#oc: Hyacinth
nitrozem · 1 day
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Magic is scary, howling with werewolf dad is fun thought 😁
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shatteredlocke · 6 months
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So uh.. I made these when Pokemon Legends Z-A was announced.. And uh I totally didn't forget to post them lmao BUT WE'RE WINNING KALOS FANS Made some sticker like designs of my pokemon rebirth characters/designs :))
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fiendfodder · 2 months
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outta reflexive habit i made my sona/oc a gf XD
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wintry--mix · 21 days
most miitopia bosses be like (probably)
Featuring a recent new run of the game I did where I put the triple baka trio as my fab fairies! (She spends most of the animatic being halfway offscreen but Neru’s here too as the middle fairy) Meanwhile, all my party members here are DnD characters of mine sooooooo they’ll be under the cut
Tank but I redesigned him into literally just a bomber in heelies so ig he’s not a tank anymore necessarily - Hyacinth (he/they)
Princess - Roman (he/him)
Imp except similarly to Neru, they spend most of the animatic being Mike Wazowski’d - Vice (they/them)
Flower except I redesigned her into a druid or something - Rhea (she/her)
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sewermageboy · 10 months
so I know that the most likely reason why drow sunlight sensitivity isn't in bg3 is just bc it would suck mechanically to have ur player character basically have permanent disadvantage on attacks every time you're outside (outside of the underdark and shadow cursed lands ig), but-
Now I'm thinking about whether the tadpole does something similar for a drow Tav as it does for Astarion? As in, only with the tadpole are they actually able to enjoy the sunshine without discomfort/pain? Would they, too, stand at the pier at the end of the game and find that the sun once again hurts their eyes?
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boyslit · 9 months
can't sleep so I played with this picrew and made all my HSR OCs
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Row 1: Versa, Rex, and Vinian.
Row 2: Hyacinth, Ametrine and Huxley
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A friend's trust
Hey, so I guess it was about time I finally wrote down my pretty much first actual vorish story. It's my first piece of writing I've done, so I'm excited to see if y'all like it.
This is just a little side story (which would relate to the big one I might actually get to write someday, haven't decided yet), featuring my main OC Hyacinth the Fairy, his roommate Galen the Minotaur, 4 of my other OC-s sprinkled in, and of course, noms.
Containing: Soft and safe vore, some language (nothing too bad), ✨️emotions✨️, probably an acceptable amount of grammatical errors (yes english isn't my first language how did u know) and around 3500 words.
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A red Maserati was parking in front of an apartment building. A Siren, wearing a sleeveless turtleneck was sitting behind the wheel, his phone in his hand.
"Matty, if you don't get your ass into the car within the next 5 minutes, you can walk all the way to the cinema."
Half of a "Just a minute!" could be heard from the other side of the phone, before the Siren hung up the call. "He'll be here in a sec."
"You sure you don't wanna come with us, Hyacinth?" asked the girl sitting in the passenger seat, from the pointy eared guy standing next to the car. She was wearing a yellow top and denim shorts, and Hyacinth was wearing a purple shirt with black jeans, a crystal necklace hanging from his neck.
"Nah, I got some homework to do, and I know if I put it on for longer than needed, I'll just end up not doing it." Hyacinth said. "But you guys have fun!"
Faint music could be heard from the back of the car. A Telkhine was playing on his Switch on the backseat, his hood pulled over his head, music leaking from his earbuds.
"Just make sure he won't be doing that during the movie." Hyacinth said. He knew how hard it was to snap Idios out of  gaming trance once he got into it.
"Don't worry about it, he's been wanting to watch this movie ever since people started talking about how surprisingly good it was." the girl said. "I hope they're right, the animation looks promising, that's for sure."
The front door of the apartment slammed open with a gust of wind, and a chubby, white-haired guy in a jacket came running through. "I'M HERE!" he said, out of breath. "I just - *huff* - had to grab some stuff."
