#oc: vivian blake
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writ-in-violant · 2 years ago
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The Sharp-tongued Stormwatcher, Professor Vivian Levy, Correspondent
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the-antiapocalyptic-man · 11 months ago
what is the Robin timeline in ur headverse? Like what’s the order and where do they end up later in the timeline? (also love ur art its amazing)
okay, stick with me, this is a journey:
Bruce wasn't the first Batman in the headverse, that was an OC named Dr. Aloysius Flying Fox (later just Aloysius Fox). His Robin was John Blake, who's thus first by technicality. Al and John are the headverse's Golden Age Batman and Robin, with a weakened Zod as the Golden Age Superman and Diana back in her role as Golden Age WW since she was born in 1900 as a Century Baby.
Once Bruce becomes Batman, the order of Robins is:
Dick Grayson (adopted as preteen, trains for a year or so and debuts as Robin) who becomes Nightwing around the time he's 18, using a name of Kryptonian animal and a Kandorian bodysuit gifted to him by Clark, giving him a little extra protection even against superhuman foes.
Jason Todd comes on after Dick's moved to San Francisco/Jump City full time with the Titans but before he's Nightwing. He's older than Dick was when he started (so 14-15) and only gets a year or two before Joker kills him. He's revived shortly after by the League of Assassins and trained in the ways of the All-Caste. He returns to Gotham as the Red Hood before completing his training, which causes problems for his Outlaws down the line.
After the incident with Jason, there's a gap where Bruce is mostly operating solo (barring team-ups with other established heroes). Tim, Steph, and Cass all come crashing into his life around the same time after Dick's become Nightwing but before Jason return. Tim is Robin, Steph is Spoiler and Cass is Orphan, but Steph and Cass become a second Robin and Batgirl shortly after coming up the Batman's aegis.
After Jason's return, Tim is Red Robin, Steph and Cass are both Batgirl (barring Cass's time undercover as Kasumi), at which point Damian enters the picture and the whole dynamic blows up. Once everything's kind of settled, Damian is Robin.
Then Crisis Era begins and there's another big shake-up, the functional result of which is the disappearance of the Trinity. This Era is defined by reality breaking apart as a result of various Meta-Cosmic beings (The Hands and The Eyes, Monitors and Looker, Pariah, Old and New Gods, etc) all fighting to survive Perpetua and The King of Tears attempting to resurrect Ultra the Hunter.
Dick and Damian continue on as Batman and Robin for some time. Carrie Kelley is active as Robin as well, but she's from a timeline create and destroyed during the Crisis, so she mostly operates independent of the larger Bat-Family. Jace Fox discovers Aloysius's history as the Lost Batman of Gotham's Golden Age and simultaneously operates as Batman of the Cinderella City (New York).
Dick eventually leaves the mantle, Damian becomes the Outsider, and Jace and his sister Tam operate as Batman and Robin. Cass is the new Batwoman, with Vivian Vale (oc) as Batgirl and Cheyenne Fremont as Nightwing. Steph is Oracle with assists from Barbara. Tim survives being captured by Joker and then splits his costumed adventures between the Black Ace Joker and the Batman Who Laughs.
From there is a jump to the Beyond Era and the emergence of Terrence McGinnis, unknowingly a result of Waller's work to create a reliable Batman of her own, who then bonds with an abandoned picotech symbio-suit being maintained by an older Jace.
Duke's present through the timeline, but as a Monitor-level metahuman, he's sort of on his own trajectory. Harper is concurrent with Steph, Cass, and Tim, all of whom are involved with a Talon using the pseudonym "Turner Hayes" before being revealed as an undead Dexter Dent. Dex is briefly Robin under James Gordon Jr, Waller's first attempt at having a Batman of her own.
Maps Mizoguchi is in here somewhere, probably concurrent with Damian and Carrie during the Crisis. She eventually becomes Meridian (uh, current BoP spoilers I guess).
Jenny Wren claims to be the First Robin but she's just one of Aloysius and John's rogues who became a Talon but got her memory scrambled.
I think I originally had a young Helena Bertinelli as Robin concurrent with Dick to retroactively justify Helena Wayne being named after her, but idk if I'm keeping that or it really makes sense. Otherwise she's Kate Kate's Robin before becoming Huntress. Helena Wayne follows a similar trajectory, but becomes Batman between Cass and Jace but before Terri and Elaina (Dick's daughter with [redacted] and briefly one of the Red X's).
