#oc: fumiko muto
eidolonshiva · 29 days
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She just wants one chance.
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eidolonshiva · 4 months
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Gyutaro and Fumiko just chilling on the roof with some 90s Sailor Moon bubbles. I got lazy with the background and edited a screenshot for the buildings, lol.
And here's one of just Gyutaro if anyone wants it.
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eidolonshiva · 5 months
Pssst... I'm here to enable you. Have you drawn any Regency Era for Fumiko x Gyutaro? If not. Maybe you should. >:3
I like the way you think, Anon.
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This was really fun, so thank you for your enabling!
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eidolonshiva · 2 months
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"Firefly Wedding" is one of my favorite ongoing manga, so naturally I had to do a redraw of one of the panels with this disastrous couple. I might draw some more of Gyutaro in Shinpei's poses because the two have a similar energy.
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eidolonshiva · 6 months
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I had hoped to have these posted in time for Valentine's Day, but life got in the way. But I guess I can still make it in time for White Day. I still love the Valentine's Day artwork they did last year with the girls' cafe outfits.
I'm a huge Douma and Shinobu shipper, so it's kind of surprising this is the first time I've drawn them.
The character with Kyojuro is my girlfriend's oc, Shiruku. The character with Gyutaro is my oc, Fumiko.
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eidolonshiva · 2 months
We love a disaster mess three-wheeled squad... May I ask for more of the siblings and Fumiko? It can be sincere character building or silly playtime, but I crave them.
I am always happy to supply headcannons for this disastrous trio!
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Popping under a cut for length.
When the siblings have a disagreement, they will try to manipulate Fumiko to take their side in a show of dominance and prove who she is most obedient to. Fumiko will almost always take Daki’s side as she spoils her like she would a younger sister. This causes Gyutaro to seethe as he views her taking his sister’s side as a form of betrayal.
In the same vein, Daki will pit Gyutaro and Fumiko against one another to get her own way. If the oiran can turn her brother’s ire towards another target, it provides a distraction for her own scheming.
The few occasions that Fumiko does manage to escape, Gyutaro will hunt her down and drag her back into the safety of the brothel. If the lesser demon acts out after her capture, Daki will imprison her in the obi until she’s compliant once again.
Gyutaro and Fumiko both take pride in Daki’s talents as a courtesan and like hearing her perform or tell stories to entertain clients.
The trio is intelligent in different ways that balances out: Gyutaro is a cunning, calculated, quick-thinker who excels on the battlefield. Daki is gifted in the arts and social graces, which makes her a master manipulator. Fumiko, having been brought up as a medic, is knowledgeable in physiology, herbal medicine, and is emotionally intelligent.
When it comes to Gyutaro and Fumiko’s relationship, Daki played the role of matchmaker. Daki would notice Fumiko hiding in the back alleyways and peeking into the brothel, trying to catch a glimpse of Gyutaro. She would approach this newcomer to gather some intel on her and try to find out her intentions. When Daki discovered that the reason Fumiko was sneaking around was not for nefarious reasons, but rather that the woman was infatuated with Gyutaro, she was shocked. She was used to people reacting to her brother with either fear or revulsion.  She decided to encourage Fumiko’s efforts both in an effort to do something nice for her brother and also out of selfishly wanting someone else to dote upon her and be her caretaker (plus if he has a distraction she can have a bit of freedom.)
Gyutaro will always put his sister above everyone else in his life. If he takes a romantic partner, they would have to accept that they will never come first. Fumiko readily accepts this, and in fact would be disgusted with him if he didn’t put his little sister first.
Fumiko likes to tell ghost stories and in a modern setting would be a fan of gothic novels or horror movies (a hobby I think she and Gyutaro would share.) Daki/Ume is not a fan of scary stories and wishes they would both engage in more light-hearted media.
In any AU’s I have in which Gyutaro and Fumiko have children, Daki/Ume, while being staunchly childfree herself, is a doting Auntie. She would completely fit into the stereotype of the “Wine Aunt,” showering her niblings with gifts and letting them get away with things their parents wouldn’t allow.
For a silly headcannon: In a modern setting, such as the Academy AU, I think Ume would be a fan of pop music. I can see her enjoying Chappel Roan or groups like Blackpink. Gyutaro would probably gravitate towards metal or alt; I think Dir En Grey would be up his alley. Fumiko would listen to “sad girl” music along the lines of Meg Myers, Flower Face or Ethel Cain.
