#oc: izzy warden
Before I go and hide again I wanna drop some random facts about my Onward OCs who will be playing a big role in Forbidden and whatnot.
1 - Izzy is a warden! You remember Quests of Yore? Well did ya know you can get the actual game IRL?! My big sis got it for me for my birthday a year ago and we played some of it. I looked at the classes and saw Warden which fits Izzy perfectly! Before I knew of this I used to have an idea where Izzy was a “whisperer” before I knew it was sorta already canon LOL. It means basically they have a connection with nature and do what they can to look after it. They can tame wild animals easily! Since Ian happens to be a wizard I figured why can’t someone be a warden in modern times too? Izzy cannot talk to animals or understand their language but she can read their eyes and understand their feelings with ease. She has a special connection with them. Animals who tend to be agitated or aggressive even tend to calm down in the presence of Izzy. She can even tame fierce shadow beasts and familiars of witches! (which is also why Barley drags her with them on their quest later on LOL)
2 - Izzy is an imp, a mythical creature that is known for mischief. They were not featured in Onward but I wanted to add more fantasy creatures to it for fun. Much like the folklore they are of course mischievous and small and can sometimes be dangerous when their little games go too far. They were infamous in the olden days for playing pranks and stealing from adventurers for mere fun. Nowadays imps feed their hunger for mayhem by picking on one another or trolling on the internet. Izzy is an unusual imp who is against such things as she believes these so called pranks and games are just far too mean. As a result she became a target for many of her own kind to pick on.
3 - Since imps are so small they tend to be quite good at sneaking around. They also have great night vision! This helps Izzy with breaking in and stealing only what she needs when she got lost from home. She came from overseas and basically there was an accident and well…I won’t spoil much. She isn’t too sure how to get back after witnessing some bad guy stuff and being scared they will hunt her down. She rescues an adorable jackelope and her main priority is to keep her safe and happy.
4 - Izzy is extremely sensitive, to the point it annoys most people she meets. This just became fuel for the imps back home as a result. “It was just a joke!” They would say before getting annoyed. If someone raises their voice just slightly at her or talks to her in an annoyed tone it is enough to hurt her feelings. She often has trouble telling if someone is shouting at her or just scolding her or if their tone of voice is just a bit grumpy. She gets emotional easily during sad scenes in shows and movies. She rarely fully cries if it’s a show or movie but she will get teary. However if it has something to do with animals she will sob like crazy!
5 - Izzy hates crowds! It could be because as part of being a warden she much prefers to be surrounded by nature, or that she is just shy by default. But it could most likely be because she is suspicious and angry towards humanity for having to deal with bullies most her life. She is tense and scared in crowds! On occasion in public if someone bumps her just slightly she will scream out loud and huddle up in a ball somewhere, the more crowded it is the more likely this will happen. She may also hiss by instinct if she is feeling threatened. To some she may seem moody or even a bit rude but in truth she is nervous to the point of nausea.
6 - She loves almost every animal but she is scared of spiders, snakes and sharks! If a snake isn’t venomous would feel a bit more comfortable with it, where she came from there are quite a lot of poisonous snakes. However spiders just simply make her skin crawl and she believes it is impossible to tame a shark and that their only instinct is to eat. She fears sharks and snakes for danger but…spiders just seem to scare her in general as well.
7 - She is a major sweet tooth! She loves baked goods, especially if they are gooey. Soft fresh gooey cookies with lots of chocolate chips, gooey brownie that is probably just the tiniest bit undercooked and ice cream that has been defrosted by a few minutes. Sadly she can’t eat too much though since her tummy is smaller due to being a little imp. She also likes to try and be moderate as she can get blood sugar easily. She often warns Barley about eating too much in fear he will make himself sick and other times she envies him for being able to indulge himself more than she can.
8 - HUGE temper! Izzy has a super bad temper! If she loses just ONCE in a video game she will start to feel frustrated. It is why she prefers to avoid anything too tricky as the anger can lead to stress and the stress can lead to anger. When someone is being rude though, for example if someone cuts in line than you better watch out! Barley usually has to hold her back and help her calm down. She also swears like a sailor LOL She can also be vengeful so if you hurt her loved ones she will come up with creative scenarios to get her revenge in the most brutal way possible. This trait tends to shock others given how timid she seems on the surface.
9 - Drama Queen. Izzy can be a bit dramatic, during Forbidden you will often see Izzy screaming how they are all going to die. She often writes out wills before embarking into the next temple. She says to Barley before they embark on the quest he dragged her into: “If I die in here I’m going to kill you.” If she drops her snack she won’t pick it up, but just look down at it in despair until someone tells her to snap out of it. It is like an invisible anime styled gloom cloud hangs over here in those moments.
10 - Shockingly affectionate! Izzy often says “I don’t DO friendship.” throughout the beginning of Forbidden. But when Barley earns her trust and she realises she can actually trust him and the gang she opens up quite a bit. Turns out she is a big hugger! She usually hugs Barley even before they started dating cause he is a big hugger too. When they do start dating she becomes so affectionate it can make others feel sick!
11 - this is a weird one I came up with recently. This is NOT canon to the warden class but I thought it would be hilarious to make it that if a warden sings from the heart then flowers will bloom! Izzy refuses to sing though for stage fright related reasons and Barley keeps begging her to try it. Different plants may grow depending on the lyrics.
12 - She does not care much about fashion (it mostly depends on her mood) but she will NOT wear makeup as she doesn’t like the feel of it. Her money however does tend to go towards plushies and other collectable items. The cuter the better! She likes to surround herself with the things she loves. Cute plushies, gemstones, cute little figurines and more!
13 - Izzy loves physical touch, as seen in one of my dumb short comics. It doesn’t have to just be from Barley, she likes to get a rub on the back by friends and family! She really is just a demanding cat who wants pets. She will literally sit still for hours for a massage.
14 - She loves ghost stories and stuff to do with the supernatural! It fascinates her a lot! However at times she can be a bit of a scaredy-cat still. She enjoys lots of horror and Creepypasta but on occasion she may find one that really scares her. On those rare occasions she is all jumpy at night and may awkwardly ask Barley if she can stay for a sleepover or if he can come to her without saying what prompted it exactly. The ones that scare her are the things you cannot fight. Haunted house? I just won’t go in. Creature that follows you and is literally inside your head with no way to kill it? Yeah that is terrifying.
