#oc: lord graz'zt
toyhouse-code-hell · 7 months
Screw it- Ask #2 because I'm bored. Can you tell me about your OCs? I like hearing about random people's OCs because alot of people like to rant about them and the excitement and pure effort put into making them makes me feel profuctive too!
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There's so much. There's so so so so much. Nobody that I didn't already know has ever asked me about my ocs. They're all mostly D&D characters, or are in a D&D-esque setting I'll talk about some of my favorites, but there needs to be context.
None of the LORE is on any of their fucking toyhouse pages because I literally work on toyhouse stuff, get so motivated, I work on things for three days. Then I stop everything for six months. This is a continuous cycle. I suffer daily. I also over-explain and over-share A LOT. This is the first time anyone has asked about my ocs on a public platform. IT'S GOING TO BE A LOT. I'M SORRY. (And hell this might be a masterpost for all the little blurbs about my Little Guys?? idk!!) And ofc the art is old-ish.
Hamond :)
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He's an aasimar fiend warlock (1)/ champion fighter (11), son of duke of a small homebrewed country, warlock of Graz'zt. Was sent to handle an owlbear in the woods due to it fucking with locals livestock. Was ambushed by said owlbear, it almost killed him, and this very kind demon lord took the opportunity to offer this young son of a duke a second chance to not be killed. Hamond agreed, got a nice new necklace, and killed the owlbear. He does the little things his patron wants in secret, which are thankfully just small things. His father sent him away due to his country going to war (contingency so royalty stays alive), where he met an astral elf twink who is now his fucked up little boyfriend.
Used him in a Heliana's oneshot before where this happened.
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Next is Vihan! I'll keep it short with him because there is. A lot. (Glitch & Worm idk if you will ever see this, but this is spoilers)
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They're a sentient sword, from a set of 8 weapons that embody schools of magic. Vihan is a shortsword that lets their wielder cast evocation spells for free, given to priest-kings of a long-lots city (of Mezro, the chosen of Ub'Tao are called barae). I gave him to my part at 12th level, since one in the party had made contact with his stupid fuckup son (Ras Nsi, not canon to actual FR lore), but Ub'tao chatted with the wizard like "hey. help me?" and our wizard went "K". I was thinking they would have him be a sword for a majority of the time but nooooo they fell in love with him. >:/ He was also broken when they met, to which I gave wild magic rolls when he cast things iirc (this was in 2021 its hazy). They fixed him up though.
His former wielder was killed in a coup by another one of the chosen, in a plan to kill them all, usurp their god, and bring about an end to the world, but LORD that's another story.
But back to Vihan.
He's a real living person, kidnapped about 4oo years prior to the party getting them, had a bunch of experiments done on him, core implanted, renamed, all that. And given to a firbolg native to Chult who worked hard to be a barae, Epoch, leaving his 2 sons to be raised by his hometown. (and bc he was murdered and nobody was giving them answers, they became closed off from the bigger holy cities) And those kids got older, had communal kids, too, and one of those kids was the barbarian pc. The new barae of evocation was the wizard that said "K" to helping a god.
His name is actually Viktor, had an identical brother named Vacek (both changelings), and he robbed tourists in order for his brother to stay in a care home (their country of origin is corrupted capitalist hellscape island where if you can't produce for society, you have no use aside from being fertilizer, unless you can afford otherwise). When Viktor was kidnapped, Vacek was thrown onto the streets 10 minutes after payment was due, and he managed to climb on a boat as a stowaway during a storm and get the fuck out of there. While he was still chronically ill, getting off of pollution island was very beneficial for his health. He made it to another country and managed to live out his days and even had a family. He never went back to find his brother, assuming his thieving finally got him killed. (Their single mother was also murdered, and retrieving her body cost the two twelve year olds money they didn't have. She was meant to leave the country while pregnant with them, to be with their father who had already left, but port guards robbed her and kicked her back into the city. When her husband came back to make a stink, he was silenced permanently.)
Yes I was VERY into xenoblade 2 when I had this idea.
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Vihan is a little bit fucked up.
I think I'll be done for now. I'll rb with more if I want to later.
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kurooharuniji · 7 months
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If you thought here will be many fandom arts, I must disappoint you - I mostly draw my OCs.
So let me introduce you one of my D&D characters - incubus Algiel. He is sorcerer and charlatan.
