#oc: elena connor
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rosesnink · 5 months ago
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the connor triplets: a deep dive
first, we have edurne: looks like she's all brawn and no brains, all good for sports, but actually, she's so much more. just because she isn't good at math or the brightest at english doesn't mean that she isn't smart: she is. she can calculate the perfect strategy, read people well in the field and how to liven a crowd, and make it through a tough play.
she can run fast and for a long time, she can do gymnastics, she can lift any weight. and, despite not being the most feminine of her sisters, she does care about her appearance, she's just a low-effort one. with aleppo soap, that costs 4$ in a sale, she looks as amazing as her twin sisters who spend hundreds of dollars in skincares. and she has the highest self esteem of them all, because she knows she's pretty in both football garter and silky dresses, even if she's more of a suit woman.
in a world full of men, she proves that she can be as strong and capable as them, and breaks all the stereotypes, takes no bullshit, is hard-working and knows her worth and what she deserves and is capable of. and that is what attracts michael to her: how free she is and how unabashedly herself she is. he loves her freedom, and how she doesn't let stereotype and gender norms confine her, and why they make the perfect match, and a novelty for berry, especially after brian leaves for hearst.
moving onto elena, she's definitely a beauty. the biggest beauty of the three. however, beauty is a blessing and a curse. especially when you shine on your own in front of envious people. for long, people who were genuinely threatened of her made her think that she was nothing but her pretty face and made her feel bad and dirty for being so beautiful, and for a long time, she hated herself and had the lowest self-esteem of the sisters.
that is until she comes to berry, where the people seem to see her, not just look at her pretty face. and while she and maria don't have a typical teenage romance, maria teaches her what she has been denying for long: how brilliant she is with academics, and how inspiring she is regarding her eternal good heart and her generosity, especially how creative she is with the violin.
for long, people told her do to 'something useful' with her life instead of trying to be a violinist, but between maria and aiden, she saw for herself how possible and plausible her dreams were. slowly opening back her shell, you can see that she's much more than her pretty face and violin: she is generous, but she's also a whole person, caring, mentally mature and emotionally intelligent, someone with a deep perspective and one of those people who you meet and feel inspired of how much they offer and give, just because. she may be underestimated because of her looks and shyness, but she shouldn't be. because people always remember kindness over any evil, and it is how much berry loves elena that will be key to isa's downfall once it is whispered that isa will get rid of one of berry's philantropists. it is also her surprisingly high iq that gives her an invitation to apply to no other than julliard after graduation... with maria's help.
and finally, elisa, the first mc i ever created. she's gone through so many changes, but this is the one. she looks like this walking rainbow, right? well, she's much more than that. she's righteous, social, fierce, devoted and loves with her all. she's loyal to fault, always looks out for others and loves people and to make people happy because she knows just how cruel the world- and people- are, and she knows that she can't fully change it, but she can make it a better to live in despite the evil outside. she's honest, perhaps too honest, and not to be funny or cool, but because she knows how harmful lies are to people as a whole and knows that, even if the truth hurts, it'll help people. and yes, she can be proud and stubborn, but she makes it up by lifting you up. she commands the room without even asking, she allows herself to be, she's completely herself and she loves people with her all, without asking for anything back, she wants the best for everybody and just wants to be accepted and loved, and berry provides that.
and i think that's what drew emma to her. she may have not seen it first, but seeing how patient, understanding and respectful she was of her time and pace, and how much she gave to the community and light up the room and made people smile just because is what made her fall for her. everyone is drawn to her for the right reasons, and how despite her strong temper, it doesn't stop her from having her heart in the right place and helping people and making of the place she's in a liveable place.
in conclusion, they may be polar opposites, but they are also the same person, and the reason berry was a better place with them in it.
tagging: @somerandomjewelleryonthefloor @cadybear420
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sodascherrycola · 6 months ago
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Full Name: Elena Maria Marisol Kim (nee Alvarez-Connor) DOB: November 13th 1996 Age: 39 years old Instagram: @elenaalvarezkim
Parents: Calum and Anita Alvarez-Connor Siblings: Ciara, Maeve, Gabriela, Alejandra, and Erin S/O: Kim Namjoon Married: August 28th 2019 (22 yrs old) Ethnicity: Irish and Colombian Hometown: Ontario, Canada Nicknames: Lena, Lenny, Laney, Lele Best Friend(s): Lara Kim, Andrea Kim, and Sarah Min Job: Journalist Personality Traits: Sociable, Kind, Maternal, and Family Oriented Children: Mateo Hyung & Mason Marcello Kim (19, 2015) Santos Pedro Kim (24, 2020) Sofia Hana Kim (27, 2023) Antonio Alejandro Kim (30, 2026) Isabela Mariposa Kim (32, 2028) Carmelo Dae & Arianna Jae Kim (36, 2032)
Appearance: - Brown Hair - Green Eyes - Tan Skin, freckles in the summer - High Cheekbones, gets extremely pale in the winter
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azurescaled-archived · 2 years ago
Summary: Elena and Connor have a small discussion
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“You never talk about yourself, why is that? Do you like being the whole, ‘troubled, but cute guy with a heart of gold’? Or do you like leaving people all confused about who you really are? I mean...Most people would tell someone they’re seeing about their past, or living situation.”
Connor sighed to himself as he threw on his shirt. He had almost forgotten why he usually got the hell out of dodge in the middle of the night instead of sticking around for breakfast. He never liked dealing with the fallout of the whole, “never giving any real details” aspect of his life. It’s why he usually just hopped in his car once he got restless, and it was like a switch flipped. He never liked to get comfortable, knowing that he often had to go wherever the money lead him, or his instincts. 
“Wha’ can I say? Most people ain’t gotta deal with th’shite I have to. Not all of us own our own company ‘nd are billionaires. Why are ya bothered by wha’ th’hell m’doin’ with m’time ‘nyway? Don’ ya have someone else t’go ‘nd bother?”
A soft chuckle left his partner’s lips, as she leaned forward on the bed, resting her chin in her hands while staring at him.
“No need to get dressed so quickly, little godling. I’m quite enjoying the view, even if your ass is as flat as a board. I know that this is nothing serious, but you could always stop trying to hoof it on your own. Get in contact with Dagda...Learn how to control your magic a bit better, no?”
Elena sat up, crossing one leg over the other, and watched him stiffen. She knew the subject of his family was always a sore one.
