#oc: calix
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eurodynamic · 2 years ago
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BALDUR'S GATE 3 (2023) dev. Larian Studios
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plaguebirds · 3 months ago
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i cant believe they turned ordis into a marketable plushie,,,
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sh1mmer-add1ct · 1 year ago
yayy Calix content During first year so :3
sorry it’s short idk how to write.
Calix buried his head in the pillows, his eyebrows furrowed a bit. He hated valentine's day, purely because it was a reminder of his ex. The poor boy had done anything and everything to try to make it work, but the other boy cheated on him and left him.
Tears started forming in his eyes, he dreaded the damn holiday, and it was tomorrow. The way he’d practically begged his ex not to leave was..embarassing, in his mind at least. The memories weren’t the worst part, it was the fact he’d fallen in love, again. With a boy from Royal Sword Academy. There was no way anyone, especially not someone as sweet as he was, felt the same..right?
The brunette groaned, sitting up in his bed after a few moments, wiping the tears from his eyes. His head was screaming at him to get a grip, he wasn’t actually in love…was he..? No… He absolutely was though, he was infatuated. That boy he barely even really knew was the heaven and earth to him.
At least not out loud, he wouldn’t say he was in love.
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morgotts-moved · 1 year ago
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new tiefling ( ˙꒳​˙ )
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vesper-roux · 10 months ago
In Count the Valleys, Calix (transliteration: /ˈka.lɪx/; original: /ˈka.lik/) has no mouth and must scream, so he makes himself a mouth. This is the scene that convinced me to want to write the book in the first place. While I have written the prologue and bits and pieces of the rest, I've not written that scene yet. It won't ever be a secret to make a Big Reveal that Calix is undead and essentially Frankenstein's monster--the picrews I've made of him all luckily include options that make those details quite clear XD
CtV is set in fantasy!Ancient Egypt, Sixth Dynasty leading to the First Intermediate Period (not supposed to be a reflection of history, just providing context of why things are going to shit in canon--drought and famine time!). Calix is not from "Egypt," instead coming from the fantasy!Minoan civilization/Crete/Bronze Age Greece. He is a gift to the pharaoh from the king of "Crete" after they made an alliance, fought in a war together, and won.
I'm not going to explain this next bit well, so bear with me 😅. His name is reference to what he is. In canon, creatures like him are called Husks. We derive the word "chalice" from the Latin calyx (calix,-icis (s.m.III), abl. sg. calice: a cup, goblet, a drinking-vessel), and cups are a cavity (notably symbolizing a womb and women), but the name also refers to flowers (late 17th century: from Latin, from Greek kalux ‘case of a bud, husk’, related to kaluptein ‘to hide’). While I'm not intending a symbolism of flowers in the character, I don't want to deny that part either if readers want to have fun with it--also, I might change my mind about it as I write. It's more about the idea of what his existence is: does he have a soul and free choice? He was made only to be a body, but do his experiences shape him into something else? If he's made from multiple parts of other people, does trying to get back his memories from when he was alive bring back one person or multiple, and would that be the same as who he is now?
what's a cool detail about your wip that hasn't made it into the story yet? :3 tell me of your secrets
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ask-cupbros-parents · 3 months ago
Sorry for the late, it's finally done!
Merry Christmas 2024 & HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025
Calix Animi family–> ♣️ Previous ♥️ -----♠️Next♦️
Here's some design and art for the animatic
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Last year 2023...
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anawkwardgalnamedtarazan · 3 months ago
goin' up?
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Based on this (by the Cuphead Show's very own Nick Lauer!):
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imogenkol · 2 months ago
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[ template ]
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @socially-awkward-skeleton @neonshrike @inafieldofdaisies @voidika @faithchel @adelaidedrubman @simonxriley @tommyarashikage @buggknife @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa @risingsh0t @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch @d-esmond @loriane-elmuerto @shellibisshe @katsigian @captastra @simplegenius042 @theelderhazelnut @g0dspeeed @strangefable @statichvm @jacobseed @cptcassian @hexmaturgy @euryalex @auricfog @confidentandgood @raresvtm @minaharkers
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plaguebirds · 9 months ago
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@plaguebirds' operator calix. but littol.
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eurodynamic · 2 years ago
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My Chosen. My Slayer. Violence incarnate. You will become a testament in blood.
CALIX・ Wood Half-Elf ・ Dark Urge ・ Monk/Rogue
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plaguebirds · 2 years ago
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final duviri countdown like
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catsockpuppet · 15 days ago
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Do You Want A Shit Ton Of Calix Facts?
erm, ignore the doodle up there it’s normal and not relevant at all i prommy <- half lie
1. calix is caedromantic
2. his favorite song is “new god” by moonwalker
3. calix was bit by a werewolf in his teens during a very specific event. a lot of shit went down on the very same day and cal ended up hospitalized for weeks. he met radford there!