Another silly headcannon: As a Final Fantasy fangirl, I always like to think about what class each character would be. Daki would be a Dancer, Gyutaro would be Reaper, and Fumiko would be a Blue Mage.
If I were to assign a pokemon partner to each of them, I would give Daki a tsareena, Gyutaro a scyther, and Fumiko a mawile.
Gyutaro is the kind of person who puts no effort into his appearance. Daki and Fumiko will take delight in picking out outfits for him.
Bonus silly doodles:
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eidolonshiva · 3 months
Fumiko loves makeup! Tell us more about that. Also do her and Daki give each other makeovers? Girls night!
Hi, anon! Thank you for the ask!
In canon, Fumiko enjoys making skincare and cosmetics out of botanicals, a nod to her somewhat frivolous nature. After meeting the Shabana siblings and being brought into her role as Daki's personal attendant, she would have started helping the oiran with her makeup and hairstyling.
In a modern setting such as the gakuen, Fumiko would have a part-time job at a Sephora-esque cosmetics store.
Daki and Fumiko absolutely have girls night! When Gyutaro is not around, Fumiko will help Daki leave the brothel so that they can have some fun hunting humans and causing mischief. After which she will pamper the oiran by doing her nails or giving her a facial.
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eidolonshiva · 1 year
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Silly meme doodles.
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eidolonshiva · 4 months
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She doesn't like being interrupted during her self-destructive time.
Sidenote: I actually found some wild japanese wisteria at an art fair I went to yesterday, so I harvested some some petals to try. For those who are curious, it tastes like a nutty lettuce. Wisteria petals are edible, but if you're not familiar with foraging things I wouldn't advise it because the seeds and other parts of the plant are toxic.
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eidolonshiva · 6 months
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A quick little Fumiko I made for a Spotify playlist cover. Does anyone else do that for their OC's?
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eidolonshiva · 2 months
If Fumiko also got a craftholic bunny, what would it look like? She deserves cute pajamas as well. Slumber party.
Ask and you shall receive ❤️
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I feel like her bunny would have a zipper in the back of it's head that you can store your snacks in.
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eidolonshiva · 10 days
May I humbly request more Toxic Codependency (the ship)?
I am always happy to supply more of my self-indulgent oc x canon shenanigans!
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Gyutaro cares about Fumiko in his own way. She's not allowed to self-destruct or indulge in behaviors that would put her in danger. Afterall, no one is allowed to take away something that belongs to him. He may be gruff with her, but that's the only way she will listen.
I imagine that no matter who his partner is, Gyutaro would be possessive and protective of them. He's been told that his strength is his only valuable asset, and having internalized that, he would likely assume that any potential partner would feel the same. He seems like he would also have a fear of loosing anything good in his life, especially having the trauma of almost loosing Ume. So if someone did become important to him, he would keep them tucked away where no one could take them from him.
Thanks for the ask!
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eidolonshiva · 1 year
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I love when people do oc x canon pairings, but have never really indulged in it before. However Gyutaro and Fumiko live in my head rent free and I wanted to make a little AU where everyone gets a happy ending.
Plus I just really love the fashions from this era. I imagine Ume/Daki would wear more western styled clothes.
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eidolonshiva · 2 months
How do Gyutaro and Fumiko spend time together? When and how do they tend to interact the most?
Hi, anon! Thank you for the ask!
Although the pair is far from wholesome and healthy, they do share some soft moments. When Gyutaro isn’t hidden away inside of his sister’s body or patrolling Yoshiwara, he’ll spend his free time talking with Fumiko. It takes a while to get him to open up at first, but he does slowly warm up to the lesser demon. Fumiko does have a knack for placating Gyutaro by telling him exactly what he wants to hear. She’ll guide him to rest his head in her lap and scratch his scalp or run her fingers through his hair while uttering soothing words as she listens to his gripes.
There are, of course, things that they've mutually decided not to address. Such as their unhealthy power dynamic and growing co-dependency.
Although Fumiko would love to assist the siblings in a fight, Gyutaro does not allow this. Partially because he doesn’t want to worry about his “toy” getting damaged (his way of showing care), but mostly as a way to prove his value. In the anime, Daki tells him that his only good quality is his strength; even though this was said in the heat of the moment as their bodies were turning into ash I doubt this is the first time he’s heard those words. Gyutaro seems to have low self-esteem, a trait he and Fumiko share.
