#oc: Hartley
havenroyals · 29 days
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GQ | Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Back | Next
Tagging: @nectar-cellar  @lynzishell  @citylighten  @authorspirit @riverofjazzsims
@mydramasims @death-by-glitter @stargazer-sims @spnmoosejerk @empiredesimparte 
@simplywhytney  @matchalovertrait  @onestormeynight @blueyjoy @smok3inm1rrors
@sweetsummersim  @simsbyjo  @thagoddessdemi
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lemonybeast · 1 year
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Bazroph shows off his best pretzel impersonation for the @smallartistocbracket and Sally definitely, 100% knows what kind of "competition" she signed him up for, just like I definitely, 100% did not procrastinate on making a propaganda post until I had to rush through it last minute
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 month
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juliaswickcrs · 5 days
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"While I was placed in charge of STRIKE team Alpha, Pierce put together a team of his own with the approval of the World Council. STRIKE team Beta. Six of our best agents, top of their class, despite the name. Their job was to find any and all artifacts and/or persons related to HYDRA. Last I heard, they were chasing your ghost, Cap." - Nick Fury
taglist: @bisexualterror @foxesandmagic @iron-parkr @camiemendess @a-song-of-quill-and-feather
@arrthurpendragon @starcrossedjedis @drbobbimorse @kingsmakers @noratilney
@stanshollaand @astarionbae @darth-caillic @mystic-scripture @aliverse
@misshiraethsworld @asirensrage @eddiemunscns
@princessmadelines @impales @waterloou @thatmagickjuju
MARVEL TAGLIST: @notxjustxstories @themaradwrites
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ghostoffuturespast · 4 months
Second Conflict - Part I
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mulchergeist · 3 months
i feel like posting my writing rn so !!! here it is. The characters are Oscar Hartley (he isn't mentioned but it's from his perspective), Vincent Russ, and Clair Stirling. Also it's written in 2nd person cause idk that's how it formed in my brain. Writing under the cut and pretty mild warning for violence and stuff . Like just to be safe
Maybe if you had a closer look, or maybe if you went in with him or maybe if you waited by the door instead of sitting yourself farther away to stay safe.
Maybe if you'd let Clair take the shot instead. She'd always been more observant, maybe she would've spotted his jacket, or his face, or his hair, bright green like a leaf. Bright like a warning.
Maybe if you'd just gone inside, maybe if you weren't such a coward, maybe if you went in with him. The idea of going into that godforsaken structure had scared you more in the moment than the possibility of losing him. That possiblity hadn't even crossed your mind.
"Promise me that you'll take the fucking shot, or hand me the gun. I'm not losing you and Vincent in one trip to this damned place." You had said, and when Clair just looked at you, concern and confusion and anger mixing on her face, you grabbed the gun out of her hands and aimed at that door.
"He's not coming back out," you told yourself. Whatever was going to come out of that door wasn't him, and it needed to die.
But by some stroke of horrific luck, it was. He came out of that door, battered and bruised and bleeding but alive, just barely alive. And you were so set on the kill that you pulled the trigger. You failure, you bloodthirsty coward.
Maybe, maybe, maybe. It's all that goes through your head as you clutch his body. A shot straight through the abdomen. If he survives this, he's going to hate you. If he survives.
Does he know it's your gun that shot the final nail into the coffin? Maybe he knows it's the one you had so stupidly flaunted while drunk on a Saturday night in your garage. He had laughed and laughed, watching you fumble and nearly shoot one of the lights out.
You screamed, reacting too late after you pulled that trigger. A pathetic noise, full of regret and pain and hatred, hatred for yourself, hatred for how quickly you'd abandoned hope. For how quickly you abandoned him.
Maybe that's the last thing ringing in his ears, instead of the shaky reassurances you're whispering to him while Clair screams. You can barely make out anything, but you know you deserve every word aimed at you.
Maybe the last thing he thought of was how he was going to live, if it weren't for your idiocy. Maybe the last thing you'll think of is how you took that away from him.
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quaddmgd · 2 months
Over the last year and a half survival horror has become one of the most interesting genres to me (no reason at all :>). Now that I just finished the original Resident Evil 2, the brainrot is very much active. I figured it would be interesting to see how my Cyberpunk OCs would look as survival horror protagonists.