Algiel is sweet, flirtatious and silly - living definition of bimbo, to be short. And femboy. He is light-headed, mostly harmless and charming as hell. But don't let his sweetness deceive you: Algiel is still a chaotic-evil fiend from Lower plane, who will happily use you for his or his master's goals.
Algiel is a court incubus from Abyss and belongs to one of demonic lords - the Dark Prince Graz'zt. So, basically Algiel is a slave and personal toy for his master.
On Material plane Algiel commonly disguises himself as a pretty elf. He likes pink, yellow, sweets and bunnies. And spill some blood. ^^
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And his equipment. Funny hood to hide his candy-looking horns.
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darth-bagel · 2 years
Hi! Thank you for sending this in, I appreciate it a whole lot 💙 I'm finally sitting down to answering more of those-- not much work in the office today~ I'll do those for Sylvas.
[Find more of those right here, I am still taking more!]
🔥 : What’s a surefire way to make your OC get flustered?
Well. They don't get flustered very easily I noticed-- turned on and interested? Oh yeah. Genuinely flustered? That's way more rare, but also something most their long term partners are very much singularily equipped to do. Although I'll admit my Z (Graz'zt Tenar'ri) and @tearlessrain Kalarros are pretty good at that. Kalarros takes a great joy in making them speak up exactly what new kinky thing catched their eye and interest, that they might have been adamanty no about, and they want to try now in a future scene and watch the rare thing of Sylvas blushing and trying not to do so while those two negotiate. Sometimes also just the pure genuine love and affection can get to them-- but that's not something they advertise too much beyond their inner circle.
🧠 : What is your OC’s most mentally attractive attribute?
They are very sharp and quick-witted, remarkably smooth and charming-- which is often times what's the most easy to see about them and what people find attractive. But I think the longer you know them, and if they actually end up letting you in? I think how much they actually care, how dedicated they are, how loyal and loving they can be, supportive both emotionally and otherwise, beyond the mask, that's what really gets people to stay and love them. They are safe, even if a mountain of other things could suggest otherwise and even to contrary of their own belief. If that can count as something attractive about a person.
💦 : Is your OC’s attractiveness based on looks or a more intangible aura?
I think it's a very heady mixture of both. As Khatte once stated, they are objectively gorgeous, and them being stupid pretty and attractive is a huge part of their character at this point, both a boon and a curse in some places-- and I might elaborate on that front at some point. But looks are not enough and I think depending what persona they are pulling forward at the time, their general aura might be... either warm and inviting, chat over a drink, heady jokes and passing looks with a smirk-- or more in their Crime Lord days, something way sharper, dangerous, but thrilling non-the-less.
It's a very good mix, varied, but they are alluring in way more then simply their looks.
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tomayto-joe · 2 years
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Demon Lord Graz’zt and my warlock Jgorjers (George). 
I want to post dnd art on here but I’m so bad at posting so I’ll just start with this. Enjoy!
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angdrelve · 6 years
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Here's some of my art (that somehow got deleted idk how or why) I have done in the past few months
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arias-art-land · 6 years
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Reneden and the shade of Graz'zt. My college of whispers bard finally got to multiclass into warlock, so I had to draw something to celebrate.
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darth-bagel · 4 years
OC Interview -- Graz'zt Tenar'ri (2/4)
This is a continuation from yesterday so, enjoy! 💙✨
Well, Sylvas is definitely an interesting personality, but so is our next guest-- a Lord of the Sith known best for his clever machinations and unending love for his daughter. Give him a warm welcome~
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(Screenshots by me 💕✨)
► Name? ➔ The corner of his mouth twitches as he rights the seat, Sylvas left it askew, and finally sits down comfortably to answer. “Graz’zt Tenar’ri-- although I’m mostly known just as Lord Graz’zt. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Bagel.”
► Are you single? ➔ He blinks surprised. “Right to the point, huh? It’s complicated… but I’d say no.”
► Are you happy? ➔ “I’m comfortable, no pressing emergencies”
► Are you angry? ➔   He leans a bit propping his chin on hand. “Should I be?”
