#oc: elijah may
daenysthedreamer101 · 4 months
Youngest Original ~ TVDU
Ch 7 - Memory Lane
Warnings: sadness lol? Plotwist? Kassie is feeling very nostalgic and melancholic + my favorite man is back!!!
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There's nothing but the rain No footsteps on the ground I'm listening but there's no sound
October 2010, Mystic Falls
Two more weeks have passed. Stefan was still refusing to hand over their siblings. Kassie could tell Klaus's patience was paper thin and if she was being honest, so was hers. She understood why Stefan was doing all this; Klaus had no right to compel him and take his will away. But this was getting out of control.
Klaus told her he was going to negotiate with Stefan one last time. She asked what would she be doing. Her brother just laughed and with sickly sweet words told her to stay put while he dealt with the situation. Kassie had to actively control herself from lashing out at him. 
He always sidelined her and her ideas, no matter how good they were or if they made more sense than his. She was to sit aside and let him do everything. But how could she sit idly while a vengeful vampire basically kidnaped her family? No matter how hard she tried explaining to Klaus that they were her family too, he wouldn't listen. 
She knew why he never allowed her to do anything; it was cause he thought she would ruin everything. To him, she was a nuisance and a liability. Why did he even undagger me, she thought. She was not allowed to do anything outside of his preplanned procedures, so why did he bring her back?
Was he simply just bored and wanted company? Did he truly feel remorse for breaking her trust and betraying her? He never told her the true reason and after two months of being back in the land of the living, she was starting to get frustrated with his antics.
While Klaus was out negotiating with Stefan, Kassie had hours to kill. It was a sad, gloomy day; the skies above Mystic Falls were grey and full of dark clouds, indicating it would rain soon. The poor weather meant she was stuck in the house. It also brought a sense of melancholy onto Kassandra's mind. 
An idea popped up in her head. She walked toward her closet and opened it. A big wooden chest stood at the bottom of it; inside were a bunch of old-looking diaries and notebooks. They all belonged to Kassandra. After undaggering her, Klaus was gracious enough to ship most of her belongings from Geneva to their new residence in Mystic Falls. 
They were all chronologically placed in order by year. Her eyes danced over the years - 1939, 1922, 1914, 1864, 1492, 1453 and so on. The very first one was the biggest in size, the pages were yellow and she was honestly surprised it lasted all these centuries. The first page had the year 1104 written on it. 
"Do you really want to do this?" she asked herself. She hadn't opened this diary in particular since...the accident. That was over 900 years ago. But something in her mind was telling her to open it and read. And so she did. As she read, memories of her past flooded her mind. 
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May, 1104 AD
"Today was the most splendid day. Axel gifted me with the most beautiful present - wedding rings! Mine even has a blue gem at the top! Today marks 100 years since we made our union official—one hundred years of pure bliss and joy. I pray for an eternity of peace with him by my side. Destiny has so far been kind to the two of us. My siblings were nowhere in sight and I haven't heard from them in decades. I intend to keep it that way."
This passage tightened Kassandra's heart like she hadn't felt in centuries. She blinked away tears and shook her head. She looked inside the wooden chest once again. In the corner, next to one of the diaries, was a small trinket box made of rosewood. It had floral engravings on it and was clearly made centuries ago.
She picked it up and she could already tell this was a bad idea. She should stop now and save herself the pain. But the yearning inside her heart was too great to ignore. Kassie took a deep breath and opened the small box. 
Inside the box was a silver ring. It had Norse knots engraved on its sides and at the top sat a small, emerald-cut sapphire. Even after all these years, it hadn't lost its shine. Kassie turned it in her hands, examining it. She hadn't looked at it in so long she had almost forgotten how beautiful it was. 
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The more she looked at it, the more her eyes watered until eventually, tears started spilling down her cheeks. The ache in her heart was painful but not unfamiliar; it took her back to a time and place where pain was the only thing she felt. 
By the time she put back everything in its place, the rain started pouring from the skies. For some reason, she wanted to go outside. Out of sight, out of mind was the principle she used all these years and now she had ruined it all by looking into the wooden chest. 
The cracks in her heart were starting to ache again; they never truly healed in the first place, but at least they were dormant. Not anymore. 
Before leaving, she scribbled down a quick message for Klaus and left it at the front door. She then put on her long black coat, grabbed one of the umbrellas, and walked outside only to be greeted by the cold wind and rain. She didn't mind it, she welcomed it as a distraction. The streets were empty; everyone ran inside to hide from the rain. But not her.
Her black leather boots clicked against the wet concrete as she went further and further away from the town. The place she was looking for was deep inside the forest surrounding Mystic Falls. She walked over Wickery Bridge but then made a sudden stop. 
She observed as the raindrops danced on the surface of the river and listened to the quiet hum of the river's movement. When she was a human, there was no bridge and the river existed as a mark to indicate the end of their village's territory. 
After a couple of minutes, she continued with her little journey. After another mile of walking, she could see it in the distance. Not bothering to use her vampire speed, she slowly walked until she finally stood in front of her special place. Their special place.
It consisted of a small rock formation, though it was big enough for people to sit on it. This was the place where she would sit and patiently wait for him to arrive. The reason why she had to sneak outside of the village was because she knew her parents would disapprove. 
To her surprise, it was her mother who was strictly against Kassandra being involved with anyone. Their mother was strangely against any one of her children getting married. Kassie never understood why. 
The rain was still pouring from the sky, making the rocks wet and shiny. She walked around the rock and crouched down. On the back of it, two carvings could be found. Both were names written in Runic, the written script of Kassie's native language. 
ᚪᛋᛖᛚ   (AXEL)
ᚳᚪᛋᛋᚪᚾᛞᚱᚪ (KASSANDRA)
She ran her hand over his name. "My love...where are you? Are you even alive?" She whispered in her mother tongue, choking on her own tears. 
For many months, they would meet in secret and share kisses under the light of the moon. Together, they carved their names on this rock to immortalize their love. Little did they know, they too would become immortal. 
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After a little squabble with Damon Salvatore and witch spirits, Klaus finally took back what was his. Daniel, his hybrid, was carting in his sibling's caskets into one of the halls. Upon entering the house Klaus could tell it was dead silent. His sister usually had music or some TV show playing, which meant she was gone. 
"I think this is for you," Daniel said and handed him a small piece of paper. Klaus unfolded it and in small, neat letters he recognized as Kassandra's, a short message was written. 
Went out for a walk. Will be back in a couple hours. - K
Klaus hummed. She never went out anywhere without notifying him before leaving. But she was also known to go on spontaneous walks so this didn't surprise him. He just wondered where she was and why she didn't tell him. 
After carting in the last casket, Daniel asked him if he would open them up. "Not quite yet. I have some unfinished business to take care of." Klaus said as he walked past the caskets.
"What business?" Daniel asked but before Klaus could respond, the man fell to the ground, dead. Behind him was Elijah, holding the hybrid's heart.
"So, Niklaus," Elijah said, looking Klaus dead in the eye.
"Elijah..." Klaus gasped, shocked to see his brother alive.
"What did I miss?" Elijah asked, getting closer to Klaus.
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Gasp! Kassie was married!?
I felt I needed to lay the foundations of Kassie and Axel's relationship now, so that the payoff, well... pays off later on down the line lol
Elijah is baaack!!! I just realized that this is the first time we'll see him and Kassie together in the main timeline!
Yes, my girl was married and doesn't know where her hubby is. That's why she's so depressed. Wonder who could be behind all of that...hmmm?
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artistnamedlg · 4 months
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Little oc man
This is ezra :)
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angel-baby479 · 1 year
OC prompt 15
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this has been sitting in my wips for awhile guh apologies and i finished it so roughly ;_;
oc prompts
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snalz-artt · 4 months
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happy pride month from kettle snalz-artt and the OCs (they are literally all queer)
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braveclementine · 26 days
Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
Elizabeth watched Pierce through the glass. It was a two-way mirror so that she could see inside but he could not see her. He was older than she remembered, an aging, wrinkled face. His once golden yellow hair was now turning blond white. He was less intimidating as well, a little more heavyset than she remembered. 
But his eyes. Those blue eyes that had always frightened her as a kid were still the same. He was looking at the door, as though amused. Like he was daring someone to come through it. 
He was chained down to the refined steel chair that was the only piece of furniture in the room besides a cabinet. Elizabeth would only guess what was in the cabinet. She didn't need any of it. The chains wrapped thickly around his arms and legs, but everything else was left free. 
Bucky was standing by her side, bristling. She could feel the waves of anger and hatred and the desire to kill rolling off of him. She reached out and took his hand, which he held tightly. 
