#oc: destiny baldwin
aliverse · 11 months
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OC HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE › day three: born in the wrong century (1/5)
Dauntless Modern AU, Destiny Edition
templates: x, x (old version)
taglist: @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @eddysocs, @richitozier, @hiddenqveendom, @curious-kittens-ocs, @eddiemunscns, @oneirataxia-girl, @lucys-chen, @far-shores
Send an ask to be added!
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sunnycanvas · 4 months
Hi, um if it is possible, can u make a short of baldwin iv and oc (from modern times) meeting in their dreams, from time to time not knowing the other person is actually a real person since he is a guy from the past and he's kind of in love with her?
I watched as a man dressed as knight rode confidently towards castle. As he got near me could tell victory was ours with the way he was beaming with joy. Although his face was shrouded in mystery I could tell that he is radiating with joy
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SMACK! Startled by a sudden impact, I shot up from my slumber, my hand instinctively reaching to touch my face. "This weirdo is smooching her pillow again," my brother's laughter pierced the air. "Looks like Miss No-Date can't snag a real kiss, so she's making out with her pillow instead." Summoning my irritation, I retorted, "Mom, he's bugging me again," I complained which gave him further opportunity to mock me further though inwardly, I winced at his jab. Despite my thick skin, his jabs about my love life always stung a bit too much. My mother, alerted by my outcry, hurried to my side, scolding my brother as he sauntered off, a smirk playing on his lips. "I swear, I can't stand him," I muttered, tears welling up in frustration. "(Y/N), you know how siblings can be," my mom remarked with a tinge of annoyance, her hands deftly folding the blankets on my bed. I sighed, pulling my knees close as I confessed, "Same dream again." Pausing in her task, my mother regarded me with concern. "Since you turned eleven?" she echoed softly. Nodding, I continued, "I keep seeing him. His face is mostly obscured by a mask, but his eyes... they're like the deepest ocean blue. And his voice, it's so gentle, like a melody. "I paused, a pang of longing gripping my heart. "I wish I knew what he truly looked like, but he seems so guarded about his appearance." It was true—I found myself dreaming of a mysterious boy with eyes as blue as sapphires. Sometimes, we shared laughter; other times, he seemed distant, almost cold.
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I have dreams about him when we were children my memories are blurred though, Mom was the only person who knew about it. Mom seemed tired about my recurring dream and said "Listen (Y/N) I know someone who might help us but promise me whatever the answer you wouldn't take in your heart and accept as it is no matter". I nodded as I hugged my mom. "Please (Y/N) after meeting a psychic I no longer want to hear about this dream". Although I was annoyed by her words I knew she was trying her best to help me. My mother and I journeyed to visit a renowned psychic, located a distance from our home. As we arrived, she turned to me, her eyes filled with concern. "(Y/N), do you want me to accompany you, or…" "No, Mom," I interrupted, feeling unexpectedly vulnerable. "Please, don't leave me." As those words escaped my lips, a wave of déjà vu washed over me, threatening to overwhelm. I felt a dizzy spell coming on, but thankfully, my mother steadied me with a reassuring touch. "Relax, honey," she whispered soothingly, guiding me gently inside. Once indoors, I found myself face to face with a woman shrouded in a hood, her presence commanding as she gazed at me. "(Y/N), right?" she spoke, her tone carrying an air of familiarity. "Your mother has told me about you."
