#oc; dr. amp
stormyykat · 25 days
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sort-of announcement for a project...?
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new-law · 22 days
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robot girl
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signfromeywa · 2 months
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Chapter 04: The Infirmaty
Anastasia Novak is a behavioural scientist tasked with socializing a captive Na'vi on behalf of the RDA. The longer she works with the Na'vi and the closer she gets to him, the more she has to rethink everything she thought she knew and redefine her morals and values. Can she just carry on like this, or will she follow her heart?
Content: Rating +18, Avatar fanfiction, human x Na'vi ship, Na'vi captured
Characters: Human OCs: Anastasia Novak, Steven Turner, Patra// Na'vi OCs: Ean'tu,
Word Count: 3914
❗️English is not my native language! I apologize very much if it reads a bit bumpy here and there.
I'm a German author and this is the first time I've tried to translate a story I'm working on into English and upload it. I still hope you enjoy it.❗
A sudden loud bang that shook the walls of the base made Mr. Turner jump up from his chair. He had been scared out of his wits and not long after the loud bang, the base's alarm sounded. Were they under attack? What had happened, just a moment ago Turner had been dozing away in front of the documents with his coffee cup in his hand, now chaos had broken out. The doors to the surveillance room opened.
"Turner! Quick!" Gonzales literally shouted and Turner took off running.
Once in the room, his eyes immediately fell on the window, which offered a view of the enclosure. The red flames colored the otherwise unlit surveillance room red.
"We have to get Sky out of there, now! Mobilize Unit 12 and give Sky a dose! This has to happen quickly!" as he instructed Gonzales and another colleague. The colleague ran out of the room to initiate everything else to get Sky out of the completely destroyed enclosure, Gonzales was busy in the meantime adjusting the dose and administering it to Sky via the collar.
It wasn't long before an entire unit stormed the enclosure. Fully equipped, they fought their way through the flames and searched for the Na'vi, who was lying unconscious somewhere. Only a few minutes later, the next unit arrived to fight the fire. Two AMP suits were mobilized to help get the flames under control and clear the debris out of the way.
Turner stood tensely at the top of the window and watched the units at work. Half of the surveillance technology had failed and he very much hoped that nothing worse had happened to Sky. If something happened to the Na'vi on his shift, it could cost him his head. After a nerve-wracking eternity, he was given the all-clear. The recovery unit had found the Na'vi and taken him out of the enclosure. But now everything had to happen very quickly. Sky couldn't wake up until he was back in a safe room where he couldn't hurt anyone and, above all, couldn't run away.
Gonzales came over to him. " Come on, let's take care of this, it's going to be a long shift."
Turner nodded to his colleague. He was right, besides, he would have to write a detailed report later and let Novak know that she would have to show up for work early, because they would most likely need that woman if Sky got out of control.
Ana woke up to the sudden ringing of her cell phone. Tired, she reached for the device that she had recently started keeping on her bedside table for just such occasions and peered at the number with blurred, tired vision. When she recognized the facility where she worked, she hastily answered her cell phone.
"Dr. Novak, what's wrong?" she asked anxiously, still a little hoarse."Forgive me for interrupting, Turner here, it's about Sky."
"Has something happened to him?" Ana interrupted her colleague, upset and worried.
"He's fine so far, just a few bruises, but we had to transfer him to the infirmary. Could you make it here at short notice?" Turner reassured her.
Ana sat on the edge of the bed and breathed a sigh of relief. "Yes, I'll take the next team bus, where do I have to go?"
"Just our normal facility, I'll pick you up at the gate. See you in a minute."
"Yes, ok, I'll be right there. Goodbye." Ana ended the call. What had happened that Sky was in sickbay? It certainly hadn't been easy to move him there. Sky was wild and dangerous, he wouldn't have let that happen without resistance.
Tired, she got up and hurried to put on a skirt and blouse as quickly as she could before setting off. After all, this was still her workplace and she didn't want to be lacking in professionalism. She grabbed her work bag and hurried out of the room and down to the bus stop while she hurriedly checked her wristwatch again. If she remembered correctly, a bus was about to arrive and she couldn't miss it under any circumstances if she wanted to get to the base as quickly as possible.
The bus stopped and she ran the last few meters to catch it. Out of breath, she sat down on a seat in the first row and the bus took off. The journey seemed like an eternity, all she could think about the whole time was Sky and how he was doing. Questions were running through her head, making her tired mind dizzy. So she was delighted when the bus finally reached its destination and she was able to rush out of the doors.
Past the security staff, in the courtyard, her colleague Turner was already waiting. "It's a good thing you made it here so quickly. Sky is completely out of control," Turner said by way of greeting and set off with her.
"What happened, why did he hurt himself?" Ana wanted to know.
Turner's steps were fast and Ana had difficulty keeping up. "A plane crashed and tore one side of the enclosure. It started a fire and the flying debris must have injured Sky," he said, without turning to look at Ana. "That was a big bang, I tell you, I was totally startled."
"Oh shit- sorry." Ana cursed in disbelief, it was lucky that nothing else had happened to Sky. No wonder Sky was beside himself now, he was in a strange environment with strange people and the last thing he remembered for sure was that huge bang. Absolutely disturbing.
Turner went on to fill her in on the state of the enclosure, what measures had been taken and what would be necessary. While he was telling them this, they walked along the large main corridors of the base to an area that Ana had not yet entered. Until now, she had always taken the direct route to her department and had not explored the rest of the base. However, they walked through far too quickly, so Ana had no chance to look around, not to mention to remember where they were. She would never find her way back without help.
The large mechanical doors of a ward appeared in front of them, with a large white glowing sign. Infirmary. But this wasn't where ordinary soldiers went when they were injured, this was a high-security wing. It was already written on the front which security clearance was required here. One that Ana certainly didn't have, but Turner seemed to know what he was doing.
Together they entered the station through the large door and just ahead was an airlock with a receptionist. "Yes, please?" She didn't even look up from her work.
"Mr. Turner, we're here for Sky." He pulled out his employee card and Ana did the same.
Now the woman looked up, inspected the cards and compared the data with her computer. "Yes, that's right. You have to go down the corridor, turn left and go all the way through. He's in the isolation station, room 4," she explained briefly and then opened the airlock to the station for both of them.
With the help of the description, it didn't took them long to find the right room and when the doors opened, they could hear something falling to the floor and shattering, followed by the loud sound of many smaller metal objects falling to the floor.