"Steve," Elizabeth said quietly, letting go of Bucky's hand, walking over to the door. "I think Bucky and I need to go alone first." 
She could tell that neither Steve nor Loki were happy with this suggestion but Sam touched their shoulders and they both nodded, jaws locked tightly. 
She opened the door, hearing Bucky move to her side again, the two of them stepping through the door. 
Pierce leaned back in his chair. "Well, I must say I'm surprised. Didn't think I'd ever see the two of you together again. It's almost like old times." 
"The only difference is the person in the cage." Elizabeth murmured quietly. 
Pierce scoffed, nodding his head a little. "So, where are the others? Don't tell me Rogers let both of you off your leashes so easily. Not when I'm so dangerous." 
Bucky was rigid as a live wire next to Elizabeth and she felt a shot of anger rush through her veins. This man had abused her and humiliated her. Put her on display like an object for other important people in HYDRA. 
But she didn't want him to see her react based off his words. Instead, she crossed her arms over her chest and started to walk slowly around him. 
"I've learned some things since you last saw me." She said, concentrating on the water in his body. She focused on it, imagining it boiling under his skin. Pierce started to shift uncomfortably in his chair. Hotter, hotter. Pierce writhed in his chair, screaming. Bucky watched with indifferent eyes. 
She could see his skin rippling, where the water was popping up under it, the skin turning red. 
And then she stopped and he went slack in his chair, gasping for breath. 
"It's a handy little trick." Elizabeth said calmly as though nothing had happened. In reality her mind was a confused jumble of memories. Trying to pull up everything that had happened to her in her life. 
"Loki!" She called out commandingly and the God appeared immediately. She glanced at him, touching his hand and he read what she needed from him. Loki turned, approaching Pierce, putting his hands on his shoulders. Pierce screamed again, before Loki let him go. 
It was a spell for slow regeneration and healing. It would amplify the pain as well, since there was a drawback to the healing spell. 
Now, Elizabeth was in front of him again, concentrating solely on him. She could sense that there were more people outside the doors and she didn't want to lose control and hurt them as well. 
She concentrated on Pierce, his body, the water in his body, and slowly started to draw it from him. Pierce gasped as water flowed by his mouth, his nose, his ears, even his eyes, swirling and collecting into a ball of water in mid-air. 
Pierce's body jerked in the chair and Elizabeth couldn't find an ounce of sympathy in her soul for him. His veins were drained and shriveled against his skin. His entire body would stop functioning without the water, his organs, his brain. . . 
Pierce couldn't make a sound, nor could he move an inch, his body deprived of the one thing it needed to keep working. 
Then a voice whispered in her head, 'Bucky'. 
She heeded Viden's advice, letting all of the water rush back into Pierce. The man coughed and hacked and then vomited up on himself as he tried to get use to the feeling of being alive again. Elizabeth tilted her head, looking at Bucky out of the corner of her eye. 
There was the slightest of glazed looks in his eye and she sighed. She didn't feel satisfied and knew she probably never would be. Nothing would ever let her be okay with the way this man had treated Bucky. But the answer to everything was not to let Bucky watch her be a monster, no matter how terrible the man she was being a monster towards was. 
She was tempted to shove an icicle into his stomach and let it stay there until it melted, but she touched Bucky's arm softly instead. "I'm done here." 
Bucky's eyes cleared up and he looked down at her before looking at Pierce. Then he nodded without a word, putting a protective arm around her shoulder, steering her from the room. The minute they left, Loki and Thor stalked in, followed very closely by Natasha. By some unspoken word, there were no screams from Pierce until Elizabeth, Bucky, and Steve had gone into the elevator and had gone up. 
Elizabeth went with the super soldiers to the living room, watching as Bucky sank down on the couch, putting his face in his hands. 
"You okay Buck?" Elizabeth asked hesitantly and softly. 
"It's just a lot doll." Bucky murmured softly, resting into Steve. "I want him dead but I also don't. It. . . seeing you in there with him. . ." 
"Did I scare you?" Elizabeth asked softly. 
"No. Not in the way you're thinking anyways." Bucky sighed, looking over at her now. Steve's fingers trailed slowly down his hip, back and forth in a comforting motion. "I was more scared for you. Like you said, you don't know yourself yet. I guess I was just worried how you'd feel about yourself. . . if you would feel like a monster for lashing out. I don't care if you hurt him and torture him later, after you discover yourself. . . I just want you to be safe." 
Elizabeth smiled and nodded. "I know." She hesitated and said. "Just. . . Steve watch over him until I come back." 
They both looked at her. 
"Oh, you're leaving now?" Steve asked softly. 
"The sooner I leave, the sooner I come back." She murmured, leaning over and kissing both of their cheeks. "I love you both." 
"We love you too doll." Bucky said sincerely. "Just. . . if you need any help please call us." 
"Of course." Elizabeth smiled, turned, and left the room. Only then, did Bucky turned his face into Steve's chest and sob like a baby. 
🎃🌊 卩o𝐯 ℃н𝒶Ň𝕘Ⓔ 🐶👨‍🎨 
"Loki can we talk?" Tony asked anxiously as Loki stripped his shirt off in the bathroom. Stephen was hovering outside of the door. 
"Sure." Loki said, still seeming to be in a bad mood. It didn't matter to him that he had spent nearly thirty minutes torturing Pierce with every means necessary. Nothing about it made him feel better afterwards. Images of what Elizabeth and Bucky and even Penny went through were raging in his head. Not that Penny had been hurt, but Rumlow had used her and that pissed him off too. 
"Do you- I mean you engineer?" Tony asked hesitantly, which made Loki pause. He'd thought Tony and Stephen were going to berate him for going after Pierce, considering neither of them had even touched him. 
Loki sighed, before chuckling. "Really?" 
"What?" Tony asked defensively and a little agitated. 
Loki shook his head. "No, Tony, I don't engineer. I could never make the things you make." He said softly, walking over to Tony , pulling him into his arms. Tony rested his head against his shoulder, sighing. "What I made. . . was wrong and depraved, but it was magic, not science." 
Tony looked like he wanted to ask something else as Loki bent down, picking up his blood-stained shirt and shook it out, using magic to get rid of the red stains. He folded it neatly before Tony blurted out, "Can you make me see ghosts?" 
Loki flinched, dropping the shirt, spinning to look at Tony who looked so hopeful and begging. Loki squared his shoulders and Stephen stepped forward, putting a hand on Tony's shoulder. "Tones. . ." 
"You did it to Elizabeth, surely. . ." Tony drifted off. 
Loki hated this. "No. Tony, I can't." Loki said bitterly. "You have no Asgardian blood and even if you did, you're an adult. There's a reason I did it to Elizabeth instead of myself, even though it was my gain I wanted, not hers." 
Tony sighed, obviously disappointed. 
Loki picked up the shirt once more, but this time clenched it in his hands. He was not one for secrets, and definitely not from his soulmates. "Tony. Stephen. What I did to Elizabeth. . . it was completely wrong." 
They both looked at him with non-judgmental looks, but Loki looked down at the shirt instead. "I messed with death and. . . I hurt her. You asked me, Steph, if I abused her or killed her. . . well no. But I experimented on her. I thought. . . I thought she was lesser than me because she wasn't full Asgardian. And-" His voice cracked and he cut off quickly, shaking his head and turned away from them. 
"Loki." Stephen's body wrapped around him, pulling him down to the floor to hold him. Loki breathed in evenly, knowing that if this kept up, he might actually lose it, and he was not one to lose it. Tony sank to his knees in front of Loki, reaching out and taking his hand. 
"Loki, we love you. And you made some mistakes, but we weren't even born." Tony said softly. "And quite frankly Loki, Elizabeth doesn't hate you and if she doesn't, then why should we?" 
"I don't deserve you two." Loki said simply, shrugging. "Or Penny. Or any of them." 
"That's the stupidest thing you've ever said." Tony snorted. 
Loki huffed and Stephen squeezed him. "We've all made mistakes Lokes. When I was a doctor. . . I picked and choosed my patients, not based on the idea of saving them. . . but which operations were the most difficult. Like notches in my belt. They weren't people to me, they were money operations and ways of boosting my career." 
Loki felt himself relaxing as Stephen, but still said, "You didn't kill or try to kill anyone on purpose." 
"I also was never brainwashed." Stephen argued, turning Loki's chin towards him. "Look what I did to Trang. I was the one who did the brainwashing. I did that operation on her Loki." 
"And then there's me." Tony said with the slightest showings of a smirk. 
