#oc: iphigenia
meekmedea · 3 months
i was thinking about aut viam invendiam aut and how clemmie wakes up in the hospital thinking the scales have returned - but what if that’s exactly what happened?
she goes back from post second rebellion back to eighteen, but it’s after the snake bites. she finds herself back in the section where they kept her hidden away from the other students, where no one visited her. the hunger games haven’t started yet, but the tributes are already in the capitol. but first things first, clemmie is getting the heck out of there - she’s not sick with the flu, and she’s lived for too long to simply take what gaul is doing lying down.
maybe she goes to felix and nia? they don’t need to know about the time travel - the scales marring her skin are more than enough to make them furious on her behalf. and she has a chance to do things better with reaper, even if she’s been sent back too late to save arachne or avoid the rainbow snakes.
or maybe she goes to her parents - endymion is not going to be happy about being told what had happened to her. and how does she interact with coriolanus?
Ahhh!!!! This is like super cool!! I love it so much. I feel like both ideas have so, so much potential :)
Oh, I agree, she definitely wouldn't be hanging around the hospital any longer than she has to.
For plot reasons, maybe she comes back the day she'd snuck out to find Coriolanus. I imagine security must have been more lax that day with the Arena having exploded and all.
This time, she definitely doesn't make the mistake of stopping by Coriolanus' room.
Scenario 1: Felix & Nia
Even if they aren't as close as they once were, that doesn't really matter when your friend shows you the scales that are now growing on her.
It's not the flu, that much they agree on.
It's an unanimous decision to smuggle her out. Even if they haven't heard the story. All they know is their friend is in danger and someone has lied to them about her being 'sick'.
I think the situation would be rather bit similar to The Ides of March - definitely not letting Clemmie out of their sight. Agreement that the snake bite is a major punishment for a white lie. Possible Gaul confrontation with Felix using his name to turn the doctor away.
Clemmie might be a lot more open to using what happened to her to her advantage - rather than just keeping it under wraps between Felix & Nia.
Unsure if she'd tell her parents.
Definitely a meeting between Coriolanus and Clemmie of some sort.
2 possible ways their confrontation could go:
Clemmie plays the long game. She 'understands' he tried to visit - they remain friends (in Coriolanus' mind). All the while, she's plotting something, anything to get the tributes out. She's seen the future, she knows the games cannot go on. If she cannot stop this one, at the very least she'll try to save Reaper.
Clemmie calls him out - we're told she's well-liked by faculty, staff, students. She uses that against him. Clemmie has known him long enough to know what makes him tick, and once he does, she twists the situation in a sympathetic light to her. (She doesn't necessarily even have to mention the snake bite. It can be a lie that she makes up.) Nobody is feeling bad for Coriolanus. Not even the tributes (then again, most don't like him to start.) This one has more potential to save the other tributes.
Knowing the trio they probably manage to stir up some sort of chaos (simply by existing as a trio) to get the tributes to live (+ possibly ending the games) - this is the reason why their friendship drifted apart over the years. It was TOO much chaos haha
ALT: If the games still go on and she hasn't been able to get the tributes out yet, a possible (but very crazy) way she attempts to help Reaper survive -> Remember the snakes? Assuming it's the same snake tank that she put her hand in, they know her scent. Reaper doesn't understand why she gives him her scarf and makes him swear he'll wear it at all times - he does so anyway.
Scenario 2: Endymion Dovecote
More scheming in this one + perhaps an explanation as to why Coriolanus didn't want Clemmie as an enemy.
Clemmie doesn't bother with her classmates and directly runs out of the hospital. Assuming she's got her book bag with her + uniform, she changes. Otherwise, she might steal a change of clothes from somewhere (scrubs?)
A facemask to hide her condition – there are plenty around. If she's wearing scrubs, people likely don't give her a second glance.
Ends up home without being caught and scare her parents with her appearance & her explanation.