I...think that's everyone?
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digi-dest-stories · 4 months ago
Miraculous Destiny AU Lore
OC characters in this AU! Most of these are reoccurring or important OCs in the school. There's only one that's not technically an OC and that's Liam. He's just possibly OOC, since I don't know much about him.
Some of them did get changed as I was writing this.
Alicia: One of Sammi's best friends and classmates! She's a big fan of animes, specifically ones that contain magical heroines. So when the superheroes appear, specifically Glitter Lucky, she fangirls (which is a bit awkward and flattering for Sammi). She'll try to constantly talk to the heroine whenever she sees her swinging around town and is always excited when they get to have an actual conversation. Outside of this, she's a very sweet girl who does her best to make everyone feel happy and included.
Blake: Another one of Sammi's best friends and classmates! A little more shy compared to Alicia, but still just as friendly. They enjoy hanging out with their little friend group, though they don't really talk much compared to everyone. They just kinda stay around in the background and listen to conversation around them. They don't enjoy getting roped into dangerous situations though, such as when Alicia wants to run off to watch the heroes despite the school telling them to go hide somewhere safe.
Tobias: A character who I changed to appear later on, as opposed to him immediately being part of the group. He's a new kid who arrived later on in the school year, transferring over from homeschooling. He was a bit reserved at first, preferring to keep his own company, before Sammi somehow roped him into her friend group. Despite their friendship, they know little about him, as he doesn't really talk about himself. He's whipsmart and observant, able to identify when Akumas or Digimon are about to be manifested.
Casey: One of Reiner's friends and his 'second-in-command'. They're a rather laid-back person who keeps their other friends in check and makes sure their boss/friend isn't too stressed. Though they're not a flashy hero like Dark Claw and Glitter Lucky, they still do their best to help out during Akuma/Digimon attacks. Usually just trying to herd civilians and bystanders out of the way, so that the heroes can get their job done without worrying about others. It takes a lot to get them upset or overly emotional.
Completely Secondary (Mostly in the background but sometimes have important appearances)-
Liam: E.R.'s big brother! He's just as friendly and as goofy as his little brother, though much less accident-prone. Though friendly, he is somewhat overprotective of E.R. He won't protest against his hobbies, but he does disapprove of some of the more dangerous stunts. And his friendship with Riot, since he's still skeptical of his change in behavior. He's also good friends with the Mayor's son, Gary. He tries to encourage his friend's interests and hobbies, especially given how happy it seems to make him.
Vivian: One of E.R.'s friends, nicknamed Viv. She's got the biggest crush on him, which he is oblivious too (just like how she's oblivious to his obvious crush on someone else). She gets flustered around him easily, making it obvious. She's friendly, though a bit overwhelming and very chatty. She's also rather clumsy, seeming to trip on nothing but air most of the time. It's a fact that she's embarrassed by, though her friends reassure that it is alright and that she's fine.
Alexander: One of E.R.'s friends, nicknamed Alex. They met at a skatepark competition, where E.R. had accidentally been launched off a ramp and ended up crashing into him. The two became fast friends in the hospital room, sharing tips and tricks with one another. He's a hyperactive guy who enjoys the thrill of life and who is in the hospital almost as much as E.R. He doesn't have nearly as many broken bones though. He thinks the heroes are the coolest and gives them his full support.
Diana: One of E.R.'s friends, nicknamed Dia. The one who's a little more relaxed compared to everyone else. She prefers to just hang out and watch the others, usually being the one to persuade them away from the more dangerous stunts. It doesn't always work, given the nature of her friends, but she still tries. Like E.R., she keeps a medical kit on her just in case of emergencies - Which, between all the akumas and digimon and stuff, happens a lot. She really admires what the heroes do, though she worries about Lucky given her age.
Finn: A self-taught coder and self-proclaimed hacker who is homeschooled. He has declared Grayson as his 'rival', mostly out of jealousy and admiration of the other's computer skills. He always sets up competitions or puzzles to see how the two compare, keeping track on who wins the most. Despite their rivalry, they do hang out from time to time, because they're both just lonely kids at the end of the day. He doesn't have much company (or friends) otherwise. He's a sweet kid, if not a huge dork.
