#oc: crispi
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Look who's been animated! Isn't it cute!
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rotyolk · 2 months
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one must imagine a greasy, slimy exhaust pipe of a maid
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jue-jack · 4 months
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it crispy
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jack-o-phantom · 11 months
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Chime does have a ruined look! but if he'd be dead, an antagonist, or to be saved?
I would say both, he'd be an antagonist AND potentially be saved, how though is not clear right now. Just know he'd be roaming the halls, grinding gears and all, as he sings his known melodies
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And he might not recognize who you are
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muckyschmuck · 3 months
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100 mph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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the-raging-tempest · 4 months
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rockoyu · 19 days
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rad shark!
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misstycloud · 1 year
Not-so-serious ask but more offff how would stalker! Yan react to seeing reader singing very vulgar/sexual songs? They do the dance moves and say every.single.word. Absolutely no shame in them.
(Songs like: “slut me out”- NLE choppa) thank you for your time!💖
Oh, god. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god!
The stalker covered their mouth with their hand to stop them from gasping out loud. They couldn’t have you hear them.
If you did, you’d notice them sitting in that tree you never liked right outside your window. It destroyed the view, you thought. Not that there was much to see anyway.
They had planned out their evening perfectly, go to your house, climb the tree as they’ve done so many times and snap a couple photos. Nothing more, nothing less.
Just a normal night for them, really. What they hadn’t expected was to see you through your living room window, singing a not-so censored song.
Inside your home, you repeated the lyrics of the song perfectly. You knew it like the back of your hand. “Ayy, rip off my shirt if you love me.” while singing, your body seems to have a mind of its own, throwing your arms out and stepping to the beat.
With shaky hands, your stalker lifted the camera up and pressed the button, a click emenating from it. The way you swayed your hips, and the way you told them to rip your shirt off. Oh, they could just die at the spot!
“(Y/n)~” they groaned your name and placed their palm over their heart; feeling how it vigoursly slammed against his ribs.
“Spit in my face when you fuck me.”
“I could never do that to you, my dear!” the stalker cried, “you’re too good for me, but if you want you can spit on me.” they said even though you had no way of hearing them.
“Play with my gooch, while you suck me~”
“Yes, I’d love to!”
“Eat the dick like you was ugly”
“Ah, I’m so terribly ugly compared to you!” a shamefully red blush dusted they’d cheeks because of your vulgar words, though there were not directed at them.
“Why you being so weird to me?”
The watcher froze up in the tree, together with all the green leaves as company. “I-I’m sorry, it’s just that…I like you so, so much…!”
You continued the song, unknowing of the dark shadow looming right outside your window, who had perfect sight of you and every single thing you did. You kept going, but they themselves appeared to be stuck on that line.
“I can’t help it! I like-no- love you! I love you. So, so, so, so much, you have no idea!”
It was the truth, they really couldn’t love anything or anyone as much as you. You were their entire world. Nothing mattered compared to you. You were their sun, the thing that brought colour and light to their otherwise bleak world.
That’s why they acted in a way most would consider…odd.
The things they acted upon wasn’t exactly what the majority of couples did. Normal couples don’t jot down their partner’s whole schedule. Normal couples don’t follow each other around constantly, without any concern for the hour. Normal couples don’t collect every single piece that had touched their partner’s body in any sort of way.
And normal couples definitely don’t print out photos of the other to cover their entire wall.
But it was all in the sake of love! Nothing harmful about that, surely it is all alright. Who could deny a young citizen with their entire life ahead of them a chance of loving something else other than their phone.
The stalker’s heart continued to thump loudly in their chest, making their ears drum at the feeling. They had taken all the pictures they needed for tonight and settled to listen. You had now gotten to the end of the song.
“Slut me out!”
“Slut me out!”
They leaned forward to get a better view of you since you’d began moving back in your home, making it somewhat harder to see you clearly.
They didn’t hear the crack sounding under them.
It was too late, disaster was inevitable.
After another cracking noise, they glanced down to discover the branch breaking under their weight.
You jumped at the sound and quickly ran to turn off the music. You approached the windows and looked outside, but there was not a single would out there.
Only a tree with a broken branch.
