#oc: archer ~ pollux
blazefirefox · 3 months
Dreams of an Insomniac Voice Claims Part 2: The Important OCs
[yeah re-uploading this video because it wasn't showing up in any of the tags for some reason, and I spent too long on this for it to flop this hard, so putting it up again!]
wowie, voice claims? part 2? can't believe it. So yeah, this is the sequel to my doai voice claims about a month ago, except with some of my OCs, so hopefully this doesn't flop! (please god no). I decided I'll make an extra video between this and the last video with the rest of my little guys dedicated to some of the other doaiblrina's ocs and some other guys that are special cases :].
since these are ocs, I should probably explain them:
Jinx (middle stage) - the point where Jinx could finally gain some traits of her own, and where her appetite for humans became harder to ignore
Jinx - self explanatory, she's my main blorbo; this form was the result of her consuming Clarisse (who we'll get to later)
Barbara Collier-Rhodes - widow; lady Barbara consumed
Barbara - Jinx's original partner; mostly went for those in mourning, but tried not to consume humans when she could
Mollie - one of the twins made from when a single piece of veldi goop consumed a pair of twins, the brains of her trio, and the most unpredictable (note: there are two vc's for her because 1) cheelai and larxene sound similar and 2) they both fit mollie, so yeah)
Archer - same origins as Mollie, a bit of a dumbass, and a slightly better hunter than his sister; both live for the hunt rather than the feast
Warren (originally named Marxus) - completes the trio with Archer and Mollie; has the patience of a god im jealous of them, and one of the only veldigun the twins would willingly listen to
Clarisse von Arnham - the lead huntress for the Lankmann Foundation; has been there since long before the foundation was known by the public and was the one who captured Winfrey, but met her end when Jinx both devoured her mind and consumed her actual body
as always, please ask questions!
special thanks to @mapalssyrup for being my emotional support through this and in general lol
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liquidstar · 3 years
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After some deliberation I decided to actually post my zodiac inspired OCs! tried my best to make all the flaws their powers are based on represent the traits associated with the sign or the mythology in some way. The only important note I have before going into this is that all the zodiac characters are knights, not members of the main guild. More info about them under the cut!
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Name: Aries 
Name origin: The ecliptic constellation, the ram
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 29
Rank: Zodiac knight 
Weapon: Shepherd's crook
Ethos (Power): Charge
(She can charge at things with incredible speed in one burst, she's invincible in this state)
Flaw power is based on: Her short temper, how easily she gets frustrated and charges into things
Notes: An unstoppable object
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Name: Taurus
Name origin: The ecliptic constellation, the bull
Age: 51
Rank: Zodiac knight 
Weapon: Shield 
Ethos (Power): Armor (The ability to generate a metallic substance over his body as a shield)
Flaw power is based on: His obsession with being a protector, to the point that it blinds him to other things
Notes: An immovable force.
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Names: Pollux and Castor
Name origin: The most prominent stars in the ecliptic constellation, Gemini. Named after the mythical twins.
Pronouns: They/them, they/them
Age: 22
Rank: Zodiac knight 
Weapon: Maces 
Ethos (Power): Twin telepathy (they can communicate telepathically, but only with each other)
Flaw power is based on: Their codependency 
Notes: Remember Pollux wears more Purple, and Castor is going to Castrate you
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Name: Cancer 
Name origin: The ecliptic constellation, the crab 
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 28
Rank: Zodiac knight 
Weapon: Armor 
Ethos (Power): Carcinogen (the ability to sense emotions on others, as well as force an emotional connection between people)
Flaw power is based on: His hyperempathy and sensitivity 
Notes: Marylander pride #Crab
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Name: Leo
Name origin: The ecliptic constellation, the lion
Pronouns: He/him 
Age: 29
Rank: Zodiac knight
Weapon: Claws 
Ethos (Power): Predator (the ability to search and scan an entire battleground, or even specific person and analyze their weaknesses)
Flaw power is based on: His over-analytical and methodical nature
Notes: He doesn't look the fighting type, but lions are still apex predators
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Name: Virgo 
Name origin: The ecliptic constellation, the maiden
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 39
Rank: Zodiac knight
Weapon: Fans
Ethos (Power): Divinity (The ability to float and control the wind with her fans)
Flaw power is based on: Her condescending, holier-than-thou attitude
