#oc: he zuo
yb-five · 11 months
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(The Chinese red arrow in the top right means "pursuing", and the second character top row is named Kim. I made two different languages of this so I missed some bits when translating, oops)
Relationship chart for my HH ocs circa 2020. The setting has changed a little but the relationships and characters haven't so this is still pretty accurate
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funniest shit i learned this week: absolutely obsessed about the way daddy sima fang vs daddy sun jian named their sons + the hypothetical relationships they had.
lets look at Sun Jian: He was born to a peasant father whos name was never even recorded in history, but he had high hopes for his sons and he named them accordingly:
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Sun Ce, styled Bofu -- Ce means "strategy," Fu is a type of military token used to prove that a command has legitimate authority. very ironic the son named "strategy" is the hothead who rushes into things. Sun Quan, styled Zhongmou -- Quan means "right" e.g. "the right to rule", Mou means also strategy. this time it's appropriate, at least! Sun Yi, styled Shubi -- Yi means "to assist," Bi also means..."assist" I guess daddy was trying to get the message across "hey champ. ur like the 3rd son ur NEVER going to inherit. so just be good and help ur bros, ok?" Sun Kuang, styled Jizuo--Kuang means "to revive" as in "to revive the han dynasty." Zuo............also means "assist." (OK DAD. I GET THE MESSAGE. GOD.)
MOVING ON! this is the 8 brothers of the sima clan. notice anything?
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ALL their courtesy names ended in Da. No it wasn't common for the time. Their contemporaries were straight up roasting them for it, calling them the "Sima-Eight-Da" it gets better. you see the courtesy names Bo, Zhong, Shu ect? they're used to denote birth order going from eldest-> youngest. this is the fucking equivalent of naming your kids One Two Three Four Five... + tacking on a Da at the end. (Da means achieve/reach btw) im losing my fucking mind over the implications. Sun Jian the barely-educated, peasant-born, Mr "talk softly and carry a HUGE sword," is spending 7 hours a day on babynames.com in between kicking dong zhuo's ass, obsessing over each letter like a 13yo creating their first OC, being all "my precious baby boys are destined for greatness and they need the COOLEST names and COURTESY names to match." and sima fang is like [Ctr+ C] [Ctr + P], and in the end it's HIS ugly kid that ends up unifying china.
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iieonarch · 8 months
Should this be their last.
// No CWs or TWs . Sort of melancholic , I wrote this while still in the process of making my oc's lore so this might be vague and be a bit different to his finalized character later , might be ooc from canon , ZuoNan (as in his title and not his name: 南王子)
The muscles in his legs ached slightly from the journey, completely unprepared for the hike needed to get to the location of the meeting stated in that letter. There was no time to procrastinate the day of this departure for that stamp belonged to only this childhood friend of his has finally appeared after quite some time. 
The air is unexpectedly chilly even in spring, the silence resembled the world lifeless uncommon for a season that brimmed with the vibrance of the living; only the subtle melodies of leaves and creaking of slim bamboo trunks accompanied his adventure upward. 
Zuo Le stopped in his tracks and released a breath as he held onto the worn-down wooden railing that separated himself from the path and the forest. 
His surroundings were a large expanse of bamboo trees and beyond that were mountains that resembled Lungmen’s skyscrapers. A landscape so magical that reminded him of the peaks in Shangshu that might as well be a mirage yet it was a beauty he remembered quite vividly. 
The bottom was covered in thick fog, even if there was a sign of a small community of sorts Zuo Le wouldn’t see it. 
He sucked in a breath, letting the cold spring breeze cool his throat before he turned to climb the last few stairs. An addition of shuffling ahead added to the bleak silence before the clink of his sword rang through as he placed his hand on it. 
The moment their eyes met, Zuo Le dropped his hand back to his side. Those red horns of a true Lung that matched his eyes and a smile Zuo Le easily imagined under that dark veil covering the lower half of his face: The Prince of the South of Great Yan.
“Has the journey exhausted you? I couldn’t find a better place without it being private enough,” the Prince spoke as they sat by the wooden table, decorated with a few bamboo leaves at the bottom and hints of green moss. The Prince had no issue with the lack of cleanliness of the surface yet Zuo Le’s inner urge rose to lay his coat for the stool he was already sitting on. 
“The area is very much to your taste, though I apologize for being a bit late,” Zuo Le said as he sat on the opposite side of the table. 
The Prince acknowledged his apology with a casual hum before he picked up a wrapped item and placed it on the stone table, unwrapping the cloth to reveal neatly stacked lunch boxes. 
As the Prince stood up to lay them out, so did Zuo Le. 
“Don’t,” he put his hand in front of Zuo Le, a small breeze pushed his veil away to reveal the corners of his lips pulled upwards before he laughed, “you’re exhausted, I’m aware of the adventures those siblings have put you through.” 
Zuo Le slowly sat back down with a troubled look. “As much as you do this to me, I don’t think I’ll ever be used to it.” 
“That’s alright. You can buy me something from Lungmen the next time we meet.” 
Zuo Le explained his encounters with the Sui Siblings along with Rhodes Island’s involvement that he started to pick on when he was in Shangshu, followed by his meeting with the most recent among them: Shu. 
The next report was less of a report and more of a subtle question of approval. 
