#oc: bif
20s-turtle-posting · 2 years
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hi erm,,,, i made an utrom oc and now he’s Donny’s qpp. sorry.
actually no im not i am so obsessed with them
aer name is Bf’Kel’re, Bif or Kel’re for short (Don is basically the only one who calls him Kel’re after Mikey came up with the nickname Bif). Also!! I don't know how well it comes across in these doodles but Don is like,, late 20s when he meets Bif and by the time theyr like "yea ig let's stay together 5ever" he's early to mid 30s
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u can play with nir proportions as u see fit ne is literally built like a wad of bubblegum
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burnt-cookii · 1 day
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pagib1g · 7 months
FUCK you (turns you into little animal crossing critters)
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theblackmoonart · 4 months
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Jimmy is jealous 🫢
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crownedcrowrow · 2 years
I love Bif too much to not draw them again. Bif belongs to the very kind @20s-turtle-posting !!!
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nickstarking · 21 days
(Trent Northwick x My preppie/nerd male oc - Random quotes)
Jadieu Fern: That's cool Trent, thank you for being so nice to me on the visit and introducing me to the school you go to, Bullworth, and by the way I thought this boxing ring here was really interesting.
Trent Northwick: You're welcome, i never thought I'd be friends with a rich boy before, it's such a new friendship for me.
Jadieu Fern: It doesn't really matter right? Just because I have money doesn't mean I would discriminate against you.
Trent Northwick: Yes, but here in Bullworth it's a bit different.....
Well, continuing the tour, this is where we're going to stop these idiots from thinking too much of themselves! *gives him a carton of eggs to hold*
Jadieu Fern: What do you mean? *holding the carton of eggs without understanding anything*
Trent Northwick: Hey preppies! Take it! *Throws egg*
Jadieu: Hey, I'm preppie too. *feeling offended*
Trent: *throws more eggs at the preppies' boxing gym* suckers!
*starts a fight*
Jadieu Fern: AHHHHHHH!
*Panicking in the midst of chaos*
Chad Morris: *tries to punch him*
Jadieu Fern: *ducks down and dodges, causing Chad to accidentally punch another member of his own clique*
*Chaos and destruction*
Jadieu Fern: How absurd! I am totally against violence! Look at my hair, be careful with my hair, if someone hits my hair........
Gord Vendome: *hits him*
Jadieu Fern: Son of a bitch! You got my hair dirty! Very well, that's what you want, that's what you're going to have *raises the sleeves of his clothes and goes up, easily punching him*
Trent Northwick: *gets distracted by Jadieu* Wow, how sexy.
Bif Taylor: *appears and knocks down Trent who is easily distracted*
Trent Northwick: *whining* Don't let any girl see me like this.
Jadieu Fern: *grabs a pedestrian and throws it at Gord* DAMN IT! YOU DIRTY MY HAIR!
The pedestrian: HELP!
Gord Vendome: My father's lawyer will hear about this!
Jadieu Fern: *grabs a random skateboard and runs after Bif Taylor* THIS IS FOR HITTING MY FRIEND! FUCK YOUR BOXING!!!!! *Tries to hit him with the skateboard*
Jimmy Hopkins: Where's my skateboard?
Jadieu: I HATE EVERYONE! FOR DIRTYING MY CLOTHES AND HAIR! *Throws an old woman at the preppies and then a bicycle*
Jimmy Hopkins: Where's my bike?
Peanut Romano: There's a preppie here on our territory!
Jadieu Fern: *panting after running a lot and getting lost, resting his back against the wall*
Jadieu Fern: Shut up boy! I'm not from any group here!
Peanut Romano: Are you sure you're not preppy?
Jadieu Fern: In fact, I need to return the bike and skateboard back to that short, ugly bald guy who somehow manages to be strangely charming without saying anything.
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transjemder · 11 months
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bif and carrietta being cold together season
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seconds-2-midnight · 1 year
Concept: Hazel has no idea that Snake’s nose is so goddamn big until she tries to go in for a quick surprise smooch and almost pokes one of her eyes out.
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bugstung · 2 years
Having an hyperfixation is fun until I realize what I could do if I wasn't so obsessed with only one thing and one thing only
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writer86 · 5 months
More adventures with Selene Windcaller coming up!
Getting out of the first room turns out to be easy - there’s only one door. The next appears to be a workspace of some sort, complete with a desk and a number of rune slates, one of which contains the schematics for the Nautloid itself - as much living being as ship.
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Selene finds it odd to be fascinated by her surroundings, but she can’t help herself. This is uncharted territory where she’s concerned, and that’s become a much rarer find with nearly six hundred years behind her. She knows she should be moving more quickly, but…
We are here - here! We are trapped. Help us! Release us!
A gentle, frightened voice calls out, and Selene will answer. But what she finds on the second level comes as something of a surprise:
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Yes! You’ve come to save us from this place, from this place you’ll free us!
*The exposed brain quivers in expectation.*
Please, before they return. They return.
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[Intelligence: Arcana] Fail.