Notes: She also has a lot of fans. The other kind of fans. Like an idol (A madonna)
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Name: Libra
Name origin: The ecliptic constellation, the scales
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 29
Rank: Zodiac knight
Weapon: Twin scale flails 
Ethos (Power): Balance (Control over weight and gravity with the scales)
Flaw power is based on: Her authoritarian execution of justice and balance 
Notes: Symmetry-based OCD haver 
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Name: Scorpio
Name origin: The ecliptic constellation, the scorpion 
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 34
Rank: Zodiac knight
Weapon: Gauntlets
Ethos (Power): Sting (Poison carried through her tail) 
Flaw power is based on: Her subtly manipulative, “poisonous” tendencies 
Notes: She prefers using her fists before resorting to the poison, but she won't hesitate to 
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Name: Ophiuchus (Fifi)
Name origin: The honorary ecliptic constellation, the serpent-bearer
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 17
Rank: Squire 
Weapon: Staff 
Ethos (Power): Ameliorate (very powerful healing, but completely ineffective on herself)
Flaw power is based on: her feelings of inadequacy, and desire to lift others over herself
Notes: She tags along with the main knights just enough to be an honorary member, due to her status as an incredible healer
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Name: Sagittarius 
Name origin: The ecliptic constellation, the archer 
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 30
Rank: Zodiac knight 
Weapon: Bow and arrows 
Ethos (Power): Ambition (Perfect aim)
Flaw power is based on: His perfectionism
Notes: He's very stern on himself, but lenient with others. He can have fun too still
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Name: Capricorn 
Name origin: The ecliptic constellation, the sea goat 
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 61
Rank: Zodiac knight
Weapon: Halberd
Ethos (Power): Nostalgia (the ability to control people's perceptions of time)
Flaw power is based on:
Notes: Greatest of all time (This is a pun twice)
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Name: Aquarius 
Name origin: The ecliptic constellation, the water-bearer
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 36
Rank: Zodiac knight
Weapon: Urn
Ethos (Power): Doldrum (creation and manipulation of water from the air, collected in her urn)
Flaw power is based on: Her gloominess
Notes: Maybe the urn itself is a bit of a downer?
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Name: Pisces
Name origin: The ecliptic constellation, the fish
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 24
Rank: Zodiac knight
Weapon: Fishing rod 
Ethos (Power): Back-cast (The ability to latch onto anything with her fish-hook)
Flaw power is based on: Her clinginess 
Notes: Found Nemo!
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What if... The group had a tragic ending, where they get invaded?
These are my predictions on the ending of what happens if my OCs were invaded by a strong force. So here they are:
Kevin ‘187′ Xu - Fallen Arctic Dragon Prince Kevin was killed while protecting his loved ones, but even though he tried his hardest, he made no success due to fire and electric magic. He his body was retrieved and was buried by a beach.
Neva Yi - Dedicated Depressed Arctic Dragon Princess Upon hearing and seeing Kevin’s body. Neva tried her hardest to save Kevin, but to no avail. She was depressed for a year, but she changed when she decided to make Kevin proud. Even though she became a new leader of the group, she remains sadden.
David ‘286′ Taylor - Disabled Wolf General David lost his ability of walking when he was hit on his back. He managed to crawl his way back to safety, where he saw the destruction of his home base. He remains in a wheel chair, where he often stares out into the ocean, remembering his happiest times.
‘Silent’ - The Missing Lancer Archer Silent disappeared when he was sent off to snipe the invading forces, which is the last time the group saw him. The group had presumed he was dead, but there was rumours about a familiar boy in a village.
Tech - Scrapped Mimic Mage Tech’s artificial body was damaged badly that it was unfixable, so the group decided to shut him down for good. Tech’s last words before he was shut down was “I want to see my parents…”
Tasitr - Trapped Shadow Guardian When Kevin died, he tried to defend the invaders from coming into their home base, but the leader managed to suck him into a music box, where he remains trapped.
Cyndi Xu - Fallen Shinobi Cyndi died from a fatal wound on her chest from a spear. When she was retrieved, she had a wish written on a paper. Written on the paper, she wanted to be buried next to her son, Kevin, and she had always loved Ecric. She was buried next to Kevin.
Ecric Tachi - Fallen Emperor Ecric managed to take out all the invaders, but it had costed his life and died from a poison arrow on his stomach. The last thing he saw was Cyndi’s body with the note, he gently hugged Cyndi before he died. He was buried next to Cyndi.
