#oc: umino aoki
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"From today on I will be your squad leader"
thank you once again @birdiepuh (you precious person) for this ultra cute art of the babies and sensei nart!! <333
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found a pic of kid Iruka and got an itch to do Aoki
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Alright im sorry i couldnt stop myself so here is full Team Naruto
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Hatake Obito (kakashi x sayuri)
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Umino Aoki (iruka x aori) - @kankuroplease
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Might Mai (Gai x Kaiya) - @foolishk
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thanks to @myaekingheart for sharing this piccrew in a discord server. I was moody but then i crafted my babes.
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I'd love to hear more about team Naruto 👀 what's their team dynamic? How do they get along?
Ehehe, you are too sweet to me! <3
I pushed back Naruto becoming Hokage in my AU so he could be the teacher to Kakashi's oldest son (Obito) and Irukas oldest child (Aoki) and Gai's daughter (Mai), because I wanted him to be their teacher sooo badly.
Aoki is a little more boastful, think Iruka before he lost his parents. Not quite as pranky (that is his little sister), but surely confident. He fights with double sorts like his mom and is overall quite talented at what he does.
Mai has all of her fathers cheerfullness and none of her mothers social anxiety. She trains with both Lee and Tenten when she is younger and as such does pack a punch, but can also use weapons well (specifically a spear, like her mom did when she was still active)
Obito is... well, he has issues, my poor baby son. He is isn't bad at anything by any means he just is much quieter than the others, has general anxiety. But he has the sharingan and and the lightning release and fights with a stuff like his mother.
There are issues in between them that are mostly related to Aoki and Mai, just in that general way too people with a lot of opinions and loud mouths have issues with each other. There is alos the problem at first that Obito needs to sort of learn to rely on himself and others, but Mai is so positive that she helps him through it. Aoki is sort of mocking, in a way? But never mean, it's just this sort of sparring encouragement by teasing a little. They are rascals of course and all over the place. Mai can pretty easily use Obito's staff and Aokis swords so if necessary they also swap around. Obito has the fire which gives him the range, while Aoki and Mai are more meelee. Aoki is the one that has the hang of healing jutsu (Iruka is known to be good at sealing, so he has good chakra control and I hc that thats also needed for healing jutsu)
Naruto and Aoki (in some regards Obito too) have like a relationship that Boruto later has with Konohamaru. LIke they are teacher and student but they are also brothers really. Because of course Naruto is involved with Iruka's children, also because Aori, his wife, has also always supported him a lot.
I have this very specific scene in mind where Naruto sits at Ichirakui with Iruka and Kakashi just complaining about the kids and going like "Wow this new generation is so exhausting" and the two adults are like "THIS generation?!"
(tagging @kankuroplease & @foolishk because baby talk.)
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Put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about.
ok more au stuff sorry kirpy. i wish i would daydream about anything else as much as i do about my shit but.
team naruto goes back in time arc in my au. as in, team naruto (naruto, irukas son aoki, kakashi son obito, gais daughter mai) find themself accidentally back in time (ups!). first thing naruto does is pull the hairband ouf of aokis hair and give obito a braid so that both boys look less like their fathers. he also tells obito to not tell anyone his name. they then scatter to find a way back
aoki meets his parents together at first and he is kind of suprised what kind of personality his father is, but even more that he and aori just like tease each other relentlessly, sort of like siblings would and it seems even harder for him to understand why they got married eventually?? (nto that they really understand it either) - @kankuroplease
mai meets her father first with her grandfather dai and she is so excited to see them because they are all sh e ever thought theyd be. gai is exactly the same as now, just he still has a normal leg. she meets her mother later, which is an experience, because its before kaiya loses everyone and falls to depression so she is a very happy, very normal girl. mai and her even like talk to each other a little (@foolishk)
obito meets his namesake first. its insane for him because he recognises (u) obito from pictures but now he can talk to him. he says his name is kouki, which is as he knows his grandfathers name. he eventually gets to meet kakashi too and is like.. terrified of him adslkhfas its hard for (h) obito to imagine how this like grumpy lil kid will turn into his very kind father. sayuri tho is even worse because she is not snappy and snarky but like very happy go lucky and hanging constantly at his fathers heal. (h) obito gets to see (u) obito interact with both his parents and that is very important to him. he also meets his grandfather and learns why sayuri hates the uchiha so much
naruto is running around trying to get his team out of trouble but runs into kushina an dminato quite quickly. he follows them a little and watches them interact. it makes him long to talk to them, not only because boruto and hima are already alive and having them meet their grandparents would be such a gift, but also because naruto is poised to become hokage very soon and so having a talk with his parents, an encouraging word perhaps would be so important
sdfklasd either way they eventually get back i havent thought that far yet
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I love the idea of Iruka having a kid, so I was wondering if I could draw a fake screenshot of Aoki 👉👈
Uh, I only did that one time, because I happened to find a good Iruka screenshot.