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princkleeatscookies · 4 months
Strawberry Shortcake Cookie
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" Say Cheeese! chuchu~!" Description:
"An exterior baked in just the right time, decorated with sweetness of whipped cream, perfectly macerated strawberries and sugar and with fresh strawberry on top to finish the sugar sweet perfect picture, and you get the city's very cute and very energetic photographer Strawberry Shortcake Cookie! Always believed that every moment should be cherished with the help of her trusty Shortbread camera, a simple click and the moment is now captured, no happy memory left forgotten! Just don't forget to remind that her camera is right over there! Some say that her personality isn't always like this, it was until she met a certain cookie whom she considers very dearest to her that she gained this personality and broke out of her shy and timid self Strawberry Shortcake Cookie believes that every cookie has a little bit of sweetness inside them, even if they didn't show it. I mean, how else are cookies made of? Bitter and Darkness? Naaah... No Cookie is after all, right? where was I..? oh right! If you want to take a perfectly perfect picture, just call in Strawberry Shortcake Cookie~!"
------ Info:
Name: Strawberry Shortcake Cookie Age: 19 years old Occupation: Photographer, College Student Pronouns: She/her Rarity: Epic Type: Support Position: Middle ------- Personality:
Strawberry Shortcake Cookie has a bubbly, energetic and extremely sweet personality. She comforts cookies with her genuine and welcoming vibe that cookies feel safe around her. She loves seeing cookies smile afterall, all can do whatever it takes to make them happy. Even with the littlest of things and the bigger things such as her interests, she gets very VERY excited over. Always talks a lot and never stops talking about that, even giving fun facts. Though it's annoying, but she can take a hint and stops (most of the time). Clumsy as she is, she does it intentionally as it means to make the cookie a bit more happy. Whether her clumsiness is intentional or not, she's quite careless overall Because of her kind personality, she's a very forgiving cookie, accepting any apologies and willing to give that cookie a second chance. She is so forgiving that she doesn't want to believe that there's actual evil cookies lurking around. In fact, she is in denial that there are cookies who aren't good at all. She is willing to push herself (both physically and mentally) in order to prove that the cookie is happy and good. Though her happiness is welcoming, other cookies question whether or not her bubbly personality is just a facade for something darker that Strawberry Shortcake Cookie may be hiding, any inner demons she might be struggling currently? The reason behind questioning is that she doesn't display any negative emotion (fear, anger, sad etc) at anyone. There's no used to talking to her about it because you'll only be talking to a brick wall. Though her bubbly personality isn't really just a facade anymore as it became a part of her, it's all because of a childhood friend she admires and loves the most who helped her became this sociable and happy, and that childhood friend is the only one Strawberry Shortcake Cookie is willing to show her real self to. -------- A/N: This is my Cookie Run OC Strawberry Shortcake Cookie!! not surprising I know, you might know her over on my twitter and instagram. She is somewhat of a mascot of mine simply because of how much I drew her with various cookies ^^; So why not giving her some recognition here in tumblr, yeah? I drew a lot of artwork of her so there's no stopping on my posting I'll probably do a separate blog just for her in the near future ;v; speaking of which, if you do have questions regarding Strawberry Shortcake Cookie, please do!! I'm not really done yet posting about her, since I have to list all her relationships and other miscellaneous info regarding her ^^ But I do some fun facts I'd like to share
Strawberry Shortcake Cookie... is taken by a certain blonde consul. she and him are childhood friends turned lovers, more on that later.
She's the youngest of her family but has does act as an older sister to the other strawberry cookies who are unrelated to her (special case with Strawberry Crepe Cookie because their relation is left ambiguous)
Her relation with the Cookies of Darkness are friendly actually, all except two cookies. Dark Enchantress Cookie and Pomegranate Cookie
She's exclusively a Kingdom OC but does have bonds with other characters there (such as Strawberry Cream Cookie)
additional little drawings:
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her with the other Strawberries whom she considers her surrogate siblings :>
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besties being besties as usual hehe (parfait cookie's costume is from the CRK CN server that I have yet to gain access rip) ----
I'd love to share more fun facts about her but that'll be it for now!! I'll definitely be posting a lot about her ^^
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sgrplmjnxxx · 6 months
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more d u g
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My last art of 2023, Sunbroken Crispi!
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redwoodpoint · 1 year
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changing my character's hair in firgrove rn and i forgot i had a horse following me lol. literally looks like this guy.
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fraulurker · 7 days
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Ibis paint finger doodles because I'm SO normal
This French anti-smoking ad. Was originally a completely trace/pic redraw but not quite
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xinxxu · 8 months
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I had an urge 👁👁
Crispy belongs to @marmalade004
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flowerakatsuka · 23 days
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i've just had aus on the mind tonight so here's some wip sketches from the royalty!kurokara doodles i did
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Art collaboration thingy with @endomentendo
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Crispy thought they were doing poses, lol!
Well, I love this design of Caine and Bubble! It’s so fun! I absolutely love that you based this off of Alice in Wonderland!!!
Continue your amazing work and keep smiling!🤘😎
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