Turner and Ana hurried in. The room was divided into two areas and separated by a pane of glass. On the far left was a small airlock and behind it was Sky. He was hissing angrily and frightened, pressed against the wall and fending off the medical staff who tried to approach him. In the process, he had knocked over a small side table where medical utensils had been laid out ready for treatment.
The two medics, fully clothed in protective suits and wearing masks, didn't dare approach Sky, their gazes just as frightened as Sky's.
"What's going on here?" Ana wanted to know immediately.
The two medics became aware of her: "He suddenly jumped up and started thrashing around wildly!"
Ana didn't want to hear any more, it was clear that they were scaring Sky and she couldn't blame him. He didn't know what they were planning to do to him, he was completely disoriented and perhaps even in pain.
Without hesitation, she grabbed a mask and entered the airlock. If she didn't intervene, someone else would get hurt.
She entered the separate treatment room and stood in front of Sky: "Please leave the treatment room, Sky is not in a condition where you can treat him."
"Mam, we have to treat his wounds," said one of the medics, raising his hands placatingly.
"You can do your work later, but if you don't leave now, Sky will only hurt you."
"All right," they picked up the medical instruments and bandages that were scattered on the floor and left the treatment room, "watch out, there's broken glass here."
Ana turned to Sky, who was now huddled on the floor in the corner. He had raised his hands anxiously in front of his face because the light in the room was a glaring white and seemed to be blinding him, which must have disoriented him even more. Tears were running down his face and his body was bruised here and there, with small wounds and cuts. His whole body was trembling. Ana felt so sorry for him, but she didn't know what to do. It wasn't as if they had built up any trust in each other, he was probably just as scared of her as he was of the doctors. How could she help him?
Then Sky suddenly lowered his hands and his wrinkled forehead smoothed as he seemed to recognize her.
"...Ana." he then said and Ana's eyes widened in surprise.Had she just heard correctly? Had Sky said her name? It was impossible, even if he was intelligent, that he had remembered the name so quickly since the last time, which had been a few days ago.
"Ana." she heard clearly this time. No doubt he had called for her. She cautiously approached Sky and carefully raised her hands.
"I'm here, don't worry." Ana said gently and crouched down in front of him when she reached him. She sat there hesitantly. Sky's expression had calmed a little when he recognized Ana, but she still wasn't sure how much he trusted her. Was it OK for her to touch him? How close could she get to him?
To her surprise, Sky pulled her out of her thoughts by saying her name again. He seemed to want to communicate with her, but it was the only word he knew. Ana summoned up all her courage and reached out for the Na'vi, who did not flinch. So she reached for his hand.
"Come Sky, come with me." She made a gesture for him to follow her, hoping he would understand beyond the language barrier.
Indeed, as she rose from her crouch, Sky stood up too, but without letting go of her hand. He was so huge, his hand completely covered Ana's, she felt fragile next to him, even though Sky only held her hand very carefully. It was as if he was aware of his size and, above all, his strength.
She gently led Sky to the treatment table where he must have been lying a moment ago. He sat down on it and looked at Ana.
"I'll get the medics to help you now, okay?" Ana knew that he didn't understand a word. Nevertheless, she looked deep into his eyes and said this very slowly in a particularly gentle tone of voice. She was trying to make him understand that she wasn't up to anything bad and that everything was fine.
Nothing was good at all. The circumstances were completely bizarre and actually quite inhuman. In front of her sat something that seemed not unlike the consciousness of humans, and yet he was caged like an animal.
As she turned to go to the airlock so she could use the microphone to ask the medics in, Sky held her by the hand. His eyes looked at her pleadingly; there was no way he wanted to be left alone.
Ana lovingly placed her other hand on his. "It's okay, I won't leave you alone."
She thought about it. Sky needed someone to look at the wounds and treat them, not that anything would get infected. But he would never let the medics near him without Ana.She pointed to his sore knee. "You have wounds." she said very slowly, then pointed out to the medical staff standing in front of the glass pane, still holding the bandages in their hands. "They'll help you take care of the wounds."
Sky looked at her warily and then at the medics. He seemed to be thinking about what Ana might have meant and she hoped so much that he would understand. She didn't know how else to tell him.
"Tam 'ì'awn hu oe." Sky then also said very slowly. Ana could hardly believe that she had just witnessed his language. It was the first time she had heard this foreign language, so she had no idea what he might have said, but from the way he had squeezed her hand, he clearly wanted her to stay with him. She smiled at him, trying to be calm, even though her heart was beating excitedly. She had gotten herself into something, the extent of which she could not yet fully comprehend. The more she saw that Sky was not so emotionally dissimilar to her, the more she had to question everything she thought she knew.
Ana looked to her right, to the window behind which the medics stood and watched in amazement as Ana dealt with Sky, waiting to do their job. With a gesture, she indicated to the two men that they should come to her and Sky to treat him. Only hesitantly did they both set off, still full of suspicion as to whether the Na'vi would be able to control himself this time or whether he would fight them off again.
Turner also seemed to be watching tensely. He seemed to be worried about Novak in particular, just like on the first day. As the medics stepped through the airlock, Sky's hand holding Anas tensed. His tail whipped nervously back and forth and his ears flattened. Ana could see him clenching his teeth and tightening his jaws, but he remained still. He was clearly still scared, but he trusted Ana to look after him, which she was determined to do.
"Come to us, but slowly, don't make any loud noises that might frighten him," Ana instructed.
The men approached them slowly, careful not to make any rash movements. They placed the utensils for cleaning, disinfecting and bandaging on the small side table with castors that they had set up again.
"Can we approach him without concern?" one of them asked uncertainly.
"I can't promise anything, but I'm in good spirits if you move calmly and slowly," Ana answered them, but looked at Sky to let him feel safe. The medics carefully began to clean his wounds and Ana knew that most of them stung a lot. Sky held on bravely. His body was tense and his face showed fear and uncertainty, but he didn't break eye contact with Ana. She would have loved to say something to him now, but she didn't want to risk Sky answering her in his own language. After all, Ana didn't know who exactly knew that Na'vi were apparently an intelligent species and what would happen if the wrong people found out.
After plasters had been applied to the few abrasions and two deeper cuts had a thin bandage, the two medics left the treatment room again. You could immediately see that Sky's tension had eased a little. He was much more relaxed when he was alone with Ana, but unfortunately she also had to leave now, however much she hated to leave him behind. He needed her now more than ever, of course, she was aware of that, but she had to talk about his further whereabouts. After all, he couldn't stay here. He needed a place where he could rest, with somewhere to sleep. Here in the room there was only emergency care equipment with a treatment table. If she took a closer look, it was even the right size for Sky. That was extremely unusual. None of this changed the fact that the circumstances had to improve for him.