"Why the hell are you wearing that? It's like 20°C." the Siren in the driver's seat asked.
"Because of this, Kal." Matthias (Matty) said, unzipping his jacket, revealing the snacks that were taped to the inside. "Do you know how overpriced the stuff they sell at the cinema is?"
Hyacinth couldn't help but chuckle at this, Kalais (Kal) just rolled his eyes. "Sure, whatever you say."
"Hey, the passenger is my seat!" Matt said, as he noticed his cousin sitting next to Kalais. "Reka, lemme in!"
"Not a chance." Reka said. "Maybe next time don't take that long."
Matty begrudgingly sat next to Idios in the backseat, whose eyes were still glued to his console.
"Is everyone here? Cool." Kal said, and he turned to Hyacinth. "Okay, I plan on getting something to eat after the film, so we'll be back in around 3 hours. Want us to grab something for you?"
3 hours. That was more than enough time for Hyacinth to do what he was planning. "Nothing, thanks. You guys should get going tho, the movie is starting soon."
Kal looked at the time on his phone. "You're right. Well, let's go!" he said to Hyacinth, and winked at him.
"See ya later!" Reka and Matt, in sync. Idios just gave a nod, as he was semi-listening to what was going on while gaming.
"Bye guys!" Hyacinth said, and watched the Maserati drive away, until it disappeared behind a corner.
4 of his roommates left for 3 hours, leaving only him and his 5th roommate alone at home. It couldn't have gotten more perfect for Hyacinth. He quickly turned around and went back to the building, and back to his apartment to put his plan into motion.
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The apartment was unusually quiet, with 4 out of it's 6 inhabitants gone. The apartment was small, but cozy: it had a kitchen/dining area, a living room, a bathroom and a 6-in-1 bedroom. Next to the bedroom door was a dial, with the names of Hyacinth and his roommates' names on it, currently set to the name "Matthias". It served as a kind of portal, each name belonging to a room with a different interior. It was a quite popular little thing invented by some welsh wizard, it made the housing situation much more manageable. 
The place was owned by Hyacinth's 5th roommate, Galen. The Highland Minotaur was in the living room area, reading a book while laying on the couch. He was wearing his signature green sweater with a daisy crocheted on the part around his heart. Hyacinth was in the dining area, writing an essay on his laptop.
"Nice change of pace." Hyacinth broke the silence between the 2 of them. "Some peace and quiet."
"Agreed." Galen didn't even look up from his book. "I love them, but Gods, they can drain a person quickly." Hyacinth gave an agreeing hum, and went back to typing.
...Well, at least tried to, because his mind was wandering off to someplace else. It was just him and Galen, alone, with no one to disturb them. 3 hours wasn't that long, and he didn't want to waste any of that time. So, after a few minutes of typing, he spoke again.
"Hey, Galen?"
"Can I… ask you something?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"We've been... friends for a while, right?" he could feel his heart pounding in his chest.
There was a moment of silence.
"Yeeeah, why?" Galen was rather confused by the question. He has known the Fairy for almost 10 years at that point, him and Kal were the closest people to him outside of his family.
Hyacinth walked to the couch, his hands fidgeting. He thought he was better prepared for this, but he clearly wasn't. His legs felt like jelly, and his face was as red as a tomato.
A little tuft of fur around Galen' eye moved. That was the equivalent of an eyebrow raise, since his eyes weren't visible from the fur on his head. "Dude, are you... okay?" Galen asked in a concerned voice. Hyacinth looked like he was about to pass out, and the Minotaur sprung up from the couch, ready to support him. "Here, just sit do-"
"WILLYOUEATME?" Hyacinth asked without a break between words, immediately covering his face with his hands after it.
Galen was flabbergasted by the question. For a few seconds, none of them said a word: Galen from the shock, Hyacinth from the embarrassment. They were just standing in front of the couch in silence.
"I, uhh, what?" Galen was the first one to speak up.
