#oc: moeureilles
cillyscribbles · 2 months
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really wanted to draw molly as an adult queen... and then realized the power is mine. so. for your enjoyment: here's the junkyard's littlest heartbreaker!!
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gotham-native · 20 days
Moeureilles "Molly"
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shes 10.9 X 6.1 in or 28.7 X 17.2 cm
just don't look at her face or the bottom flowers to hard and she looks pretty good
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margo-mania · 3 months
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razzle (mine) @cillyscribbles's https://artfight.net/character/4944046.mme-moeureilles @mysticalcats's https://artfight.net/character/4081941.foxglove and https://artfight.net/character/4252973.ellipses HattyBee's https://artfight.net/character/3429584.teacup (i couldnt find a tumblr) @pinkieclown's https://artfight.net/character/4401646.oopsadaizee @kokolencha's https://artfight.net/character/3090576.koi Autismbeast's https://artfight.net/character/5198520.lady-jesterjumble (i dont feel comfortable typing out ur tumblr sorry </3) @swamp-d0g's https://artfight.net/character/2898014.amarillo @ufofrommarss's https://artfight.net/character/4134637.fisher @murdleandmarot's https://artfight.net/character/4420348.bluebelle APearOfJoy's https://artfight.net/character/4123652.curianne (I KNOW YOU HAVE I TUMBLR I JUST CANT REMEMBER SORRY) Cuquiidheart's https://artfight.net/character/4448114.kinommamee @rimtimtigger's https://artfight.net/character/4621639.troy @op3ra's https://artfight.net/character/2239227.runette-redcat @commander-spaceboy's https://artfight.net/character/2556206.tinentack and finally @misconceivedcapricorn's https://artfight.net/character/5087592.jabberwocky
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dealilcats · 23 days
Jellicle ocs
Well, looks like it's time. I made ocs!! The art i have of them is mostly unfinished, but here's some of it, ft @cillyscribbles 's molly :) and the first not 100% cat art on my part.
Big cat is Claudia, small orange one is Lelio. They're siblings!
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Couple of things!
Its not too clear from these drawings, but Claudia is missing a foot. Second pic, humanish designs, is when they're younger, third pic has an attempt at making Claudia more Rancia like with some Sistina traits. These are just the more traditional replica designs.
More sketches and info below the cut.
Lele and Molly are friends :) she's trying to teach him her full name but he doesn't quite get it. He's saying "meravigliosa" (marvelous) because it's the closest match to Moeureilles in italian.
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He doesn't speak/understand English yet, Claudia understands it and speaks it decently enough. The gist of their story is that they come from Italy, have hitchhiked their way to London looking for someone/something, but didn't find it, and they end up with the Jellicles instead. Bit codependent at first but they get better.
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cillyscribbles · 3 months
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👁👁<-when jellicle cats have moonlit eyes... they are called tin-tin and molly :}
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cillyscribbles · 3 months
Follow up question. Because I just realised - how did the girls get to london? Did they go together or happen to go separately? Or was tintin already there?
ahh thanks so much for the question!! :]] the only thing molly and tintin originally have in common is that they're both jellicle cats! tintin is from an "excess" litter in london that was spared from drowning and became streetcats, after which she was adopted by a factory worker and eventually found the jellicles with whom she grew up into a queen. i'd place her somewhere around munkustrap's age range.
molly is much much younger, think jemima or even more than that, and she was adopted as a kitten by a couple in paris! she got to london simply because her humans moved and took their beloved kitten with them. :) the first time she went out to wander, she got very very lost, but thankfully bumped into one of the jellicles that helped her find a way home. she's now a jellicle too, though she doesn't smell very familiar to them just yet. :}}
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cillyscribbles · 20 days
question about molly is she one of the kittens who thinks tugger is a cutie or nah
hahahah thanks for writing in! yep, she's definitely an admirer. to be fair, it's not very hard to impress her at all, she picks up a new crush every other time she comes to the junkyard, but tugger's obviously very swooned-over by the rest of the kittens and she's very impressionable. she can get particularly caught in that mob mentality and work herself up into a frenzy with etcetera i'd imagine, lol.
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cillyscribbles · 3 months
Hi, I don't know much about your OCs, but maybe 2, 7 and 6 from that last ask game, for Molly?
thank you so much for asking! :333 i don't know much about them either, just yet. but i hope this helps me expand on them! >:) answered 2 here - really appreciate you writing to me!
6. what is the thing your oc likes the least about themselves?
i think molly doesn't often think of things she dislikes about herself; she's at that kitten age where she's just herself, and so doesn't notice her quirks or oddities. she's a positivity idol that way! :3 she does feel very frustrated sometimes about the communication barrier she has with the jellicles; i thought it'd be very fun to make a kitten who's just learning the language. every time she can't remember or doesn't know a word she needs, she'll try to communicate it with gestures or touching or just drop it entirely and go sulk for a few minutes before perking back up. she doesn't stay upset very long! :)
if she was older, i think she'd recognize how easy she is to fool because she trusts very easily and always gives people the benefit of the doubt. i don't think it's something she'd necessarily go about changing; she'd just be aware of it and pout from time to time when it burns her.