"I have to go for a moment, but I'll be back." She looked Sky in the eye. "I need to talk to my colleague." She pointed at Turner.
Sky looked at her, worry written all over his face. He didn't want her to leave. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, then he pointed at Ana and said her name.
She nodded with a smile. "Yes, I'm Ana." But then he pointed to himself. "Ean'tu"
Ana's breath hitched for a second as she processed what the Na'vi had just said. Was it what she suspected? Had he just told her his name? His real one? Ana had to make sure. She pointed at him now too. "Ean'tu?" she said in an uncertain, questioning tone. The Na'vi, who apparently went by the name Ean'tu, nodded and Ana thought she saw a faint smile on his lips.
Ana pointed at herself again: "I am Ana," she said slowly, every single word, then pointed at him. Would he understand?
He looked at her warily and pointed at himself too. "I. Am. Ean'tu," he spoke after Ana, with a strong accent, only with his name instead of hers.
"Yeah, right." Ana smiled happily at him. He had understood quickly, she hadn't expected him to really try to communicate with her and if he did, it wouldn't be here. It was all very unexpected and she wished they had more time and, above all, more privacy. But there was a lack of both and she really had to go and talk to Turner, who certainly had enough questions.
"I'll be right back, I promise," she said softly and released her hand from his. Ean'tu stood up immediately, wanting to grab her hand again, but then hesitated when Ana flinched. That he would reach for her so suddenly had admittedly startled her and Ean'tu seemed to have noticed. His gaze went to the window behind which Turner was standing, watching them both tensely through the glass.
Then Ean'tu sat down again. He apparently didn't want Turner to think he was going to attack Ana again, because now he seemed very passive and was ready to let Ana go, even if she could read in his gaze that he was reluctant to do so. But she didn't have any more time to waste. Ana's colleague was waiting for her outside and she didn't want to keep him waiting any longer. She hurriedly left the isolated area through the airlock and approached Turner.
"What happens to Sky now?" she wanted to know directly. Now that she knew what Ean'tu's real name was, it felt wrong to talk about him as Sky. The name he had been given by a human. But for now, it was safer for them both and wouldn't lead to unnecessary questions.
"The enclosure is still partially destroyed and will probably need a few more days until at least everything is escape-proof again, until then Sky can't go back," Turner explained the situation. Among other things, he was responsible for managing the enclosure and therefore always knew exactly what was going on.
Ana crossed her arms thoughtfully. "We can't leave Sky here, he needs to rest, it's all been a lot of excitement for him. Isn't there a temporary enclosure for him?"
"We have a sanatorium on this base, with various enclosures, but I can't tell straight away which ones are currently occupied and which are not. I'll make a few phone calls in a minute. If I have anything, we can move him." Turner looked over at Ean'tu thoughtfully. "The only thing we have to think about is transportation. We can't just transport him through the station like that, there's a high risk of escape or worse, he could attack someone. I'll be glad if there's something between him and me to keep us apart."
Ana could have been upset. The way Turner talked, Ean'tu was a monster, but Ana was no longer convinced of that at all. He was considerate and careful around her. To be honest, she had the feeling that he was very sensitive and therefore often very scared. If only she could make his circumstances better. She was determined to do this in the future and, above all, she really wanted to find out more about the secret contact. Her contact certainly knew a lot more about the Na'vi."Take care of initiating the transfer, I'll take care of Sky," Ana looked at her colleague resolutely. "I'll make sure he goes safely with me to the other station. No need to sedate him again."
"You want to... walk through the ward with him? Just like that? I can't let you do that. It's far too dangerous to trust on your word alone that Sky won't get out of control again and hurt someone." Ana could understand Turner's mistrust, but they had to start trusting him somewhere. At least Ana could, but Turner didn't know what she knew either. She was sure she could form a good bond with Ean'tu.
"We're taking security measures. We clear the corridors from here to the sanatorium, then we don't endanger anyone. We'll seal off the exits so Sky can't escape and he'll still have the collar on in case of emergency. So if he gets out of control, we can use it to tame him," suggested Ana, who was now all the more determined to move Ean'tu without sedating him. He should walk on his own. If he could see that Ana trusted him to do this and that he wouldn't hurt her, it would be good for their bond.
"...Novak, you have some ideas." Turner sighed.
"But they're good, aren't they?" Ana grinned.
"Unfortunately, it's not a bad plan... but I'll have to talk to the boss to get permission to evacuate and go into lockdown. After all, we'll be shutting down a small part of the facility."
 "Good, then I think you should start making calls right away." Ana laughed a little, although she felt sorry for her colleague. These were certainly difficult calls that she wouldn't have wanted to make herself. But then again, she was the brave one who was always with Ean'tu. Although she was no longer sure whether the Na'vi was the greater evil in this case.
Ana turned away to go through the airlock, "Let me know when we can start the transfer, I'll take care of Sky until then."
"All right, I'll see you later." Turner pulled out his cell phone and began to enter a number as he left the room. Ana just looked after him for a moment, then went through the airlock to Ean'tu, who had apparently been watching them the whole time and was already waiting for her.
Tag List: @twisteduniverse5 @yukilaaw @mooniequeen (If you want to get added, comment it under the post)
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angeygirl · 8 months
Vaguely incomprehensible thoughts from listening to Self-ish for the first time (mostly written in real time)
(and also I try an analysis at the end despite not understanding the words)
Self: Huh, that was a very chill intro song. Probably setting up motifs or smth I'll look it up later
2012: For a guy having a breakdown this is really funky. Noticing a theme here.
Cotard's Solution:
This... this intro is the end of Dr. Sunshine. Motifs! That's cool :D but alI can hear for the rest is "*Rabid screaming* Murder look like a suicide *Zombie sounds*" I've heard not to trust people who like this song so I'm assuming it has to do with the lyrics but these instruments are fire
Mr. Capgras:
What are these rhythms and why do I love them? Not sure what the vibe is but it feels, like... an old carnival or something? Let me guess, more identity problems? HOLY CRAP THAT'S THE DROP IN DR. SUNSHINE! (looked it up afterward while trying to make this post make sense, Capgras Syndrome is a disorder where a person believes someone important in their life has been replaced by an imposter, but in this case the imposter is imposter syndrome [I think])
The Song With Five Names:
Why does the song have five names anyway? Maybe it'll make sense when I actually can read along and figure out what's happening "Gotta get to the bottom of this"??? This guy keeps reusing things and it makes me so happy. That guitar though...
