#oc: storm blevins
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Rather than dark and edgy reinterpretations, I’ll always opt for the idea that the Pokemon world is a kinder, fairer, more just and equitable world than our own....but even so, academic slapfights and social media discourse will always bring out the worst in people.
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Another Pokemon OC portrait! This is Storm, from Platinum, who started with Chimchar. She’s the youngest of three and convinced them all to get matching Gracidea tattoos. She followed in her sisters’ footsteps taking on the Sinnoh gyms, but discovered along the way that rather than standard issue battles, she’s much more interested in Pokemon Contests and the Battle Frontier.
These are Glynis and Rowena, her older sisters.
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When the old gang discovers Rose is still alive, Storm gets an 'Angel Rose Did Everything Wrong' shirt made/makes one.
Storm handsews and decorates - it’s actually semi-quality - a shirt that says “I nearly destroyed the world and all I got is this shirt and crippling depression.”
Rose is like “I had the depression before then but um it’s the...the thought that counts? Thank....you?”
And Storm just goes :D
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I promised I’d do this, and I have: an old meme, featuring most of my Pokemon OCs, and some rivals/NPCs who have featured prominently in the fics I wrote back when I was.....13.
The only two OCs not here are Toshiro (because even after 8 years I still haven’t figured out what he looks like) who would be “laughs nervously”, and Marie (who’s kind of detached from everyone else here and who I’ve only ever drawn once anyway) who would be yet another “YEET”.
I originally wasn’t going to include N here because Gen 5 is kinda when the games started giving us more than bare-bones characterization that I could run with in any direction (which is what I’ve done with rivals Blue and Silver, and Champion Lance) but since I was leaving out Toshiro (who’s from Unova) I figured I might as well include the other Unova boy, since I can draw N in five minutes flat from memory anyway, it’s not like it required any effort on my part to include him.
Now that I have portraits for all most of these idiots, I could do a proper intro post for them. Or I could just continue to only meme. Both sound good.
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Pencil sketches that might get turned into digital tomorrow if I can keep up my motivation for my project of “draw all my Pokémon OCs”. This is Storm and Willow. They’re both annoying younger sisters and that’s about all they have in common.
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back when I made all these characters I was like “whatever, it’s the Pokemon universe, it’s anime, they can all have blue hair and it’s fine” and then eventually I went “eh, more realism, they’ve all got black hair” 
and then I went “well I can make Storm a hair dye addict and give her blue hair and even more awesome colors all at the same time” and lo I did
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randomly in a mood to do stuff with some of my Pokemon OCs so here’s aesthetic boards for two of the three Blevins sisters, Storm and Rowena.
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Sinnoh kids, prompt: Going Feebas-fishing. The ‘tiles change every day’ thing is just adding insult to injury RIP.
LISTEN I do not have time to tell you now about me and my brother’s adventures in Feebas fishing but we did a fucking LOT of it 
 “I get the feeling you’re not taking this seriously,” Rowena said, reeling in her line with a sigh to find that once again the bait had been nibbled away without her notice. 
 Storm blinked at her several times in rapid succession before dramatically placing her hand to her chest and asking, “Me? Never!” She picked up another block of bait and threw it as far as she could. Her Floatzel yapped and plunged back into the water to race after it. Rowena’s Weavile, curled asleep between two stalagmites near one of the cave walls, opened one eye to glare. 
 “You’re disturbing the fish,” Rowena said. She waved her Gastrodon back over to her and settled on its back. “I’m going somewhere else where you’re not scaring off all the Feebas.” 
“They probably aren’t even here!” Storm shouted after her. The sound echoed around the damp mountain interior. “They’re probably hiding! Or sleeping!”
Rowena did not dignify her with a reply and Storm pouted on the shore for a few minutes, trying and failing to skip rocks across the water while her Luxray snorted at her in laughter. “Hey, where’s Glyn?” she asked suddenly. She looked around. Her oldest sister was nowhere in sight and the only Pokémon surrounding her were hers and Rowena’s. “Glynis?” she called into the silence. “Glynis? Oi! Ro! Where’s Glyn?” Silence. She frowned. “Hey Tempest c'mon,” she said to her Floatzel. The Pokémon flopped belly-first back into the water, waiting for Storm to adjust herself securely on its back before it raced off across the water in search of Rowena.
Seeing Storm, she sighed and tossed her glossy hair over her shoulder. “What?” she snapped. “Where’s Glyn?” 
“Where’s the nearest cave painting? Find it and she shall appear.” 
Storm didn’t know it was possible to make the motion of reeling in a fishing line sarcastic, but Rowena managed it impressively. “I don’t think you’re leaving it in long enough before you pull it back in,” Storm pointed out. 