7. what is the thing your oc likes the most about themselves?
oh, she knows she's the Ultimate Friend and there's nothing at all to be done about that! she's overall well-intentioned and forgiving to a fault, but i feel like she leaves all but every social interaction with the unshakable belief that she has Made A Friend, and because she just Keeps Making Friends, she must be doing something right, right? i don't think she consciously knows that she's got the stickiness of a wet leaf and the eyes of a puppy, but i do think she considers herself a friendly person and thinks it's a great. :)
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cillyscribbles · 3 months
Hi hello!!! For the numbers ask game, 2, 11, and 20 for Molly, and for Tin Tin, 20 and 23 :))))
hello >:DDD thanks so much for asking!! much appreciated !!
2. describe your character's voice. do they have a voice claim?
no voice claim, but imagine the littlest girl you can think of and that's about it! i imagine molly's voice to be childishly high as a baseline, but if she's surprised or upset it goes even higher. i'd imagine if she was very vocal older cats would tell her to pipe down, but she often reacts more with her body than her voice, so lucked out there. :) she alternates between speaking very quickly (many thoughts in a little head!) and with big pauses (when she can't find the words she's looking for).
11. has your OC ever fallen in love and with whom?
i think she gets little kitten crushes on everyone that seems cool to her, and she's very easy to impress, so like. victoria does a little ballet = crush, tumblebrutus does a flip = crush, tugger harmonizes = crush, jemima climbs up high on something = crush, etc etc etc. i think she adores munkustrap, alonzo and bombalurina for how Brave and Scary they can be, but as a result she also keeps a little away from them out of this Great Awe hahahah. i don't think she's truly Fallen In Love yet. maybe she will as she grows up with the jellicles and gets to know them more. :)
20. a nostalgic memory from your OC’s childhood?
i think both molly and tintin would have nostalgic moments be with their people. molly was a parisian kitten before coming to london, and i think her owners had a lovely little spot where they could see many roofs and streets through their little windows, and they'd bring their little kitten up to look through at the birds and clouds and such. i think maybe she saw a couple of older cats wandering around there and developed a sort of wanderlust she only got to fullfil in london.
tintin's nostalgic memories would be centered on the way her human took care of her after finding her. she was scared, defensive and dirty, but in spite of not being around much her human took very good care of her and fed her and cleaned her until she trusted him completely. i think her moment is just some normal day when she woke up a little before dawn on his bed and just kind of made biscuits on his stomach until she woke him up. the sun was coming up, he was scratching her ears, and she felt happy. this hasn't changed mind! her human still very much loves her. she's just grown up :)
23. what are your OC’s biggest flaws and biggest strengths?
oh dear! tintin is definitely a product of her home, first wandering the streets of london and then the human that took her in. :) she can come off a little defensive and doesn't trust strangers quickly, be it cats or humans. when she wasn't a jellicle or had a human taking care of her, she felt very much like the world was very dog eat dog; folks on the streets aren't always very kind. she retains that perspective even though she's surrounded by much more light now! while on one hand it may make it harder to connect to new cats, it helps her stay safe and protect those she already cares about. she's very loyal to relationships she already has, and she's a good follower as well as a listener. i'd imagine in the jellicle tribe she's one of those following munkustrap's lead in protecting each other. :)
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cillyscribbles · 3 months
hi!! for the ask game, 21 for both Tin Tin and Molly?
hi !!! thanks so much for writing :)) hehe i'm excited for this one!!
21. hobbies your OC enjoys?
tintin really enjoys people-watching (or cat-watching, depending on the occassion!) so she'll look for any good vantage point she can climb to and get comfortable. she can spend hours just lounging and watching folks pass, though she'll usually get up every once in a while for a runaround or to change up her spot if she feels like it. it's helpful to be watchful when watching is more or less Your Job for most of the year too! it's most of her activity during the ball too, though she engages in bouts of sporadic dancing between stretches of sitting in the back with some long-awaited company and judging whatever tugger's up to at the moment.
