#oc: lilian frank
roadtogracelandx45 · 4 months
Courage Under Fire| Pre-War Part 10| Band of Brothers
part 9
word count-3,909
The next chapter we are finally getting into the good stuff. And I am o excited for it.
Pre-War part 10
June- August 1942 
Columbia, Georgia 
Dick Winters rarely left Fort Benning on weekend passes, like Lewis and the others who went out on most passes to Columbia. A  lot of the time Olivia Stewart, the now head nurse, went with them, mostly to keep them in line. 
And them being Lewis Nixon, the man who occupied his mind more and more of his mind, he didn’t quite understand why he was feeling this pull to this man but he was and he figured he might as well go with them this time around so Olivia could enjoy her promotion without having to babysit Lewis or the others. 
“Holy crow.’ Olivia’s voice shook him out of his thoughts, she had walked up behind him and offered him a smile, “Is Dick Winters actually joining us for a night out?”
 “I figured that you needed a night off of wrangling Nix to enjoy yourself and your promotion.” He returned, his eyes crinkling at the corners when her face lit up. She had tried to play it off the night before he and Lewis caught up to her after dinner like it was nothing but it was something big for her.  Especially after she lost her brothers, and had to meet South Carolina’s district attorney about her mother’s case. A meeting he and Lewis had the pleasure of sitting in on. 
 “You have no idea.” she admitted softly, “Amber is driving me up the wall too, she hates that I got the promotion and she didn’t. And if anything else happens. We get the ax and are out of the program.”  He nodded his head, he and Lewis had been there and heard it, and at first, it didn’t stop the others who missed Olivia breaking Amber’s nose from trying to provoke another fight between them.  
Dick and Lewis had been able to break up a lot of the time; it had gotten easier when Hill had dropped out after failing the map reading tests, allowing Olivia to be in the three-man barracks. At first, it had made Dick wildly uncomfortable but he understood.  
“Olivia, how did you get Dick out of his hiding place?” One of the other men asked as he and his buddy passed, they were all heading towards the same place, a rickety bus stop but like always Olivia waited for Lewis to come out of the barracks. 
“Darlin’, I have my ways.” She returned, offering a teasing smile. 
‘Oh, we have heard of your ways sweetheart.” 
“What ways would that be?” Lewis asked joining the two. Over the short 10 weeks they had been there, Lewis had gotten a reputation of being Olivia’s fiercest protector and the other men learned not to mess with her. Dick was steps behind him. 
“She puts out on top of her family name. And that's how she gets ahead.’ 
“Pardon me?” “Repeat that?” Both Dick and Lewis questioned, while the woman in question grabbed a hold of Lewis’s arm to keep him by her. Dick always seemed to keep this cool the best so she didn’t have to worry about him like she did with Lewis.  
“Where did you hear that?”  When the man didn’t answer, Lewis took steps toward him threateningly only to be stopped by both Olivia and Dick. “Let me guess, Amber Scott said something,” Olivia commented.  
Adam, the man, nodded his head causing her to scoff and raise her eyes to the sky as if she was trying to gather strength not to go back and get into it with Amber.  
“That is such bullshit,” Lewis complained as Dick shook his head and muttered something about language under his breath. “If anything, she is the one that is sleeping around.” 
“What?!” Olivia was floored, this was the first she was hearing of this and normally, Lewis told her everything.  
“We will talk about it later, love.” He said, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye causing her to frown and cross her arms, “We better.” 
“You can’t blame the rumors can you?” Adam’s friend, Kenneth asked, “Especially after she was moved into your barracks. Amber said that.’ He fell quiet when his eyes fell on Olivia. “What did she say?” He shook his head embarrassed, sex talk was normal between him and the boys but bringing it up in front of the ladies. 
Especially one as classy as Olivia Stewart.
 “Kenneth, what did she say?” Olivia’s question came out a little more firm than she meant but she needed to know.  
On Dick’s urging as well as Harding’s, she had started keeping track of what Amber was doing just in case she had ever proved her innocence. 
“That you were having sex with both of them.”  He finally answered, unable to bring himself to look at any of them. ‘At the same time.” Adam added when he saw the look of confusion on the girl’s face.  