Before even trying I realized that it would be very hard to make survival horror outfits out of vanilla clothing. Still, I wanted to try it on console, so I went a step further and decided to make cover art for the games my OCs would star in. That way I could ease up a bit on outfit side and dress them just appropriately for their respective types of horror, and put most of my efforts into setting the atmosphere through shots and editing, rather than scrolling through hundreds of clothing items.
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Evie - Tapeworm
"Stuck with a damaged relic inside her head, Evie is dying as her consciousness is being slowly overwritten with an engram of a dead rockerboy. Now she's a ticking time bomb, desperately trying to find the cure, while fighting gradually increasing seizures and Johnny himself."
Evie was the first OC I had the concept ready for. Since she's my V and shares many personality traits/experiences with the player character, I went for what happened to be the easiest route for me - taking V's condition and relic malfunctions, and turning them into a source of horror.
Ever since my initial playthrough, V's condition and the effect it has on their mental state were (and still are) some of the most interesting aspects of the story. While never being the focus, a lot about it is certainly hinted through V's actions and dialogue choices and I couldn't help but add my own made-up lore to that.
Bearing all that in mind, I had the concept for her cover art ready almost instantly and while I ended up enhancing the vision a bit, it's still mostly how I initially envisioned it - the close up of Evie wearing Johnny's tank top, her face shattered into a few fragments, each one showing a different glitchy facial expression.
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Thalia - Hard Reboot
"Thalia's last venture into cyberspace did not end well. She wakes up in an abandoned facility, suffering from cyber-seizures and visions of her long lost soulmate - Crystal. Amidst isolation and hopelessness, ghosts of the past end up being her only comfort, when it turns out that the facility was never truly abandoned."
Thalia caused me little to none issue as well. I instantly knew she'll be wearing a damaged netrunning suit, showing off its details and damage by having her back turned to the camera. Even as a concept it felt very Dead Space-esque and Dead Space was my main inspiration for the atmosphere and the feeling of loneliness.
It fits her very well too. Sully lost her nomad family after choosing to sacrifice herself to save them. Assumed deceased, she wouldn't stand a chance to survive if she wasn't found half-dead by the third party that decided to take her in. In a way she died that day and got a second chance, this time as a powerful netrunner designated to take down a big corporation.
Despite the support and not being really alone, she couldn't help but feel isolation and longing for her old family. She knew she has to find Crystal, not only as an actual requirement to complete her assignment, but especially for herself.
Putting her seemingly alone in a big industrial complex after the netdive gone wrong and giving her a glitchy ghost of Crystal as the only entity to talk to turned out to be a great way to touch on what she was feeling during their time of separation - illness, isolation and hopelessness.
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Crystal - Crystal Palace
"What was supposed to be an easy gig turned into a nightmare as Crystal got trapped in Megabuilding H4. With the way of entry sealed off and her cyberdeck damaged, her only option is to dive deep into a compound full of hostiles, learn the truth behind the building-wide quarantine and, most importantly, survive."
Reading about Evie and Thalia, you probably got the idea that I love psychological horror. That's very true and it's partially the reason why Crystal caused me so many issues. She went through her own personal hell too, but it's a bit similar to Thalia's, and anything I came up with would end up being a rehash of Thalia's.
I decided to take a different approach. How about making her look like a stylish ps1/ps2 survival horror protagonist and putting her in a less of a personal situation - just drop the psychological horror aspect altogether. How about trapping her in a desolate building full of psychos, Condemned-style? What's a better place to do that than the abandoned building V was supposed to take Hanako to for Takemura? Well, Megabuilding H4, because there's no way I'm working with vanilla lighting inside or outside of the former! (at least not today)
She's a merc, so it felt natural for an unsuccessful gig to be the reason she got trapped in the building. Add a conspiracy and countless numbers of rooms to search through and it's beginning to feel like a PS2 Resident Evil clone!