4. skid and pump know he’s a werewolf, skid will find his way to calix’s house every full moon to see him transform (but then he gets bored because calix stays home on full moons and does nothing but play drums to avoid stress an’ a transformation)
5. a transformation can be trigged by stress (anger/sadness/etc.) but the further he is from a full moon the less calix can transform! when the moon is barely visible calix can’t transform whatsoever (he likes going out an partying on those days)
6. calix refused to drink or smoke, but he does take edibles sometimes..sometimes. only really when he’s hanging out with ethan
7. calix wears almost exclusively loose tank tops and shorts in case he transforms (other clothes would rip or just be really uncomfortable). cal doesn’t actually like showing much skin though, he wears a jacket sometimes when he’s really uncomfortable
8. he’s suuuchh a pussy about getting sick (/pos). he’ll curl up in blankets and just shiver and only gets up when patty brings him soup
9. he pretty much lives in patty’s basement, his ‘bedroom’ is down there (he sleeps on a couch)
10. calix cannot sleep on a bed ever since his little canon event. if you asked him he’d say the worst part about the hospital was having to sleep in those beds RIGHT AFTER the incident
11. he dropped out of high school, it was too much added stress onto the lycanthropy
12. his lycanthropy is supposed to kinda represent disability but even w/out the lycanthropy he’d be disabled
13. his hair is lighter than patty’s because he bleaches it <3
14. calix tries not to talk about himself or his life because he feels like he’ll hurt people if they get too close (“don’t stare at the sun [ you won’t like what you see ]”)
15. ^ that little quote i made up encapsulates a lot of calix’s character, actually.
16. he likes grapes a lot
17. calix gardens! he loves plants. patty has a few flowers around the house that he takes care of
18. he hasn’t entered his old bedroom since before his hospitalization. patty went in once to grab a few of his clothes and bring them down to the basement but otherwise they don’t go in.
19. ^ patty payed robert $200 to empty the room for her and box everything up. she donated everything in there (and let robert take some of calix’s old games)
OKAY. UNDER THE CUT TIME BC I WANNA TALK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM (tws: violence, underage drinkinh, overdose)
calix got into a bad group when he was a teen. patty wasn’t home oneday and he had a friend sneak in to hang out. they were older and got access to alcohol (something calix had been kind of desensitized by now, he’d also picked up smoking) so the two were drinking an’ just kind of hanging out until the friend attacked him. that’s where he got bit and the lycanthropy didn’t reveal itself for a few more weeks but calix was really injured from the attack+he’d had a bit too much to drink by now. calix only really remembers passing out in his bed and waking up in a hospital bed with patty sitting next to him
20. calix doesn’t enjoy showing skin because he has a subconscious fear of getting bit again
21. he doesn’t touch any substances because of what happened
22. not related to all this but i forgot to mention that patty had calix in her 20s while she was in college, she’s a single mother.
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tomasitaoficial · 6 months ago
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vesper-roux · 7 months ago
Height Comparison Tag Game
Nicking this from @author-a-holmes [HERE]
Tagging: Anyone and everyone who sees this post and has OCs. If I can do it from an open tag, so can you. :) Let me see.
Link to the Height Comparison Website
How To Play: List the heights of your OCs, add any notes you'd like, and make a chart
I'm personally going to do multiple WIPs, limiting it to the MCs/some major characters. I also listed them from shortest to tallest in their respective WIPs.
It'll get long, so it's under the cut
Willow: 5' / 152 cm. The shortest of the bunch and short by overall cultural standards. Where does it come from? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (It's because the only reason Will continues to live is because of vis life/energy stealing ability) Will doesn't care most of the time; ve's nimble and can stealth more easily because of it.
Asche: 5'7" / 170 cm. Given her ethnicity is coded to be Yamato Japanese and Thai, she's taller than average, but to most around her, she is average height. She's also got some Dutch in there (I know the spelling of her name is German; listen to the Dutch pronunciation of ash ['as'] for an explanation).
(Not a MC but still important) Sawyer: 5'9" / 175 cm. She does appreciate the qualities she has that she can use to command more respect from people. Her height is one of them, though she's not exactly tall. Again, like Asche, she is coded to be of Han Chinese (and English) descent, so by that metric, she is tall.
Rhys: 5'11" / 180 cm. He's pretty average in height, not really something he or anyone thinks about. He's perfect to be the guy you don't want people paying attention to... as long as you hide his owl-eyed baby face and get him to shut up.
(Not a MC but still important) Klaus: 6'2" / 188 cm. What better than to have a tall, strong built man for a warrior king? He's so well coifed, you'd think he had work done to his legs to make him fit his role this well (he didn't).