Hand Me My Shovel:
Fun fact "Hand Me My Shovel" was my first Will Wood song. Found it on a Wilson Higgsbury playlist (I think) and it actually scared me with all the screaming. Funny how it's a favorite of mine now that I associate it with Michael Afton. And it was on a William Afton playlist, ironically enough.
Dr. Sunshine:
Yeah... as far as I'm concerned this song is my traumatized OCs having a dance battle in some spooky bar in the south west or something while yelling at each other for no reason, all just dealing with their own problems by dancing and yelling and stuff.
"Who should I be then if I'll never be the same?" is the opposite of what "Self-" was saying. All that stuff about identity and it ends with "I'm no one now, there's no one now to be." No wonder it sounds so melancholy there. Plus the clock ticking... The title of the album makes so much sense actually
So "Self" was really calm but "-Ish" sounds angry and pained. the songs didn't really amp up linearly (as far as the music goes it's pretty high energy the whole time), but the story is still there.
Someone assured in his identity (Self) loses a large chunk of his memories (2012) and rapidly downward spirals into losing more and more pieces of himself (going to need to lump the other songs together since I couldn't actually figure out what they individually were about). In trying to reinvent himself, he feels he's replacing whatever he had before (Mr. Capgras) and goes digging deeper into himself to look for answers (Hand Me My Shovel). By the time he really does hit the bottom, he's panicking and grabbing at straws for stability, not really one thing or another; not stable but not unstable, not good but not evil, not sure but not lost. Not sunshine but not moonlight. (Dr. Sunshine) In the end he has more questions then answers. All the confidence is gone and he forces himself to just be. (-Ish)
Considering I have a hard time understanding lyrics the first time I hear a song I definitely missed something, but even with what I could make out the story was there. I've heard Will Wood wrote a lot from his experiences and I can feel that in this album.
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astralnexus · 2 years
*tl;dr of Syraxians: winged humanoid aliens with magic.
The entire first poll contained the main Syraxian OCs! sdhjfghgjsdf
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clericofshadows · 1 year
3, 11, and 14 for the edgy OC asks for Regis?
Thank you for the ask!
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3. What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
Regis's fatal flaw is perhaps his judgement. He has high standards, and it is hard for him to break his initial interpretations of someone without lots of work. He's quick to dismiss, and hard to trust. This particularly makes him a difficult person (to say the least) to deal with during the events of ME2, as he keeps a good amount of the Cerberus crew at arm's length, if not downright hostile to them. Even some of his former crew who rejoined (like Joker and Dr. Chakwas) who joined Cerberus he initially rejects because they saw what Cerberus did, so why the hell would they ever think joining them was a good idea, even if they were doing it for him?
He's well aware of it, and has tried to work on it, but with little success. He feels he has been burned and betrayed by too many in order to really open up and let people in. If something about them from the beginning disagreed with his morals, standards, or something very petty, it's hard for him to budge. ME2 really doesn't help matters either when he was actually getting a little better about it during the events of ME1.
11. What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Easy. First, his biotics. Second, his sniper rifle. Third, whatever crazy programs he programmed himself on his omnitool. His never used weapon? He can pull off a Vanguard Charge and create biotic bubbles that rival matriarchs, but not without major strain to himself. Something he promised Kaidan he would never use without him by his side.
However, Virmire broke that promise because he was not about to lose both of his most trusted crew members, and he nearly blew out his amp and destroyed his implant by performing Charges and large biotic shields without any breaks. He saved both Kaidan and Ashley, but not without nearly killing himself in the process.
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
There's two versions of Regis out there.
The Butcher of Torfan.
Regis Shepard, N7 Sentinel and instructor.
If he trusts you, he hopes you see him as the latter, as someone who you can rely on in the field. Someone who will lend a hand or an ear, who wants to help impart his knowledge onto others. A man who is more than a soldier, a biotic, a person who is thrust into a position he never really wanted but embraced anyway.
However, if he doesn't trust you, if you have betrayed him or have caused him to lose all respect for you, you're going to get the Butcher of Torfan. The man who survived the scrutiny of the Alliance and the media, who is not afraid to get the job done at any cost. Who is unafraid of the consequences as long as he survives.
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cjweejay · 2 years
The Phoenix in the Clouds
Pairing Recom!Quaritch X Male!Oc
Summary: When a reborn Quaritch returns to Pandora, he meets a scientist who changes his world. Can love bloom on a beautiful world hostile to humans?
Content Warning: alcoholism, Mild violence
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Chapter one: The Landing.
After the fight with Jake Sully and the Omaticaya people, many humans made Bridgehead City their home. From there, they could see the ships' decelerations. Following that, Avatars and other Research divisions were destroyed out of concern that there would be another large-scale Rebellion.
One of the fortunate people to inherit a modest research facility close to the Waters of Pandora was Dr. Wihongi. Of course, he was subject to rigorous rules requiring him to utilize his avatar only as needed and to avoid interacting with the local populace. Since he wanted to concentrate on the abundant plant life of the moon, he was okay with that.
While one of the leading researchers, he was assigned to organize and help create any equipment the new Recoms need. Leon was irritated that he wasn't in command of the avatars previously. The higher-ups didn't mind as long as the Recoms completed their jobs. So he was dispatched up to Bridgehead City to meet with the new Recoms and act as their butler.
Dr. Wihongi attended as the ship landed. The General requested to see the Recoms when they first arrived, and he was ignored and told to wait until they had settled. He was shoved aside naturally because these roughnecks only knew one thing. To follow and obey.
Later that day, as Quaritch walked around Bridgehead, he inhaled deeply. It was fascinating to watch Pandora change in this way. tamed and refined. The air felt fresh and crisp, something that Earth had long since lost. However, it still had that recognizable flavor of human enterprise. He decided he liked the smell. It smelled like progress, victory, and civilization.
Being a recom instead of a human was still strange. But out here, it gave him an advantage. Clearly, he'd died as a human. Most likely to that treasonous fool Sully. He should have the same advantage here as Sully did with his avatar because he is a recom. Like he said before, a Force Recon marine in a native body. That combination was horribly lethal.
And he was eager to remind the locals who the world's deadliest sons of bitches were.