The psychic gave me eight tarot cards to choose. I picked up the following random cards. The psychic was surprised when she read the card
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"Impossible," she whispered, her voice barely audible as she passed me a card she ominously labeled the "death card." "It appears to be linked to your past life," she continued, her words laden with a sense of foreboding. "Regrets linger from how things concluded." "(Y/N), I strongly advise you to release the burdens of your past existence," she urged solemnly. "Whatever memories and emotions tether you, let them go, and embrace the destiny of your current life." She then added, with a hint of somber insight, "It also seems your romantic fortunes were less than favorable. Forget about that man; he's not meant for you." A surge of indignation coursed through me at her audacity to speak about my love life, but before I could retort, my mother intervened, soothing my frayed nerves and leading me outside. "You mustn't allow your emotions to govern you," she admonished me, her concern palpable. Despite my protests, she remained steadfast. "No, (Y/N), I've had my fill of this fantastical realm. It's encroaching on reality, and I won't entertain it any longer," she declared firmly, leaving me to stew in frustration. As my mother excused herself to use the restroom, I found myself alone, contemplating the encounter. It was then that my attention was drawn to a boy who bore a striking resemblance to someone from my dreams. "(Y/N), isn't it?" he ventured, a friendly smile gracing his features. Perplexed, I nodded in acknowledgment, prompting him to continue. "I participated in the chess competition hosted by your school," he explained. That's when I remembered "You're Baldwin, right? The victor of our school's prestigious tournament." The pieces began to align, bridging the gap between reality and the enigmatic visions that haunted my subconscious. "Indeed," the boy replied with a hint of pride, his eyes gleaming with determination. "I aspire to become a grandmaster and proudly represent our country in the finals." His gaze softened as he continued, "I remember seeing you in the audience. You stood out to me as the most captivating girl I've ever seen, much like the unknown girl who frequents my dreams." Astonished I said "You as well ". The boy was surprised by my answer. It felt like time stopped for a moment and I was lost in his gaze. "His eyes are so beautiful". My reverie was interrupted by the arrival of my mother. Reluctantly, I tore my gaze away, knowing I had to leave. That night, sleep once again enveloped me, bringing with it clearer visions. The same enigmatic man from before appeared, his words echoing with urgency. "(Y/N), you must leave," he implored. "She speaks the truth; you must stay away from me. I cannot bear to see you suffer the same fate as mine."
Startled, I awoke drenched in sweat, the echoes of his words lingering in my mind. Glancing out the window, I noted the advancing daylight, realizing with a jolt that time was slipping away. "I need to hurry I can't be late today" "I have assignment to submit after all" I reminded myself, hastily grabbing a piece of bread to eat on the go. As I made my way to school amidst the bustling crowds, a familiar figure caught my eye—the boy from my previous encounter.
"When I was sixteen I won a great victory" "I thought that I would love to be hundred but now I know that I shall".Caught off guard, I paused mid-bite, the bread momentarily forgotten as I gazed at him, a mixture of astonishment, joy, and tears adorning my face. With a smile breaking through, I spoke softly "You see none of us know our end really or what hand will guide us there"
"But for once, I know mine," I added, a sense of serenity enveloping me. As if in response to our shared revelation, Baldwin shared with me 'The wheels of Fortune and Lover tarot card'. With reverence, I traced the intricate designs of the card before our lips met in a tender kiss
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endless-oc-creations · 2 months
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Happy Birthday @aliverse! [Pt 2/3]
Stranger Things Oc Destiny Greer Baldwin Screencap manip.
💕 Everything Taglist: @bravelittleflower @sunlitscribe​​​ @eddysocs @raith-way​​
@waterloou @decennia​​ @hiddenqveendom @aaronhotchstuff
@foxesandmagic @nejires-hado  @asirensrage 
@arrthurpendragon @daughter-of-melpomene @thatmagickjuju @ginevrastilinski 
@oneirataxia-girl @ginger-grimm💕
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nikosasaki · 2 years
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mara's holiday giveaway 2022
Destiny Baldwin for @aliverse
taglist: @kendelias @chlobenet @bravelittleflower @eddiemunscns  @alimas @valdrinors @edshopper @eddysocs @heavenlysurf @arrthurpendragon  @villanele @nolanhollogay @stanshollaand @lovehermioneforever @raith-way @kiara-carrera @decennia @luucypevensie @waterloou  @connietheecunning @hiddenqveendom @foxesandmagic @jvstjewels @samwilsonns @endless-oc-creations @ginevrastilinski @sunlitscribe @dyhlanobrien @chrissymunson @partiallypearl @witchofinterest @fleetwoodmcs
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decennia · 3 years
Are there any crossovers you think would work for our ocs? Maybe Allison & Nadine aunt-niece crossover? Ariella and one of ur HP ocs? Destiny and Zara? Idk, I'd just love to see any and all crossovers ideas you might have for our ocs!
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Nadine & Allison Argent
Nadine takes after Gerard in that she is incredibly manipulative
So when Allison is being all "I'm not a girly girl, I don't cry," Nadine laughs
"Don't apologize for it; weaponize it."
She's very hard on Allison when it comes to training because she's the next generation of hunter, and will be the family successor.