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Otherwise there is this art that @kankuroplease did for me a while back
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Orange cake!
Dear @kankuroplease, my dearest! You requested Aori with Iruka and baking a cake for Naruto's birthday and you shall recieve! I love both these idiots so much and I especially love them together! And I love you, person that dropped into my DMS half a year ago and that I talk to daily now! I used to be soo scared of you and didn't want to be annoying and now you are one of my closest people on this website. AND SO TALENTED. Anyway. I love you, this for you.
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Ikigai Au
Iruka x OC (plus the baby)
2104 words.
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Iruka rips the door open to their apartment, sweat on his forehead and in his neck, breathing heavily from having hurried over from the other part of town as quickly as he could. “I’m back”, he presses out, “What did you need help with?”
“Kitchen!” Aori yells back and Iruka slips out of his shoes as fast as he can to hurry through the entrance into the kitchen. “I came as soon as I coul-”
When he enters he sees his wife standing in the middle of what he can only describe as complete chaos. There is flour on the floor and on the counters, an open box of eggs, some half cracked in a bowl, something smells like burning on the stove. Aori herself is wearing an apron, but she still has white powder in her hair. Iruka blinks. 
“Can you help me bake a cake? It’s Naru’s birthday soon…” Aori says and her voice is a little whiny, almost pleading.
Before Iruka can comprehend the situation he looks around for Aoki, can’t find him and back to Aori: “Where is Aoki?”
“Sleeping”, she says with a shrug. “He’s been very good today, barely cried, slept like stone and I though-”
“So you send me a message to come home immediately because you needed to bake a cake for Naruto?” Iruka closes his eyes trying to calm himself down. “I thought something happened to the child! I dropped everything I was doing to get back.”
Aori looks a little guilty and there is a red flush on her cheeks. Maybe he should have thought this might happen with her, he thinks, since he has known her so well for so many years. But since they were parents his mind had been very occupied by the health and the future of their son and so he had immediately overreacted.
Iruka sighs. There is no need to be angry about it all at this point. He already left most of his work on his desk and rushed off, no need to go back now and explain to the other teachers where he had gone. He looks up at his wife who looks positively pathetic with the chaos she has made around her and he can’t help but laugh from the depths of him.
“Have you never baked before?” he asks and then yelps for a breath, “You look absolutely miserable right now.” He walks over to the little bag of flour out of her hand that she is holding and to check what is smelling so terribly on the stove. It turns out it is melted chocolate, or rather, burned melted chocolate.
She pats down her clothes to get rid of the white powder all over it. “I mean I have tried”, she explains and then bites her lip like she does when she is a little insecure. “It has never really worked.” How someone like her, who  was leading her family's household from a young age, never really learned how to bake is one of the many eternal questions that Iruka has when it comes to Aori, but he decides to drop it. They’ll have enough time in the future to figure it out.
Instead, he takes the spoiled chocolate off the stove, wipes flour with his hand from the counter and reaches for the bowl of half cracked eggs. “So you wanted to make Naruto a birthday cake…?” Iruka says, trying to piece together the thought process in her head.
“Yes, I thought… Last year it was so chaotic and we couldn’t really celebrate and now that he is 18 and.. I just..thought it would be nice…” Aori scrambles the words together, still distracted by the powder on her hair and clothes.
It is true, Iruka thinks. The war last year has made it almost impossible for Naruto to celebrate his birthday and in the aftermath of all of it he was easily overlooked, though a hero of the village. There had been rebuilding processes, the many memorials for fallen soldiers and Sasuke’s trial, all things that weighed heavy on the boy's mind and as such his seventeenth birthday came and went without much celebration.
Once a few months ago, back when Aoki had just been born, Iruka had wondered if he could have ever married someone who didn’t love Naruto as much as he did. There were so many people in this village that only liked him lately, when the war put him to the forefront of everyone’s minds. But Aori had always liked and supported and fed him, the tiny child on her doorstep that made her sister angry, and while Iruka had taken a little longer to get there, he did get there eventually too. 
Imagining a partner who did not love Naruto like that was almost impossible. Luckily and incredibly, Iruka had found a partner in Aori, no matter how unlikely that felt when they were younger and he was happy, even if she sent him S.O.S messages while he was working to have him sprint home to bake a cake.