The Doctor kept complaining and whining to himself as he ran around the city looking for the Recoms Leader. He caught a glimpse of a large blue cat man and began to run after him, occasionally being stopped by one of the orange or yellow robots that looked like spiders and were building structures. “I've been looking everywhere for you” he finally said through his teeth, trying not to sound angry, but it still came out. He was panting and huffing as he approached the large Blue man.
The small man's face was red as he raised it to face Quaritch and cleared his throat.
"Even though I'm hardly certified, My name is Doctor Wihongi. I will be the one to provide you with your equipment and evaluate your health when necessary.."
Quaritch looked down at the scientist. " Wait, you're telling me that Command decided to pair my unit with our own unique Q? He grinned in response. "Now that's a hell of a thing. What can you make us?"
Dr. Wihongi shrugged, "Anything you need, just let me know a couple of hours in advance, and it'll be yours. Quaritch seems a little amused by the assertion.
"That doesn't necessarily mean you could make us some recom-scaled AMP suits, do you think? Or maybe some powered armor." As he visualized himself using his own servo-enhanced hands to crush Sully's skull, his eyes grew a little fuzzier.
"Ah well, we don't have the budget for that," he remarked nervously, "I meant like...uhm" he cleared his throat, "guns, and other hand held equipment as well as apparel," he continued as he looked up at the man.
He nodded. "That's all right." He considered his previous encounters with the Na'vi and compared them to recent reports. Prior to Sully's defection, the Na'vi had typically utilized crude technology. Bows and knives. That meant that their major advantage was sheer numbers, as their weapons were only hazardous to unarmored humans and vehicle cockpits. They were now deploying human weapons, making this a more traditional guerrilla conflict with the added benefit of indigenous air power.
Unfortunately for them, this was the type of conflict he'd gotten his start in as a Force Recon back on Earth. And he was certain of what he required.
"So, how about some bulletproof vests and helmets? Uniforms with cut resistant threads."
Dr. Wihongi nodded, "we have protective vests back in your bunk, and we will bring you uniforms as soon as possible."
"Copy that." He gave the doctor a critical look. "You know, doc, you're not like the other eggheads RDA sent in. Most of them were more concerned with their particular research projects than with RDA or mankind as a whole. What's the deal?"
Dr. Wihongi sighed, "I couldn't care less about any of you, but after the uprising, I was put on a rigorous 'don't get captivated by Pandora's charm' regimen," he remarked as he crossed his arms, "so that means being a butler for you and your motley crew," he grumbled.
Quaritch gave a quick blink. "Ah." He assumed it made sense in some ways. Sully's treason was supported, according to accounts, by the old doctor's science team. Keeping them on a short leash was arguably the smartest move RDA could do. "Well, Alfred is the best part of Batman's crew," he ventured, hoping to break the ice.
"I beg to differ," he shrugged, "but if all you need is the uniforms, I should get going now; my office is right next to your barracks, so just knock."
"That will suffice. I'll have to take a thorough look at our armory to see what we have. After all, there's no point in requesting a custom frag grenade when we already have ones on hand." He paused for a moment. "On the other hand, a Bangalore-like frag would be good..."
Dr. Wihongi nodded, "Maybe," he remarked as he began to walk away.
He watched the doc walk away before continuing his meandering about the city, mentally mapping everything as he compared it to Hell's Gate. Even the name was unique. Hell's Gate had been a mining outpost, given the moniker because Pandora was so lethal. Bridgehead was exactly that: a proper footing for human civilization on this bleak earth. He expected it to be a brilliant monument to humanity when it was built.
Dr. Wihongi returned to his temporary office, sat in the empty room, and sighed. He spent time at the computer and began working on some paperwork.  The Doctor made certain that the uniforms were communicated to those working under him. He sat back and sipped his coffee, which was not so subtly tainted with whiskey. He grumbled as he glanced at the computer. He despised it here. He wanted to be back at his own lab, where he was in command. But instead, he was now having garments made for enormous blue jarheads.
Quaritch returned to the barracks, opting to consult with his unit before embarking on their first mission into the jungle. He also decided to take a short look around the armory to see what they had available in terms of equipment. He nodded in satisfaction of the larger rifles and carbines supplied to them, albeit he was concerned about the absence of proper marksman guns.
He also went over the grenade options. He was happy to find that the numerous rifles and carbines could be customized, including underslung shotgun and grenade launcher possibilities. The grenades, on the other hand, were mostly incendiary and fragmentation. Both were beneficial, though the first was less so than one might expect given the wetness of the Pandoran jungle. However, fire was a powerful psychological weapon.
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jackalopescruff · 10 months
i want to see your ocs!!!!! tell me their favourite things like food and music
okay so I have a LOTTTT of oc's im gonna focus on my most fleshed out ones bc thatll mean they get the most interesting answers! :3 okay? okay!
Laura (My main fursona, the dragon girl we all know and love): She is just me her music taste is wildly varied from oldies from the brass era of music to jazz to punk pop punk emo grunge heavy metal rap breakcore hyperpop and more! fave food is chicken cordon bleu just like me :) Fave Drink is EASY Dr. Pepper :3
Bailey (The OUPPY sona we all adore): again me but i definitely think that when im full puppy space i fucking go insane on hyperpop, breakcore, jungle, dnb, the loud music that tickles the brain good. Fave drink Cherry Coke/Cherry Pepsi :3 fave food is BURGERS
Tawni (my awesome diner owning cowgirl sona): Tawni is a tired woman who works hard she wants melodic calm tunes, she is the jazz girl, she is listening to long ambient tracks, she works her butt off she is a little sad little tired just let her vibe. Fave drink is huckleberry tea with wildflower honey and a shaving of orange peel :3 She loves mushrooms and her awesome hog wife Hollyhock (belongs to my wifey @vonkarn) finds em for her :3
Harper [Cheerio] (Da beawr sona): Cheerio loves to bake and I feel her music tastes are pretty laid back but she wouldnt hesitate to get silly with some fun punk tunes or silly music (like i bet she loves tom cardy/bdg esque stuff) fave food is pecan pie with a dollop of vanilla ice cream on top (she deserves all the treats forever) and her fave drink is ice cold iced raspberry tea :3
Finch! (my jackalope): Finch is a dramatic ass tomboy femme punk bitch she wants to listen to those tunes that make you amped and ready to fight, she for sure shares like my heavy experimental tastes and listens to a lot of Hip Hop, Breakcore, experimental, noise, punk, riot grrl, etc she going wild. Fave food is fucked up but dude she loves a tasty fucking fried chicken drumstick man its simple but it goes hard. fave drink: chocolate milk (its cool and tough fucking fight mee)
Vincent: He is a cringe little gamer gremlin he trophy husband as hell stay home and games on his overpriced rig and setup, but also he is quite literally a phenomenal painter, artist, and writer. Vincent has a lot of feelings in his heart and he arts them out or he'll die. He is a lil poppunk/hyperpop/MCR boy like thats his JAM. fave drink is literally Monster Pipeline Punch
Jersey (this my brother/dad/found family he means a lot to me): Jersey is literally resident goodboy handyman he woodworks, gardens, fixes just about anything, he also loves bbq and thus has a smoke setup and does that for his calming pasttime he cooks a ton in general too and loves nature and foraging. he literally is the most reliable person on the planet and will always be there for u anytime u need. He is a foodie he loves capital F Food all of it he just goes in on food. his fave drink is coke and he literally has tons of old antique coke signs and boxes and shit all over he just thinks its neat he is just a dude.