15 - she hates loud noises and she especially would not survive in a rave. However ironically she seems to be a huge fan of dubstep, especially Kawaiistep.
16 - She is very creative! Izzy has many ideas of how she can expand her favourite (or what was her favourite) TV show with more fan characters, stories and more! She worked hard to come up with a story where there were hidden islands which were invisible to the naked eye, all hidden to keep something dangerous locked away but as a result society evolved in a different way with different types of technology, some islands don’t even have technology yet and there are bizarre creatures she made up there too! She is a deep thinker and is constantly thinking. She often ponders about the unknown such as space and the deep sea. Many people hated her for having different ideas that stood out so much but Barley actually loves them and is eager to hear her ideas and stories.
17 - Given how Izzy prefers little to no competition to avoid anger and stress, she usually prefers cozy games. She especially enjoys farming simulators or ones where she can be as creative as she wants by building her own worlds and even her own characters. On occasion she will play a game where you can win or lose, you can hear her go crazy and screaming if she is struggling a lot in one level. She doesn’t rage quit though, she rage continues! If an enemy kills her she will grind until she reaches godmode before coming back for her revenge.
18 - Izzy tends to have trouble understanding social cues. She is never able to grasp the art of sarcasm! When someone is sarcastic she thinks they are being truthful and is fooled constantly.
19 - She has a shockingly dark sense of humour!
20 - She is actually really good at doing impressions, so much so that others often suggest that she should be a voice actor. She can do all kinds of weird voices!
21 - she likes to make people laugh and smile, if someone laughs at a joke she makes it makes her feel really good! She also appreciates a good pun.
22 - she cannot STAND when dogs, cats, bunnies, horses, pretty much most animals die in a movie. If the dog dies she will often scream out “NO!” And if there is a dog in a horror sort of movie she will chant “Please don’t let the dog die, please don’t let the dog die.”.
23 - She HATES sad endings. Everything needs to have a happy ending for everyone! (Unless if the bad guy was super evil but if it was a clearly misunderstood bad guy then she would want them to get a happy ending too).
24 - she often thinks about painting her nails but she has a bad habit of chewing them.
25 - she gets nervous and quiet around strangers, tense even but if they have a pet with them she warms up instantly and is eager to pet their animal companion and learn about them! When out in public if she sees a dragon she eagerly points at them saying “Draggo!”.
26 - her overall aesthetic is pastel goth with a tomboyish touch.
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missingrache · 8 months
10 fandoms 10 blorbos, very belatedly responding to a tag from lovely @windsweptinred:
1. Bioshock: Mark Meltzer
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This man is the subject of my very first post on tumblr, he must be included here, I adore this sad fuck.
2. Homestuck: Diamonds Droog
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A toss up between him and Slick. I was and am a Homestuck Intermission girlie and this must be acknowledged.
3. Dragon Age: Justice
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I have many many Dragon Age faves and DAO and also Awakening is so so important to me, but Jorstin here is the fellow I have the most distinct and personal opinions about and is, aside from OCs like my Brosca Warden, Avi, the only one I have a strong rp/fic voice for. He’s such a weird and cool dude!
4. DC Comics/Animated Universe: Martian Manhunter/ J’onn J’onzz
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My BOY. I love him most in the VERY specific comic pictured above (1988 miniseries that establishes the Martian gods as being flaming horrorterrors, as we see in Sandman w/L’zoril Dream, it’s GOOD SHIT)—but also in general. Criminally under rated and under represented. A sad fuck, a shape shifting horror, a stranger in a strange land, a bereaved parent, Doing His Goddamn Best. AND sometimes a noir detective send up.
Anyway, speaking of comics.
5. Sandman: Dream of the Endless
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I am thrilled to be here in the year of our lord 2024 enthusing about and making friends over this scrunkly wet cat that I first encountered and dearly loved in high school. (I am more than halfway through my 30’s now, so it has been A WHILE). I’m counting Sandman and DC as separate affairs, sorry not sorry.
6. Our Flag Means Death: Izzy Hands
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Loved him even before S2, fascinated, I want to put him in a jar and shake him but also keep him safe forever. I am a little soured on the show after s2, but I have dressed up as Izzy and would gladly do so again so he belongs here.
7. Supergiant Hades: Achilles
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This SPECIFIC version of Achilles, who has died and continued growing through his pain and regrets and who is a surrogate parent to my BOI Zagreus, is. Fascinating. To me. I was so angry at first to find myself liking him as much as I did! It’s masterful how much characterization Supergiant implies with relatively little. He’s coming after Izzy on the list bc I came to them both in similar ways, looking at myself falling in love and going oh my god HIM? Seriously? And being like yup that war criminal there is my son now!!! (And now of course I’m fond of him all across the mythological/classical board, oh my god Hadesgame what have you done.)
8. Star Wars: Alexsandr Kallus
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The only space nazi redemption arc I will accept. (Although I am watching Andor with friends right now and three double agent gingers across the begins to suggest a pattern which is very entertaining to me.)
Anyway A+ arc, love this bastard man, love his giant cat husband, single-handedly keeping me invested in Star Wars, hope his gay happy ending never gets messed with.
9. Les Miserables: Inspector Javert
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Another character that I went oh my god REALLY??? That Guy??? About. But he’s so /funny/ in the Brick and Stars is lovely enough that I learned how to play barre chords on my guitar Just For That and look. Look. He is a bastard but he is MY bastard and I will read every redeemed!Javert fic that crosses my path forever the end. (Also a side note: Kallus was originally sold to me by @lokivangelist as “space Javert”)
10. The Witcher: Dandelion/Jaskier (all versions, but repping Hexer below because that’s my favorite!!!)
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Throwing a curveball for the last slot! I’ve got a sad dad/monochrome aesthetic/loyal right hand/shapeshifting nonhuman/rigid worldview kinda pattern happening above, and my boi here slip slides away from almost all of those. Except for the loyalty. This man is an absolute ride or die for Geralt and I love that about him. He is also an obnoxious fuckboi but I love that too, especially in a story as heavy as the Witcher frequently can be. (My runner up for this fandom was gonna be book!Lambert, who is similarly narratively savvy and good at puncturing the heaviness of a scene without being straight up comic relief.)
There they are! Ten blorbos, I climbed that whole mountain and now I’m heading to bed. (Will tag folks tomorrow perhaps? But also feel free to invite yourself in and do this and say I tagged you if you like, because I am curious what my mutuals and etc . might choose!)