Sammi's Classmates (Just Names): Maria, Juniper, Tyrone, Dennis, Tyler, Henry, Vickey, Gale, Alva, Jake. They have some individual character traits that I won't delve into, at least not in this post.
Reiner's Friends (Just Names): Nico, Kenzo, Arata. Former members of his 'gang', now just a group of friends that like to hang out together. They do still treat him like he's their leader, though most of their actual commands come from Casey.
Antagonistic Secondary-
Julianna: One of Henrietta's "friends". Typical mean girl, who talks trash about other people and enjoys playing cruel 'pranks'. She instigates the most of the bullying and pressures the other two into helping her. She's from a richer part of town, which is how she met Henrietta, though she only befriended the girl because she was the mayor's daughter. Her parents had told her to get close with her to make their own family look better. She's very unpleasant and little people enjoy her company, not even her friends.
Ariana: One of Henrietta's "friends". Another typical mean girl, who likes to listen to gossip and spread rumors about people. She's almost always scrolling on her phone, texting her friends or posting on social media. She's good at lying and can weasel her way out of any situation with the use of fake tears. She's convinced everyone she's the best of the three, even though she is actually the worst. She wormed her way into the friend group in order to gain a better status, since she's not from a well-known or prominent family.
Ivan + Chris: Riot's former friends, who used to help him bully other kids. They're still bullies themselves and pick on basically everyone in the school. Sammi's one of the few kids they leave alone, only because they're afraid of Reiner, who has previously beaten the shit out of them. They also leave Riot alone for the same reason - Like Reiner, he kicked their asses just by himself.
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hclyrevivals · 3 months ago
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❀ ˚ ↬ 𝐡𝐜𝐥𝐲𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬 : a dependent mumu, for oldmystichq which is a closed rp. please dni unless you're part of the group.
character list ( currently standing at 126 ) under the read more, * denotes oc
adam lowe*, aelin galathynius, andromea "andie" caldwell*, angel mutti, angela montenegro, angela weber, annie marks, aria montgomery, bay kennish, benjamin "ben" gates, bloom of domino, blossom utonium, brittany aarons, caitlin geller, camryn "cam" barnes, carina deluca-bishop, carol newman ( mrs. claus ), chandler bing, chase adams, clare edwards, claire standish, daphne blake, danielle de barbarac, danielle "dani" dennison, danny fenton, davina claire, delaney jackson*, elizabeth swann, eloise thompson, elphaba thropp, emma duval, esme cullen, evangeline milton*, evelyn "evy" carnahan o'connell, evie grimhilde, frances "baby" houseman, freddie benson, galleria garibaldi, georgia miller, gillian owens, hallie parker, hector "zero" zeroni, hiccup haddock, hope mikaelson, hope paetz*, holly berensen, isabel "belly" conklin, isobel "izzie" stevens, isolde navarro*, jake fitzgerald, miss jennifer honey, jesusita "jess" valenzuela, jim hawkins, joyce byers, juliet o'hara, juniper ramos*, kai hewett*, katerina "kat" stratford, katherine "kate" bishop, katniss everdeen, kelsi nielsen, kendall santoro jr*, kevin doyle, kiki nakamura, kimberly "kim" possible, kirby reed, kourtney carino*, laney boggs, laurie forman, layla williams, lexy gold, logan mitchell, loretta modern, lucy hardgrove, luke danes, luna crowley*, madeline "maddie" fitzpatrick, maeve donovan, manuella "manny" santos, marnie piper, mary jane watson, matt flamhaff, max mayfield, mikey walsh, miley stewart, milo thatch, mirabel madrigal, nancy drew, nancy wheeler, nash gibson*, nesta archeron, noah redding*, odessa guzman*, olivia whitehead, padme amidala naberrie, penelope garcia, peyton sawyer, prudence "prue" halliwell, quinn james, rachel akana-miori*, rachel peabody, rikki chadwick, riley marra, robin scherbatsky, roger radcliffe, rory gilmore, ruthie camden, sabrina spellman, samantha "sam" carpenter, samantha "sam" montgomery" samantha "sam" simpson, scout hynes*, shiloh "seven" kellerman*, sidney prescott, summer field, taylor callum, tiana rogers, topanga lawrence, veronica mars, vivian ward, wes hicks, willa fitzgibbons*, winifred "winnie" foster, yumi ishiyama, yzma mendoza, zenon kar.