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ao3feed-drstrange · 3 months
It All Ends In Fire & Chaos | Marvel
by Averagewriter_inthedark A being capable of spontaneous creation, and the spark that gave life to the universe. Together, they have the power to rule or annihilate the cosmos. Life was never easy for Evelyn Stark, sister of the world-renowned weapons manufacturer Howard Stark and former protégé of Dr. Abraham Erskine. After disappearing following the end of the war, Evelyn’s life was turned 180 when she awoke in the 21st century, 60 years following capture by Hydra and the Ten Rings. Adjusting to a new reality, Evelyn faces trials and conflicts as a founding member of the Avengers—but it’s the fight against Thanos where not just her life is altered, but Evelyn herself by an unknown force taking claim to her in exchange for saving her life on Titan. Tragedy leads to grief, and grief can lead to vengeance with newfound powers. Throw in another soul lost in sorrow with the abilities to bring creation and destruction and the world as they know, it will end in fire and chaos. Words: 35994, Chapters: 5/20, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Original Female Character(s), Wanda Maximoff, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, James "Rhodey" Rhodes Relationships: Wanda Maximoff/Original Female Character(s), Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Tony Stark/Original Female Character(s), Steve Rogers/Original Female Character(s), James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s), Stephen Strange/Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: OC is the Phoenix Force host, Heavy Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Major Character Injury, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Avenger Reader (Marvel) via https://ift.tt/RDG0Se9
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1800duckhotline · 2 years
hi i was wondering if u cld tell us a little abt tisha ?
ah yes absolutely! although be warned there isnt like a lot of DEEP lore about him :-) i have snippets here and there of what will become eventually a more properly founded story.
his main setting as i imagine is the mid-late 90s in contemporary times. he was born in russia (for now not sure where exactly but canonically he also wouldnt know where he is from) and ever since a young age he'd developed a temperament geared towards violence - though not in the sense that he enjoyed it, but rather that it came easy for him to do especially in situations of self defense, mostly against strangers, but i imagined the familial situation also contributed to him developing that 'fight' response to most things that are dangerous. tl;dr he's good at hurting people but he doesn't like it. he just knows how to do it properly.
the family history is muddled 2 me for now, but what i know is that he had an older brother, ilya (still alive in current times where tisha is an adult) and they used to be close. tisha = carrion crow, ilya = magpie.
the big main thing is that due to unfortunate circumstances tisha's "skill" with harming others was amped up once he got involved with some shady folks. again here it's all very muddled, i haven't got a clear idea. but, he's 13 at this age, he's basically being shaped into becoming an assassin for hire. at this age he also starts doing drugs.
some accident happens here where ultimately tisha leaves his home and ilya behind, and i imagined it to be some kind of event where ilya is forced to help tisha hide some bodies - sloppy work for a sloppy newbie at this sort of stuff, but they both get scarred from it nonetheless. in different ways.
that said from then on Tisha grows to be... Tisha. the drugs and repeated exposure to criminal life and activities completely obliterated his memory btw, and as you might guess Tikhon (Tisha is the diminutive form of his name) Igorevich isn't his actual first and last name. He initially used this as an alias when joining in in an attempt to "shield" his family, but with time he genuinely forgot his real name, his family, and so on. personality wise he honestly hardly ever changes? he is a quiet individual who doesn't enjoy making a show of himself, but he gets the job done and doesn't like dilly-dallying more than he needs to. he has self-awareness about him and his situation, he knows most people think he's pathetic and lowly, and he like. genuinely doesn't give a fuck. he isn't proud of it but he has too much shit going on to care about it in a way that changes his life forever.
anyway i think after a good chunk of years he eventually quits working for this 'group' and the transition isn't smooth (which he expected) but he maintains his reputation as an affable and well-adjusted hitman who is available for hire for whoever's willing to pay the most. enters some kind of assassin union which is mostly me putting together my hitman and assassin ocs together bc they'd probably all know each other.
this situation allows him to travel outside of russia, and his situation also allows him to like, bring with him kuobakhaya, who has been present the whole time btw - but since the ask was about him i didn't elaborate on her much. all you need to know for now is that they've been friends since they were children and bonded over feeling like outcasts, so as adults tisha would help her move somewhere else where she can start a better life while he helps her with expenses of various kinds. they are like brother and sister ^__^ he would literally kill to make sure she stays safe and sound and the feeling is likewise. with his help she moves to brighton, UK which is where he also has his "main HQ" when not traveling
but ummm there's not much else to Add, it's a pretty simplistic edgy story i know i know but i was inspired a lot by The Crow for his design, as well as some edgeboylords from 90s comics.
his weapons of choice are mostly tourniquets (to strangle quietly) and silenced guns.
loves crows. literally attracts crows constantly. they LOVE him. he is a literal scarecrow man. they love him and it is mutual
his style and fashion is strictly 80s/90s trad goth. the pierrot eye markings are tattoos.
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stormyykat · 2 years
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likesplatterpaint · 3 years
I worked up the executive function to make and keep a chiro appt yesterday my hips were so out they broke curfew.
Dr. Joe took Potota’s death in stride. Didn’t get a chance to show him Yamuel but told him about
Bruce seems to be doing better- after two days in the wine fridge I put him back in the tank. He’s still floating but I think it’s by choice now- he wasn’t in the tub, and it’s not as lopsided or butt based.
Mini me is n a college tour this weekend. I wanna work on a sketch of her alter ego OC and my own that I started based off of a few Hamilton songs. I’m having some Feelings about her going into art Ed just like me, okay??? Okay. She’s gonna be great.
Ben is officially a LAPCAT for Lizz. We like this very much.