That's not to say Fumiko's always 100% obedient, compliant as she is. She likes to go out and have her own fun as well. And on his part, Gyutaro finds it entertaining when she's having a manic episode as long as he doesn't have to clean up her mess.
Gyutaro and Fumiko's relationship is also quite physical. Although I don’t think Gyutaro would have much of a sex drive (he's probably impotent if we're honest), he’s only able to view a relationship through the lens of what's he's seen in the brothels. He would expect the person he is in a relationship with to prove their affections through physical means. Fumiko, eager to please the object of her adoration, would happily go along with this.
Bonus sappy doodle.
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eidolonshiva · 3 months
Does Fumiko remember anything about Tomu? And hypothetically, if she had learned about his involvement in her transformation, how would she feel and/react? How would Tomu take it?
Hi, anon! Thank you for the ask! Sorry this took me a bit to get to.
TLDR: A second encounter between Fumiko and Tomu would not go well for either party.
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After another argument with Daki over the way the oiran was treating her kamuro, Fumiko escapes confines of the brothel for the evening to clear her head. While trying to find a quiet place to smoke and hopefully escape Gyutaro dragging her back to the house, she runs into a familiar face skulking around the back alleys of Yoshiwara. In an instant, all the memories she tried to suppress of the night she lost her humanity came flooding back. The remembrance of her brother’s half-eaten body caused her to lose what remained of her already fragile sanity and she would have attacked the former kizuki.
Tomu would not have immediately recognized Fumiko as he didn’t intend to turn her into a demon. To him, she was just another victim. But if this strange women wants to fight with him, he’s happy to oblige. It has been far too long since he’s had a good spar, and this stranger seems to be filled with particular malice.
But Tomu wasn’t expecting that this lesser demon would be able to overpower him. Despite the long-term impact of the wisteria breaking down her body, Fumiko’s utter rage cause an adrenaline rush. Demons can’t kill other demons, but sunlight can. She knew if she could keep the man who ruined her life worn down and restrained until morning, she could drag him to hell with her.
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eidolonshiva · 5 months
Hi Hello, can you share some information about Fumiko? >w> what's her story, what's she about?
I'm so sorry this took so long for me to respond to! I was actually thinking of making a reference sheet for her, so this is perfect timing. Thank you so much for asking ♥︎
I'll put this under a cut as it's a bit more lengthy than I intended.
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The Mutō Family
The Mutō family runs a small medical practice and apothecary out of their home in the countryside. Their family home also serves as a Wisteria House for Corp members to receive care. The family consists of Atsuo (father, 42), Masaki (mother, deceased), Fumiko (daughter, 18), and Satoru (son, 12).
The Mutōs are a close and loving family. Atsuo is indulgent when it comes to his children and would do anything to make them happy. Since Masaki’s passing whilst giving birth to Satoru, Fumiko has taken on almost a an maternal role in his life.
Name Symbolism
The characters in Fumiko’s first name mean “hibiscus.” In Japanese, the hibiscus flower symbolizes gentleness. 
Her family name, Mutō, translates to “warrior’s wisteria.” Although I did choose this due to the family occupation, the symbolism of wisteria ties into Fumiko’s personality. In the language of flowers, wisteria symbolizes kindness, truth, refusal to leave someone’s side, and desire to cling to one's humanity.
As the first-born child, Fumiko suffers from “eldest daughter syndrome.” Made worse by the fact that her mother died when she was young, Fumiko feels that it is her responsibility to take care of her father and younger brother. She has low self-esteem and feels that she can never do enough. She places her family on a pedestal and idolizes her father. Her family adores her, but she feels unworthy of their praise.
As an apothecary, Fumiko has a vast knowledge of plants and herbs. She has is familiar with anatomy and can treat simple wounds, but isn’t as skilled of a doctor as her father. Being the only female medic in her village, Fumiko is expected to serve as a midwife. However, she’s not competent at this duty as witnessing her mother die in childbirth has given her tokophobia (fear of pregnancy) and she often has anxiety attacks when assisting someone in labor.
