#oc: rylas
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kovir · 2 years ago
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BALDUR'S GATE 3 (2023) dev. Larian Studios
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screamzy-starz · 9 months ago
What would have happened if Ryla had met Kloe?
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I feel like they would become really close friends. They would most likely bond over their love for the outdoors and share different facts about cave diving or plants. I do feel like Ryla is much older than Kloe but despite that, they would most likely meet through their friendship with Dashi. Since they are both from Australia they might have bumped into each other before but never knew who they were. Overall, despite their few differences Kloe would love being around Ryla and Ryla would love being around Kloe!💕
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autistic-writer-angel · 6 months ago
You also implied that only some of the Octo-Agents know about what happened to Angel’s family. Which ones do?
Regret: Angel’s biggest regret, specifically from her time with the Octonauts, is how badly she handled the cone snail incident. When the cone snail got loose the second time, she did nothing because she was scared, putting Peso in danger. Her other biggest regret is injuring Ranger Marsh by pushing him over.
Oldie: Angel is 10 years old when she first met the Octonauts. I wanted her to be a child and I chose ten because that's how old I was when the show first came out. She does age up a little bit, but she develops Pokemon/Simpsons syndrome (no matter how much time goes by, she never gets older) once she turns 13. Just to clarify: Pokemon/Simpsons syndrome is just a joke. It is not a real condition and the reason Angel does not age is simply because I do not want to age her up too much. You know how in cartoons and some books, characters never get older? That.
Nope: Initially, her least favourite person on the Octopod was Captain Barnacles because she was so scared of him. After that, it was Professor Inkling. She doesn't dislike him, but they're not close. He rarely leaves the library and has no idea how to look after children.
Being alone on the Octopod a lot of the time while the others are out on missions doesn't make a difference. He stays in the library and Angel pretty much does whatever she wants. (Sometimes, she takes advantage of being on her own, but nothing too extreme.) I can imagine this happening on a night mission, if Captain Barnacles calls the Octopod:
Barnacles: I assume Angel went to bed on time?
Professor Inkling (who has completely forgotten Angel exists): Yes! Of course, Captain!
(Angel’s bedtime was two hours ago!)
And good question! Here's who I think might know about the storm and the fire:
I think Pearl knows. Shellington told her way before she met Angel (after he first met Angel, telling his sister about the human he rescued and what happened to her).
As I've covered, Ranger Marsh knows. Tweak thought he should know after Angel freaked out in a fire caused by lightning strikes.
Paani knows because he straight up asked her. Well, first, he asked her about her sleepwalking (that's a funny story, but I'll save it for another time) and when he found out it started after her parents died, he asked her what happened and she told him.
Ryla knows Angel’s parents are dead, but not the story of what happened.
Most of- if not, all- the other Octo-Agents probably assume Angel’s parents are dead because why else would the Octonauts have taken her in? However, they don't know the circumstances.
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vulpixelates · 2 years ago
10 and 12!!
oc award nominations
10. Best Kiss?
i had to consult my wife on this one (both bc i was not sure if it meant best kisser OR the best kiss in a game? and bc she's the one on the receiving end of the smoochin') but we both came to the same conclusion that best kisser has to go to caerellia asperanas. she's basically the champion of lesbianism AND the granddaughter of the sluttiest archdevil, i think it would be simply absurd if she weren't the best kisser.
12. Best Costume Design
ooooo. this one was tough for me bc caerellia might be the obvious answer but. ryla anzar makes all of her own clothes and hand-embroiders them, and they're all super colorful and flowy and intricate so she definitely has to be #1
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sodaliteskull · 6 months ago
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OC Profile Tag
Thanks for the tag @noblebs! Check out the one for their OC Devilant over here!
Going with Ryla for this, and I am also setting this as an open tag, so if you're seeing this and feel a hankering to participate, then please do so!
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Name: Rylanen Pryseia Geshvarel Miraadon
Nickname: Ryla
Kind of Being: Lantean (basically a human with magical powers)
Age: 24
Gender: Cis female
Appearance: 6'2"
Occupation: Opiri Slayer
Family Members: Phaidral Thuvian Dejar Miraadon (maternal grandmother, deceased), Folkaran Zahberok Delerden Shaster Miraadon (maternal grandfather, deceased), Kathera Lakeerask Jedaham Miraadon (mother, deceased), Artaan Osaris Thathal Nolanus Miraadon (father, missing), Camalla “Cam” Vassarus Thelannan Miraadon (eldest sister, missing), and Jineal “Jin” Zena Phassos Miraadon (older sister, missing)
Pets: None
Best Friend: Cadel Cardeau, one of her classmates from her Slayer training days
Describe Their Room: lol I literally made a whole post about this!