I woke up at 3 am with Dunc’s jowls on my face and it was very sweet.
I ran out of ducks so AMP, to their delight, watched shrek today. Sixth did a silly lesson instead of continuing their serious one and I have this to show for it:
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Jujitsu no Tickle.
I’m old. I was in bed by 7:30 and we liked it very much with one sweet eggy boy
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caeneus-telamon · 3 years
So I finally watched the Carmen Sandiego reboot all the way through and actually paid attention so ofc I needed to make an oc for the funky little geography show.
Valentin Uspensky is a musician and a sound tech originally from Moscow, Russia. He is very laid back, often content to stay home making music unless his job calls. Considering his profession, he ironically is very quiet, mostly communicating in grunts and gestures.
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He is a skilled theif, and was recruited into Vile after pulling off an elaborate heist during a concert. He was in Carmen's class and did mostly well in Dr Bellum's and Prof. Maelstrom's classes, but graduated with the lowest score needed. He gets along well with all his classmates, and can often be seen having long, nonverbal conversations with Mime Bomb that make little sense to anyone watching them. Because of this, no one realises the two are dating.
He designed his costume himself, which is why it's just a his dysphoria hoodie and an led mask that he thought looked cool. His hoodie hides all his gadgets and amps.
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I'm writing a fic for him but I was just hella proud of the drawings I did :]
(ignore the fact that I can't draw shoes plz thx)
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alterofnaught · 4 years
I have.... complicated feelings about pregame because some interpretations are super interesting and I love them but sometimes they just feels like OCs to me and that’s totally cool bc it’s up to personal interpretation at the end of the day but when they feel too far removed from the character I just don’t have as much interest.
I really like when people explore how they are still similar in a lot of ways but the memories given to them by DR affect how their personalities. Nature and nurture and all that. The idea that part of our self in inherently going to be the same regardless of situation but is molded by the situations and people around us. So I like when they aren’t just totally different people but just different because of the backstories given. Not that DR had any scientific accuracy but them just fiddling with memory makes more sense to me then being able to entirely rewrite their brains. Memories and knowledge being overwritten I can buy but forming whole new personalities and talents- not so much. I think their talents likely existed at least in some form before DR (like Kaede could already play the piano, Angie was already an artist, Miu was naturally crafty/intelligent) just amped up with additional memories and backstories to make it feel ‘Ultimate’. Of course that’s just my view. Miu is the only one who really uses an insane amount of talent (the magic show maybe... and Angie with the wax sculptures would count and probably just Kirumi being overall very capable). So yeah... I prefer the interpretations where they are still pretty similar and I think that still works with the tiny amount we do get in canon? Of course the interviews could also be faked-cut-edited as well which is why even making guesses as to what could be true even with the 3 we saw is still totally up to personal interpretation.
Like Saihara for example- all we get is a little scene of his PG self and we see that he’s a giant fanboy of the show. Which of course gets translated to yandere/stalker tropes which is fine if that’s your deal but I don’t think planning a murder/execution as a massive DR fan is really all that insane (it’s pretty common in fanworks-which isn’t entirely the same as volunteering yourself to actually participate but still). But while he’s obviously different in game, I still think there’s aspects of what we saw. He’s still obviously awkward but passionate and determined at time. He’s also still a bit obsessive and weird even if in smaller doses (like he’s not the ‘normal’ one like Naegi or Hinata- he does ridiculous stuff like play 100 rounds of Rock Paper Scissors or stares at Mius chest and waiting for his eyes to change color and I know people have mixed views on the LSE but you can’t deny Shuichi gets super into playing the role he’s supposed to be- like he’s a weirdo).
Even Kaede- her surface is sweet and positive and different then what we see in the tape of course but Kaede definitely still has a harsher side to her in game. She says some brutal things to people at times and in the end she didn’t just believe things would work out or that Shuichis plan would work- she didn’t actually have faith in thier plan to *catch* the mastermind. So I don’t think she was necessarily just the opposite more just what we see in the video is how she would be in a real world situation where intense positivity and enthusiasm can often times end in failure and being extremely jaded bc of it.
And Kaito. Well I mean. I think what he cares most about is being seen as important or significant in any way possible. As the best murderer, as the hero- whatever. Even his talent reflects this. Astronauts aren’t common like it’s a super rare thing to actually go into space and puts you on a super small and exclusive list. So I think that’s something that’s more key to how I see Kaito then just... he wants to be a crazy murderer. More just he wanted to make his time on DR notable and important by creating the most gruesome ones.
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cjweejay · 2 years
Phoenix in the Clouds
Pairing Recom!Quaritch X Male!Oc
Summary: When a reborn Quaritch returns to Pandora, he meets a scientist who changes his world. Can love bloom on a beautiful world hostile to humans?  
Content Warning: alcoholism, Mild violence
Master list
A reposting of chapter one part one, this time Edited to feel more cohesive 
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Chapter one: The landing (part 1)
After the battle with Jake Sully and the Omaticaya people, many humans established Bridgehead City as their new home, from where they could observe ships decelerating from the sky. Many Research divisions and Avatars were destroyed as a precaution against any future Rebellion, and amidst this chaos, Dr. Wihongi was granted a modest research facility near the Waters of Pandora. Subject to strict regulations, Wihongi accepted this limitation, as he was eager to explore the plentiful plant life of the moon.
Until the RDA had other plans for him, He was instructed to go to Bridgehead City, Where he was told that he was going to be the coordinator of equipment and health for the newly funded Recoms. The phoenix project they called it, He thought it was a bit pretentious but that's what the RDA was all about.
He was trained in how to care for Na'vi bodies, and the Fabrication lab along with being given a modest team and just had to wait for the Recoms to arrive.
And They did, Though not for him, for the General, She wanted to see them before they had gotten Settled. To remind them they had a job. He watched them pass, Their large bodies foreboding and not to mention their training in the military. It was a deadly Combo, No wonder Jake Sully had such an advantage.
The Doctor noticed the Colonel, The tallest out of the Recoms. He was pushed back by a small crowd of Soldiers. His eyes meeting the Leader of the Recoms just for a fleeting moment.
Hours passed and the Doctor Ran around the City looking for the Leader Of the Recoms, He kept grumbling and complaining to himself.  He caught a glimpse of a large blue cat man and started to run after him, being stopped every so often by one of the orange or yellow Spider-like robots constructing buildings.
He finally reached the large Blue man panting and huffing,"I've been looking everywhere for you" He said through his teeth trying not to sound angry though it still came out.