"I- I just-" Hyacinth was trying really hard not to break down crying.
"Hey, hey, it's okay!" the Minotaur was trying to reassure his friend. "Just sit down, here!" he said, as he helped Hyacinth onto the couch. He sat down next to him, his hand on the Fairy's shoulder.
"I-I'm sorry." Hyacinth began, fighting with tears. "It's- It's just that I always wanted to know how it'd feel like to be inside someone- Oh, Oberon, this must sound so fucking weird." he said, and let out a weak chuckle.
"No, no. It's okay." Galen said. He knew about people who enjoyed being eaten. It wasn't a common thing by any means, but it wasn't as weird as it sounded. "Just continue."
Hyacinth took a deep breath. "I wanted to try it out for the longest time, but I couldn't. I spent most of my life between the walls of my family's chateau, and my mother always made sure I wasn't gone longer than a few hours each day, so I didn't get to talk to anyone about this. If she knew about this... Oh, Oberon, I don't even know how she'd react. Perhaps she'd just see me as even more of a disappointment, if that's even possible at this point..." the Fairy went quiet for a minute.
Galen didn't really know what to say, so he just kept gently rubbing his friend's back. He didn't know Hyacinth's mother personally, but from what he heard about her, he was certain she wouldn't have been okay with the situation. He couldn’t imagine what she would’ve done if she found out, but it wouldn’t have been a pretty sight.
"Now that I'm away from home I feel so free, I finally have the chance to figure out things about myself!" Hyacinth continued. "I probably could've asked someone on the Internet to help me with this, but I wanted it to be someone I knew I can trust." he turned to Galen, his yellow eyes glittering with tears. "You're the person I trust the most in the world, Galen, I mean it. I figured there wasn't a better guy to ask than you, but if you don't want to, I understand. It's still a really weird thing to ask from someone. I'm sorry."
Galen was greatly touched by what Hyacinth said. He figured the Fairy's at home situation wasn't the best, but hearing how much trust the Fairy has in him really moved him. Tho he didn't really know what to say, because Hyacinth was right, it was still a rather... unusual request. But he wasn't going to let this stop him from supporting his friend.
"For a second, I thought you were asking me out on a date or something." he said, smiling.
"What? No! I would never!" Hyacinth said. "No wait, not in that way!" he quickly added after realizing how bad his first sentence sounded. "You're the greatest person I know, and you look hella fine too, but I know you're just not into the whole romance thing."
Galen couldn't help but laugh a little. "It's okay! I got it the first time, don't worry. And thanks for keeping that in mind, I appreciate it."
Hyacinth rubbed the tears from his eyes. "I'll just go back to finishing that essay." he stood up, but Galen stopped him.
"No. Let’s do it."
The Fairy quickly turned to the Minotaur, his eyes wide from surprise. "Really?"
"Yeah, I'll help however I can dude, you can trust me. Just... are you sure you'll be okay?" the Minotaur asked. "I don't want to accidentally hurt you or something. I mean, being inside someone sounds kinda... dangerous?"
"Oh, don't worry about that, I'm already prepared!" Hyacinth said enthusiastically. "I'm very good with healing magic, so even if I get hurt, I can just fix myself. I've also been practicing teleportation, so I could get out whenever I wanted, but we might not even be needing that, since you're a Minotaur. You guys ruminate like cows do, so coughing me up wouldn't be difficult, well, at least while I'm in the first 2 parts of your stomach. That's partially why I asked you in the first place!"
Galen had no words. "Well damn, you really do know your stuff." The Fairy's thirst for knowledge never stopped amazing him.
Hyacinth blushed. "You know me, learning about the world is like breathing to me. Now, let's get to it, because If Kal bought both 4 movie tickets and food for everybody for nothing, he's gonna kill me."
"Hold up, what?"