Way of Speaking: As a child, the daughter of royalty, she was trained to be both an eloquent and intelligent speaker. As a Slayer, she was essentially given the medieval equivalent to media training, to help uphold the standards of the order. Because of all this, she has a hard time not sounding like she's giving a presentation, even among friends
Physical Characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): She's tall and athletic, dark skinned and pale haired, with electric blue eyes. Her posture is impeccable, and she's not really one to make a lot of gestures as she speaks (she tends to keep her hands clasped behind her back). Everything about the way she holds herself screams professionalism, and it takes a lot for her to let her hair down, as it were
Items In Their Pocket/Purse: Thanks to magic, she's able to carry literally anything she could possibly need with her, regardless of pocket space, but the necessary items she physically has on her person are a pocket multi-tool, an emergency stash of money, her badge of office, a ration bar, and a knife
Hobbies: Reading, researching history, collecting books
Favourite Sports: Archery
Abilities/Talents/Powers: Thanks to the natural, inborn abilities all Lanteans possess, she's more or less got access to the suite of Wizard spells from D&D. As a Slayer, she's been altered physically to be faster, stronger, and more resilient than your average person, and is able to pull from a deeper well of magic than non-Slayers can (there's a price to this, of course - Slayers often don't make it past their 30's). Beyond that, she's an exceptional orator and diplomat, a skilled swordswoman, and a peerless archer.
Relationships (how they are with other people): Very courteous and professional, if closed off with strangers. Opiri Slayers are able to go wherever the greatest Opiri threats spring up, regardless of borders, due to their stalwart reputation, so it's up to individual Slayers to maintain that good reputation while dealing with the public. Ryla is very mindful of this. With people she knows and likes, however, she's more relaxed and open, though it takes her a lot of trust to be able to open up to people about her less-than-stellar past. People who do get that close to her? She's absolutely ride or die for them.
Fears: That she actually is at fault for all the misfortune that befell her family, and that there is fundamentally something wrong with her.
Faults: Her own well being is her least pressing priority. She will throw herself into harm's way, in order to do whatever she can to help others, without a thought for her own safety. She says it's because she's doing this for the greater good, but it's honestly self-destructive at this point.
Good Points: She's determined, relentless, an unstoppable force that is sent in to take care of impossible problems. She has yet to meet failure, in this regard. She's a cunning diplomat, able to get both sides of a conflict to agree to her terms, and has cooled tempers that were burning for blood. She's the poster child for what an Opiri Slayer should strive to be.
What They Want More Than Anything Else: Not that she would admit it to herself (not that she would even remember it herself, as she's suppressed her own wants and needs for so long), but she wants family. At this point in her life, however, she doesn't think she's deserving of one.
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noirsongbird · 1 year ago
would it be like, annoying or overcomplicated to have multiple AU versions of the same oc that i write fic for. because i'm juggling at least three rylas in my head rn and i have fic ideas for all of them.
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kovir · 2 years ago
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BALDUR'S GATE 3 (2023) dev. Larian Studios
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animalsalvationassociation · 4 months ago
Character Refs:
Villains (Main)
Y/N & Fae: Old / New
The Octonauts:
Captain Barnacles: Old / New Kwazii: Old / New Tweak: Old / New Shellington / New Dashi / New Peso / New Professor Inkling / New
Old: Tunip & Tominnow / Barrot & Pikato / Halibeet & Codish / Grouber & Perchkin / Sharchini & Vegi-Bot
Octo-Mamas Octo-Dads Paani/Min Bud/Tracker/Ryla/Selva Junior Octo-Agents
(From the Show "Creature Cases")
Director Peggy Scratch
Other . . .
Main Oc's:
Emma Jade Professor Marin Kelp Freya Volpes Ranger Voyager Black Crow James (Jim) Lanagan Professor Cornelius Chaplin "Gastrell"
Bandit Kona Harley Farrowstride Professor Amarus Boda Professor Atticus Flintsprit Slye Barracks Alannis Burrow
First Gen (Octonauts):
Captain/Professor Samara Jade Kelp Lieutenant Abigail Avery Doctor Trench Torrent Officer Cardamon Gupata Max Chaundri
Villain Organizations:
The Watcher
Professor Julias Copper
Black Ice Clan:
Black Tack Rolf VonBern Remus Bindle Pocket
The Jersey Gang:
Capone Redsurge Jimmy Rooks Johnny Treebasher
Other Oc's . . .
[ Return to Master Post / Welcome Post ]
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isefyres-archive · 1 year ago
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𝕹𝖊𝖜 𝕸𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖘 𝕬𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖉:
Princess Viserra Targaryen was the tenth-born child of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Queen Alysanne Targaryen. Viserra was a vain girl. Once, when a young squire called her a goddess, she simply agreed with him. According to Alysanne, Viserra desired to become a queen, and therefore aimed to marry her brother Baelon, not for love but for ambition. After the death of their sister Alyssa, one night, she slipped past Baelon's guards and climbed naked into his bed, but Baelon sent the drunk girl away when he arrived. Jaehaerys Era.