► Are your parents still married? ➔ His eyes harden a bit as he retreats back into the seat “They were, but they passed within few years from each other-- doubt the arrangement would stay up after that”
► Birth place ➔   “Dromund Kaas, about half an hour travel from Kaas City in Tenar’ri Estate”
► Hair color ➔  He wraps the small braid from the side of his head around his finger “Black. Mostly, there’s some graying happening here and there”
► Eye color ➔  “Gold, as you can see” He smiles lightly to himself.
► Birthday ➔   “3rd day of 9th month”
► Mood ➔  “I’m better now” He shifts a bit to sit with one leg over the other and leans back more comfortably.
► Gender ➔   “Male”
► Summer or winter? ➔  “I like winter, not that Dromund Kaas gets actual snow but the temperature is much more tolerable then”
► Morning or afternoon? ➔  “I’m very much a morning person, so morning-- I like watching sunrises with a tea before tackling work”
EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE  -- He picks up a cup of tea from the table beside his seat “This will be interesting…”
► Are you in love? ➔  He just smiles into the tea “Yes”
► Do you believe in love at first sight? ➔  “No, not really. Love is slow and patient and then hits you like a train. I would know” He takes a sip.
► Who ended your last relationship? ➔  He sighs and sets the tea down. “Until recently-- I thought a successful attempt on their life. Considering one of my rivals, now deceased, forwarded the evidence it was by his ‘design’, low blow even for him. But they are alive, just decided to drop, wisely, from the grid for the time being. We will have a conversation about it, but I’m glad to see them in one piece all the same.”
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ He chuckles. “I wouldn’t be surprised, considering my youth”
► Are you afraid of commitments? ➔   “Not really. No”
► Have you hugged someone within last week? ➔ He smiles and his eyes seem to shine brighter for few moments “So that’s the reason why Rev-” he cuts himself off, “Sylvas ran out and decided to jump me backstage, everything’s becoming clear. But besides that? Yes. My daughter. When she’s around, she hugs me, and vice versa, at least once a day”
► Have you ever had a secret admirer? ➔  “Not that secret, but yes, it happened a few times” He nods reaching back for the tea.
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔  “I very nearly did-- but let’s continue” He inclines with his head, closing the topic.
► Love or lust? ➔  “Lust is a younger man’s game-- so love, most definitely. They usually are a package deal through. 
► Lemonade or ice-tea? ➔  “I probably would vastly prefer a hot tea” He inclines with his steaming cup “But lemonade is enjoyable”
► Cats or dogs? ➔  “Cats” He smiles to himself, as if to a private joke.
► A few best friends or many regular friends? ➔  “Few best friends-- keeping the trusted circle as small as possible”
► Wild night out or romantic night in? ➔  “I can be persuaded to a wild night out-- but I’d stay in, make dinner, all that” His smile turns wistful at the end.
► Day or night? ➔  “I would say night, I tend to not work too long into the night, to keep it a time for rest without additional worrying. Or at least I try to.”
► Been caught sneaking out? ➔  “Not really, I kept sneaking out to a minimum-- usually to the in-estate library when I was young”
► Fallen down/up the stairs? ➔   His eyes narrow “No. I did not”
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “I… yes”
► Wanted to disappear? ➔   “I’m a father and a Sith I can’t just disappear”
► Smile or eyes? ➔  “Smile, but I appreciate both”
► Shorter or taller? ➔   He chuckles softly into his tea. “I’m 6’ 5”. Taller would be hard-- so shorter it is”
► Intelligence or attraction? ➔   “Both most definitely-- attraction is important but it’s the rest that makes it work. For me at least.”
► Hook-up or relationship? ➔   “I’ve had my fair share of hook-ups, but I vastly prefer relationships at this point”
► Do you and your family get along? ➔   “Me and my daughter get along swimmingly, thank you”
► Would you say you have a ‘messed up life’? ➔  “My life’s… pretty standard as Sith go, so no, not really”
► Have you ever ran away from home? ➔  “Crossed my mind a few times but I wasn’t about to do it to my mother only to spite the father-- but getting to leave for my apprenticeship was so much better in the end.”
► Have you ever got kicked out? ➔  “No”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends?➔  “No, I don’t think so. Wouldn’t be much of a friend then, honestly” He smirks.
► Do you consider all your friends good friends? ➔  “It’s a tight circle, so yes”
��� Who is your best friend? ➔   “Darth Vowrawn actually, you might know him. We go way back”
► Who knows everything about you? ➔  “I, hah. My daughter probably, and Vowrawn as well. Those two known me for the longest after all.”