Fumiko’s intelligence only extends to her knowledge of plants and medicine; she’s kind of a bimbo. She is a kind young woman, but her naivety can lead to her being taken advantage of. Fumiko tries to see the best in others and is empathetic to life experiences outside her own.  She is playful and a bit childish, even keeping a dwarf flying squirrel as a pet.
Fumiko loves to eat and is a bit chubby as a result. One of her love-languages is cooking for others.
She has a fondness for cosmetics and perfume, often making her own.
Fumiko makes her own opium in secret and sneaks out of the house at night to have a quick smoke. Drinking is another vice of hers.
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Becoming a Demon
While on their way home from picking up supplies from a nearby city, the Mutō siblings were attacked by an upper rank demon. Fumiko attacked the demon as a distraction so her brother could escape by smashing a vial of wisteria perfume she was carrying in his face. She was pushed to the ground causing the back of her skull to fracture in the place that would eventually become her second mouth. The combination of getting contaminated with the blood of an upper rank demon into her open wound mixed with her desire to protect her brother caused her to transform into a demon.
Upon waking up and realizing that she failed at protecting her brother and distraught at what she had become, Fumiko ingested wisteria in an attempt to poison herself only to discover that she has an immunity. 
Fumiko is an extremely weak demon and survives off eating corpses. Other demons view her as a filthy scavenger.  She's based on a Futakuchi-onna. When she does eat, it’s always with the mouth on the back of her head. Her hair functions as a set of extra hands.
Meeting the Shabanas
Fumiko made her way to Yoshiwara as she knew it would be easier to find a food source in the back alleys of the district.  She lived in back alleyways for a time feeding off bodies of drug addicts and prostitutes. 
She came across Daki and Gyutaro in the middle of killing some Corp members. Fumiko was instantly smitten with Gyutaro (her tastes have always been unconventional), and from there on tried to follow him. Gyutaro soon became aware that the young woman always seemed to be around and was unsure what to think. He was used to women being afraid of or revolted by him, but here was this wide-eyed girl that tagged along like a lost puppy.
It was Daki who eventually noticed what was going on. She was wary of Fumiko at first and assumed that the young women was just trying to manipulate them. However, as Daki spent more time around her, she realized that Fumiko was honest about her intentions, if a bit simple-minded.
Gyutaro started leaving fresh kills for Fumiko in the alleyways in a weird, animalistic form of courtship. Prior to this, the only person Gyutaro really had to talk to was his sister and it took him a while to get comfortable with this newcomer. Fumiko admired what a strong and caring big brother Gyutaro was.
Relationship with Daki
I would place Fumiko’s friendship with Daki as having a higher importance than her relationship with Gyutaro. We know that Ume had an abusive mother and living in a brothel most of her life likely did not have positive relationships with other women. The house madams saw her as a way to gain money and power while the other courtesans would have viewed her as competition. Fumiko was the first woman to treat her with love and kindness with no ulterior motive. Fumiko spoils Daki like a younger sibling. Even though Daki is a much stronger demon, Fumiko will go out of her way to protect her from harm.
Daki would bring Fumiko into the brothel as her personal attendant.
I personally headcannon Daki as being sapphic, but there is nothing romantic at all about her and Fumiko's relationship. It's purely a sisterly bond.
Relationship with Gyutaro
Despite the fact that I like to draw fluffy, romantic artwork of these two, I need to make it clear that there is nothing healthy about their relationship.  At the core, this is a relationship between someone that likes to cause pain and someone that likes to be in pain. These two are codependent in the most toxic way. 
Growing up in the Red Light District, I imagine that Gyutaro’s view of relationships (and women in general) to be very skewed. He sees Fumiko as his property and gets angry at her self-destructive behavior, not because he's worried about her well-being, but because she’s destroying something that belongs to him. He provides her with food and safety as a form of payment, and in turn expects to be repaid with her affection and loyalty. He does love her in his own way, but he has no idea what to do with those feelings or how to express them properly. Gyutaro is the type of person to express affection through actions instead of words.
Fumiko is a complete simp for Gyutaro. She’s completely addicted to him. No matter what he does to her, she’d never leave his side. She holds no delusions about their relationship and understands how toxic it is, but she doesn’t care. She would do anything for him. The song “Poison” by Meg Myers really fits Fumiko’s view of Gyutaro. When she's with him, it helps her forget about anything else. She'll go to any length to hold onto that feeling.
I think Gyutaro would be a fan of her beauty marks as they match his spots.