“Stationed in Rhodes Island,” the Prince repeated after Zuo Le explained his next journey, his tone strangely calm which made Zuo Le lowered his chopsticks and think over his decision once more. 
“Do you disagree, Your Highness?” 
“Certainly not,” the Prince immediately assured, moving forward to take another snack from one of the containers, “if it makes your job easier then I have no qualms against this. On the other hand, I’m very impressed.” 
Zuo Le lowered his head. “Thank you, Your Highness.” 
The Prince rested his head on his hand as his veil swayed to the side following the tilting of his head. The gentleness in his eyes is noticeable when Zuo Le waited for more of his reaction, even as the silence slowly crept in such a look was hard for him to pull away from. With the rareness akin to the night flower he remembered the Prince cultivated in his garden, on the night that treasure bloomed white petals under the moon; Zuo Le was reminded of the letter he received that day. 
I wish you were here to see it with me. The pureness of a first bloom untouched by a speck of dirt and petals brighter than any of the first snow I’ve seen. 
A smile softer than any silk Zuo Le had touched separated behind the dark veil only he had the luxury to see. 
“If I could be honest with you, Zuo Le. It’ll be a bit more lonelier.” 
Perhaps, he should’ve realized the impact of his choice earlier. For someone to be a close friend to the Prince that he had always called Zuo Le’s name with such pride for as long as he could remember––he picked up his little gestures; like the borderline between the Prince’s usual tone before it dropped a bit lower, almost to a whisper. Wanting to keep silent about his true feelings yet wanting them to be heard, even for both of them, vulnerability remained a weakness. 
If they weren’t closer since young, the quietest of confessions that would be swept away by the wind could never be heard nor would Zuo Le feel the safety of having a powerful support.  
“I could…send you letters daily,” Zuo Le suggested after a while. His words made the Prince chuckle and earned him a generous amount of lotus root crackers to his plate that the Prince scooped up with his chopsticks. 
“I’d never deny your letters, but don’t force yourself to,” he said in the end. 
“I don’t have the right to keep you chained to me. You’re your own person, Zuo Le.” 
But he could. He could tell Zuo Le to be his guard and leave this mission, no one would back down from the Prince’s orders. After all, the person who suggested Zuo Le to the Sui Regulators faction was the Prince himself. 
Rhodes Island would be a convenient place to keep an eye on the siblings and he was honored to have this role, he wouldn’t have asked for anything else. 
However, a small voice in him wished that he would return to stand next to the Prince just as they were back then. Maybe he wouldn’t miss that night flower if he did. 
“Since you said that I’m my own person, you will have to accept my incoming stack of letters. That’s my choice.” 
The Prince dipped his head as he laughed at the determined tone Zuo Le had. He leaned forward against the edge of the table. 
“I’ll look forward to them.” 
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jianghuchild · 3 years
Writing Masterlist
Original works up top; fanfic under the cut, sorted by alphabetical order of fandom.
in case your VPN doesn't work
the most interesting thing i can do (a sister poem about joy)
Nothing, Just A Blank Page
There is Too Much (I Am Reading the Wrong Poems)
Are you sure you grew up here?
I am listed in the Hundred Families, but they don't know how to read them
Prose Fiction
In The Wind
Lovers' Day
The Red String Project
Prose Non-Fiction
赵英俊让我看懂了女儿国 | How Zhao Yingjun Made The Kingdom of Women Make Sense
A Poorly Structured Essay About Why Wes Chan Owns Me
过把瘾 Guo Ba Yin fanvid
Yueque fanvid
A Journey To Love 一念关山
curtain rise, curtain fall, all guests in the end | 戏幕起,戏幕落,终是客
Yu Shisan lives, grief, survivor's guilt
3,615 words
something from home | 故乡来
Li Tongguang/Yang Ying, post-canon, pregnancy
2,932 words
in crime | 营私
Ning Yuanzhou/Ren Ruyi, adopted princess!Ruyi, fluff
832 words
Alice in Borderland
two sharp things
Chishiya/OC, inspired by another fic
1,670 words
Dimension 20
twice shy (Misfits & Magic)
Evan Kelmp/K Tanaka, pre-relationship, sharing a bed
1,223 words
Find Yourself 下一站是幸福
He Canyang and Cai Minmin Celebrate Qiqi (and eat lots of food)
He Canyang/Cai Minmin, fluff
1,352 words
It Lives Anthology (Choices)
not to me, not if it's you | Untitled Noah x MC (original post)
737 words (717 on Tumblr)
not ILW-compliant
f!MC as Redfield, resurrection
until the stars lose their fire
749 words
post-canon, ILW betrayal ending, anchor!MC
Joy of Life 庆余年
Why need we stay together day and night | 又岂在朝朝暮暮
Yan Bingyun/Lady Shen, post-season 1, secret women alliance
2,086 words
Love and Redemption 琉璃
What we do not owe each other
Ruo Yu/Xiao Yinhua, fix-it of sorts, AU canon divergence
5,703 words
Love in Between 少年游之一寸相思
You Have To Want To Live | 可否舍义取身
Zuo Qingci/Su Yunluo, post-canon fix-it
Nirvana in Fire 2 crossover
10,972 words, 6 chapters
Love Between Fairy and Devil 苍兰诀
Into the Bitter Sea
Danyin/Xunfeng, post-canon, love spell
10,208 words, 3 chapters
A Dream of Golden Millet
Yunzhong Jun/female OC, tragedy, mortal trial
7,146 words, 3 chapters
to know the other | 知彼
Changyuan & Shangque, first meetings (kind of)
629 words
Love Like the Galaxy 星汉灿烂·月升沧海
斯是陋室 | A Plain Little House
Yuan Shen/female OC, mutual pining, wibbly post-canon
4,780 characters/3,761 words
无人时,才敢默写你的名字 | Only alone do I dare write your name (silently)
Yuan Shen/female OC, 5+1
1,663 words
Story of Kunning Palace 坤宁 / 宁安如梦
so, you two? | 所以,你俩?