“Nah. Haven’t done it yet, sure as shit ain’t gonna start now. ‘Sides, wha’ if I wanna go back t’Scotland someday? Pretty sure ‘ny wolf tha’ met me ‘nd smelled Fae on me would get all on their hackles or some shite. Plus, bein’ in a bit of a crowd ain’t exactly m’scene. Fer a job? Sure, it becomin’ m’life? I don’ see tha’ happenin’. Plus, I like m’lifestyle, I ain’t gotta stick ‘round, ‘nd I can jus’ pack up whenever I like.”
Connor wasn’t sure if he was trying to convince her or himself of that when he spoke. The road did get lonely, every now and then, but he never liked the idea of settling down, relying on someone else. Elena could at least sympathize with him. She remembers how long it took her to get used to being apart of the mortal realm again, and she’d have been lying if she said that she still didn’t have her own issues. She was just better at hiding them, compared to him.
“There there, no need to have an existential crisis. Believe it or not, I do understand. My family wasn’t perfect, and I can’t say I’ve let my own anger about failing my goal go, but...”
He hadn’t even heard her walk towards him, and flinched when he felt arms wrapping around his waist and her head press against his back, now he just felt awkward. Elena gave a soft laugh, enjoying the closeness.
“I like to think I’ve learned how to live with it. You can too. I’m not saying you have to love Dagda, but try to get to know them. Be better than what came before, better than I.”
He felt the woman unwrap her arms from around his waist and heard her return to the bed.
“Never heard ya be so...vulnerable before. S’kinda nice t’know tha’ heart of yers isn’t as icy as ya like t’pretend it is.”
He let a small smile come to his face as he heard a soft laugh come from Elena’s lips.
“What can I say, I just happen to have a soft spot for stray puppies~”
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stellar-waves · 5 days ago
my darling dear [1]
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[ boondock saints : murphy + fem!oc ] Before they were the Saints, the MacManus brothers worked at a Boston bar for a bit. And Murphy learned what it meant to really fall in love, fast. ⚠ warnings: strong language and typical MacManus mouth, alcohol consumption, poorly written flirting, high sugar content, typical MacManus teasing A/N: Sort of a prequel to Staring Down the Sun and set pre-canon, this is the story Murphy starts to tell Elena about his first love. This will only be a mini-series, maybe around 3 chapters, because I want to keep it short and sweet. Enjoy! 🩵 ♫ music inspiration: "The Dirty Glass" by Dropkick Murphys (very loosely) / "Always Be My Baby" by Mariah Carey
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Connor pours the rest of the whiskey into the glass, spinning the empty bottle in his hand before setting it on the bar. He watches Murphy intently, his blue eyes reflecting back to his twin brother. “Yer a God damn fool,” he says flatly, his palms pressed shoulder-width apart against the polished wood. “Ye know that, yeah?”
Murphy lifts the glass, tossing back the Jameson down his throat with a sly smirk. “Lord’s name, my dear brother,” he scolds lightly as he slides the empty glass back to Connor. 
“There’s a reason Mikey didn’t want ye working the bar. Now scram before he catches ye!” the light-haired MacManus brother warns in a low voice, removing the evidence of Murphy sneaking in a free drink at the start of their Friday night shift. 
Working in an American pub took some getting used to, especially the whole tip system. Didn’t seem right that they couldn’t count on a decent pay outright, that their income would fluctuate depending on the feelings and perceptions of their customers. But, naturally, the boys worked the ol’ MacManus charm on everyone, especially the ladies. Now that paid off.
“Seriously, Murph, fuck off,” Connor urges gently. “Go see what those lasses are up to in that corner booth.”
“Aye, probably a bachelorette party or somethin’.” Murphy adjusts the black apron around his waist and slides a pencil behind his ear as he approaches the gaggle of women. “Hey there. Name’s Murphy and I’ll be taking care of ye this evening. What can I get ye lovely lasses to drink?”
The women all collectively giggle and grin and nudge each other as he looks at each one of their blushing faces. The blonde woman trapped in the middle of the booth is wearing a tiara and a pink sash across her strappy purple dress. Definitely a bachelorette party. And that always meant trouble for Murphy…good trouble. 
He licks his lips as he jots down each typical 20-something-year-old female’s drink request, smiling at all the complicated orders he’s about to throw at Connor. Serves him right for being so responsible. 
And then his eyes fall on the brunette sitting on the far right. Her long, dark lashes flutter as she flicks her bright, azure eyes towards him. “What are you drinking, Murphy?”
His cheeks blush, embarrassed to admit she’s caught him off guard. That never happens. “Ah, that would be a bit of Irish. Jameson, to be exact.”
A flirty smile curls on the woman’s lips, “Naturally.” The other girls giggle and nudge each other some more, all of their eyes darting between Murphy and their brunette friend as she adds, “I’ll have a Jameson and ginger ale.”
Murphy grins like an idiot. “Aye. Will that be all, then, ladies?” The giggling grows as they all nod and voice their appreciation. 
His gaze falls on the brunette again, and she flips her hair, revealing her bare shoulder, contrasting with her sleek, black strapless dress. “Thank you, Murphy,” she says in a low, seductive voice.
Oh…he’s definitely in trouble.
He can’t help the smirk that crawls across his face as he approaches the bar again. And Connor rolls his eyes before he can even hand off the drink orders. He plucks the paper, narrowing his glare at the sly look on Murphy’s face. “A God damn fool, Murph,” he says so matter-of-factly. 
But Murphy doesn’t care because tonight is bound to be a good night. “Ye know, Conn, one of those lasses might have eyes for yerself as well.”
The very thought makes Connor blush, but he shakes his head as he shakes up a martini. “Then send her this way if that’s the case. Can’t exactly leave the bar unattended now, can I?” 
As Connor finishes making the long list of cocktails, Murphy looks back over his shoulder, catching the eyes of that brunette again. His heart beats a little faster, and that rush of attraction washes over him. He can’t pull his attention away from her, not even as she turns back to her girlfriends, until a bar towel smacks the side of his face.
Murphy snaps his head back around, ready to leap over the bar and tackle his dumbass brother, but Connor wags his tattooed finger at him with a smug smile. “Your public awaits, my dear brother.”
“Fucker,” Murphy utters as he carries the drinks on a tray back to the corner booth, silently noting to himself to give Connor a proper beatdown later. 
He hands each lovely woman their cocktail, saving the brunette’s order for last. As he offers to start a tab for the group, the brunette raises her hand, quickly swallowing the first sip of her drink. “I’ll get it,” she announces wistfully, reaching into her clutch to pull out her credit card. “Put it under Darcy.”
Murphy mirrors her smile as he takes the plastic from her. “Darcy, it is.”
Absolutely fucking definitely in trouble.
Connor shakes his head as he sets the credit card and the first-round list next to the cash register. “We’re splitting the tip, yeah?”