Rowena’s eyes narrowed and she cast the line back out with unnecessary force. “And you’re not even fishing,” she said, which was true. 
“Hey!” From near the ceiling of the cavern, Glynis appeared, camera around her neck and notebook tucked under an arm. She wore a large smile as she waved and began to pick her way down the stone slope to the water. “How’s the fishing going?” 
“Worse than it looks like your exploring is going,” Storm said. Glynis sloughed her bag off of her shoulder onto the ground and extracted her fishing rod from it. 
“I thought I’d seen that particular painting before, but I hadn’t,” she explained, dropping the end of her line in the water. “I took a sample of the paint and the stone so we can date it and see when it originates. The Mount Coronet murals all use similar motifs but there are a few distinct eras. We’re working on classifying them and analyzing the actual art to see if there’s any themes that distinguish a particular group - oh!” She had pulled her line back up from the water and checked the ball containing the bait to find a Feebas. “Look!” she exclaimed, her proud grin reappearing. 
Rowena threw her hands in the air, dropping her rod, and with a plop it sank out of sight. “I have been on this lake for hours, and you show up and don’t even try and you - ugh!” 
“Are you going to get the rod back?” Storm asked, pointing down into the lake. “No. I quit. I’m done. I’m done.” 
“If you quit everything because someone’s better at it that you, you won’t have many options for anything to do,” Storm said. 
Rowena stared at her like a wild animal considering whether to take the challenge of chasing down prey larger than it, and without looking away she peeled off her boots and socks, hurled them across the lake at Glynis, and slipped off her Gastrodon’s back into the water. 
“I was going to ask Floatzel to get it!” Storm yelled at the water after her. 
“I was going to give her the Feebas,” Glynis said, staring in confusion at the ripples in the water where their sister disappeared. 
A few moments later Rowena emerged, flipping her hair out of her eyes. “Anyone have goggles?” she asked.
“Anyone have a change of clothes?” Glynis asked. “You’re not going to want to walk home in wet jeans.” 
“I do,” Storm said. She had been the only one to foresee the eventuality of one of them shoving the others in the lake. 
From the look on Rowena’s face, she clearly did not know how to weigh which was worse: walking back out of the mountain in wet clothes or wearing whatever neon hell that Storm packed.
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This is.....criminally stupid, but I think it might be at least a little funny for anyone who doesn’t know the characters so here it is.
Storm and Brook announce they’re dating to their older sisters, and god damn do these two families have to make a production out of absolutely fucking everything god can’t we just have brunch in fucking peace.
Storm, Rowena, and Glynis (the black haired girls) are mine, and Brook, Stacey, and Jenny are @scattereddreamer‘s.
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Been in a Pokemon mood lately and had these sketches sitting around to line and color. Here’s the Sinnoh Garbage Sisters: Glynis, Rowena, and Storm. Glyn and Storm take more after their mom, while Ro more resembles her dad.
It really weirds me out when I think about how Glyn and Ro have existed in some form for a full actual entire decade now.
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I’ve had some of these characters for a decade. It was probably inevitable that things started spiraling desperately out of control like this.
So! Anyway. I don’t talk about my Pokemon OCs much, but I love them, and thus have created this massive overwhelming chart to throw into the void without any more context on any of these characters, most likely thus leaving you, the viewer, with many questions, unless you just scrolled right past it because it hurt your eyes, which I wouldn’t be able to blame you for honestly. I tried to at least categories the different types of OCs I have - there’s the ones based on the characters I played the games with, there’s ones based on the unused other protagonist design that I didn’t pick (e.g. Red, Ethan, Toshiro), there’s ones who are rivals who I’ve expanded on (e.g. Zeke, Silver), there’s ones who are NPCs/Gym Leaders/Elite Four/Whatever who I’ve expanded on (e.g. Daisy, Clair, Lance, N…) – let’s be real, Pokemon is pretty thin on characterization, it’s definitely getting better but it’s thin and so once I get my hands on an NPC, the amount I put into developing them is enough that I count them as a sort-of-OC. I haven’t actually done anything with the Alola trio, but I had to include them since I was including Marisol.
I was also going to include colors for “BFFs” (e.g. Piper and Zeke, Red and Lance, Marisol and Hau and Lillie) and “BFFs Whether You Want To Be Or Not” (e.g. Ethan and Silver, Marisol and Gladion, Everyone and Clair) but I think this is horrifying and complicated enough, honestly. 
The asterisk on Sinnoh is because there are many other OCs in that group, but they’re not mine, and don’t have any ties to anyone outside of Sinnoh, but I’m gonna make a separate chart for Sinnoh.
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I think, if I was going to describe Suzy in two words, I would say "smug asshole(/bastard)". Anyway uh. Describe your OCs in 3 (or less) words GO.
fewer* (I am at work, fight me.)
