5 years ago
Ocean's Eleven (2001) Film Locations
Ocean’s Eleven (2001) Film Locations
Filming locations for 2001 crime, thriller starring many famous actors, Ocean’s Eleven.
Public Art “L.A. Family Baroque”, W 5th St, Los Angeles, CA 90071, United States
Google Maps Co-ordinates: 34.050455, -118.253928 
999 N Patencio, Palm Springs, California, USA
Google Maps Co-ordinates: 33.837317, -116.554099
495 North Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, USA (Emmit’s Pub)
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deepredradio · 5 years ago
Ein letzter Job
Story: Der Ruhestand ist was für Rentner, das findet zumindest Brian Reader. Seine alten Freunde sitzen im Knast, die Ehefrau ist unter der Erde und auch sonst verflucht der Ex-Ganove seinen ereignislosen Alltag. Ein letztes Mal juckt es ihn in den Fingern, sich und allen anderen zu beweisen, dass er es immer noch drauf hat. Und so versammelt Brian, dem Alter und der modernen Technologie zum…
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luciamosca14 · 6 years ago
Il film consigliato stasera in TV: "OCEAN'S ELEVEN" venerdì 9 novembre 2018
Il film consigliato stasera in TV: “OCEAN’S ELEVEN” venerdì 9 novembre 2018
Il film consigliato stasera in TV: “OCEAN’S ELEVEN” venerdì 9 novembre 2018 alle 21:00 su IRIS (Canale 22)
  Ocean’s Eleven – Fate il vostro gioco (Ocean’s Eleven) è un film del 2001 diretto da Steven Soderbergh, remake della pellicola Colpo grosso del 1960.
  Danny Ocean, accusato di truffa aggravata e rapina, esce dal carcere dopo quattro anni di reclusione. Poco tempo dopo va a ritrovare un…
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