But she also will be incredibly soft in all other aspects of their relationship (basically anything that doesn't involve hunting).
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Wilbur Prewett & Ariella Caldwell
Wilbur often finds himself unwittingly dragged into a lot of the Golden Trio Quartet's shenanigans
He'd love Ariella, tbh
He'd find her really funny, even if he only gets every third word she says when he's reading her lips and she's excited about something
They probably have a secret handshake
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Destiny Baldwin & Zara Mathers
Zara struggles to trust a lot of people and has difficulty adjusting to social norms
First time Destiny tried hugging her, she put the girl in a headlock
But they'd get along fine after Destiny is proven to be a trusted ally
Z wouldn't understand why Destiny likes Steve, though
Like, it genuinely baffles her
Send me one of your OCs and one of mine, and I’ll tell you how I think they’d get along
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I tried making a poster inspired cover for my Stranger Things fic..
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foxesandmagic · 3 years
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@aliverse‘s OC Gift Exchange
Stiles Stilinski and Esme Kruger (Teen Wolf); 
Steve Harrington and Destiny Baldwin (Stranger Things); 
Beth Covey and Luke Patterson (Julie and the Phantoms); 
Alec Lightwood and Noah (Shadowhunters).
A/N: I made all the original gifs as well, so if you want them just let me know.
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anotherunreadblog · 4 years
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oc halloween challenge 2020 → day sixteen: doppelgänger au
↳Lizbeth Locke + Orphan Black AU collab
ft. Blair Parker (@notxjustxstories), Laney Jameson (@perfectlystiles), and Justine Barnes ( @randomestfandoms-ocs) + not featured but in future parts Holly Hogan ( @bravelittleflower) and Destiny Baldwin ( @aliverse)
Masterlist: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Tag list: @foxesandmagic @luucypevensie @perfectlystiles @witchofinterest @afluffykiwi @bravelittleflower  @seize-the-droid @ocfairygodmother @randomfandoming1 @villanele @delicateblackrose @butcherofblackwater @abbysarcane @fiercefray @ocappreciationtag @heirsoflilith
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jadedlavendergemini · 4 years
As Promised
Summary: If you were to ask Emma Moore how out of control her life became just before the apocalypse, she would have told you how she had never seen it coming. How she fell for someone that she should have avoided at all cost and how she had no control of any of it in anyway possible. Of course she had no clue of her own ‘destiny’. Michael Langdon x OC
A/N: please forgive me in advance as I had to write this on my phone, my laptop is being a bitch. So I’ve been think pretty heavily on this idea for a fic for a while. And I hope this is as original as can be, I’ve seen some fics with similar Story lines but here’s my twist. And after having a positive week and hearing some great feed back from other Authors, I thought it was the right time to post it. Just let me know if you want to be tagged for any future posts.
Tag list : @7-wonders @guiltyfiend @plymptxn @fallenangeldreamer @fckinsupreme
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Part One:
“Now, keep chanting the spell in your head, loud. Loud like a shout. I want you to keep concentrating on the wick of the candle.” Behold watched as the young girl’s hand hovered, slightly shaking above the candle on her desk. Another few seconds flew by and soon a flame had ignited. “Excellent, Emma!”
She opened her eyes, saw the flame and smiled. “That was a little harder than I thought.”
“Pyrokinesis is a lot harder than others would think. But you, little miss witch, hit it on the first try! Very impressive.” Behold watched as she turned back to the flame, smile slightly faltering. “Your father will be very impressed, you know.”
“I’m sure he will.” She replied, not meeting the instructor’s eyes.
Behold Chablis was one of four instructors at the Hawthorne academy. While her father preferred to teach Emma in most of her lessons, Behold also expressed interest in teaching the young witch. He voiced that she needed the occasional space from her father and that she would blossom into a successful witch with other instructors offering critique. And in honesty, Emma preferred her father or Behold in comparison to Baldwin Pennypacker, who treated Emma as if she were less gifted than the male students.
Tell you what,” he began closing her spell book. “Why don’t you take the rest of the afternoon off. You’ve been doing so well lately. If you want, you can even go run about the library. It shouldn’t be busy with any of the boys.”
“Really? But my father-“
“Your father will be please to know that you’ve been excelling every spell that I’ve thrown at you this week. Especially one known to be used in the Seven Wonders Test itself. Go on.”