dunno if you'd consider it a hobby, but molly is honestly just a fluffy question mark with ears and a tail. she always has questions to bother people with no matter which poor soul ends up in her way. she sees a lot of things she doesn't understand or doesn't have words for! i like to think she once asked munkustrap what the moon was and almost gave the poor man a heart attack. he thought for a second she genuinely like... missed the moon somehow. in the sky. every night
molly: ohh ok i see now. but for why is jellicle moon different from just the moon? munkustrap: the jellicle moon appears only once a year on the night we gather for the jellicle ball. :) molly: ohh ok. someone changes the moon from just moon to jellicle moon? two moons? munkustrap: no, it's the same moon. on the night of the jellicle ball we celebrate all the favours it bestows upon a cat. :) molly: ohh ok. how do you know when the moon is jellicle moon? munkustrap: it's the same time every year. :) molly: ohh ok. what's a year? munkustrap: munkustrap: molly, why don't you go stand over there on that box for a while? :) molly: ohhk. for why? munkustrap: the moon might look different from that angle. :) molly: ohh ok. molly: [wanders away in search for her next victim]
if you're thinking more conventional hobby, i think it'd definitely be exploring her surroundings! she trusts the answers other cats give her, but there's really nothing like discovering new things on her own which she can then ask for further explanations on. unfortunately she's much more curious than she is careful, so she'll have to learn that the hard way i'm afraid! but hey as they say. being absolutely bodied by a pigeon builds character.
molly does not like pigeons very much.
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cillyscribbles · 3 months
hi hello again!!! For the ✨angsty✨ ask game, Desire and Ghost for Molly, and for Tin Tin, Fear and hide :D
WAHOO thank you so much you are giving me so many chances to yap about my sillies. much obliged <33
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
molly has kittenly big dreams. she looks around herself and sees all those big smiling dancing jellicle queens, and she wants to be just like them :) she wants to speak and dance and sing and be as enchanting to everyone around her as they are to her!! essentially, she's got the dreams of a budding glamour cat, but i'm not sure how fulfilling she'd find it if she achieved that, in the end. she'd like to be admired, but she's a big admirer herself, and i feel like losing that would overshadow gaining that reputation she wants. i think those dreams might shift a bit as she grows, too.
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
molly is very well-cared for by her humans and likewise by the jellicles, and has thankfully not had any time on this bitch of an earth to encrue many Trauma Points; but there was a time when she first wandered out into london and was very startled by how big and new the world was, especially as she was so unfamiliar with it half a continent away from where she was born! i think if she has any realistic fears, it's that of getting lost or separated from those she knows and never being able to find them again. she doesn't like being alone at all. :{
hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
so tintin had a good bit of her ear torn off and her inner ear wounded when she was a newly grown queen and overeager to prove herself. while it adds some points to her appearance in regard of who she is, she also experiences a good bit of ringing in her ear and has difficulty moving it, which can not only disrupt her hearing in critical moments but doesn't help in bodily communication with other cats either. :( she has learned to hide it very well, though she does tend to turn her head side to side to listen instead of just tilting her ears. she hides it especially when she's fulfilling that role of a protective cat; she doesn't want any vulnerability to be visible, which, i mean, fair.
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
tintin fears failure above all, i think, which surely has to be a trend among protectors, haha. with her ear it's amplified, so she feels some real distaste towards those episodes of ringing in her ear. i think tintin tries not to show her fear overall; she's got to brave in the face of danger so others can rely on her, and she takes that very seriously. if she does fail - if someone gets hurt for example - i think she would be devastated, by try to hide it away anyhow to not stress anyone out. it would definitely put her on edge for the foreseeable future, though.
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dealilcats · 1 month
Redraw of a panel from this comic by @cillyscribbles with her ocs Tinnilummie and Mme Moeureilles.
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Molly being so tiny has me in shambles.
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cillyscribbles · 2 months
intro post because i should pin something
hi! i'm cilly, or cheese, she/her. i'm a writer and artist. i mainly post writing on my ao3 account (littlekaracan), but i usually share it here on tumblr too, under the tag #my fic stuff. my art is also primarily here on tumblr under #my art stuff, but i also have an instagram account where i post speedpaints and whatever else (cillyscribbles).
my main interest at the moment is cats the musical, so my work focuses on that, but i've also got loads of star wars and ranger's apprentice stuff on my page as well as ao3 under the appropriate tags. i'm posting memes under #jellicle memes for jellicle cats, and also sometimes babble on about my ocs under #oc: tinnilummie and #oc: moeureilles. everything i say about the realities of bad weather, baltic mythos, being a chronically understretched vertical beast and so on, as well as this post, goes under #cilly.txt. because that's my name!
currently taking art requests for cats the musical (including ocs, feel free to send some if there's a ref i can use!). one of these days i'll figure out how to do commissions, but until then y'all get my labour for free lol. you can keep me caffeinated a day longer by a couple bucks on my kofi (cillyscribbles) though. if you're so inclined.
i try to participate in artfight in july and nanowrimo in november, feel free to share in creative struggles.
i'm eager to chat (especially about cats!), so feel free to send me a message or an ask; i've also got anons on if that's more your speed. just know i'm here to play nice and have fun sharing thoughts; i'm more than happy to live and let live, but if you're being a cunt for no other reason than to upset me i will block with joy.
maybe i'll add something here later. i'm an amateur cosplayer. i'm an amateur linguist. i'm an amateur english understander. i can bake some amateur apple bread. i'm an amateur girl lover. and so on
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