"Yeeeah, he's the only other person who knows. I told him what I was planning and how I needed time to be alone with you, and he was like "Don't worry dude, I got you.", and the rest is history."
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Hyacinth was standing on the kitchen table, missing his necklace and approximately 155 cm-s from his height, leaving him at 5. Galen was kneeling next to the table, his head around the same level as Hyacinth.
"Last chance to turn back, you still wanna do it?" Galen asked from Hyacinth.
"Ready as I’ll ever be!" the Fairy replied excitedly.
"Alright, but if there's anything wrong, or you feel uncomfortable, you get out of me immediately. I don't know if we'll be able to hear each other once you're, well, inside of me."
"Got it! And if you want me out of you, you can just cough me up."
Galen couldn't help but laugh. "We are talking about this wayyy too casually."
"Yeah, yeah. Now, open up, big guy!"
"You're way too excited about this." Galen said, and lowered his chin onto the table. He slowly opened his mouth, granting full access to Hyacinth.
"O-oh, wow." Hyacinth said, as he slowly approached the gaping maw of the Minotaur. He slowly reached out his hand and touched the giant tongue in front of him. It was warm, wet, and spongy. He didn't want to waste any more time, so he climbed into his friend's mouth.
If the Minotaur's breath was humid, then the inside of his mouth was like a rainforest. The dripping saliva and the heat was overwhelming, but the smell was relatively nice, since Galen always paid close attention to personal hygiene.
Galen lifted his head off the table, which made Hyacinth stumble and fall flat onto the tongue he was standing on. He quickly collected himself, but also realized that he should've picked some more expendable clothes than the ones he was wearing.
"Alright, I'm ready! I'll be seeing you in a while. Well, technically, I'll be only seeing you for a while, am I right?"
Galen couldn't help but sigh at this, which made a blast of warm air hit Hyacinth in the face, making him fall over again. A "SOHHY" could be heard all around Hyacinth, accompanied with the rumble of the entire mouth.
"It's OK!" said the Fairy, making a thumbs-up that no one else but him could see.
Galen's mouth started to close, trapping the tiny Hyacinth in complete darkness. He made a few movements with his hands, which made a ball of light appear, illuminating the cavernous mouth of the Minotaur. The light reflected from the large, saliva covered molars of Galen, giving the mouth a sort of cozy vibe. This feeling didn't last long however, as the tongue moved under Hyacinth, pressing him into the side of Galen' mouth, which was noticeably softer and wetter than the tongue. Galen moved Hyacinth around in his mouth like a hard candy, and Hyacinth found the experience quite enjoyable, if a bit rough.
Then, for a moment, everything stopped. Galen tilted his head back, creating a slope with his tongue. He pushed up the muscle, sending Hyacinth tumbling towards the gaping abyss of his throat. One loud *GLLK* , and the little Fairy was on his way down to the first of the bovine's 4 stomach compartments.
The esophagus was less tight around Hyacinth than he was expecting. Instead of the stop-and-go feeling he was expecting, the journey down was more like the world's slowest water slide. On the outside, there was a barely visible lump on Galen’s throat. Hyacinth didn't know how much time had passed, but eventually, he reached the sphincter, and after he got pushed through it, he plopped into the first stomach part of his friend, the rumen. It was large, relatively dry, and filled with the remains of Galen's lunch.
"Okay, I'm down! Say something if you can hear me!" Hyacinth shouted, but he didn't get any response. "Aight, can't be heard from the stomach, noted."
Not much was happening in there, since the rumen was mostly for microbes to start breaking down plant based materials, which, luckily, wasn't what Hyacinth was made of. The main thing happening in there that affected Hyacinth were the movements of the walls, which helped breaking down the food into smaller bits - and in Hyacinth's case, thrashing him around. After a while, Hyacinth and the food mush was transferred to the 2nd stomach area, the reticulum, which was pretty much the same as the rumen, maybe a bit smaller and more active.