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fadingmadness · 7 months ago
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✦ ↬ 𝐟𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 : a dependent mumu, for oldmystichq which is a closed rp. please dni unless you're part of the group.
character list ( currently standing at 114 ) under the read more, * denotes oc
adam lowe*, aelin galathynius, andromea "andie" caldwell *, angela montenegro, angela weber, annie marks, aria montgomery, bay kennish, benjamin "ben" gates, bloom of domino, caitlin geller, camryn "cam" barnes, carina deluca-bishop, chandler bing, chase adams, clare edwards, claire standish, daphne blake, danielle de barbarac, danielle "dani" dennison, danny fenton, davina claire, delaney jackson*, elizabeth swann, elphaba thropp, emma duval, esme cullen, evangeline milton*, evelyn "evy" carnahan o'connell, evie grimhilde, frances "baby" houseman, galleria garibaldi, georgia miller, gillian owens, hallie parker, hector "zero" zeroni, hiccup haddock, hope mikaelson, holly berensen, isabel "belly" conklin, isobel "izzie" stevens, isolde navarro*, jake fitzgerald, miss jennifer honey, jesusita "jess" valenzuela, jim hawkins, joyce byers, juliet o'hara, kate bishop, katerina "kat" stratford, katniss everdeen, kelsi nielsen, kendall santoro jr*, kevin doyle, kimberly "kim" possible, kirby reed, laney boggs, laurie forman, layla williams, lexy gold, logan mitchell, loretta modern, lucy hardgrove, luke danes, luna crowley*, madeline "maddie" fitzpatrick, maeve donovan, manuella "manny" santos, marnie piper, mary jane watson, matt flamhaff, max mayfield, mikey walsh, miley stewart, milo thatch, mirabel madrigal, nancy drew, nancy wheeler, nash gibson*, nesta archeron, noah redding*, odessa guzman*, olivia whitehead, padme amidala naberrie, penelope garcia, peyton sawyer, prudence "prue" halliwell, quinn james, rachel akana-miori*, rikki chadwick, riley marra, robin scherbatsky, roger radcliffe, rory gilmore, ruthie camden, sabrina spellman, samantha "sam" carpenter, samantha "sam" montgomery" samantha "sam" simpson, scout hynes*, shiloh "seven" kellerman*, sidney prescott, summer field, taylor callum, tiana rogers, veronica mars, vivian ward, wes hicks, willa fitzgibbons*, winifred "winnie" foster, yumi ishiyama, yzma, zenon kar.
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chrisstarverse · 8 months ago
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Summer PokeGals
My Pokemon Ocs featuring RB, Blake, Gale, & Vivian
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abstract-apocalypse · 4 years ago
@vivian "Hey baby, are you a corvega? Because you look like you were probably really sexy at one point but now you're kinda beat up and rusty, but I'd still like to get inside you"
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I'm sexy as hell, and if that's how you're asking you can shove off."
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farsight-the-char · 6 years ago
After putting some thought into them I have developed the rest of team KNGS, the team my RWBY OC Sebastian Magdalen was apart of.
Kaine Jamesdottir: A woman who takes huge inspiration from Laura Kinney. Former child soldier for a eugenics cult in Atlas, she was saved and sent to Beacon for training and healing, with Oz wanting to personally oversee her reform. Initially cold and isolated, focusing only on the mission, she learned to open up and have humor as the years in Beacon passed. Uses 2 sets of weapons, first is Bucky, an assault carbine that can shift into a sniper rifle, and the Four Sisters, a set of retracting dust claws that are embedded in her boots and gauntlets on her wrists, one claw on each arm and foot, for a total of four. Semblance is an Aura pulse that provides her tactical data on enemies and her surroundings. Kaine is the name she chose for herself, she is trans.
Nissa Grey: Ok basically my Vivian Blake oc modified for RWBY. Rapier named Sara, grappling gun named Yukari and a hyper-sonic scream semblance. Joined Beacon to escape her abusive parents, and found freedom in being a huntress. Very, very gay. Not a vampire in this timeline but has a fascination with them.
