#oc: nehn
horchatalover29 · 5 days
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nehn lavellan | dragon age: inquisition
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tokidokifish · 2 years
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that trans trill experience
nehn, age 16: surely EVERYONE wants to be a girl and wear pretty dresses and have people call them “miss”, i’m just being weird about it.
nehn, age 26, freshly joined: oh, lol. lmao, even.
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gamerism · 1 month
oc rambling
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btwwwww this outfit is like the hugest godsend to nehn as a newly out baby trans who has no method of safely binding while doing combat/ect. he can just use it to hide his chest rather than having to wear plate armour which would slow him down as a mage a lot. most thoughtful thing his advisors could possibly have organised for him after his awkward staggered coming out
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vellatra · 1 year
For Nehn Krahm, cherries, "Has your OC had their first kiss yet? If so, with who?"
And for Rajag, donut, "What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime their most likely to get arrested for?" >:)
Vexina: "So does his grandma count or-?"
Nen: "Hush, you!" >:(
Alas, Nen Krahm has not had much success with the womenfolk. ;)
Oh dear. On the one hand, Rajag is literally the law! He's supposed to be fighting crime - that's his official job when he's not on the battlefield, since the military and the police force are one and the same in the Merfaen. But on the OTHER hand... we know our boy's getting into mischief and shenanigans left and right, don't we? XD For most likely to commit, probably vandalism or small-scale thievery (can't you just imagine him running around with spray paint, putting mustaches on judges' houses and writing dad jokes on the public bath walls?) For most likely to be arrested for... if we're being perfectly honest, probably a drunk and disorderly charge XP ;)
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psalacanthea · 2 years
Game Rules: Choose one of your characters and list song(s) that fit them.
Thanks for the tag @my-dumb-obsessions.  I have to admit, I generally make characters FOR fics, not just for the sake of making an OC.  So they’re generally pretty intrinsically tied into the story I’m trying to tell, which makes it a lot easier to find a song relevant to the fic rather than for the character itself.
I had a playlist for a fic on earlier while working, so I’ll pull from that.  For Nehn Lavellan (fic link), from the song Beautiful Undone, by Laura Dogett (song link) 
some relevant lyrics under the cut
I'm looking down and my heart's connected I'm feeling love from a different view We learn the most when we least expect it We learn the most when we break in two You know you're beautiful undone So beautiful undone You look beautiful undone My boy of blue. It's the cracks that let the light shine It's the cracks that let the light shine through.
It's the cracks that let the light shine It's the cracks that let the light shine through.
Her story’s pretty intrinsically tied into destruction as an expression of creation, especially an expression of love.  As a person who has suffered from a history of self-harm and as ballerina who has suffered multiple injuries-- heading towards a career-ending one out of sheer stubbornness-- her emotional journey is about detaching her art, her love, from things and habits that hurt her.
That includes Solas.
In choosing to destroy her anticipated future, their relationship (as it stands), and their quite literal dreams, she finds the pieces in the rubble that can make a less painful future.  It’s about the catharsis of that destruction, and what healing can happen when we jump into the unknown...even if no one’s there to catch us.
And how sometimes, just like a plant, some things have to be cut back to thrive.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 5 years
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More shitty art due to boredom.
Anyway- so my dad for his bday wanted to go hiking so I go along and on the way- I’m carpooling with my older bro- we start talking fantasy. And listen- Alberta sucks but holy shit does it have nice scenery sometimes especially with the mountains. He says: hey we’re in the Hinterlands.
And my mind just goes.
Currently named Natalie/Nehn (she changes her name after a while I think). Chef and weight lifter. Did not expect to fall through a hole and end up an elf.
Close ups.
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First is her first few days in Thedas. She’s gonna grit her teeth and survive. Second is her being sarcastic with someone. Third is her realization she can never go home and when she decides to change her name. Ugh ignore the little bit near her it’s something I’m playing with.
Final pic is her years later, a wandering mage who finds herself heavily amused by like everyone who react to her in shock because she really isn’t mage like and they’re stunned she escaped notice so long. “What like it’s hard?” Indeed.