“What? How does that work?” She questioned as Lewis took a step back to her and whispered into her ear what he meant by that.  Her face turned a brilliant shade of red that matched the color of Dick’s hair and it caused him to smirk, the last few nights he had been imagining the three of them together. But he wasn’t going to throw that out there and embarrass the other two. 
Both Dick and Olivia were innocent and pure to the point that corrupting them seemed like a sin. A sin he was willing to go to hell for. 
‘Never mind. I don’t want to know,’ She stammered, raising her hands to cover her burning cheeks.  “I will explain about that later too.”  He whispered before pressing a kiss to her cheek and leading her toward the bus stop where the rickety bus was waiting to take them into town. 
Dick followed behind them shaking his head in disbelief.
“Come on Dick,” Olivia said, holding her hand out to him a while later, they were at a local bar that played music and had a space for dancing. “Oh no, Liv.” He started. 
‘Aw, Dick, don’t ruin her fun.” Lewis returned as he sat down heavily in the chair next to him, his hand pulling the bottle of Vat .69 to him, forehead beaded with sweat and his tie loosened, “You are the one that wanted to enjoy herself. And I haven’t seen her smile like that in a long time.” 
 It was true, the smile that she had was the truest, brightest, and happiest smile he had seen since she opened the front door and saw him standing there before her debutante ball. “One dance is all I ask for.” She held up a finger and Dick felt his shoulder slump in defeat, he could understand why Lewis and most other men in her life had a hard time saying no to her. 
 “Fine. One dance.” He agreed, taking her outstretched hand. Thankful that it was a slower song and not one of the fast-paced ones that they had been playing before. 
“Are you sure you are okay with that?” Amber’s snotty voice asked from behind him, her dark eyes were on the two. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He returned swallowing some of the Vat .69, “Olivia and I are just friends. I have no claim on her.”
 He was thankful that Olivia had gone with a brown dress that covered her lower neck and most of her collarbone; he had left marks and bites there the night before when he snuck into her shower. 
 It had been over a month since they had been together and he was going a little stir crazy. Thankfully Dick hadn’t said anything when he came back into the room, his hair still damp from the shower or Olivia wearing her hair down around her shoulders.  
“You know we don’t believe that.” She retorted, “She has you wrapped around her little finger and we all know it.” 
“Miss. Scott mind your own business. You are already on thin ice. One more transgression and you are out of the Army Nursing Corp for good. And your daddy’s gambling debts go unpaid.” 
Amber was stunned, “how did you know about that?’ 
“I have my ways, sweetheart. Spread any more rumors about me and Olivia or her in general and you are going to be very sorry.”   
“Why, why would you do that to me?” 
 “Because you are hurting someone I love. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for that girl.” He tore his eyes away from the two on the dance floor to look at her, a twisted smirk forming on his mouth, “Just be thankful, she doesn’t know about you trying to sleep with me. You think she was upset by you bringing her family into this. I am a whole other story.” 
 “Lew! Come on!’ Olivia’s voice called, pulling his attention back to her and Dick. Dick had succeeded in getting her to agree to go back on the first bus back so she and Lewis could both sleep off whatever hangover they had before their final tests. 
“Comin’ Liv.” He downed the rest of the whiskey in his glass before picking the bottle up and going over to the two. 
“What was that about?” Olivia’s green eyes cut to where Amber was moving her lips silently. 
“Don’t worry about it, baby. I handled it.’  
“I don’t like the sound of that at all.” He pressed a sloppy kiss to her cheek before stumbling into the street. 
Dick didn’t know how Olivia did this every time they had a pass. He was exhausted by the time he had wrangled both of them on and off of the bus and towards their barracks. Lewis was holding his own being able to walk and do things on his own while Olivia who he hadn’t realized had drank a lot more of Lewis’ Vat .69, after much coaxing from Lewis, was singing Dixieland and twirling herself around in the rain that had started between the time they got onto the bus and the time the bus driver who took pity on Dick and pulled closer to Fort Benning. 