After a little more of getting thrown around, Hyacinth found himself back in the esophagus - except this time, he was moving upwards. The way up was just as slow - maybe even slower - as the way down, and Hyacinth was soon back in Galen's mouth, with the food pieces that didn't turn into complete mush. Galen started chewing, making sure his friend did not end up between his molars. While chewing, a gurgling sound could be heard from the Minotaur's stomach, and a burp left his mouth, making Hyacinth tear up a little from the smell.
"ESCHYOOS ME!" the Minotaur tried to say
"I'm fine!" the Fairy said, wiping the tears from his eyes. He knew what he was getting himself into, he wasn't going to quit because of a little smell.
"Nah, I'll be okay, the fun part is about to begin!" Hyacinth said, and Galen sent his friend back down, into the 3rd part of his stomach. The omasum was noticeably less spacious than the previous 2 areas, the walls were nearly hugging Hyacinth. The food mush around him lost a lot from it's moisture in the omasum, making it the consistency of dough. Hyacinth and the breakfast bits were soon escorted into the final stomach part, the abomasum.
If you had to name a main stomach amongst the 4 parts, that was definitely the winner. The usually dry plop was replaced with a wet one, soaking Hyacinth with enzymes and acids. This was the part that was the closest to Galen embracing Hyacinth in the inside. It was wet, gurgly, and tight - and Hyacinth loved every second of it. He felt like he could simply just fall asleep in there. However, after a while, he started feeling a tingly sensation on his skin, and, considering this was the one stomach that was suitable to digest non-plant based material, Hyacinth figured this was the curtain call of his little adventure inside his friend. Hyacinth drew some runes into the air with his fingers, and suddenly, he found himself in the blinding light of the living room.
He was laying on his back on the coffee table in front of the couch. Galen was sitting on said couch, and when he saw Hyacinth, a weight lifted from his chest.
"Thank the GODS it's over! Holy fuck, I was getting so worried, the last hour after I swallowed you back down felt like an eternity. Never ask me to do this again, I need like a drink after this or something."
Hyacinth slowly got himself together, and looked down at his clothes, drenched in saliva, acids and food particles. "Aww man, and I liked this shirt too..."
Galen just rolled his eyes. "Well, did you have fun? Or was me worrying myself into an early grave in the last hour in vain?"
"Dude, it was incredible!" said Hyacinth, with a smile on his face. "It was wild and overwhelming, but also comfy at the same time. The second half of the trip much better honestly, more exciting stuff happened, felt like I was getting a full body massage and-"
"Alright, alright, I don't need to hear any of this.” Galen stopped his friend before he could go into any more details. He was happy for him, but he chose blissful ignorance about knowing how he looked on the inside. “I'm just glad you had fun. Now, go and take a shower while I go and, I don’t know, burn your clothes or something. Here, put this thing back on." Galen gave Hyacinth his necklace back, which was comically large on the Fairy in his current size. This quickly changed, since the moment the jewelry was in the Fairy’s neck, he quickly grew back to his "human" size.
"Sweet, back to size XXL. Well, I’ll just be in the shower for the next 30 minutes or so." he hopped off the table, and made his way into the bathroom, but not before turning back to his roommate. "Hey, Galen?"
"Thanks. This meant... a lot to me, believe it or not."
The bull smiled. "I know."
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"Man, you two missed out, this was the best movie I've seen in a while!" Idios said to Hyacinth and Galen, sitting next to them on the couch. "I mean, the first one wasn't bad either, but this? This was cinema."
"Gotta agree with Idios on this one, it was pretty good." Matty was putting leftovers into the microwave from the dinner they had. "Just absolutely hilarious."
"I love how it handled the darker themes without dumbing them down, that's rare nowadays." Idios replied.
"Also: the wolf was hot as fuck." Kal said, before putting a spoonful of fried rice into his face.
"Was everything okay while we were gone?" Reka asked while she put her leftovers in the fridge.
Hyacinth and Galen looked at each other.
