#oc: larn'her'irca
swingingliveaway · 4 years
Look at me being all productive this week :D I posted this on wumblr a while back, but finally worked on it a little more and put it up on AO3. So have more feels feat. my Bounty Hunter N’heri missing a certain Twi’lek (Cel belongs to @voidnoodles )
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swingingliveaway · 5 years
I recently had the epiphany that Hozier’s “Almost (Sweet Music)” would be perfect for some of mine and @voidnoodles characters and I told them and things kind of spiraled out of control from there. So have like 1000 words of emotional pain I’m inflicting on my poor Bounty Hunter
It wasn’t a quiet laugh that rang through the dim background noises of the cantina. It was clear and brash and just close enough to the real thing that it felt like a punch to the gut. N’heri turned on her bar stool before she could stop herself, eyes searching the place for a second, then focusing on a young Nautolan with pale blue skin. They laughed again at something one of their friends said and it made N’heri’s skin crawl and her heart ache.
Logically she should have known. Logically she did know, every single time something like this happened. Still, that didn’t help the small spark of hope that lit up inside her whenever she saw a red-skinned Twi’lek that could have been Cel or heard a voice that was similar to the one she remembered. 
It was no use, and she was very aware of that. But that didn’t mean she had really accepted that Cel’viss either truly didn’t want to be found or that they had become one of the millions of casualties in the war the Eternal Assholes were waging on the galaxy. And honestly, knowing her both options were equally probable. It didn’t matter whether N’heri herself liked it or not.
It had been years now and usually it didn’t hurt as much as it had in the beginning, back when she had started to realise that her partner wasn’t going to come back. It had never been unusual to not her from them for weeks or a few months at a time and their respective jobs didn’t help with that either. But at some point Cel would always check in. Leaving messages or somehow finding her. Not hearing a single word for five years was a whole different thing.
Whatever that thing between her and Cel’viss had been, they had never really talked about it being serious or exclusive or anything like that. It had just been fun and attraction and had never been meant to be more. That had just kind of happened. For herself at least because if she was being honest — even now she wasn’t sure if it had ever been more for Cel. As good as she was at reading people it was a hard thing to do with the Twi’lek and got harder the more she had fallen for them.
“Is there anything I can help you with?” The voice violently startled N’heri from her thoughts causing her to almost knock over her drink. It took her a moment to refocus on her surroundings again and take in the situation. That being the Nautolan standing next to her with a sly grin on their face. When she didn’t answer fast enough, they took another step towards her. “Just wondering, since you’ve been staring at me from across the room…” There was a trace of mockery in their voice, a challenge she might easily accept were the circumstances different. N’heri shook her head, was overcome with a memory she normally tried very hard not to think of. A similar setting in a different corner of the galaxy, on Nar Shaddar. Laughter and drinks, bright blue eyes and brighter red skin under her fingertips.
“Sorry. You just reminded me of someone.”, she explained a moment too late. She could hear how shaky her words were and hated herself just a little more for not being better at just fucking going on with her life. If Cel had wanted a part in it, they would be here. If she had wanted her to know she was alive there would have been dozens of possibilities of doing so.
N’heri was about to get up when she felt a cool hand on hers and forced herself not to flinch. Looking back at the Nautolan she saw them smile and it wasn’t exactly pity in their eyes but nothing she cared to see either. “Looks like you could need some distraction, then?” She would have laughed had she not been busy choking back tears she had sworn herself not to cry. Even those words were so damn familiar. “Yeah. No. I need to leave anyways. Thanks, though.”
Without looking at the Nautolan again she got up, left a bunch of credits on the counter and headed to the entrance, walking as fast as she could manage without making it look like she was on the run. That kind of attention was the last thing she needed right now, even though the thought of punching someone honestly didn’t sound too bad.
Things had been so good the past months. She had been good. Or better at least. There had been times she didn’t waste a single thought on Cel or where she may be. There had been so much to do, so many missions she could throw herself into and think of nothing but her objective and of helping to build the Alliance. And yet it didn’t take more than a laugh that was vaguely similar to Cel’s to make her spiral again. How fucking pathetic. Hardened Bounty Hunter, her ass.