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cityandking · 9 months
#squad for all your thedas kids! photo album, parachute, contact for caes, dai and minah!
thanks dear!! // oc ask meme
#squad: who’s friends with who? what are the squad dynamics like?
okay so I tried to hash out the various canon and AU and DADND worldstates and who would conceivably interact with who and that failed so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on the DADND side: I don't think caes and minah would ever be friends. caes is way too invested in politics and power for minah's comfort and caes has no interest in petty circus thieves unless they're useful to his goals. maybe with some of those nat 20 insights caes would find something interesting (if he could get past her deception), but you know his prodding would only shut her down faster than iggy could rip a guy's throat out. obviously I want this desperately. in a world where both their histories and motivations were laid bare I think they'd be a lot of fun. still not friends! but a lot of fun for the canon thedas girlies: warden!lira and inquisitor!vesper would be 30 y/o wine-drinking friends post-Inquisition when they've both mellowed out a bit. they'd get along marvelously well—both stubborn, both exhausted, both inclined to long nights bitching with possibly the only other person in the world who Gets It. the secret shadowy remains of the inquisition have a contact in the Ferelden court and it's the Hero of Ferelden who stops by vesper's house while cullen is busy with the kids so they can gossip and talk politics. alternate wardens and worldstates: lira and winry amell would not get on well and there would be a lot of clashing opinions but eventual (grudging) respect. lira and kalle tabris would also not get on well but would have a lot of the same opinions, and they'd both be incredibly annoyed by that (probably they should kiss about it). winry and kalle would get along surprisingly well but would disagree on everything. not sure what the alt worldstate inquisitor contingent would be like. rasa gets on with everyone. rosie trevelyan is a two-faced bitch but she gets the job done
photo album: describe one of your OCs’ favorite memories.
CAES — the first time Aneleus turned to him for some public show, the first time he realized there was power in the performance and in being the favorite student—it didn't make the hate or the ridicule or the servitude any better, but the future was suddenly a clear and sharp thing that he could craft with the careful application of performance and perceived duty and a long, slow game of attrition DAI — that incredibly strange night in monrah after the test of strength but before they set out to find asmeda, before the izzy fight and the mirrors and the castle falling out of the sky and the deaths. even the annoyance of scratch and ozy prompting the mothmen to bother him was undercut by the game of it and zaref stepping in. it was just nice. it was a moment where daichi though, oh, I would be okay if it were like this forever. and then, of course, it wasn't. MINAH — coming off stage the first time she performed in a show, the utter wonder of being someone else and being loved for that transformation. the orchestra had toasted her that night and that had been a pleasure too, being plied with food and drink and praise and laughter, but nothing held a candle to the magic of disappearing into someone else's face, even if only for an hour or two.
parachute: who does your OC(s) trust the most? who makes them feel safe? who would they do absolutely anything for?
CAES — I don't think caes trusts anyone but I do think there's a certain comfort with deca and knowing that they both know far too much of each other's secrets (something something mutually assured destruction turned into working towards the same goal). he does truly want her on his side, mostly for her skillset and partially because she's become something familiar. besides that, he hasn't much love or loyalty to share with anyone at all. DAI — at this point he trusts the party the most, and would do anything for them, and feels safer with them around. and his dad, of course. zaref definitely makes him feel the safest, probably, but that's boyfriend privileges. MINAH — alesso is the person she trusts most at the moment. he's also the person who makes her feel safe, along with a couple other long-time members of the orchestra—people she's traveled with and worked with for years. as for who she'd do absolutely anything for? her sister.
contact: how does your OC(s) feel about touch/physical contact? are they affectionate? if so, how do they display affection to others?
CAES — touch has always been something held over him as a sign of ownership and obligation, and he doesn't particularly enjoy it. that said, he doesn't particularly mind it either. he's happy to use any and all tools he has to his advantage, and sometimes that includes getting chummy with someone. he's not super picky, just vaguely irritated. (he isn't affectionate and doesn't display affection to others, except as a means to an end) DAI — he's actually a big fan of physical touch, he's just awkward about it. he's pretty straightforward (verbally) with his affection, but he definitely sprinkles physical affection in there—hugs, clasped shoulders, ruffled hair, other small touches. once he knows he has the go-ahead to be physically affectionate he will be, it just takes a while for him to work up to it MINAH — touch has been part of her line of work these past years (performing, dancing, living in cramped quarters with six to twelve other people, even some of the thievery) and she's pretty at ease with it. she used to be skittish as fuck, but she's grown past that, thankfully. that said, it wouldn't be her number one way of showing affection—she's more about giving people things and keeping an eye out and making herself useful. (I think despite the work she's a little touch starved, and if someone were really properly gentle with her she might have to Take A Moment)
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harcove · 3 years
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I really wanted to make Cove from Our Life and my OC Izzy (which is where those pink hair streaks are from) a daughter- and I didn't wanna draw a baby rn so I made her as a teenager and yeah- I think her name is gonna be... Isla. Little miss Isla Holden, loves her parents and swimming...
@gb-patch thank you for making Cove James Holden, he is now my only rock in life rn, and has made me cry okay that sounds sad, but it's just a great game with a great character, thanks Cove for being my fake loml :,)
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gingerbreton · 5 years
13, 14, 18, 27, 31 for Freywall and 30 for Izzy x Alistair.
Thank you so much for asking!  (:  It’s long, so i’ll pop half of it below the cut.
Freya x Thom
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13.  How do they react at being away from each other?
On the rare occasions that Freya goes out on missions without Thom, he worries about her a lot.  He’s used to always being there to have her back in a fight, his shield is as much to keep her safe as it is him.  So he tries to keep himself busy, like helping with training recruits and making things in the workshop in the barn - if she is away for a particularly long time, the children in the refugee camps end up with a lot of new toys.  Or depending on who is still around Skyhold, he would let someone like Sera keep him distracted to stop him from worrying.  
In the years between the defeat of Corypheus and the Exalted Council, Freya misses Thom terribly when she can’t travel with him while he makes amends to his former men.  She worries for his safety while he’s away.  She writes to him a lot - pretty much every day while he’s gone.  She still writes even if she doesn’t know exactly where he is (writing letters is a coping mechanism for stress that she developed while at Haven) but she just keeps hold of them to give to him when he comes home.  