You Fangyin/Lü Xian, fix-it
3,764 words
Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms 三生三世十里桃花
Remember the way home | 记得家的方向
Zi Lan/Yan Zhi, post-canon, character musings, angst
1,645 words
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shijiujun · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: HIStory3 - 圈套 | HIStory3: Trapped Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Meng Shaofei/Tang Yi, Jack | Fang Liangdian/Zhao Li'an | Zhao-zi, Gu Daoyi/Zuo Hongye, Andy/OC, Jiang Jin Tang/OC, Meng Shaofei & Everyone Characters: Meng Shaofei, Jack | Fang Liangdian, Zhao Li'an | Zhao-zi, Gu Daoyi, Zuo Hongye, Andy (HIStory), Dr. Jiang | Jiang Jintang, OCs, Mentions of Jun Wei & Yu Qi Additional Tags: Slice of Life, Families of Choice, Fluff, Family Feels, Shao Fei wipes everyone's asses basically, Reunions, Some Humor
Shao Fei isn’t used to having so many people to take care of, but he tries his best. That’s what Tang Yi would want, he tells himself.
As a bullet flies over, striking the table he’s hiding behind, Shao Fei wonders if it’s too late to change his mind.
“Who did you offend this time?!” he yells over the noise.
Hong Ye, who was just minutes ago trying on her fifth wedding dress, and is now crouched behind a pillar with Dao Yi covering her with his body, scowls at him.
“Why do you always assume that it’s my fault?!”
A sequel to just waiting, waiting (on you) where Shao Fei finds ways to solve the problems of his new family, one at a time, but can be read on its own.
*Basically how Shao Fei spends his time with Jack, Zhao Zi, Hong Ye, Dao Yi, Andy & Jin Tang while waiting for Tang Yi to leave prison. Chaos ensues, of course.
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foraltruism · 5 years
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Itsuki’s Verses
Canon - Xenoblade Chronicle’s 2: A Different Story He’s a Driver for Hire with two blades, Zuo and Iza ( @nyanzaya​‘s ocs ) who accidentally resonated with them, and is currently avoiding the Ardanian Empire. He’s most often seen at the Argentum Trade Guild or Gormott. Will travel to other Titans in the near future, except for Indoline.
General / “Modern” - Itsuki is the librarian’s assistant at (X) school. His home life is a constant back and forth between X city with his parents and Hokkaido with his grandparents. He doesn’t make friends easily due to this and comes off as a bit stand off-ish, but grows warmer and care free in later threads.
Persona 5 - After summer vacation, Itsuki is the new transfer student at Shujin Academy. He represents the Temperance Arcana, and can often be found in the library, or at Cafe Leblanc after getting to know the Protagonist
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if-that-so · 5 years
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And our reluctant hero, zuo (I realized that I never know the color of his eyes!) He look like a mess but how could you look less than miserable when the love of your life is your enemy (just an excuse for my lack of skill in digital drawing). Thank you @nyanzaya for such wonderful ocs that fill me with so much love...
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despacitotm-a · 5 years
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Some things about my disaster of an OC:
He’s a NEET, because he’s not allowed to get a job.
Instead of having a regular job, he works as a streamer playing video games.
He’s addicted to coffee and energy drinks. Sleep is a social construct.
When he does sleep, he sleeps like the absolute dead, for up to 15 hours. On the flip side, he’ll try to stay up for 48 hours.
His house is clean until you get to his game room, which is littered in discarded coffee cups, and energy drinks. He loves his game room and rarely leaves
He’s a lil bit eccentric and does a lit of things without thinking (example: moving his gaming set up to the kitchen cabinet)
Comes from a rich family, acts like a rich kid, but lives very poorly.
Daddy IssuesTM
Has an adorable little brother he’s not allowed to see, but is stalked by.
When he smiles 99% of the time they’re fake af, and you’ll want to slap him.
Hella fucking gay btw.
Total bottom.
Acts like he’s stupid because he dropped out of high school, but is actually really smart, and during his time at school he was number one in all his studies.
Has a huge crush on a high school friend but it’s very unrequited as his friend is getting married. It’s his first true love.
Zuo ( @nyanzaya​ ) is his current love interest. (He loves him a lot even tho Zuo has to put up with him)
His father is a politician, and disowned him when he came out as gay (yikes homophobia!)
He’s also an illegitimate child so that also has a bit to do with why his father disowned him.
His step mother gives him money to live in the apartment he stays at, along with having his groceries done and other needs he has (it’s the least she can do even though she dislikes him as well)
He acts very cynical, but is actually a very sweet boy who wants to be loved ans accepted for who he is.
