#oc: Thorne
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dragongirlintestines · 25 days ago
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Thorne, having herself a little Charmyte snack!
Though the little 'bold seems to be getting a little handsy on the way down.
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dragongirlteeth · 15 days ago
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I don't think anyone ever taught her any manners
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teliangel · 11 months ago
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Naturally one of the first drawings I do of my bg3 Tav is a full scale comic, in spite of having no clue how to draw a comic. The brain worms this game has given me truly cannot be overstated.
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koilarist · 1 year ago
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astramachina · 5 months ago
Character Intro
Dr. Farris Thorne — Field of study: Classified. Current "Official" status: Head researcher at the Institute for Glaciate Molecular Preservation.
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art by the wonderful @hrgwin (Wait, if she's a molecular scientist, why does she have a blowtorch—do NOT worry about it. It is in your best interest to not question it.)
Colleagues simply refer to her as Thorne as a tongue-in-cheek joke since she tends to be a thorn on other researchers' sides. Her work ethic is pristine but her methods are, at best, eccentric, and at worst, downright dangerous. The only rules she abides by are the rules she has set in place in her own lab, because who knows the space and its infinite intricacies better than herself? Clearly not the higher-ups pushing for far weirder experiments than the ones she's already been working on for the past twenty years.
She gets answers without asking questions, mostly because she has a tendency to break into classified servers to get the information she wants. This is how she learns about the continued existence of Project Callan, a highly classified endeavor that allegedly shut down on claims of pseudoscience and bloated government spending during the 60s. But the files are actively being updated with live footage of a location labeled only as "The Enclosure".
Thorne knew about Project Callan though, courtesy of the elite "boys only club" her father used to be a part of. There's a reason why Daddy Dearest is no longer on the IGMP researcher roster. And there's a reason why, after taking up his mysteriously vacated position at the tender age of sixteen, her personal files became redacted.
"Knowledge is power" is true in a plethora of ways, and while her chattiness often gets mistaken for charisma, she knows how to weaponize her silence. Project Callan is functioning under a different name, sponsored by an unknown organization dating back to the late 1800s, and she will do anything to get her hands on the reality-shattering "artifact" at its core.
She's 6'3". She's mean. She has, in fact, bitten people. She has serious beef with one Dr. Verne Krasner and the reason he's still alive is because he's really good at disappearing off the face of the planet. She's a pastel nightmare and thinks she might be a lesbian but unfortunately she has a job and the idea of engaging in social rituals exhausts her. RIP Dana and the rest of Thorne's acolytes, they never had a chance.
Dr. Thorne is one (of several) antagonists from The Singularity Project (title pending), a multi-media sci-fi horror webseries!
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snowthornes · 1 year ago
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SHEPHERDS OF HAVEN | @shepherds-of-haven HEADSHOT ART | @yuuugay
✦ The Godless Brightburner
— Rend the world in winter's wrath.
The magic of Aetherai relies heavily on energy and emotions to increase the intensity of their spells. Without them, spells would be rendered weak or ineffectual, losing their force and impact; what should be great gusts of wind would become gentle puffs of air. - Notes by Thorne Briers, scribbled on a worn out journal.
On the battlefield, Thorne is akin to a howling blizzard.
The smooth and unfazed demeanor he typically affects is nowhere to be seen. His movements are swift, powerful, and brutally efficient: leaping and dodging with a jagged elegance reminiscent of an icicle broken from a frozen cave mouth. There's a flash of silver as he swiftly drags the bowstring all the way back to his cheek; a sliver of a second; then the silent scream of an arrow hurtling through the air, meeting its target with vicious accuracy.
There's a razor glint of claws and he abruptly rolls back, dodging a near-fatal blow. He springs back to his feet and responds with a barrage of howling magical energy — magic that twists into hurricanes of wind and frost, knife-like icicles that rend the flesh and freeze the limbs. The storm responds to his escalating vehemence, singing with approval as it cuts and dances and destroys, obediently following his every command.
Power and emotion flood his veins like water bursting out of a dam. His blood sings with an almost feral glee. Fury and longing, grief and defiance, silver-bright intelligence and dagger-sharp cunning, a mask always hiding, concealing, performing a one-man masquerade of hollowed music and elegant smiles, shattered faith and deadened hope, sunlight thawing a winter's chill, love and loss and laughter and hands reaching out—
Beneath the blood and dust that cling to his face, storm gray eyes blaze with a sharp, glacial, light.
