#oc: orval
ghoooooooooooooooost · 4 months
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vaporvipermedia · 1 year
The Sirens were outcasts in the Coral Sea, regarded as bad omens and invasive creatures due to their ability to read the minds of both creatures and humans in order to lure them to their doom. So their time there was not very great to say the least. The three of them weren’t even close and yet they still ended up being friends. The Sirens more or so became a sisterhood finding comfort in each other’s presence.
How they got into NRC:
After stealing some food from a well known family runned Coral Sea restaurant, The Sirens made it to the surface to hide from the obviously angry owners. While trying to enjoy their soggy wet meals, a human ended up finding them. But not just any human, but a prince from The Aquatius Kingdom, Malachi Fotea.
At first, the trio were apprehensive of Malachi. After all this was their first time encountering a human and had no idea how to deal with them, so they ducked back into the sea. It took a little bit of corasing from the Prince to bring these scared creatures back but his calls ended up making them curious.
From sneaking out of his castle to tell them stories of cultures from different homelands he researched his kingdom’s secrets and even told the tale of two rival magic schools RSA & NRC. Which intrigued the girls most.
They already liked Malachi and considered him their first close human friend. So possibly enrolling in the same school he is, RSA, would not only be fun to hang out with, but would also allow them to turn over a new leaf in their lives by evolving their magic as a sort of middle finger to the merfolk that pushed them away.
So the Sirens decided to go to "Land Boot Camp" and study in order to improve their magic. Even working on their unique magic and entrancing vocals. The girls were finally accepted...to the school they didn't want, NRC, after their final day of boot camp and training. 
Unfortunately for The Sirens, NRC discovered their magical abilities before RSA could. After spotting a Black Horse Carriage approaching them at high speed, they all had to learn the hard way. Having to wave goodbye to Malachi promising to meet each other when the time comes.
All of this hard work, only to end up at the wrong school.
Siren’s Description 
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Mitzy (She/They)
Age: 18
Best Subject: Astrology
Birthday: April 19th
Class/Grade: 3-D
Club: Film Studies
Height: 5’6(167cm)
Hobby: Turning everyone into her makeup guinea pigs
Homeland: Coral Sea
Likes: “Cute” or “Cool” people (personality wise/appearance wise)
Dislikes: “Boring” and “Bland” people (personality wise/ appearance wise)
Unique magic: Bizarre Belt
Her songs are able to put people into mass hysteria, making people see illusions and even cause others to attack people they’re allies with.
Mitzy’s UM is pretty much her unique song along with her other sisters. This melody requires loud belting in a hypnotic but strange tone of voice. The tone gradually shifts from soft and quiet to jagged and harsh melodies, as if harsh ocean waves are crashing into someone's ear while they listen to this.
When it comes to Mitzy's Personality, she is highly extroverted & loves socializing with people she knows nothing about. They essentially like being friends with people who aren’t “boring”. Mitzy never had a fun or relaxing moment during their time in the Coral Sea. She wants some excitement in her life! So, if your whole demeanor is just bland…they’ll probably won’t be interested in talking to you.
Also she’ll absolutely claw you if you mess up her hair, nails and clothing she puts a lot of time into that. But besides all of that she’s pretty cheerful and loves running up to people she finds adorable or cool.
Mitzy would honestly just ramble about whatever goes inside her head to someone she just met, only for her to give you her number after.
And yes she will be expecting you to answer back.
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Grace (She/Her)
Age: 19
Best Subject: Potionology 
Birthday: August 23rd
Class/Grade: 3-C
Club: Science Club
Height: 5’8 (172cm)
Hobby: Collecting different types of mugs and tea sets 
(Grace has a whole cabinet in her room filled with her findings. She also just loves having a tea break with her sisters)
Homeland: Coral Sea
Likes: Being praised whenever she completes a task
Dislikes: Feeling useless or Cowardly 
Unique magic: Melancholic Lullaby
Grace’s song essentially forces everyone in her vicinity to uncontrollably cry their eyes out making their vision extremely cloudy and blurry.
This melody requires a soft and melodic tone, making the atmosphere around them shift into song full of sorrow and hopelessness. This song not only brings people to tears, but it also reminds them of past experiences that caused them to feel this way at the time. Making them relive a memory they wished to forget and suppress as their tears flow out from their eyes. Often at times tiring out the ones affected.
Grace is very introverted and at points tends to be completely silent. Ever since she first met the sirens, she’s always felt like she was in the way or too cowardly whenever they got into trouble with some apex predators. Grace thought that coming to the surface would give her a better chance at changing her weak-willed nature. 
From getting good grades, speaking up for herself, helping out whenever she can etc. This is what Grace strives to accomplish in order to reach her goal of becoming a natural born leader and an extraordinary alchemist due to her love of Alchemy & Potion making. And maybe getting some praise for her hard work along the way.
