#orval blackwell
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vaporvipermedia · 2 years ago
The Sirens were outcasts in the Coral Sea, regarded as bad omens and invasive creatures due to their ability to read the minds of both creatures and humans in order to lure them to their doom. So their time there was not very great to say the least. The three of them weren’t even close and yet they still ended up being friends. The Sirens more or so became a sisterhood finding comfort in each other’s presence.
How they got into NRC:
After stealing some food from a well known family runned Coral Sea restaurant, The Sirens made it to the surface to hide from the obviously angry owners. While trying to enjoy their soggy wet meals, a human ended up finding them. But not just any human, but a prince from The Aquatius Kingdom, Malachi Fotea.
At first, the trio were apprehensive of Malachi. After all this was their first time encountering a human and had no idea how to deal with them, so they ducked back into the sea. It took a little bit of corasing from the Prince to bring these scared creatures back but his calls ended up making them curious.
From sneaking out of his castle to tell them stories of cultures from different homelands he researched his kingdom’s secrets and even told the tale of two rival magic schools RSA & NRC. Which intrigued the girls most.
They already liked Malachi and considered him their first close human friend. So possibly enrolling in the same school he is, RSA, would not only be fun to hang out with, but would also allow them to turn over a new leaf in their lives by evolving their magic as a sort of middle finger to the merfolk that pushed them away.
So the Sirens decided to go to "Land Boot Camp" and study in order to improve their magic. Even working on their unique magic and entrancing vocals. The girls were finally accepted...to the school they didn't want, NRC, after their final day of boot camp and training. 
Unfortunately for The Sirens, NRC discovered their magical abilities before RSA could. After spotting a Black Horse Carriage approaching them at high speed, they all had to learn the hard way. Having to wave goodbye to Malachi promising to meet each other when the time comes.
All of this hard work, only to end up at the wrong school.
Siren’s Description 
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Mitzy (She/They)
Age: 18
Best Subject: Astrology
Birthday: April 19th
Class/Grade: 3-D
Club: Film Studies
Height: 5’6(167cm)
Hobby: Turning everyone into her makeup guinea pigs
Homeland: Coral Sea
Likes: “Cute” or “Cool” people (personality wise/appearance wise)
Dislikes: “Boring” and “Bland” people (personality wise/ appearance wise)
Unique magic: Bizarre Belt
Her songs are able to put people into mass hysteria, making people see illusions and even cause others to attack people they’re allies with.
Mitzy’s UM is pretty much her unique song along with her other sisters. This melody requires loud belting in a hypnotic but strange tone of voice. The tone gradually shifts from soft and quiet to jagged and harsh melodies, as if harsh ocean waves are crashing into someone's ear while they listen to this.
When it comes to Mitzy's Personality, she is highly extroverted & loves socializing with people she knows nothing about. They essentially like being friends with people who aren’t “boring”. Mitzy never had a fun or relaxing moment during their time in the Coral Sea. She wants some excitement in her life! So, if your whole demeanor is just bland…they’ll probably won’t be interested in talking to you.
Also she’ll absolutely claw you if you mess up her hair, nails and clothing she puts a lot of time into that. But besides all of that she’s pretty cheerful and loves running up to people she finds adorable or cool.
Mitzy would honestly just ramble about whatever goes inside her head to someone she just met, only for her to give you her number after.
And yes she will be expecting you to answer back.
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Grace (She/Her)
Age: 19
Best Subject: Potionology 
Birthday: August 23rd
Class/Grade: 3-C
Club: Science Club
Height: 5’8 (172cm)
Hobby: Collecting different types of mugs and tea sets 
(Grace has a whole cabinet in her room filled with her findings. She also just loves having a tea break with her sisters)
Homeland: Coral Sea
Likes: Being praised whenever she completes a task
Dislikes: Feeling useless or Cowardly 
Unique magic: Melancholic Lullaby
Grace’s song essentially forces everyone in her vicinity to uncontrollably cry their eyes out making their vision extremely cloudy and blurry.
This melody requires a soft and melodic tone, making the atmosphere around them shift into song full of sorrow and hopelessness. This song not only brings people to tears, but it also reminds them of past experiences that caused them to feel this way at the time. Making them relive a memory they wished to forget and suppress as their tears flow out from their eyes. Often at times tiring out the ones affected.
Grace is very introverted and at points tends to be completely silent. Ever since she first met the sirens, she’s always felt like she was in the way or too cowardly whenever they got into trouble with some apex predators. Grace thought that coming to the surface would give her a better chance at changing her weak-willed nature. 