Murphy reaches over the bar, grabbing a glass and the soda gun to fill it up with some coke���something Mikey can’t and won’t get upset about. “Not unless ye want a split lip later,” he teases, chuckling as Connor glares at him. “Fuck’s sake, ye know I’m kidding.”
“Murph…” Connor starts, foreshadowing another cautious reminder, but Murphy doesn’t give him a chance as he’s summoned back to the bachelorette party.  
The blonde on the opposite side of the bride-to-be waves him over. “Who’s your friend over there behind the bar?” She points in Connor’s direction, and Murphy laughs instantly. 
He sees Connor’s eyes widen, then turns back to the woman. “Yer in luck, lass. That there is my brother, Connor.”
“Shut up!” Her eyes light up with glee as the other women gasp with delight. “So he’s Irish too?”
“Lisa! You idiot!” Darcy playfully rags. “Of course he is!”
“Why don’t you go give him a right hello then? Ever the shy one, that Connor!” Murphy narrows his eyes mischievously toward his brother. Connor presses his lips together but quickly smiles politely as the blonde approaches him at the bar. 
He turns back to the ladies, clasping his hands together while surveying the status of their cocktails. “Are some of ye ready for some refills?” 
Three women hand him their empty glasses, and then Darcy slides out of the booth, offering to help Murphy. “This way, I can check on Lisa and make sure she’s not devouring your brother over there,” she adds with a smile. “She’s a sucker for accents.”
Murphy grins. “And yer not, lass?”
Darcy scoffs, fighting the glowing smile that will give her away instantly. “A bit, yeah.” Murphy blushes, but then Darcy adds nonchalantly, “Like, I love the way James Bond speaks. So suave, so sophisticated, so…”
“English?” Murphy interjects as if personally offended. “Seriously?” 
Darcy hums thoughtfully, stirring her drink. “Well, yeah. I mean, have you ever heard an Irishman order a martini? It’s just not the same.”
He gapes at her, utterly betrayed. But as Darcy’s smile morphs into a mischievous grin, Murphy blushes even more. He just might have met his match in this lovely young woman. 
“Well, then,” he starts as they approach the bar. “We’ll see about that.” 
Connor wipes his hands on a bar towel, briefly widening his eyes in Murphy’s direction as Lisa goes on about God-knows-what. Murphy and Darcy share a giggle, breaking Lisa’s attention and allowing Connor to come over to them. Murphy stands up straight, adjusts his shirt collar with one hand, and clears his throat while feigning the most serious facial expression. “Martini. Shaken, not stirred,” he orders confidently, refusing to break, even when Darcy giggles more. 
“Fucking Christ,” Connor mumbles as he rolls his eyes, snatching Murphy’s notepad from his grasp. 
Only then does Murphy finally break into a smile, and he turns back to Darcy. “How’s that for sophistication?” 
Darcy laughs but then twists her mouth deep in thought. “Come to think of it…Sean Connery’s accent was the best, and he was…Scottish, yeah?”
Connor huffs out a quick laugh as he preps the next round of drinks, grinning while Murphy’s face falls back into defeat. Darcy takes a couple of drinks from Connor, winks at Murphy, and makes her way back to the booth with Lisa in tow. 
Before Murphy can follow with the remaining drinks, Connor claps a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t take it personally, my dear brother. Man’s a fucking legend, even if he is a fucking Scot.”
Inhaling, Murphy watches Darcy from across the room. Something about the way she laughs and tucks her hair behind her ear gets to him, and he tries to shake it off, afraid of this unexpected feeling. 
Connor notices and leans in, muttering low enough for only his brother to hear, “Careful now, Murph.” 
Of course, Murphy brushes off the statement with another trademark scoff. He grabs the remaining drinks and heads back to the booth. But there’s a slight shift in his posture as he walks toward the girls, toward Darcy—suddenly unafraid of that unexpected feeling. 
The night moves on, with the girls slowly descending into inebriation as they laugh and share stories with each other and the boys. As a few of them drag the bride-to-be out of the booth to dance when “Always Be My Baby” by Mariah Carey starts playing, Murphy looks around, wondering where Darcy is, until his eyes fall on her, standing casually by the jukebox. A sly smirk crawls up her face when she notices him, and he can’t fight the magnetic pull drawing him over to her. 
“This yer doing?” he asks into her ear, gesturing at her friends having the time of their lives singing along to the pop song. 
“Of course. I do know what I’m doing, Murphy,” she states self-assuredly. “Plus, I figured if they’re dancing, it’ll give you a break from waiting on us.”
He blushes, smiling and moving his tongue into his cheek as he stumbles over how to respond. “I don’t mind, lass. Been a real treat serving ye lovely lot tonight,” he finally admits. A grin spreads across Darcy’s buzzed face, and Murphy fights every urge in his veins to not just lean down and kiss her right there. 
Not to mention, he’s not sure if he’s been reading her signals correctly all night. Could be she’s just being polite, flirting a bit more than usual, thanks to her liquid courage. A beautiful girl like this? Surely, she has a boyfriend anyway.
Murphy watches the girls all wave their drunken goodbyes, still singing as they clumsily make their way out the door. Watching Darcy in particular, he mentally kicks himself for not getting her number, at least before she leaves. 
Suddenly, Darcy runs back in, rushing up to Murphy, grabbing him by the shirt, and kissing him. He’s caught off guard, naturally, but he breathes her in, and it’s everything. But it doesn’t last long. She pulls back, breathless but baring a determined smile, as she hands him a cocktail napkin with seven digits written under her name. And with that, she bolts back out the door, her walnut-colored hair defying gravity as she moves.
Murphy just stands there, holding the cocktail napkin with both hands and staring out the door as Darcy disappears into a cab. “Holy shit,” he finally exhales. 
Connor snatches the napkin, and Murphy instantly swings at his brother, fearing that his one and only chance to get this girl will be destroyed out of spite. But Connor ducks out of the way of Murphy’s arm, raising a hand in defense. “Fucking calm down. I’m writing it down again before ye lose it, eejit,” he explains, clearly copying down the number on a notepad before handing the napkin back to Murphy. 
Not often that Murphy doesn’t have some choice words for his brother, and usually, when that happens, it’s because Connor’s right. He doesn’t need to say “thank you” out loud, knowing Connor can read it on his face like always. 
“Yer in trouble, Murph. I hope ye know that,” Connor warns with care. 
All Murphy can do is smile, still tasting Darcy on his lips as he stares at her name on that cocktail napkin.