She’s in need of a confidence boost…
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Coco (She/Her)
Age: 19
Best Subject: Swimming 
Birthday: January 16th
Class/Grade: 3-C
Club: Track & Field
Height: 5’11 (180cm)
Hobby: Herbalism 
(Usually practices this whenever the Sirens are under the weather or just to use it in a therapeutic way to calm herself and her sisters down)
Homeland: Coral Sea
Likes: Making people at ease
Dislikes: Getting stressed 
Unique magic: Healing Vibrato
Coco’s song is able to heal others from wounds to poisoning in a matter of seconds.
Her melody is a more relaxing but vibrant tune that feels soothing to the soul. Making the person she’s healing warm inside as if the sun itself is beaming in their hearts. After the song ends, the person affected feels more energized and feels like a weight has been completely lifted off their shoulders.
Coco is a very loyal and patient person, even when she is frustrated. She always had that big sister energy that the sirens felt at ease with. Finding Mitzy and Grace was the best thing that could have happened to Coco.
For the longest time, she’s felt empty and hollow since she had no family or friends. If she had a problem, she had to solve it on her own. Injured? Swim it off, Hungry? Steal to save your skin, Sad & Stressed out? Suck it up, you don’t have time for unnecessary emotions. Which made matters worse for her.
Coco had not only calmed down after finding the other sirens, but she had also found a new purpose in her life. Her new sisters' personalities and quirks made her feel warm on the inside, finally realizing she now has a family of her own. Which made her protective of the girls.
Coco promised that she would make their time on the surface more exciting and relaxing. So if they ever had a problem, they would tell her everything and she would handle the rest.
It’s the least she can do for the people who changed her lonely life.
The Sirens’ Trivia
Has a Bestie Journal where she writes about all of the friends she has gained throughout her years in NRC. Each page is full of glitter, stickers, ribbons, whatever else is in her room and of course a picture of the friend in question.
Mitzy dyed all of the Sirens’ hair when they first got to the surface. Of course she ended up needing help from Divus since the TwisTube tutorials weren’t working.
Is not afraid to go for the throat when someone talks shit behind their back. If you start it Mitzy will end it.
While Grace doesn’t talk all that much around people in public, she’s super talkative around the Sirens’ and Divus. Especially if it’s on a good day for her! Like getting good grades on her exams, completing a list of chores she made for herself, having nice customers at the Monstro Lounge etc. Grace would talk for hours and the girls don’t mind one bit.
Grace wants to communicate with her fellow science club members Trey & Rook but is too shy to speak to them. Maybe one day she’ll gain confidence.
Absolutely loves cats but is extremely allergic to them and often sneezes 5 times in a row when around one.
Loves picking up people shorter than her. If you’re lucky or unlucky enough she’ll show you off to her sisters. “Look at this little squirt I found on my way to the dorms.”
Coco’s room is filled up with smoked plants that’s used for stress relief. That’s why some students love coming by to her room whenever they’re in need of her.
THE AFFECTION MASTER! Coco gives out the best of  hugs whenever someone is in need of comfort. It’s nice, loving, and just tight enough to put anyone at ease. Coco often does this for her sisters too so she knows for a fact that it works. Oh, and I can’t forget the words of confirmation she whispers out to the lucky person in need of affection.
The Sisters:
They are under the watchful eye of Divus after Crowley assigned him to make sure their time in NRC is most comfortable. Especially, after an incident where Grace started to cry realizing that she didn’t go to the school of her dreams, RSA. He basically became the girls father figure and even helped them study for up and coming tests/exams. Divus basically adores them for their taste in fashion & quick learning abilities!
The Sisters even asked Divus to tailor their uniforms for NRC since the original uniforms were boring to them. (Mostly to Mitzy)
Instead of the regular “Duo Magic” the Sirens can team up to create Trio Magic called “The Sirens’ Shanty.”
Often sing songs on special events or weekends for that good Monstro profit!
The Sirens actually knew Orval when they were kids but didn’t interact all that much due to his severe social anxiety. 
Bonus Sketches/Planning:
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tmt-sketch-a-day · 8 months
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Sketch a Day 2888-Dapper Cat- 1/22/24
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valentine-gore · 1 year
Throws my oc references at you (I’m gonna finish my references off today and then hopefully start attacking :3)
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monroeknoxwrites · 4 months
deepspace babysitting horror scifi story masterpost
unadvisedly, with so much else on my plate, I'm contemplating a subversive mech vs kaiju story where humanity forms a strange, body horror-esque bond with monsters to repel sentient robotic invaders
after coming up empty-handed forever, I decided on the name for the monsters and by extension the project: progenitors revivification project
I didn't want to use something like leviathan or colossus, with obvious biblical or greek origins, when this is supposed to take place in the remains of an unnamed planet (not earth). they choose "progenitors" for the monsters as they found their remains in the depths of the shards and see them as some far-flung ancestor
the plot revolves around the second generation of progenitor pilots being trained on a secret deepspace mission
most of the story takes place on a spaceship called the Javelin but the characters originally lived on the splintered remains of an enormous planet. each Shard has its own community and environment, held together by a shield. the Shards themselves remain in the vague shape of a planet mid-explosion and don't drift off into space thanks to a tridecahedron gravity well in the dead center - a side for each Shard
12 of the Shards practice self governance while the 13th is Coalition territory and considered neutral ground. the Coalition has delegates and volunteers from all 12 Shards, acting as a cooperative body not unlike the UN (with considerably more power)
the Coalition acts for the good of the People. maybe not so much for the individual…
The Coalition
those born and raised on the Coalition Shard then chose a life in service to the Coalition—which most of them did—underwent a gruesome procedure. through surgical brain modification, their emotions were modulated, dimmed, capped. you couldn’t make them angry or sad and the smiles most often plastered on their faces were shallow. meaningless. it was supposed to eradicate distraction, personal bias, and put the public at ease. catastrophic failure for the latter.