The young girl smiled, grabbing her personal book and a pen. She was out the door when she gave a quick and sweet “Thank you!”
The halls of the secluded wing of the academy were quiet as Emma walked. Due to Hawthorne being an all boys school (Emma being an exception due to her father), she would have zero chances of running into the boy students in this particular area. Unfortunately the library was on the boys turf. Not like any of the boys bothered her, but on occasion one boy, overly cocky and brave would attempt to be a pest. Whether it was crude comments towards her body or abilities, or just constant chatting in her ear. Emma would whip up a good ole headache spell just to chase him away. Other students were too frightened of her father to even talk to her.
As she continues her walk, she worked on pulling her hair from the long braid it was in earlier and used her fingers to wave out any knots. As she approached the almost secluded library, her feet locked in place. Looking up, she was amazed to see a boy, dressed in the typical Hawthorne uniform facing a book shelve from which he was looking for something. She opted to turn around and quietly return to her room and study, but she found her feet to be stuck in the same place. And whatever noises she made in her attempt to leave seemed to trigger the boy. Turning around Emma was met with face that could be described as sculpted by god himself. His blue eyes poured into hers.
“I didn’t know anyone would be here. I’ll just-.” Emma quietly tried to form a sentence trying to make an final attempt to exit before hearing his voice.
“Please don’t leave because of me. I was going to retire for the night. I was just trying to find one book before I went.” His velvet voice sent the hairs on the back of neck stand. He turns back towards the hundreds of books, confusion covered his features as he searches for the correct title.
“I can help, I’m in here pretty much all the time, what are you looking for?” She asks, setting her notebook down on a nearby table.
The boy smiled and gave her the name. He watched as she held her hand up, her fingers slowly caressing each spine of the books. After a minute, she stopped at one before carefully pulling the book from its spot. Her lips formed a small smile as she gently placed the book into his large and expecting hands.
“Well, you seemed to have found that in no time.” He admired, returning her smile, ocean blue eyes not leaving hers. “Divination?”
“Nope, I meant it when I said I’m in here all the time.” She replied, eventually breaking eye contact with the boy. “Pathetic, really.”
“No not at all.” He says. He balances the novel in his left hand, raising his right hand for hers. “I’m Michael. Michael Langdon and you are....?”
“Emma Moore,” she places her smaller hand in his larger one. Taking note in the softness and warmth. It felt familiar and comforting in some way. “You’re the new boy everyone’s been gushing about. So... the alpha?”
Michael lets out a low chuckle. “I wouldn’t say that I’m ‘the alpha’. Just a new boy looking for answers about himself. And I haven’t seen any other witches here, yet. Am I to assume you’re the only one?”
She waits a moment longer until she pulls her hand away from his, taking note in the feeling. She places her hands behind her back. “I’m the only one, my father is an instructor here. Unfortunately, my father can’t stand Cordelia Goode or trust her. So here I am.”
“I wouldn’t call that unfortunate.” He replied. “I had my first lesson yesterday with him. He seems very intense.”
“He can be. But don’t worry he’s harmless.”
Michael smiles before gesturing to the book still in his hand. “Thank you again. Hopefully I’ll be seeing more of you?”
“Of course,” she said, walking past him to retrieve her notebook and pen from where it sat forgotten on the table. “I like to study in the library around this time, less students. If you need to catch up on anything or just feel like hanging out, I wouldn’t mind.”
“I’ll have to take you up on that offer sometime.” Michael smiles before making an exit down the hall. As he made his way down the candle lit corridor, he felt his heart pounding to a rhythm he was unfamiliar with and his hands felt the small sparks of energy she had released just moments ago from their handshake. Taking a quick turn around, he can still see her.
Emma had taken a seat on of the many couches. Her knees pulled towards herself, she was drawing her loosely waved dirty blonde hair into a bun before setting down and taking notes from another book.
Michael turns back. Hands clasped behind his back, with the book of course. And As he continues to walk away, he can’t stop the massive grin that’s on his face. Emma Moore. He felt the connection the moment they touched hands. Hers fit so perfectly in his, like a lost puzzle piece. He breathed in the sweet scent of her when she had moved past him and followed by demonic whispers of her name in his ears. She was the One.