There might be a few twists to the story of why she exactly agreed to lie about writing it, but who's going to know? It's really Coryo's words against hers. And needless to say, her parents will take her side over his.
Having come back from post-2nd rebellion to 18 - Clemmie needs immediate change, not something gradual like if she went back age 8.
Her parents are beyond pissed that this happened under Gaul's watch.
You don't survive a rebellion with your family intact without a few secrets / tricks up your sleeve... I wouldn't be surprised if Endymion has a few favours owed to him.
Endymion doesn't even bother with Gaul, he goes straight to President Ravinstill about this matter.
A similar conversation to the one in between Felix & Pres. Ravinstill fallaces sunt rerum species but with Endymion instead of Felix- Pres. Ravinstill agrees that this 'incident' was definitely a step too far (esp. for a white lie) but his hands are sort of tied. Gaul is too important of an ally for him to just let go.
Endymion remains frustrated and angry at this. "An apology will not make my daughter whole." - Endymion
Depending on Hector Dovecote's existence and importance to him, Pres. Ravinstill's frustration with Gaul varies. Dealing with the Capitol elite is ALWAYS a political headache. Don't even get him started on the Arena explosion and dead/hurt mentor count so far.
Casca Highbottom may or may not have gained an ally in despising Coriolanus.
Endymion may or may not be a vindictive man when his child is the one in harm. Very cutthroat.
Coriolanus is NOT going to be having a good time.
Casca is probably itching to use this to get Coriolanus expelled, but then he'd have to explain things to colleagues and Endymion doesn't want his daughter's matter aired out. So Casca goes with the next best thing, he finds some vague excuse to give yet another demerit to Coriolanus.
Probably like: "Another demerit due to your failure in reporting what happened and putting your classmate in danger."
(Just one more and this kid will be expelled! - Casca is just waiting for the next slip up)
And if the faculty asks about the demerit, he explains it in a way that paints Coriolanus in an unflattering light, it's toeing the truth and just enough that nobody speaks in defence of Coriolanus. 
Doesn't even matter if the games continue or not. Do you guys remember the bills and notice of eviction that the Snows had in TBOSAS? I can see Endymion speeding up the whole process so they get evicted a lot quicker.
Of course, you can't trace anything back to Endymion. All he's doing is nudging things along. Speed up the bureaucratic process.
The Snow name is an old one, but all there is left nowadays is an aging Grandma'am who's not always in touch with reality, Tigris and Snow. Not much political power to worry about.
And because you know me...
Reaper - a blurb that could take place before Clemmie escapes + finds Endymion
There's only two peacekeepers around. And one of them is too nervous to shoot. But as tempting it is to run, it would mean leaving Dill behind and he can't. Reaper's considering the merits of running with Dill when he makes eye contact with a girl huddled in the shadows. She looks familiar, but from where? Then it hits him. It's his mentor, the one who hadn't shown up today. Probably for the best considering the explosion, but now that he's really looking at her, Reaper is wondering if that's still the case. It's the way she presses herself into the shadows, the fear in her eyes that has him pretending that he can't see her. He shifts ever so slightly so nobody else can see her either. As he and the others are herded into van and back into he enclosure, he can only pray that she remains undiscovered.
Oh dear this got a little long...but I hope you enjoyed!
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phoenix--flying · 4 months
Titans Win AU; Intro Profiles - Hunters of Artemis
*this au takes place around Sea of Monsters
Camp Half-Blood Cabins Big Three | Two | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve
Zoë Nightshade (She/Her) Zoë is nymph, the daughter of Atlas and Pleione. Physically, she appears around fourteen but is chronologically over two thousand years old. Her exact location is unknown, though she is safe and with her hunters.
Zalea Walker (She/Her) Zalea is a daughter of Poseidon, she was born before the oath, putting her chronologically four hundred three years old, however, having joined the hunt when she was fourteen years old, that is her physical and biological age. Following the oath, Artemis turned Zalea into a wolf to keep her safe from Zeus' wrath but returned her to her human form following Kronos' returned. Her exact location is unknown, though she is safe and with the hunters.