thelnym (main oc) always thought it was like growing up around ghosts – they had the shape of humans, the faces, but they weren’t. not really.
some merciful force in the universe spared thelnym from that
the Coalition has two main branches: Administrative and Military. the Administrative branch is headed by the Chief Administrator and consists of several departments (judicial, science, resources). the Fleet Admiral heads the Military branch. only those in the administrative branch undergo brain modification surgery and must be performed voluntarily. those from other Shards decline the procedure most of the time. rumor has it this hinders their ability to rise through the ranks but officially this is stated not to be true. “modified Coalition member” is the official name for recipients of the surgery while colloquially they’re known by the less offensive “alt” (as in altered) and the much more derogatory “husk”
Main OCs
Thelnym Osgrove (they/them), one of the three original progenitor pilots and the sole survivor. they've been tied to the Coalition for a long time: a ward since early childhood, a progenitor pilot in their teens then spent the last 20+ years in isolated supervision (more info here)
Dr. Mithat Özgür (she/her), thelnym's caretaker and doctor. she's also a member of the Coalition administrative branch (more info here)
Vice Admiral Isamund Iris (she/her), technically retired from active duty, she was chosen to head the deepspace mission as a representative of the Coalition military (more info here)
rest of the cast links:
vanith, vanis, vanit luskren
wiv markeys, tove hoarfrost, dr. fei jian
jace thass, asme falin, lore thass, orval curby
dysullus rals, lt. viko urtrav
delmine mor, zoilo robles-nemes, yoselin robles-nemes
uemura saori, hedi vauquelin
isamund and the stars
luskren triplets and exhibitionism (nsfw)
thelnym/mithat evening routine
luskren triplets at the trade market
wiv doodling
tove/isamund first and last kiss
wiv/fei jian hair care (nsfw)
dsbs opening
thelnym/isamund midnight snack
relevant tags for this story: #my ocs, #dsbs
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bloodiegawz · 2 years
Idk if you’re still doing this but I do have an non-human twst oc for you!
Orval- He’s basically a Moorish Idol merman
I barely have drawn him in his merman state so I’m pretty interested to see what he looks like.
oh i remember seeing this guy before !! i wanted to draw him super bad but i was nervous abt interacting with other people shdbfj
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lil concept for a merform in the corner there
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goldspots · 4 years
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Chef kiss
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We got three more done ✌️
Two are from the first game and one is an oc
First we have Monty!
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Name: Montgomery Orval Garner
Age: 11
Birthday: December 9th
Gender identity: Cisgender Male
Sexuality: “let’s just say I play for multiple teams, if you catch my drift”
Notes: he’s also in college (illegally of course), he currently knows 3 languages (English, Gaelic, and Latin) and is currently learning Ancient Greek
Next is Ms. Bubblegum Bitch, Cindy!
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Name: Cynthia Laurel Reed
Age: 13
Birthday: May 16th
Gender identity: “I’m a girl, it shouldn’t matter if I’m trans or not, as long as I’m beautiful.”
Sexuality: “I like guys... but I’m open to any sort of romantic relationship”
Notes: she’s toned down her attitude a bit, but not too much, for that we’d have to permanently separate her and Peggy
And finally we have Kinza, the chaotic baby of the group
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Name: Kinza Sakhmet Arian
Age: 12
Birthday: April 2nd
Gender identity: “Gorl, thanks for coming to my Ted talk!”
Sexuality: “huh? Oh, I prefer not to use labels!”
Notes: she is chaotic, she once tried to name herself Worm in 7th grade (to be fair, she’s still trying to, everyone’s cool with it, excluding some faculty members and her family), she’s also quite street smart and can give some good advice
I hope you enjoy these! I’m trying to add bits of personality into each one as you may be able to tell
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eurekakinginc · 4 years
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"[OC] Types of fuels used in cars in Belgium (2000-2020) - looks fishy - Source: Statbel"- Caption by Orvall - Detail: https://ift.tt/2FpeUPg. Filed Under: 1,000 ways to visualize Data. Curated by: www.eurekaking.com
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ghoooooooooooooooost · 6 months
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orval finally has a better ref now give it up for orval
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now they're all together
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nightly visit
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try again.
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guys who died 10 years ago
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bad first impression
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this is funny to me. sycamore sweep
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things i've drawn while bored in class
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