After Michael had left, Emma tried to continue with her study’s. But her mind wandered to the conversation they had just shared. She barely knew the boy yet she already offered to hang around, not something she would normally do when it came to the other students at Hawthorne. And that feeling when their hands touched was odd, never had she felt something so comfortable with a stranger. And ever since his clear blue eyes looked into hers, she felt a slight buzz in the back of her head. Something was different about Michael and she couldn’t quite place it.
About two hours had past and it was about dinner time. Emma had just begun to place the books back on the shelves and grab her notebook.
“Behold told me I’d find you here.” Spoke her father, John Henry as he made his way into the library. “How was your lesson today?”
“It was okay,” she replied, picking up her belongings and walking over to stand in front of him.
“Okay? Behold said you were able master pyrokinesis. And on the first try!” John Henry said proudly. “And to think you thought you would be better off at Robichaux's.”
The young witch just rolled her eyes. “Beginners luck, I guess. Where were you today? I thought you were going to be teaching me.”
“Well, I got caught up with Ariel today,” he explained, moving past his daughter and taking a seat on the couch. “He’s worked himself up over the new student. I don’t see how he doesn’t see what I do. As much as I want to think we have the Alpha in our midst, I don’t think it’s him.”
“You mean Michael?” She asked.
John Henry’s eyes shot to his daughter. “So you know who. I assume the other students talk very highly of him.” He scoffed.
“Yeah, we met earlier. I helped him find a book. Seemed like a normal warlock to me.” Emma replied, her eyes not meeting her fathers.
“Emma, I want you stay clear of Michael. I don’t have a very good feeling about him.”
“What-“ she attempted to question when he stood from his seat.
“Do I make myself clear?” He interrupted, voice slightly raised.
She looked to him and nodded. “Yes, sir.” She added quietly.
His eyes followed hers, he sighed before placing a hand on her shoulder and began guiding her out of the library. “I Just want you to stay on top of your studies and stay out of trouble. Alright? Let’s grab dinner, I want to hear all about your lesson today.”
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bravelittleflower · 4 years
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Oc halloween challenge day 16 -> DoppelgängerAU
Orphan Black collab- Holly Hogan
Blair Parker(@notxjustxstories ), Laney Jameson(@perfectlystiles ) Justine Barnes(@randomestfandoms-ocs ) Lizbeth Locke(@anotherunreadblog ) + to be posted Destiny Baldwin (@aliverse )
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aliverse · 2 years
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OC HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE › day four: monster horror (feat. @elmunson’s rylee prescott)
In the summer of 1986, six teenagers decide to go on a big adventure before four of them head off to college. Unfortunately in a place like their small hometown of Hawkins, Indiana, there’s not much in the way of adventure let alone big adventure. So they decide to take advantage of the most interesting thing in Hawkins; the Creel house where rumors of haunting run abrupt.
While two of them are nervous about being in an old rundown house, they along with the others think these rumors are absolute bullshit... and technically, they’re right, because the thing in the basement is not an incorporeal being.
taglist: @villanele, @anqelwiithhxrns, @arrthurpendragon, @foxesandmagic, @delicateblackrose, @bravelittleflower, @lenonizi, @fiercefray, @richitozier, @nikolai-lantsv, @jvstjewels, @eddysocs, @megdonnellys, @ocappreciationtag, @hiddenqveendom, @stanshollaand
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vullix-main · 6 years
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birfdaaiii art for @mclaggington of their Destiny OCs Tarian-2, Eirny and Baldwin-7 <3
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mclaggington · 7 years
hey kids wanna know how my stupid destiny ocs met???? sure you do!!!!
Sar-2 has a habit of collecting strays; this can be seen in their home, which is essentially a pet motel, their willingness to take Guardian-less Ghosts across the solar system to aid in their search - and in their fireteam.
Sar and Baldwin-7 met on Venus, when the newly risen warlock's first action as a Guardian was to follow his Ghost's directive and RUN. He followed this strange will 'o' wisp at a dead sprint ahead of a pursuing army of Vex. His Ghost had been one of Sar's charges, and had sent them a distress signal the moment it had Baldwin in sight. Now they just had to wait and keep ahead of the Vex.
The relentless, innumerable, capable-of-teleportation Vex.
Baldwin's Ghost sent another, more urgent, distress signal.
Sar must have already been in the air, as they appeared in a shower of lights before them unfathomably quickly. Their impassive helmet took one look at the pair, another at the approaching Vex, and barked, "Get behind me!"