Naya Walker (She/Her) Naya is a daughter of Poseidon, she was born before the oath, making her chronological age four hundred one years old, however, she joined the hunt at twelve years old so that is her physical and biological age. Following the oath, Zeus attempted to strike her down but she was saved by Amphitrite who turned her into a dolphin and returned her to her human form following Kronos' return. Her exact location is unknown, though she is safe and with the hunters.
Mae Davis (She/Her) Mae is a daughter of Hecate, she's chronologically a hundred ten, but is physically only eleven. Though her exact location unknown, she is safe with the hunters.
Iphigenia ‘Geni’ Siatas (She/Her) Iphigenia is a legacy of Thetis and a descendant of Achilles. She appears fifteen, though is over eight hundred years old chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Phoebe Matthews (She/Her) Phoebe is a daughter of Zephyros. Physically, she's twelve years old, but chronologically she's one hundred twenty-eight. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Naomi Collier (She/Her) Naomi is a daughter of Acheron, the nymph of the chthonic river, and although she only looks fourteen, chronologically she's one hundred forty-five years old. While her exact location is unknown, she is safe with the hunters.
Celyn Meza (She/Her) Celyn is a daughter of Oceanus, she's chronologically five hundred seventy-three, but appears twelve. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Mary Rosario (She/They) Mary is a mortal, she appears twelve, but chronologically is in her twenties. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Corey Escobar (She/He) Corey is a child of Metis, her physical age is sixteen, but her chronological age is unknown. His exact location is unknown, but he is safe with the hunters.
Laverne Hatfield (She/Her) Laverne is a mortal, she is twelve years old physically but ninety-two chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Tairi Sakagami (They/Them) Tairi is a child of Hypnos, they're chronologically one hundred seven and thirteen physically. Their exact location is unknown, but they're safe with the hunters.
May Adams (She/Her) May is a daughter of Sinope, she is physically twelve but chronologically around six hundred eight. Her exact location is unknown, but she's safe with the hunters.
Evangeline ‘Eva’ of Delphi (She/Her) Eva is a daughter of the primordial god Chronos, appearing as a twelve year old, but she is over two thousand five hundred chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Willow Remmel (She/Her) Willow is a weeping cherry dryad, her age is unknown. Her current location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Nutra Saenubon (They/Them) Nutra is a child of Themis, physically they appear as a fifteen year old, but chronologically they are one hundred twenty. Their exact location is unknown, but they are safe and with the hunters.
Iliana Bouras (She/Her) Iliana is a daughter of Apollo, she appears as a seventeen year old but is around twenty chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Aviva ‘Av’ Moretti (She/Her) Av is a daughter of Persephone, she joined the hunters recently and is only twelve both physically and chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
Primrose ‘Prim’ Wright (She/Her) Prim is a daughter of Demeter, she's sixteen physically but nineteen chronologically. Her exact location is unknown, but she is safe with the hunters.
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liviacardew · 3 months
time travelling kiddos fcs
(in order; left to right)
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seneca crane, aelia ravinstill, achilles crane-cardew
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plutarch heavensbee, albert canville, athena creed
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marcella friend, sol moss-ring, antonia anderson-ring
(albert isn't really a time travelling kiddo- but he created the time travelling machine so)
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goofy-clan · 12 days
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Part 3/4
First - Prev - Next
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rosieartsie · 29 days
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Another piece with the freaks who take “cannibalism as a metaphor for love” and are steadily taking away the metaphor parts of it lol. I’m by virtue of loving these two together gonna figure out how to do convincing blood one of these days 🤣
Iphigenia belongs to me
Theophanes belongs to @theskeletonprior
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turbobyakuren · 1 year
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All of the Champions from the Greece story of MagiMonsters in their human forms (and in proportions most minimal!)