14.  Is there anything they associate with each other?  
Any time Freya goes to the Hinterlands, she can’t help but think of the first time she met Thom, and whenever she’s near lakes or rivers because he loves the water and fishing.  She just automatically think ‘Thom would love it here’.  There’s also the smell of wood carving that reminds her of his workshop in the barn at Skyhold.  
Thom can’t hear a Starkhaven accent without thinking of Freya, or hear certain folk/tavern songs that she has a habit of singing when she thinks nobody can hear (or if she’s had a drink).  Scents like honeysuckle or apple blossom also remind him of her - Josie got Freya these perfumes and oils from Val Royeaux that she uses all the time because they actually remind Freya of happier times growing up in Ostwick, and now these scents remind Thom of her.
18.  Is there any way they disappoint each other?
The only real time they struggle with this is during Revelations.  Freya is beyond disappointed in Thom when she wakes up alone because she feels used, which is something she’s had to put up with a lot in her life and never even thought that he could do that to her.  In turn, Thom is disappointed in her using her position in the Inquisition to get him released from the jail in Val Royeaux to be judged by the Inquisition.  He thinks of it as an abuse of power.   Probably a good job Orlais agreed to it, because she’s got other connections and it would have been a far far messier jailbreak…  
27.  What makes you excited about their relationship?  
I love how it’s not straight forward.  They both come with a lot of emotional baggage to deal with, including some overlapping issues, like themes of depression and self-loathing, but stemming from very different experiences, and also having ‘past selves’ that are not reconciled with their current self.  Then just when you think they’ve got their act together, they’re starting to grow and support each other emotionally, and happiness is a genuine possibility, you get hit with the shock of Thom’s real identity and how it suddenly explains so much about him, but then it also raises issues of how/if they will be able to reconcile this between them.  There’s just so much opportunity for conflict and growth and a massive need for empathy to actually bring the relationship together.  They are all about second chances, and if they couldn’t look past first impressions then they never would have gotten to where they are.  They are complicated, damaged people, so it’s really fun and interesting to try and get their dynamic right.  I’m actually planning a long fic for them at the moment, so I must find them a bit exciting!  
31.  Share anything you would like to about this couple!  
I’m having a mind blank, so here is their ever expanding spotify playlist.
Izzy x Alistair
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30.  How does their love change as they get older?
During the Blight (when they finally get together) the relationship is pretty emotionally intense and passionate, (I mean, you can’t blame them, it’s not like they know if they’re going to be alive from one day to the next) but thankfully it’s still built on the foundations of a close and supportive friendship.  Post-Blight, once they’ve settled into married life, their relationship matures as they do - some of the youthful intensity fades of course, but it’s replaced by the strong, steady affection of best friends who love each other very much.  They’re still passionate but it’s only part of what they share, and they still have a very sweet and affectionate relationship, even more so now because they know each other back-to-front by this point, and arguments are few and far between.  
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The Warden Commanders of Ferelden share their bed with a pirate!
Hi, hello, back again with some “found some fanart that inspired me, and the art demons within me gripped me tight and made it so i couldn’t focus on anything else but this for two days straight”. This time I saw an absolutely STUNNING rendition of this same pose by @loisjonesillustration, I literally just reblogged it, please goddess, go look at it and like it and share it because it deserves all the love.
Elethea is a rogue, and I always pick the duelist specialization for her, which means I gotta go talk to Isabella! And tell her how much I love her lol. My Hawke OC also typically romances Isabella, so when Alistair returns from the Fade without Hawke, at least Izzy has people to comfort her.
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I JUST REALISED I FORGOT TO ASK WHICH NUMBERS FOR THE DA THING SO HERE U GO: 1,4,5,6,17, 20, 21, 22, 25,26,28, 41-43, 45-47, 49, 51-54, 57, 73, 98-101 !!!
How did you get into Dragon Age? @gaymightynein told me there was a black bisexual pirate captain lady and that was the end of that tbh
What was your first Warden (gender/class/race/personality)? She was a rogue dalish elf (kinda my thing), and she was a sassy hoe, and she was a dumbass hoe who fell head over heels with Alistair (it was me i was in love with him) but yea
What was your first Hawke like (gender/class/temperament)? Well, my first Hawke was called Karis and she was Tired Tee Em. She was exhausted and at some point she kind of just does that John Mulaney bit where he’s like ‘it might as well just happen’ i mean her mother gets murdered by someone who makes his own little frankenstein’s bride LEAVE HER ALONE
First Inquisitor (gender/class/race/personality)? Lunas, rogue, dalish elf, you know the dealio. I imagined her very anti-responsibility and very very sneaky and one day she wakes up and her hand is glowing and there are two ladies yelling at her and frankly she’s kinda yanked along on this adventure that she would most definitely prefer not to be a part of and for fuck’s sake she doesn’t even believe in the Maker why do people keep worshipping her as the Herald?? She didn’t ask for this??? She just wanted to be sneaky?? 
What did you name your Mabari? Pluto!! Because it was my favourite planet, and then i watched a mickey mouse thing and i had to find a new name for my mabari. 
Was everyone loyal at the end? Hmm. Hmmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Wait, for DAO or DA2? Bc DA2 everyone loved me but for DAO Alistair leaves me and becomes a drunk or something. Why? Because he’s an idiot. 
Did Hawke side with the Mages or Templars? …. Templars. But my logic was that it would be easier to save mages if you pretended to be on the Templars side, but i forgot that it’s a game that treats any complex decision like it’s black and white. i was entirely neutral up until that point. 
Favorite DA2 party combo? izzy, Merrill, Seb/Varric. Or Izzy, Anders, and Varric. Not necessarily useful, but the party banter was 10/10. Fenris i didn’t really appreciate until my second playthrough. 
Favorite DA:I place? SKYHOLD. I LOVE SKYHOLD TO BITS. HAVEN CAN SUCK MY TIT SKYHOLD 4EVA (the wastes are also pretty but fuck it’s annoying)
Did your Inquisitor choose the Mages or the Templars? … TemplARS I CAN EXPLAIN- 
Which did you leave behind (Abyss)? lol first time i accidentally clicked hawke and i went back and i re-did the boss bc i don’t want to live with that kinda responsibility
Inquisitor’s feelings on being the Herald of Andraste? ‘YoU KNOw Who elSE can SUCK MY TiT-?’ She was a proud Dalish elf, of course she hated it, and she kept saying it until it got exhausting. I remember there’s this castle fort thing in the hinterlands where there’s a woman that’s like “You can’t be Andraste’s Herald, you’re an elf!’ and first playthrough I was like ‘CoME AND SAY THAT TO MY FACE’ and the second playthrough I was like ‘This woman gets it, everyone listen to her.’