“So~” he sings a little, clapping his hands together, “what kind of cake are we making? Clearly there is some chocolate involved.” He lifts the pan and his eyebrows at the same time. Apart from flour and chocolate there seems to be no indicator as to which direction this cake was supposed to take.
Aori shakes herself one last time and then also claps her hands: “I thought of something with oranges in it and chocolate on top. Somehow I imagined it to be easy. But it turned out harder than I thought.”
“As much is obvious,” Iruka replies and Aori makes a pouty face. “Ok, first, why did you start with the chocolate when the cake is not even in the oven? It goes on the very top.” There is red on her cheeks again, she has no reply to that question. Well, it is time to see if some of her work is salvageable. He looks into the bowl with the half cracked eggs and then looks back to her with a question mark on his face.
“Shells”, she says as a means to explain. Eggshells probably, Iruka thinks and chuckles a little. She could have easily just fished them out and used the opened up eggs anyway, but he wonders if maybe … “Do you have a recipe for all of this?” Iruka asks and takes out the scale from their shelf.
She walks over and the smile is back on her face: “Yes! I had Kurenai write me something down.” Out of the pocket of her apron she pulls the little piece of paper. Iruka takes it and looks over it. Kurenai’s handwriting is as always clear and precise as are her instructions. He can’t imagine how Aori messed up this badly following them.
“Did you panic?” he asks therefore. “I mean as in, did you think about how important it is to you to make Naruto something and then despaired at your own baking skills and then panicked when things started going wrong?” She looks as if he just hit the bullseye. She nods. “Right and did you then, because you panicked, mess up even more?” She breathes: “Yes.”
He just has to lean forward to kiss the nose she is ruffling right in front of him, can’t help himself otherwise. “Don’t worry, we can fix it together”, he says with a laugh and draws back to pay attention to the eggs again. “After all it is for Naruto.”
Aori stands next to him and hangs the piece of paper with the backing instructions right above them and then she starts measuring the flour again, which was, according to her, what she was doing when he came in. “It didn’t look like that's what you were doing to me,” Iruka replies with a laugh as she says that.
They work seamlessly side by side, Aori now much calmer with him there to support her. She is good at things that she puts her mind to, Iruka has always known and seen that, so maybe she just needed the extra encouragement. He puts the dough together and she prepares the oranges. Chatting away about how much Naruto will probably love this present from the both of them.
“I’m sorry I made you come here from school”, Aori says a while later, her back turned against the oven that is slowly heating up behind her. “I know it’s not right, but I didn’t know who else to ask for help.”
Iruka is just putting the finishing touches on the dough in its form. That they even have a cake form is already a kind of miracle. While Iruka can bake he rarely ever did and Aori, well, she tried baking from now and then, but it usually worked out as well as it worked out today. 
He opens the oven door and lets the cake in. “It’s okay,” he says, “There is so much still on stand-by for after war repairs and the restructure announced by Lord Sixth. It was all paperwork anyway. I’ll do it tomorrow.” He straightens his spine to look at her with a smile.
“Still, that wasn’t right of me. I will try to not do it again,” she looks away from him in embarrassment, while he sets a timer on a tiny frog watch that they got as a housewarming gift from Naruto after they had moved in here a few months ago.
There is flour in her hair again, how she did that is again, Iruka does not know, but he reaches over to get rid of it for her. Her eyes follow his movement. “Really, it is okay,” he repeats, brown eyes looking down into her green ones. “They might complain tomorrow, but I’ll just tell them my son needed me. They can’t deny me that when he is still so young and cute.” He smiles. Aori is not the only one who can do mischief sometimes.
It is warm behind them from the oven and their proximity. He looks at her and leans a little down automatically and she balances on her foot upward to meet him. Lately it has been hard to have time alone with Aoki needing so much of both of their attention. Not that either of them would complain about it, as they love their son dearly, but still. Who complains about a little alone time?
Aori must have tasted the dough before, Iruka thinks. She tastes a little like orange slices and sugar. Her hand reaches up to his hair and opens the band up, she just likes it too much when it is open. In turn he turns her to the side, the back now right next to the oven door,  the heat makes both of them sweat. But it is not only that.
Iruka kisses her cheek, the jaw below her left ear and her neck, which makes Aori sigh quietly and he is about to find his way to her back to open the apron when a scream lets them both jump up.
“Aoki”, Aori says with eyes wide. The boy is crying in the other room like a little siren, alerting his parents that it is now not time for some adult fun, but rather time for some mid afternoon lunch. One day when he is older Iruka will pay him back for these interruptions, he vows silently to himself, but on the outside he shakes his head and smiles. 