“Good luck.’ The driver had said with a dry laugh. Dick didn’t realize how much he was going to need it until that moment. The laughter coming from Olivia was infectious, Lewis was snickering and mumbling something about wishing he had a video camera, and even Dick wanted to laugh. But until he got them safely to their barracks, he couldn't. 
Lewis pulled her to him once they were in the barracks, Dick saying something about going down to the water spout and getting them water for the rest of the night. “Lew? What are you doing? Dick is going to be back soon.” 
“So?” He returned, his fingers working on undoing the buttons of her dress.
 “So I thought we decided it was best that no one knows about us.” Her fingers caught his belt and pulled him closer to her. His cock was already starting to harden and press against the trousers 
“Dick isn't just anyone.”  He muttered as his free hand fisted into the material of the dress before lowering his mouth onto hers. 
Kissing her breathless. He knew that she would question him and try and understand but at that moment, all he wanted and needed was her. 
“Make it quick then.” her voice was faint and there was a pink blush covering her cheeks. He smirked against her mouth and backed them towards the chair that Olivia used, he wanted to be quick about it but at the same time, the thought of Dick catching them thrilled him almost as much as doing the actual deed did. 
This was the first time they had done anything that wasn't from the side or him being on top of her and she was unsure what to do. Sensing her uneasiness Lewis wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled onto his lap. She whimpered, feeling his cock pressing against her panty-clad center. His free hand started undoing the buttons of her dress so he could slip his hand inside and touch and squeeze her breast. 
“Lew.” she whimpered as he used the hand holding onto her waist to rock against him.
Dick moved Olivia’s canteen into his arm so he could pull open the door to the barracks and froze when he saw the position they were in through the window.  Yes, he hadn't been completely blind to what they did under his nose, one night when he came back from guard duty, she was in Lewis’ bed cuddled into him.
He just chalked it up to her having repeated nightmares from losing James and Nicholas and he knew the night before when Lewis had wandered off and ended up in the shower with her.  A part of him, deep down, was jealous. Not of Olivia. 
She was a very beautiful young woman. 
It was because she was with Lewis.  
Startled at the realization, he took a step back and took a breath before pulling the door open and letting it bang against the wall. 
‘Son of a bitch.” Olivia exclaimed, going to pull the top of her dress back together and stand up at the same time but Lewis who pulled her tight against him again rolling his hips into hers. 
“Lew, stop.” She whimpered, dropping her forehead onto his shoulder. She could feel the burn of Dick's eyes on them as the man himself neared their beds and dropped the canteens on the end of her bed. Sue glanced at Lewis and saw that his eyes were on Dick.
  “Lew, let me up. I'm sure he isn't going to faint dead away at the site of your,”
 “Cock.” Lewis filled in smirking at first the blush that covered Olivia's cheeks then at the scowl on Dick's face. 
He winced when she pinched his nipple, “Behave Lewis. I meant your lap. ”  He pressed a kiss to her mouth and let her off of his lap. 
“I am, um gonna clean up.” She swayed a bit and steadied herself just as Dick was reaching out for her. 
“I am good, I am good.” She assured him, “Take care of him.” 
 “Always.” As soon as the word left his mouth, he regretted it. “I know.” She returned as she gathered her items to go to clean up and get ready for bed, she paused next to him and pressed a kiss against his cheek. 
 “You are so lucky that it was me that came in and not Harding or Sanders.”  Still smirking, Lewis stood up and straightened his pants out, “Harding was more drunk than we are, and Sanders is probably face down in some dame’s chest right about now. Don’t worry so much Dick.” 
 Camp Meade, Maryland
“Welcome to Camp Meade, Ladies,” Olivia said almost 3 weeks later, Alice, Betsy, and Amber had graduated OCS and left Benning on the second of July and were sent right from there to Maryland. Spending the Fourth of July with Olivia’s uncle Micheal and Aunt Helen in DC for a short break before going back to the camp. “I am First Lieutenant Olivia Stewart.” Her green eyes flicked over the girls who were standing in front of her as she walked down the length of the mess hall, “And sadly, for the next few weeks, I am going to be your worst nightmare. ” She paused when she saw Evie standing at the end of the row, she turned on her heel and went back down the row, the anger and hurt she had felt toward Evie resurfaced, her eyes caught Alice’s and she raised her eyebrow in question. 