Who did you romance in your first playthrough for each game? Ahem. Alistair. Isabela. … Cullen. I know I hate it. 
Who do you wish you could romance that you can’t? DORIAN. God I love him. 
Favorite romance overall so far? Yeah, okay. So I like Alistair. And what. Fight me. 
Which 3 DA characters would you want as your best friends? Varric, Varric and Varric. Also maybe Izzy, but mainly Varric. 
A character you’d love to drop in a volcano and forget about? DA2 Anders. Awakening Anders was the fucking best. 
Best antagonist in the series?  Ehhhh, I guess Anora? All the other villains are kinda shitty, and Anora is at least a vaguely interesting back-stabbing whore. 
Worst antagonist in the series? Solas. He antagonised me, okay? 
Something you do in EVERY DA playthrough, no matter what? Be a rogue. Like me some stabby stabby. 
Favorite Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor headcanons (any or all)? Inquisitor is obsessed with dragons. She loves them an unhealthy amount, and she loves/hates killing them. Hawke is an alcoholic but she’s good at it. She can count the amount of times she drank Isabela under the table, and remembers at least one of those times. Another Hawke one is that Varric deals with her love life with a devastating efficiency, and that’s why they are best friends. All my Warden headcanons are sad. 
Favorite non-Player Character headcanons? Sandal is a God. 
That One Headcanon that hurts to think about? How long it took Hawke to leave the house after she found her mother dead? Inquisitor coming back from the Fade like ‘yes we won but everything is awful’ and coming home like ‘at least i have someone who loves me’ and Josie is like ‘yoooo i am engaged haha what’s up with you’? Warden not caring if she died in the battle in Denerim bc what’s the point? Eh, take your pick. 
Fluffiest headcanon ever? Aveline is a panic baker. They all found out about this the day before her Guard Captain test.
Who would you date if you could (as you, not your OC)? Yeah, Alistair. Seems the healthiest option tbh. And that is saying A LOT. 
Who has the best character arc overall? Varric. 
Who was written really poorly? DA2 Anders come here and fucking fight me
Favorite OST song(s)? I am a slut for In Your Heart Shall Burn, i just think it is the sexiest battle music in existence (it’s not even the proper thing, it’s like a build-up, a foreplay if you will, and it just kinda really get’s me going, even if it is really short.)
Did you get someone into DA? I know you didn’t ask this but heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh
If you could be any non-Human DA species, which and why? Elf. Because I love em. They are great.
Circle, Templar, Chantry, Guard, Seeker, Inquisition, or none? Eh, if I had to I would choose the Inquisition. 
If you could meet your Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor, what would you say? You did good, buddy. You did good.
Took a few months don’t mind me I am procrastinating and in a mood  i love you ben
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valerie-royeaux · 7 years
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OC Kiss Week - Day 2
John Cousland & Izzalea Trevelyan
As soon as they stepped out of the Fade and realized they were back in the physical realm, that they had once again survived, no words were needed to let all know how the Grey Wardens and the Inquisition would move on from that moment forward.
For the second day of OC Kiss Week 2018, my John Cousland is lucky to get a kiss from no other than @ladydracarysao3‘s Izzy, a great friend, and a great inspiration in getting me back to writing. I’ve been meaning to draw them together for a long time!
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lision-art · 2 years
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Logan! an OC of mine, tho not the first. The little drone is named Izzy and his hammer is called The Warden! I’d consider the 1st one as more or less the final design. The following ones were when i was finalizing the concept. I also modelled The Warden in blender!
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cityandking · 1 year
round two!! red 5, blue 3, green 5, purple 4, silver 5 for minah & one of your choice xoxo
thanks babe! I'll do daichi I miss my lil guy // medieval heraldry oc asks
Does your OC harbour resentment towards a particular person, group or faction? Or are they perhaps part of a widely resented group themselves?
MINAH — oh yeah babey she's got some grudges and they run deep DAI — mmm he's definitely met some people he resents (Ozy at times; Lazlo; the Selto council) but he also tends to be pretty good at buckling down and working around it, so it doesn't really affect him to any meaningful degree. it also tends to be individual, not group/faction-oriented—he'll give pretty much anyone a chance
How confident is your OC of the loyalty of their companions, lovers or followers? Do they ever feel tempted to test this through spying upon them? Or by engineering circumstances where their loyalty might be tested?
MINAH — she runs at a baseline of about 5% confidence up to maybe 15% on a good day (the troupe gets a solid 35% and Alesso is around 60%). she's confident the people she travels with won't do her physical harm in the short term and will have her back in a fight or on the road while they share a similar goal, and that works well enough for her. she'll definitely keep an ear to the ground around a group, but she doesn't bother testing loyalty because there's no point—she doesn't have any expectation of reciprocity, so there's no need to look for it. (I do think she feels tempted to test... not the loyalty of the Grey Wardens per se, but their power/protection as an organization. she doesn't, because at the end of the day she doesn't want to be in a position where that safety net might prove less solid than it looks from the air, but the itch is there) DAI — quite confident. he has a good gut instinct for people and their loyalties (it's the +15 insight). he doesn't feel the need to engineer tests—for one, their lives are fucked up enough that the opportunities present themselves and he doesn't have to try to manipulate anyone, and for another he has no interest in games like that
If your OC could be granted one wish for the future, but could only wish on behalf of another person, who would they choose? And for what would they wish?
MINAH — I think she would probably wish something good for her sister? or maybe wish that rhydian can make his peace with his father's death, whatever that looks like for rhydian (justice, vengeance, etc.—whatever he needs, it would be nice to see him at peace with everything). or just wish a good day for cian tbh the kid deserves it DAI — would wish something good for— hm, either Izzy or Zaref, but at this point probably Zaref. partly because he and Izzy are on weird terms and he isn't sure the gesture would be appreciated, but mostly because Zaref could really use it. he's had a rough couple months
Does your OC have a strong belief in the importance of justice? If so what does justice mean to them? Do they follow the philosophy of “an eye for an eye”? Or are they careful in distinguishing between justice and revenge? Is this the case even if they consider themselves to be the injured party?