“Go,” Iruka says. “I’ll melt the chocolate again. Right this time.” His wife steps on her toes again to kiss him just one more time, before hurrying out the kitchen door.
He can hear her pick the boy up and soothe him, can hear his cries calm down under his mothers touch and he hesitates for a moment to turn the loud stove back on. Instead he just listens to what is going on in the other room.
“We will go over to Naruto-nii tomorrow,” Aori whispers to their child. “We will all have cake with him.” She goes on to tell all about how they made the cake and Iruka sighs in the kitchen. 
There had been a war exactly a year ago. So much hopelessness and misery, more than he even experienced as a kid. But now he has everything he could have ever asked for, even if his wife sometimes calls him out of work because she doesn’t know how to crack an egg correctly. How wonderful to ever feel so happy.
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Ikigai AU overview
Hi. Just a little masterpost with stuff from my own AU version so I can link it if necessary.
You can find links to all my oc’s character bios by clicking on them. At the end there will be a list of oc’s I stole borrowed from others.
Detailed timeline can be found here [x]
Clan‘s / Families
(Ages are all at the beginning of Boruto’s canon story. Please note that I changed the age in which the Konoha 12 have children from 19 to 24. If a person is crossed out they died. If last name is crossed out, they married. I have not named everybody yet but it will fill up.)
The Hatake Clan
Hatake Sakumo | (Inuzuka) Hatake Aina* | Hatake Kakashi
Hatake Kakashi (49) | (Uchiha) Hatake Sayuri (48) | Hatake Tsuki (21) | Hatake Obito (19) | Hatake Miu (11)
The Sarutobi Clan
Sarutobi Sasuke| Unnamed mother | Sarutobi Hiruzen | Sarutobi Shouta (70)
Sarutobi Hiruzen | Sarutobi Biwako | Sarutobi Akira (57) | Sarutobi Asuma
Sarutobi Shouta (70) | (//) Sarutobi Fumiko (68) | Sarutobi Sora (45)
Sarutobi Akira (54) | (//) Sarutobi Hina (53) | Sarutobi Konohamaru (31)
Sarutobi Asuma | Yuuhi Kurenai (50) | Sarutobi Mirai (20)
Sarutobi Yamato (45) | Sarutobi Sora | Sarutobi Aiko (14)
The Uchiha Clan
Unnamed Father | Unnamed mother | Uchiha Obito
Uchiha Kouki | Uchiha Kimiko | (Uchiha) Hatake Sayuri (48)
Uchiha Fugaku | Uchiha Mikoto | Uchiha Itachi (42) | Uchiha Sasuke (35)
Uchiha Itachi (42) | (Nohara) Uchiha Haruka* (42) | Uchiha Shisui (15) | Uchiha Mikoto (13)
Uchiha Sasuke (35) | (Haruno) Uchiha Sakura (35) | Uchiha Ren & Uchiha Takeshi* (14) | Uchiha Sarada (12)
The Hyuuga Clan
Unnamed Father | Unnamed mother | Hyuuga Hiashi| Hyuuga Hizashi
Hyuuga Hizashi | Unnamed mother | Hyuuga Neji (36)
Hyuuga Hiashi | Unnamed mother | (Hyuuga) Uzumaki Hinata (35) | Hyuuga Hanabi (30)
Hyuuga Neji (36) | (//) Hyuuga Tenten (36) | Hyuuga Momohiko & Hyuuga Ringo & Hyuuga Mikan (13)*
Other things of note:
Gaara of Sand (35) & Rock Lee (36) live together and raise their sons Shinki (12) and Metal Lee (12) together.
Umino Iruka (45) & Morita Umino Aori* (45) are married and have a son called Umino Aoki (19) & a daughter called Umino Aome (11)
Might Gai (50) & Aiuchi Might Kaiya* (48) are married and have a daughter called Might Mai (19)
The rest are just your usual families. Boruto compliant. If I change anything up (like adding a kid or whatever), I’ll update.
* Other people’s oc’s
Hatake Aina is Jules’ OC (@/uchihashisuii)
Nohara Haruka is Jess’ OC (@/uchiharomance)
Ren & Takeshi are Cara’s OC (@/queen_tabris)
Momohiko & Ringo & Mikan are Des’ OC’s (@/chojuuro)
Kaiya is Kali’s OC (@/foolishkali)
Aori is KPZ’s OC (@/kankuroplease)
Not mentioned in the clan list, but still in my AU:
Nara Yasumi - OC of @/foolishkali
Tsubaki Saya - OC of [insert name]
Yamanaka Minoru - OC of @/chojuuro
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