Below the readmore, short introductory paragraphs for each of them!
Olympia Komninou, Griffon MagiMonster! Champion of Athena. Student in archaeology at the University of Athens. Passionate and cheerful, she seeks to learn more about herself through the many challenges she'll have to face. She loves hanging out and eating out. She has the ability to store an unlimited amount of weapons in her amulet.
Iris Griva, Cyclops MagiMonster! Champion of Hephaestus. Works full time as a disciple of Hephaestus in his workshop. Takes metalworking seriously. She doesn't really understand jokes or innuendo and tends to take expressions too literally. She is a good fighter despite being a support type of MagiMonster. She has the ability to create weapons from any material and can analyze power levels of any being or object with her single eye.
Eurydice Diamantopoulou, Siren MagiMonster! Champion of Apollo. She used to be a famous singer until she lost her voice in an accident. After an encounter with Apollo, she recovered the use of her voice but can only sing, not talk. In spite of her speech mutism, her prima donna attitude makes her hard to tolerate. She has the ability to charm and entrance any being with her appearance and voice and can predict the near or distant future with no distinction as to when the events will occur.
Iphigenia Elaphiaia, Ceryneian Hind MagiMonster! Champion of Artemis. A nymph, leader of Artemis' huntress. Formerly human, she allegedly used to be a veterinarian until she was turned into a nymph by Artemis' wrath. She lost all hopes of returning to a normal life. She has endless stamina and can travel long distances without ever being caught, but cannot fight unless she is touched by moonlight.
Myrto Dimopoulou, Satyr MagiMonster! Champion of Dionysus. An artist who performs a very complicated series of stories through theatre plays, bathroom graffitis, hidden mixtapes, etc. She loves the arts and thinks of art as the most fundamental aspect of life. Her positive outlook on life and zany attitude is often mocked and shunned, but under that goofy vibe, she is a force not to be messed with. She has the ability to create wine that can produce various effects, can entrance beings with "drunken illusions" that makes them believe they're part of a theatre play's story. She can also increase the effect of a ritual and provoke madness through it.
Ophelia Papadopoulou, Harpy MagiMonster! Champion of Hermes. A teenage runaway girl who serves the messenger god Hermes, her caretaker, with whom she agreed on a pact granting her a iota of his incredible speed for the sake of doing cool tricks, but he cursed her to have no sense of directions. Oops! She's a cheerful hothead who often acts impulsively. She has the ability of flight and can generate whirlwinds and storm winds. She also can snatch one item from someone without being noticed at all.
Myrina Çelik, Erymanthian Boar MagiMonster! Champion of Aphrodite. A martial artist and fitness model, managed by Aphrodite. She's quiet and always focused on the tasks she has to perform, and in fighting she acts on pure instinct. In spite of her intimidating gaze and her reputation as a quick-tempered warrior, she is surprisingly chill, friendly and supportive. She has the ability to resist the first 100 hits in a battle, can deal a devastating blow on her fifth consecutive strike and can destroy anything on her way when she charges with her shield.
Hesione Marinou, Cetus MagiMonster! Champion of Poseidon. A priestess of Poseidon who was raised as a sacrifice to the Cetus, but was spared after she proved her worth to the sea god. Motherly, devoted and of pacifist nature, she will always aid people facing the dangers of the tumultuous sea. If Poseidon asks her to do something, she will do as he asks without any hesitation out of sheer devotion. Despite claiming that she is satisfied with this puzzling situation, she secretly wishes of a human life. In addition to aquatic powers and super-strength, she has the ability to grow in size. Her powers strengthen considerably if she is in a body of water.