Nissa and Kaine are married with children after graduating beacon. They were partnered up and bonded over both gayness and abusive families.
Gold Godwin: A self described mad scientist. The child of a prominent weapons designer for the SDC, she took to weapons development like a fish to water, loving big explosive tools of death. Her weapon at the time was TIM, a massive flamethrower/laser canon/chainsaw. Her semblance is the ability to spread her Aura around, creating barriers for herself and those she lets in. Sebastian saved her life during the Beacon initiation ritual after TIM broke in the fall. They partnered and in gratefulness Gold provided the funding and helped design Sebastians Dolorosa chainblade.
After Graduating Gold is primarily a weapons developer with some huntress work to field test her weapons, as well as raising her son Robert, to whom Sebastian served as donor for (Sebastian is gay).
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zeetheus · 2 years ago
happy 5 years since i was banned on quixol for being queer
i dont search quixol on tumblr, but its been some time. i have moved on. i dont make friends anymore. i dont trust people anymore. i dont even play minecraft much anymore, except on a small friend server with some of the queer ex-quixol players
quixol is dead! mixed feelings. it was nice until the day i called my ocs queer in public chat, and got a condescending message about using the word “queer” on other people from someone on staff. similar stories from a lot of my ex-quixol friends
damn, i wonder if my queerplatonic ocs are okay with being called queer...
someone contacted me on twitter about old dirt that vivian was a pedophile. not sure if i believe it considering that vivian and the staff called my friend a pedophile over a few non-sexual joke homestuck posts. the callout on vivian was never made, and i was never told any incriminating details, so i'll leave it alone
apparently one or more toxic ex-mods - blake probably among them - were the ones pushing for my ban, and digging through my social media for incriminating content. doesnt really change the fact that the other mods were following along, arguing with my friends, and changing the server message to try and drag me about the tweet i made that called acephobes homonormative
i’ve been bullied for a lot of my life. it’s weird to get out of highschool and think that it’s over, only for a bunch of ND LGBT+ folks that you trusted to pull the same stunts, and act justified about it. i guess no one and nowhere is safe? i guess it’s not worth trusting people anymore
i was banned on december 5th 2017. blake was a mod until sometime around november 2018. better late than never i guess! perhaps the admins were doomed from the start, if it took them that long to take action against one toxic staff member
vivian and bean each separately made apologetic posts that i found in the quixol search. i appreciate the posts for what they are worth. please be kinder in the future
i’m still on tumblr under a different account that i’ll never reveal here. i abandoned this account because i became paranoid that someone would dig through my posts to try and harass me again, but i didnt have it in my heart to delete this blog or throw out my url, so i just left it and made a whole new account
i generally don’t use the name zeetheus anywhere anymore. i dont link any of my social media anymore. i go by different names on different sites. because being too easily identifiable as zeetheus is part of what got me banned, and what would continue to give me anxiety for years afterward
i would feel crushed and afraid and want nothing more than to delete and remake over and over again, until i realized what i was actually anxious about
i hope someday that i wont be as paranoid
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thediamondolls · 3 years ago
this list is ever changing, check back for updates!