Princess Daenerys Targaryen was the daughter of Aegon IV Targaryen and Naerys Targaryen, and the younger sister of King Daeron II Targaryen. Daenerys Targaryen, daughter of Aerys II Targaryen and Rhaella Targaryen, was named after her. It was said that Daenerys loved her half-brother Daemon Blackfyre, and that the main reason Daemon rose in rebellion against Daeron was that Daenerys was denied to him. Blackfyre era.
Daemon I Blackfyre, born Daemon Waters, was the bastard son of Princess Daena Targaryen and King Aegon IV Targaryen. Daemon founded House Blackfyre, named after the Targaryen Valyrian steel sword. He fought against his trueborn half-brother, King Daeron II Targaryen, for the Iron Throne in the First Blackfyre Rebellion. Daemon's supporters would later claim that Daemon had desired to marry his younger half-sister, Daenerys, instead and that King Aegon, who desired the marriage alliance to Tyrosh, had promised Daemon that he could have more than one wife. Blackfyre Era.
Shiera Seastar was the last of the Great Bastards of King Aegon IV Targaryen, born to his last mistress, Serenei of Lys. The known lover of Brynden Rivers, she is said to have been the most beautiful woman of the Seven Kingdoms. Shiera was renowned as a beauty and seductress. Shiera was a great reader, even at an early age, spoke many languages, and maintained a large and arcane library. She also was reputed to share her mother Serenei's skill in the dark arts. There were rumors she bathed in blood to retain her beauty. Blackfyre Era.
Lady Ryla Ryswell, niece of Rodrick Ryswell, head of House Ryswell. The Ryswells rule the Rills, the extensive area between the barrowlands, the Stony Shore, and Blazewater Bay in the north. With all of Rodrick's sons quarring between each other, some claim the rumor Ryla is actually a secret daughter of Rodrick and remains loyal of House Stark. She flee to Bear Island with their best horses and aided in the Battle of the Bastards. OC. Song Era.
Lord Durran Wensington. House Wensington is a noble house from the stormlands, they are a cadet house of House Baratheon foundeed by a bastard during the Age of Heroes. Durran remains in the Stormlands upong the danger of hearing the news Griffin's Roost had been taken by Lord Connington and a Targaryen "impostor". By law of succession, unlike Stannis, he believes the throne should go to Myrcella if Stannis were to die and if all Baratheons perished, it would go to the Wensington. OC, Song Era.
Lord Garth Oldflowers, House Oldflowers is a noble house from the Reach. Their sigil - and the "Flowers" part of their name - hint that the Oldflowers may descend from a bastard of House Gardener. The House holds resentment toward house Tyrell for sieging power upon the Conquest and allying themselves with the Conqueror. Garth now travels to meet with either the Dragon Queen or Aegon Targaryen, promising their armies and secrets of Highgarden if the castle and lands are returned to them. OC, Song Era.
Lady Gyllian Oldflowers, Garth's younger sister, she was send to Highgarden to assist Margaery Tyrell but was left to return to Old Reach, their seat after she left for King's Landing. Gyllian was once promised to Prince Trystanne when she was a child, however, the match was dismissed once Princess Myrcella was send to Dorne. Gyllian does not hold as much of a grudge against the Tyrells but does agree that they present themselves to be one way when their past reveal others. Gyllian admires Florys the Fox and her sensuality and freedom and aims to be like her. OC, Song Era.
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remiquise · 9 months ago
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Redraws of a bunch of old ocs from one really long story my friend and I created. Some of these being first made when i was like 12 or 13. This is just my half of the cast uwu
Names below the "read more";
Tora > Winter Illi > Lancen > Lumi
Yolanda > Eclair > Halla Antal > Innes(/Ivory)
Fyra > Niomie > Etri Jay > Deray
Clearia > Alkalie > Imri Iolani > Yuliya
Sterling > Karval Lantia > Sucrose > Ilowna
Lae > Alvah > Ryla Misery > Misfortune > Val
Chante > Ail > Ylette Agnes > Aridel
Tsunami (Nonna) > Kiyo > Mariel > Erica Nikita > Glen
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theunfortunateplace · 1 year ago
Request Rules Get To Know Me (coming soon) My Socials
Current Works
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When The Rain Falls ( Avatar Na'vi OC)
Description: After entering a glitchy pod to connect with her avatar Ryla must navigate the ways of the Tayrangi clan it wasn't an easy switch. Being stuck for a whole year she decides to take on the right of passage better known as the Iknimaya.