Davra Eldon - Fallen Engineer He was killed when he was protecting Celeste and Arvid by an hidden arrow from his very own brother. His last words to Celeste and Arvid was to run away to safety. He was buried next to Kevin.
Castor - Fallen Hero Castor was killed from an axe that had dismembered arm and legs. He cried when he saw his brother, Pollux, crying and in fury. His last words to Pollux were “We’ll meet again… I’m sorry…”. He was buried next to Davra.
Pollux ‘Relvan’ Gemmi - Changed Great Knight Upon seeing the death of his brother, he had killed many invaders, even the ones that where showing mercy. He changed and trained harder in order to protect his friends.
Youko ‘Sunset’ Bright - Fallen Paladin He managed to protect his sister before he was killed from a gang of invaders, which he had killed too. He managed to comfort his sister before he died. He was buried next to Ecric.
Akiko ‘Sunrise’ Bright - Morning Cleric Despite of Youko’s comforting her and her fallen younger brother, she still took their death hard. She helped the recovery of the remaining group, and remained kind, but cold in some time. The remaining groups always see sadness in her eyes.
Dralin Kang - Monk Leader Upon hearing what had happened to the group, he decided to assist the remaining group and he eventually became the new leader of their group. He carried the heavy burden of his fallen pupil.
Nariko Levina - Kidnapped Dancer Nariko was last seen assisting Silent before she disappeared. The group thought she was dead but there was rumours of the same half dragon is being forced to do love making with the invader’s monarch.
Arvid Erebus - Traumatised Dark Mage Arvid cried and was traumatised when he saw the bodies of his loved one. He started to learn more and more dark magic so he can protect his loved one. He started to noticed his scales falling off of him. He cannot sleep due to the images of his dead friends.
Celeste - Dedicated Blood Mage Although she took the news of her friends’ death hard, she devoted herself to be more powerful so she can protect her friends because she didn’t want to loose her loved one for the third time.
Zartox - Fallen Toxic Dragon Upon smelling the blood of Kevin, he went up in fury to avenge the one that had raised him. He was shot down from a volley of arrows. His body was found and the group decided to bury him with Kevin.
Pyro and Frost - Fallen Twin Headed Dragon Upon seeing Zartox flying away, they decided to fly with him because they never seen him like this. Pyro and Frost saw the death of Zartox and defended it until they were killed. Their body couldn’t be retrieved due to being missing, but a monument was built for them.
Kallisi - Wandering Depressed Water Dragon She was ordered to flee from the mansion when they were attacked, so she fled from her only home and watched in horror as she witness what was happening. She whistles a sad tune underwater when she is swimming.
Glow - Wandering Neon Dragon When he came back, he noticed all his friends were either injured or dead. The worse thing he found out was that Kallisi went missing. Even though he was mean to her, he had a strong crush on her. He flies over the ocean to find Kallisi.
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standbymegauloader · 7 years
Summary + Main Characters Profile of My ‘OC Super Sentai’, S3
Finally, after a long awaiting, i decide to post some information about my OC series, SS Project.
So, shortly, this series about Super Sentai that i created since 2015. This project so far consist of ten Super Sentai with different story and characters that still connected each other. Each series i give codename since i can’t decided their Sentai name, like S1, S2, S3, S4, till S10. 
The main reason i choose to publish S3 first because S3 shares same ‘space plus constellation’ theme with Kyuranger, offical Super Sentai series that now running.
Here we go.
Summary :
In the edge of Milky Way, there is a system like solar system. It’s a peaceful system with nine planets, one ancient planet, and unknown force that protect this system from any invaders. But no one know, the unbalance of light and darkness start making both destroying each other.
Main Characters :
Bright Side :
Aquarius => His name is Fortuna. Taken from Latin translation of Sadalsuud, Lucida Fortuna Fortunarum, brightest star of Aquarius Constellation. The leader of the Bright Side team. He is kind, calm, and very responsible. Sometimes he can be so naive. He also afraid of blood. He controlled water. His color is Red.
Aries => He is Hamal. His name is taken from brightest star of Aries Constellation. Second-in-command, acted as a close and trusted friend to Fortuna. While seemingly quiet, he actually a talkative and moody person. He really believed in God and a religion existence. He controlled metals. His color is Gold.
Virgo => Her name is Spica. Taken from Virgo Constellation’s brightest star. She is very polite, patient, and mature. She really cared about her comrades. She also acted as older sister toward Astra. Her power is holy light, which can be used as attack or to healing someone. Her color is Pink.