Or it could be because she can cast two spells at the same time. Thanks Skyrim.
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lavellangarbage · 6 years
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Here’s a bunch of self-indulgent screenshots from my second playthrough with Nehn~~
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I was tagged by @whereismywarden (thanks!! :) )to do the handwriting meme. Since my “canon playthroughs” are a mess here have a random assortment of my fave’s handwriting:
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I’m tagging @elfrightsactivist and @pineapplemountain (if you guys wanna?) and anyone else who feels like it. Go to this page and show me your OCs handwriting.
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dirthara-dalen · 7 years
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These are only previews have et to receive the rest of the photos but like….I’ve never been overly happy with my dragon age cosplays until now
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leothelionsaysgrrrr · 6 years
Some random oc facts, because I feel like it and you can’t stop me:
Tasalin stays pretty level headed, optimistic, and easy to get along with most of the time, and only breaks this twice during his time with the Inquisition: at the very beginning when all he wanted to know was if his brother was alive and safe, and in Wycome, where he rode with his forces personally to stop the nobles from attacking the elves and gave them all quite a tongue-lashing after securing the city.
Lux loves picking things up with his toes. And pinching people with them. Doesn’t like being barefoot, though.
Eren has exactly one (1) nickname, given to him by Falani: ‘Nehn’, a shortened form of his middle name, Nehnsuledin, which she calls him to affectionately tease him for always being so serious. His niece and nephews have all started calling him ‘Uncle Nehn’ as a result. Eren doesn’t mind when they do it, but gets annoyed when anyone else does.
In the five years after her return to Starkhaven from Tevinter with Lux, Emma’s headaches all but disappeared. They returned, however, a few weeks before they joined the Inquisition, along with regular, recurring nightmares, and her condition continues to slowly deteriorate until they can figure out what’s causing it. The only person she knows who might be able to help and knows about her condition in the first place is Isalas, and she ultimately agrees to join the Inquisition with Lux out of both a desire to protect her friend and the possibility that the Inquisition will have the resources to find her estranged mentor.
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buttsonthebeach · 6 years
The Thread of the Past
@wardsarefunctioning surprised @empresstress13 with a fic commission for Christmas, and Tress delighted me by asking if I would write about a little headcanon of ours! Since we both use Gugu Mbatha-Raw as a face claim for our elf OCs (her Beatrix Tabris, and my Ashara Lavellan), we joked that they must be distant cousins. It even made sense, since Ellana’s parents were city elves before joining Clan Lavellan.
I now present an AU in which Beatrix Tabris goes in search of her long-lost Tabris cousin, Ellana!
My Ko-Fi || My Commissions (I am done with December commissions and taking a small break before January commissions! Keep an eye out for an announcement post when they are open)
Pairing: Background Beatrix Tabris x Leliana, Nehnara Surana x Zevran (both mentioned)
Rating: General
Clan Lavellan was camped in the woods not far from Wycome, and even though Beatrix Tabris had seen other Dalish camps before, her heart still did a flip at the sight of the proud sails of the aravels. It was partly because there was something majestic about them, no matter how many times you saw them, and partly because this visit was to be unlike any of her other visits to Dalish clans. This visit was not for business. She was not coming to Clan Lavellan as the Spymaster of Amaranthine, or as a representative of the Hero of Ferelden.
She was coming to Clan Lavellan to look for family.
Bea had heard the wistful stories often enough from her parents - the cousins who had left the Denerim alienage in search of a better life, heading for the Free Marches. They kept Bea’s parents up to date on their travels at first, but then abruptly fell out of contact right around the time Bea herself was born. Well, accurately speaking, only Ambrós was a Tabris, but obviously his wife Sioni counted too, being married to him and all. Those were the words Adaia Tabris spooled out like thread on nights when she talked about their long lost family, and how she always hoped she could go and find them again someday.
Adaia never made the trip, of course. But Bea was here now, on a crisp fall day, preparing to cross the perimeter of the Dalish camp on a tip she’d gotten in the Ostwick alienage.