“I, along with Sargents Anderson, Michaels, and Scott, were informed before we came here from Benning that they are going to be training us to go into active war areas.”  “What?” “She can’t be serious.” Floated around the room. “Sadly, I am very serious. Our training was going to take a lot longer but this is going to be accelerated and it is going to be stressful.” She licked her lips and put her hands on her hips, “Most of us will be shipped to Pearl Harbor and from there to other military hospitals near or in the active war zone.’  
She hated that she had to be the one to say that but to them, she had been tapped at Micheal’s house and told that she had to be the leader. 
“Some of us will go to other camps that are doing basic training and will be attached to the battalion if not companies and we will follow them to wherever they go either it be Europe, Africa, Australia, or New Zealand. I don’t want to be that person, but this is what we signed up for. If you are too afraid and this isn’t what you think we should be doing, then there's the door. No one will hold it against you if you do.” 
Amber, who had been silent since they had left Meade and Lewis’ threat, swallowed back the laughter that was bubbling up. There would be so much judgment. The three girls had become a little clique and left her out of things. She had wanted it that way, but she wouldn’t be remiss to say that she hated that she was missing out.  After meeting Michael Stewart and his younger sister Careen, she understood where Liv got her charm from and she shouldn't really fault her for it but at the same time, she still hated her. 
When no one made to move towards the door, Olivia wetted her hips, “We are going to break you into groups, half will be with me, and the other half will be with Lieutenant Jameson.” The other Lieutenant was an older woman from Boston and scared the bejesus out of the 4 girls that had been there since the 5th. 
Evie was surprised when her name was called to join Olivia’s group and how her friend pointedly ignored her and called several girls that included Lily, Louise, Daisy, Adele, and Ruthie, among others. Maybe this was her chance to get her friend back, she hated how lonely the neighborhood had been since Olivia left again and how out of control and moody both Bobby and Bill got. Shortly after they had graduated, the two boys got into a fight with a couple of the others and were arrested shortly afterwards.  
“Olivia, can I talk to you?” She asked once they were dismissed to go to their barracks. 
“It’s Lieutenant and no you can’t.’ Olvia returned icily as she motioned for Daisy, Adele, and Ruthie to follow her. 
“You are Evie right?” Betsy asked from behind her, curious. One night out, Olivia told her the whole story about how she ended up in Charleston again to take care of her great great grandfather, how she and Bill broke up because he cheated on her with Evie, how it broke her heart, and how it led to her ending up with Lewis. At first, when she heard the pieced-together version of the story from Lewis, she had put a lot of fault on Olivia, but then hearing it she understood, she would have reacted the same way if it happened to her. 
Once Evie nodded her head, Betsy carried on, “I would give her time, she is extremely hurt with everything that has gone on with you and Bill and is struggling with Nicholas and James’s deaths and her mother’s arrest. She may come around, she may not, but that is something you deserve. No friend should ever sleep with their friend’s boyfriend. No matter the reasoning.” 
Evie looked down at the ground, upset, she knew that Betsy was right and she should have known better that Olivia would magically forgive her now that they were together at the same camp.  But the good thing was that she had time to get on her good side. 
“Lieutenant wasn’t joking when she said that this was going to be hard.” Adele Stevens complained as she sat down at one of the benches in the mess hall, they had been in Meade for almost 2 weeks and they had proceeded to push all this information into their heads and showed them how to do dressings and treat wounds on top of the basic physical training in the field. That was on top of the administrative, organization, sanitation, and ward and clinical nursing. 
It was exhausting. But it was so rewarding.  “No, she wasn't.” Daisy Goodwin agreed as she covered her yawn with her hand before looking down the table at Olivia who had her chin propped up on her hand, her eyes closed, for the last few nights, she had nightmares every few hours. 
The night before Daisy had woken up and seen that she was sitting up in her bed, knee pulled to her chest staring out of the window in an almost unsettling manner. A runner stopped by the end of the table where Olivia was at and whispered something to her. There was almost a look of panic that crossed her face before the mask went back into place. 