Even though she was mostly moving through open streets, she felt like suffocating. She had to get out of here and fast. Maybe take a detour — Hutta would hit too close to home if she was trying to not think of Cel’viss, so maybe Dromund Kaas. Or Rishi? Somewhere she could hunt alone. The rest of her crew were busy with their own missions for a while and she would be terrible company anyways.
Planning her latest escape trip kept her busy until she reached her ship. She was ready to collapse onto her bed to just sleep for a couple of days when her eyes caught sight of the sweater she had just left on the floor the day before. And of course it wasn’t one she had owned years ago, but that didn’t keep her from choking on her breath in that moment as more memories came flooding back.
Cel’viss in a fluffy dark green sweater that barely covered her thighs. Curled up on her bed, sleeping peacefully.
Cel laughing at her exasperation because the Twi’lek insisted of building a nest out of her collection of comfortable clothing.
Cel teasing her for liking to wear soft sweaters when she had nowhere to be and then stealing them for herself.
The both of them together watching holo dramas snuggled up on her bed with cups of hot cocoa.
N’heri was only barely able to stop herself from punching the wall, instead running her hand through her hair, grasping a few strands, trying to just breathe as she slowly sunk to her knees.
Fuck. Fuck.
How was she ever supposed to get over this if five years didn’t do shit to make it better. Five fucking years and she was nowhere closer to letting go of Cel than she had been the last time they had been together.
That fucking Twi’lek was still messing with her life and she wished she could at least be angry about it. Or hate her. That would make things easier, but she just wasn’t able to do that. Hells, she still sometimes dreamed about seeing them again. And she knew if Cel’viss were to just walk back into her life, probably with a smile and a sarcastic remark, she would still just want to hold her and never let her go.
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swingingliveaway · 7 years
1, 11, 17 for oc rivals
1. MeanestI wanna say Azhirei because hegrew up really privileged and also he‘s a dick. Like he can be adecent person, maybe, but he just doesn‘t really care about peopleor consequences and being from a pretty influencal family hasn‘thepled with that.Also probably Daís because she still hasn’tfound her moral compass and can be a grade A asshole if she feelslike it.
KindestTerysh. He‘sbasically my „cinnamon roll, too good, too pure for this world“baby Jedi. Like he just wants to help people and be good and theOrder really doesn’t deserve him tbh.
11. Most ticklishLam‘ya, not that anyone(besides Andronikos) would dare to find out just how ticklish sheis.
Cruellest ticklerN‘heri,especially when it comes to certain tiny Twi‘leks who willconstantly steal every single one of her sweaters.
17. Judges a book by its coverAgain Azhirei and Dais becausethey‘re terrible people, but also Jaimari because she basicallyonly judged people by „worth trying to rob them or not“ and thatcan‘t be good.
Judges mostly by personality I would say Cerulian, but since shesees with the Force that‘s basically just how it is because shecan‘t do it any other way. Other than her, definitely Shadil. Atsome point she doesn‘t care much for factions or anything likethat, she just refuses to put up with any shit from anyone.
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swingingliveaway · 7 years
7 and 8
7. “Sleep is for the weak!”N‘heri, probably, especially while onthe job. She just gets so focused on her target that she at timesbarely slows down to eat until the hunt is over. And, to a lesserextent, Shadil when on a mission that needs to be done becauseeveryone else is fucking incompetent.
“Sleep for a week”Definitely Jaimari – as fun andsmuggling and partying can be, in the end she just face plants intoher bed and doesn’t get up until she got a solid 12 hours of sleepand some snuggles from the gf
8. HappiestThat would probably be Cerulian becauseshe‘s scarily well adjusted after everything that happened in theJC story line (and no thanks to the Jedi tbh). But she still findshappiness in helping people, her extended family and spending timewith Qyzen. If it weren’t for Valkorion she‘d already havesettled down somewhere nice and quiet.
Saddest Shamira, my poorbroken Knight who apparently the Council doesn’t give a fuck about.Being the Emperors meat puppet was bad, but then Ziost happened andyeah, that did not help things. Especially after she found out thather partner Nally just disappeared, so she‘s not in a great placeand basically just keeping up appearances to not feel completelyworthless.
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swingingliveaway · 7 years
If you're still taking them Larn'her'nica or Azhirei for the oc ask.