From getting good grades, speaking up for herself, helping out whenever she can etc. This is what Grace strives to accomplish in order to reach her goal of becoming a natural born leader and an extraordinary alchemist due to her love of Alchemy & Potion making. And maybe getting some praise for her hard work along the way.
She’s in need of a confidence boost…
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Coco (She/Her)
Age: 19
Best Subject: Swimming 
Birthday: January 16th
Class/Grade: 3-C
Club: Track & Field
Height: 5’11 (180cm)
Hobby: Herbalism 
(Usually practices this whenever the Sirens are under the weather or just to use it in a therapeutic way to calm herself and her sisters down)
Homeland: Coral Sea
Likes: Making people at ease
Dislikes: Getting stressed 
Unique magic: Healing Vibrato
Coco’s song is able to heal others from wounds to poisoning in a matter of seconds.
Her melody is a more relaxing but vibrant tune that feels soothing to the soul. Making the person she’s healing warm inside as if the sun itself is beaming in their hearts. After the song ends, the person affected feels more energized and feels like a weight has been completely lifted off their shoulders.
Coco is a very loyal and patient person, even when she is frustrated. She always had that big sister energy that the sirens felt at ease with. Finding Mitzy and Grace was the best thing that could have happened to Coco.
For the longest time, she’s felt empty and hollow since she had no family or friends. If she had a problem, she had to solve it on her own. Injured? Swim it off, Hungry? Steal to save your skin, Sad & Stressed out? Suck it up, you don’t have time for unnecessary emotions. Which made matters worse for her.
Coco had not only calmed down after finding the other sirens, but she had also found a new purpose in her life. Her new sisters' personalities and quirks made her feel warm on the inside, finally realizing she now has a family of her own. Which made her protective of the girls.
Coco promised that she would make their time on the surface more exciting and relaxing. So if they ever had a problem, they would tell her everything and she would handle the rest.
It’s the least she can do for the people who changed her lonely life.
The Sirens’ Trivia
Has a Bestie Journal where she writes about all of the friends she has gained throughout her years in NRC. Each page is full of glitter, stickers, ribbons, whatever else is in her room and of course a picture of the friend in question.
Mitzy dyed all of the Sirens’ hair when they first got to the surface. Of course she ended up needing help from Divus since the TwisTube tutorials weren’t working.
Is not afraid to go for the throat when someone talks shit behind their back. If you start it Mitzy will end it.
While Grace doesn’t talk all that much around people in public, she’s super talkative around the Sirens’ and Divus. Especially if it’s on a good day for her! Like getting good grades on her exams, completing a list of chores she made for herself, having nice customers at the Monstro Lounge etc. Grace would talk for hours and the girls don’t mind one bit.
Grace wants to communicate with her fellow science club members Trey & Rook but is too shy to speak to them. Maybe one day she’ll gain confidence.
Absolutely loves cats but is extremely allergic to them and often sneezes 5 times in a row when around one.
Loves picking up people shorter than her. If you’re lucky or unlucky enough she’ll show you off to her sisters. “Look at this little squirt I found on my way to the dorms.”
Coco’s room is filled up with smoked plants that’s used for stress relief. That’s why some students love coming by to her room whenever they’re in need of her.
THE AFFECTION MASTER! Coco gives out the best of  hugs whenever someone is in need of comfort. It’s nice, loving, and just tight enough to put anyone at ease. Coco often does this for her sisters too so she knows for a fact that it works. Oh, and I can’t forget the words of confirmation she whispers out to the lucky person in need of affection.
The Sisters:
They are under the watchful eye of Divus after Crowley assigned him to make sure their time in NRC is most comfortable. Especially, after an incident where Grace started to cry realizing that she didn’t go to the school of her dreams, RSA. He basically became the girls father figure and even helped them study for up and coming tests/exams. Divus basically adores them for their taste in fashion & quick learning abilities!
The Sisters even asked Divus to tailor their uniforms for NRC since the original uniforms were boring to them. (Mostly to Mitzy)
Instead of the regular “Duo Magic” the Sirens can team up to create Trio Magic called “The Sirens’ Shanty.”
Often sing songs on special events or weekends for that good Monstro profit!
The Sirens actually knew Orval when they were kids but didn’t interact all that much due to his severe social anxiety. 
Bonus Sketches/Planning:
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vaporvipermedia · 2 years ago
Welcome to My Character Hell
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Heya, my name is Viper but I also go by Jesting. I’m very slow at posting so if you haven’t seen anything in a hot minute, I’m probably just chilling or finding the motivation to create more stuff. 
In a nutshell I draw, I write, I create projects at random and I’m just here for a good time.
