#oc: Shattaah
swtorpadawan · 3 years
Show us your Togrutas!
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“Occasionally confused with Twi’leks, Togrutas are distinguished by multicolored skin pigmentation and large, hollow horns (similar in appearance to Twi’lek head-tails) that permit a Togruta to sense ultrasonic waves. These physical adaptations were required for Togrutas to endure and to hunt on their homeworld of Shili, which is dominated by large and deadly beasts. Togruta culture is tightly knit out of necessity, as individual survival there often depended on tribal unity. Because of their ingrained affinity for teamwork and togetherness, Togrutas are among the Republic’s most loyal and dependable citizens. Indeed, a higher-than-normal percentage of Togrutas exhibit powerful Force sensitivity and serve in the Jedi Order. Some scholars speculate that the Togrutas’ unique sensory adaptations and strong cultural bonds makes them more receptive to learning the ways of the Jedi.”
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swtorpadawan · 3 years
No, no. Just Take Your Time.
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swtorpadawan · 3 years
World Building Wednesday: Shattaah Tey
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B A S I C S • Full name: Shattaah Tey • Gender: Female • Sexuality: Bisexual • Pronouns: She / Her
O T H E R S • Family: Vaykyar Tey (brother), Hasa Tey (mother, deceased), Dunok Tey (father, presumed deceased) • Birthplace: Ringo Vinda, though she claims Barith as a homeworld • Job: Commander of Havoc Squad • Phobias: None • Guilty pleasures: None, unless you count Jorgan
M O R A L S • Morality alignment?: Lawful Neutral / Shattaah followed General Garza's orders to the letter for most of the class story, making a number of dark-side choices. (Though not as many as I expected.) By the end of Corellia, she was starting to buck that trend. (As for whether or not any of Shattaah's actions could / should have been considered crimes, legality is largely subjective during war time. • Sins: lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath  • Virtues: chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T • Introverted/extrovert. Shattaah's modus operandi is to establish a circle of comfidantes and to become rather protective of them. And that is her group. Everyone else, she puts on the 'professional military officer' face. The one exception in the story was when Jaxo took her on a 'girl's night' on Coruscant. She actually warmed to that little group, and if Jorda hadn't been so inebriated, maybe things would have gone someplace. • Organized/disorganized. Shattaah's personal quarters are a mess. Clothes are strewn about everywhere. Honestly, the number one reason she chose Elara as her C.O. and not Jorgan was because she needed her to keep the rest of the ship in order. • Close-minded/open-minded. Shattaah is stubborn, and getting her to change her mind about something is like pulling teeth from a rancor. But she can change. • Calm/anxious. Although she certainly experiences moments of anger, Shattaah has a calm way about her. Most of her dark-side choices were made in coldness. • Disagreeable/agreeable. She holds her ground when she thinks she's right, sometimes even when diplomacy would be preferable. • Cautious/reckless. Contrary to her reputation as a charge-in-and-take-no-prisoners type, Shattaah knows how to pick her spots. • Patient/impatient. See above. • Outspoken/reserved. Her mouth has gotten her into trouble. He mild contempt for the Galactic Senate almost went badly. • Leader/follower. Leader. Shattaah's always been called upon to make tough decisions. From sending her twin brother to the Jedi to cutting her mother loose on Barith. • Empathetic/unempathetic. The galaxy has not been kind to her, and she rarely sees reason to be kind to others. Except for those who get close to her. • Optimistic/pessimistic. We're all going to die someday. She just doesn't want it to be on her watch. • Traditional/modern. The traditional ways led to the destruction of her world and nearly led to the destruction of the Republic. • Hard-working/lazy. She's relentless when she pushes herself.
R E L A T I O N S H I P S • otp: Aric Jorgan • ot3: Aric Jorgan & Elara Dorne (Shut up. It happened in a dream once.) • brotp: Ava Jaxo, RIP. 😥 • notp: Jonas Balkar
(Tagging! @jessaryss​ , @grandninjamasterren​ , @firebird-legacy​ , @raastredlegacy​ , @shabre-legacy​ , @semper-draca​ and anyone else who wants to.)
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swtorpadawan · 3 years
Tanno Vik & BioWare Choices
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There’s seriously nothing you can do to stop him, here. 
This is one of most annoying parts of the game.
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swtorpadawan · 3 years
Aric Jorgan / Romance
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I finally went through the Jorgan romance.
It was... good. One of the better ones, in fact. Not as good as Vector or Theron Shan, but better than Felix and even Torian.
I have such mixed feelings about Jorgan. On the one hand, he’s a jerk when you meet him, and for an extended duration thereafter. Even after you take command of Havoc Squad, and complete several missions.
On the other hand, his character arc is one of the best of any companion. The collapse of his once-blind faith in Republic leadership nicely sets the stage for his later actions during KOTFE. 
I enjoyed playing Shattaah, but I am a bit burned out on the Trooper story. So it will be awhile before i try again.
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swtorpadawan · 3 years
Oh, look! A Lore Object on Voss!
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Sweet - some easy XP points! What could go wrong?