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viktere · 1 year ago
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⸤ 🩸 ⸣ ⸻ 𝒗𝒊𝒌𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔, an independent and private multimuse. ft canon and original characters from different medias, with a focus on original characters. dark themes will appear, proceed with caution. by kiki, she + her, twenty8+. activity is permanently sporadic to low.
carrd, atlas, prompts, board. blogroll, @klaeus, @elenaes, @raqeful. sideblogs, @sunaed. muse spotlight, river, eris, nimue, cassie, varina.
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before interacting.
i am mutuals only, please respect that. do not interact if you're under 18, 21+ preferred.
basic etiquette and human decency please: no weird or gross behaviors, and be respectful.
while triggering topics will appear and be tagged, keep taboo subjects away from me. (r.ape/non-con, p.edophilia, i.ncest, etc.)
banned: i.an somerhalder and a recast klaus. exceptions can be made for multis that have a tag for them i can block.
mutuals are welcome to tag me in anything ever, send in countless memes whenever, message me at any time and request my d.iscord. basically if we're mutuals, "bug" me whenever and however you want 🤍
my formatting is simple, and i'm fine with icons, iconless, gif icons or gifs. answered asks can always be treated as a starter, feel free to rb them or start a new post to create a thread!
accessibility: lmk at any time if you need me to adjust anything for your comfort, it won't bother me at all. on my end, it would be super helpful if you don't use tiny icons or courier new font with me.
shipping and dynamics of all kinds are my lifeblood, so lmk at any time if you're interested in shipping with me.
there will be a heavy focus on my original characters, with canons taking a backseat by default. please do not try to interact with only my male muses.
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amarande floresca, pureblood vampire, gemma arterton, primary.
aspasia, the dark urge / seldarine drow druid, tbd, primary.
aspyn verona, hunter, denise richards, secondary.
aurora provenza, black market doctor, danielle rose russell, moved to @shemad.
booker darcy, hunter / half demon, chris evans, primary.
briar kesta, reincarnation of aphrodite, danielle campbell, primary.
callan wisteria, private investigator, dylan o'brien, primary.
cassiopeia claremont, reincarnation of the goddess of the stars, claire holt, primary.
christian byrne, hunter, ethan peck, primary.
eris floresca, pureblood vampire, crystal reed, primary.
fern roque, serial killer of abusive men, bruna marquezine, secondary.
julieta cardenas, ghost hunter / streamer, lizeth selene, secondary.
luminita, gifted vampire, demet özdemir, secondary.
magdalena primrose, mortician / exorcist, alexandra daddario, primary.
mi-cha yeong, storm chaser, kim ji-won, test / wip.
mikhail floresca, pureblood vampire, douglas booth, primary.
naizak, archangel oc, kim jae-wook, tertiary.
nimue, ancient forest witch / shapeshifter, megan fox, primary.
opal undergrove, witch, yaya dacosta, secondary.
rhysand eoin ó cuilinn, vampire, chace crawford, primary.
river mihal, werewolf, alina kovalenko, secondary.
severina, white eyed demon oc, adria arjona, secondary.
sila prakenskii, mobster, tor thanapob, moved to @raqeful.
varina leucothea, siren princess, dakota johnson, primary.
caius, twilight, regé-jean page, secondary.
connor, dbh, bryan dechart, test.
damon salvatore, tvdu, giancarlo commare, secondary.
edward cullen, twilight, robert pattinson, secondary.
emmett cullen, twilight, michael evans behling, primary.
esme cullen, twilight, carla gugino, secondary.
isabella swan, twilight, antonia gentry, primary.
jack ryan, bioshock, jensen ackles, test.
lara croft, tomb raider, yaya sperbund, primary.
sam winchester, supernatural, jared padalecki, primary.
stefan salvatore, tvdu, paul wesley, secondary.
subject delta, bioshock 2, mads mikkelsen, test.
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souldug · 2 years ago
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ㅤㅤsouldug, an independent and selective multimuse featuring both canon and original characters. barely managed by 𝒌𝒊𝒌𝒊, twenty8+, she + her. open to most fandoms, with a deep love for original characters. will be trigger heavy, please proceed with caution. important to note: while i have canons available, my ocs will always take precedence!
ㅤ𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬: aurora, briar, callan, emmett, nimue, rhys (oc), sila, varina, woojin.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ‹ㅤklaeus, elenaes, etherealstuffㅤ›
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤmobile muse list:
gabriella montez, high school musical, vanessa hudgens, test.
caius, twilight, regé-jean page, secondary.
troy bolton, high school musical, zac efron, test.
edward cullen, twilight, gong jun, secondary.
emmett cullen, twilight, michael evans behling, primary.
isabella swan, twilight, antonia gentry, primary.
amarande florescu, pureblood vampire, camila queiroz, primary.
aspyn verona, hunter, sasha luss, primary.
booker darcy, hunter / half demon, chris evans, primary.
briar kesta, reincarnation of aphrodite, danielle campbell, primary.
callan wisteria, private investigator, dylan o'brien, primary.
fern roque, serial killer of abusive men, sofia carson, primary.
julieta noi, ghost hunter / streamer, kitty chicha, secondary.
luminita, gifted vampire / twilight, demet özdemir, primary.
magdalena primrose, mortician / exorcist, alexandra daddario, primary.
nimue, ancient forest witch / shapeshifter, megan fox, primary.
opal undergrove, witch, yaya dacosta, secondary.
rhysand eoin ó cuilinn, vampire, chace crawford, primary.
river mihal, werewolf, alina kovalenko, secondary.
sila prakenskii, mobster, tor thanapob, primary.
solveig, primordial forest spirit, emilia clarke, secondary.
varina leucothea, siren princess, dakota johnson, primary.
woojin choi, kumiho, sung hoon, primary.
damon salvatore, tvdu, gavin casalegno, secondary.
sam winchester, supernatural, jared padalecki, primary.
stefan salvatore, tvdu, paul wesley, secondary.
aloy, horizon zero dawn, rose leslie, test.
connor, detriot become human, bryan dechart, test.
elizabeth, bioshock infinite, alexis bledel, test.
jack ryan, bioshock, jensen ackles, test.
lara croft, tomb raider, yaya sperbund, primary.
subject delta, bioshock, alexander skarsgård, test.
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arrows-unofficial-ocs · 1 month ago
No, wait, you also have arrowverse OCs??? 👀
Yep. I have an Arrowverse: Next Gen made up the children of heroes from Arrow, Flash, and Legends with most being born between 2019 and 2024. (I was never able to get into supergirl and never actually finished the flash.)
You can check out the tags arrowverse next gen and arrowverse oc if interested in more!
There’s most of the canon kiddos: Ronnie Stein, Connor Hawke, JJ & Sara Diggle, Martina Jackson, William Clayton, Mia Smoak-Queen, Zoe Ramirez, Nora West-Allen, and Jenna West.