༻❝ Fandoms I’m in ❞༺
[Twisted Wonderland, Project Sekai, Jujutsu Kaisen, Madoka Magica, Mob Psycho 100, The Magnus Archives and Dorohedoro]
But this is mostly a Twisted Wonderland Blog.
༻❝ My Original Characters❞༺
Twisted Wonderland:
[Yuu] Kei Yoshihiko: The “Detective” of Ramshackle
[Twstsona] Blaze: The Wildcard Weapon of Ignihyde 
The Sirens: The Singing Muses of Octavinelle
Raizel Petal: The Lovesick “Prince” of Heartslabyul [Soon to be reworked]
Orval Blackwell: The Silver-Tongued Waiter of Octavinelle [Soon to be reworked]
Sullivan Laguna: The Sly Captain of the “Phantom” [Soon to be reworked]
Kai Ramsey: The Loyal Right Hand Man of the “Phantom” [Soon to be reworked]
[RSA OC] Malachi Fotea: The Thrill Seeking Prince of Pelamari [Soon to be reworked]
[RSA OC] Photios Diamandis: The Loyal Heir of the Saphmond Kingdom [Soon to be Reworked]
[Ex-NRC Student] Ermis: The Expelled Demi-God [Soon to be reworked]
Project Sekai:
Quarren Scott: “Anomaly Immure’s” Main Singer
Tags I use most:
#viper update- for updates whether it’s art or personal
#viper is rambling again- so i can go insane and talk about stuff i like and dislike
#viper asks- I ask people stuff and they so kindly answer
#viper answers- People ask me stuff and I so kindly answer
@hebidanshi @the-trinket-witch @ice-cweam-sod4 @bunnwich @comingyourlugubriousness @oseathepebble @bloodiegawz@oreoskys @twst-vampire @tunabesimpin @honey-milk-depresso @ellovett
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vaporvipermedia · 3 years ago
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[Octavinelle Dorm]
Twisted From: Gill…from Finding Nemo…
Name: Orval Blackwell
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Pansexual 
Age: 18
Birthday: Dec. 25(Capricorn)
Height: 6’0
Dominate Hand: Right
Homeland: Coral Sea
Family: Irving & Maya Blackwell
School: Night Raven College
Grade/Class: 2-B
Occupation: Student/Monstro Lounge Waiter
Club: Track & Field 
Best Subject: Swimming
Fun Facts:
Hobbies: Dancing
Pet Peeves: People who aren’t patient
Dislikes: Small talk
Favorite Food: Lasagna 
Least Favorite Food: Meatloaf
Talent: Being able to clean anything under 1 min
Orval Blackwell is a smooth talking, calculated individual who uses his quick thinking to his advantage. Whether it is for good or evil it is really up to him, either way it is not going to be good for anyone. Orval has a mostly charming side to him to make people feel more at ease around him. He usually flirts, tells jokes and even tells little tidbits about his life before NRC to make him look like an actual chill guy. Orval has rarely ever been angry but if some unfortunate soul were to have pissed him off…uhh…
Good Luck Charlie!
Orval Blackwell was born in the Coral Sea and raised by his parents Irving and Maya Blackwell. At a young age Orval was a quiet kid who barely made any friends. He was terrible at having conversations with other merkids and always cried when others ignored his existence. This led Orval into a deep depression and slowly isolated himself in his cave deep in the depths of the sea. 
Irving and Maya were always heartbroken when they saw their son in this condition. So they decided that leaving the Coral Sea and attempting to help their son live a better life on the surface was the best course of action. It took Orval some time to adjust to living above the ocean and walking in his human form. However, he gradually began to make friends and gained confidence simply by conversing with them. Irving and Maya were overjoyed to see their son thrive on the surface, so they reasoned that it was only natural for them to follow suit.
The two lovers decided to start an entertainment business in the hopes that people would return for more. So they bought an abandoned building and turned it into a casino. At the age of 17, Orval became the casino's manager and was well liked by both customers and staff.
He's even adored by the patrons of Monstro Lounge, particularly by a prickly rose named Raizel Petal. Orval began to notice Raizel coming over more frequently than usual, and he even caught them staring at him on occasion. It was kinda obvious to Orval that Raizel had a crush on him and it was kinda cute when he tried to hide it with that persona of his. As a result, he began to flirt with Raizel more frequently, to the point where the poor fella would simply dip from the Lounge without touching his food. 
After teasing Raizel for weeks on end, Orval decided to slip his phone number to flustered Rose when they visited the Lounge once more. From then on, the rest became history and now Orval is stuck with a hopeless romantic who cries while watching rom-coms and vents whenever a third act scene comes up.
Say hello to Raizel’s soulmate!
Unique Magic: 
“Take the Bait”
Orval's unique magic can create illusions of things that his targets despise. This illusion enrages the target to the point where they charge at it with full force.