“I wonder what that is about.”
General Forbes's office 
“General?  You wanted to see me? “ Olivia asked, sticking her head into the office. “Yes, Olivia, come in.’ “No one else died right?’  Elizabeth looked up and offered her a soft smile, "Oh no, no, I needed to talk to you about where you are going next, with the group you have been working with.” Olivia pulled a face at the thought of having to keep working with Amber Scott. There were several moments where they had been toe to toe yelling at each other. 
The General swallowed the laughter that bubbled up, Finn had said repeatedly that Robert was the twin most like him but the more she got to know Olivia the more she saw Finn. The eye roll and inaudible scoff and the curse that normally followed was a big case and point. “We are going to send you and your girls to Camp Toccoa to the paratroopers.’ 
“The what?” 
“The paratroopers. They jump  out of planes with their full gear to fight.”  
If her fear of planes and flying was starting to kick in, Forbes couldn't tell, and she was glad it wasn't because these girls were going to need her, and the boys including her twin brother who was going to be there were going to need it and Olivia needed it. The added surprise of her seeing Bobby was a bonus. 
“You are going to leave in two days' time.” “Yes ma'am.” she said, “I will go tell the girls. Thank you.”  Forbes nodded her head returning the salute.
The girls were still sitting at the table when Olivia came back into the mess hall. “Alright ladies.” she started after taking the pre-offered coffee cup, “General Forbes told me we are to Camp Toccoa and join the paratroopers in training in two days' time.” “Does that mean we are going with them when they ship out?” Lily, one of the nurses, who was deathly shy and had been taken under Olivia and the other's wings. “Yes, but Lil, we will be together and I will make sure we stay together for as long as possible.” 
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parab0mb · 6 months
Final batch of Lilian doodles!
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magomo · 2 years
MC or OC MUST be Jacob’s younger sibling. If they do not have an older brother named Jacob, they have to at least be your in-game character.
MC or OC MUST be your in-game character or avatar. This is the most important criterion.
MUST be born between 1 September 1972 and 31 August 1973 (I guess I will be lenient to those born on September-December 1973). This is canonically their birth date so it’s only appropriate.
If MC or OC is a twin, their twin sibling will be included.
Adopted sibling/s may be included as long as their birthdays fall on Jacob’s sibling’s canonical birth date
Jacob himself and any other older or younger siblings will not be included in this list. Cousin/s will not be included, as they are not even Jacob's sibling/s. Any other HPHM OC/s who are not Jacob's sibling/s or who isn't your in-game character will not be included either. I may put their names on the list for a certain amount of time but I will remove them eventually
Thank you for understanding
2 - Wendy Gordon @drinkyoursoupbitch
13 - Kyril Vasiley @saniwanya-oc
29 - Jeniferl Theman @hphm-jeniferltheman
30 - Rinkitori Kirinto Phan @krinkitori
3 - Maya Winter @themilkshanghai
13 - Candy Vigiere @immagrosscandy
13 - Adel Young @adellovesrowan
5 - Roger Lopez @roygiri
5 - Madeline Orionswan @madelineorionswan
9 - Dirty Fox @dirtyfox911911
11 - Uriel Nightclaw @montdiarts
12 - Gwen Dunmoore @ag907
12 - Keira Richardson @raccoon-lair
20 - Annie Thorn @petite-libellule-ao3
24 - Lizzie Jameson @lifeofkaze
30 - Kouneli Ulrikke @thomokmeow
1 - Rosemary Woodward @penandlily
22 - Coraline Wytte @nelabelievesindragons
25 -  Daniel Clark @akaisenhatake
13 - Leiretta Gorsier @leiretta
16 - Kaina Malin @zuulosdovah
16 - Juniper Moss @usernoneexistent
1 -  Xiv Evans @ladycibia
7 -  Aishwarya Merha @hogwarts9
14 - Abia Khouri @abianeverdecides
14 - Sabine Lowell @6ftslytherin
14 - Elaiza Schuyler @annabelle-tanaka-official