I’m so sorry those took so long. For once I didn’t forget about the ask, I just kinda…didn’t know what to write because Azh is still a pretty new character than I never really got around to developing a lot. But anyways.This might be a little long.
Full Name: Larn’her’irca
Gender and Sexuality: Cis female and, like, so gay. So very gay.
Pronouns: She/her
Ethnicity/Species: Chiss
Birthplace and Birthdate: Csilla and I don’t really have a clue. She’s about 25 when the BH story starts, I think.
Guilty Pleasures: Fluffy sweaters, spiced hot chocolate, guns of both the shooting and the muscle variety.
Phobias: None, really.
What They Would Be Famous For: She is the Champion of the Great Hunt and rolls with that reputation because it’s usually quite useful, even if it sometimes gets her attention of the wrong kind.
What They Would Get Arrested For: Probably killing people for money. Or starting bar fights. Or making out with pretty girls in public. Who knows.
OC You Ship Them With: In my personal canon she basically falls for Lana and they get together after some time filled with terrible awkwardness from N’heri’s side. In a different canon @darthnoodle’s Cel because there is so much fun and pain and drama and those two totally deserve each other. They’re terrible.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Cel’s adopted family, probably, if there ever is more trouble than usual. Of my own OCs probably Shadil because she really doesn’t like Bounty Hunters basically on principle.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: The SW equivalent of Indiana Jones-movies.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: The good and faithful always win - because life isn’t that black and white and also it’s boring.
Talents and/or Powers: She can probably turn almost everything into a weapon, she is pretty good with machines in general and has a mean left hook too. She is about as Force sensitive as a pound of Mandalorian iron, but it’s not like that would stop her from going after Force users.
Why Someone Might Love Them: She’s actually super friendly and nice and fun to be around. Also blushes in an adorable shade of violet and has actual reading glasses. She tends to be very protective of people she likes and will do anything she can to make sure they’re okay.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: She kills people for money and doesn’t really have that much of a problem with it. Although she prefers to bring in her targets alive, she doesn’t have any moral qualms about her job. It’s just a way to make money for her and since she doesn’t have anything to go back to on Csilla hunting  provides her with a kind of stable income.
How They Change: Not too much overall, actually. She goes from hunting for the highest bidder to being more or less in Lam’yas service and helping to keep her and the Empire safe, as far as that’s possible, ending up with the Alliance because why not. Personality-wise she maybe becomes a little calmer over time and doesn’t make rash decisions as often anymore.
Why You Love Them: All of the above reasons. I didn’t expect much from the Bounty Hunter as a class, but I really quite enjoyed playing it with her. She’s pretty LS so not that much of a terrible person, but she get’s shit done. She is also terrible at flirting as mentioned before and a lot of fun to write.
Full Name: Azhirei Baq’ir
Gender and Sexuality: Cis male, pansexual aromantic
Pronouns: He/his
Ethnicity/Species: Pureblood Sith / Human
Birthplace and Birthdate: Dromund Kaas and I still didn’t get the hang of years. He’s about 6 or 7 years younger than Phena though
Guilty Pleasures: Expensive things, romance novels (don’t tell anyone)
Phobias: His biggest fear is for some reason losing his Force powers and just the thought freaks him the fuck out
What They Would Be Famous For: He’s the Heir of the Baq’ir family. Later as Darth Nox he is a member of the Dark Council and together with Darth Imperius / Lam’ya / his adopted sister and Empress Acina plays a big part in rebuilding the Empire.
What They Would Get Arrested For: Electrocuting people, stealing artifacts or, you know. Murder probasbly.
OC You Ship Them With: None yet. If anyone’s interested in the zappy strawberry lemme know.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Lam’ya maybe accidentally during a fight. Everyone else because they ran out of patience because Azh can be stubborn as hell when he wants or doesn’t want something.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Super cliche romances. He’d like to convince himself he likes them because they’re hilariously terrible. But like, you know, there might have been tears once or twice.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: He hates when in mysteries or thrillers it’s obvious who the bad guy was or how the problems will be solved.
Talents and/or Powers: The Force, especially everything lightning related. He’s also pretty good with the whole stealth thing and ‘convincing’ people to see things his way. Also somehow has a knack for being able to choose the perfect drinks for every dish, the posh little brat.