This is from several days ago but sooner or later I always come back to OCs, also we genuinely do not give a shit about grammar around here, I don’t care what my degree was in. It’s all made up.
Anyway here’s a sampling of some of my OCs who I could come up with a good description for.
Catalina Tabris - small but stabby
Avrian Mahariel - hopeless(ly depressed) romantic
Jade Surana - “Fight me!” 
Ra Adaar - anti-theist lesbian prophet
Zofia Shepard - galaxy’s worst Catholic
Jahalka (Skyrim) - sneaky cat mom
Piper Montero - tries too hard
Red Redmond - 24/7 hype machine
Ethan Goldman - soft bro vibes
Willow Feuron - Chikorita solo run
Storm Blevins - cutest asskicker
Rowena Blevins - original teenage edgelord
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after this aesthetic post I made a couple weeks back for two of my Pokemon OCs, Storm and Rowena Blevins, I decided to finish of the set of the Sinnoh kids with their older sister Glynis and the sisters’ enemy and regional dumbass nihilist, Angel.
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1, Angel Rose. ;3c
I hate how, despite you having never read a piece of the canon she exists in, I’ve told you enough about her that you can just drop me a prompt that dead-on nails the essence of her being.
1. “It wouldn’t be the first time you broke a promise.”
Angel is one of my Pokemon OCs infamous for being a fuckup, and this writing piece below is just purely self indulgent because there is literally no other person, living or dead, in the world who can fully understand everything I’m picturing here. Like most of it’s referring to old stories I’ve written and will never share beyond the one (1) person who read it back when I wrote it, but then the setting is a concept I’d been floating for myself if I ever wrote in my Pokemon universe again.
Anyway this is 2.5k words of a bunch of idiot teenagers and 20-somethings with grudges yelling at each other and being dramatic soap opera idiots while the end of the world looms so maybe (I hope) it’s funny even without full context.
“You can't shut me out of this!" Rose - Angel - whatever the fuck her name is - snaps, rounding on Glynis, and Rowena leaps to her feet and swiftly places herself between them. Sure, she's pretty sure that if a fight starts, it will have been Glynis who started it, and Glynis who emerges the victor, but it will still be the absolute last thing any of them need now. Plus, if her sister starts throwing down with the lying two-named stranger in their midst, something will probably get broken, and Professor Rowan is very protective of his laboratory equipment and knows that if a brawl starts, Rowena tends to be the instigator, so even if for once she isn't, any damage will first get attributed to her. And that is something else she would like to avoid.
"And why the fuck not?" Stacey demands. She is standing back behind Glynis, a wheeled office chair overturned behind her when she flung herself up out of it when Rose - Angel - made her confession.
"I know more about the Distortion World than anyone," Angel says. She shakes her blonde hair back - is that or the blue her natural color? Is Angel or Rose her real name? "And all of this" - she jabs a finger at the scanner printouts that they have all crudely scrawled upon the past several days, at the monitors and further details updating themselves faster than Rowena's eye can take in - "is about the Distortion World! If you're messing around with any of that you need me!"
"Being stranded there for five years doesn't an expert make," Glynis says dryly. "Maybe you got real good at figuring out a pattern to the screwed up gravity but what the hell do you actually really know about about its fundamental makeup, the way it's connected to our world, and how portals to it keep spontaneously opening!"
Rowena knows it wasn’t five years but that’s so far from relevant, and will just spark a hundred problems, so she lets it go.
"And what do you know about that, then?" Angel asks. She folds her arms and shifts her weight back and forth from one foot to another. "You know even less than I do." She doesn’t correct Glynis on her timeline either.
"Glynis - Stacey - all of you, listen," Toshiro says. He stands like he's trying to command everyone's attention, sounds like he's trying to be authoritative, but something of the picture is broken by the way his Joltik is firmly clinging to his forehead. "Rose is right. She -"
"Do you know what she did?" Glynis asks. "The whole, actual, goddamn story?"
"Yes," Toshiro says. "She told me. I know."
"She tried to piss Arceus off enough to destroy the entire universe," Rowena says. "Just - just to reiterate the main point. Like I dunno how she tells it but that's fundamentally the point: she nearly erased all of us from existence. Like do you get that?"
"Yes, I do get that," Toshiro says. At the edges of his words, Rowena can hear his patience starting to fray. "And she helped us - me - in Unova. I trust her. She helped us stop -"
"Hey, not to, like, start shit," Brook calls from where she and Storm are sitting on one of the lab tables, "but -"
"Please don't start more shit," Jenny says. "Please do not start more shit."
"But - I'm gonna start shit, sorry - I think I remember you two mentioning that didn't Toshiro join up with Team Plasma once?"
Angel's mouth his half open and then without a word she closes it. 