“That’s all of them? Well, it was a pleasure. Truly-- now I have a question. Are you really a Darth or is it just a moniker?...” Music cuts into the footage, Bagel, and Graz’zt shake hands, or rather Graz’zt has to bend down a bit to do so-- and smile. Eventually, he says something with a wink that makes Bagel blush furiously and shoo him to the backstage, but they are smiling all during.
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darth-bagel · 4 years
~🎃 oc halloween 🎃~
Got tagged by @shanfamilydrama and @mimabeann -- thank you a lot!
It was an interesting experience, i never did meme like that so. uh, it's not perfect. still had fun~
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Mirage is obviously enjoying herself, even if her costumes are her normal sith outfits just exaggerated into oblivion, she wanders into the evening and scares the crap of anyone she can. and then the demon summoning. for her it's basically Tuesday.
Liz and Rilfaen just dress up (there wasn't a space for Ril at the top so, but assume it is), party and then when they are a bit buzzed go join Mirage in creeping people out.
Sylvas, dress up, grab some snacos, watch movies with their favorite people and if drunk might start the demon summoning, on accident. probably.
Graz'zt gets roped into watching movies but otherwise doesn't engage as much in celebration-- scares people just because he's quiet and appears at random, or so it seems. it might be on purpose.
Shaar just dresses up for herself and watches some movies with friends. Good times 10/10. If she drags her dad to watch movies it goes up to 11/10.
Nemeia loves Halloween-- she has a costume ready usually already a month early. But going to party, trick or treating a bit and then go snack on all those sweet treats in bed with a book or something.
Nerifiel is the one that watches movies at a crowded party, usually the only one. She was probably talked into coming (read-- dragged).
Neridys doesn't do anything really, just watch something scary and rest up.
bonus! Darth Bagel usually grabs some snacks and either watches a scary movie (read Hocus Pocus or Nightmare Before Christmas) or plays some spooky games, sometimes hangs out with friends.
the blank template and tags below~
so uh I'm pretty late with that so
@whoever-wants-to-do-it but I'm thinking most people already did it so i just wanted to wish you all happy Halloween 🦇 🎃
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darth-bagel · 4 years
Interview Series Masterlist
Just so it's easy to find, might actually double as an OC page at some point xd
[Sylvas Sha'ael]
[Graz'zt Tenar'ri]
[Mirage Raverie]
[Shaar Tenar'ri]
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There might be more of them. Eventually.
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darth-bagel · 4 years
Random swtor Sylvas & Graz'zt facts, go!
*Sylvas had much longer hair until recently (about like mid shoulder lenght). They cut it after the attack on Nar Shaddaa-- mostly because it was a very defining feature of theirs, and also because when Rilfaen picked them up it was singed badly and caked with dried blood. She at first helped them just snip them to shoulder lenght but they asked for it to be shorn short.
It has grown up again during their hiatus but after that, they just keep it from touching their shoulders, and in a small ponytail.
*(S) They were able to man their ship by their lonesome and go back to smuggling without a proper crew because they picked up few droids along the way. And having three droids at their back who could help them, pilot, use mounted guns if needed, and keep them sane during their half a year alone helped a lot. They spend dozens of hours upgrading them and making them as unique as they could. Including paint-jobs and fighting protocols (those had to be turned manually tho).��
Another reason to be pissed at Skavak for stealing their ship, if either of them has even one blown circuit... *angry Sylvas grumbling*
*Graz'zt isn't the canon sith warrior... but. His daughter is. He always had connections with Chiss Ascendancy considering his occasional work with Dark Council and basically just having his hands and ears in many affairs... so when Vowrawn has brought to his attention that they were sending over some young force-sensitive chiss kids for Sith training, he decided to just adopt one of them officially into his family. (Which prompted few other sith families at considering doing the same-- but few just became various Academy's wards) 
And that one was Shaar (or Russ'haar'rattirm) she was about 4-5 years old, but she adapted quickly and as much as Graz'zt didn't want to admit it she stole his heart only few weeks after arriving. 
He is very proud of his little fiery sapphire. 
*Graz'zt never really wanted to have his own children, having adopted Shaar... it changed his mindset a bit. Still, he admitted that raising even one heir was a big piece of work-- and as rewarding as it was, he just doesn't want a repeat of a force-fueled teenage-rebellion. 