No sooner had Baldwin complied then he found himself bathed in the calming purple light of the void. He gaped at the bubble around him in wonder, mind racing, only to be brought sharply back to Venus at the sound of a shotgun being cocked.
"Stay here." growled Sar, striding out of their ward toward the waves of Vex with only a brief backwards glance.
It didn't take the Vex long to retreat. A robotic alien hivemind recognises a losing battle when it's in one.
Funnily enough, it was Sar's little habit, as well as Baldwin's effortlessly affable and charming manner, which brought their hunter into their lives.
"Hey, Guardian! Hey!" Sar turned, browplate raised, at Cayde's summons. "Got a minute?"
The titan gave a half-shrug and gestured to Baldwin to carry on out of the Hall of the Vanguard without them.
"What do you need, Cayde?" they asked after the Vanguard had ushered them to one side, a little way away from the table and, conspicuously, out of earshot of the clearly uncomfortable exo hunter currently standing there.
"A little favour?" he replied, a pleading look on his face. Sar tilted their head. "Actually, it might be a medium favour. Big, a big favour, alright it's kind of-"
"Please get to the point."
"Right, right, right. So, your fireteam is still just you and warlock Casanova at this point, right?"
"Well," He gestured to the hunter at the table with a flourish and, when Sar didn't immediately jump for joy, added, "I found you a hunter! No charge, only your thanks is needed."
Sar looked at the hunter. She was clearly freshly risen, dressed in whatever her Ghost had managed to scrape together, her stubby cape barely more than a scarf. A faraway look to her optics suggested it hadn't been the most relaxing experience.
"Why me?"
"That's a funny way to say thank you."
Cayde threw his hands up. "Look, she's new, she's scared, she needs someone to show her the ropes and you and Baldwin are good at making people feel... at ease, y'know?" Sar looked slightly mollified, even guilty, until Cayde added, "Besides, you love collecting strays, right?"
Sar spluttered indignantly. "That's not-!" A heavy silence fell as their expression slowly became one of grim acceptance. They put their hands on their hips and sighed. "It's only temporary, okay? Just until she finds her own fireteam." Cayde raised his hands.
"Hey, just get her settled in and keep her alive, that's all I ask. What happens after that is up to her."
Sar shook their head as they stepped by him, leaning in to hiss, "You owe me for this one."
Cayde only barely repressed a smirk as he privately replied Y'know, I don't think I do.
Funnily enough, Sar did in fact call his debt cleared after Eirny almost single handedly killed the Heart of the Black Garden.
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aliverse · 2 years
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Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush + Destiny Baldwin ft. Faith Baldwin, Cassius Baldwin (RIP), and Estella Baldwin
taglist: @villanele, @anqelwiithhxrns, @arrthurpendragon, @foxesandmagic, @delicateblackrose, @bravelittleflower, @lenonizi, @fiercefray, @richitozier, @phoebestarks, @nikolai-lantsv, @jvstjewels, @eddysocs, @megdonnellys, @ocappreciationtag, @hiddenqveendom, @stanshollaand
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aliverse · 2 years
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Destiny and Estella posters for all seasons + Faith posters for 1&2 and Isaiah posters for 3&4
(special thanks to Kei for letting me use her s2 psd and Tessa & Ky for listening to me cry for the last two days)
taglist: @villanele, @anqelwiithhxrns, @arrthurpendragon, @foxesandmagic, @delicateblackrose, @bravelittleflower, @lenonizi, @fiercefray, @richitozier, @phoebestarks, @nikolai-lantsv, @jvstjewels, @eddysocs, @megdonnellys, @ocappreciationtag, @hiddenqveendom, @stanshollaand
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aliverse · 3 years
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THE NOVEMBER CHALLENGE › day four: alt er love
destiny and steve and the quote that best describes them. blank gifs by em
taglist: @perfectlystiles, @villanele, @anqelwiithhxrns, @ocfairygodmother, @foxesandmagic, @delicateblackrose, @bravelittleflower, @lenonizi, @fiercefray, @kazinejghafa, @richitozier, @phoebestarks, @nikolai-lantsv, @jewelswrites-ish, @eddysocs, @megdonnellys, @ocappreciationtag, @hiddenqveendom, @stanshollaand
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