14 - Ekaterina Solokov @struckbyelectriclove
23 - Lilian Le'Reau @ravenclaw-craftsgirl
24 - Hillary & Princia de Villier @hillarydevillier
MARCH 1973
4 - Isolde Hiwatari @aneshkablack
20 - Finn McGarry @theguythatdraws
APRIL 1973
5 - Isabelle Dubois @endlessly-cursed
13 - Cato Reese @catohphm
17 - Neon Welkin @neonbluewaves
27 - Sadie mac Lir @caw4brandon
MAY 1973
1 - Artemis Hexley @the-al-chemist
1 - Male Liddell @maleliddell
12 - Marco Hernandez @theevoh12
18 - Alexandros & Adam Deathwood @alexandros-deathwood
19 - Cereza & Michael Gomez @rosachaotic
23 - Yang Rubis @piyangg
JUNE 1973
14 - Joslyn Wei @lisin-drw
15 - Joshua & Joseph Bennet @yoselin-uyu
JULY 1973
8 - Quinn Lee @eternalchaoschocolaterain
8 - Mira Rune @aemdraws
11 - Night Rhea @night-rhea
16 - Samantha O’Connell @samshogwarts
23 - Malcolm Deathwood @alexandros-deathwood
30 - Liliahri Queen @liliahri
3 - Evie Salazar @goldhexes
8 - Nina Lindenbaum @magomo
10 - Orion Houston @my-secret-hphm-blog
16 - Leo Blinar @risobox
17 - Carmilla Frank @carmilla-the-bird
20 - Nancy Anderson @tojiriki
29 - Carewyn Cromwell @carewyncromwell
26 - Quinn Campbell @ben-copper-appreciation-club
18 - Freyja Young @marmotish
30 - Honey Bee @hmhoney
18 - Kaoru Sastrolinea @skyline-timeturner
I wanna include them on the list but dunno their birthdates 😔
Stella Sullivan @swcsunmoon
Jay Miles @wispila
Cassie Lark @gihu
Waria Yantarnii @yantarnii
Allison Garrison @slytherincursebreaker
Alex Vega @weirdcursedvaultkid
Mollie Windsor @bacpain
Willow Dewdrop @thatgamergirlakane
I dunno if anyone else already did this. I got bored at the office so yeah. This is a good chance to meet other creators and make new friends! Oh and please let me know if I made a mistake (wrong date, wrong spelling, wrong house color, etc.) or if you want your MC’s birthday to be updated or if anyone can provide the birthdates of the MCs whose birthdays I do not know of or if you want your MC’s birthday to be added on this list. Hehe. Please comment. Thank you.
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titenoute · 3 years
35. Any sibling characters? I do ! Like the aforementioned Champoléon twins !
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I have yet to properly introduce them (...Will I ever...? *nervous laughter*) But I really like Frank and Jeanne. Teensies deserve more love in general and more personalities too. Frank is the most rational of the two, while Jeanne is.... A bit more impulsive. They are both huge nerds, and love their work as archeologists, in their own branches. They respect each other's work. Stiiiill doesn't mean they can't get on each other's nerves sometimes or disagree on some theories.
I am also working a sibling for OTTO.
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(They're both the eldest....Except when mom's mad.) Obviously not from the same specie ( OTTO's adopted) but they have been raised together. Nameless OC over there has yet to have a good name. He's a wip, but I can already tell he's a little shit. They're both space truckers, coz that's pretty much a family business at this point. Shine also has siblings...Kinda. We're closer to a Kamina/Simon sibling relationship here.
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Liliane (Lil' or Lily for short) and Jay are the ones who kinda 'raised' Shine. Shine's name and love for music comes from Jay. Liliane was the one who repaired her. She doesn't know what happened to them and she's been looking for them for a long time. That's actually their story in a nutshell, but they're very old OCs that would need one heck of a rewrite. I have more of OCs with siblings but they're most of a time a footnote rather than real characters.
Oc Meme questions come from this post.
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concaholic · 7 years
The nominees have been announced for the 2017 Nigerian Entertainment Awards.
Superstar singer Wizkid leads the pack, grabbing 11 nominations, including nods for Best Single and Best Afropop Male Artist.