He can easily trip someone with his foot, causing a nasty fall, or use them as an uncontrollable battering ram for locked doors, or simply pretend to be in a bullfight to annoy said person.
-The name of his family’s casino is called “The Marina Prism Casino” -Orval's parents always send him gifts on his birthday with cute notes that he keeps on his dresser -Floyd usually asks Orval to use his unique magic on him whenever he’s bored -He always has a supply kit full of tissues, candy and water whenever Raizel invites him over for a movie night
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vaporvipermedia · 2 years ago
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Introducing…Irving & Maya Blackwell!
The lovely parents of the smooth talking gentleman Orval Blackwell & the owners of the “The Marina Prism Casino”!
This intriguing couple are loving parents who send their son gifts during the day and the life of the party casino owners at night. The entire reason they got involved in the entertainment industry was to set Orval up for a good life, to be able to pay for food, clothing, and nice little trinkets to make him happy in his darkest moments. (This is why they enjoy sending Orval gifts while he is in NRC.)
This couple could be described as a little...chaotic, but in a loving and kind way. Maya is a very sweet and understanding mother who will compliment you on all of your accomplishments. But she can be a little eccentric at times; she has been extremely outgoing since she and her family began living on the surface. Maya would frequently find herself speaking quickly and rambling whenever someone mentioned human culture. Not to mention that she occasionally gets bursts of energy and begins cleaning everything around her as well as singing as if she were a Disney princess in her own movie. Maya also does this late at night to her poor husband’s disappointment.
When it comes to Irving, he’s a bit of a wildcard. On one point he can be a quiet but serious businessman but on the other hand he might start saying dad puns, much to Orval’s dismay. Honestly Irving is a very calm person who is willing to listen to his family’s problems, no matter how minuscule they may seem. Orval looks up to both of his parents even as he enjoys his time in NRC. No matter how lovey dovey they are to him Orval loves their affection and will never take it for granted.
Irving & Maya adore Raizel and often hugs them whenever he comes over to their establishment
They always keep saying that Orval & Raizel are the perfect power couple to make them embarrassed 
Will go on dates and pretend that it’s their first time when in actuality it’s their 27th time
They spoil Raizel rotten although he could buy stuff on his own
Will give Orval a big ole kiss on the cheek whenever he’s helping around the casino or just being an amazing son (which is always)
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vaporvipermedia · 2 years ago
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Made some new banners for future interactions/character questions
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vaporvipermedia · 2 years ago
I have so many wips AND FOR WHAT?
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I have two big things coming up! 1. A new twst character in the works thanks to @cherryjkj 2. Someone’s birthday coming up in five days SO I GOTTA SCURRY
I’m absolutely in love with these sketches so I’m just showing them off.
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vaporvipermedia · 3 years ago
Just started following cause I'm loving Kei the more and more I see her on my dash (from other folks' reblogs). For the WIP ask prompt: Could I be nosy to see what those 'Halloween Outfits' are/how they're coming along? OvO
Oh, I would be happy to!
Also I appreciate the Kei love, she’s honestly so fun to draw and my favorite oc I made for any fandom ever.
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When it comes to this design, I wanted Kei to look like a disgraced victorian detective who failed in multiple cases and now roams the world of the living to actively seek out all the criminals he wasn't able to catch. 
Was that description over the top? Yes.
I got a little too extra there💀
I’m also going to be working on my other characters as well when the Halloween event eventually arises from the depths of the EN server.
To list out a few:
Raizel Petal - Heartslabyul Halloween Outfit
Orval Blackwell - Octavinelle Halloween Outfit
And for fandorm related Oc’s
Sullivan Laguna and Kai Ramsey will be in the Piraticus Halloween Outfit
And I might just draw Ermis as well because, not only would he probably love to cause chaos in this entire event to make things hard for Kei. But also because, I HAVEN’T DRAWN HIM IN SO LONG!!!!!! I NEED TO DRAW HIM MORE OFTEN ALONG WITH PHOTIOS AND MALACHI! NOT TO MENTION THEY ALSO NEED REDESIGNS!!!😭😭😭
Ok little rant over thank you so much for the ask💀
[Kei goes by She/He pronouns]
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vaporvipermedia · 2 years ago
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Mipys because school is draining me mentally😭😭
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vaporvipermedia · 2 years ago
Who is their favorite staff member? Why?
What dorm would your OC be sorted into besides their current one? Is there a character your OC sees as a sibling?
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Who is their favorite staff member? Why?