Mental Health (tw: addiction and suicide)
Fumiko’s defining character trait is that she struggles with addiction. When she was first turned into a demon, she had taken wisteria in an suicide attempt. The plant did not have the intended effect, but instead gave her a euphoric feeling similar to that of an opioid. She quickly became addicted to the sensation, crushing up wisteria petals and smoking them through a kiseru. This not only gives her a brief boost of strength like taking a steroid would but also helps to keep other demons at bay. Even though demons cannot kill one another, Fumiko is weak and conflict avoidant and would rather not fight if she doesn't have to.
Whenever Fumiko imbibes wisteria, her personality switches. She goes from being a calm, gentle woman to going through a violent bout of mania. She turns aggressive and dangerous. This is the only time she would be able to attack a person on her own. When Fumiko is in this state, she will kill humans in the most violent way she can. She’ll toy with them like a cat with a mouse and will delimb and devour a person while keeping them alive to watch. (Gyutaro is actually quite fond of her when she gets this way; he's elated that she is just as fucked up as he is.)
Although some demons forget their human life after their transformation, Fumiko remembers hers. She has somewhat of a dual personality with her strong desire to cling to what remains of her humanity battling against the influence of Muzan’s cells. This is another reason she smokes so much. She's hoping the poison will help her to forget her family.
The impact of imbibing wisteria also caused changes to Fumiko’s appearance over time. Her markings, which present as watercolor splashes, started to cover more of her body. Her hands and wrists turned purple and her hair started to gain more lavender tones. 
Death (tw: suicide)
As her mental state continued to deteriorate, Fumiko became increasingly violent. One day she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror after murdering and eating someone, and had a moment of clarity where she realized that she no longer recognized herself and hated who she had become. She opted to go out on her own terms by going out into the sunlight.
Her death would have happened two years before the start of the events in the canon storyline.
Gyutaro assumed that Fumiko had gotten bored with him and left without a word, feeling bitter as a result. This women kept professing her love and devotion to him, but in his mind her leaving without a word just proved that it was a lie.
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Reunited in Hell
Fumiko is waiting for the Shabanas at the threshold of hell after the battle in Yoshiwara. Gyutaro tries to hand Ume to Fumiko and pleads with her to take the girl to heaven. But Fumiko refuses to leave his side, and the trio make their descent into hell together. 
(Sidenote: the scene in the anime where Gyutaro silently resigns himself to the fact that even in death he can't save sister still chokes me up. He just adjusts her on his back and stoically carries her into hell. Beautiful storytelling.)
Human Again (aka: “Happy Ending AU”): I like to think about what would have happened if the Corp could convince the demons to join their side. I imagine that high ranked demons would need to have a Hashira assigned to watch over them like a warden, and of course the Shabanas would have the Uzui family living next to them. This is just a silly AU I like to have fun with because the idea of Tengen being an obnoxious neighbor and getting into shenanigans with Gyutaro brings me joy. You know that old show Home Improvement? Imagine Tengen starring over their fence like the neighbor Wilson.
In this timeline, Ume would be a cinema starlette as movies were starting to become a thing around this time period. Fumiko would resume work as an apothecary, and Gyutaro would work in a pachinko parlor. Fumiko and Gyutaro would have two kids together: a sweet-tempered son with cerebral palsy named Satoru (after Fumiko's brother) and a daughter named Toshiko who is an absolute goblin like her father.
I used to own a vintage clothing store, and I have a fondness for the fashions of the Taisho era. Especially when western elements started to get included.
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Kimetsu Academy Timeline: The academy shorts are fun, although I do have issue with how the characters can be written at times. The pizza chapter is brilliant, though - peak comedy. In this timeline, Fumiko would be a normal third-year high school student who hangs out Ume and Koyuki. Gyutaro and Fumiko have a healthy relationship in this. Fumiko would have an after-school job in a Sephora-esque cosmetic store.
In a modern setting, Fumiko would eventually have a career as an OBGYN. I feel Ume would absolutely be an influencer. I see Gyutaro as content to work in a conbini as he doesn't care what job he does as long as it pays.
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Random Trivia
Fumiko is left-hand dominant
She has a lot of vices: smoking, drinking, gambling, and over-indulging in food
Fumiko is a messy sleeper; she drools and hogs the blankets
Fumiko is pansexual
She is afraid of cats
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