The OCs are as follows:
Martin Stein has a granddaughter named Abby in addition to his grandson, Ronnie.
John Constantine has a daughter named Nat.
There’s Ethan Goldberg, who’s married to William Clayton, and his best friend, Brian Hart, who’s married to Zoe Ramirez.
Roy Harper and Thea Queen have two daughters named Alyssa and Bobbi (Roberta).
Nate Heywood and Zari Tomaz have two children: Henry Behrad and Sonia.
Sara Lance and Ava Sharpe have two children: Diana “Di” and Quincy (who’s from another earth and also the son of Sara and Leonard Snart because Sara’s one of the few that I like more than 1 ship for).
Tommy Merlyn and Laurel Lance have two daughters: Rebecca “Becca” and Quinley.
Ray Palmer and Nora Darhk have three children: Carson, Tristan, and Elowyn “Ellie.”
In addition to William and Mia, Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak have triplets named Thomas “Tommy,” Adalyn “Ada,” and Lucas.
Cisco has a daughter named Elena.
Caitlin Snow and Ronnie Raymond have two children: Elizabeth “Lizzie” and Albert “Al.”
In addition to Nora, Barry Allen and Iris West have three children: Joseph (Nora’s twin), Benjamin “Ben,” and Dawn.
Wally West and Jesse Wells have one son, Morgan.
There’s also the plot bunny Dearden Queen who comes from the same earth as Quincy and is the daughter of Oliver and [ redacted (aka i haven’t figured out if her mother is felicity or for max earth-1 angst, laurel) ].
There’s various ships too, kinda inspired by various other ships amongst the canon characters that are popular but I don’t personally ship! still not sure with Sara Diggle’s and Nat Constantine’s ships!
William Clayton x Ethan Goldberg
Zoe Ramirez x Brian Hart
Jenna West x Ronnie Cohen-Stein
Mia Smoak-Queen x Connor Hawke
JJ Diggle x Becca Lance-Merlyn
Joseph West-Allen x Abby Cohen-Stein
Carson Palmer x Alyssa Harper
Ben West-Allen x Lizzie Raymond
Tristan Palmer x Henry B. Heywood
Di Lance-Sharpe x Martina Jackson
Morgan West-Wells x Ada Queen
Dawn West-Allen x Elena Ramon
Al Raymond x Bobbi Harper
Ellie Palmer x Tommy Queen
Sonia Heywood x Quincy Lance-Sharpe
Quinley Lance-Merlyn x Lucas Queen
Nora West-Allen x Dearden Queen
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c0mplex-heroes · 1 year ago
Not quite a wishlist but some ideas for muses/characters I'd love to throw my girls at that I haven't done before/it's been a long time. If you see any of these and think "oh I have that muse and would love to go for that" drop me a DM.
Any Supernatural muses. Would love more TFW interactions, with the boys or with her dad, Cas. Would also love to write her being a big sis to Jack. Also open to OCs too, throw your hunters and supernatural being as Alexis.
Modern verses for Merlin muses maybe, could be reincarnation or brought back to life (like Arianna). Would also love more knights to write with, whether canon or oc.
Always just all the Hargreeves siblings, I love family threads (this also includes Lila too). Would also kind of love a Luther or Diego to write with, I don't get to write with them often enough.
Uncharted muses, I haven't have much of a chance to actually write her in a proper Uncharted verse. Would love to write with any of the Drakes (especially Sam), Sully, Elena, Chloe or Nadine. Just throw anyone at me. (Same goes for Uncharted OCs too).
Dungeons and Dragons muses in general, can be original characters, from Critical Role (I've never watched it but know of the characters), Baldur's Gate 3 (I've played a little of Act 1 with Ilidaria) or from the newer movie. Just let my girl go on adventures and make friends.
Just more One Piece muses in general, especially more Strawhats (I haven't written at all with Usopp, Franky, Brook or Jimbe yet). Also would love other characters too, just anyone you wanna throw at her (would kind of love a Bepo because Kimiko would befriend him straight away). OCs too!
Just any Bleach muses. I haven't written her really at all yet. So any muses canons or OCs would be really awesome.
As much as I would love Dark Matter canon muses, I know it's kind of an obscure show so I know they probably aren't really out there. So just give me some good sci-fi stuff. Or I would love to write her Zombie AU verse as a Last of Us verse with some Last of Us muses (can be show or game based, I love both)
Just more Marvel muses, would love a Torres to write with or just more new Team Cap shenanigans. Or family threads with Sharon, Steve and Peggy. I love this universe a lot but here's a few of my faves that I'd love to throw Maggie at too - Matt Murdock/Daredevil with added Foggy & Karen, any of the Guardians, Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel, Yelena Belova or just any of the Thunderbolts. Honestly just open to anyone really, OCs included. Also would be down for crossovers with DC characters too.
More the Boys muses, would just love to throw her at any of the group - especially Butcher, give me sibling threads.
Any of the Hargreeves siblings, would be open to writing her alongside Charlie too.
Any Merlin muses really, also getting to explore her modern verse more.
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anns-works · 3 years ago
Elena, very tired and is trying to share her wisdom with a toddler: If you put a bee in the freezer it will get cold and fall aslepp. After its asleep, put it in your mouth, but don't eat it, just let it sit there. It will get warm amd wake uo. Now you have a bee in your mouth.
Conner, apparently falling under her category of a toddler, definitely did not sign up for this shit: Why the fuck would I do that.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years ago
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(my yuu's 3rd older brother Conner Irving.)