Kei thoroughly enjoys having Divus as a teacher. She admires his sense of fashion and frequently seeks advice on clothing when she goes shopping with Rook. Kei scribbles down everything Divus says on her notepad, no questions asked. He is also impressed by his hardworking nature and confident attitude to his students. Whenever Kei sees Divus in the hallway, he often approaches him, either to assist him with any heavy alchemy books he may be carrying or simply to chat about his latest designs.
What dorm would your OC be sorted into besides their current one?
Lets just say that one day Ramshackle all of a sudden got burned down by grim or maybe the place is falling apart more than usual and Kei has to be sorted somewhere else. He would be in Pomefiore no questions asked both because she wanted to and because Vil requested for Kei to come over so it was pretty much a win-win situation.
I think Kei would survive Vil’s strict standards when it comes to keeping up great appearances. She basically has the upper hand since she’s in a relationship with Rook aka Kei’s Guide for Vil’s Standards. So I think she would have a normal time there casually helping Vil find some misplaced makeup of his and eventually getting better at makeup when events come out.
Is there a character your OC sees as a sibling?
Epel! Whenever he comes to Kei to vent out his frustrations about Vil and his high standards and want for absolute perfection, Kei always lends an ear and offers bits and pieces of advice in order to make things more tolerable at Pomefiore. They also go on trips throughout the town in order to find some cool clothing Epel actually likes. Safe to say they have a nice sibling relationship.
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Who is their favorite staff member? Why?
Sullivan is also part of the Divus Fan Club, he loves his attitude and often goes for teasing battles while in class. Which leads to Divus smacking Sullivan’s head with rolled up newspaper, “Down boy! You still have to pay attention in my class.” But to no one’s surprise it does not end. Sullivan just wants to tease his favorite teacher, no harm in doing that right?…Right?
What dorm would your OC be sorted into besides their current one?
Savanaclaw, not only because he’s very athletic but also because I can see him pissing off Leona on multiple occasions. Not to mention a herbivore being inside his dorm? Leona might just pass out from the absurdity of the whole idea. Spell drive practices would be hell if those two were on the same field. From now on Leona won’t be woken up by Ruggie but by the loud booming of Sullivan’s pirate talk.
He doesn’t talk like that all time but when he does, it’s extremely fun for him
Is there a character your OC sees as a sibling?
Ruggie is his little brother now, they both talk shit about Leona behind his back and sneak away food from unsuspecting students. The two broke boys who want to get rich quick! THAT’S WHAT I LIKE TO SEE!
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Who is their favorite staff member? Why?
Trein hands down. Although Kai likes all of the staff members equally, the absolute calmness of Trein takes them out by a landslide. He genuinely feels more relaxed in his class especially whenever finishes up taking care of chores and dealing with Sullivan’s crazy ideas for future voyages. It’s like a little reward coming to his class! Even if History of Magic isn’t his best subject.
What dorm would your OC be sorted into besides their current one?
Scarabia because he would be a great help around the place! Jamil might even start thinking Kai is some merciful god who took pity on him and decided to do his job for him. Although he is no powerful being, he is a really great cook who can clean up after himself and others! It would be such a breeze dealing with Kalim compared to Sullivan. As much as Kai does care for the guy, Kalim is one major upgrade.
Is there a character your OC sees as a sibling?
WOULD SPOIL JACK TO HELL AND BACK! Kai is straight up a big brother to everyone (I mean he already is one soo…).  But when it comes to Jack this man will be going into doting parent mode. I swear whenever Jack goes to practice for up and coming tournaments, Kai is always at the bleachers with water ready to cheer him on! Jack is of course super embarrassed but can’t help but love the praise AND YOU KNOW FOR A FACT THAT TAIL IS WAGGING NON STOP! And it’s even worse when Kai starts praising him while giving him head pats.
“Man you’re cool whenever you practice! I know for a fact you’ll be a great star player. Oh who am I kidding? You already are!”
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Who is their favorite staff member? Why?
Sam is a lifesaver in Raizel’s eyes. Whenever his favorite romance series is unavailable in the library he instantly ran to Sam’s shop in hopes he had the newest volume. Thankfully he did, which made Raizel a smiling, sobbing, crumpled mess on the floor to Sam’s bewilderment. He became such a special customer to the point that Sam would just give a knowing look as to what they want.
What dorm would your OC be sorted into besides their current one?
Pomefiore most definitely! They’re really talented in makeup and beauty supplies being the face of The Queenporium and all. Not to mention they had to create a whole other persona to seem absolutely perfect in every way. Let’s just hope that his roommates don’t question the random giggling at night along with the sound of excessive page turns from reading his novels so often.
Is there a character your OC sees as a sibling?
Trey no doubt! Raizel sees Trey as a big sibling who gives him snacks on his worst days. Raizel could come in with a sunken look and Trey would immediately know what’s up.