MINAH — she doesn't have a particularly strong belief in justice, especially not as a codified legal system. in part because she's very much a criminal and the justice system wouldn't be to kind to her, and also because it's failed her before. in most walks of life she's more of a live-and-let-live person—mostly because she'd like to live—but there are a few situations where she feels unrepentantly that people should pay for the wrongs they've done (unfortunately mind wiping and memory altering are kinda high on that list). she's pretty clear about the line between justice and revenge, but if she were in a situation where she were the injured party I think she might let that line blur DAI — he has a really strong belief in the importance of justice. not revenge and not an eye for an eye—and he's very clear, with himself at least, where that line is—but he believes he has an obligation to be good and just and to stand for people who can't stand for themselves. y'know, standard Good-aligned shit (he gets it from his dad)
Is your OC a pacifist? Or have they ever had pacifist sympathies? If they have changed their position on such things then what caused this shift? If they reject pacifist arguments, perhaps because they believe that violence can be justified in self-defence, then how do they respond to those who believe in pursuing peace at any cost? Do they see them as weak or naïve? Or as idealists whose ideas deserve serious consideration?
MINAH — I don't think pacifism is something she's ever considered. in her experience, there's always conflict of some kind happening everywhere and she's just never thought of herself as someone who can operate outside of that. not that she goes looking for violence—she doesn't love getting her hands dirty (even if it can be hard to tell with that deception mod)—but there's been a lot of it in her life and she sort of assumes it's inevitable. I think she finds pacifism a sweet hope, but ultimately sheltered and naive DAI — one of the most interesting things about him is that he's a healer who believes fundamentally in helping people live good and safe and peaceful lives, but he's also the son of a soldier who grew up in a war zone and serves a god of war. he's simply never been a pacifist. he definitely respects the desire for peace above all, and I think maybe one day he'd be interested in pursuing that lifestyle himself, but that's not the world he lives in. even if he put down the shield, he'd always be prepared to pick it up again.
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adalhied-prime · 7 years
OCs and Children Tag Game
stealing from @against-stars, this is a tag game to talk about your OCs and their kids. 
Alison Witwicky and Mikaela, in all their AUs, adopt Izabella as their daughter, usually after Izzy’s mom and dad are killed by Decepticons. As well, with Alison being the Bearer of the AllSpark in main verse, she could potentially have technorganic babies, though that would not be till much further down the story line than I’m going to go.
N-Sync had always assumed sparklings were off the table for her. There was a war on, they were on opposite sides, and she was medically declared sterile due to how she was created. Shedidn’t mind, she had Bandit and Riser, and they were as good as her sparklings, and Coppertone accepted all of it when they commited to each other. But, where there’s a Prime (or an honorary one) and a Relic, there’s a way. Within four months of the end of the war, they have a sweet little femme who they name Echo; she’s got most of N-Sync’s indigo and black coloring and slim frame, but highlights of orange and silver, grounder alt mode and sense of adventure come from Copper. She eventually grows to be a symbiote carrier like her carrier, and uses that ability to great extent as a colony surveyor for Earth and Cybertron.
Roselight in most verses is still a kid herself, but when she grows up and bonds with Smokescreen, the two would definitely want kids. The first was probably unplanned, but not unwanted, and they likely have between two (one mech, one femme) or four (mostly femmes).
Jennifer never expected to have kids, being a lone alien on Earth, and after falling for Smokescreen, she accepts that. Smokescreen doesn’t mind, he likes Jen for being who she is, and if they ever change their minds, they can adopt. 
Rea Palmer and Predaking didn’t know what all to expect from their relationship (a human and a Predacon, that is entirely new territory for everyone), but kids definitely were not even considered. But Primus has a sense of humor it seems, and so the first technorganic sparkling between humans and cybertronians was born. Kaida is mostly human, though with an altered lifespan and development, yellow eyes, a metallic skeleton and crest of horns, and dragon wings on her back to set her apart. Hydron was a much more natural case, being born after Rea became a cybertronian. He takes his sire’s frame and beastmode, but his carrier’s coloring and a personality leaning more towards her than his sister’s.
Elita Tabris and Zeveran did not have a child together until after the quest for the Calling’s Cure, but that didn’t mean they didn’t raise any before that. Whenever Zeveran found children in the Crow hideouts, he would write Elita to tell her of the new additions to the family (mostly young children, but also a couple teens and twice an infant), and she would prepare more rooms in the Keep. At the end of the first year, they had seven children. At the end of the third, they had twenty-one. Thankfully, many warden-recruits would volunteer to watch them when needed, and when the search for the Calling’s Cure became an imminent need, the oldest pair (a twenty year old human boy missing a middle finger and a nineteen year old elf girl with a tattoo to hide the scars on her neck and arm) promised to take care of the others. Even when the Wardens left, claiming the Calling was coming for them all, the children stayed, and the oldest wrote Leliana. When Elita and Zeveran returned with the cure, they found their family waiting with open arms. 
Mikoto Hawke and Fenris don’t have time for children, what with the rebellion and hunting the slavers, then dealing with the Grey Wardens. But, once things settle and they can find a place to call home, they might consider one or two. Mikoto hopes they look like Fenris and have his determination, while he hopes they look like her, and that they have her heart. 
Amileah Trevelyan and Cullen’s first child is born ten months after the Exalted Council, ten months after their wedding. A little girl with strawberry blonde curls and topaz eyes, she grows up in Skyhold and in camps across Thedas as her parents prepare for the fight against Fen’Harel. At age five, she insists on running in form drills with the recruits, her wooden sword swinging through strikes and blocks with a hinting of her father’s grace. That same year, she is joined in the nursery by a blue-eyed blonde boy who one day takes to the bow like he was born with it in hand. Then it’s another sister, red hair and caramel eyes, who becomes the lady her mother never could be, but who also never forgets to keep her little blades sharp or where her poisons and antidotes are at at all times.
Dan Adaar and Josephine don’t plan their children, but when they got the news, they were estatic. However, the pregnancy was rough, and they decide it’s too risky to try for another, to they love the two they have to bits. A set of twins, boy and girl, they grow up with their cousins in Antiva, learning diplomacy and business from their mother’s knee, and magic from their father. Eventually, their son takes up the reins of the Montilyet estate, while their daughter travels to the College of Enchanters and learns all the magics she is allowed, eventually working her way to become one of the senior most enchanters.