*Sylvas and Shaar met few times, when they were over at Graz'zt estate for less-work involved reasons and she was on Dromund Kaas. 
It was interesting experience for both of them-- but they got along in the time they got to interact. 
She got a glimpse of her father and Sylvas's (then Revas) relationship and just said that 'she really, really doesn't want to know'. 
*Sylvas was in an open relationship with both Taliesen and Rinna’la during most of their time together. And both their partners supported their various flings on the side. Up to a point of swapping stories and 'details please!' 
Graz'zt was a special case because Sylvas in time also developed feelings for him. He was in the know and even though he would vastly prefer having Sylvas to himself... he didn't want to take their freedom away. There was some jealousy here and there but nothing that couldn't be smoothed over easily and with time Graz'zt grown maybe not fond of rest of the trio but he respected them nonetheless. 
*Shaar also was around when Graz'zt got news of Sylvas (Revas), and the whole assassin trio supposed demise. 
It was bad.
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darth-bagel · 4 years
3, 16, & 27 of the asks for Sylvas or Graz'zt? 💙
Thanks for asking! I appreciate it a lot 💙
I'm gonna do this for both of them, as a treat and because I want to~
Under the cut for easier reading, enjoy!
3. Ask them to describe their love interest.
(S: Which one owo
G: You are impossible.
S: That's my specialty, being impossible-- it's true tho)
S: Tall, dark, dangerous and beautiful, but unattainable. Powerful, refined and regal. Shrouded in power-plays, secrecy, waiting for an opportune moment to strike. Contained fire ready to flare up and burn away everything else. Unexpectedly warm and comforting despite it. I uh, I am self-aware enough to know I have feelings for him, and selfish enough to seek him out time and again-- realistic enough to know it won't last. I have him on my mind a lot despite all that, even if I can't go back anymore.
G: They were always more than met the eye, even if that first impression was incredibly attractive: Revas was a zephyr, tempest-- freedom incarnate, always in motion, always laughing. Shameless in everything, free in their passions, in love with everyone and everything around them. Soft but sharp, malleable but stubborn. Playing with and to expectations of others. *long exhale* Always there and gone in a blink again. Occupying my thoughts even now when they are gone.
16. If money wasn't a limit, what would they wear?
This will be boring but for both of them it's probably what they already wear.
Graz'zt never had much financial problems, goes with being a sole heir to his family-- so this already applies.
Sylvas got there while working with Liz and Rilfaen and even more with Tal and Rinna’la. So lemme just ramble about what they both like to wear.
Graz'zt prefers dark colors, black when possible, fitting, subtle and elegant. Sometimes with some flair for dramatic (a.k.a a cape) and silver jewelry. Most of his outfits for going out have more sturdy lining for safety reasons, he has a specific reputation and additional safeguards are never a bad idea.
At home though, he has a few loose long robes that he throws on whatever casual clothes he wants. Sometimes-- read: when Sylvas was staying over, just pajama pants and the robe.
Sylvas on the other hand picks and matches whatever catches their fancy-- huge fan of jackets and coats, flowing dresses and all matter of accessories. They just swing wildly in style every other month and they have enough variety to their wardrobe to be nigh unrecognizable if they want. And that's before adding their battle-based and 'work' outfits. For the time being they had to downsize without their ship, but they already have new ideas.
27. Forgiveness or Vengeance (or?)
For both: Depends on the time and occasion-- and the severity of the crime committed (a.k.a stealing the blankets, eating last cookie-forgiveness, stealing a damn ship-vengeance) They both try to go case by case. But skewing into vengeance territory more often than not.
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darth-bagel · 4 years
Lord Graz'zt for the world building thing? - katethegreyjedi 💚💚
Thanks for the ask @katethegreyjedi! We appreciate it a lot~
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full name: Graz'zt Tenar'ri, Lord Graz'zt
gender: cis man
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: he/him
family: father (deceased), mother-- Creyis Tenar'ri (deceased), daughter-- Russ'haar'rattirm, Shaar Tenar'ri
birthplace: Dromund Kaas
job: Lord of Tenar'ri Estate, and let's leave it at that.
phobias: anything serious happening to Shaar and him not being able to help in any way. losing more people important to him.
guilty pleasures: he doesn't feel guilty about things-- ordering take-out, especially when he knows he could just cook.
