#oc: wilhelmina
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droppedpears · 6 months ago
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eeeeevil womannn (guitar riff)
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turtlemurmurs · 2 years ago
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Just wanted to draw Wil’s hair pushed back out of her face but she looked like Loki to me so I just went with it 🤷‍♀️ I forgot how fun it can be to draw his armor hehehe
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nosnexus · 2 months ago
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OC kiss week is coming up and has given me a great excuse to draw my Pathfinder kids smooching people!
If one of your OCs would like a kiss from one of mine, feel free to send an ask with your OC you want to be smooched and pick an OC of mine! (Optional: mention what kind of kiss you'd like to see, cheek, lips, forehead, hand, etc.)
I'll complete as many as I can! OC info below :)
Wilhelmina Marrow (DND/Pathfinder) - Aasimar Bard, Female, Pansexual. Constantly has an angel in her head that yells at her to defeat evil and be a hero, etc. - always trying to refuse the call. She is a traveling bard with an affinity for haunting music and the stars. A little sad. Unfortunately very competent when all she really wants is a friend or two and no responsibility.
Wren Ward (DND/Pathfinder) - Aasimar Sorcerer w/ archetype in Bard and Geomancer; Nonbinary (they/she), Bisexual. Traits: Willing to do anything for their friends, trusts their gut with varying degrees of success, cheerful and ready to try anything once - no matter how ill-advised. They are very live in the moment. Religious trauma! Very touchy person - loves nothing more than cuddle piles and hugs tbh.
Cassandra Delvue (DND/Pathfinder) - Damphir Desecrator Champion. Nonbinary (She/they), lesbian. Betrayed by her ex, but thanks to amnesia she only has vague remembrance of it. Came back from the dead wrong. Intimidating in physicality and demeanor. Might start crying if someone was consistently nice to her...if she wasn't so damn suspicious of people.
Augury (DND/Pathfinder) - Tiefling Tempest Oracle. Female, no sexual preference. Broke out of a cult and now trying to fight God. Self-assured evil lady who will do anything to keep herself safe. A bit arrogant and condescending, but in her defense, she can usually back it up. Great to kiss in the rain, considering she has a little stormcloud above her head most of the time due to a curse - beware of lightning!
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barbozari · 5 months ago
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Shadowheart & Wilhelmina at Elfsong Tavern
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jrgisafan · 22 days ago
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It’s the lovers.
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spoondoodles · 1 month ago
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OC Kiss Week Day 2: Kiss on the Cheek
Aletheia is my beloved lesbian plant daughter who is also an oracle for a dying pantheon of gods and may or may not be inspired by Brothers Grimm's Rapunzel (don't look at her relationship with her mother too hard don't do it) @nosnexus your kid is beautiful I hope you don't mind me borrowing her for Aletheia's second ever kiss in her short life (give her a moment she's only 20)
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acacia-may · 3 months ago
Wilhelmina "Billie" Granvorka (Black Clover OC)
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(Art from this Picrew).
Happy New Year! One of my resolutions is to share a little more about my OCs this year so without further ado here's a brief intro to one of my (secret) Black Clover OCs and the subject of my new, upcoming project "Eye Of The Storm"...
Wilhelmina "Billie" Granvorka
Wilhelmina or "Billie" Granvorka is the daughter and only child of Kaiser Granvorka and his wife (the most functional and arguably the best ship in Black Clover). Her father's Vortex Magic and mother's Water Magic combined to create her Hurricane Magic.
She is ambitious, serious, resourceful, driven, and resilient. Though she is independent and slow to warm up to others, she is loyal to her friends and squad-mates. She has been friends with David and Lorelei Swallow since her childhood and eventually becomes good friends with her fellow Golden Dawn members particularly her fellow "rookies" (and overachievers), Letoile Becquerel and Klaus Lunettes (though she and Klaus did not get along very well at first).
Wilhelmina wants to prove that she has what it takes to be a magic knight on her own talents alone and not because she is riding the coattails of her father's successes.