Thira Adaar never marries, but somewhere on her journeys fighting against the Qun, she finds a scrappy kid, too short and with ears too defined to be a full Qunari, but all the fight of a Tal Vasoth. Initially, the plan was to find where the Bull’s Chargers were at and hand the kid off to Iron Bull (he liked his strays), but soon Thira finds herself attached to the brat, who at ten is old enough to know how to fight and whether he’s a boy or she’s a girl that day, but not so old that his eyes only see hate or that her heart has closed off completely. And so he stays, daggers flashing as he weaves around her and her axe, cooing at her cousins when they visit Antiva, and snuggling next to Thira on chilly nights by a campfire. 
And now I tag @galpalaven, @tcrmommabear, @attentiondeficitstarscream, and anyone else who wants to gab about their OCs and their’s OCs’ children.
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harcove · 3 years
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I finally put together a look for my MC for Our Life by @gb-patch (bout to force all my homies to play it, it's helped me a lot recently)
But her name is Izzy, she kinda doesn't like how similar it sounds to Lizzie when they're younger and would complain to Cove who would just listen like "..."
She loves to play sports (particularly water related sports) and although she is super short (around 5'3) she was on a few sports teams during her school years. Bubbly, and really physical with contact, she always likes to hold onto Cove (sis same.) She gets more reserved and shy as she gets older 😔
And her hair is pink naturally- if Cove can have green hair naturally, so can Izzy 👉👈
Now I just gotta draw her full body and with Cove🥴
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gingerbreton · 5 years
I don't know if anyone's asked this yet, but what would would be Freya and Izzy's first impressions of each other?
Nobody has asked and I’m so glad you have!  They definitely will meet, and there may even be a one shot in it…  So, even though there is no deep road business going on in the Hissing Wastes in game, I would still say that there should be an entrance out there - given all of the Dwarven ruins, they must have got to the surface there by some means and since all the darkspawn are getting out of very badly patched tunnels on the Storm Coast, then why not out in the Hissing Wastes.  It feels very much like the end of civilisation before you head out properly into the uncharted territories to the West where the Hero of Ferelden is supposedly headed on their search for the cure.
  The first thing Freya sees of Ysabelle Dryden is a blur of movement and flying knives, appearing from behind them and diving into the midst of the darkspawn ahead of them.  Bear in mind, this meeting comes at a time when Freya has lost her hero worship of the Wardens - Adamant and seeing the death of her sister in the Fade, so she is all set up to still be somewhat mistrustful.  But Izzy being Izzy, make quite the entrance, felling darkspawn with an astounding mix of grace and brutality.  Everything the stories had implied and more.  Freya finds herself rather starstruck.  She can’t help but open up to this surprisingly charming and warm-hearted woman.    
Izzy is the queen of reading people, it’s how she survived before becoming a Warden and helped keep her alive all these years.  She finds Freya’s amazement flattering and endearing - especially after the Wardens’ reputation has been somewhat damaged by Clarel’s terrible idea.  It doesn’t take her long to see the hint of despair that still lingers in Freya’s eyes, even after this long as the Inquisitor.  The pressure without full trust that she can sense to some degree within the group dynamic and body language.  She’s known that feeling herself when facing nobles as a baby Warden and then as a new queen.  She is determined to make Freya see the value and strength in herself no matter how brief their meeting.  Even if very few people truly see it, she knows it takes a strong person to stand up and get the job done.  Especially when they have no choice in the matter.  A lesser person would have been lost by now.    
Spoiler Alert:  They will be friends.  And the Crown WILL gift Freya and Thom land in the Hinterlands to make their own post-Trespasser.
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flipwizardmcgay · 5 years
Hey, it’s your fic-or-treat gifter. I can’t seem to find anything on your OCs, can you tell me something about them? Also, is there a theme you prefer for your gift? (Modern AU or not, loosely connected to Halloween or GIVE ME PUMPKINS AND FAKE SPIDERS Halloween, set within the game or not?)
Ahh hello!!! im soooo excited uwu i do love me a modern au or a good halloween celebration, and either game or no game is fine!
also sorry tbh i legit forgot i didn’t share much abt my da ocs here, but *kickflips* lets go kids and squids!
also all of my ocs are raging bisexuals and dual wield bc I CAN
alex cousland (full name alexandra) -fighter, buff and redheaded but shaves off all her hair in a dramatic, mulan-esque fit of grief on the journey with duncan to ostagar. becomes thoroughly charmed by alistair and supports him, but also does not sway in her duties as warden-commander. stubborn and loyal to a fault, refuses to back down from a challenge (she WILL be your friend, nathaniel and morrigan. you have No Choice). self-sacrificing to a fault, in her canon the ritual happened only bc alistair convinced her that he wanted a happy ending with her (”ill do it. ill take the final blow.”) (”after all you’ve-we’ve been through, you really can’t-alex. we deserve a happy ending. please.”) has an iron bull-esque love of dragons (theyd be SUCH GOOD FRIENDS)
marian hawke-rouge, default appearance. loves to joke and be sarcastic, but is kind and understanding when it comes down to it. feels personally responsible for most events of da2, and self-isolated for days after…yknow. had a soft spot for merrill, isabela and anders, but ultimately fell for merrill (but did have some fun with izzy early on ;)) avaline def considers her as a rowdy daughter. can and will stick her neck out for everyone and make sure they get the best outcome if she can
quinn lavellan-rouge hunter of her clan, lithe and silent, but deadly brilliant and wry. dry humor is her specialty, and she loves stories and the little families she has, first her clan and then the inquisition. thinks the herald stuff is bs but ok if it helps her people. varric is her best friend, and her and sera should never be left alone together. solas intrigued her, and she genuinely did fall for him, but i think she got over that real quick and in trespasser she just wants to save him from himself. she and iron bull can and will kill every creature they can, and she goes out of her way for dragons. leliana is divine in her canon, and tbh quinn would kill for her and all of the other advisers
Pictured is my darlings alex and quinn
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mistresstrevelyan · 7 years
Questions for your DA girls: Do they all identify as poly? Do they have primary/secondary relationships? Any unrequited crushes?
Hi Ser Grayface!
Interesting questions, let’s look at them one by one.