Vera Aggelatou, Pegasus MagiMonster! Despite not being a Champion, Poseidon took her under his wing, as her strength easily equals a champion. She is methodical and serious, focused entirely on whatever objective she needs to accomplish and on bettering herself. Originally fated to become the Griffon MagiMonster, her life turned upside down when Olympia unknowingly and unwillingly took her place. If Olympia can use any type of weapons possible, Vera chose to only use a single weapon type to fight with: the katana sword. She has the ability of flight, can infuse her weapon with lightning and can reflect attacks with a special type of parry.
Hyakinthi Kehaya, Scylla MagiMonster! One of the two Champions of Hera. Disgraced heir of a fashion empire, she became a warrior for Hera after a series of strange events where she proved her worth. She has a good sense of initiatives and a charismatic personality, but comes across as rather self-centered when she insists on taking the lead. She and Nia are a couple with an amazing synergy, blessed by Hera. She can only become a MagiMonster on land. She has the ability to create land on water bodies and alter water currents at will.
Nia, Charybdis MagiMonster! One of the two Champions of Hera. Her real name is Ourania Dellaporta and she was the heiress of a wealthy family, but her hatred for materialism led her to commit transgressions and leave civilization to become a witch on a strange island. Anti-social and careless, she can be cruel if pushed to the extremes. Her creative use of hydromancy makes her a powerful ally. She and Hyakinthi are a couple with an amazing synergy, blessed by Hera. She can only become a MagiMonster underwater. She has the ability to create whirlpools and to alter water currents at will.
Alcmene Alexaki, Nemean Lion MagiMonster! Champion of Zeus. Current titleholder of the Divine Victory. An olympic wrestler who always seeks to push the limits of her physical performances, no matter what. This causes her to perform incredible athletic feats, at the cost of her own health. She barely cares if she hurts herself. She's a woman of few words and it's almost impossible to be friends with her. But she cares. She cares a lot. She has an indestructible skin and the ability to cut through any armor.
Chrysantha Alpha, Mu, and Omega, Cerberus MagiMonster! Champion of Hades and Persephone. A shade whose soul split in three halves (nicknamed "heads") upon her mysterious death. Each head guards one of the domains of the Underworld: Alpha, kind but plain, guards Asphodel Meadows, Mu, serious and stricts, guards Tartarus and Omega, boisterous and reckless, guards Elysium Fields. She has the ability to be impassible when guarding a given place and to analyze where a soul will end up in the Underworld. Each head has a unique ability: Alpha can summon shades to fight, Mu can bind and inflict punishments when she witnesses a "crime" and Omega can summon the strength of heroic shades.
Chrysaorus the Knight of Seasons, Kykhreides MagiMonster! Champion of Demeter. A seemingly immortal dragon knight in charge of enforcing the Sacred Law. Never talks. Obeys Demeter no matter what. Her power set changes depending on the season. She has the ability to change an area's season for the duration of a battle. She also has the ability to give special properties to fruits and vegetables.
Pandora, Titan MagiMonster! Champion of Hestia. Crafted by the gods, she is nicknamed the original woman. For her wrongdoings, she has been unfairly punished: she has been made immortan and she carries the powers of the Titans. Locked in the basement of a Neko Maid Cafe in Athens, she slumbers for a century when she uses her powers beyond a certain limit. She possesses tremendous destructive powers capable of causing catastrophes and natural disasters. The only things that holds her back from completely destroying the world is her humanity.
Aínigma, Chimera MagiMonster! Not a Champion, but her strength equals one. She claims not being affiliated to any goddess and simply does as she wishes. Due to the very nature of her powers, no one knows who she really is. She has the ability to shapeshift into any animal she wants and to be an amalgamation of three different animals. She also has the ability to conceal her true identity.
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kaz-identified · 27 days
4, 27, 33 for the guardians? 🤔
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Iphigenia Melavir, to whom "resilient" does not begin to cover it all. A member of Clan Ithaca, she was a dear friend of the Young Wolf, Telemachus, and her fireteam, even claiming Orestes Verlax as a brother of sorts, up until the Red War, when she lost her Ghost, Zephyr, and best friend, Apollo, in the retreat from the City, taking his Ghost Delphi with her to the Farm. Since she has learned Stasis to fend for herself and Delphi, refusing to leave the field until she is dead for real, or her beloved Cassandra convinces her to maybe take it easy.
