#oc: clementina
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homriette · 11 months ago
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I am once again drawing my magical girls
These 2 are sisters. Constanina (red) and Clementina (blue)
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sailormanrahh · 9 months ago
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bitter violinist
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ncblevicartstudic · 11 months ago
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A bit of a touch up on ClemQQ
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excuteintruders · 1 year ago
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Femslash February - Day 3 - Your life is mine
Complicated kidnapping bussiness
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starswordartblog · 5 months ago
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There was. so much art i wanted to make this october, and then i got beat up by life in multiple ways, and now the month is over but by god i am going to post at least one thing. Anyway meet Clementina the witch, her dress is a cauldron.
I have been spinning her and her group of ocs/story for over an year so the fact that i starting finally designing her on halloween month is pure coincidence but fun. Sadly I couldn't finish the animation i wanted to go with this but here's a wip just to show off the concept:
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lalouxian · 5 months ago
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Shilo and her horse, Clementina!
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crabknight · 1 year ago
I'm drawing Clementina again
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insomniac-dormouse · 8 months ago
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Really like the silhouettes on these characters. I think they’re pretty distinct!
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glubbagardencane · 2 years ago
chilling weekend like usual with marcia and nicco nicco ni on the she cut the wires to my [significant other] she doin too much
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dearestgrace · 11 months ago
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František Kupka, The Yellow Scale (Škála žluté), 1907
dobrý den, dobrý večer, přidávám se k 'Speak Your Language Day' od @polish-art-tournament
Škálu žluté jsem poprvý objevila, když jsme dostali na střední zadání napsat rozbor uměleckého díla z libovolného období mezi 19. — 20. stoletím. Už si nepamatuju, jak jsem dospěla ke Kupkovi, ale Škálu žluté jsem našla na random stránce nějaké galerie a byla to láska na první pohled. V rozboru jsem taky mluvila o Kupkově výtvarném vývoji od jeho začátků na Akademii, kde se převážně věnoval realismus, až do jeho vrcholné a pozdní tvorby, kdy se dostal k abstrakci (myslím, že na tomhle obrazu jde celkem dobře vidět jeho první experimentace s abstrakcí). Jeho abstraktní tvorba byla také úzce spjata s hudbou a dala zrod i novému uměleckému směru – orfismu.
Uchvátili mě ty zlatavé barvy a nonšalatní gesto + celkový nádech obrazu. Mohla bych se na něj dívat celý den :)
(taky jsem podle něj vytvořila svoje první OC, Clementina)
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hollow-port · 4 months ago
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“The Jumpin Jive!”
Hub for fandomless oc & canon divergent muses.
DNI if: Racists/Homophobic/Ship canonical lesbians with men/Terf/Swerf/Under the age of 18/Proshipper/Anti-Anti/Panphobic/Acephobic/Arophobic
Art done by: Me, @candyredterezii, @blossominqxbuqs@vintagecandy & @polaroidxcamera
Personals & Non RP blogs are free to reblog my art and aesthetic posts but do not interact with my RPs
Allison Conway: @pcrfumebcttles
Callob Conway: @heavenlyconfectionery
Skylar Phillips: @triiiiplegoddcss
Daisy George: @brewerycknight
Barry Blaskley: @lonestar-maestro
Clementina Neroni: @seaxdevil
Louise Newton: @emeraldheiiress
Salenna Rose: @siilkthread
Romeo Moore & Juliet Blackmoore: @toxiicwcste
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homriette · 3 months ago
(Sorry if you’ve been asked this already, I just found you on my dashboard) How many magical girl ocs do you have? And do they have a story?
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Thank you so much for your question! Im sorry it took to long for me to respond
Anyway! Mainly I have these 6, they are part of a very recent project I named (temporarily) 'Convent" so they don't really have a concrete idea yet, but a collection of ideas...
So far, they are part of a cult that gave them their magical powers, and they hunt espectros (specters/ghosts) for reasons that are unknown to them. They just know it is part of their job as magical girls. You see the cross in their pupils? They have magical eyes that allow them to identify/see the espectros. They can deactivate and activate this at will ( like Dolores that doesn't have them because she is scared of espectros lol and rather not see them)
The first one I created was Isabela (Pink Magical girl) , and I want it to be a story about her discovering the secrets of the cult and job she respects so much, with the other girls being part of this.
That's pretty much it for them so far!!
As for other magical girls...I have one more named Stella! She is an idol magical girl. She was supposed to be the protag of one-shot / storybook-like project . I have been working on redesigning her tho ^^
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sailormanrahh · 8 months ago
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its always the cats...
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ncblevicartstudic · 1 year ago
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Woop! Dropped the estrogen!
Ta-da!! I made the announcement on another account I have, but I'll make it here! Here she is~!! Meet the lovely and elusive, Clementina Neroni!
I've been meaning to revamp this character for a while and she turned out great!! <3
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excuteintruders · 9 months ago
obsessed w your weird lesbians. esp ranjo la quiero tantisimo
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*thank you, pretty thing
THANK YOU ANON your words fill me with joy and strenght to continue my comic. ty for loving my girl ranjo
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rottenzombrainz · 11 days ago
Behold ... my masterpiece
Genuinely so proud of myself for how she turned out
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And hey, let's kill two birds with one stone and do a little Chiyuki lore dump!!
For those who don't know, Chiyuki is one of my tkdb ocs! She's a 3rd-year Frostheim ghoul with a curse that voids all her emotions. And ironically enough, her stigma allows her to shift emotional energy. Chiyuki enjoys (as much as she can enjoy something) fencing, tutoring others, and hairstyling!
Now for some new Chiyuki facts!!
Chiyuki had a girlfriend during her first and second years at Darkwick- a Jabberwock general student who she loved dearly. Her beloved died during The Clash (which was also around the same time she was cursed!)
Her curse is actually self-inflicted. Unable to bear the grief she felt over her girlfriend's death, Chiyuki took advantage of one of the Ultio anomalies and let it drain her of all emotional feeling.
Before The Clash, Chiyuki was a Clementina ghoul! She was a student counselor of sorts- using her stigma as well as her Clementina practices to help her troubled peers.
Despite wearing gold and silver simultaneously, Chiyuki is quite the fashionista, dressing in a fairy kei style in her free time. She may not be able to feel the joy it brings her but Chiyuki still enjoys it in her own way. and yes, this does contradict with what I said in another post regarding how she wears her uniform!
And last Chiyuki fact that I'll drop... she absolutely loves mochi!!! Once again, in her own special way. She can't exactly feel anything that comes from having a favorite food. How does Chiyuki experience love? Don't ask me. I'm too emotional to try and imagine not feeling emotions.
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