There used to be a time when all of my BioWare OCs identified as poly, that is no longer the case now tbh. 
Rhiannon Cousland: Rhia is mainly monogamous in her relationships, though she is open to polyamory (And she is in a very happy triad/quad with @untilstarsfall‘s lovely Hadiza Trevelyan in an AU) but the circumstances have to be just right. Rhiannon is extremely skittish, she will bolt the moment the idea of her being anything “secondary” is suggested. Been there, done that, she will never ever submit to something that degrading (As she sees it) ever again. It doesn’t work for her OR for me. There are exceptions, IE her relationship with Zevran (Whose main partner is Myrna Tabris post Blight, they, Zev & Myrna, are extremely happy together) and her last great love being Nathaniel during her widowhood.
Desideria Hawke: Desideria most definitely identifies as poly, especially since her main relationships are built upon the concept. (A triad with Merrill and Isabela and a triad with Sebastian & Isabela , she marries Merrill in a binding ceremony at Skyhold, officiated by Drusilla Trevelyan representing the Chantry and Keeper Hawen representing the Dalish. Desideria absolutely respects Isabela not wanting to get married again. Sebastian she marries shortly after Act III, the Viscountess of Kirkwall thereby becoming Princess Consort Of Starkhaven.) Desideria is a hedonist, openly so, and enjoys love as it happens. She has relationships outside her marriages, though they never last very long. (IE She absolutely had a threesome with Zev & Izzy.) And ofc there’s her doomed relationship with Anders throughout the main campaign. A relationship that didn’t survive the Chantry explosion. 
Drusilla Trevelyan: Drusilla is wired very similarly to Rhia, however, she too lives in an active V with Blackwall (Who became a Warden) and Cullen (Whom she fell in love with post main campaign during the time he helped her get off the lyrium (She became a Templar during the main campaign) before beginning Seeker Training. They eventually marry during the Exalted Council with Blackwall’s blessing. Blackwall doesn’t want her to be lonely when he isn’t with her & he very much respects Cullen.). Unlike Desideria and very much like Rhia she could never be anyone’s “secondary” anything and short term relationships aren’t her thing. 
As for unrequited crushes:
I guess in Rhia’s case that’d be Varel. Just her type, lotsa chemistry too. It never happens though.
As for Desideria my very predictable answer would be Varric. They are extremely close (They are each other’s confidants) but both of them know it wouldn’t work out. Varric loves Bianca and Desideria doesn’t compete for her lovers. So they remain bffs. And another answer would be Fenris. They had that ONE NIGHT but broke up amicably afterwards, both realizing that her being a mage was too much of a divide. And Desideria understands & fully supports Fenbela.
In Drusilla’s case it’d be Cassandra and she also deeply admires Rhiannon. (I’m still torn re: canonically shipping them) Drusilla isn’t wired for long crushes or long pining though. So her feelings for Cass and Rhia are very positive and only further evolve her friendship with both. (FYI, Rhia also has a tiny crush on Drusilla she isn’t even aware of, lol)
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Stumbles Rambles: Summer Writing plans
Ok, I have the summer off before the school year starts again in August. <3 Luckily, I’ll time to start writing/rewriting or doodleing again.  I’ve made a comperhensive list of stories I started...and never finished--because I’m a lazy asshole. Short term goal....not be a lzy asshole and finish something!
Dragon Age based stories:
Grey Wardens (DAO):
* The Grey Wardens of Ferelden (Main story) (swashbuckling)
OCs: Daylen Amell (Mage) and Sereda Aeducan ( Warrior)
Relationship: Leliana/Aeducan (Platonic friendship)
     2. Misfortune : (Tragic romance) (Prologue)
Ocs: Sereda Aeducan (Warrior) / Flora Brosca (Rogue)
Relationship: Femslash
2) Hawke:
The Legacy of Hawke (Family Dynamics)
OCS: Aiolos (Mage) and Marian Hawke (Templar)
Fenris/ Male Hawke, Merril/ FemHawke
3)  Inquisition:
Members of the Inquisition (Psychological) (Criminal)
Inquisitor: Herah Adaar 
Soli Humael (mage/ former escort) ,Riyla Humael (Mage), Sofrino Humael (Hunter), Belvantia Aurelius (rogue/Mage), Victoria Aurelius (mage/warden), Herah Adaar (Mage), Asad Adaar (rogue), Izzy Adaar (mage, former Qun), Gavin (rogue), Mani Namara (Reaver), Avdotya Lavellan (Assassin), Mother Helene (Chantry/Seeker) Maxwell de Castellet (Templar), Piper De Castellet (Tranquil), Satine (Den mother/escort), Elspeth Cadash (Smuggler), Sofia Trevelyan (seeker)
Inquistion mini-stories
Carmenum di Amatus: (Romance)
Belvantia Aurelius X Cassandra
The Antivan Lady: (Romance)
Riyla Humael X Josephine
 In Medias Res:
The Magister: (tragic romance)
Side Chapters: X , X
Victoria Auerlius (Magister), Aueron Humael (hunter), Callitus (Gladiator) , Mila (Wet nurse), Mother Helene (Seeker)
Scams, Scamps, and Tramps: (Swashbuckling)
Soli Humael (mage), Belvantia Aurelius (rogue), Piper de Castellet (Tranquil), Maxwell de Castellet (Templar)
What happens when an apostate, Tevinter, Templar and Tranquil walk into a bar?  Trouble.
Pompa : (Epic)
Ocs: Penswith, Callitus (Gladiators)
Star of the Sea: (Swashbuckling) working with @frenchy-and-the-sea
OCs: Alex (Pirate Captain/rogue), Tahir (mage/First mate), Belvantia Aurelius, Soli Humael, Lou “Rum” Penswith (mage/surgeon) , Ella Penswith (cook/ bamf), Tabris (rogue), Clucker the Fucker (demon chicken), (Myrine ???)
OC kiss week stories: <3 Promise I’ll finish those. 
The Oculus: (Romance)
Soli Humael/Dorian Pavus
Huntress’ Heart: (Romance)
Mani Narama/ Avdotya Lavellan
Mass Effect Series:
Forged By Stars: 
Sara Ryder/ Vetra Nxy
Bound By Stars
Scott Ryder/ Avitus Rix
Final Frontiers:
Apex stories. Kess Adams/ Cul Nakmor Scrisis.
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