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nyanzaya · 5 years
@if-that-so inquired: 💋💖💄👓🔫🔮🎤🎪🍸🍯🍰⛄⏳💐⚾🌊🌵🍒🐝💳👠👻💉🃏😊🙁 tbh i want to ask all... And also, there are some i already know but i just want to make sure 😘 
oc questions
💋 What traits do they like in other people? What traits do they not like?
Iza: The traits Iza likes in other people is intellect? He likes smart people, but he also doesn’t like smart people. He loves people who are a little gullible/inattentive because he would take advantage of it in small ways to get what he wants. Direct people are his favorite but also his bane because he hates to be put in the spotlight when they call things/point things out.
Zuo: Zuo likes when someone is laid back, fun and just a calming presence to be around. The traits he dislikes are: Deceptive, dishonest, indecisive and of course provoking in terms of trying to rile him up and get him angry
💖 Do they have a significant other? If so, who?
In their canon they were significant others; but things happened and now they are broken up even though under the sheets they still want to be together. You could say that they are still significant others but if they find anyone else to be with instead of each other then they let each other go. In a way you could say Zuo and Iza are still significant others with each other but as of right now they don’t have a significant other-- (and if i were to make this blog single ship I think I might make them significant others again but it would be like wild af)
💄 Do they care about their physical appearance? What’s their routine like?
Iza: He cares a lot about how he looks. From how his hair is style to the make up he has on. He wants to look the best and be the “best in show” Often, he is asleep during the day but whenever he does wake up he washes his face, fixes his hair to look well-kept and then he puts on eyeliner and depending, mascara. The eyeliner is always a cateye. He has a bunch more make up but he stays with the simple stuff because he feels that if you put too much you’re just ruining how you look, then he makes sure his nails are well-kept and manicured so if he’s not sleeping or working he will be tending to his nails
Zuo: He doesn’t care that much about how he looks? All he cares about is looking presentable and then going about his business. He doesn’t care for “looking the best” if anything he’d just want to look cool even if he doesn’t wear anything that’s flashy. Zuo does style his hair to hide his ears but sometimes they perk up from under his hair and it’s super cute
👓 Do they have any physical or mental disabilities?
Iza: I MEAN. He doesn’t have any physical disabilities but for mental-- like PTSD then yes lol. MMmh I guess hypersomnia because he is constantly and I mean cooonstantly sleeping even though it’s more like naps(like 16-24 hours at least) Anxiety and depression too.
Zuo: He doesn’t have any physical disabilities and for mental it’s almost the same as Iza’s except he doesn’t have hypersomnia. With what they both lived through, they would have these types of mental disorders but they ARE NOT diagnosed for it
🔫 What would they die for? Kill for?
Both of them would die to help their kin be free from servitude and they’d kill for it too. Iza already does kill for it, but Zuo tries not too. Though, unlike Iza, Zuo would kill and die for his significant other(whether it’s Iza or not), but Iza would kill for his significant other even if it means he kills them or someone else lmfao
🔮 Do they have any magical powers or abilities? If it’s a realistic world, what religion do they follow?
I think there has to be some magic because well, tbh the world is based around drrr and there’s supernatural creatures like faeries and demons so it wouldn’t surprise me if there was even a little bit of magic but, Iza and Zuo don’t have any magical powers or abilities. Iza isn’t exactly religious but the religion he follows is the religion of a cat god who was almost entirely erased from the world and sometimes when he refers to “God” he refers to her, but he does reference the christian God quite a bit and might have a bit of a god complex because he preaches for people to “Turn yourself into God and you won’t ever be killed.” Now ZUO WELL, I think he actually is religious but he is not a devote follower. I think he follows the same religion as Iza with the cat god but he isn’t a devote follower of Her, he prefers to keep religion and things like that to himself. Where Iza and Zuo differ between the religion is Iza says She is a vengeful and cruel god who wants to punish all who have hurt her children or kittens(As in her followers), while Zuo says she’s a benevolent God who wants to fix the things she had done wrong. Iza and Zuo don’t talk about religion to each other often because they could never agree.
🎤 Do they play any instruments?
Neither of them play instruments, unless you count singing as an instrument then Iza sings! Zuo would get frustrated with instruments but if he did play he would probably play drums
🎪 What would their favorite ride at an amusement park be?
Iza: The ferris wheel so he can look down on all the people because he loves to feel superior and better than them :sob:
Zuo: A big crazy roller coaster because he would love to feel the wind and the rush of adrenaline
🍸 How do they act when they’re drunk?
Iza: He’s honestly? Really emotional when he’s drunk? Lol like, he really easy to influence too and just the littlest things would make him burst into tears like LOL oh god if he saw something really cute he’d just “Oooh~ MY GODS-- That’s the cutest..i--eeeeoh my gooooood” Like Iza please...dont cry because of a really cute looking puppy or kitten lol
🍯 Which era of history would they most like to live in?
Iza: I think he’d want to live in like, oh gosh probably the future tbh?
Zuo: He’d want to live in the era with kings and queens because he was a royal knight and he misses his king :(
🍰 What’s their favorite food?
Iza: He loves horse meat? I don’t know why
Zuo: I think Fugu because he isn’t afraid to get poisoned by a fish
⏳ How do they feel about death?