“Oh boy, come on, sit down. Tell me what happened-“
They will keep on ranting about his show until he feels better again. Trey is a trooper dealing with Raizel’s breakdowns; he is definitely a nice patient guy to be around.
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Who is their favorite staff member? Why?
He’s not really into having favorites (excluding Raizel for a hot second) BUT! If he were to choose a staff member he favors he would most likely be Trein. When his class begins, Orval enjoys his calm but strict personality. Not to mention that before coming to NRC, Orval struggled with History of Magic, and his previous teachers did nothing to help him understand the subject. But he was grateful that Trein was willing to assist him in rushing through the textbooks. Orval is grateful to the man in some ways, and he is frequently seen petting Lucius while studying in Trein's classroom.
What dorm would your OC be sorted into besides their current one?
Diasomnia! Orval is a straight up wildcard so he’s kind of perfect for a dorm like this. He could be an exceptional magic user one day and be a complete menace using his unique magic to cause problems on purpose with a straight face. He may be a gentleman but he’s willing to start mischief if he ever gets bored. Would have so many brawls with Lilia to the point it would become a routine.
Is there a character your OC sees as a sibling?
Definitely the eldest who likes to tease the middle child whenever they’re not in the mood for jokes. Would always bring up Azul’s grade school photos whenever he starts all pompous towards Orval. Will make sure to not let any embarrassing thing Azul does go waste. After all, free blackmail can do wonders!
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Who is their favorite staff member? Why?
Vargas…very unironically 
He just likes the crazy loud gym man simply because he’s amusing to listen to even though he’s completely serious. Others may see a down right demanding man abusing his power to work students to the bone but Blaze on the other hand sees him as free entertainment. Often copying his movements while Vargas is looking away from him which gives the students a little bit of a chuckle.
What dorm would your OC be sorted into besides their current one?
Either Diasomnia or Savanaclaw. No matter which one both Malleus and Leona would want her out of there. She is scarily strong enough to launch an entire spell drive disk all the way to another dorm. Teasing? Relentless. Pranks? Too many to count. Being jumpscared by him back to back? MIGHT AS WELL MAKE IT YOUR ROUTINE! Not to mention that he plays a lot at ungodly hours, which may result in some complaints due to how loud his games are.
Is there a character your OC sees as a sibling?
The Shroud brothers, although he teases them to hell and back he cares for them in his little messed up way. Whenever Idia is down in the dumps about not winning a boss and starts to give up Blaze starts hyping him up and starts offering him deals. 
“If you beat this boss I’ll help you with the new gacha event coming out! And you know I have op luck.”
Which leads to Idia saying deal pretty much most of the time.
And for Ortho…she is not mean to him once. The child does not deserve Blaze’s smoke.
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vaporvipermedia · 3 years ago
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Absolutely From now on Raizel says Merry Birthday to Orval
Only for Orval to give him the silent treatment after☠️
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vaporvipermedia · 2 years ago
I would also like to add that The Sirens are twisted from Sinbad The Legend of the Seven Seas’ sirens. So let’s just say Sullivan may interact with the girls soon.
Spoiler Alert: They don’t like him and think that Malachi is too good for him.
The Sirens were outcasts in the Coral Sea, regarded as bad omens and invasive creatures due to their ability to read the minds of both creatures and humans in order to lure them to their doom. So their time there was not very great to say the least. The three of them weren’t even close and yet they still ended up being friends. The Sirens more or so became a sisterhood finding comfort in each other’s presence.
How they got into NRC:
After stealing some food from a well known family runned Coral Sea restaurant, The Sirens made it to the surface to hide from the obviously angry owners. While trying to enjoy their soggy wet meals, a human ended up finding them. But not just any human, but a prince from The Aquatius Kingdom, Malachi Fotea.
At first, the trio were apprehensive of Malachi. After all this was their first time encountering a human and had no idea how to deal with them, so they ducked back into the sea. It took a little bit of corasing from the Prince to bring these scared creatures back but his calls ended up making them curious.
From sneaking out of his castle to tell them stories of cultures from different homelands he researched his kingdom’s secrets and even told the tale of two rival magic schools RSA & NRC. Which intrigued the girls most.
They already liked Malachi and considered him their first close human friend. So possibly enrolling in the same school he is, RSA, would not only be fun to hang out with, but would also allow them to turn over a new leaf in their lives by evolving their magic as a sort of middle finger to the merfolk that pushed them away.
So the Sirens decided to go to "Land Boot Camp" and study in order to improve their magic. Even working on their unique magic and entrancing vocals. The girls were finally accepted...to the school they didn't want, NRC, after their final day of boot camp and training. 