"Who also never killed anyone." Loki muttered. 
"Maybe not with my own hands." Tony admitted. "But there was still my weapons. And then there was Sokovia-" 
"-which wasn't your fault." Loki argued. 
"I created Ultron." 
"Which in turn helped create Vision, gave Wanda a soulmate and a reason to stop hating you so that her and Pietro didn't kill you." Loki replied heatedly. 
"Exactly." Tony said simply. 
"Huh?" Loki asked. 
"Everything happens for a reason." Tony said softly. "If I hadn't created Ultron, Sokovia would still exist, yes. But at the same time, Wanda and Pietro would probably still be in HYDRA, or even working alongside their father. And Vision wouldn't exist which means those beautiful children of ours? Anastasia, Billy, Tommy, Andres. . . they wouldn't exist." 
The room was silent for a moment and then Loki muttered. "You are smart." 
Tony full out grinned now. "Exactly. Swell of you to catch on." 
Loki laughed a little. "Narcissist." 
They sat in silence until they heard a knock at the door, which Tony got, and then yelled, jumping back in shock. 
"Well hello boys." Howard said, leaning against the door. He looked solid enough, but it still shocked Tony. 
"Tony." Howard said warmly, "Let's have a short talk." 
🚣‍♀️🐱 ρ𝔬V cĦαℕg𝐞 🚦🥛
"Feel any better?" Penny asked Natasha and Wanda hesitantly as they settled into the living room with their kids. Penny was curled up with Fandral and T'Challa while Rhodey sat at her feet. Chamber was in Okoye's lap, asleep. 
"A bit." Natasha muttered, flopping on the couch, Anastasia in her arms. 
Wanda placed Billy and Tommy down gently on the carpet with the small wooden blocks and started to levitate them in front of them. 
"So they're all gone?" T'Challa asked casually. 
"Yeah, Vi and Katya stopped in to say bye." Nat nodded. "Ahni and Mai aren't going with them, so they're still here." 
"They're not?" Penny asked in surprise. 
"Apparently they're going to fly out to Cambodia first, see Mais' family, then regroup with the rest of them in Ohio afterwards." Wanda said softly. "Trang is going to go with them to Ohio and then head to Vietnam for a week to visit Jays' family. I think Elijah might go to Hong Kong and see his family too, he won't be staying with Elizabeth after all." 
"Speaking of, Sam, Steve, and Bucky are leaving for a couple of weeks." Rhodey spoke up then, rubbing his hand against Penny's leg in a soothing way. "They haven't left yet but Sam wants to visit his sister." 
"Clint was saying he wanted to go and visit his brother and sister-in-law." Natasha said thoughtfully. "He wanted me and Anastasia to come with him, but I can't even think of bringing her outside anywhere. Especially so far from the tower." 
"Anyone else?" Penny asked. 
"Well I doubt Tony, Loki, or Stephen would leave." Nat shrugged. "Loki probably doesn't want to go back to Asgard and neither Tony or Stephen have family left. I'm not going anywhere, neither is Bruce. I'm sure you'll be going back to Wakanda soon, and you back to Asgard?" 
T'Challa nodded, but Fandral shook his head. "Not fancying going back to Asgard anytime soon. Besides, we've all really missed you guys. And Heimdall wants to be here for our son. I suppose the Guardians will take off soon though, they never stay for long." 
Wanda nodded, "They are leaving tomorrow I heard." 
"Shaun will probably take off too." Nat added thoughtfully. "Visit his sister and all of that." 
"Well, Pietro and I are thinking about going to Professor X's school, but we think we'll be back most of the nights, so it shouldn't be a problem." Wanda shrugged. "But Visions' not going anywhere." 
"Oh, did Riri go with the Ohioans?" Penny asked. 
"Good question." Nat said, looking a little surprised. "I suppose Josh would want to introduce her to his parents though." 
Penny nodded. 
"Do you think your dad is serious?" Wanda asked suddenly. 
"About what?" Penny asked, frowning a little. 
"Keeping Pierce here for. . . well until he drops dead. That we can torture him whenever we want. It's not. . . It's not really like Fury to do something like this." 
"I think Elizabeth has a special place in his heart." Rhodey murmured softly. "And that his love for her has caused all rational thought to fly out of his head. He wants revenge and I think putting Pierce here is just as much for him as it is his idea for the rest of us." 
"Thor and Loki did a number on him." Natasha said thoughtfully. "I don't think I've ever seen Thor so angry." 
"I don't know if I can." Penny sighed, looking away. "When I was watching everything that happened in her memories, I felt a rage. I wanted to hurt him. I still do. But the idea of actually going down there and actually hurting him. . . it doesn't feel like me." 
Her thoughts drifted slightly to when they had been going to free Ghaida's parents. She'd shot the janitor with no thought or action. Careless, and her heart filled with pain again. She stood up slowly. "I'll be back soon." 
"Okay." They murmured and she walked out the door. 
😺🚥 卩Oν cнa𝐍Ⓖ𝐄 🐭 🐹
"You be good for daddy." Elizabeth murmured softly into Rue's ear as the little baby girl fussed in the car seat. Elijah slipped the dragon plushie into her hands and she calmed down and Elizabeth slowly shut the car door. 
"I'll take good care of her." Elijah murmured, cupping Elizabeth's face. She was tired from having put her power into Howard so he could talk to Tony. At least she hadn't been driving the car home. 
"I know." Elizabeth whispered, touching her lips to his. "Tell your parents I said hi, okay?" 
"I will. You. . . you take care of yourself while I'm gone." Elijah said sternly, his lips curling at the edges. "No touching yourself." 
Elizabeth gasped playfully. "How will I ever live!" 
"Desperately." Elijah teased back, opening the drivers' door. "I'll be back in a week." 
"Take your time, it's been a while." Elizabeth said softly. "I'll see you when you get back." 
She stood on the porch and watched the car drive up the street, turn the corner, and was gone. She looked around the neighborhood and smiled. Nothing had changed at all. Everything was exactly the same as she had left, with few differences. 
She stepped inside the house, and closed the door, ready to start her new life.
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trash-gremlin · 6 months
Out of all your ocs which one would be most likely to win in a game of chess, which in a game of hide and seek and which in an actual fight? 😼
ok ive answered all of them and also included information as to why i chose that answer
serious answer - Yelena Volkova. She probably doesn't know how to play chess being from the 1880's and all, but she probably picked it up after watching one game and then proceeded to dominate everyone else.
silly answer - Firefly because it keeps eating the pieces when they're opponent isn't looking.
Hide and seek:
Dexter OR Jack Tucker. Tucker is the only one serious enough about it to beat people away from his good hiding spot because he is the world's most competitive child. Dexter would probably complain about it the entire time and call it lame but still find a decent hiding spot and do surprisingly well. He would AT LEAST be in the top 2.
Actual fight:
I broke this one up into categories because depending on the rules I feel like a different character would win each time. For all of these except for the last one we're assuming no powers are being used (ie. no powers* for the guardians and no lycanthropy for the lycanthropes)
*this completely disqualifies Azrael and Lailah until the final category as their bodies are extensions of their powers. This also means we're assuming Ace/Ghost doesn't have the use of his wings. This was done because even without their "powers" they would absolutely body anyone in a fist fight.
best fighter (technique) - Alastair. He was trained into the royal guard since the moment he could walk, and is well-versed in both hand to hand and weapon combat. Even without the aid of Donaron enhancing his abilities he is a formidable fighter but he is also. like 13 years old. which is why i created the separate category for him because without the powers his bond gives him he can easily be overpowered by some of my other ocs.
wins the fight (bare hands) - This has gotta be Elijah. Working on the farm has built up some quite useful muscle! Other hard workers such as Elmer and Harry Dunnett just aren't as physically strong as he is, not even Roy Dunnett (in his prime of course, I don't think it would be hard to overpower a 60 something year old man). Of course i considered Omen for this as well, but at the end of the day, he's a cat.
wins the fight (weapons) - Now we know Alastair has trained with his sabres since a tot, and is very skilled, but he's no match for the quickest draw in the Wild West, Abigale Dunnett AKA Coyote. Coyote is of course never seen without her trusty revolver at her hip, and would catch anyone very off-guard.
wins the fight (powers included) - Surely it's gotta be Azrael or Lailah, right? WRONG. It's Saige/Jinx. Azrael and Lailah are both very physically strong, but Jinx's power is devastating. You know your done for when your opponents only power is to harm and destroy. She can't help it of course. They didn't choose it.