✦ The Mage's Phantasms
— A thousand colors to a name.
Truth be told, I'm not sure how to feel. I came to Haven hoping to find employment and perhaps enter the merchant trade, but ended up landing in the lap of the Shepherds instead. This is my reality now. While I'm not too thrilled about it, I have no choice but to continue down this path I've inexplicably stepped on — though I have no interest in being a hero and sacrificing myself on the front lines. Perhaps I'll transfer to a non-combatant position in the future. I shall fade safely into the Order's background soon enough. Then, I can return to pursuing my previous ambitions. - Entry by Thorne Briers, scribbled in a worn out journal. Written after his inititation to the Shepherds. Miscellaneous trade and business notes are jotted down on the rest of the page. It's an entry that he often views with a look of both irony and nostalgia.
Notes on Shepherd Thorne Briers, ranging from the startlingly mundane to the undeniably vital. The author is unknown.
➸ Thorne stands at 5'11". He typically carries himself with an air of grace and elegance, mannerisms painstakingly absorbed from the aristocrats and merchants he used to watch from the distance as a child. His movements notably become more erratic and excitable when around those he wholeheartedly trusts — something that he had never found until joining the Shepherds. 🌠
➸ He can be overly apathetic to the plights of strangers. He's seen too much, done too much to be easily moved by compassion or emotion. Though he's capable of giving comfort and reassurance when the situation calls for it, he would rather use detached pragmatism to assess a situation rather than give in to 'pointless' emotions such as pity and distress. One could say that he almost recoils from genuinely emotional displays — though he hides it well.
Only those close to him know of this particular aspect of his nature, however. He usually keeps it well-concealed beneath a gleaming veneer of carefully chosen words and expressions, knowing that his true nature might work against him during missions. Whether or not this makes him insincere is up to the judgement of others. 🌠
➸ Avoids making grand promises or heroic declarations. While Thorne is quite adept at manipulating a situation to his favor, there is something quite odd about him: his aversion to making direct promises. Hope can be such a light, fragile thing, and it can be so easy to give; yet when it is promised to someone only to be taken away, it can break them. He can't. He wont. Thorne doesn't trust himself. He doesn't trust himself to be this so-called hero. He will meander, he will laugh, and he will tell you that he'll be back, in his own roundabout way — but he will never ask you to trust that he'll succeed. Not yet, anyway. 🌠
➸ Possesses a vehement aversion to religion itself. Contrary to what one might think, Thorne actually thinks it's very likely that gods do exist in some shape or form. He just has absolutely no interest in worshiping them; one could even say that he despises the thought of it. It's a stark contrast to his childhood, when he would worship and pray to the One-God with his parents. The very mention of faith and religion — especially that of the One-God — can have him inwardly recoiling as he bites back the scathing words threatening to spill from his lips.
Very, very few know about it, however. Only those he implicitly trusts have been allowed to catch glimpses of the cold vitriol that he holds towards the gods — and even they don't know just how deep it runs. (Yes, he didn't take the kithma revelation very well, and still has very mixed feelings about it. Despite that, he had to grudgingly admit that it made more sense than not.) 🌠
➸ He can be unexpectedly honest when it comes to those he holds dear. Though it clearly takes him some visible effort, Thorne won't shy away from telling a friend all the reasons why he holds them in high regard. If he plucks up the nerve, he'll bluntly tell them of how important they are to him — all while wearing the flat expression of a frog about to leap into boiling water. He'll immediately find an excuse to flee after saying his piece, face prickling with rare heat all the while. 🌠
➸ Loves accessorizing and embellishing his clothes! Before joining the Shepherds, Thorne would diligently set aside a part of his earnings to spend on his more fashionable pursuits. He especially liked embroidering delicate patterns and designs on his clothes, a hobby he continued even after joining the Order. He often tests the bounds of the Order's rules by embroidering subtle yet tasteful patterns onto his Shepherd's cloak, much to Blade's consternation. 🌠
➸ It's ridiculously easy to make him laugh when among friends, a fact that has surprised many — including Thorne himself. Even the saddest joke can coax a snort of laughter from him, though he tries to explain it away with something along the lines of, "the pathetic air of it makes it funny, why are you looking at me like that—". The recruits have long grown accustomed to seeing him doubled over with laughter during breakfast over something Chase had said, sometimes choking on his honeyed milk in the process. 🌠
➸ His moral compass has been slowly (and reluctantly) shifting after joining the Shepherds. Unfortunately, the environment Thorne was given at the Shepherds Order made it all too easy to foster compassion. For the first time, he has allies, confidantes, friends — people he can genuinely trust to watch his back. It was slow, and it was gradual, but the veneer of ice and stone he kept around his heart was softening.