Iza: Iza finds death to be a beautiful thing? I don’t think he really...idolizes it... because in his head its “You’re not really dying, you are being transformed into something else.” which like, okay Iza. I mean I GUESS. and he says that you don’t ever actually die, you get reincarnated as something else to learn a new lesson
Zuo: For real Zuo doesn’t like death, hates death, and wishes it never existed because he can remember his past lives and how he died and what he hates most about it is: coming back and having to figure everything out again and finding Iza/his soulmate and convince them that “We are destined to be together, please, believe me you don’t remember but I do.” and YEAH HE GETS REALLY SAD ABOUT IT
💐 Do they collect anything? What’s their most prized possession?
Iza: Iza collects plush toys because he feels comforted whenever he has one. His prized possession has to be his collar because he got that from his first master? And he’s had it ever since? He wears it literally all the time, partly because one he kinda misses his first? And second to deter people from taking him
Zuo: I don’t think Zuo has ever collected anything? Not from what I can recall but his most prized possession has to be the glasses he wears because he got that from his mom because she didn’t want him to be unable to see just how colorful the world actually is (they are both colorblind)
⚾ Do they play any sports?
Iza: He doesn’t play any sports? But I mean if you count hunting small animals and occasionally people as a sport then yeah he does LOL
Zuo: He plays whatever sport he can, though his favorites are soccer and football, mostly football for really obvious reasons
🌊 What one place do they really want to visit and why?
Iza: France! Because he wants to visit Paris since he heard it’s the city of love
Zuo: Germany! He wants to see the castles and try the food
🌵 What languages do they speak?
Iza: English, German, Japanese
Zuo: English, French, Japanese
🍒 What are some items they always carry? What weapon do they favor using if they exist in a world where weapons are necessary?
Iza: He always has his pocket knife, but he’s very reluctant on using it because he would rather talk with words than get physical and fight(Unless it’s Zuo then he will fight Zuo), wallet, needles because he can hit puncture points really well when he’s fighting/hunting
Zuo: This white envelope that holds his catnip cigarettes that he rolls himself, his sunglasses and wallet
🐝 What stereotypical high school clique would they fit into?
Iza: He would fit in that…. Drifter or an Outsider clique? The one kid that goes around and comes off as a social butterfly but is just fine on their own and is also the one that ends up knowing literally everyone else's business while no one knows his.
Zuo: I think he would be a jock lmfao just, obvious reasons? To burn off steam and because he wants attention
💳 What one thing that they don’t need do they waste the most money on?
Iza: Oh gosh...he wastes money on a lot of things ...like he doesn’t need make-up but “Bitch I need my eye liner and blush.” and strawberry milk because “Shut up! I like it, I desire it, and I will have it.” and plush toys because “It makes me feel GOOD.” And designer knives because “I just think they are neat and I want it for my collection.” Like, someone stop him
Zuo: Hmm for Zuo? I don’t think he really spends his money-- but sometimes he’d impulsive buy weird things like slippers that look like bread? Or weird figurines lol it’s so hard to say accuse there’s a lot of weird things xD But if it looks interesting and funny he’d buy it, it dont even matter what it is
👠 What kind of shoes do they wear?
Iza: Iza has a lot of shoes he wears? Like he’ll wear heels(Like any type of heel) sometimes but most of the time I think he wears slip-ons, sneakers and slippers and if he’s dressed up he’d wear derby.
Zuo: He’s so easy and simply: Sneakers. Slip-ons, slippers  
👻 Do they believe in ghosts, aliens, and the occult in general?
For both of them, yes! I think Iza is kind of skeptical about it but Zuo insists aliens and ghosts are real. Iza is more into the occult than Zuo, like witchcraft and magic because he wants it to be real
💉 Which Deadly Sin do they most correspond to? Which Heavenly Virtue?
Iza: Lust for his sin and oh god… for a heavenly virtue uhm…. Hope or Fortitude
Zuo: Wrath for his sin and for his heavenly virtue it’s Justice or Temperance
🃏 If you had to choose one tarot card to represent them, what would it be?
Iza: Death because it represents major transformation and new beginnings, and transformation, passage, and change. Another one would be The Moon(symbolizes illusion and deception, and therefore often suggests a time when something is not as it appears to be. Perhaps a misunderstanding on your part, or a truth you cannot admit to yourself) and The Devil(symbolizes ambitions and is also synonymous with temptation, addiction, and depression)
Zuo: The World because it represents that things have come full circle, a journey has been completed, and a long-term project has come to an end. Another one for him would be The Sun(symbolizes positive energy, joy of living and enthusiasm) and The Hanged Man(symbolizes trial or meditation, selflessness, and sacrifice)
😊 What do they consider to be their best quality? What actually is their best quality?
Iza: He would say his best quality is his charm. His actual best quality is how tactful he can be, let alone romantic
Zuo: He would say his best quality is how brave he is. His actual best quality is how self-confident he is in himself
🙁 What do they consider to be their worst quality? What actually is their worst quality?
Iza: He would say his worst quality is how lazy/procrastinating he gets. His worst quality has to be how vainful and superficial he can actually be, let alone him using it to manipulate situations to get what he wants.
Zuo: He would say it’s his outbursts of anger, but actually his worst quality impulsive behavior because he just does it...he doesn’t think about it
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A list of my current MDZS Ocs (That I’ll add a link to my tag list and update as I create more.) Currently have 8 ocs, and they were all pretty much made for A lotus instead of a orchid/the fanfic I’m writing that’s a AU of what could’ve happened if Jiang Cheng had found and adopted Wen Yuan instead of Lan WangJi. (With plans to potentially add them to other fics, just with adjusting them as needed.) Also adding under a readmore to avoid clogging people’s dashes.