Unfortunately for The Sirens, NRC discovered their magical abilities before RSA could. After spotting a Black Horse Carriage approaching them at high speed, they all had to learn the hard way. Having to wave goodbye to Malachi promising to meet each other when the time comes.
All of this hard work, only to end up at the wrong school.
Siren’s Description 
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Mitzy (She/They)
Age: 18
Best Subject: Astrology
Birthday: April 19th
Class/Grade: 3-D
Club: Film Studies
Height: 5’6(167cm)
Hobby: Turning everyone into her makeup guinea pigs
Homeland: Coral Sea
Likes: “Cute” or “Cool” people (personality wise/appearance wise)
Dislikes: “Boring” and “Bland” people (personality wise/ appearance wise)
Unique magic: Bizarre Belt
Her songs are able to put people into mass hysteria, making people see illusions and even cause others to attack people they’re allies with.
Mitzy’s UM is pretty much her unique song along with her other sisters. This melody requires loud belting in a hypnotic but strange tone of voice. The tone gradually shifts from soft and quiet to jagged and harsh melodies, as if harsh ocean waves are crashing into someone's ear while they listen to this.
When it comes to Mitzy's Personality, she is highly extroverted & loves socializing with people she knows nothing about. They essentially like being friends with people who aren’t “boring”. Mitzy never had a fun or relaxing moment during their time in the Coral Sea. She wants some excitement in her life! So, if your whole demeanor is just bland…they’ll probably won’t be interested in talking to you.
Also she’ll absolutely claw you if you mess up her hair, nails and clothing she puts a lot of time into that. But besides all of that she’s pretty cheerful and loves running up to people she finds adorable or cool.
Mitzy would honestly just ramble about whatever goes inside her head to someone she just met, only for her to give you her number after.
And yes she will be expecting you to answer back.
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Grace (She/Her)
Age: 19
Best Subject: Potionology 
Birthday: August 23rd
Class/Grade: 3-C
Club: Science Club
Height: 5’8 (172cm)
Hobby: Collecting different types of mugs and tea sets 
(Grace has a whole cabinet in her room filled with her findings. She also just loves having a tea break with her sisters)
Homeland: Coral Sea
Likes: Being praised whenever she completes a task
Dislikes: Feeling useless or Cowardly 
Unique magic: Melancholic Lullaby
Grace’s song essentially forces everyone in her vicinity to uncontrollably cry their eyes out making their vision extremely cloudy and blurry.
This melody requires a soft and melodic tone, making the atmosphere around them shift into song full of sorrow and hopelessness. This song not only brings people to tears, but it also reminds them of past experiences that caused them to feel this way at the time. Making them relive a memory they wished to forget and suppress as their tears flow out from their eyes. Often at times tiring out the ones affected.
Grace is very introverted and at points tends to be completely silent. Ever since she first met the sirens, she’s always felt like she was in the way or too cowardly whenever they got into trouble with some apex predators. Grace thought that coming to the surface would give her a better chance at changing her weak-willed nature. 
From getting good grades, speaking up for herself, helping out whenever she can etc. This is what Grace strives to accomplish in order to reach her goal of becoming a natural born leader and an extraordinary alchemist due to her love of Alchemy & Potion making. And maybe getting some praise for her hard work along the way.
She’s in need of a confidence boost…
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Coco (She/Her)
Age: 19
Best Subject: Swimming 
Birthday: January 16th
Class/Grade: 3-C
Club: Track & Field
Height: 5’11 (180cm)
Hobby: Herbalism 
(Usually practices this whenever the Sirens are under the weather or just to use it in a therapeutic way to calm herself and her sisters down)
Homeland: Coral Sea
Likes: Making people at ease
Dislikes: Getting stressed 
Unique magic: Healing Vibrato
Coco’s song is able to heal others from wounds to poisoning in a matter of seconds.
Her melody is a more relaxing but vibrant tune that feels soothing to the soul. Making the person she’s healing warm inside as if the sun itself is beaming in their hearts. After the song ends, the person affected feels more energized and feels like a weight has been completely lifted off their shoulders.
Coco is a very loyal and patient person, even when she is frustrated. She always had that big sister energy that the sirens felt at ease with. Finding Mitzy and Grace was the best thing that could have happened to Coco.
For the longest time, she’s felt empty and hollow since she had no family or friends. If she had a problem, she had to solve it on her own. Injured? Swim it off, Hungry? Steal to save your skin, Sad & Stressed out? Suck it up, you don’t have time for unnecessary emotions. Which made matters worse for her.