"It was okay, nothing special happened." Galen said. Hyacinth looked at Kal and gave him a wink, which made the Siren smirk.
Hyacinth yawned. "Well, I think I'll go and hit the hay. See you guys tomorrow." he said, and made his way towards the bedroom dial. He turned it, so his name would be next to the doorknob, and opened the door.
"Wait, I almost forgot! I wanted to ask you about something." Kal said, and quickly followed Hyacinth into his room. He locked the door behind them, and sat down on the bed, next to Hyacinth.
"Well? How did it go?" he whispered, as his face was glowing with curiosity.
"It was great!" Hyacinth said, scratching the back of his head.
"Sweeet! High-five!" the Siren raised his hand, and Hyacinth slammed his palm into it. "Oh, that reminds me, go and check your messages!"
"Oookay?" Hyacinth pulled out his phone and looked at the messages sent by Kal: it was pictures of different guys - some of which he recognised - with their names next to them. He looked at Kal, confused. "...What's this?"
"You said you were looking for a relationship, sooo, I did a little digging and found these guys: they're all single, go to the same Uni as we do, and would be open to the occasional "snack". Maybe you'll find one who could be the one."
Hyacinth just stared at his phone for a few seconds, his eyes getting wet. "Kal, you really shouldn't ha-"
"Nonsense!" Kalais shut him down before he could finish the sentence, and put his hand on Hyacinth's shoulder. "You're my friend, and you deserve someone you can feel comfortable next to, inside of, or best case scenario, both. Now go and rest, I feel like you had quite the adventure." and with that, the Siren hopped off the bed, and left the room.
Hyacinth looked through the pictures Kal sent him one last time, before putting down his phone and turning down the lights in his room. He was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about the thing the Siren said.
"Comfortable next to, inside of them, or both, huh?"
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Here's some little side notes/explanation/random stuff
"Oh, Oberon" is the Fae equivalent of "Oh God". Oberon is the immortal king of the Fae (Fairies, Gnomes, Elves, Changelings, etc.) in my OC world.
Similarly, Galen saying "Oh Gods" refers to the Greek pantheon.
The gust of wind that opened the apartment door was made by Matthias, who's a Garaboncias. They're human like creature from Hungarian folklore who can control the weather.
Telkhines are semi-aquatic dog like creatures from Greek mythology, usually related to blacksmithing, magic and poisons.
Kalais is a Siren in the mythological sense, so more of a bird person rather than a mermaid like creature (there's some fish traits tho).
Hyacinth's necklace serves roughly as a size/form stabiliser. Every creature who is either too small, too big, or not humanoid enough gets one, so they can "blend in" better amongst humans.
For the folks who use the imperial system: 20°C is roughly around 70° Fahrenheit, 5cm is around 2 inches, putting Hyacinth's "big height" around 160 cm/5'2.
Hyacinth has family issues that will be brought up in future writing stuff (my boy needs help)
Anyways, thanks for reading! If y'all got any questions, my inbox is always open. Well, see y'all later!
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acinomtheartist · 2 years
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A Lyre in the Hyacinths
It definitely was a fun challenge to render out a flower field!
Secret Santa gift for @simplytibbs !
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basilbellona · 1 year
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longnose-gar · 2 years
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Two freaks I can’t stop drawing
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shatteredlocke · 7 months
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Omg aromantic awareness week starts today :DD Character: Hyacinth (He/Vym)
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fiendfodder · 2 months
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oc comic: everyone congratulate me(/joking) this was super hard to make as simple as it was. all likeness to other or real people are accidental
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wintry--mix · 3 months
I entered art fight last year and for some reason said absolutely nothing about it here, and thus I’m here to make up for it this year :) filler post GO
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In the process of making refs for the probably-way-too-many new OCs I’ve made since last year, I thought it would be fun to make these lil memes with them! (Even if the more unique icons I might make for em haven’t been made yet) However, this is gonna be a LOT of ocs to tag (and it’ll be especially long if I’m IDing them by space in the grid) so uhh here we go (under the cut though for previously mentioned reasons)
I demand attention and kisses bc I exist - Kiki (he/him (?))