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gryffieverse · 1 year
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gen 2 ships (taylor's version), part 3
the non-endgame ships edition; chloe averill-ryder & ryan o'connell brighton mcallister & may van tassel émile monteil & alex dawson chloe averill-ryder & elijah van tassel emre sawyer & braeden shelby jared bradley & serena moore
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loustatputhy · 16 days
Veins of Fate: IWTV OC's
would anyone be interested if I told you I'm working on a series with two original characters based on Interview With The Vampire ?? Their names are Elijah and Sebastien... Here's a snippet
The bus ride home was Elijah’s least favorite part of the day. After hours of lectures, deadlines, and assignments, the sluggish journey back to his apartment felt like an eternity. But tonight, his thoughts weren’t just on his GPA, which was dangerously close to slipping below 3.5, or the thick cloud of depression he hadn’t been able to shake for weeks. Tonight, his mind kept drifting back to the stranger he’d noticed several times—always on this bus, at this time.
He glanced up, fingers nervously tapping his backpack. There he was, sitting at the back, dark curls framing a face partially hidden behind a newspaper. The man exuded a quiet, magnetic energy that had drawn Elijah’s attention over the past few nights. His olive skin, under the bus’s dim lights, made his black eyes seem even more intense. And those eyes were watching him—again. Elijah’s heart skipped a beat as he quickly looked away, only to sneak another glance. 
There it was again. The man’s gaze, unwavering and fixed on him.
Elijah shifted in his seat, pretending to focus on the textbook in his lap. But the stranger’s presence was palpable, almost overwhelming, like an invisible force that seemed to zero in on him, cutting through the bus's steady hum and the distant noise of the city.
For the third time, their eyes met. A flutter of nerves rose in Elijah’s stomach. He tried to focus on anything else—the dull vibration beneath his seat, the soft chatter around him—but his body betrayed him. By the fourth time their gazes locked, Elijah couldn’t take it anymore.
Slinging his backpack over his shoulder, Elijah stood, heart racing, and moved down the aisle. He didn’t know why he was doing this—why he felt this pull toward the stranger, or why he was so desperate to understand it—but his feet seemed to carry him on their own.
When he sat down next to the man, the stranger lowered his newspaper and looked at him fully for the first time. Elijah couldn’t help but notice how refined and effortless the man appeared—like someone who had seen centuries of life, though he looked no older than thirty-five.
“Hey,” Elijah said, clearing his throat. “Where are you headed?”
The man—Sebastien—smiled faintly, his dark eyes shifting back to the newspaper. “Meeting a friend,” he replied, his voice smooth and calm.
Elijah nodded, trying to play it cool despite the tension hanging between them. “Must be close, then. You’re on this bus a lot.”
A small, amused smile curled at the corner of Sebastien’s lips, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Something like that.”
The conversation stalled, but Elijah wasn’t deterred. He wasn’t sure if it was his innate curiosity or something else driving him, but he felt compelled to keep talking. To crack through the stranger’s cool exterior. 
“You live around here?” Elijah asked, leaning in slightly.
Sebastien, in fact, didn’t live around here. He lived thirty minutes away but always ensured he caught this bus—*Elijah’s* bus. His dark eyes studied the younger man closely—his honey-brown hair, the light dusting of freckles across his cheeks, and those golden-flecked, pine-green eyes. Elijah seemed to radiate warmth, a beacon in the cold, dark world Sebastien had long inhabited. 
Sebastien had followed this boy for weeks, watching from the shadows. Elijah had no idea what kind of creature he was sitting next to—what kind of danger he was inviting into his life.
The boy’s words faded into the background as Sebastien lost himself in thought. It wasn’t until Elijah muttered a soft curse under his breath that Sebastien snapped back to the present. The bus was slowing, pulling up to Elijah’s stop.
“Oh, that’s me!” Elijah exclaimed, standing quickly and signaling the driver. He turned back with a mischievous grin. “See you around?”
Before Sebastien could reply, Elijah had already darted off the bus, his footsteps echoing as he jogged down the block. 
Sebastien watched him from the shadows, his heart thrumming in a way it hadn’t in centuries. The bus pulled away, but Sebastien remained behind, slipping into the night. He followed Elijah from a distance, blending effortlessly with the darkness. Elijah’s soft humming drifted back to him as the boy walked the familiar path home. He glanced over his shoulder a few times, as if sensing something, but never saw him. 
Two blocks later, Elijah reached his apartment. Sebastien lingered in the shadows, watching as Elijah fumbled with his keys before disappearing inside. A moment later, the blinds snapped shut.
Sebastien stood there for a long time, considering the boy who had so boldly approached him. Elijah was kind, innocent, radiating life in a way Sebastien hadn’t felt in decades. And now, Elijah had unwittingly captured his attention—his obsession.
A soft smirk tugged at Sebastien’s lips. Elijah had no idea what kind of world he had just stepped into. 
But he would soon. Elijah would be his.
No matter what it took.
Art, after all, deserved to be preserved. And Elijah… 
Elijah would be his masterpiece.
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echthr0s · 3 months
I was thinkin about how mad I was about Cullen suddenly reappearing as a higher-ranking templar in one of the most magically volatile cities on the planet at the time despite the fact that he'd literally just -- like within the last 3 fucking months, I'd say, going by a generous interpretation of game timelines -- had a PTSD-inducing (harrowing, one might say!-- sorry.) experience at his former Circle... and then I realised that that also happens in Anansi's story. EXCEPT! this goes BADLY! the way it SHOULD go when you do something like this! Anders blows up the Chantry and Cullen blows up the Circle
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wh-melody · 1 year
Listen- I was obsessed and this was too cute NOT to do
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tomyloversiwrite · 2 years
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context: in their preteen/teenage years. no further context.
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espighty · 3 months
I'm making some scuffed relationship charts with some of the cultist ocs in my canon, starting with my version of yellow cat. I've shown him once before in an old meme redraw post. His name is Elijah. He is the unluckiest creature in the whole wide world.
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More info on him under the cut.
Here's the redraw I mentioned. It's how I decided his name.
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And then for his overall background in my canon:
Leshy and Eli (I'm gonna call him Eli for short ok) do not get great first impressions of each other. It's a short time after Leshy gets out of purgatory. He's been out for long enough that he's adamant on trying to navigate the cult on his own, but short enough that he's still super jittery about everything. And for the most part, the normal cultists know to keep their distance. But Elijah accidentally stumbles his way a bit too close. Gets a chunk bitten out of him because Leshy panicked.
I have a little comic in my minds eye of a little back and forth as Eli is bleeding out.
Eli screaming and Leshy just being like "... uh. sorry. You startled me." "YOU TOOK A CHUNK OUT OF MY ARM" "Yes. And I'm apologizing. Stop being dramatic." "Ohhhh my god I'm gonna throw up. or faint" "You know, most people would consider it an honor." "Both. I think both." And then Eli just straight up dies of blood loss and Leshy tentatively sidesteps away hoping no one will be able to pin it on him.
So when the Lamb resurrects Elijah and there are no consequences, Leshy is baffled. Finds the time to go up to Eli and ask about it. Why didn't he tell the Lamb. Is this blackmail? What does he want?
And Eli is like "oh well you said it was an accident and apologized so I didn't feel the need :3. I die like once a week anyways it's fine." and Leshy goes huh. What.
Turns out Eli is (A.) not the sharpest tool in the shed, and (B.) the most cartoonishly unlucky person you've ever met. He actually does die once a week, often more. Stuff falling over onto him, objects falling from the sky, rube-goldberg-esque events that end with him skewered against a building. It's so normal for him that he's desensitized to it. Also repeatedly dying may have killed some brain cells, but that's neither here nor there. Either way, Leshy is immediately intrigued, opting to accept "friendship" just for the opportunity to experience the bad luck events first hand.
And boy is that a fun time for Leshy. God of Chaos in his natural element. Except, one day, Elijah starts narrowly missing death instead. The stack of marble falls onto the place he was standing only moments before. The roof of the barn collapses in just the right way that he was kept from harm. The onions (toxic for cats) that were mistakenly added to his soup don't harm him in the slightest. Eli doesn't seem too bothered, but everyone around him is always on edge, because this good luck can't last forever, and it will surely come back far, far worse. Leshy hangs around Eli all the same, enjoying the anxiety of the other cultists, and the company of his friend.