Why Someone Might Love Them: He is pretty relaxed and playful when he’s among friends, he can be a real charmer, if you like sarcasm he’s your man, but also of you need somebody fried to a crisp or something, just let him know.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: He can be very prideful und unintentionally cruel at times because of the way he grew up (which is to say pampered and privileged because he combines the Aodhán and Baq’ir bloodlines) and he is pretty full of himself in general.
How They Change: He becomes more aware of the fact that he really was born into a pretty privileged situation and starts using it to change things and not just for his own advantage.
Why You Love Them: I finally managed to have a Pureblood character than I didn’t dislike from the beginning. He’s a snarky little shit, but not actually as terrible a person as he could have been, is mostly pretty ???? about the whole war thing and would prefer to just live his life, maybe take some cooking classes and ya know, be Sithy. Also he’s hella cute.
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swingingliveaway · 7 years
OC Fact: Amurri uses the dating site "HoloHarmony" to find dates
N’heri is terrible at flirting. She always tries to look kind of suave and stuff, but it’s happened more than once that she stumbled over her own words because women are so pretty??? How is she supposed to deal with that??
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swingingliveaway · 8 years
Pros and cons, N'heri and Shamira
Already did Shamira, so here:
- tol and v gay- like so gay- will randomly carry you around if you let her- will literally catch a grenade for you- can always keep you safe- will not actually let you endanger yourself in any way- is actually a book nerd and v cute in reading glasses
- might use you as a training weight- owns way too many sweaters- will sometimes talk to you in Cheunh because she doesn’t want you to understand- especially in intimate situations- can’t dance to save her life- literally sleeps with a gun under her pillow- will give you a lot of expensive presents
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swingingliveaway · 8 years
"You won't miss me" purpleberry
I’m always up for purpleberry :D (but that’s not news) And since we already had so many angsty ideas today, I’ll make this one a little more lighthearted because those two idiots are ruining me. (also exactly 300 words, woohooo)
(Cel’viss is non-binary and uses both ‘she’ and ‘they’ pronouns) 
“You really need to be more careful”
Larn’heri’rca looked up from the datapad she was reading, glasses sliding down her nose a little.
“How come, are you bored?” She made a vague gesture that included the bedroom, several big pillows on the floor and the pile of sweaters Cel’viss was currently building some sort of nest in. Which, to be frank, was not the first time and but there was no stopping her.
“Not quite”, they smirked, idly playing with the soft fabric of the dark green sweater she was wearing. It was loose on N’heri, but on the smaller Twi’lek it looked huge. “But I don’t like seeing you like this. It makes you look so breakable.”
N’heri laughed at that.
“Sweetheart, I may be a little handicapped at the moment, but I don’t think breakable is the right word here.” She wiggled the toes of her left leg a little, as if to prove she could still move them after the unfortunate run-in she had had with that stupid grenade. “A little scrap metal ist hardly going to stop me.”
The Chiss put down the datapad and sat up a little more, reaching out for her companion. Cel’viss got up from her pile of pillows and slowly walked over to her, unceremoniously sitting down on the taller womans lap.
N’heri smiled up at them.
“Besides, you won’t miss me if I’m ever stupid enough to die on the job”, she continued while slipping her hand beneath the sweater’s fabric and tracing Cel’s torso.
“I totally might”, they pouted in response, but N’heri just shook her head.
“Nah, I’ll believe that when I see it.” She leaned up a little to press a soft kiss-turned-nibble on her lips. “But you’d totally miss the things I can do to you.”
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swingingliveaway · 9 years
Okay, holy shit. I actually wrote something because of that prompt list and it’s stupid, silly and probably badly written because I just typed it out now, but you’ll have to deal with me posting it anyways because I ACTUALLY WROTE SOMETHING.
Kind of warning: nudity; also, this is almost ony dialog because how do descriptions?
Prompt: “I’m going to need you to put on some underwear before you say anything else.“
Summary: Daís doesn’t care about nudity, my Bounty Hunter is a useless lesbian and Vector is sweet as always.