Older OCs:
Nie Feicong: Nie: 聂 whisper, surname Nie Fei: 绯 purple silk Cong: 璁 gem Age: 24 when WWX dies, would be 37 when he is revived. Hair: Dark brown hair, some pulled back into a ponytail while the rest falls down his back. Eyes: Black eyes. Male Cultivator of the QingheNie sect, is a distant relative to Nie Huaisang and Nie Mingjue. Serious and focused, attending to his duties without complaint. Will indulge NHS's laziness/reluctance to practice the saber when NMJ isn't around. Cultivates with the saber.
Lin Muxue: Lin 林 Surname Lin Mu 木 tree Xue 雪 snow Age: 15 when WWX dies, 28 when he is revived. Hair: light Brown hair, some pulled back into a ponytail. Eyes: Blue Male cultivator of the YunmengJiang sect. Was accepted into the sect after the Sunshot Campaign, but was deemed too young by Jiang Wanyin to particpate in the Siege at the Burial Mound. A calm, collected person that has a high amount of curiosity and is good with younger children due to having several younger siblings. Good with the arts expected, can also play the dizi. Has a tendency to overindulge the younger disciples/to be too lax with them.
Lan Yishu: Lan: 蓝 surname Lan Yi: 肄  to learn Shu: 术 special feat Age: 15 when WWX dies, 28 when he is revived. Hair: Black hair that goes down his back besides a bun. Eyes: Golden eyes Male cultivator of the GusuLan sect, a distant relative of LWJ and LXC. Is easily flustered when overruled by people with authority, but is more willing to bend the rules if he thinks the rules are unjust or are interfering with or harming others. Tries to guide the younger disciples the best that he can, but sometimes goes overboard when scolding them.
Junior trio aged OCs:
Hu Bishen: Hu: 虎 vigorous Bi: 贲 bright Shen: 神 spirit Gender: Female Age: 15 Hair: Black hair typically tied back in a ponytail when night hunting. Eyes: Red eyes Female cultivator that is from the QingheNie sect, outer disciple. Cheerful and energetic, working hard to cultivate in the saber. Follows Nie Huaisang closely, and is friendly towards members of other sects. Is encouraged to paint and draw, with NHS encouraging her to also learn how to fight with fans.
Ren Rouli: Ren: 任 surname Ren Rou: 柔  gentle Li: 力 influence Gender: Female Age: 15 Hair: Black hair pulled back into a large bun with looped hair under both ears. Eyes: Golden Female cultivator that's a member of the LanlingJin sect, outer disciple. Shy and a bit on the quiet side, but is incredibly stubborn about upholding her views and morals. Close to Tun Jiguai. Uses a standard cultivation sword, and knows how to play the guqin and the pipa.
Tun Jiguai: Tun: 暾  sunrise Ji: 羁 to hold Guai: 乖 clever Age: 16 Hair: Dark brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, with long side-bangs that go down to his shoulders. Eyes: Brown eyes Male cultivator that is a member of the LanlingJun sect, outer disciple. Close friends to Ren Rouli, is fairly serious, but has a sharp temper and a tendency to lash out first and ask questions later. Is good at all of the arts.
Zhi Liezuo: Zhi: 至 to reach Lie: 洌 to cleanse Zuo: 昨 past Age: 15 Hair: Black hair, typically left loose except part of which is drawn into a bun. Eyes: Purple-grey. Male cultivator of the GusuLan sect, outer disciple. Serious and with a tendency to uphold the rules, looks up to LWJ. Tries to be open minded towards others but has a unfortunate tendency to make snap decisions with little information. Loyal to his close friends, but will let loose a little when prompted, and can be coaxed to at least bend the rule prohibiting alcohol a little.
Zi Zhuwan: Zi: 恣 throw off restraint Zhu: 住 to stay Wan: 婉 amiable Age: 15 Hair: Black hair, drawn back into a long braid. Eyes: Grey Male cultivator of the YunmengJiang sect. Entered the sect as a young child, and is the second shixiong of his age group. Talented in the arts expected. Cheerful, but has a tendency to pull pranks and to be mischievous to the others of his age range. Settles down sharply when his sect leader or other elders are present, turning more serious and focused/respects authority. Has no fear to insult others if they have stopped out of bounds.
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yb-five · 11 months
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He Zuo icon from 2020
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yb-five · 11 months
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Older designs for Zuo and Kim
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nyanzaya · 5 years
That IS confusing lol but I think it would make sense.
Right? I’m just unsure LOL my GF said that I should have it tagged as like original or something unless Izaya/Shizuo/literally any drrr character are in it? Since they have their own story line unique from the fandom itself like they could def be their own thing without any reference to drrr? I mean I guess there would be some because the way I write it is like, yeah they exist in the same universe as all the other drrr characters but can independently get by without any meantion of them. Even though I think about other alts like the little lesser known ones, which happens to be like Neko!Izaya and Inuwan!Shizuo/Neko!Shizuo or Ruby and Kurashi? Apparently on the wiki for Izaya there are some “alts” that are listed but not really seen as alts because “it’s still Izaya” and Neko!Izaya is on there but in my brain, Neko!Izaya and Izaya are two completely different characters because of how Nekos are typically seen and I find it hard to believe that Izaya, if he was a Neko, would let himself be kept as a pet cat and not do informant work? I mean there’s one(?) fic that’s like that, where he’s just a cat but it’s kind of in an alt world so 🤔🤔🤔 Neko!Izaya as an alt? Mayhaps.