AWWWW 🥺🥺💕💕💕🤌🤌
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rosesnink · 10 months ago
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my hss ships; gala moschen x julian castillo, elisa connor x emma hawkins, michael harrison x elena connor, maria flores x edurne connor, halley buchaneer x skye crandall
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simplynotaneggworks · 3 years ago
Fandoms and Ships
Disney Ella x Henry Cinderella Lady x Tramp (Human AUs) Lady and the Tramp Mary x Bert Mary Poppins Duchess x Thomas O’Malley (Human AUs) The Aristocats Pete’s Dragon (no specific ships; both original and live-action) Ariel x Eric The Little Mermaid Belle x Adam Beauty and the Beast Nala x Simba (Human AUs) The Lion King Kiara x Kovu (Human AUs) The Lion King Mulan x Shang Mulan Jane x Tarzan Tarzan Kida x Milo Atlantis: The Lost Empire Dory x Marlin (Human AUs) Finding Nemo Janice x Jesse Bridge to Terebithia Clarion x Milori Tinkerbell Tinkerbell x Terence Tinkerbell Tiana x Naveen The Princess and the Frog Alice x Tarrant Alice in Wonderland Rapunzel x Eugene Tangled Brave (no specific ships)  Elsa x Hans Frozen Anna x Kristoff Frozen Inside Out (no specific ships) Judy x Nick (Human AUs) Zootopia Coco (no specific ships) Izzy x Buzz Lightyear Miranda x Roland Sofia the First Sofia x Hugo Sofia the First Amber x Hildegard Sofia the First Ruby x James Sofia the First Elena x Mateo Elena of Avalor Isabel x Javier Elena of Avalor Adult!Naomi x Esteban Elena of Avalor Cassandra x Adult!Varian Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure Deadpool x Wolverine X-Men/MCU
Dreamworks Miguel x Tulio The Road to El Dorado Fiona x Shrek Shrek Astrid x Hiccup How to Train Your Dragon Valka x Stoick How to Train Your Dragon Roxanne x Megamind Megamind Rise of the Guardians (no specific ship) Eep x Guy The Croods
Illumination Lucy x Gru Despicable Me
Sony Ericka x Dracula Hotel Transylvania
Blue Sky Linda x Tulio Rio
Harry Potter (in no particular order) Willow (OC) x George Draco x Harry Nymphadora x Remus Sirius x Remus Lily x James Narcissa x Lucius Emma (OC) x Charlie Merula x Male!Rowan Penny x Ben Penny x Skye Molly x Arthur Oliver x Percy Hermione x Ron Seamus x Dean Luna x Neville Luna x Rolf Tina x Newt Queenie x Jacob Albus x Scorpius Andromeda x Ted Victoire x Teddy Fleur x Bill Ella (OC) x Sebastian Anne x Ominis Louise (OC) x Phineas
Other Jedidiah x Octavius Night at the Museum Norman x Ethan Heavy Rain Kara x Conner Detroit: Become Human Connor x Markus Detroit: Become Human Simon x Markus Detroit: Become Human North x Josh Detroit: Become Human Rose x Hank Detroit: Become Human Aloy x Erend Horizon Zo x Varl Horizon Zo x Teb Horizon Beta x Drakka Horizon Elisabet x Sylens Horizon Elisabet x Travis Horizon Alva x Kotallo Horizon Jane x Gunther Jane and the Dragon Jane x Jester Jane and the Dragon Pepper x Rake Jane and the Dragon Gwendolyn x Caradoc Jane and the Dragon Nancy x Jonathan Stranger Things Steve x Dustin Stranger Things Will x Mike Stranger Things Joyce x Jim Stranger Things Fran x Maxwell The Nanny Elisabeth (OC) x Atticus To Kill A Mockingbird Dill x Jem To Kill A Mockingbird Scout x Walter To Kill A Mockingbird Katniss x Peeta The Hunger Games Effie x Haymitch The Hunger Games Lucy x Coriolanus The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Emma x George Emma Elizabeth x Fitzwilliam Pride and Prejudice Marianne x Christopher Sense and Sensibility Elinor x Edward Sense and Sensibility Daniel x Johnny Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Robby x Miguel Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Ali x Amanda Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Dutch x Bobby Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Demetri x Eli Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Kumiko x Chozen Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Ellie x Alec Broadchurch Beth x Paul Broadchurch Rose x Ten Doctor Who Yuuri x Viktor Yuri on Ice Yuri x Otabek Yuri on Ice Marinette x Adrien Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir Alya x Nino Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir Chloe x Luka Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir Luka x Adrien Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir Elizabeth (OC) x Ydris Star Stable Online Maya x Alex Star Stable Online Elizabeth (non-OC) x Avalon Star Stable Online Anne x Lisa Star Stable Online Novalee x Forney Where the Heart Is Claire x James Outlander Elizabeth (OC) x Fergus Outlander Brianna x Roger Outlander Aziraphale x Crowley Good Omens Anneliese x Julian Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper Erika x Dominick Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper Sophia x Nicholas Barbie: Princess Charm School Skipper x Jonas Barbie and Her Sisters In a Pony Tale Barbie x Ken Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures Barbie (Margot Robbie) x Ken (Ryan Gosling) Barbie
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evilours · 2 years ago
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  [   𝙻𝙾𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶  .   .   .  𝙷𝙴𝙽𝚁𝚈 𝙼.  ]  
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*   𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒 ,
𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥   𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞   :   henry  moore.   𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞   :  may  12.   𝐚𝐠𝐞   :  twenty seven   𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞   : saint city,   alaska    𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭  𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞   :   saint city ,   alaska.   𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫   :   cis   male .    𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧   :   bisexual   .
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬   :   unknown   biological   parents   ,    elena   ortiz  (   adoptive   mother   )     𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬   :   none     𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬   :   english     &    spanish      𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧   :  bookkeeper  / office   manager   of   the   divine   calderon  .  𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫     𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬    :   connor walsh  ( htgawm ) ,  seth  cohen  (  the  oc  )  ,  nate  archibald  ( gossip girl )  ,  jess   mariano   ( gilmore girls ) 
  alex    fitzalan    ,    he    and    him    ,    cis    male    .    henry    moore    crossed    the    city    limits    into    saints    :        you    know    ,    twenty    seven     witch    ,    who    is    told    they    give    off    are    you    satisfied    by    maria    and    the    diamonds    vibes    .    they've    been    here    for    all   their   life   ,    gracing    the    city    with    their    mischievous    but    riotous    attitude    .
*   𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘  
you    grew    up    listening    to    the    humming    of    your    mother,    a    rhythm    that    allowed    you    to    sleep    so    peacefully    .    you    weren’t    even    aware    of    being    taken    away    in    the    night    until    the    woman    who    saved    you    from    the    brainwashing    of    saint    city’s    inferior    witches    told    you    the    awful    story    of    your    new    beginning.    
you’re    biological    mother    was    a    powerful    witch    alongside    your    father    but    being    that    powerful    had    to    come    with    a    price    and    that    was    you.        you    were    only    a    baby,    you    had    no    knowledge    of    anything,    nor    did    you    have    any    recollection    of    the    faces    before    you.        but    there    was    one    person    who    couldn’t    stand    to    see    a    harming    of    a    young    one    for    a    ritual    to    take    place    and    that    person    grew    up    to    be    the    women    you    would    do    anything    to    protect.
 at    that    time,    she    wasn't    ready    to    become    a    mother,    and    the    only    plan    she    had    was    to    return    you    to    your    family    but    it    was    too    late.    they    were    already    dead    and    now    it    was    just    you    and    your    new    mother    who    claimed    you    at    the    age    of    20.    both    of    you    were    gulity    of    crime,    defying    the    witches    and    breaking    a    deal    that    was    set    in    place    for    ten    years.    
you    lived    in    an    abandoned    mansion    but    if    one    were    to    see    it    now,    it    was    so    different    than    what    it    stood    before    you    got    there.    one    might    conclude    that    you    were    rich    ..    and    you    were.    of    course,    it    was    only    the    money    your    biological    parents    had.    they    saw    this    coming,    and    they    were    prepared    for    it.  
  you    grew    up    to    be    the    light    to    her    soul;    the    one    who    could    never    fail    to    make    her    smile.    you    brought    happiness,        joy,    and    laughter    out    of    everyone    with    your    chessy    remarks    and    airhead    like    personality.    other    may    suggest    otherwise,    but    you    were    beyond    capable    of    the    powers    you    hold.    elena    taught    you    everything    you    needed    to    know,    and    with    the    powers    passed    down    by    your    parents    ..    there    was    nothing    you    couldn't    do.