„There's a holo-call incoming“ „It's the middle of the night.“ „They do seem quite determined, though. We think it might be of importance, don't you?“ With a sigh Daís untangled from the sheets and stretched for a moment. „What did I ever do without your self-control, Vector?“, she smirked. „We do sometimes wonder...“ She reached to playfully drag a hand through his hair before she got up and made her way through the Phantom Pain. The metal floors beneath her bare feet raised goosebumps on her skin as she eventually stopped in front of the terminal to answer the call. „Agent, finally, I-“ „...yes?“ Daís shifted her weight to her right foot, crossing her arms, looking expectantly at the Chiss woman who seemed to fumble for words. „You're naked.“ „Excellent observation, Bounty Hunter. Now, would you tell me why you insisted on interrupting some very pleasant dreams?“ „Pleasant, huh?“, the other woman smirked now. „Indeed. I'd like to get back to them. So, shoot. Where's the crisis.“ „I’m going to need you to put on some underwear before you say anything else. Seriously. Aren't you cold?“ „Why, am I distracting you, N'heri?“ She grinned and struck a pose just because she could. The cold blue light of the holo just worked too well with her pale grey skin. „...you might be.“ „Awww, don't blush, sweetheart.“ Resisting the urge to taunt her associate further she stepped into the med bay to grab one of Lokins lab coats. This was not simply a social call after all and she didn't intend to stand around all night knowing Vector was waiting for her in their quarters, so she returned with an innocent smile on her lips. „Better?“ „For my concentration? Tremendously.“, N'heri grinned. „It was quite a nice view.“ „You trying to sweet-talk me?“ She pointed an accusing finger at the other woman. „The last time you were this nice I found myself neck-deep in Collicoids. What's it this time?“
When she stepped into her quarters again a little later she simply let the lab coat fall to the floor before making her way over to the bed, well aware of Vectors eyes following her movement. To say she enjoyed the way he looked at her would be an understatement. She got into bed and immediately snuggled up to his warm form, settling into his waiting arms. “You're cold.” “Then warm me up.” “We will, always.”
Because Daís would totally name her ship Phantom Pain and ignore everyone’s face palming about it. And in the end I’m still fluff-trash and in love with the resident bugboy.
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swingingliveaway · 9 years
16, 26, 27 and 30 for all your ocs? or whoever you'd like c:
Oh God, sorry Aurrie, I (of course) totally forgot about his yesterday D: (And, man you picked some tough questions here). I’ll just do two characters for each question I think.
16. What are their best school subjects? What are their worst? List five of each.
In the Imp military academy Daís was really good at anything strategic or infiltration related because that stuff is some really valuable knowledge to her. She was really vored by some politics related stuff though, especially when it came to things like which Alderaan house is related which which other house or in a truce and stuff like that. She prefers to just read up on those things when she actually needs it.On the other hand during Sha`dils training all the physical things were really her thing, combat and assault training were a lot of fun. The basic medical training she received wasn’t really her thing, she doesn’t have the patience for things like that (so she is very, very glad to have an excellent medic like Elara in her team)
26. How does your character prepare for bed? Do they sleep at all or can they stay awake for days on end without trouble?
Thanks to the Force Carulian can actually stay awake for anextended period of time, but rarely does it if not entirely necessary because that jet lag/hangover feeling afterwards is just really not worth it. She likes to read in the evenings or talk to Qyzen in her or his quarters where it’s at least kind of quiet. They sometimes just talk about the planets they’ve been to, but also memories from their lives and things about their respective cultures. She actually takes off her mask during those talks because Qyzen doesn’t care about her lack of eyes (and that thing really isn’t that comfortable).
27. If your character had one thing to say to their parents before they died, what would it be?
Phena doesn’t really remember her mother, but if she had the chance to talk to her father again she would thank him for keeping her safe as long as he did and tell him she got their estate back amd that despite everything she’s doing fine.Lam'ya would tell them of her rise to power and something along the lines of „not suffering in vain“ and about Lord Kallig and that about her plans to reform the Empire in the hopes of making them feel better about living and dying as slaves.
30. Finally; if your character was forced to eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would they choose and why?
Since Jaimari is a bit of a food lover / foodie having to eat only one thing for her entire life would be pretty horrible to her, but all things considered she would probably decide on some kind of high quality steak dish.Larn’her‘irca on the other hand can survive on pretty much everything, food is more of a means to an end to her, so she would take the practical approach and choose something that would provide the right amount of energy.
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