as socialized as a stray dog
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Corvus - he/him - ao3: sixofsnakes
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tedious-malcontent · 7 minutes ago
You've gotta love Jews more than you hate Nazis.
You've gotta love trans folks more than you hate TERFs.
You've gotta love your unhoused neighbors more than you hate the billionaires.
You've gotta love immigrants more than you hate ICE.
You've gotta love queer kids more than you hate christian fundamentalists.
You've gotta love fat people more than you hate the diet industry.
You've gotta love disabled people more than you hate the insurance companies.
You've gotta love your fellow humans more than you hate the worst that humanity has to offer. You don't have to like every person you're fighting for, and you sure as hell don't have to give up your righteous anger, but hate is ultimately corrosive.
You've gotta love.
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tedious-malcontent · 35 minutes ago
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You know?
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tedious-malcontent · 38 minutes ago
i know we got a lot of iconic jean scenes in tsc&tgr but let's not forget about this masterpiece from trk:
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tedious-malcontent · 1 hour ago
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this is an insane thing to say about your homie btw
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tedious-malcontent · 1 hour ago
The care with which the golden raven establishes Jean and Jeremy to be suffering the same kind of abuse in different fonts flies past poetic and into straight up mathematical precision.
Jean is the Raven hate sink. Nobody in the Nest is okay, but in an environment where every weakness is mocked relentlessly, Jean the significantly younger foreigner who won't (can't) speak english is the obvious standout, and Riko and the Master clearly signal that they won't punish abuse against him, so he becomes the target of their violence as a collective outlet.
The Knox/Wilshire siblings are all equally under their mother's controlling thumb, and none of them are coping well with the matter. They end up taking it out on Jeremy, since their parents already focus their ire on him for not staying in the closet or adopting the new family name.
Edgar Allen brags about the myriad of fantastic amenities they award their athletes, including high end cars and guaranteed professional careers, that they're never going to get to enjoy because the Nest demands too much of them. The Wilshires are fantastically wealthy, but more of that wealth is spent bribing their wider social circles to isolate the children than it is given to them for their own discretion.
The Nest implodes when Ichirou snubs Riko from their father's funeral, prompting him to almost kill Jean, and give up their greatest defensive talent in the process. The Wilshires explode because, by design or simple scheduling conflict, they entrusted their suicidal youngest to his drug addicted older brother in a large social event, because making both boys miserable was simply more convenient than getting either of them the psychiatric care the family had full access to.
Jean is technically out of the Nest, but he is still firmly under the Moriyama's thumb and there is no amount of technical freedom that will let him forget it. To cope, he tends to hit, scratch and choke himself, turning his grief and frustration into a physical pain he can quantify.
Jeremy does his best to act as your average LA rich boy, but there's no amount of placating that will keep his mother from pulling back his leash at a whim. To cope, he sleeps with people who treat him badly, mentally giving both himself and his parents a tangible reason to be disappointed with him, rather than accepting that their prejudice is not his fault.
Jean and Jeremy were raised to believe that they are at once fully competent and capable, and utter failures who cannot be trusted with anything and will inevitably get everyone hurt. And its only now, staring at each other, that they can see just how deep the contradiction runs.
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tedious-malcontent · 1 hour ago
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this is so fucking funny. im going to say "here come the locusts" everytime something goes wrong now
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tedious-malcontent · 3 hours ago
actually my favorite ship dynamic is "i could kill you" and "i would let you"
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tedious-malcontent · 4 hours ago
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they have never once been normal about each other
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tedious-malcontent · 4 hours ago
hey how stressed do you think andrew was about being put under anesthesia for his surgery. how badly do you think neil knew he didn’t want to do it. do you think he tried to argue against it. do you think neil kept a creepy eye on everybody who entered andrew’s hospital room and doubled down on telling his medical team not to touch him after andrew said not to touch him and they insist that they have to. do you think neil waited in his room until the moment they had to take andrew into surgery. do you think he was so restless that he bounced his knee while they waited in the waiting room. do you think he was the first thing andrew saw when he woke up and do you think andrew was relieved. do you think andrew wanted to smoke but used this as a reminder for why he can’t let himself anymore
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tedious-malcontent · 4 hours ago
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tedious-malcontent · 4 hours ago
Jeremy Knox you have bewitched me body and soul
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tedious-malcontent · 4 hours ago
20 and 21 for the ask game :P
20 (favorite album): danger days - MCR because even though im not usually an album guy, i do like listening to that one all the way through. on cd. because it's better for some reason.
21 (favorite ending to a book): hmm this one is harder. im going to have to go with Protector of the Small, because i just. really enjoyed it. very satisfying. I won't spoil it but yeah.
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tedious-malcontent · 4 hours ago
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victorian goth jean lacing his corset send post
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tedious-malcontent · 4 hours ago
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The foxes asked in the group chat how Neil was doing with the new freshmen, this is the photo they get as an answer (Neil got put in air jail after pissing off everyone that day.)
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tedious-malcontent · 5 hours ago
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from andrew, to renee
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tedious-malcontent · 5 hours ago
Exy Magazine Cover with Andrew!!
Happy The Golden Raven release day! I hope I‘ll find time to read it soon.
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tedious-malcontent · 5 hours ago
We talk so much about the parallels and similarities between the Misplaced Forever Partners, here’s a silly little difference that just came to me;
Neil, who lasts almost a full year without anyone finding out who he is, what’s happened to him. Excellent liar. When you read back the first trilogy, most things people find out about him are a result of their prying (Andrew and his binder in TFC, Riko outing him to Kevin in TRK)
Jean-Yves, who lasts NOT EVEN A DAY before he’s spilling shit he probably shouldn’t. Absolute dogshit liar. Reading TSC, I realize I was misremembering how much prying the Trojans do. A solid 3/4 of it is Jean volunteering info he doesn’t seem to think will be a big deal, and the three of them prying cause what the hell is going on with this guy.
Neil went almost an entire semester before his team started thinking something was real off with him. His would-be partner? A day.
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