I need medical help because I exist - Ed (he/him)
I’m going to try to hide the fact that I exist - Clara (she/her)
I demand attention and kisses bc I caught a cold - Violet (she/they)
I need medical help because I caught a cold - Hyacinth (he/they)
I’m going to try to hide the fact that I caught a cold - Jet (he/him) (OH AND PS. He got into a tournament, will RB something from it later)
I demand attention and kisses bc I got a stab would - Liz (she/her)
I need medical help because I got a stab would - Suha (she/her)
I’m going to try to hide the fact that I got a stab would - Marella (she/her)
Ok so I’m lonely - Pallas (he/him)
Please help me I’m lonely - Saber (he/him)
I can’t talk rn, I’m lonely - Odyssey (she/it)
Ok so I’m hungry - Momo (she/her)
Please help me I’m hungry - Tyche (she/her)
I can’t talk rn, I’m hungry - Callie (she/her), note that I already entered her last year but I brought her into the second one bc I was running out of new guys
Ok so I hate you - Maki (she/her)
Please help me I hate you - Kitsune (she/her)
I can’t talk rn, I hate you - Roman (he/him)
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sewermageboy · 2 months
Downloading BG3 one year ago took until past midnight, meaning that Hyacinth has now been alive for one slutty, slutty year 👀 they grow up so fast 😭
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(Artwork by @aranciu, and featuring @the-sailing-snail 's Brie, whose birthday is also today ^^)
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boyslit · 11 months
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Redid her hair and added color and detail and filled out much of her character template so I feel more confident sharing :3
Name: Hyacinth
Rarity: 5★
Pronouns: She/They
Species: Long-life human
Title: Flower of the Fanghu
Path: Preservation
Element: Wind
Combat Type: Shields/Retaliation
Faction: Xianzhou Alliance
Introduction: As the architect and keeper of the gardens aboard the Xianzhou Fanghu, Hyacinth is a steadfast caretaker, a landscaper with a keen eye for beauty and symmetry, and a truly gentle soul. It's said that even thorny and poisonous plants take care not to harm her while she tends to them.
— Ability
Basic ATK - Necessary Restraint - Directs roots below the enemy to grow upwards and crush them into the dirt for X% of ATK.
Skill - Silk Hiding Steel - Unleashes a fierce gust of wind, turning normally soft, harmless petals into razors to strike the enemy. Does x% dmg/ATK and causes Bleed for 1 turn.
Ultimate - Fortress of Thorns - Obedient thorns grow up around the party, shielding them from harm and doing damage to the enemy when a shielded ally is attacked. Shields x% of Hyacinth's (def?hp?) for 2 turns and enemies take 45% dmg when attacking a shielded ally. Enemies receiving damage from Thorn Fortress have an additional 30% base chance to acquire Bleed for 1 turn.
Talent - Thousandfold Blossom - When an ally's health drops below 40%, Hyacinth shields them with a temporary wall of blooming plant life for two turns ( that also heals a small amount of health. - Eidolon addition)
Technique - Sanctuary - Creates an area of effect and enemies caught within the area are ensnared by thorny vines, taking damage and being afflicted with Bleed for 1 turn at the start of the battle.
— Eidolons
1. Morning Mist - Increases Hyacinth's Energy Regen Rate by 6%
2. A Time For Growth - Shields applied by Thousandfold Blossom restore a small amount of health to shielded ally as long as the shield lasts.
3. Hardy Cultivar - Increases Hyacinth's base def by 12%
4. Careful Pruning - +2 to skill and basic
5. Shears of Justice - Extends duration of Bleed applied by skills by 1 turn.
6. Steadfast Protector - +2 to ult and technique
— Character Lines
First Meeting: It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Hyacinth, Architect of Gardens upon the Fanghu. If you've come for a tour of our many beautiful gardens, I can arrange one of our best guides to lead you.