TV Muses:
Heidi Barrie / Buffy the Vampire Slayer ( fc: shelley hennig )
Jo Harvelle / Supernatural ( fc: alona tal )
Ruby ( v. 1.0 ) / Supernatural ( fc: katie cassidy )
Saxa /  Spartacus ( fc: ellen hollman )
Santanico Pandemonium / From Dusk til Dawn ( fc: eiza gonzalez )
Vanessa Styles / From Dusk til Dawn ( fc: adrianne palicki )
Serena van der Woodsen / OG Gossip Girl ( fc: blake lively )
Aoife / Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter ( fc: katherine mcnamara )
Ebony Sparda / Devil May Cry ( fc: emeraude toubia )
Eirny / X-Men ( fc: danielle rose russell )
Ekaterina Romanov / John Wick ( fc: megan fox )
Freki / Werewolf lore ( fc: katherine winnick )
Keres Angelos / AHS Coven ( fc: ryan ashley malarkey )
Laura Lawrence / Cobra Kai ( fc: jeanine mason )
Lilith / Biblical / Mythology Based ( fc: samantha robinson )
Mariella Salvatore / The Vampire Diaries / The Originals ( fc: giulia de lellis ) 
Remini : x5-404 / Dark Angel ( fc: lindsay morgan )
Video Games:
Faith Seen / Far Cry 5 ( fc: anya taylor joy )
Jill Valentine / Resident Evil ( fc: tbd )
Lilith the Siren / Borderlands ( fc: tbd )
Susie Jordan aka The Legion / Dead by Daylight ( fc: lights poxleitner )
Amber Sweet / Repo! the genetic opera ( fc: ryan ashley malarkey )
Marnie Wallace / Repo! the genetic opera ( fc: emily blunt )
Delta / Jurassic World ( fc: adrianne palicki )
Fox Mask / You’re Next ( fc: jon bernthal )
Ginger Fitzgerald / Ginger Snaps ( fc: katherine isabel )
Holly Garling / PET ( fc: ksenia solo )
Jennifer Check / Jennifer’s Body ( fc: megan fox )
Kirby Reed / Scream 4 ( fc: hayden pantierre )
Tattoo / Moulin Rouge! ( fc: ryan ashley malarkey )
Tracy Bingham / All Cheerleaders Die ( fc: natalie alyn lind )
America Chavez / Marvel ( fc: xochitl gomez )
Bobbi Morse / Marvel ( fc: blake lively )
Christine Palmer / Marvel ( fc: rachel mcadams )
Clint Barton / Marvel ( fc: aaron paul )
Dinah Lance / DC ( fc: katherine winnick )
Jessica Jones / Marvel ( fc: krystin ritter )
Natasha Romanov / Marvel ( fc: ana de armas )
Oliver Queen / DC ( fc: charlie hunnam )
Sersi / Marvel ( fc: gemma chan )
Tandy Bowen / Marvel ( fc: olivia holt )
Zatanna Zatara / DC ( fc: emeraude toubia )
Cherry / Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter ( fc: brianne howey )
Corky Corcoran / Fear Street Cheerleaders ( fc: sabrina carpenter )
Itzpapalotl / Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter ( fc: becky g )
Jeyne Westerling / ASOIAF ( fc: lily james )
Rafael Espinoza / Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter ( fc: clayton cardenas )
Raina Wallis / Anita Blake: vampire hunter
Ridley Duchannes  / Caster Chronicles aka Beautiful Creatures ( fc: dove cameron )
Rosalie Hale / Twilight ( fc: sydney sweeney / anti smeyer )
Rosha Nelson / Fear Street: The Perfect Date ( fc: olivia holt )
Shiera Seastar / ASOIAF ( fc: tbh )
Sookie Stackhouse / Southern Vampire Mysteries aka True Blood ( fc: tbd )
Stormy Llewellyn / Odd Thomas ( fc: danielle campbell )
Vivian Gandillon / Blood and Chocolate ( fc: virginia gardner )
Churchill Creed / Pet Semetary ( fc: zane holtz )
Eventide Grimhilde / Grimm / descendants multi-fandom ( fc: sofia carson )
Fawkes / Harry Potter ( fc: ana de armas )
Hedwig / Harry Potter ( fc: diana agron )
Jane Foster / Marvel ( fc:  alicia vikander ) 
Sansa Stark / ASOIAF ( fc: sophie turner )
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writ-in-violant · 1 year ago
I've made the executive decision that tracking down the correspondence-sigil drawn in Scathewick's papers is when Blake meets Vivian for the first time; he seeks out an authority on the Correspondence bc he doesn't know much about it and encounters a very weird professor busy blowing things up in their lab who nevertheless knows their correspondence letters backward and forward
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altaredego · 3 years ago
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I figured I will put this here. Here’s a list of alternate FC’s and FC’s for my ocs.