Say You love Me (Neteyam X Metkayina OC)
description:  follow Luaewe as her world literally gets turned upside down with new na’vi joining her village. Never having to face many obstacles besides finding her way back home. How will she be able to handle the constant jealousy she's faced with and an unwanted love triangle.
Jake & Tonowari
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Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Black Panther
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Homecoming ( Namor X Black OC)
Description: After being away from home for so many years due to school keeping Adella busy she's finally able to go home after her hard work pays off but what she didn't expect was such an eventful homecoming.
To New Beginnings ( Namor X Shuri)
Description: Though Queen Ramonda survived the attack on Wakanda By Namor of Tolokan Shuri still saw this as a sign of disrespect and despite her mother's wishes she carried on and fought with Namor which only left both injured in the end. As a means to try and maintain peace between the two nations, she demands that her daughter fix the matter before it ends in a disaster.
Original works (Non-Fandom related)
Forbidden Fruit
Description: Once you set eyes on the forbidden fruit it draws you in, and temps you. Puts you through all these battles and wars will it change you for the better or change you for the worse.
Bahlam Feeki
Description: Jamila Barlowe, A young art curator embarks on her journey across the Middle East. Walking into something that was bound to happen sooner or later is this what they call fate or just bad luck only time will tell ..... 
Satans Spectacle Read on AO3
Description: Tabitha Hudson a young 26 years old woman living in new york city after many years of trying to figure out who she was and who was the right company she finally got her feet back on the ground well that was until her coworker asked her to fill in for her shift at 'the blossom'
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shiawasekat · 2 years ago
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More Queens World OCs - this time LuLu, Marisa, Marco, and Ryla
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kovir · 2 years ago
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“I used to be a killer, but I’ve reformed my ways.” “Oh, damned if I’m not a sucker for big eyes and a heartfelt plea. Very well.”           BALDUR'S GATE 3 (2023) dev. Larian Studios
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clover-midori · 2 years ago
Since we’re getting deeper into Reclaimed By Nature, I decided to just dump my age headcanons. Some of these may not make sense so my apologies.
Barnacles: 28
Kwazii: 24
Peso: 20
Shellington: 25
Tweak: 21
Dashi: 21
Inkling: 46
ADDITIONAL (again some of these may not make sense, sorry):
Bianca: 28
Pearl: 27
Periwinkle: 8
Orson & Ursa: 11
Tracker: 24 (He’s also genderfluid)
Koshi: 13
Ryla: 22
Natquik: 39
Min: 37
Paani: 23
Yeshi (OC): 24
Ranger Marsh: 39
Yuma (OC): 19
Bud: 18
Everyone listed above will make at least one appearance.
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Please rate Ryla also btw Ryla is pansexual and those black things streaming down her face are HER TEARS
I say 7/10
I really like them but I recommend maybe messing with the outline colors and adjustments but that's just my opinion they're your oc, do whatever you want with them
(Also it's good to see tumblr is okay with gacha so I may post some of my own ocs)
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sodaliteskull · 8 months ago
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Rating OC Head Canons Tag
Yoinking this open tag from @darkangel319 (check out her responses here!) and continuing with the open tag to anyone who sees this!
Rules: Use this headcanon generator to generate some headcanons for your OCs! How accurate are they?
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Iradurel has a knife under their bed. - 10/10 she absolutely would!
If the sorce media was a musical, Iradurel would be the one character that asks why everyone is singing. - 0/10 no, she would be the one to shove that person aside and sing harder
Iradurel believes in ghosts and insists on trying to summon one at every sleepover. - 3/10 she doesn't believe in ghosts, but she would insist on trying to summon one
Iradurel cries while watching disney movies. - 0/10 no it takes a lot to get her to cry about anything
Iradurel steals other peoples clothes. - 8/10 depends on the clothes and who owns them
Iradurel is an introvert. - 9/10 she definitely is, but she has an extroverted lifestyle, so she has to pretend to be an extrovert most of the time
Ryla has not showered in two and a half weeks. - 0/10 oh absolutely not, she's a neat freak!
Ryla has an incredible short-term memory but an awful long-term memory. - 4/10 she disassociated through most of her childhood, so she doesn't remember much of that, so she thought she had a terrible long-term memory, but surprise surprise, she actually doesn't!
If Ryla was presented with an intergalactic portal, they would enter it without question. - 7/10 she'd do some investigating, but she would for sure go through that portal
Ryla has a very low alcohol tolerance. - 5/10 she's got an average alcohol tolerance, she's just not that into drinking
Ryla instinctively cleans messes in their own house as well as other peoples. - 10/10 yeah she's not a fan of messes
Ryla can't sit in a chair properly. - 2/10 she had proper posture drilled into her from a young age, but if she's in a more casual setting, she'll slouch a bit
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