Greeting: It's good to see you again. I was about to take my breakfast in the Five-Corner Garden. Would you care to join me? The mist over the ponds and the unfurling morning blossoms are exquisite at this hour. We might even see some water-skating insects if we're lucky.
Parting: Oh, dear… it's quite late, isn't it? Time seems to fly at your side. (giggle) Don't worry. Plants do not rush to grow, nor should we. We will meet again soon, I promise.
About Self - [Gardens]: Most of the gardens you see aboard the Fanghu were designed by my hand. When I was younger, and there were fewer areas in need of my care, I tended everything by hand. These days I need a fleet of assistants to keep every garden flourishing.
About Self - [Lifetime]: I'm quite glad to be a long-life species. Imagine if I had to reincarnate every several hundred years, and someone else took over managing my gardens meanwhile? (shudder) … it simply doesn't bear thinking about.
Chat - [Flowers]: Are you familiar with night-blooming toad flower? No? It's a fascinating sight. If you're free some evening, I'll gladly accompany you to view it.
Hobbies: Do I do things besides gardening? Well, of course! One must have a balanced schedule, after all. I enjoy a bit of painting when I have the time. My watercolor technique leaves much to be desired, but it's a relaxing hobby nonetheless.
Annoyances: (quietly) They want how many wirebloom stems for the festival? I've told him time and time again those are in extremely limited quality because they only bloom every five years! … (clears throat) I'm very sorry, I didn't see you there. Can I help you with anything?
Something to Share: I know there's a rumor that the plants themselves refuse to harm me, but the truth is I simply have several hundred years' experience with handling them. That, and very high-quality gardening gloves.
Knowledge: There are over seventy species of trees aboard the Fanghu, alongside 47 species of shrubs, 168 species of flowers, ten types of vining plants, and 56 varieties of crops. There are, however, still some species of fruiting vines I've yet to get my hands on that will flourish well alongside our current crops.
About [Sushang]: Sushang… Ah, yes, the Cloud Knight girl. I know her parents better than she, but I do recall seeing her chase butterflies around the Mirror Pond Garden as a child. She seemed a sweet girl.
About [Luocha]: When I see him in the market, he's usually found a new plant or seeds to offer me. Now, often they aren't compatible with the ecosystem here, but I'm flattered he remembers to set something aside for me with so many other, better-paying customers around.
— Combat Lines
Battle Begins - Weakness Break: Stay your advance.
Battle Begins - Danger Alert: On your guard!
Turn Begins I: It is time to prune the rot.
Turn Begins II: Root and Vine, heed my call.
Turn Idling: (humming peacefully)
Basic ATK: Hmph! Not another step!
Skill: You should have run when I gave you the chance.
Hit by Light Attack: No matter… it will heal.
Hit by Heavy Attack: Ugh!
Ultimate: Activate: I believe that's quite enough. (2x: That's quite enough.)
Ultimate: Unleash: It is time to taste the nectar of retribution! (2x: Taste the nectar of retribution!)
Talent: I will not let you fall!
Downed: (weakly) To the soil I return…
Return to Battle: You will not get the best of me again.
Health Recovery: Thank you, my dear.
Technique: These grounds are off-limits to your kind.
Battle Won: Thank goodness… is everyone alright?
Treasure Opening: My, what a lovely selection… are you… sure it's alright to take these?
Successful Puzzle-Solving: (delighted chuckle) Child's play.
Enemy Target Found: Hmm, an invasive pest.
Returning to Town: Ahh… I could do with a cup of tea underneath my favorite wisteria tree.
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bosspigeon · 2 years
oh no now that Apollo's shown up in Canon I'm gonna have to start reworking my Hyacinth design huh
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