“Ambrós and Sioni? No one really knows. They left real sudden. Maybe - twenty-five years ago? Maybe more? They got into some trouble. Turns out the alienage here wasn’t any better than the one in Denerim, go figure. They did say that if they ever left again, it would be to find the Dalish, so I always assumed that’s what happened.”
The hahren’s words led her to another hahren who knew the names of the Dalish clans that roamed the Free Marches, which led her to the first two clans. They had no memory of Ambrós and Sioni, which left Clan Lavellan.
“I would not get my hopes up,” the Keeper of the second clan said. “Ailmar would have still been Keeper in those days, Falon’Din guide his soul. He was many things, but welcoming of flat ears and shemlens he was not. I do not think he would have taken them in. But Deshanna, their new Keeper, might have more to tell you.”
Bea hoped they did have more to say. She had been away from Amaranthine too long. She missed Nehnara, her oldest friend. Ferelden was dangerous now, with the war raging between the mages and templars all of the Hinterlands. She should be out there helping people, gathering information. Maybe seeing Leliana if she was lucky.
Leliana - how she missed the warmth of her skin and the sound of her voice singing by the campfire. Bea hoped she had not gone on this trip for nothing.
And then - there she was. Standing on the steps of an aravel, staring up at an elf who had her father’s eyes.
Deshanna did remember Ambrós and Sioni. She remembered pleading with Ailmar to let them stay with the clan, even though she was only a First at the time. She remembered delivering their baby girl - the first delivery she had ever assisted with, and a difficult one at that, after a difficult pregnancy for Sioni, and two miscarriages before that.
“Ambrós and Sioni are with the Creators now, but their daughter is still with us. Ellana. Her aravel is over there, with the other hunters. I am sure she would be glad to see you. I think she has always longed for a better sense of where she is from, and who her people are.”
Bea knew, just looking at her, that she had found her people. She was Ellana Lavellan - not Ellana Tabris, never had been, Ambrós and Sioni had left that name behind in Ostwick - and she had the stark black tattoos of the Elvhen gods on her face, but there was something immediately recognizable about her. Something in her watchful grey-eyed gaze, in the set of her full lips; cautious, but ready to break into joy.
“On dhea, traveler,” Ellana said. “Can I help you?”
“My name is Beatrix Tabris,” Bea said. “And I think we’re cousins.”
The rest of the story unspooled just like the stories Adaia Tabris used to tell. One thread at a time - an untangling, and a reconnecting, a knitting up of gaps of lost time. Ellana was rapt with attention as Bea shared what she knew of their parents and how they grew up together. Deshanna had been right. Ambrós and Sioni had hidden much of their past from their one and only daughter. Even Ellana did not know why they fled Ostwick for Clan Lavellan. She had not even known their last name was Tabris.
“I would never have found you,” Ellana said at last, taking Bea’s hand and squeezing it. “I am so glad you found me. I always - I always hoped I had family out there somewhere. Outside of my clan. I wanted to go looking for them, but I didn’t even know where to start.”
Bea knew that feeling well - that longing for connection, for home, for family. She’d had her parents, yes, her cousins, and Nehnara until she was taken to the Circle, but longing was part of an alienage. It was woven into every branch on the vhenadahl. There were always lonely people. People who needed family. She would take them all in if she could. For now, she pressed Ellana’s hands in return.
“Well, you’re stuck with me now. I probably should have warned you of that first. Oh, and Nehn! She’ll be your family now too. And Zevran, and Leliana. And at least a couple of mabaris. All you have to do is come to Amaranthine.”
Ellana’s smile reminded Bea of her father’s, too. Warm as the sun, welcoming as an open door.
“I may just have to take you up on that. Deshanna is sending me to Ferelden, actually. There’s going to be a meeting of some sort in a place called Haven. Something to do with this mage and templar nonsense. I’m going to go as an - information gatherer, of sorts.”
Bea could not help her own grin. “You mean a spy?”
Ellana snorted. “Well, I was trying to be subtle. But yes. As a spy. I have been practicing my lockpicking and everything.”