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bl00dst41ned · 1 year
*.·:·.✦ baby tears ✦.·:·.*
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pairing: trent alexander-arnold x female oc (named her Astrid)
summary: in which having a child can be hard but with the help of someone it may feel better
author's note: @l4vines asked for some fluffy dad Trent so here is my attempt to deliver. also i need to change these headers i despise them now. as usual, not proofread.
warnings: mentions of postpartum anxiety/depression, baby blues (I’ll try to approach the subject as carefully as I can)
word count: 937
The small lamp on the nightstand lightened the wide master bedroom. Light snores resonated from Trent’s mouth as he slept peacefully. At his side sat his longtime girlfriend, Astrid, legs folded with their newborn son, Elijah, lying on them and eating his milk out of his bottle. She looked at his face, beams of light showcasing his lips’ movements. His eyes remained closed as his fingers gesticulated, trying to grip his bottle.
Elijah was born two months ago, after nine long eventful months. Astrid had to be bed-bounded for the last three months of her pregnancy, which left her very frustrated.
After his birth, she felt relieved to be alive and mostly to have a healthy son. Though Astrid tried to give him all the care he needed, it still didn’t feel right. She would feel the urge to cry anytime she interacted with Elijah. Even if she did everything right, she could not stop doubting herself. And now was no different.
Small tears rolled down her cheeks as she watched Elijah eat slowly. The mix of her sniffs and the baby’s whimpers woke Trent up. He slowly moved around on the bed before turning to face his small family. He held a little smile on his face but it soon turned into a frown once he realised his partner crying. Again.
Trent knew this kind of episode happened to her, and they became even more frequent the past week. In a talk with his mom, she taught him about postpartum and how it was not always an easy and happy moment for the woman. After a few researches on his own, Trent feared she would suffer from postpartum depression or something close to it. He didn’t know how to talk to her about it but he could not bear seeing her that way anymore.
“Azzy” He called her by her childhood nickname.
She quickly wiped her cheeks in an attempt to hide her emotions from her boyfriend. He sat up, leaning on the headboard. Since he could not properly hold her, he simply left a kiss on her temple as tears uncontrollably rolled down her face.
“I can’t seem to get over this” Astrid sobbed, her head on his chest and her eyes glued on Elijah’s face. “He deserves so much better and I just don’t know how to give it to him”
“You already do. You handle Elijah with as much care as you can give him, despite doubting yourself. No matter how you feel, you’re always there for him” His words definitely comforted her and soothed an inner wound that desperately needed it. “Elijah trusts you, now you need to trust yourself and know how much of a good mother you are”
“Thank you so much, Trent. Genuinely.” She put the baby bottle away about to place Elijah on her shoulder for him to burp “You don’t know how much it means to me”
“That’s what I’m here for. Get some sleep Az, I got him” He grabbed Elijah out of her hold placing him on his shoulder as Astrid laid back down under the covers, trying to doze off.
A few minutes later, she felt Trent get back into the bed, instantly wrapping his arms around her waist.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
In the following weeks, Trent made sure to be as supportive as he could of Astrid. He made sure to uplift her every day and compliment her so that she felt better not only about her parenting but also about herself. Slowly but surely, she gained more and more confidence as a woman and also as a mother.
“Give me the wipes,” Astrid asked as she lifted Elijah’s lower body up to change him.
Trent did as asked watching her eyebrows knit from her concentration. He observed her movements, and how soft she was whenever she touched him. He also listened to how she talked him through the process even though the newborn did not understand one bit. She was the best mother ever in his eyes, now it was her turn to see it.
Astrid finished dressing Elijah back up before giving him to Trent while she put the products away. She came back to the living room to a cute interaction between the two men of her life: Trent kissing their son’s face repeatedly, earning a smile and what could be a laugh from the newborn.
She joined them on the couch, sitting on her right leg as she smiled, looking at them.
“You’re good?”
She knew he didn’t mean it as of today but in general.
“Yeah, better since that night we talked. And I would not feel that way if it was not for you. You really helped me a lot”
“That’s what I’m here for” 
And he meant it. The moment he decided to get into a relationship with her three years ago, he accepted having to deal with anything she went through by her side. Even more, now that they had become a family.
“You’re ready for tomorrow?” He turned to face her but she broke eye contact.
“Not really. But it’s a step at getting better.”
They both decided that it could be good for Astrid to see a therapist, just to let her feelings out and receive some guidance. Trent even offered to go with her but she emphasized wanting these sessions to be for her only, where she was free to vent, with nobody she knew around her.
“You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met, don’t forget it” Trent spoke truthfully, her face blushing from his comment.
“I love you, Azzy”
“I love you too, Trent”
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like, repost and suggest (closing on september 1st) (hope you enjoyed it)
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baseballbitch116 · 4 months
However Long It Takes - Chapter Three
Klaus Mikaelson x oc slow burn series
Charlotte Fell was so apprehensive about going to this Mikaelson ball. Why did Klaus even invite her? Well, there's only one way to find out...
Word Count: 2280
Warnings: Brief mention of violence
Masterlist | However Long It Takes Masterlist
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Chapter Three - The Ball
You arrived alone at the ball at 7:15, hesitating before going in. You were meeting the others there, Elena had already arrived with the Salvatore's and Caroline. With a long exhale, you walked inside the large mansion and took in your surroundings. Music was playing and there were people everywhere. You didn't recognize most people, and soon realized that most of them were human. So a large portion of the town was invited... But did they all receive a note or dress? Probably not, but suddenly your importance seemed to lessen. You fiddled with your fingers as you slowly entered further into the mansion, looking for a familiar face.
The first face you recognized, however, was none other than Klaus himself. You locked eyes from across the room, where he stood chatting up the mayor. His face fell into a more serious look, but not angry. He left the mayor's side and approached you, and you physically felt your stomach twist and your heart drop. He stopped less than three feet in front of you, just a few inches taller than you in your heels and he smiled what may have been the first genuine smile you've seen thus far. "Good evening," he greets you in a solemn, deep voice. You open your mouth to respond, but words fail you.
"I... need a drink." you mutter and hurry away. You feel embarrassed, wondering why you even came to this stupid ball in the first place.
The next fifteen minutes dragged on until everyone was gathered to the main room and the entire Mikaelson family stood over everyone on the stairs. You made eye contact with Klaus, who stood near Elijah as he spoke.
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He held a drink and looked solemn and serious, but his gaze was locked on you. Elijah asked that everyone find a partner and go to the ballroom, and you watched as Klaus downed his drink and headed right in your direction. Oh crap. You started walking toward the ballroom, hoping to observe and not participate, but Klaus catches you and stands in front of you.
"May I?" he asks, offering you his hand. You look at his large hand then back to his eyes, before giving in and nodding, hesitantly placing your smaller hand into his palm. He grins and begins guiding you into the ballroom. Something about holding Klaus's hand and being led by him... felt both the most safe and most in danger you have ever felt. You felt like no one in this room could hurt you... but also knew that he was the most dangerous one in here.
The Ed Sheeran song began and he stood beside you, taking the lead in the waltz. Neither of you speak, but he is watching you as you dance. You follow his lead and then he spins you and you face him, placing your other hand on his right shoulder and he cups your smaller gloved right hand in his own. He continues to look into your eyes, his face only inches away now, and you feel small under his intense gaze. And yet, you can't bring yourself to break his eye contact. His other hand is on your back, and you feel it slide a little lower from your shoulder blade to closer to your waist. The feeling of his fingers touching your body sends shivers down your spine, something you wonder if he felt.
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"I'm glad you came," he finally says something, and you look down toward your feet to cover the small smile that forms on your lips. You don't respond, unsure of what to say. When you finally meet his eye again, he is smirking. He knows what he is doing. "You look ravishing in that dress." Your stomach turns with anxiety at his compliment and word choice, a blush warming your cheeks.
"Thank you," is all you say, once again being failed by your words.
"You know, you're quite the dancer." he remarks, and you are rather surprised. You didn't feel like a very good dancer, it was not something you particularly enjoyed. But right now, dancing with him... This was enjoyable.
"Well, I was in the Miss Mystic pageant last year. Against my will." you inform him, and he grins.
"I know." You look up at him in surprise. How did he know that? Has he been asking people about you? Your eyes drop from his intense blue ones down to his full pink lips twisted upward in a grin. He is blatantly flirting with you. Why?
The dance ended and he let go of you, but you looked at each other for a moment longer. "Come with me," he says, and he starts guiding you out of the ballroom.
He slowly leads you further away from the party and you grow anxious, both from fear and interest. He opens a door and steps aside, holding it open for you. You hesitantly walk in, looking around. It is some kind of art room, full of paintings, drawings, sketches. "What is all this?" you ask, taking it all in.