Galen: 6'7" / 200 cm. It's lucky Galen doesn't know who his parents are. He can keep it in his head his height is thanks to genetics because it sure wasn't from nutrition. He wasn't starving, he always found a way to keep himself fed, but there wasn't security.
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Count the Valleys
While CtV isn't supposed to be historical fantasy, be set in the real world, and reflect history, I'm still using time period and ethnicity as basis for these characters.
Ashira: 5'2" / 157 cm. Average height for a Semitic woman of the Bronze Age. Ashira may be a lone wanderer in the desert, but she has many ways of taking care of herself, be it magical or practical. Mostly it's because she shapes herself into a wolf part of a pack.
Shai: 5'6" / 168 cm. Complete average height for an Egyptian/Semitic man of the Bronze Age. He's been taken care of since birth by priests for the belief he's a seer, so he's never been in want... until...
Anai: 5'8" / 173 cm. Above average height for a Nubian woman of the Bronze Age. She's a warrior, and though like a specialized sport sifting out less compatible body types, work does craft one into what they seek. She's carved out a life that suits her, and it shows.
Calix: 6'8" / 203 cm. Obviously the most realistic height of any ethnicity in any point of history, especially a Minoan! Calix is essentially Frankenstein's monster, being made from multiple people's bodies for the specific purpose to protect and serve royalty. Why wouldn't they make him and those like him huge when mural visual hierarchy uses size to depict things like power?
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The Man in the Moon is a Stranger
Tricksy: 5'1" / 155 cm. This is their natural height. Trick is legally homeless and a paranoid shut-in who refuses to install any cybernetics into their body or technology that cannot be destroyed within a moment's notice in or around their hut. I haven't decided whether they're a minor or a young adult yet. Inspired by Ed from Cowboy Bebop.
Dove: 5'3" / 160 cm. It will forever annoy her that her little sister is taller than her, even if it's just by an inch. Or... was. Bugs' head is practically a helmet with bunny ears on it now, but she was finished growing by time she got that. Dove knows she can get an enhancement to change that, but that's not the point, dammit!
Bugs: 5'4" / 162.5 cm. Bugs doesn't have the smugness about being naturally taller than her older sister that Dove expects of her. She thinks it's funny if only because of Dove's obsession with coming across as intimidating, going so far as to install muscle enhancements, though Dove refuses to make herself taller.
Mojo: 5'7.7" / 172 cm. Mojo's all about being real with it. He's had cyber enhancements, but he's not going to change his height. He's ethnically Igbo, so he's average to his people.
Katsura: 5'9" / 175 cm. He's had many installments in his body but none so invasive as to change his height. Aside from Tricksy, he's the most natural one of the ensemble, shown in his name being his legal family name, not a code name.
L: 5'10" / 178 cm. While there's not much about L that is natural anymore, she didn't change her height because she's happy with it. Like with Katsura's name being his actual one, 'L' is a code name but is also her chosen name 🏳️‍⚧️
Cosmo: 6'2" / 188 cm. This is her natural height, and anyone who says otherwise doesn't know shit or is lying from their ass. She likes to work on a skill naturally first then get enhancements to make that skill even better.
Quill: 6'6" / 198 cm. This is not his natural height. He's had many cybernetic enhancements, and making his spine and legs more powerful and longer are some of them.
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Untitled All-Female-Lead Shounen-type Story
Sen: 5'2" / 157 cm. Sen has never been the strongest physically or focused on strength, despite her devious and criminal lifestyle, so she's quite happy with her height.
Faye: 5'4" / 162 cm. If ever she feels bad about her height, she can shapeshift. It's not painless, and it requires some concentration to do keep it up, but she can do it. She doesn't do it much.
(Not MC but major character) Song: 5'5" / 165 cm. What full spellcaster is required to be tall?
Inzali: 5'6" / 167 cm. She's a bit taller than she thinks is fit for her profession, but she makes it work and wouldn't change it now that she knows how to work with it.
(Not MC but major character) Ardavast: 5'7" / 170 cm. Despite knowing how to make ends meet, living on the streets has taken a toll. Not much to his height, but it's there. He doesn't mind. People don't see him as a threat, and that's good for him.
Cirin: 6' / 182 cm. Well-fed, well-dressed, well-trained. Of course, she's above average height even for her family, but she loves it and takes it as yet another point of pride.
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maruchanart · 2 years ago
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“Meeting Again”
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ask-cupbros-parents · 5 months ago
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: ✩ Father and son bonding time.˖°𓇼 ๋࣭  ࣪
The blue chairs photo was taken by me.
Calix Animi family–>> ♣️ Previous ♥️ -----♠️Next♦️
( The posts of this family series are not in story order )
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