“Oh, cousin,” Beatrix Tabris laughed. “We are going to get along just fine.”
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gwynbleiddyn · 6 years
20, 40 and 42 for Calahan if youre still doing these?
always here for OC Qs my pal thank you!!
20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures?
Calahan is definitely a gentle boy and he loves the company of birds especially. Clan Severan has a lot of birds of prey lingering around their settlements, most are rescues that soldiers have found on the road and brought back to nurse to health. Some birds return to their roosts, others stay. Calahan had a particular fondness for a tawny eagle that was brought back to the garrison after a particularly nasty monsoon season; the poor thing was twisted up in rope and sea-debris until some of the soldiers freed it. They left meat scraps for it, hoping it would return to the wild like most of the birds they find, but this one seemed insistent on hanging around. He’s still there now, and the garrison have given him the name ‘Nehn’ - their joy. 
Cal misses Nehn a lot. The eagle would often follow him out on patrol, if only because he was the main suspect for sneaking him food, but Cal never felt safer than with a pair of eagle eyes watching his steps.
When he gets to Skyhold, I’m almost certain he ‘befriends’ a roost of barn owls who have taken up in one of the disused outbuildings down in the quieter parts of the courtyard. Leaves them food. Keeps an eye out for any pestering creatures. Bird Dad confirmed.
Mythological creatures are lost on Calahan. Griffons sound interesting, but that’s only what he’s heard from Rion.
40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others?
I’m not sure about guilty pleasures... Calahan is fond of Orlais in a way. He likes the idea of soirees and frilly little cakes with tea, lightly discussing a murder in broad daylight like it was yesterday’s weather. It’s so completely ridiculous and far-away to him that getting to indulge in it is a bit of a fantastical thing, and he only ends up more involved in it when Josephine shows up. He doesn’t make a thing of it though - he enjoys it, but on his own terms and not usually in the company of his soldiers or fellow commanders (Cullen and Rion both) 
Otherwise, he’s quite open about what he enjoys doing. He used to craft armour, and he likes to read, sometimes writes a bit too. And he especially likes collecting flowers that he’s never seen before - nearly always takes one to press into a journal, and has built up quite the collection. Calahan makes a point of finding beauty in the world where he only ever seems to deliver war, which ruins it.
42. Is there anything in your character’s past that they regret, haunts them, or they wish they could change?
Luckily for Calahan, most of his life has gone by without much of a hitch. He seems to be the lucky type - always lands on his feet, no matter what. Regrets aren’t something he likes to hold onto, and he definitely tries his best to make peace with things as soon as he can rather than hold onto them until they hurt more than they’re worth.
The only thing that comes to mind is he was in charge of the hunting party that got caught by Qunari broaching further into Rivain than usual. Completely unexpected, given that they were headed to their usual hunting grounds, and showing up with weapons only incited the Qunari to engage them. Unprepared, Calahan lost almost all of his hunters - including Caomhan’s mother - whilst trying to retreat. He and Ronan were the only two to make it back at all. 
He regrets that A) Caomhan lost a mother, and Rion would have to deal with that, and B) that Ronan lost his way after that incident. If the outcome had been different, Calahan’s convinced that Ronan wouldn’t have turned away from the clan.
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tokidokifish · 2 years
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i’ve been working on this for a while and i’m not best pleased w it so i’m just gonna post it.
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Of course I have an oc that’s basically impossible to make in inquisition lmao!! sadly i dont really like any of the curly hair mods, and even if i did they all look horrible with light hair colors. her face is close to how it should be, but... hair colors in this game are hit and miss. 
her name is usually lysander but i’m calling her nehn in dragon age and she’s a wonderful soft sweet elf that wants to help everyone as much as she can and is always worried. uhhh quick facts
Trans & Pansexual
About 26 at the beginning of Inquisition
(secret) Blood mage, uses it for healing and only ever uses her own blood
Loves spirits and The Fade!!