Birthday: March 19th
Magic: Hurricane Magic
Likes: Tea, Reaching Her Goals, Reading, Knitting, Spending Time At Home With Her Loving Parents
Dislikes: Messes, Laziness, Trivial Small Talk, Not Having A Plan
She is the protagonist of "Eye of the Storm" (which is hopefully coming soon 🤞).
A few more fun facts below the cut 🌧️
Her nickname "Billie" was given to her by her mother. It is still used with affection by her parents and by her childhood friends, David and Lorelei (OC) Swallow. Most of her squad mates, however, call her Wilhelmina.
Like her father, she has a gift for mana sensing and magic control. She inherited her father's hair and eye color, but she also takes after her mother, Maris, who was a magic knight vice-captain and very powerful in her own right. Kaiser and Maris struggled to have children and had almost given up when Wilhelmina was finally born. Her birth prompted them to retire from the magic knights to raise her. As their only child, she was doted on but never spoiled. She is close with her parents who were very involved in her life and upbringing.
With a magic knight captain and vice-captain for parents, Billie had a lot of raw magical ability and talent. Both of her parents trained her to take control of her hurricane magic, and she has always wanted to follow in their footsteps and become a magic knight.
Though her parents never set unrealistic expectations for her, Billie often felt the pressures of being a "Granvorka" from other nobles, particularly the magic knights. Being the daughter of one of the most respected, now-retired Magic Knight Captains always weighed on her heavily and gave her an intense desire to prove herself--both that she could live up to her family's legacy and also showcase her own power and abilities.
Though the Golden Dawn was a relatively new squad at the time, she chose to join it because she felt it would best help her reach her goals and prove herself and also because she felt Captain Vangeance truly believed in her and actually wanted her for her own abilities not just because she was Kaiser Granvorka's daughter.
She participated in the same entrance exams as Klaus Lunettes and actually faced off against him in the dueling portion of the exam. After a grueling battle, she ultimately beat him by pulling the steel lances he had made into her hurricane, flinging them back at him, and pinning him to the wall with his own weapons. This set them off on the wrong foot even after Captain Vangeance selected them both for his squad.
As the two newest members of the Golden Dawn, she and Klaus are particularly competitive with one another and he is usually cold and standoffish to her given that he felt she humiliated him at the Magic Knights Entrance Exam. However, after many careful observations of her training and sparring sessions, he eventually develops a strategy to best her during a sparring-training session.
Eventually, she and Klaus grow to understand each other, connect over a mutual love of reading, and become friends. They drift apart after things go horribly wrong on a joint-mission but (secretly) remain very loyal to each other.
Hamon Caseus was assigned to be her and Klaus' "babysitter" when they first joined the squad (in a similar way to how Klaus eventually became "babysitter" to Yuno & Mimosa when they joined years later). He always invited them to have tea after their training sessions. Hamon eventually becomes like an older brother to her along with their (pre-series) Vice Captain, Ronan (Ren) Conglaciare (OC), but Langris Vaude (their "backup babysitter") will always feel kind of like her babysitter.
She has known David Swallow since childhood and still thinks he is a moron. He may be her friend, but she is not above sharing his battle weak spots with Letoile to help her best him during their squad's training sessions.
Though her favorite hobbies generally involve her training her magic, she is surprisingly crafty. When she was young, she and Lorelei Swallow (OC) (who was like a big sister to her) always worked on crafts, particularly knitting projects, together. She does not have a lot of time for it these days, but it is still relaxing for her.
She loves tea and collects different blends. She doesn't have a lot of personal effects in her room at the Golden Dawn base, but she does have a porcelain tea set which was given to her by her parents.
A/N: I haven’t decided if she & Klaus are a pairing or just close friends. If they are a ship, they kind of give me “Right Person Wrong Time” vibes. Maybe if I write about them some more, I’ll figure it out. Feel free to weigh in friends. Thanks!
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asanasterisk · 6 months ago
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farmer witch
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agena87 · 1 year ago
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beastren · 1 year ago
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they make me ill + a couple other Lir images i have been adoring
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thatthingilovewith · 25 days ago
Another Lore Post
This is just a random collection of some of my personal Bobbin lore, as well as some lore for OC's and District 8. If you have any questions about it feel free to send me an ask!