And really, that’s why I’m like; this is confusing. Since Iza/Zuo are not really meant to be confused for Izaya or Shizuo? I think all the alts typically get like “What no...I’m not Izaya/Shizuo. I’m -inserts name- we just share the same face.” I’ve seen some say the alts are related to Izaya/Shizuo by dna because science made them or that it was Izaya that made all the alts as anroids, so Izaya is like “their master” it’s a whooole like sub category in the fandom I guess.
I think my gf said that too because she’s worried about someone “taking” them, like I am too but I’m just worried about the idea being taken and not the concept of that makes sense? Since Nekos aren’t an original thing at all lol like anyone can have one. It’s just what I’ve got going for them that makes them kind of different I guess. I know I’ve always been hashtag:worried about OC ideas being stolen so that’s why I never shared everything, I stillngot a lot of stuff I never really shared lmfaooo
So I don’t really know. Maybe I could put like AU or something—?
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nyanzaya · 5 years
@aquaaes inquired: 1-5 oc asks for both 20 asks for OC writers.
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1.  When did you create your muse?
Iza’s was answered here
Zuo was made last year! I know it was in April since I celebrated his birthday about a week after.
2.  Where did you find inspiration for your muse?
Iza: I got inspired to make Iza because, I shamelessly really love and adore Nekomimis? And I really...really liked Izaya but I also liked Hachimenroppi soo...I....basically mashed them together, fleshed it out and here’s our tsundere bastard cat today.
Zuo: I got inspired to make Zuo because, for one, Iza really needed someone to tell him to “Fucking stop.” because literally no one was stopping him from doing horrible things, Also, low-key because I never EVER see neko!Shizuo? Though, I sort of wished I did make Zuo a Inumimi so I thought it was be super cute to have something like that even though Zuo is literally different from Shizuo
3. Tell us something about the world/universe in which your muse lives.
It’s common for people to assume any nekomimi hybrid that doesn’t have a collar is a stray and up for grabs, since, many see them as actual cats with benefits. And many of the nekomimi’s and even some other hybrid types are seen as less than human and fights tend to break out between gangs of hybrids and gangs of normal people. It’s possible for hybrids to climb out of the status of ‘pet’ but it can be difficult and they often get underestimated in terms of intelligence. You can probably see some themes here already
4.  What’s your favourite headcanon about your muse?
Iza: My favorite has to be that he loves to be pampered and hand-fed? He just loves to be taken care of but then he hates to admit he likes to be taken care of so he gets huffy and acts independent and “I hate being hand-fed.” when that’s a god damn lie. I don’t actually get to do much with that headcanon and it’s honestly one of the cuter headcanons?
Zuo: I haven’t added it but a headcanon I like is that he is very prone to “Cuteness aggression.” and just, It’s scary AF to write about but it’s literally just him going “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH” Inside while trying not to kill/squish/squeeze the object of his affections
5.  What’s something only very few people know about your muse?
Iza: What the extent of Iza’s abuse was from his second master and what actually happened to him from his first since I don’t talk about his masters often. I keep it really vague, like, poetic levels of vague because I absolutely refuse to write or talk about it in detail. I mean, I’ve got a poem that was written by Iza, but I won’t post it. 
Zuo: I don’t think I have ever told anyone anything about Zuo and why after Iza’s death, his morals are shaken and seeks out revenge and cruel justice on the person who had assassinated Iza. 