Behind him was Sony signee Davido, who had 9 nominations. See the full nominee list below.
Best Single
Wizkid – Come closer ft Drake Phyno – Fada Fada ft Olamide Davido – IF Tekno – Pana Psquare – Bank alert Olamide – Who you epp Mr Eazi – Leg over Runtown – Mad over you
Best Africa Female Artist [Non-Nigerian]
Amanda Black [SA] Victoria Kimani [KQ] Becca [GH] Vanessa Mdee [TZ] Butera Knowless [RW] Sheeban Karungi [UG] Efya [GH] Queen Vee [ZIM]
Best Afropop Male Artist
Davido Mr Eazi Kiss Daniel Runtown Tekno Wizkid
Best Afropop Female Artist
Omawumi Niniola Seyi Shay Simi Tiwa Savage Yemi Alade
Best Album
Adekunle Gold – Gold MC Galaxy – MMM Falz & Simi – Chemistry Olamide – Glory Kiss Daniel – New Era Phyno – The Playmaker Mr Eazi – Life Is Eazi Davido – Son Of Mercy
Best Diaspora
Wale Rotimi Ayo Jay Bils Jidenna Jaycube Wurld Tinnie Tempah Black Excellence
Best Diaspora TV star
Rotimi [Power, Starz] Chike Okonkwo [Being Mary Jane] Uzo Aduba [OITNB] Yvonne Orji [Insecure] Dayo Okeniyi [Shades Of Blue] Okieriete Onaodowan [The Get Down]
Best Africa Male Artist
Casper Nyovest [SA] Stonebwoy [GH] Diamond Platnumz [TZ] Sarkodie [GH] Eddie Kenzo [UG] Sauti Sol [KQ] Nasty C [SA] Toofan [TG]
Best Actor
Blossom Chukwujekwu [Okafor’s Law] Gabriel Afolayan [Somewhere In The Dark] OC Ukeje [North East] Ramsey Nouah [76] Sambasa Nzeribe [Slow Country] Wale Ojo [The CEO]
Best New Act
Tjan Dremo Dotman Mayorkun Sugarboy Zoro
Best Actress
Rita Dominic [76] Funke Akindele-Bello [A Trip To Jamaica] Sola Sobowale [The Wedding Party] Ireti Doyle [The Arbitration] Adesua Etomi [Ayamma] Ivie Okujaye Egboh [Slow Country]
Best Lead Role In Film [Non-Nigerian]
Ama K Abebrese [Lotanna] Chris Attoh [The In-Laws] Korto Davis [Comfort Zone] Majid Micheal [Ayamma] Jackie Appiah [Sala] Yconne Okoro [Ghana Must Go]
Best Rap Act
Falz Ice Prince Mz Kiss Olamide Phyno Skales
Best Indigenous
9ice Adekunle Gold CDQ Flavor Olamide Phyno
Best Music Video
Aduke – Tjan [DIR: Kemi Adetiba] All Over – Tiwa Savage [DIR: Patrick Ellis] Bank Alert – Psquare [DIR: CP] Come Closer – Wizkid [DIR: Daps] IF – Davido [DIR: Q] YOLO – Seyi Shay [DIR: Maji Alabi]
Best Collabo
Come Closer – Wizkid Ft Drake Iskaba – Wande Coal FT DJ Tunez Ko Funny – CDQ FT Davido Only Girl – Adekunle Gold FT Moelogo Temper – Skales FT Burna Boy Up To Something – Iyanya FT Don Jazzy & Dr Sid
Best Picture
76 Ayamma Lotanna Oloibiri Somewhere In The Dark The Wedding Party
Best Director
Chris Eneaji [Ayamma] Eric Aghimien [Slow Country] Muyiwa Aluko [ North East] Steve Gukas [93 Days] Toka MCbaror [Lotanna] Walter Banger [ Cath. Er]
Best Supporting Actress
Adunni Ade [It’s Her Day] Ini Dima Okojie [North East] Judith Audu [ Not Married] Kehinde Bankole [The Dinner] Somkele Iyama [The Arbitration] Theresa Edem [Ayamma]
Best Supporting Actor
AY [A Trip To Jamaica] Gbenga Titiloye [North East] Nkem Owoh [Ghana Must Go] Richard Mofe Damijo [ Oloibiri] Rotimi Salami [Just Not Married] Jide Kosoko [Lotanna]
Best Inspiration
Cobhams Asuquo Frank Edwards Nathaniel Bassey Sinach Timi Dakolo Waje
Best Entertainment Executive