morality alignment?: Neutral Evil with Lawful Evil tendencies
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: ambivert actually.
organized/disorganized: very organized, if he didn't immidiately make his bed in the morning it's only if Revas was still sleeping in. this goes for nearly all things.
close minded/open-minded: he keeps an open mind, having all opinions and options on the table is important.
calm/anxious: he tends to be calm, or as calm as sith get.
disagreeable/agreeable: depends.
cautious/reckless: rather cautious, he keeps tabs on many things and prepares carefully-- he had a reckless streak in his youth (it still rears its head occasionally) but in the end the calm and calculating is usually the best choice.
patient/impatient: as patient as sith can be.
outspoken/reserved: depending on time and occasion. he won't overshare but usually outspoken, he is a Lord of the Sith after all.
leader/follower: he prefers to work alone most of the time, but his apprenticeship shown that he can do both very easily. but he wouldn't call himself a leader, more-- coordinator.
empathetic/unemphatic: he's very in tune with his own emotions and others so I'd say empathetic-- just in a specific sith way. unless it's in private.
optimistic/pessimistic: he tends to be realistic.
traditional/modern: some traditions don't deserve to be preserved. a solid mix, but leaning towards modern.
hard-working/lazy: definitely hard working, but tries to keep it healthy and not push himself too much-- there's a lot more on his plate then it might seem at first glance.
otp: Sylvas (Revas)/Graz'zt, although Graz'zt isn't in the know that Sylvas is alive.
ot3: none, but might be persuaded.
brotp: actually. Graz'zt & Vowrawn, they were friends for a long while.
notp: Don't have any for the time being.
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darth-bagel · 4 years
for the revealing OC asks, 20 for Graz'zt and 22 for Mirage? 👀
Thanks for asking! This one’s shorter so no read more this time~
20. What do they like that nobody else does? 
That's actually gonna be funny. Graz'zt likes doing mundane home chores-- especially laundry. He uses force to help himself carry more around, segregate-- sometimes even to dry if something is needed right now. The ironing and folding he does manually, usually at the same time listening/reading reports from his spy network (or like a normal holonovel or smth). Shaar hates laundry, but helps with folding from time to time. 
(and yes the Graz'zt Estate has some servants-- but they mostly just clean, tend to gardens and once in a while cook. Rest of chores is handled between the two residents) 
22. Do they like being called pet-names? Do they call other people pet-names? What's their go-to? 
Depends who is calling her pet-names and whether it is in public. Honestly she doesn't mind most of her crew doing so, she just gets to call them funny things in return. Other people it's a no-go. 
But Andronikos and she have a deal, she can call him Nikky and he can call her Mira-Mira in return. As for actual non-nicknames-pet-names… Does Pirate and Sith count? Just joking. 
Mirage's go-to pet-name is 'darling'. When sarcastic it grows with additional flowery adjectives. 
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darth-bagel · 4 years
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Lord Graz'zt... just doing Sithy Things™
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darth-bagel · 4 years
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Lord Graz'zt Tenar'ri, Probably Somewhere on Korriban
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darth-bagel · 4 years
Okay, so quick Graz'zt & Shaar household trivia.
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They have that very specific hair tradition, it's not anything that was cultivated by the family before those two-- Graz'zt started it.
One, growing out long hair for fancy braid opportunities.
Two, cutting hair short before starting official sith training.
Graz'zt had his hair shorn short for Academy, it wasn't to his liking back then but later he begrudgingly agreed it was a bit easier to control it like that. After finishing his studies he just kept growing it out, only occasionally trimming the ends. He learned from his mother how to braid and just carried it on.
So when he had Shaar she wanted to keep her hair long as well-- she really liked how it looked and felt.
Basically this was their father-daughter bonding times, first just him braiding her hair however she wanted-- later when she was older they started switching.
When Shaar was to start her schooling at the Academy she had very long hair, reaching about the small of her back. Considering she wanted to train in the heavier style of combat Graz'zt recommended cutting her hair-- at least for now.
She agreed, her pragmatism took over for that one even if she really loved her hair as it was.
So, the next day when Graz'zt was to drop her off in the Dromund Kaas Academy, she noticed he also cut his hair, only keeping one longer braid on the side. She didn't mention it but it meant a lot. (also yes this was after the Sylvas presumed death)
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