"My collection. Or some of it, at least." he allows the door to close behind himself and you are now alone together. You swallow a gulp and focus your eyes on the painting hanging in front of you. You can feel his eyes on you, but don't dare turn around to look. You notice how the sketches seem like they were done here, not a piece of a collection from another artist.
"Wait, are these yours?" you are stunned that he would have a hobby like this, given his reputation. He comes to stand by your side and nods, his face the most calm and serious you've seen.
"Yeah. Um, some of my landscapes are hanging in various places, not that anyone would notice." he trails off, almost seeming vulnerable. This is the first thing he's ever said to you that didn't sound arrogant, and you could feel something in his demeanor that had shifted. You ducked your head to hide the shy smile that formed on your lips and continued scanning his work.
"These are incredible," you mutter, really impressed. After a short pause, you hear clinking glasses and it sounds like someone is about to give a speech. "Should probably get back," you remark, and he opens the door for you. You shyly smile at him and walk out, then follow him back to the main area.
He went off to be with his family as Elijah toasted and everyone shared a drink. You tried to stop looking at him or for him, to find something else to occupy your mind. You went over to grab a refreshment from one of the waiters and ended up beside Rebekah Mikaelson. You'd seen her a few times before, but never really spoken to her. She looks over at you from where she stood, looks you up and down, but says nothing. You are intimidated by her immense beauty, and the dark green ball gown she is wearing makes her even more stunning than normal.
"I love your dress," you finally say something after casually sipping on your champagne. She looks back to you, a look of surprise on her face. She looks like she is trying to read your mind, like she doesn't believe you're truly complimenting her.
"Thank you," she finally responds after what felt like an eternity. "I like yours." she exchanges the compliment, and you blush. You don't dare mention who gave you the dress.
"Thank you. I don't think I've ever worn anything this nice before." you remark, chuckling. "I don't feel myself." she smiles and shrugs.
"It suits you," is all she says, and you return the smile.
"Do you like this sort of thing? Balls?" you make small talk, finding yourself pleasantly enjoying her company.
"I do. I always have. We used to attend so many, a few centuries ago, when they were common. I do miss that." she explains. You are envious that she has lived through so many eras. You'd love to hear her stories.
"What was your favorite time period?" you ask, taking a step closer, intrigued. She seems pleased by your interest and takes a moment to think.
"They all had their good and bad, but I greatly appreciated the 20's." You could absolutely see her rocking out in the 20's Great Gatsby style. "Excuse me, my brother is looking for me." Rebekah leaves her glass with the waiter and heads over to Elijah. You decide to head outside for some fresh air, feeling overwhelmed by all of the different emotions you have been feeling tonight. You take a side door and end up on a back patio of some sort, where a horse is settled in an enclosed area. You are immediately excited and cautiously walk over to the large animal. You pet its mane and take in its beauty, admiring the elegant stallion.
"You like horses?" A voice you now recognize as Klaus asks, and you turn to look over your shoulder, watching him walk over to you. You smile softly and nod, returning your gaze to the beautiful creature.
"Always have. They're so majestic... intelligent. I've always wanted one." You look over to see him smiling as he listens. "So why did you invite me anyway?" you finally get the courage to ask.
"I fancy you," he responds blatantly, without any hesitation. Your eyes go wide and you stare at him, waiting for him to laugh or do something to show that he was not serious. "Is that so hard to believe?" he asks when you say nothing. His expression is soft and solemn, he looks very genuine. "Yes," is all you can muster up to respond.
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"Why? You are... – you're beautiful. You're strong, you're full of life..." he trails off. "I enjoy you." he grins, but it is not his usual arrogant grin – this is sincere, kind.
"I... thank you," you stutter, tucking the loose hair behind your ear. He continues to grin at you for a long moment, making you anxious under his gaze. He is intense, unlike anyone you have ever met before. He's not a shy little boy who dances around his feelings or tries to play it cool. He's honest, which caught you off guard, given his reputation for being merciless and cruel. Maybe this was one big joke? But what would be the point of that? Neither of you speak for a minute or two, but it is not awkward. You enjoy the peace of the wind blowing in the trees and the sound of glasses and chattering off in the distance.
"Ya know uh, horses are the opposite of people... They're loyal," he starts, chuckling in an ironic sort of way, before continuing. "My father hunted me for a thousand years and the closest he ever came was the day he killed my favorite horse... He severed its neck with a sword, as a warning." he explained. You watched him speak as he looked at the horse, listening intently. He finally meets your eye again, searching your expression like he was trying to decipher what you were thinking.
"I'm sorry," you say softly, reaching out and touching his forearm. He looks down at your hand briefly then back to your eyes, and his blue ones look sorrowful. His father really did a number on him... Maybe he's not so evil after all. Maybe he's just... broken.
You called it a night shortly thereafter, growing exhausted from all of the overwhelming emotions of the evening. You said a polite goodbye to Klaus before you left and thanked Elijah, then Matt drove you home. You made small talk about the evening, trying to leave out the parts that included Klaus and you noticed he tried not to mention how he was Rebekah's date. You let it be, respecting his privacy as he did yours. You practically threw yourself into your bed after getting out of your gown. You were emotionally exhausted, and the heels you wore didn't help with your physical exhaustion. Curling up into your blankets, your mind wandered, replaying the events of the evening. No matter how hard you tried, the only thing you could really think about was Klaus. The way you danced together, how his hand felt on your back. What he told you about his father... Why was he so different with you than everyone else? Elena and her friends hated him, but you couldn't really see why. Of course, you know that he tried to kill her and he did kill her aunt. Yes, those were horrible and unforgivable. But you'd never know he was like that based off of how he has been interacting with you.
You awoke the next morning to the sound of a knock at your front door. You trudged out of bed and rushed to get it, but no one was there. All you found was a folded piece of paper. Another invitation? You took it inside and went back to bed before unfolding it. A gasp escapes your lips as you stare at the beautiful sketch of yourself standing beside the horse from last night. The sketch was amazing, it looked just like you. There was nothing written on either side, but you knew exactly who this was from. This was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for you, by far.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you wondered what this meant. You envisioned Klaus sitting in his drawing room, sketching the details of your face with the intent of surprising you. Butterflies soared through your stomach against your will, feeling yourself swooning over the gesture. It was official now, there was no denying it. You have feelings for Klaus. And from the looks of it... The feeling is mutual.
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totally-not-a-slug · 1 month
Chat how many aura points did I lose drawing oc x Ford
It wasn't serious at first, then it painfully spiraled. I think they're so neat. So silly.
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His name is Elijah btw, he may or may not be a interdimensional manifestation of balance working as Stanley's lawyer. He definitely also doesn't have some fruity shit going on with Ford.
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When he first met the young pines and Ford he got held at memory gunpoint because they mistook him for some guy being possessed by Bill, very awkward.
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They found out he's not normal bc he became Mabel and Dipper's lawyer when they got held in some lawful cycle court covered in monster guts(he won that case btw.) Now Ford keeps trying to study him.
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Elijah has a big ego, he's very smug. He just tends to follow Ford around like some hound begging for attention 24/7, he does in fact fold when Ford uses petnames.
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He's tried to make moves.
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Ford is a still a loser sadly, so he never actually gets far. Elijah knows what he's doing even if Ford doesn't want him to.
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Elijah has in fact given this man his actual heart(a glowing stone) and told him to use it for his machinery and told him not to break it, he did not reveal it was his heart because he did not want to admit this man has him wrapped around his finger. He's a loser, but with smug elegance!!
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braveclementine · 16 days
Warnings: None, some angst
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
Sam grinned, filming on his phone as Steve and Bucky pushed Mateo and Kisa on the baby swings. Rue on the other hand, was sitting in the sand, digging her fingers into it while Elizabeth stood to the side in a beautiful, easter blue sundress. 
They were at a park called Sharon woods, which was filled with parents and kids on the beautiful April day. There was a playground a few yards away, built on mulch with slides and monkey bars. They'd already helped the kids on the slides until they got bored of them, wanting to go on the swings. 
"I'm gonna send it to Tony." Sam said, ending the video and then sent it to Tony. 
"I wish they were here." Steve sighed a little as Kisa giggled, kicking her feet violently as she swung up. 
"Maybe we should invite them over." Elizabeth said thoughtfully. "Trang and Kat both live in mansions. I'm sure we can work out fitting everyone." 
Steve chuckled but Sam shook his head. "Nah, Nat won't leave the tower anymore. She's worried about Anastasia's safety." 
Elizabeth looked confused, "They're not taking the kids out?" 
Sam scratched the back of his head helplessly, glancing at Steve and Bucky. 
"But," Elizabeth protested. "The kids need other childrens' interactions. They need to go to playgrounds and play in the dirt!"