amber sweet : ryan ashley malarkey
marnie wallace : emily blunt
tracy bingham : peyton list
charity le domas : elizabeth gilles
delta : adrianne palicki
frances "baby" houseman : sabrina carpenter ( ?? )
penny johnson : naomi scott ( ?? )
heidi barrie : shelly hennig
corky corcoran : olivia holt
jeyne westerling : lily james
ridley duchannes : dove cameron
stormy llewellyn : danielle campbell
vivian gandillon : sydney sweeny
lilith : samantha robinson
zatanna zatara : emeraude toubia
dinah lance : katheryn winnick
bobbi morse : blake lively
susie jordan : lights
nataly morozov ( oc ) : dove cameron
ekatefina romanov ( oc ) : megan fox
rosaline finley ( oc ) : claire holt
lella  ( oc ) : megan fox
roscoe ( oc ) : ksenia solo
emberlyn estacado ( oc ) : ksenia solo
jacob wolfe ( oc ) : zane holtz
agnes lenz : danielle harris / scout taylor compton
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foxesandmagic · 4 years ago
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Happy Holidays, OC Community (9/?)
Betty Nickelson and Bill Denbrough (IT) for @nygmas-riddler;
Veronica Marshall and Lukas Hoffmann (The Flash) for @spectrumofsculs;
Emrey Sato and Reggie Peters (Julie and the Phantoms) for @megdonnellys;
Vivian Clearwater and Nova Craft (Harry Potter) for @fragilestorm;
Theo Raeken and Madison Sherwood (Teen Wolf) for @cecesxwickedxocs;
Robyn Argent and Annie Sinclair (Teen Wolf) for @avengiers;
Aurora Blake and Bellamy Blake (The 100) for @lahnistersden;
Faedra and Gandalf (The Hobbit) for @dreamerwithapen1;
Angel Fenny and Billy Hargrove (Stranger Things) for @alias-b.
A/N: Gif credit goes to the respective owners; I just found them and edited together. (I’m trying to do something for each OC blog I follow, so I apologise if I miss anyone!).
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merriemarvels · 7 years ago
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“Welcome, True Believers...”
Marvel multimuse rp blog
Indie, selective, comics-canon
20+ RP experience, 10+ on Tumblr
616, Exiles, One-shot & OC characters
Drama-free zone!
rules ⦾ muses ⦾ open starters ⦾ ask ⦾ memes ⦾ promo layout source
muses & blogroll under cut:
current muses:
teddy altman / hulkling (earth-616 only)
tj wagner / nocturne (exile/earth-616)
charlie lehnsherr / magnus/capacitor (canon-divergent/merge)
jubilation lee / jubilee (616 generation x era/XM97 inspired)
julian keller / hellion (616 divergent before krakoa)
vivian / viv vision
cal rankin / mimic (exiles)
cj barton / mustang (oc-ish)
balder blake / bravado (oc-ish)
francis barton / hawkeye
edie barton / sparrowhawk (oc-ish)
stella blaire / starchild (oc-ish)
stevie danvers / kid marvel (oc)
benjy parker / kid carnage (MC2 canon divergent)
roberto da costa / sunspot (xm:e)
single-character blogs:
billy kaplan/wiccan (earth-616/comics ONLY) @warlockisaslur (low activity)
clarice ferguson/blink (earth-295/exiles) @ablinkntime
logan/wolverine (earth-616/comics with some movie influence) @morinotsume
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rowanrambles · 3 years ago
my friends ocs blake and vivian 💗💗
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abstract-apocalypse · 5 years ago
OC Stats - Vivian
Tagged by @tarberrymentats, thanks so much for the tag!!
Tagging: @chaosintheavenue @isodopeds @nuka-nuke @mojave-musing and anyone else who feels like doing it!
Face Claim: no faceclaim, but this artbreeder is pretty close! (tho she has thicker eyebrows... artbreeder let me make women with thick eyebrows challenge)
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Name: Vivian Blake
Age: early-mid 30s in the “present day” of fo4
Birthday: July 30th
Sun Sign: Leo
Height: 6′2″
Species: Human
Gender: cis lady
Residence: Nuka World
Marital Status: single
Alignment: lawful evil or neutral evil
Food: rare meat, savory or spicy flavors
Drink: she likes lemonades and mixers, anything but Nuka-Cola.
Day or night: night
Snacks: anything salty. salt and vinegar chips are a favorite
Pet: Peanut and Bubba, her two giant dogs!
Color: red
Flower: i don’t know if she has one. maybe something unique looking, preferably red? i don’t know very much about flowers lmao
Sexuality: bi bi bi
Body Type: muscular af
Eye color: dark dark brown
Hair color: black
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