Wanted.  Connections   Here.   Musings   here.
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tofeelthecold · 3 years ago
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hit the heart if you would like a short starter. if you’re a multi please specify what muse it’s too. and please specify a muse from the list below the cut. just put the icon as a comment.
👨🏽‍🚒 - eddi diaz (911) 👮🏽‍♂️ - carlos reyes (911: lone star) 🚑 - tk strand (911: lone star) 🍑 - dylan mckay (90210, alt fc) 🎃 - buffy summers (btvs) 👨🏻‍⚕️ - dr. connor rhodes (chicago med) 🐉 - steele montero (fandomless dragon shifter oc, jason momoa fc) 🐺 - sansa stark (game of thrones) 💰 - nate archibald (gossip girl) 🕴🏻 - kaz brekker (the grishaverse) 🎪 - inej ghafa (the grishaverse) 🧙🏻‍♂️ - the darkling (the grishaverse) 🧙🏼‍♀️ - delilah blackwood (hocus pocus oc, candice accola fc) 🥼 - dr. drew alister (the night shift) 👑 - mary stuart (reign) 👽 - michael guerin (roswell, new mexico) 🦿 - alex manes (roswell, new mexico) �� - dr. kyle valenti (roswell, new mexico) 🧜🏻‍♀️ - ryn fisher (freeform’s siren) ✨ - bonnie bennett (the vampire diaries universe) 🏴‍☠️ - sebastian (the vampire diaries universe) 👗 - davina claire (the vampire diaries universe) 👩🏻‍🎓 - elena gilbert (the vampire diaries universe) 🐕 - tyler lockwood (the vampire diaries universe) 🐈 - freya mikaelson (the vampire diaries universe) 🤴🏻 - klaus mikaelson (the vampire diaries universe) 👠 - rebekah mikaelson (the vampire diaries universe) 🦇 - enzo st. john (the vampire diaries universe) 🧛🏻‍♂️ - damon salvatore (the vampire diaries universe)
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redladydeath · 3 years ago
Your OC musical is coming to life as professional show. You can choose who from SIX is playing who but there's a catch – they all needed to be in the same cast in the same time. What cast do you choose and who plays who?
So, guess what I spent the entire day doing? I've been wanting to do something like this with the various casts for a while now, so thanks for the opportunity.
So, my results are:
Student cast
Tilda Wickham as Matilda Holly Musgrave as Jane Megan Gilbert as Mary I Ashleigh Weir as Elizabeth Annabel Marlow as Victoria Shimali de Silva as either Mary II or Anne
Off-West End cast
Genesis Lynea as Matilda Aimie Atkinson as Mary I Renee Lamb as Elizabeth Natalie Paris as Anne Christina Modestou as Victoria Izuka Hoyle as either Jane or Mary II
First UK Tour cast
Alexia McIntosh as Matilda Maiya Quansah-Breed as Jane Jarneia Richard-Noel as Mary I Aimie Atkinson as Elizabeth Grace Mouat as Mary II Natalie Paris as Anne Millie O'Connell as Victoria
West End cast V1
Collette Guitart as Matilda Maiya Quansah-Breed as Jane Courtney Stapleton as Mary I Grace Mouat as Elizabeth Jarneia Richard-Noel as Mary II Shekinah McFarlane as Anne Millie O'Connell as Victoria
Natalie Paris as E1/M2/QA Aimie Atkinson as JG/M1/M2/QV Vicki Manser as EM/JG/QV Alexia McIntosh as EM/M1/E1/QA
North American Tour + Broadway cast
Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert as Matilda Anna Uzele as Jane Samantha Pauly as Mary I Brittney Mack as Elizabeth Keirsten Hodgens as Mary II Abby Mueller as Anne Courtney Mack as Victoria
Andrea Macasaet as E1/QA/QV Mallory Maedke as JG/M1/M2/QA Shantel Cribbs as EM/JG/M2/QV Adrianna Hicks as EM/M1/E1
Bliss cast 1.0
Lori McLare as Matilda Bryony Duncan as Jane Hazel Karooma-Brooker as Mary I Candace Furbert as Elizabeth Caitlin Tipping as Mary II Amy Bridges as Anne Alicia Corrales-Connor as Victoria
Sophie Golden as E1/QA Viquichele Cross as JG/M1/M2 Natalie Pilkington as EM/QV
West End cast V2
Liv Alexander and Vicki Manser as Matilda Sophie Isaacs and Jennifer Caldwell as Jane Athena Collins and Jarneia Richard-Noel as Mary I Alexia McIntosh and Courtney Bowman as Elizabeth Hana Stewart and Bryony Duncan as Mary II Danielle Steers and Natalie Paris as Anne Zara MacIntosh and Cherelle Jay as Victoria
Collette as the super swing
Second UK Tour cast
Cassandra Lee as Matilda Jennifer Caldwell as Jane Athena Collins as Mary I Lauren Drew as Elizabeth Carly Dyer as Mary II Shekinah McFarlane as Anne Alicia Corrales-Connor as Victoria
Lauren Byrne as JG/M2/QA Jodie Steele as M1/E1 Maddison Bulleyment as EM/QV Harriet Watson as the super swing
Breakaway cast 1.0
Liv Alexander as Matilda Elizabeth Walker as Jane Jasmine Shen as Mary I Jessica Niles as Elizabeth Maddison Firth as Mary II Amelia Walker as Anne Georgia Carr as Victoria
Laura Blair as JG/M1/E1 Amy Bridges as M2/QA Kelly Sweeney as EM/QV
First Australian Tour cast
Ella Burns as Matilda Courtney Monsma as Jane Vidya Makan as Mary I Kala Gare as Elizabeth Chloe Zuel as Mary II Loren Hunter as Anne Karis Oka as Victoria
Shannen Quan as JG/M2/QV, Kiana Daniele as EM/M1/E1/QA
Bliss cast 2.0
Emily Harrigan as Matilda Megan Leung as Jane Abbi Hodgson as Mary I Jade Marvin as Elizabeth Sophie-Rose Middleton as Mary II Scarlet Gabriel as Anne Lucy Aiston as Victoria
Gabriella Stylianou-Burns as E1/M2 Kara-Ami McCreanor as M1/QA Rebecca Wickes as EM/JG/QV
Third UK Tour cast