"You forget," Steve said quickly. "The others aren't as old as these three. They're only at the six month mark and barely. They shouldn't-" 
"I didn't forget!" Elizabeth snapped angrily, hands clenching into tight fists, eyes flashing. It was silent for a second as Rue looked up at her and Steve and Bucky stopped pushing the kids. Elizabeth's entire body was tense as a live wire and Steve sighed. 
"I- I'm sorry." Elizabeth whispered, guilt written all over her face. "Steve-" 
Steve pulled her into a hug gently and her entire body relaxed. "It's okay princess. It's alright. I'm sorry." 
Elizabeth took a couple of deep breaths and then pulled back. "I did forget. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I just. . ." 
"Hey. I understand." Steve said softly. He kissed her forehead. "Do you want to go home?" 
"No. I'm okay." Elizabeth shook her head, smiling a little. "Besides, we're actually going to see the others on the other side of the park." 
"Really?" Sam asked with more enthusiasm than necessary, trying to bring back the light, happy feeling. 
"Yeah." Elizabeth smiled, relaxing even more now and Steve smiled too, resting his chin on her shoulder. Bucky on the other hand, kept his piercing eyes fixed on her, trying to see if she was truly alright. She seemed a little tired and there was still some guilt in her eyes, but she seemed alright. "Although we should probably change them into their bathing suits." 
"We're taking them swimming?" Steve's voice climbed two octaves in equal excitement and nerves. 
"No, no, no." Elizabeth quickly reassured him. "But there's like a very tiny water. . . uh thing? I don't know how to describe it." 
They walked back to the car and while Sam and Bucky helped the kids into bathing suits, Steve looked out at the rest of the park. There was a visitors center that he had gone into already. It had included an indoor playground which was very large, a small gift shop, and another section that had tunnels and boards that informed kids about the different animals in the woods. 
Across from the visitors center was something called a heritage village. It wasn't actually a village back in the 1800s, instead they were buildings that had been saved from demolition and moved here as a museum of living history. They were beautiful houses and buildings, although very old. He wouldn't have minded coming back here to do a tour if he could. 
"You ever go to the heritage village?" He asked Elizabeth. 
"Twice." She answered him, putting a tiny water shirt over Kisa. "Once when I was in second grade, we came here for a tour. I don't really remember much. The second time. . . I think I was in fifth or sixth grade. And I went with a friend and her parents for the Halloween event. Once again, don't really remember anything about the houses. I just remember there was this competition to eat a doughnut off of a string without using our hands. I got powdered sugar all over my face." 
"I bet you won." Steve chuckled. 
"Nope. My friend did." Elizabeth shrugged and then added thoughtfully. "I wonder what happened to her. I didn't see her again after that. She switched to another school and I stopped doing girl scouts." 
"All done." Bucky said proudly, carrying Mateo out in his swimming trunks. 
Steve rolled his eyes. "Good job. You put pants on him." 
"Shut it punk." Bucky protested. "Do you know how hard it is to dress babies when they're fussy?" 
Elizabeth giggled, putting Rue into her car seat. "Hush you two. Get in the car." 
"Yes ma'am." Bucky teased, hopping into the back of the car to put Mateo in his car seat. Steve slid into the passenger seat. 
The ride wasn't long, maybe three minutes, before they were pulling into another parking lot with Wooly Mammoth statues out front. They parked and then got out of the car, going up to the playground. 
This one was a little larger, built on hard, blue foam stuff. There were two playgrounds with a wall of rocks dividing them. On top of the rocks was a statue of a sabretooth tiger, that a little kid was sitting on top of, while a parent took a picture of them. There was a pavilion area with a snackbar, which wasn't open at the moment. 
Steve saw the water feature immediately since Violetta was standing near it, holding Valentines' hand as small geysers of water shot out of different coloured holes in the ground. There were also very small dips in the ground with fossils attached, that had water running through them. Katya and Trang were standing in them, taking pictures. 
"Hey guys!" Trang squealed, running over to them. Steve opened his arms immediately as Trang barreled into him. 
"Hey pretty girl." The words slipped off his tongue and he realized right then and there that he hadn't just missed Elizabeth. He'd missed all of them. 
The others converged on them and soon, it was Bucky, Steve, and Elijah standing together, watching the girls, Lan, Josh, and Sam play with the kids in the water. 
"How's she doing?" Elijah asked. 
"Really good." Bucky said slowly. "Although she had a small episode today. Small though, lasted about fifteen seconds if that." 
"What happened?" 
"We were talking about the others back home." Steve spoke up, feeling like he should tell this part. "How Natasha isn't very keen on Anastasia leaving the tower. And when Elizabeth was protesting it, I used the words 'You forget' when explaining the kids were a lot younger than these three. And she sort've froze up. She also snapped at me." 
"She bite you?" Elijah asked, though he was grinning. 
Steve looked a little shocked and Bucky chuckled. "He's playing with you punk. Nah, she just sort've froze and then apologized almost immediately. Like I said, it was quick." 
"Get over here you three!" Vi shouted over her shoulder. "You're going to miss everything." 
"I prefer staying dry." Elijah called back, but he moved forwards anyways and the two super soldiers followed. 
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Steve was exhausted as they came back from the small club that the Ohioans had sang at all night. It had been a long day and the kids were exhausted too, fast asleep in their parents arms as Elizabeth opened up the garage door and they headed inside through the back door. 
"Okay, I'm gonna feed the bunnies, you three want to take them upstairs and brush their teeth?" Elizabeth asked, handing Kisa over to Sam. 
"Yeah." Steve murmured, heading through the side office door so they didn't have to navigate around all of the rabbit cages, before heading up the stairs. They gently helped each other to get the kids' teeth brush, before taking them into the bedroom they slept in. 
It was her brothers' shared room, the beds and everything still in place where they had been when they'd been growing up. But now on the other side of the room were three cribs for the babies to sleep in. 
Steve laid Kisa down to sleep, kissing her forehead and murmuring how much he loved her. She let out the most adorable cooing noise, looking so peaceful and relaxed. 
Suddenly, Elizabeth screamed. 
Steve tore away from the crib, telling Sam to stay with the kids. Bucky leapt over the railing as Steve dashed around to take the stairs, the two of them thundering down the stairs, skidding to a stop in the dark living room. Bucky flipped the switch on. 
Elizabeth was on her knees, her hands pressed hard against Heimdalls' chest, the all seeing god laying on the floor, bleeding out. Her head snapped up and she said, "Steve get me water, Bucky get me a towel. Get Sam to call Elijah and the others. Tell them to bring the family over and the sling ring. We have to get him to Bruce." 
Steve ran for the kitchen and Bucky ran back up the stairs. Steve grabbed a gallon water jug, bringing it back to the living room and poured the water out over Heimdall, before going back for more. 
He came back to find Bucky helping Elizabeth keep pressure on Heimdalls' wounds. 
Sam came down the stairs at that moment. "Trang can't get into contact with Tony at all." 
"Fuck." Elizabeth cursed. 
"They're on their way." Sam informed them. "Should I get the babies?" 
"Yes." Elizabeth said hurriedly as the water swirled around her, slowly closing up Heimdalls' wounds. "Please." 
Sam hurried back up the stairs while Steve and Bucky stayed kneeling next to Elizabeth. 
"Do you think the others' are okay?" Bucky asked softly. 
Elizabeth's eyes flashed lime green. "They're alive, but they're all badly hurt. Loki and Thor have been taken captive. A group of Asgardian rebels are trying to attack the tower. The others. . . they're okay too. But we need to get there." 
"Then let's get there." Lan said, as the others filed into the room, geared up for a fight. "Ya know, Avengers Assemble." 
Steve huffed out a laugh.
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Penny sighed as she watched the video Sam had sent Tony of the kids out at the park. They looked so happy and the park they were in looked beautiful. Penny glanced over at where Natasha was rocking Anastasia in her arms, playing with a butterfly toy, hovering it over her head while the red head child tried to grab it. 
Penny didn't blame Nat for being overprotective of her kids. But she also wished that Chamber and the others could be at the park with Rue, Kisa, Mateo, and Valentine. 
"I feel like we should make plans for when they come back." Tony said from where he was lounging on the couch, his head in Stephen's lap. Stephen had fallen asleep over his book, jerking awake now as Tony broke the sleepy silence. 
"You just want an excuse for another party." Rhodey yawned, answering emails on his tablet for the air force. 
"No parties. Not with the kids here." Natasha shook her head. "The Christmas one was bad enough." 