Brocade ~ As I've mentioned before Brocade is Bobbin's older brother who cares for him at the time of TBOSAS. Brocade doesn't really have any friends due to him suffering from an anxiety disorder and being written off by those outside his family as being "crazy" so he spends most of his time alone.
Brocade is actually really good at most arts and crafts and spends most of the very little free time he has doing things like sewing or making fake flowers out of cloth. He likes to pin the cloth flowers to their apartment walls, claiming because the wallpaper is green, it makes it look like a meadow, ignoring or oblivious to the fact the wallpapers color is more like sludge.
He is not very good at most academic tasks due to his education being interrupted by the first rebellion and its fallout. He, like the majority of people in District 8 at this time, is functionally illiterate
Bobbin's friends - Bobbin only has two friends (three if you ask other people), they are all a bit strange and sit near the very bottom of the social hierarchy and as such are often the target of bullying.
Wilhelmina Corwin ~ Wilhelmina is Bobbin's oldest and closest friend. She lives in the apartment below him with her parents and brother before his death. Most people consider her to be a bit of a frump, she wears old hand-me-down dresses and sewn patches in patterns everyone thinks are hideous. She has rat's nest hair pulled into uneven pigtails and has a tendency to speak with he mouth full. Other than that she's a very nice and creative girl, always coming up with fun ideas and games to play. Though her teachers wish she would keep her ideas to herself at least until class is over.
Calico Napier ~ Calico is Bobbin's "best friend." he lives a block away, and Bobbin and Wilhelmina walk to school together every day. Bobbin and he have many of the same interests, so he considers him to be his best friend. His family can be rather weird, making loud noises, singing through the night, and experimenting with new recipes none of their neighbors appreciate. Calico can, at times, be a bit dull in his classmate's opinions, as he struggles with most school subjects. Calico is overall a good kid, though. One of his favorite activities is to play baseball in the abandoned lot near his apartment building, he's a rather good pitcher.
Lacey ~ In Bobbin and his friend's opinion, Lacey is not their friend. She used to be, but she's not anymore. She wasn't an outcast because she was mean; she was no meaner than anyone else, or because she was ugly, she was not, or even because her family was weird, they were. No, Lacey was an outcast because she wore the same exact outfit to school for nearly three years straight, that's also when she was their friend. One day, she suddenly came to school in new clothes, and the next day and the day after, too. Bobbin guessed Lacey thought that meant she was better than them now that she wasn't the poorest girl in District 8, and she tried to find better friends. Unsurprisingly to Bobbin, none of the other kids wanted to be her friend, and now she wasn't even their friend anymore. However, as of late, she'd started to pull her own hair out, making him and the others reconsider their position on if she was their friend.
General District 8 thoughts.
Scraps ~ Most people in District 8 live in run-down tenement buildings whose heaters break often. They also have access to fabric scraps left over from the cloth-making process that they tend to take home with them. It's not uncommon for the residents of the district to stuff fabric scraps into the holes in their walls and where outlets have broken and the wiring ripped out of the walls.
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turtlemurmurs · 2 years ago
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Wil as a reaper that kinda went rogue because she fell in love with a mortal man who was supposed to die. She's bad at human-ing but she's trying her best to fit in
[Wil(helmina) is my OC and this is an AU of her]
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nosnexus · 1 month ago
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First up for OC Kiss week!
@kingstealer's Tahl, getting a lovely peck on the cheek from Wilhelmina
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hallowedhijinks · 1 year ago
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WOAH! Hallowed Hijinks' first flashback?????? ALSO: Heads up no comic next week I've been busy. BUT. I will be back the following friday :)
Ft. Wilhelmina Webmeister (she/her) and Count Batula (he/she)
(You can support me with $3 a month and see exclusive sketches and behind the scenes content of my comic hallowed hijinks! https://ko-fi.com/bethdehart )
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susiesamurai · 2 months ago
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Mina: do you think he’s single?
Neve: Bones, he has a demon in him.
Mina: we all have our baggage.
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ethanscrocs · 5 months ago
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throwback to the time i worked really hard on this drawing but it turns out i misinterpreted edgar's sketch and wilhelmina is not, in fact, gray...
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