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nyanzaya · 5 years
@heart-will-not-surrender​ inquired: Slowly puts @perspextivexx​ here
Send Me A URL and I’ll Respond With My Opinions…
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My favorite muse(s) of theirs and why: I like Briar and Lili honestly. I like Briar because literally she makes me laugh. She tries not to be emotional even though I think she is quiet emotional, especially when she and Iza get to talking and how Iza seems to just read into things she does or why she acts a way- like...he reads into what she might be trying to keep hidden about herself even if it might be incorrect and is just what Iza thinks of her and she gets her feathers all ruffled because some of it might be right and she doesn’t want to face that fact or it’s wrong but she still doesn’t like that he can get a good read on her. Then Lili, she’s so adorable. Her story is sad and it’s sad that she’s going to be a kitten forever and she’s going to watch everyone she loves grow older while she stays the same age. The angst material is real right there but it’s interesting to me because how often do you even hear of that happening to a muse? It’s the first time for me and I love her.  My favorite interaction/thread of theirs: I can’t even lie or phase it I liked that really brief interaction between Iza and I think it was Maria? I remember her trying to make a deal with Iza, promising that his masters would be killed, but mistakenly said something about his 3rd, who was already dead and Iza just...belittled her? Like oof..iza...that was a demon you probably angered I’m surprised you’re still alive. I wouldn’t even blame her if she did kill him right then, even if he was for some reason valuable to her. Iza literally just “Oh, you couldn’t even get that information correct? You’re useless to me.” AT LEAST I’M SURE IT WAS MARIA-- if I have the completely wrong person LMFAO The one with Briar and Iza being domestic? Like, Briar playing with Iza when he was laying on the floor and she had a cat toy and he just would play but then get lazy. I thought that was adorable AF. My thoughts on their unique characterization/interpretation of their muse(s): Since they are Oc’s you can’t go wrong with them at all LOL I like how consistent they are though. They don’t ever feel like they are out of place or anything like that. My thoughts on their writing style as a whole: Considering you are on mobile? It’s honestly good writing lol I know it’s different writing on a computer than it is on mobile since I have written on mobile and god bless you I don’t know how you do it? I’m more of a multi-para person but I actually enjoy our stuff even if it’s 1 para or 3  Situation(s)/Plot(s) I’d love to see their muse(s) in: Oh gosh... okay. I think I want to see a situation where Lili has to deal with losing someone close after like years of knowing them. It might sound horrible and stuff but I’m genuinely curious of how she would cope, and react and I wonder if like, she would grow out of that mental innocence she has as a kid? Even though I think she is more like a cat since she literally was a cat when she died and was brought back as half-cat but I think it’s just something interesting to consider! Someone else I love seeing them interact with: I always find it funny to see Briar interact with Izaya, the specific one she interacts with LOL it’s just always fun to see it on my dash.  Anything else I want to say about their roleplaying: I’m really impressed! Like, it’s admirable to me because I find it so hard to rp on mobile and you are doing it and making it look so easy lol I’m literally just spoiled and like to use icons //cri but even without them I still really enjoy my boys interacting with yours regardless of being iconless or not!
If We Know Each Other
What I Think Are Their Best Qualities: tbh your determination I think it really admirable. Your ambition to write and further develop your characters is great What I Think Are Their Strengths: Communicative, especially when it’s for something important. Super friendly, sweet and creative<3<3 A Memorable OOC Interaction Of Ours: Oh gosh.. we don’t actually talk all that much lol but we do talk in the tags sometimes and I do remember us dying over how cute domestic!Iza and Briar were Why Others Should RP With Them: Because their characters are interesting! I think it would def be worth it to write with them because they can throw their characters into just about any situation!  How Others Should Approach Them: I honestly, don’t remember how we started interacting but the best thing to do is to just, slide into the DMs and ask! I’m sure they would love to do just about anything lol Other Roleplayers I’d Recommend To Them: oh gosh... I’m not sure what fandoms you are in? I think you would love songcode’s Psyche! Or uhm... if you’re into free my husbando’s multimuse for it is great too and they also have other fandom’s that isn’t just free<3 Anything else I want to say about them: THEY ARE AMAZING PLEASE! GIVE THEM A CHANCE YOU WON’T REGRET
If We Have/Plan To Interact Together
A plot I’d like to write with them: Oh gosh.... I’m horrible with plots LOL uhhm... I’m really good at winging it though :”> Honestly feel free to send any like, rp memes and prompts I’d always find a way to work it out most of the time if I can’t then I’d def let you know lol A muse I want to introduce to them: I don’t really have a muse I can introduce to you I’m sorry asdfjkasdf I know there’s Asher and Aiko but LOL They are more...side characters than anything and they would need Zuo there to “properly” interact with  A ship/broship I’d like to propose to them: mmm.... I’m not really sure lol It’s hard for me to say. I’m sorry LOL Rosalina and Iza would be an interesting bro/professional-relationship that you proposed A thread with them I’m excited about: The one with Iza, Briar and Lili! I think it’ll be fun lol Briar gets to see Iza being a mom asdfjas and taking care of a kitten ASJDFKASD HELP BRIAR ACTUALLY SEEING A SOFTER SIDE TO IZA BYE Anything else I want to say: BLESS YOUR SOUL IM GLAD TO SEE YOU ON MY DASH AND IM PROUD OF YOU! 
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nyanzaya · 5 years
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Zuo has claws and fangs too lol then his strength too. He might have pure on battle rage but he doesn’t rely on his fangs or claws. One part of this is because “I don’t want to feel like a wild animal” and because he’s literally rejecting a part of himself because he hates it. Zuo hates being half-feline/reminded he is a cat because he wants to have humanity. (And unlike Zuo Iza accepted that he’s just a typical housecat that could be replaced because he doesn’t have “the core of a human.”) Zuo’s tail is always out and swaying about and he doesn’t really care if it gets touched, just he wouldn’t want it to be pulled. He’s a pretty big cat tbh LOL I think I said for both iza and Zuo that, for their height, they are pretty big cats if they were to ever be put into an actual cat form.
I know that like, tbh both of them are actually strays in their world? Because neither have an owner/master. Like if someone knew they were strays they could honestly take them but, the consequence of that is they’d probably die if they don’t do anything to make iza or Zuo submissive to them lmfao. Zuo and iza are not afraid to outright kill someone, especially if they are trying to own them LOL and tbh that’s also one of the reasons Iza keeps a collar on? To deter some people from getting any ideas of owning him because “oh collar, so he’s owned” kind of thing even though someone would steal another persons cat lol
And ❤️❤️❤️ I’m glad you want to know a lot about them! It’s okay to feel jealous lol you’re always free to interact with them, they have interacted with personal blogs before— or if you want to try your hand at Rp/making an Oc you should ❤️❤️
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