Cassandra Lee as Matilda Bryony Duncan as Jane Liv Alexander as Mary I Lauren Drew as Elizabeth I Elena Gyasi as Mary II Shekinah McFarlane as Anne Maddison Bulleyment as Victoria
Caitlin Tipping as JG/M2 Vicki Manser as M1/E1 Jennifer Caldwell as EM/QV Harriet Watson as super swing 1 Natalie Pilkington as super swing 2
Breakaway cast 2.0
Abbi Hodgson as Matilda Artemis Chrisoulakis as Jane Liv Alexander as Mary I Jade Marvin as Elizabeth Elizabeth Walker as Mary II Amelia Walker as Anne Sadie Hurst as Victoria
Ellie Sharpe as JG/M2/QA Jessica Niles as EM/M1/E1/QV
West End cast V3
Paisley Billings as Matilda Danielle Rose as Jane Collette Guitart as Mary I Amy Di Bartolomeo as Elizabeth Meesha Turner as Mary II Claudia Kariuki as Anne Esme Rothero as Victoria
Amanda Lindgren as E1/QV Roxanne Couch as JG/M2/QA Dionne Ward-Anderson as M1/E1/QA Tsemaye Bob-Egbe as EM/JG/M2 Rachel Rawlinson as EM/M1/QV
I decided not to do Bliss 3.0 and the new Australian cast because I haven't heard them sing enough to draw any fair conclusions
If I had to pick a favorite, I like the Broadway cast, West End V2, and UK Tour 2.0 & 3.0 best
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arrows-unofficial-ocs · 5 months ago
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arrow | she/her | isfp | hobby oc creator | a menagerie of ocs | no plans for fics
main blog: @unfortunate-arrow
⤷ find hp/wizarding world & bridgerton: next gen ocs, follows, and likes there
General Tags:
⤷ my aesthetic • my character profiles
Other People’s Amazing Work:
⤷ dividers • aesthetics • ocs
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An AU of the Arrowverse where the multiverse wasn’t destroyed, both Zaris were able to exist outside of the totem, Ronnie Raymond and Earth-1!Laurel Lance are permanently alive, and Oliver Queen was relieved of his duties as Spectre in 2022 by another earth’s Oliver Queen, who had lost everything and everyone.
Abigail “Abby” Cohen-Stein
Natalie “Nat” Constantine
Ethan Goldberg
Alyssa Harper
Roberta “Bobbi” Harper
Brian Hart
Henry B. Heywood
Sonia Heywood
Diana “Di” Lance-Sharpe
Quincy Lance-Sharpe
Rebecca “Becca” Lance-Merlyn
Quinley Lance-Merlyn
Carson Palmer
Tristan Palmer
Elowyn “Ellie” Palmer
Thomas “Tommy” Queen
Adalyn “Ada” Queen
Lucas Queen
Elena Ramon
Lizzie Raymond
Albert “Al” Raymond
Joseph West-Allen
Ben West-Allen
Dawn West-Allen
Morgan West-Wells
Canon Character Interpretations:
⤷ Ronnie (Cohen-)Stein • Connor Hawke • JJ Diggle • Sara Diggle • Martina Jackson • William Clayton • Mia Smoak-Queen • Nora West-Allen • Jenna West
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Prince Henri of Auradon | intro
Kyra of Agrabah
Princess Melody
Prince Maximillian | intro
Noelle Bonfamille
Alexander Darling
Caroline Darling | intro
Michael “Mikey” Darling
Anthony Davis | intro
Maisie Davis
Zelie Facilier
Arianna Fitzherbert | intro
Frederic Fitzherbert | intro
Nova Fitzherbert | intro
Wyatt Gothel | intro
Iris Hercules
Joaquin Madrigal
Santiago Madrigal
Ines Madrigal
Percy C. McLeach | intro
Kalani of Motunui | intro
Gavin Pendragon
Molly Poppins | intro
Timothy “Tim” Radcliffe | intro
Jean Radcliffe | intro
Nicola Radcliffe | intro
Julia Radcliffe | intro
Ian Radcliffe | intro
Edward Radcliffe | intro
Harriet Radcliffe | intro
Dex Tremaine
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Delaney Ballard
Carlos Foster | intro
Ricky Gilmore
Levi Powell | intro
Plot Bunnies:
⤷ Aurelia Ballard • Clay Ballard • Gregory Ballard • Adam Kim • Josh Ellis • Aaron Weatherford
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Jacqueline “Jackie” Sterling (🇺🇸)
John Turner (🇬🇧)
Plot Bunnies:
⤷ Michael & Daniel “Danny” Coyle (🇺🇸) • Dorcas Snowley (🇬🇧)
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𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐌 𝐎𝐂𝐒 (post-series)
Will Gordon — jim & lee’s son
Canon Character Interpretations:
⤷ Barbara Lee Gordon • possibly other batkids
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Grant Barnes — bucky’s son
Jo Rogers — steve & peggy’s daughter
Jamie Rogers — steve & peggy’s daughter
Carter Rogers — steve & peggy’s son
Riley Wilson — sam’s daughter
Canon Character Interpretations:
⤷ Cooper Barton • Lila Barton • Nate Barton • Morgan Stark
Plot Bunnies:
⤷ Dani Watson • Jade Duncomb
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Patrick Joseph Mallon | intro
Plot Bunnies:
⤷ Aoife, daughter of Ramandu • Emily Bastable • Charlotte Thompson • George Thompson
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Dominic Bailey
Valentina “Val” Flores | intro
Ivy Gao
Eloise Kittredge | intro
Landon McCallister | intro
Olivia Mitchell
Florian Mostyn
Harmony Reyes
Arlo Stanhope
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Maddox Solo | intro
Tullia “Tully” Nash | intro
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Isaac Mayfield | intro
Missy Sinclair
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⤷ Martha Barrington • Susannah Baxter • Alex Rokesby • Liza Stickland • Robert Wynn
Hunger Games
⤷ May Wattson
⤷ Theodore “Ted” Ainsworth
Ted Lasso:
⤷ Megan Armstrong
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