"For two months - it was a mistake," Toshiro says. "I know it was a mistake -"
"Yeah and it wasn't so much of some warning flag, like yeah we've all been dumb and helped people we shouldn't have" - Rowena knows that Glynis will be staring directly at the floor right now, and probably half of the others have turned to look at her as Brook says this - "but when you put you with her, and her really really really really really big mistake of trying to blow up the whole world..."
"You'd think Professor Juniper could've found better lab assistants to send us than Team Galactic and Team Plasma's rejects," Stacey says loudly, to no one in particular.
"Yeah sorry but the Heroes of Truth and Ideals are otherwise engaged," Toshiro snaps. He has given up his veneer of pleasantry.
"Isn't one of those two Heroes the leader of Team Plasma?" Dawn asks. "I wouldn't trust them either."
"Hey, no, he wasn't the leader of Team Plasma so much as -"
"Rose, now's not the time -"
"- he thought he was and thought they were working toward a different goal than -"
"So a guy with a super powerful legendary dragon is a gullible idiot instead of evil?" Stacey asks. "Super great."
"He is not -"
"Rose, now’s not the time" Toshiro repeats. "Rose. Seriously. I guarantee you N does not give half a fuck about whether you defend his honor or not. I promise you he doesn't care and we're already so far from the argument we're trying to make that -"
"Oh, good, you're on a first-name basis with the leader of Team Plasma too," Glynis says. "My confidence in your credentials increases by the minute."
"Glynis," Angel says, looking past Rowena, "please. Please, trust me. I swear I can help, I promise that I -"
"It wouldn't be the first time you broke a promise," Glynis says coldly.
Angel recoils, just momentarily, and for a moment Rowena is willing to entertain the idea that she is sincere. And then she looks at Rowena and Rowena can recognize the girl from half a decade ago. She almost looks nothing like her - time has twisted the face in Rowena's memories, undoubtedly, but she remembers someone paler, almost sickly, skeletal, blue hair half in tangles all around her face. But her eyes, her gray gray eyes, are the same, that same look, and something in Rowena's stomach hardens into ice. 
Rowena almost wonders if Angel will go pleading to each of them in turn, but of course - if she can't win over Glynis again, she'll go to the other one out of them all that she knew best. "Rowena, you trust Darkrai, right?" She doesn't leave time for Rowena to answer the rhetorical and continues, "He trusted me - he let me go, he told you that he let me go -"
"What?" Glynis asks.
And the roulette wheel of confessions, gone from Angel to Toshiro, now rolls to Rowena. "You knew?" Glynis asks. Rowena finally looks away from Angel, still not sure that the woman won't morph into some sort of monster as soon as her eyes leave her, to her sister. Glynis looks... not angry, like Rowena expected, but hurt. "The - Darkrai told you? When?"
"About a week after everything went down," Rowena admits. So much for avoiding this conversation.
"Time doesn't work the same in the Distortion World," Angel says. "It felt like years."
"A week?" Glynis repeats. "And for five years you didn't - tell me?"
Something inside Rowena's chest snaps and she is twelve years old again, a stupid angry child who hates her older sister. "Well first I didn't tell you because you were already moping so much about your sad stupid crush on her -"
"You had a crush on me?" Angel repeats blankly. 
Throwing Glynis under the bus was one way to shift the roulette ball out of Rowena's own slot, and she's certainly mixed her metaphors well. "- and then as time went on and the world didn't end I figured that you know, maybe Darkrai was right that she was sincere!"
"Ignoring that the world did almost end in Unova, two years after that," Stacey says.Rowena rounds on her. "And what, I figured, and you would have too, were the bloody fucking chances of her having ended up in Unova?"
"So you trust Darkrai," Angel says, a little desperately, "so you'd trust -"
"I trusted Darkrai then," Rowena says. "Now's like..." She wiggles her hand back and forth. "Eh."
Angel's face falls. "Sometimes I think I trust him,” Rowena continues, “and more often I'm pretty sure he just thrives on the chaos and only stopped you because if the universe got destroyed he'd be gone too and wouldn't have any entertainment."
"You know," Angel says, and she still looks sad, but her lips almost twitch toward a smile, "I hate admitting it but you're probably right about that one. He's an asshole." She closes her eyes and presses a hand to her forehead. "So you won't trust me either."
"I'll tentatively trust you," Rowena says, and Angel's eyes snap open, something like hope transforming into suspicion. "Conditionally, as in - the world is already fucking ending and we're gonna have to take a chance somewhere or other to save it, probably."
"That sounds like a terrible idea," Stacey says.
"You know what else sounds terrible?" Rowena asks. "Sinnoh gets sucked into an alternate dimension because Giratina or some fucker keeps opening portals and no one stopped it. That sounds bad."
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