The pivotal moment was in Chapter Five, when Thorne had to choose between following the mission or letting Nathe win. While Thorne could bluff that he'd only allowed Nathe to win because he'd figured that Briony would make for a powerful ally, he knew in his heart of hearts that it was a lie. In that moment, as he stared into Nathe's eyes, he'd simply wanted the elf to reunite with his family. 🌠
➸ He's actually incredibly emotional (and dramatic) despite the way he doggedly conducts himself with an apathetic pragmatism. Thorne can be indifferently cold when it comes to matters of compassion. Overly rational, even. But one could say that it was a steel born out of necessity; an iron will carved out of what was once a gentle heart in order to survive alone in a world teetering on the brink of madness.
To love is to be left; it is what he has learned in his years of wandering the world alone. To rely on faith is weakness. To believe in hope is foolishness. What was once laughter and camarederie will eventually bleed into farewells and betrayals.
To love is to be left. Never again. Never again. 🌠
➸ He is afraid. He is afraid of losing everything. The more he comes to care for the Shepherds (his comrades, friends, family, even), the more terrified he becomes of losing them. The more he grows to love them with all the fierceness and softness and everything in his heart, the more he becomes afraid of driving them away. He is no hero. He is no light. He is a charlatan, full of anger and grief and so much hate that he cannot speak into the world. Hope is a word that burns at his touch. When he looks into the mirror, all he can see is a scarred visage of disappointment — a liar masquerading as a hero. 🌠
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✦ Afterword
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First of all. If you've actually, somehow, managed to reach the end of this monstrously long post and are somehow reading this. Thank you. So much. So very much. Also I might be on the verge of proposing (🥺🥺🥺💍💍💍) Ahead is a little afterword about Thorne and the Godless Brightburner snippet.
Thorne is a heavily flawed character — and an incredibly emotional one at that. Despite how he usually conducts himself — pragmatic, cunning, calculating, and all that jazz — he feels his every emotion like a raging howl of sleet and storm.
He used to be a child who loved the world and everything in it. He was Westwood's beloved ray of sunshine, the mayor's precocious son. It was the... events of his thirteenth birthday and his experiences as a solitary Diminished that hardened him, that turned him into the reverse of what he once was.
A bleeding heart is a weakness: so Thorne closed his heart and turned the wound into a jagged scar. There were far too many people out there who would use a naive, wide-eyed Diminished for their own gain — he learned this very quickly. He rejected his compassion, despised his own emotions, and turned himself into someone so coldly pragmatic that the boy he once was became naught but another painful memory.
It's why he has so much mixed feelings for the Shepherds, especially in the first half of the story. By then, the only one he was concerned about was himself — or so he claimed. And, if he were to be honest, he didn't consider himself very worthy of living. He didn't even know why he fought so hard to survive; why he was willing to go so far. Perhaps it was anger. Perhaps it was defiance. Or perhaps it was atonement: continuing his hazy existence in exchange for the home he had eradicated so long ago.
You could say that he's very similar to the embittered Hunters that Halek often criticizes. Those who were disillusioned by their banishment so subsequently refused to help with the demon problem. It's why doesn't really get along with the more... openly compassionate members of the order — at least not at first. All the "make the world a better place" and "protect the innocent" talk would only ever earn flatly unimpressed looks from him.
Over the course of the game, he starts to soften. Slowly, hesitantly, his view of the world starts to gentle. He becomes more open to helping others, more willing to express his true emotions instead of hiding them under a veneer of charming smiles and calculated words. He's still wary of promises and heroics, but a part of him is gradually entertaining the thought of a future soaked in sunlight rather than in shadow. Of a future where he could be happy.
Thorne's journey is one of change and new beginnings: of learning to trust others as you learn to trust yourself. He is flawed. He is frustrating. Sometimes even I want to throttle him. He shuns emotions while he drowns in them. He will conflict with the Shepherds in the order. And, yes, he has a massive case of Impostor Syndrome when it comes to his status as Hero of Haven. But he will change, and he will grow. And I'm very, very excited to see it. 🫡✨
Another thing! If the "Godless Brightburner" snippet felt familar to you, then you'd be spot on! That section was actually inspired by something from the SHOH alpha demo — it's one of my favorite passages from the game ever. I've put it just below, so beware of MINOR SPOILERS!!