Coco had not only calmed down after finding the other sirens, but she had also found a new purpose in her life. Her new sisters' personalities and quirks made her feel warm on the inside, finally realizing she now has a family of her own. Which made her protective of the girls.
Coco promised that she would make their time on the surface more exciting and relaxing. So if they ever had a problem, they would tell her everything and she would handle the rest.
It’s the least she can do for the people who changed her lonely life.
The Sirens’ Trivia
Has a Bestie Journal where she writes about all of the friends she has gained throughout her years in NRC. Each page is full of glitter, stickers, ribbons, whatever else is in her room and of course a picture of the friend in question.
Mitzy dyed all of the Sirens’ hair when they first got to the surface. Of course she ended up needing help from Divus since the TwisTube tutorials weren’t working.
Is not afraid to go for the throat when someone talks shit behind their back. If you start it Mitzy will end it.
While Grace doesn’t talk all that much around people in public, she’s super talkative around the Sirens’ and Divus. Especially if it’s on a good day for her! Like getting good grades on her exams, completing a list of chores she made for herself, having nice customers at the Monstro Lounge etc. Grace would talk for hours and the girls don’t mind one bit.
Grace wants to communicate with her fellow science club members Trey & Rook but is too shy to speak to them. Maybe one day she’ll gain confidence.
Absolutely loves cats but is extremely allergic to them and often sneezes 5 times in a row when around one.
Loves picking up people shorter than her. If you’re lucky or unlucky enough she’ll show you off to her sisters. “Look at this little squirt I found on my way to the dorms.”
Coco’s room is filled up with smoked plants that’s used for stress relief. That’s why some students love coming by to her room whenever they’re in need of her.
THE AFFECTION MASTER! Coco gives out the best of  hugs whenever someone is in need of comfort. It’s nice, loving, and just tight enough to put anyone at ease. Coco often does this for her sisters too so she knows for a fact that it works. Oh, and I can’t forget the words of confirmation she whispers out to the lucky person in need of affection.
The Sisters:
They are under the watchful eye of Divus after Crowley assigned him to make sure their time in NRC is most comfortable. Especially, after an incident where Grace started to cry realizing that she didn’t go to the school of her dreams, RSA. He basically became the girls father figure and even helped them study for up and coming tests/exams. Divus basically adores them for their taste in fashion & quick learning abilities!
The Sisters even asked Divus to tailor their uniforms for NRC since the original uniforms were boring to them. (Mostly to Mitzy)
Instead of the regular “Duo Magic” the Sirens can team up to create Trio Magic called “The Sirens’ Shanty.”
Often sing songs on special events or weekends for that good Monstro profit!
The Sirens actually knew Orval when they were kids but didn’t interact all that much due to his severe social anxiety. 
Bonus Sketches/Planning:
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vaporvipermedia · 2 years ago
I forgot to add this to the trivia but Irving and Maya are actually shorter than Orval. (They wear high heels to appear tall)
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Introducing…Irving & Maya Blackwell!
The lovely parents of the smooth talking gentleman Orval Blackwell & the owners of the “The Marina Prism Casino”!
This intriguing couple are loving parents who send their son gifts during the day and the life of the party casino owners at night. The entire reason they got involved in the entertainment industry was to set Orval up for a good life, to be able to pay for food, clothing, and nice little trinkets to make him happy in his darkest moments. (This is why they enjoy sending Orval gifts while he is in NRC.)
This couple could be described as a little...chaotic, but in a loving and kind way. Maya is a very sweet and understanding mother who will compliment you on all of your accomplishments. But she can be a little eccentric at times; she has been extremely outgoing since she and her family began living on the surface. Maya would frequently find herself speaking quickly and rambling whenever someone mentioned human culture. Not to mention that she occasionally gets bursts of energy and begins cleaning everything around her as well as singing as if she were a Disney princess in her own movie. Maya also does this late at night to her poor husband’s disappointment.
When it comes to Irving, he’s a bit of a wildcard. On one point he can be a quiet but serious businessman but on the other hand he might start saying dad puns, much to Orval’s dismay. Honestly Irving is a very calm person who is willing to listen to his family’s problems, no matter how minuscule they may seem. Orval looks up to both of his parents even as he enjoys his time in NRC. No matter how lovey dovey they are to him Orval loves their affection and will never take it for granted.
Irving & Maya adore Raizel and often hugs them whenever he comes over to their establishment
They always keep saying that Orval & Raizel are the perfect power couple to make them embarrassed 
Will go on dates and pretend that it’s their first time when in actuality it’s their 27th time
They spoil Raizel rotten although he could buy stuff on his own
Will give Orval a big ole kiss on the cheek whenever he’s helping around the casino or just being an amazing son (which is always)
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