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Paragon-9 leads a relatively simple life. He is a crucible regular, on the path to become a Vanguard scout. He doesn't have a lot happening.
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Flint-5 is motivated by one thing: wealth. She owes no loyalty to the City or Vanguard, only to herself and whoever's paying her the most. Once a humble hitman in the City, she's moved up to running her own business in the City's seedy underworld as a contractor, putting Guardians willing to get their hands dirty with less reputable activities in contact with those willing to do whatever it takes to get a leg up over the competition. ask me about my guardians
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spiralling-thoughts · 1 month
Me : I don't think I would ever create a capitol oc
My brain: we'll see about that
and that's how this was born
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Kassandra moss
Iphegenia 's little sister at 12 years old unlike her sister Kassandra is terrified of their father and always obeys everything he says and asks of her because of this she is bragged about by her father and negatively compared to her older sister
She's a very isolating girl who considers her dolls and sister to be her closest friends , she does have a friendship with Artemis ring but she never tells her about her home troubles as her father told her to keep it a secret
Collect antique dolls and talk to and sleep with them she also tends to stress eat a lot
Despite the favouritism she and iphegenia have a nice relationship both try to help the other with their eating habits (although with very little to no success) Kassandra considers iphegenia her closest friend and they talk alot with one another however when it comes to dealing with their father they tend to argue about it as Kassandra doesn't see a point in getting revenge at their father and tries to get her sister to be more obedient while iphegenia wishes Kassandra would stop listening to their father
Iphegenia brought Kassandra with her to the zoo , Kassandra was at first scared and anxious as their father talked very badly of the districts but then she noticed dill coughing and asked her if she was sick then much to her surprise she talked with dill for a while and found herself wishing that dill would become the victor which made her feel conflicted because she was supposed to be rooting for her sister's tribute and she wasn't supposed to talk to any of the tributes to begin with
Found lucky to be very annoying
Both sisters held and comforted one another after the games
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te-pu-si-ti · 3 months
Sacrificed children
This morning I was awoken by the sound of prayer.
A tune curling through my window: God is greatest, God is greatest, God is greatest.
It's Eid al-Adha. The Eid of sacrifice. Honouring when Ibrahim/Abraham was willing to kill his son, and for his devotion, his son was saved.
Of course, when Ismail (or Isaac) is replaced by a ram on the altar, I immediately start thinking of another sacrificed child. Replaced by a deer, in some versions. In others, not.
Not a test of faith who was always destined to be saved. A punishment, a dare, or a wretched bargain: lose the girl or lose the whole army.
And Artemis took pity on the girl - she had no fault in all this. She had a further life. But either way, her father did the damning deed. He was not only willing, but he went through with it.
There's no winning in war.
And the clever thing The Burnt City did was to link up all the lost children of the war: not just killed, but sacrificed. Not only Iphigenia and Polyxena, parallels already drawn in the text between these two slaughtered princesses. Also Polydorus: in this version, not only killed for man's greed, but also sacrificed at the request of a god. A dark god, outside the pantheon, worshipped in secret.
Hidden away in a labyrinth.
"Boys are harder to find," I once heard Polymestor say. All the boys had been sent away already. All the boys were already off being killed. (Sacrificed to Ares.)
All except one prince, still protected by his mother.
He, too, must feed the unquenchable thirst for blood, one way or another.
The labyrinth is the city and the city is war. It repeats over and over and over again, and were it not for the war, nobody would know its name.