Don Jazzy [Mavin] Idris Olorunnimbe [The Temple Company] Emperor Geezy [GWW] Paul O [Upfront & Personal] E-Money [Five Star] Tobi Sanni Daniel [State Of Mind] Adetoro Fawoshere [Right Entertainment] Dbanj [Cream Platform]
Best Photographer
Kelechi Amade TY Bello Obi Somto Sunmisola Olorunnisola Tobbinator Anuel
Best OAP
Gbemi Olateru [Beat FM] Tosin Bucknor [Top Radio] Big Tak [Urban Radio] N6 [Cool FM] Osam [Naija FM] Yaw [Wazobia]
Best TV Show
Big Brother Naija Jenifa’s Diary Meet The Inlaws Nigeria Police’s Beyond Your Sight Our Best Friend’s Wedding The Life Of A Nigerian Couple
Best Lead TV
Efe [Big Brother Naija] Funek Akindele [Jenifa’s Diary] Lilian Esoro [Meet The Inlaws] Okey Uzoeshi [The Life Of A Nigerian Couple] Oreka Godis [Our Best Friend’s Wedding] Seyitan [Here & Now – The ADV of Tasa]
Best Online Comedy
Craze Clown Emmanuella Chief Obi Wole Arole & Asiri Foxy P Wowo Boyz
Best TV Lifestyle Presenter
Seyitan [The Sauce] Ehiz [MTV] Bolanle Olukanni [EL] VJ Adams [Soundcity] Stacy Ike [Own TV] Nancy Isime [Hip TV]
Best Afro Soca Artist
Fay-Ann Lyons Machel Montano Melly Rose Olatunji Yearwood Skinny Fabulous Teddyson Johnson
Best Dancehall
Burna Boy Cynthia Morgan Ketchup Harrysong Patoranking Timaya
Best Music Producer
DJ Soupamodel Kriz Beatz Masterkraft Spellz Young D Sarz Legendury Beatz Young John
Most Promising
Deshinor Gabzy Ike Chucks Moelogo Nonso Amadi Odunsi
Best Disc Jockey
DJ Jimmy Jatt DJ Neptune DJ Humility DJ TTB DJ Spinall DJ Prince DJ Xclusive DJ Consequence
Best Diaspora Disc Jockey
DJ Dee Money DJ Femsta DJ GQ Mike DJ EL G DJ Tunez DJ Cuppy DJ Ecool DJ Afoo
Best DJ Non-Nigerian/African
DJ Lebbie (SL) DJ Mensah (GH) DJ Bossman (LIB) DJ Joe Mfalme (KQ) DJ Slick Stuart & Roja (UG) DJ Vyrusky (GH)
Who do you see winning in the various categories? Drop your comment below!
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parab0mb · 1 year
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Some more of Lilian’s classmates: Violet Fountwell and Franke Carrasco, two unlikely but inseparable besties 🥰
(kinda having writer's block rn, so I'll probably add character description stuff later).
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parab0mb · 1 month
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"Nelly! Hey man! You brought my lunch money today, right? Hope ya did! Packed something for you to have for lunch if you forgot again..."
breaking my AHiT and Crosscode fanart streak to doodle some OC content, since I've kinda been neglecting them outside of some pencil sketches at work.
So have a Franke Carrasco (and her favorite bag, "Nervous" Nelly) for no reason other than I felt like it and she’s one of my favorite designs from the Lilian cast (despite being a relatively minor character).
This was also an excuse to practice drawing faster, so I didn't stress about this being super neat or detailed; I think it still looks nice for a quick doodle I only spent about an hour on. C:
(Don't worry too much about Nelly, he'll still get to have lunch for himself (Franke found a really cool bug for him to eat)).
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