Selene is utterly baffled as she studies the sight before her; has she ever heard of a creature like this before? If she has, it’s been so long she’s forgotten it.
“Who am I talking to - a man or a brain?” she wonders aloud.
The creature answers within her mind, and she dimly realizes that’s how it’s been speaking this whole time: A newborn. Born new from this husk.
That, Selene decides, answers a question and raises a new one: the man she hoped to help is dead - but what of this creature? Admittedly, the chances of finding something docile and friendly on an Illithid Nautloid seems… unlikely. Still, she must ask:
“You sound afraid. Why?”
It answers: The enemy. So many enemies.
Which doesn’t do much to clarify if the creature itself is friend or foe. With a faint sigh, she presses, “I think you’re past the point of saving. Tell me what to do.”
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Remove us from this body - from this case free us. Please!
Selene has carried out a number of very strange conversations in her time on Toril, but this, she thinks must certainly rank among the strangest. She is speaking to… a brain with a mind of its own? And it wants to be free. How exactly it can live apart from its former host, she isn’t sure, but if there’s a way…
[Investigation] Inspect the exposed brain. Success.
*You notice oedema - a swelling of the brain causing pressure where it strains against the shell of the skull.*
[Medicine] Attempt a cerebral extraction, staying mindful of the swelling. Success.
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*The brain lifts from the skull, but you notice an opportunity - you could cripple the strange creature, making it more subservient should it prove a threat.*
Admittedly, the thought does cross Selene’s mind - she doesn’t know what this thing is, not exactly. But she’s helped it along this far - she may as well see what comes of it now.
Spare the creature - any injuries might weaken it.
Thus far, it seems to be the right choice. The brain falls to the ground, then sprouts legs and tendrils. She stares at it, curious to know what it will do next. It does not disappoint.
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Our freedom is ours. Friend!
She never thought a brain could be so adorable, but then -
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*The creature pauses, listening. Something behind your eye seizes in recognition.*
So it is an Illithid creature, she realizes with a start. She’s about ready to attack when it speaks again: We must go to the helm. At the helm we are needed.
Curious. The creature does not regard her as a threat in spite of the fact that she should be. Not a threat: friend. And a needed one, at that.
“What’s at the helm?”
*The brain tenses, as though querying an unseen advisor.*
Do you not hear it? We will not survive here. We are needed to navigate - we are needed to leave this realm.
Selene doubts she’d know what to do once she got there, but perhaps the brain has a clearer idea that she ever will. Admittedly, it is a newborn. Then again, in a way, so is she, with the tadpole now stuck firmly behind her eye. Perhaps she’ll experience a fit of clarity when they reach the helm.
“What should I call you?” she asks.
Us. We are us.
It’s about as clear as anything else it’s said. She nods firmly and says, “All right. Let’s go.”
Us is excited about that: To the helm we go! We are going to the helm!
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redninjaoutfit · 29 days
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My Bully OC - Colt De Luca
(template by @jimothy-hopkins)
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In-game appearance ^
As you can probably guess by his last name, Colt is the younger brother of Lucky De Luca.
I recently rewatched The Outsiders and couldn't help but feel inspired to create an OC based off of Ponyboy. Since Lucky bears such a striking resemblence to Darry in terms of personality I made Colt Lucky's brother.
Some facts about Colt:
"Little brother" of the Greasers (hates the title and their over-protectiveness)
Sensitive, doesn't like fighting but definitely won't back down from it if the can't talk his way out of trouble
Hero complex with no sense of self-preservation, would lose a limb for a stranger
Artistically gifted, loves painting even if it makes him look nerdy
Best friends with Lefty since childhood
Great friends with Parker and almost considered a friend by Bif (whom he admires) unbeknownst to his own clique. Doesn't want to be seen as a traitor but hates the rivalry between the Preps and the Greasers
Despises the Jocks
Some quotes cause I like imagining him in the game!!
"Wanna hang out later? I think I've got some spare canvases." "We don't gotta fight big man, we're better than that!" "That sunset yesterday was beautiful, wish I'd captured it but oh well." "If I spill paint in my pocket one more time bro's gonna have my head." "Why won't Luck lay off me? It was just one cigarette!" "I heard the new kid's trying to unite the cliques. About damn time, I'm tired of having to sneak into Harrington House." "Those roid monkeys make me sick, one day they'll pay for what they've done to me."