Scared of drowning/deep water/the ocean
Loves spicy food and doesn’t care for sweets
VERY SHORT only 5′0″
In a relationship with Cullen
Varric calls her Sunshine
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magic-in-your-bones · 6 years
30 Day Dragon Age OC Challenge
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Vela Lavellan Day 1 - Introduction
Describe your character in 140 characters. Now have your character describe themself in 140 characters. Also provide any of the basic biographical stats you wish: full name, age, pronouns, gender, class/specializations, etc 
Full Name: Vela Niha Lavellan Title: First of clan Lavellan, Inquisitor, Herald of Andraste Age: 28 at the Conclave (year 9:41 Dragon) Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Class: Mage - Primal (Storm) & Spirit Specialization: Keeper (later, through the Inquisition: Knight Enchanter)
Vela was born to the clan’s Halla Keeper and Blacksmith under a clear night sky. Her name comes from a constellation ...Vela is a constellation in the southern sky. Its name is Latin for the sails of a ship... and her middle name, Niha, is a version of the dalish word nehn which means joy. In RP she has an older brother who left the clan to join the Tirashan elves played by @werebovine, and my other Lavellan (Telahna Lavellan) is her cousin. This makes her aunt Keeper Deshanna (on her mother’s side).
The Herald raised a single eyebrow, surprised that someone was actually interested in learning about her rather than just making up whatever they wanted about her. Still, she was cautious, unsure how much she should reveal to the shems about herself and her clan. After a momentary pause to collect her thoughts she responded vaguely. “I am Vela of clan Lavellan, First to our Keeper. That means I’m next in line to lead my clan. We’ve wandered across Thedas and I’ve seen many places, but I was born in the wilds of the Free Marches - much warmer than here,” she said with a small smile. “I miss it. I miss the trees and the ruins and my clan...” Her smooth voice turned softer as memories of her clan and those that had died at the Conclave came to the forefront of her mind, and she cleared her throat, uncomfortable that she had let any form of sadness - weakness - show. She leaned back in the tavern chair and raised her shoulders in a non-committal shrug and a toothy grin. “You’ll have to be more specific in your questions.”
Source / Day 2
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vhyral · 7 years
I am new here, and I would like to meet these purported ocs of yours. Tell me some things, please. :)
I’M SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT, SO SORRY. Are you ready, this is going to be long. (Please excuse the lazy doodles. I wanted to do better but the past few days turned out very busy.)
The ones I love/think about the most are my Inquisition kids, Fahlron and Feynras Lavellan. 24 years old in the beginning of Inquisition. They’re twins and Feynras is the Inquisitor. The both of them were sent to spy on the Conclave together.
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Fahlron’s a hunter, a rogue and he’s a brutaly honest kind of person.Can’t stand laziness or incompetence. Takes good care of the people close/important to him (secret mother hen type). A worried brother but not to the point of suffocating his sister. Tries his best to assist her and the others even though he’s grumpy by nature. Doesn’t get as angry as fast as one would think by staring at his face. Velvety voice. Learns to write during Inquisition (thanks Dorian).
Feynras is an elemental mage with fire affinity that has trouble controlling her fire and thus has developed a more physical fighting style. A+++ shields, knight enchanter that prefers to turn her staff into a spear by materializing a blade on its top. Spirit healer™. Left her clan at the age of 16 to see the outside world through a dalish underground network that collects information from human cities to keep the clans informed and protected. Can speak three languages.A nice, bright girl that tries her best to remain happy despite all the shit she has been through.
My Surana! Calassyria is a prodigical mage with an affinity for force magic and entropy. She undertook the Harrowing at the age of 17, proceeded to get into Jowan’s mess against her will and was forced to flee Kinloch Hold with a blood mage even though she had never wanted to leave before. (She doesn’t remember anything of the outside world since she was taken to the Circle at the age of four. In my worldstate, Duncan never visited Ferelden’s Circle.) 