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
Elara Dorne is just the sweetest companion 💙
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
Jorda Pell and F!Trooper
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Jaxo hosts ladies’ night.
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This is my favorite screenshot of Shattaah. 100 percent.
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After hitting many, many cantinas....
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.... just leaving this here.  😁 😁 😁
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
Elara Dorne & Paperwork
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Do something today that makes you as excited as Elara Dorne is about using Form 859-RA . 
(Shattaah honestly loves Elara. But sometimes, she does have to feign interest.)
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swtorpadawan · 3 years
for the hardmode OC asks, Numbers 1, 4, and 7 :D Any OC you want.
Character Development “Hard Mode” Meme: send a number & character to my ask box and I’ll write an answer/headcanon in reply.
Thanks for the ask, @thehedgehogat221b ! I think I will mix it up!
1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
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Shattaah and Vaykyar (from my Barith Legacy) are actually twins. Shattaah was two minutes older but usually felt like she was two years older, the way she had to protect her brother at the refugee camp on Barith. Vaykyar was always trying to help people while she was always trying to protect him. When the colony was under attack, she shoved him at the Jedi, and would not see him for another decade.
Needless to say, they grew up to be very different people.
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
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When Ozibaumnu was eight, he saw his sister - his sole remaining protector - being sold at a slave auction. This was just after his mother had been killed on Korriban and moments before Ozi himself was to be sold.
His view of life and the galaxy in general emerged from that moment. He now believes the only one people count one can count on is themselves.
7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
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Quoraah does have nightmares about her arrest, enslavement, exile, death of her parents and so on. At times, the details of what what happened to her in her dreams are... "exaggerated" from the reality.
Now Quoraah was in medical school when all these things happened to her. She is acutely aware that this is all the result of trauma. But she's still clinging to coping mechanisms rather than dealing with the problem.
I'm hoping it works out for her.
Thanks for your asks!
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
I ship Jorgan and Balkar
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
Elara Dorne and War Criminals
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In Thorus’ defense, he is behaving way more rationally than 90 percent of our foes in the game. (Do these mooks not know who we are???)
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The text cannot properly convey the sheer fear in Thorus’ voice, here. He is TERRIFIED of Elara, and of what she knows.
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Likewise, Elara expresses overwhelming contempt for him. I think their previous encounter was very personal, beyond what’s been conveyed here.
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Indirectly, Elara is telling us exactly why she defected, without pounding us with exposition.
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This is a lie. Just a few days ago, she killed those “cyborg civilians” on Coruscant.
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Elara Dorne is arguably the most light-side companion in the game. I’ve played Trooper enough times to tell you that she toes the LS line damned hard. 
But this creep? She advises you to kill him in cold-blood. 
This is intriguing.
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Dorne and Jorgan are the two most LS characters in the Trooper story. Its very telling that they both approved.
And then later...
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(Yes, i still want to marry her.)
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
Elara Dorne dealing with idiots
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Ooh - the sideways glance!
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 Unusual, indeed. 
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Can i just say that this is an EXCELLENT way to introduce an important character? With a two lines, we learn everything we need to know about Elara Dorne. She is a stickler for regulations and protocol, but she doesn’t let those stop her from doing the right thing. To the contrary, she is intelligent enough to turn them to her advantage. Naturally, Gaff is less than impressed.
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Shattaah is seriously done with this guy.
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Completely ignoring the fact that a General ordered HIM to assist us with whatever we needed.
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A planet to run? Dude, you don’t even get MENTIONED outside of this class story. You’re a mid-level bureaucrat assigned to a backwater planet who thinks he’s a big man.  Well, at least he left.
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Astutely put, Elara.  (Can i marry her now?)
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swtorpadawan · 3 years
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Shattaah and Elara, doing their thing
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
Elara Dorne joins Havoc
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Her emotion doesn’t come through, here. I’ll post the video with the audio later. Moira Quirk is an underrated voice-actress.
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Don’t be a dick, Jorgan. (Dude spends the entire first chapter as a grump.)
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I  ❤️ her.
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
AWOL on Taris
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I usually let the guys go.
My Jedi found it morally unjust to force them to die in a pointless conflict. My Smugglers see ‘duty to the Republic’ as a silly concept. 
Shattaah is technically LS. But she is VERY by-the-book.
The ethics of the Republic presence on Taris are a little odd. Technically, the troops are their protecting Republic assets on a Republic world, including a significant civilian colonist population.
On the other hand, the decision to colonize in the first place... its dumb. There seems to be little resources worth taking. There are vast areas of radiation poisoning. There are a billion rakghouls. Aside from a small Jedi enclave and the spaceport, there seem to be few “secure” locations. In addition, its a yummy target for the Sith Empire.
(Obviously it didn’t help that Saresh was the governor.)
They apparently colonized for “symbolic” reasons. 
That’s about the worst reason to do something like this. 
But it made me think of the empty gestures of “patriotism” in my own society. The iconography. The flags, anthems and monuments are considered more important than the principles.
That is when people makes mistakes.
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