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toikeytoos · 3 months
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My oc
The model was bif
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gobullworth · 7 days
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template by @jimothy-hopkins you are a life saver
hi here’s my bully oc janette speagle :-) she’s a preppie
some info/fun facts about her:
- VERY clumsy, spills things onto other people and bumps into others a lot. other than that she’s pretty poised and “perfect”
- besties with justin and bif, has a crush on pinky
- lesbian #pridewin
- father owns a paper company, doesn’t shut up about the quality of the paper and how great it is
- british
- only listens to classical music and won’t listen to anything else
- LOVES to gossip, very terrible about keeping secrets
- does ballet in her free time
full image of her under cut
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pagib1g · 6 months
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yeah ok jumped on the @jimothy-hopkins oc template bandwagon late but #BOOM mimi info! and misc doodles! plus some more stuff about xem under the cut
finally broke my years-long streak of making my sonas non-clique lol. xe's a part of the nerds now because i'd be clocked as a lame ass geek unfortunately. xe is usually the cleric during the gang's G&G sessions.
xe's very irresponsible for a nerd though. xe's the type to do their homework last minute and is easily tempted into giving up when xe doesn't immediately master something. most STEM disciplines are also lost on them, but they're excellent at humanities and art.
is mostly considered a nerd because xe is obsessed with computer games and knowledge no one cares about. will talk your ear off about fnaf sims 2 lore. the type of person to make their current irl crush in the sims and have their own sim marry them.
good friends with cornelius and beatrice, and on amicable terms with the rest of their clique (algernon has somewhat latched on to them as a guiding figure because xe is his senior and is very kind towards him). xe doesn't really respect earnest though (xe hides it to keep the peace).
mostly keeps their nose out of clique politics and is only enemies with the jocks (and the bullies) via association. they're so non-offensive that they're hardly registered as a viable target.
cares a lot about hygiene and appearance and tries to influence certain cliquemates to do the same. on that they actually do have to wear glasses, though they ditched that for a pair of contact lenses (they thought they looked better without them).
the most "normie" guy in the group. because of this (and their seniority), sometimes their cliquemates will turn to them for advice on typical teen stuff like dating. they really aren't THAT experienced (just observant), though they're a decent advisor and mediator.
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gordismybabygirl · 2 months
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Another Bully OC
Name: Oliver Bonville
Age: 17 (Junior)
Birthday: 7 May
Height: 5’10
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Clique: Preps
Hobbies: Boxing, reading
Favourite class: Biology, Art
Oliver is a calm boy from a rich family. He is not arrogant like other preps. Deep down, he despises the values of rich people. However, in order not to lose his reputation and not be rejected by his prep friends, he has to maintain the image of a cynical snob.
Despite the general calmness, Oliver is able to lose his temper and be aggressive, especially when someone touches his friends. He is engaged in boxing, like the rest of the preppies, and despite the fact that he is against violence in general, he does not disdain to use it.
He is Mary's (my other OC) second cousin, boy is quite close to her, in particular due to the fact that they were a little similar, he really saw her as a native person.
Oliver doesn't pay much attention to this, but he's a little awkward with girls. The only female he normally contacts is Mary, but he knew that she was very different from other girls and could understand her.
He has a pretty good relationship with Parker and Bryce. Sometimes he enjoys spending time with Gord (Oliver is secretly in love with him, but is afraid to admit it to him). He also has feelings for Pinky and sincerely wishes she was his cousin.
He doesn't have much contact with other students, trying to stay on the side of the preps (in fact, he was afraid that he would like to spend time with those who are poorer than him). In addition, he had other reasons for this - he could not stand Bullies as well as Jocks, considering them aggressive and stupid, he “visually” despises and hates Greasers, he considered Nerds losers, but at the same time he felt sorry for them. He didn't even come across the Townies.
“Pinky is so sweet and beautiful. I wonder if she'll like me. Should I change something about myself?”
“I can't understand what was it about Lola that Gord fell in love with her? He could have found someone better. Thank God their romance didn't last long!”
“Sometimes it seems to me that my parents don't like me. Maybe I'm not a good enough son, not living up to their expectations”
“Poor people… they're not as bad as daddy told me.”
“I've always wondered what other girls smell like… Mary usually smells like roses. Maybe the other girls smell the same?”
“Greasers think they're really tough… How pathetic and stupid, ha ha!”
“Why do the students at Bullworth like to fight each other so much? It's like there's nothing else to do.”
“This new kid Hopkins beat Bif… It really shocked me.”
“Lola and Johnny's drama is stupid… That's what happens when you date the wrong girl.”
“I wonder if there is such a beautiful clothing brand in the world as Aquaberry? I think not.”
“If other preps find out that I would like to spend time with poor people... I will not survive this shame.”
“I'm cool because I'm rich!”
“Someday Pinky will see in me the man she loves! Someday!”
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merkava58 · 1 month
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Wanted to post about my own OC, but I don’t have the artistic sim trait. Thank you @bifs for drawinggggg 😭🙏🙏🙏
Her name is Belle Ngam and she’s apart of the greaserrrrsss. She’s 16 going 17, and lives with her mum (her parents are divorced)
- Fell in love with Peanut after frequenting the bike races for fun
- Never intended to be part of the greasers, just naturally happened from hanging around Peanut so often
- Loves to partayy
- Drinks and smokes (that’s a given)
- Isn’t exactly enemies with Lola, but aren’t best friends either
- Fave class is geography (wants to travel but she too broke)
- Super laid back (doesn’t care about much)
- Can come across as passive aggressive
- Won’t bother to try and fix any issues unless she really cares for the person she’s beefing with
- Tries her best to keep out of trouble
- Will defend her friends and clique members at any chance
- Always gets warnings from prefects because of her willingness to fight (and her past fights)
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