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She and Kellen (said blood mage) roamed Ferelden’s villages for a few weeks, trying to gather info about where the Chantry keeps the enchanters’ phylacteries in Denerim but soon decided to flee to Kirkwall because of the Blight. There they signed their first few assassination contracts and travelled to Orlais for a little bit to undertake bigger jobs for orlesian nobles. They returned to Denerim later during that year, after having gathered solid info about the phylacteries but ended up taking part in the Battle of Denerim as well. Burned down the Chantry’s catacombs while the fight raged. Kind of resurrected Calas’ cousin in the Alienage (the Tabris origin).
Joined the Inquisition for a tiny bit as independent agents under Leliana’s orders (dirty, dirty work, we don’t talk about it). Are currently two of the most well paid assassins in Thedas and pretty in demand in Tevinter.
She has force punched a dragon. She and Bull are very good friends.
A read more cause this is getting long.
Garrett Hawke, 26 when he fled to Kirwkall, 36 in Inquisition. Has two extra sisters, both younger than him cause I’ve merged worldstates with friends. Still has his father’s mabari, Her Higness Ma'am Barkly the First, a very old, slobbering, friendly dog.
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Probably possessed by a greed/lust demon that makes him eat everything that’s on plain sight or at least that’s the rumor in Kirkwall. Thunder mage. The biggest bean, the best bean. Everyone’s best friend, always there when you need him. Suffers from intense self blaiming/loathing. Had to make Carver a Grey Warden. He punched Cullen (a couple of times) when Bethany was taken by the Templars. Romanced Anders.
He stayed in the Fade in Inquisition, willingly.
My Warden! Evianna Cousland. 19 to 20 in Origins. 1.85m tall (6ft 7??? I’m not sure when it comes to feet and inches, sorry!) An obedient daughter that was granted quite a lot of freedom for a noble lady. A great rider, a Rohirrim-level rider.
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What motivated all the way to slaying the archdemon was a very, very intense sense of spite. The need to take revenge for her family. SPITE cause Loghain left them behind to die and she could see the tactical advantage of that specific choice but he appeared so blindsighted during the entirety of that year that she was not going to have that man claim her country’s throne or let it get consumed by the Blight.
Asexual (biromantic). Would do anything for a griffon. Most of all she misses Sten and Shale (Zevran too but him she sees a lot more often than anyone else.) In a shared worldstate with warden Aeducan and warden Mahariel. Current whereabouts, unknown.
Characters that could do with some more development but are still here with solid backstories:
Antony and Lycoris Trevelyan: Siblings, 26 and 29 respectively. Half Nevarran, half Free Marchers (half asian from their father’s side). Lycoris is a bard, an old friend of Josephine’s, while Antony is/was a Templar and one of the first to join the Inquisition. She had arrived at the Conclave as her family’s representative and he came as one of their older brother’s, the Ostwick’s Grand Enchanter’s, escorts. Lycoris works as an intermediate between Leliana and Josephine, mostly taking care of the Inquisition’s supplies and foreign affairs. Josephine’s right hand. Antony is there to offer his fire power to a cause he believes in and to be the soul of Herald’s Rest whenever he’s in Skyhold.
Nehn Alerion: A wandering dalish, member of the Guides, the group Feynras joined when she became of age. He is one of the dalish elves that spent years roaming human cities, gathering info and making sure nearby clans are aware of guard patrols, templar routes, the safest roads to migrate, etc. Mage, has his own unique style of combining hand to hand fighting techniques with his magic, a tradition he inherited from his clan of origin, clan Alerion. (He is actually a very distant cousin of Merrill.) Has saved many mage children from alienages.
Hahl’enan: Half-blooded Qunari (father was an elf), the first qunari grey warden. Visits Skyhold after the Inquisition accepts the Wardens into its folds. Once the Warden Commander of the Anderfells. 40 years old. Usually seen with Muffin, his fennec fox, on one of his shoulders or between his horns.
Eirelan: Obscure dalish(?) hunter that moves between clans and wears an unknown red vallaslin. Always using a bow and arrows but some dalish whisper about him being a shape-shifter. Origins unknown.
I hadn’t talked about some of them for so long, this was such a good chance, thank you??!! I love them all and I really hope you enjoyed reading all this random info about them. :D
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