The small human looked up at the Na’vi, his face red full of anger and exhaustion.
"Even though I'm hardly certified, My name is Doctor Wihongi. I will be the one to provide you with your equipment and evaluate your health when necessary.."
Quaritch looked down at the scientist taking in the others' appearance. His eyebrow raised, "Wait, you mean to tell me that Command saw fit to assign my unit with our own personal Q?" He Smirked at that. "Now that's a hell of a thing. What can you make us?"
The Doctor shrugged,"anything you need, just give me a few hours notice and it'll be yours"he said as he calmed down a bit. Quaritch looked a mite amused at the claim.
"I don't suppose that means you could whip us up some recom-scaled AMP suits, does it? Or maybe some powered armor." His eyes unfocused a tad as he imagined the sight of himself crushing Sully's skull with his own servo-enhanced hands.
The doctor noticed the other daydreaming and he cleared his throat. "Ah well we don't have the budget for that"he said a bit nervously,"I meant like...uhm" he cleared his throat again,"weapons, and other hand held equipment as well as clothing"he said as he looked up at the man.
The Colonel nodded. "Fair enough." He thought about his previous experiences with the Na'vi, and compared it with recent reports. Prior to Sully's defection, the Na'vi had typically used primitive technology. Bows and knives. That meant that their main advantage was numbers, as their weapons were only dangerous to unarmored humans and vehicle cockpits. Now, they were using human weapons, making this a more typical guerrilla insurgency, with the added benefit of native air-power.
Unfortunately for them, this was exactly the kind of conflict he'd cut his teeth fighting when he was Force Recon back on Earth. And he knew exactly what he needed.
"How about some bullet-proof vests and helmets, then? Uniforms with cut resistant threads."
The doctor nodded, taking a mental note of what the Colonel requested, “bullet proof vests are already available in the Barracks, as for uniforms we will get them out to you as soon as possible.”
"Copy that." He gave the doctor an evaluating look. "You know, doc, you're a lot different from the other eggheads EDA brought in. Most of them cared more about their pet science projects than RDA or humanity as a whole. What's your deal?"
Dr. Wihongi huffed,"I could care less about any of you but after the rebellion, I was put on a strict, 'don't get captivated by pandora's charm' regimen" he said as crossed his arms,"so that means being a butler for you and your Motley crew"he grumbled.
Quaritch gave a quick blink. "Ah." He assumed it made sense in some ways. Sully's treason was supported, according to accounts, by the old doctor's science team. Keeping them on a short leash was arguably the smartest move RDA could do. "Well, Alfred is the best part of Batman's crew," he ventured, hoping to break the ice.
"I beg to differ," The doctor shrugged, "but if all you need is the uniforms, I should get going now; my office is right next to your barracks, so just knock."
"Will do. I'll need to take a close look at our armory to see what we have available. No point asking for a custom frag grenade when we have some available, after all." He thought for a moment. "Then again, a frag that's like Bangalore might be useful..."
Dr. Wihongi nodded, "Maybe," he remarked as he began to walk away.
The Colonel watched the doc leave before continuing his wandering around the city, making a mental map of the place as he compared it to Hell's Gate. Even the name was different. Hell's Gate had been a mining base, given the name for how deadly Pandora was. Bridgehead was just that, a proper foothold for human civilization on this deathly world. When it was finished, he expected it to be a shining monument to humanity.
Quaritch returned to the barracks, opting to consult with his unit before embarking on their first mission into the jungle. He also decided to take a short look around the armory to see what they had available in terms of equipment. He nodded in satisfaction of the larger rifles and carbines supplied to them, albeit he was concerned about the absence of proper marksman guns.
He also went over the grenade options. He was happy to find that the numerous rifles and carbines could be customized, including underslung shotgun and grenade launcher possibilities. The grenades, on the other hand, were mostly incendiary and fragmentation. Both were beneficial, though the first was less so than one might expect given the wetness of the Pandoran jungle. However, fire was a powerful psychological weapon.
As he walked around he drew up a mental list of additional goodies he wanted his unit's new resident Q to manufacture as he went to his team's barracks.
Quaritch sat in his bunk, listening to his fellow recoms yammer. It was a familiar feeling, marines joking around, wound up with energy and ready for action. If his men were human instead of tall blue aliens, he could imagine himself in... well, any of the conflicts he'd been in, actually. There'd been so many. So many battles and bullshit and lost friends. And while, technically, he never really knew any of them, the losses still stung.
He knew Paz was dead. Hopefully, Junior was on his way back to Earth. He gave a chuckle. Kid would be well taken care of. Not a lot of guys got to enjoy the fruits of their life insurance money directly. His would ensure his kid had a bright future.
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graffitibible · 3 years
1, 5 and 7!
i've answered 1 over here!
5) character you were most surprised to end up writing
HMM HMM HMM. i believe i've mentioned this before, but i'm surprised that newsagogo got as big a role as she did in mayhem and that her role was so essential to shaping ghoul as a person. i planned her inclusion to ghoul's story early on, about partway through crafting jet's narrative, but it was kind of a shock to see how massively important their role was.
in the less immediate sense, i'm surprised at how amped i am every time i get to write korse. he's come up in everyone's histories but this was something i planned to a degree (there are certain threads that connect each of the fabulous killjoys: they all had their lives saved by dr. death and/or show pony, they all have some very vivid memories of zone music and of mad gear in particular, and they all have some kind of connection to korse, no matter how vague). writing him is a lot of fun even if he's still in this borderline inscrutable state since we haven't gotten anything from his POV yet so we can't know anything about what's really motivating him you know. but that's also something i kind of planned so i'm not sure that really answers the question :/
i'm surprised at how many OCs i had to write into this universe to make it all make sense, does that count? or - oh actually you know what? i'm surprised that i've written gravel gertie of all characters multiple times now and how she's kind of acquiring a bigger role in things over time. she's one of those bit characters who gets literally one mention in dr. death's listening party and yet i've found she's kind of essential for certain goings-on in the zones.
7) when asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
i'm probably somewhere in the middle. i'm anxious about it the way i'm anxious about most things in my life and have a general terror of being judged for literally anything, but i'm nervous about telling someone that i write the same way i might be nervous about ordering a coffee; in a generalized, blanket fashion, and not in a way that's particularly unique.
i'm generally more keen to get into the nitty gritty of what it is i write with people i like and generally trust though. and if people are willing to put up with my rambling and listen, they're well worth any of the nerves.
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