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(I'll be honest: this passage made me cry. Like, I was full on sniffling my heart out. I don't know why. I don't know how. But it felt so regretful. Like the hollow echo of something that once was. Vibrant and brilliant and ephemeral and gone.)
When I first read this passage, I was floored. Sniffling aside, it was just... brimming with so much life. "His essence poured into the ring". Lena had done just that. With one passage alone, the very essence of a man long gone had been given shape in strokes of heartbreaking color.
It stuck with me for a very long time — and still has. The world of SHOH has made me cry many, many, times (I will probably ramble about them in the future as well, I apologize in advance 😔) (also yes the Thurl chapter was a DOOZY) but this just... stuck. It's an incredibly beautiful peace of writing, and I never tire of it no matter how many times I reread it.
Therefore, I was inspired to do something similar for Thorne! His essence — what would it feel like? What song would it sing unto the world, if it could?
The Godless Brightburner is supposed to be about showing Thorne's very essence. The Mage's Phantasms, meanwhile, was only supposed to contain little bits and pieces about Thorne. But I think I got a bit carried away there. That section is nowhere near little. 🗿
Aaaand, that's all. Thank you so much for reading this far, and I really hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed making it!! The world of SHOH is so breathtakingly crafted, its characters so beautifully alive — I'm glad I got to give Thorne his own special place within its seams.
Thank you very much to Yuki @yuuugay for making Thorne's portrait!! I am very KSDHGJKLSDG about him and everytime I look at him I lose the ability to speech 🥺🥺🥺 You've made him so, so beautiful — thank you! You've made me so incredibly happy!
Lastly, thank you to @shepherds-of-haven for commissioning this template for us: I had a lot of fun wandering through Blest with Thorne! Exploring the world of SHOH was an experience, one with a ton of tears, dismayed yelps, and laughter. Thank you so, so much for sharing it with us. I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of this journey unfolds together. 🥺💖
Have a very good day, and I hope you all have just as much (if not more) fun as I did on your own playthroughs and template-filling endeavors! Good luck, and thank you again!! 💖🫡💐✨
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c4tto626 · 4 months ago
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Spellblade. Former Antivan Crow. Blighted during a contract gone wrong. Severe scarring. Right-side vision partially lost. Conscripted into the Wardens. Lucky. Angry. Still skilled with a knife.
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boyslit · 4 months ago
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made my HSR ocs Penelope and Thorne with the into the spiderverse picrew :3
Thorne is Hunt/Imaginary and while Penelope is a noncombatant I like to think she's on the path of the Beauty ('dead' Aeon or not) and if she had an element it would probably be quantum or wind
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tedious-malcontent · 1 year ago
send me an ask with the name of one of my ocs and I'll give you a random fun fact about them
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proffbon · 3 months ago
Emmrich: Oh my goodness, Harding, how did you find out about me and Rook?
Emmrich during combat:
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dragongirlteeth · 16 days ago
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I think she looks good in red
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koilarist · 10 months ago
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[ The Raven's Gaze ]
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dragongirlteeth · 5 months ago
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(art by Ember, @.wizardsorbet)
This is Thorne, she's the result of a bunch of unethical experimentation intended to create a living weapon. Ultimately the surviving subjects escaped and took revenge on the project staff, and now it roams the galaxy on a stolen deuterium freighter.
She's still a dangerous asshole though, they didn't exactly teach her to be nice.
reblog this post with your fursona. doesnt even have to be art it can be a description. show me ur fursonas okay
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snowthornes · 1 year ago
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Good evening everyone, Yuki has killed me once again by drawing my OC Thorne as the Brightburner. @yuuugay thank u for ur service (again) I shall print this beautiful gorgeous splendorous masterpiece and display it pride of place on my inevitable funeral (death by beutisful arts)
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c4tto626 · 3 months ago
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In War… In Death… In Peace.
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boyslit · 8 months ago
i wrote some oc stuff this morning bc i was rotating Thorne and Peaches so here's their meet-awkward
(Avians are bird people with big wings, Halovians get the little wings and halos 👍)
Thorne and Peaches picrews for funzies
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