Leo => His name is Rex. Taken from variation name of Leo Constellation brightest star, Regulus. The youngest of the team. Growed up with native tribe, he has great instinct. He is calm yet very optimistic person with strong believe to save people. He controlled red fire. His color is Crimson.
Libra => She is Astra. Taken from Goddess name that related to Libra Constellation, Astraea. She is an energetic and easy-going person. While controlled wind, she actually more into controlled the nature. Nature saided as balance of the world, so her power is a representation of Libra’s symbol as balance. Her color is Green.
Gemini => He is Callux, Taken from combination of Gemini Constellation two brightest stars name, Callux and Pollux. He is a soft-hearted and a bit clumsy person. But deep inside, he actually has a double personality issue because of his past.  He controlled basic light, usually used to attack as laser. His color is White, and later Black.
Dark Side :
Sagittarius => His name is Silon. Taken from Sagittarius Constellation’s brightest star, Epsilon Sagittarii. De facto leader of Dark Side. While he seems friendly, full of spirit, and kind-hearted, deep inside he is just like his teammates; heartless. He also likes to played with females and seduced them. His power is blue fire. Like his zodiac symbol, he also a skilled archer. His color is Navy.
Capricorn => Her name is Nashira. Taken from traditional name of Capricorn Constellation’s brightest star, Nashira. Quiet, serious, and cold person. She is a suspicious person and hard to trust others, even her own teammates. A skilled fighter. She hated how woman only treated as tool and man-service. Her power is cold and ice. Her color is White.
Taurus => He is Baran. His name is taken from brightest star of Taurus Constellation, Aldebaran. He is cold, brute, and merciless person. He hated anything about feelings, compassion, and justice so much. He has superhuman strength and enchanced stamina. His color is Purple.
Scorpio => He is Tares. His name taken from brightest star of Scorpio Constellation, Antares. He is a calm, soft, and very polite person. But actually, he is the scariest person in Dark Side; manipulative, sadist, and obsessive. He likes to tortured someone mentally and doing mind games. His power is poison. His color is Gray.
Cancer => His name is Altarf. Taken from the traditional name of Cancer Constellation’s brightest star, Al Tarf. Sadist, rude, and cunning. He likes to tortured someone physically. Despite that, he surprisingly also a funny, arrogant, and childish person. He can hardened his skin and can’t be crushed by anything. He also armed with sharp pincer on his right hand. His color is Orange.
Pisces => She is Rischa. Her name is taken from the traditional name of brightest star of Pisces Constellation, Al Rischa. Cynical, temperament, and remorseless person. Former member of Bright Side. She hated how naive and innocent she is in the past. Her power is water. Her color is blue.
Neutral Side (Not Bright nor Dark) :
Opiuchus => His name is Rasal. Taken from the traditional name of Opiuchus Constellation’s brightest star, Rasalhague. A sarcastic, cold, and emotionless person. He suffers color blind, only can see black, white, and gray. He tried to make both side realize their mistake for attacking each other. He can created snakes and used it as weapon or attack. His color is silver.
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blazefirefox · 2 months
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random doai textposts lol, ft. various ocs and aus
the lankmann drawing in the 8th pic is by @arkaix
EDIT: forgot a meme
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blazefirefox · 4 months
yippee! doai (+ ocs as memes!) I decided to do this and literally finished in an hour???? because the world hates me, all the videos I compiled for this are almost 20 minutes, which Tumblr can't handle, so I just cut them in half and will start working on the other half at a later date. HOWEVER, the first half was apparently too big for Tumblr, so I split that in half and I will upload the other half of THIS in a second lmao
some stuff:
this includes some OCs that I have not revealed yet
this also includes scenarios from the DOAI sitcom au
this also includes ocs from my dear friend @mapalssyrup's au, Bleeding From Every Orifice (‼️which I do not own‼️)
the memes from said AU will be labeled with BFEO and the ones from the sitcom au will be labeled, well, sitcom au
when someone is labeled "Mortimer Gray", it was mortimer when he was human, and when it's just "Mortiemer", that's when he's veldigunified(tm)
same applies for Alex
alright enjoy
EDIT: here's part two
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blazefirefox · 4 months
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some magma stuff I did with @mapalssyrup
these two veldigun sillies are ones I ........ haven't revealed yet lol
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