"Aww Nat, c'mon." Clint whined. "The kids will be fine. We throw parties here all the time and nothing happens." 
"No. Tony." Nat practically growled out. 
"But-" Tony protested but Stephen pinched his ear and muttered, "Leave it bubs." 
"Maybe just a party for us." Wanda said softly, trying to appease everyone. 
"May-" Bruce started before they heard a huge crash from outside. The room went silent, everyone alert. Stephen stood up, drifting over to the window. 
"It's an army." He informed them, a serious look on his face. "It looks like they might be from Asgard." 
"Do you think something has happened to Loki or Thor?" Bruce asked immediately. Penny felt that sick feeling in her stomach again. 
"I don't know." Stephen said slowly. "I'm going down to meet them." 
"We'll go with you." Clint said quickly. 
"What about the kids?" Wanda asked. 
"You, Natasha, and Vision stay with them." Tony ordered immediately, "Bruce, you too." 
The four of them nodded, gathering the children into the living room completely, while the others headed down through the tower. 
Penny approached the army hesitantly with the others, her hand on her gun. The army was massive, perhaps three hundred or so soldiers. Penny stopped dead when she saw that Loki and Thor were with them, but in terrible condition. 
"Loki." Tony gasped out while Stephens' hand shot out to stop Tony from approaching. 
The two Gods were on their knees. Thor was completely unconscious, head lolled to the side. His face was purple and it looked like he might have some broken bones. Loki on the other hand, was just barely conscious, swaying as he tried to stay upright. Blood covered his face, some of it still leaking from a cut on his forehead. His blue eyes were glazed in pain as they swept over Tony first, then Stephen, Penny, then the rest, before closing again.
Penny's heart fluttered uncomfortably as she looked for Hogun or Heimdall or Sif or Fandral or Volstagg, but she did not see any of the other Asgardians. 
"You are the Midgardians friendly with these Gods?" One of the men in the front asked. He was larger than most of the others, clearly a general of some sort. 
"Yes." Stephen answered calmly. "What do you want in trade for them?" 
"We want their blood." The general smirked. "And yours. But. . . if you can point us in the direction of our Goddess, then perhaps we will consider sparing some of your lives." 
That wasn't comforting at all. 
"I can probably hook you up with Taylor Swift." Tony responded. Clint snorted. 
The general huffed, throwing some orb at them. Penny darted away, but then cried out as some sort of transparent wall appeared in front of her. Looking around, she saw they were in a semi-circle sort of contraption, none of them able to get out. Thick, clear strands started to unfurl from the ceiling and Penny dodged away from one. 
Rhodey cried out as they wrapped around his wrists, drawing his arms over his head. Penny's back hit the shield, trying to avoid them, but it was useless. There was no escape, and soon all of them had their hands over their head. 
She was glad now that Wanda and Vision had been the two to stay with the children. With Bruce and Nats' help, they could get the children out of here. Maybe regroup with the Ohioans and tell them what had happened. At least Steve, Sam, and Bucky were safe. Elijah, Lan, Vi, Josh, Katya. . . all of them were safe. 
"Let's see. . . them or you?" The man questioned, gripping Loki's face. Loki said nothing, squaring his jaw, before the mans' fist came down across his face. Stephen and Tony both jerked in their bonds while Loki crumped to the grass. "I guess you." 
The guards holding him raised their knives, but before either of them could stab Loki, they both fell over. 
The clearing was silent for a second. The Asgardian army was looking around in confusion while the general looked over their dead bodies. "Arrows!" He shouted, looking around. "HOGUN!" 
Hogun? Was he alive then? But it would be hard for one man to defeat three hundred people. . .
The general turned back to Loki, kneeling down, grabbing him by his hair. Penny wished she could cover her face with her hands as the knife was put to his throat. 
Suddenly, a golden trident flew through the clearing, stabbing through the man before Elizabeth stepped out into the clearing, the trident flying back to her hand. The man turned, staggering. 
"Pick on someone your own size." Elizabeth said as the general fell over, dead. The Asgardian army turned towards her and a smile slowly spread across her face. "Ohioans! Assemble!" 
Elijah and Mai flew across the sky, dropping into the Asgardian army, fire and electricity lighting the army up immediately. Sam and Katya flew across the sky, one shooting bullets from his gun, the other slinging arrows from her bow. Steve, Bucky, Elizabeth, Ahni, and Violetta charged across the grass, crashing into the army while Ghaida flitted across the field towards Loki and Thor. 
Trang flew down from the sky in her Iron Woman outfit, Riri soon joining her in her Iron heart suit. The two of them landed in front of the dome and Trang's faceplate came down. "Aww you guys look nice and safe in your bubble." 
"Really glad you're okay." Tony panted out. "You want to get us out of here?" 
"Maybe." Trang teased while working at the dome they were trapped in. "Riri, go get Heimdall, bring him to the lab." 
The African American girl nodded, flying back into the forest that the Ohioans had come from.
"Heimdall?" Penny questioned, gritting her teeth as the chains around her wrists tightened, clearly not liking whatever Trang was doing to the bubble. 
"He showed up in Elizabeth's living room unconscious." Trang explained. "We thought it would be best if we got back here immediately. Lucky thing we did too. Where would you guys be without us?" 
"Bahamas." Tony sighed. "Probably." 
Trang wrinkled her nose at him and the bubble came down. "Rude." 
Tony grabbed her hand, dragging her over to where Ghaida was applying medical to Thor and Loki. Penny dashed over to them as well. 
"They'll be okay." Ghaida told them right then and there. "Get them to the medbay, I'm going to go and join the fight." Ghaida got up, her palms suddenly alight with orange aura, leaping into the fight. Penny looked up to see her touch a man, him dissolving into dust immediately. Steve slammed a man across the face with his shield while Elizabeth and Elijah froze and flamed a man at the same time, him shattering into pieces as he turned into dried ice. 
Ahni slammed into another guard while Mai took apart tens of men, ripping through them with lightning. Trang soared into the battle, joining Katya and Sam in the sky as they rained bullets and arrows down on them. 
Penny ran forwards, taking the safety off her gun, firing into the heads of two men as she ran towards Steve. They fell immediately, three of them turning on her. Bucky wrapped his hand around one of the mens' throats, snapping his neck, while Katya put two arrows through the other twos' heads. 
"Hey doll." Bucky called casually like they weren't fighting for their lives. "What's new?" 
Penny rolled her eyes, wishing she could hug him. "Alright, she wants a spanking, noted." Bucky muttered to himself, before shooting another Asgardian. "Do you think its' cheating if we brought guns to a sword fight?" 
"I think they almost killed Loki and Thor and we could use machine guns if we wanted to." Penny responded, shooting another man who had gone to leap onto Violetta's back. 
Lan appeared out of nowhere, stabbing a man in the neck with his knife, before turning back into a microscopic fly, buzzing away to his next victim.
Suddenly, Elijah was landing next to them, grabbing Penny and Bucky's arms, "Run." 
"What?" Penny asked, taken by surprise, tripping over her own two feet to run with them. 
"Elizabeth's firing up." Elijah said. "and you don't want to be caught in the crossfire." 
Penny looked over her shoulder to see Elizabeth having risen into the air, a blue aura surrounding her with her trident in hand. 
"Where's Wanda?" Elijah shouted to Tony as they ran, "We're going to need a shield." 
"What did you guys use before you had Wanda?" Penny asked as Tony pointed up to the tower. 
Elijah glanced down at her, "We didn't. We could just withstand it." 
Suddenly, electricity crackled and Penny turned to see that Mjolnir had flown into Elizabeth's other hand. Loki murmured something and Stephen turned to him, "What bubs?" 
Elijah and Mai stood in front of the group, a wall of fire starting to surround them, while Mai reached down, touching the earth to lift it into a cliff for them to hide behind. 
Penny watched as the soldiers in front of Elizabeth started to drop their weapons, cowering on their knees. 
"Our goddess." Loki breathed out, before falling completely unconscious. 
"That's-" Tony cut off as Elizabeth slammed Thor's hammer into her trident and they all had to hit the ground as the air filled with a thunderous sound. It was louder than anything Penny had ever heard come from the sky before. New York city went dark as the electricity went out, and a static electricity mixed with water filled the air. Penny could feel her skin tingling as her fingers dug into the dirt. 
Then there was a silence. Ringing silence that filled Penny's ears and she whimpered just a little, putting her hands over her ears. She opened her eyes, seeing that Elijah had staggered to his knees, the fire put out. 
And then the ringing faded and Elizabeth hopped down over the cliff edge, looking weary. "It's over." And then she too, collapsed.
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