And all sacrificed children are the same child. When Polydorus takes me into his refuge under the stairs, he tells me a story, but the story belongs to Mycenae. The tale of the lion cub is from Aeschylus' Agamemnon. But he is not just Polydorus, he is every child that has been lost or thrown away for what was deemed a greater cause. When Iphigenia takes me into her hut, she tells not the story from her own text, but instead a story of a world that's all merciless and fake.
Every child lost to war is a loss to the whole world. Nobody comes out victorious.
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arrenkae · 2 years
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My firbolg druid, Iphigenia.
Born in the Feywild during an unnaturally long and cold magical winter, she has been a sickly child who barely survived through the first years of her life. Her family eventually discovered that what made her so sick was the Feywild itself, and had to move her to the Material Plane.
Even now, more than two centuries later, Iphigenia does not like the Feywild very much, preferring the steady flow of time and calm natural order of the Material Plane, where she watches over her own druid grove. She is a very chill and relaxed person, even though most people she meets would describe her as "weird" and "what the hell is she even saying" and "oh gods please get this giant woman away from me". Even then, she remains unbothered, moisturized, happy, in her lane, focused, flourishing.
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Oc lineup, part 1.
From left to right: Iphigenia, Cedwyn, Hickory, Baby, and Jack
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ayaben · 2 years
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FEAST, MY LOVE (non-canon au where genia goes apeshitt)
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jontheredrc · 1 year
Yu-Gi-Oh AU chapter where both Lyla and Iphigenia get their decks stolen by some fellow students of Duel Academy looking to cause trouble
Lyla and Iffie go after one another's decks instead of their own, and this culminates in a scene where Lyla has to duel using Iffie's deck (maybe it's a wager to get Iffie's deck back, or maybe it's something unrelated that comes up after)
through this exercise, Lyla comes to understand how her friend's deck is similar to hers (in that it swarms the field with individually weak monsters) and how it's different (in that it then uses them for the summon of Dystopia the Despondent)
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and in true YGO fashion, she comes to understand more about Iffie herself through this exercise, and Lyla has a deep and thoughtful moment about the infinite similarities and differences between herself and Iffie
meanwhile, Iffie simply shoved the kid who stole Lyla's deck and took it back that way, and she's been waiting idly for most of the chapter
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liviacardew · 4 months
my list of the mentors' children!
Hello everyone! FYI, this list is all solely based off of my headcanons and they're all around the same age, but if I write '____ years apart', it means the second name mentioned is younger.
Aelia Ravinstill - Clemensia Dovecote and Felix Ravinstill's daughter
Athena and Flavius Creed, three years apart - Festus Creed and Persephone Price's children
Plutarch Heavensbee - Hilarius Heavensbee and Vipsania Sickle's son
Achilles Crane-Cardew - Livia Cardew and Arachne Crane's son
June Ruby Snow - Lucy Gray and Coriolanus Snow's daughter
Albert Canville - Io Jasper and Urban Canville's son
Rufus Vickers - Lysistrata Vickers and unnamed husband's son
Solasta 'Sol' Moss-Ring - Iphigenia Moss and Diana Ring's daughter
Antonia Ring-Anderson - Apollo Ring and Androcles Anderson's daughter
Marcella Friend - Florus Friend and Palmyra Monty's daughter
Tanner and Bobbin Phipps-Whimsiwick, two years apart - Juno Phipps and Domitia Whimsiwick's sons
Stay tuned for a special post about them!!
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naivesilver · 1 year
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newsflash! the weird movie I'm watching tonight is ALSO ripe with eliana vibes
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rosieartsie · 2 months
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WIP of the freaks lol It’s been a while since I’ve had this much fun with an RP, my husband and I kicking our feetsies about these weirdos lol. They’ve only known each other for one day and already they’re being homoerotically devoted to each other lmao sometimes a meetcute is letting a half titan drink your blood and offering to let them eat your brain. I’m excited to keep work going on this- this new coloring style I’m fucking around with make my brain go BRRRRRRRR
Theophanes belongs to my love @theskeletonprior
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