Since settling on the less personal and more classic survival horror experience I couldn't get that one Parasite Eve render out of my head. I knew I had to replicate the vibe. Parasite Eve is a weird one though - it's as much of a JRPG as it is a survival horror - it's experimental and even its sequel didn't replicate its gameplay, choosing a safer, Resident Evil-clone approach instead. I went for that exact mix of 90s atmospheric video game renders and experimental japanese games to set the right mood for the cover.
Luckily the pic I shot already kinda looked like a PS1 render, so aside from the color temperature I didn't have to change anything. The lighting on concrete and overall vibe remind me of Final Fantasy VII's one specific promo render (even the character placement looks kinda similar) and its pre-rendered environments (specifically the industrial ones). I'm very proud of the logo, using a Wipeout/JSRF-style Y2K-futuristic font with a japanese caption above that reads "Futuristic Survival Horror Action" reminiscing of Metal Gear's "Tactical Espionage Action" slogan, and it's placing, leaving as much attention as it can to the background.
While initially I intended to focus on the PS1/PS2 survival horror vibe, after considering my limitations I had to divert from that a bit. Still, I had so much fun coming up with cover ideas for my girls and thinking about what places would their respective stories take them. Kinda makes me wish these games actually existed. And looking back on it, it seems ironic that the part I struggled with the most (Crystal), turned out to most accurately capture my original vision.
I'm really glad I was able to get it done using only the console photo mode and GIMP. Sure, it's not without its limitations, but it's still one of the more flexible photo modes I used and with a bit of tinkering with sliders, lighting and pose exploitation, and you can go a long way, arguably even on the last-gen consoles, since they didn't bother to add new photo mode and character editor features since the last old-gen update.
That being said, two years in it's much harder coming up with something that's remotely interesting and isn't just a rehash of pose + angle combo I probably already used at some point. At the same time I do most of my exploration on console, sitting comfortably on my couch, so modded photo mode poses are out of equation for the most part.
Now projects like this is what makes me wanna boot up Cyberpunk 2077 again, spend an entire evening on shooting pictures and continue thinking about it for the next week - it's what rekindles my love for it and virtual photography in general. What I mean is that I'm starving for inspiration and I can't wait to come up another cool idea (or get inspired by someone else) to play around with photo mode, post something cool and maybe even talk a bit more about my inspirations, and the things I like in general.
You are about to use your last SHARD. Do you want to proceed with saving your data?
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procyo9 · 6 months
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a predator, hunting for a kiss :3
Crystal belongs to @quaddmgd <3
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battle-of-alberta · 6 months
Who had the happiest childhood ?
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well over a year later i finally tackle this question! it was at the bottom of the box because one of my weaknesses is drawing children, and another one is the necessary historical research to draw their childhoods :' ) but i really wanted to start imagining them because it's very important to the overall story i'm trying to tell here.
here's the main gang, who were children at one end of the 19th century or another. I don't really know how to answer the question (they all lived through some very rough times, even if they didn't know as much) but I can give a little bit of an explanation for the times they grew up in...
[but most importantly, who do you think was the cutest?]
Ed and Jas were kids in the early decades of the 19th century (the regency era). They didn't really have a sense of the outside world much at all (Ed in particular had a very inflated sense of self importance he has since lost) and moved around a lot to follow the fur bearing animals (typically beavers). I feel like they were often getting into scrapes like this!
Cal and Lil grew up in the 1870s when the Northwest Mounted Police were establishing the Canada-US border. Calvin doesn't realize that his childhood enemy Fort Whoop Up and Lilith are the same person, so he tends to think of Lilith as younger than him. Lilith knows better, of course, but I guess she wanted a fresh start. In some ways, they were both only a bit spoiled as kids, though Lilith was less sheltered.
Jo and Mac didn't really interact much as they were isolated for most of their childhoods and didn't really hit their first growth spurts until the 20th century. It's hard to imagine their childhoods (or that Mac was ever a child haha) but they must have been quite lonely, so I figure they had to have pretty big imaginations to cope during the times Ed wasn't around.
Nor, Red and Maddie grew up in the railroad era of the 1880s-90s, although Nor and Maddie were the railroad resort and energy princesses respectively. Red depended far more on carriages and later vehicles passing through on their way between Ed and Cal's places. [also, do not attempt to cuddle bear cubs or feed them chocolate biscuits!!]
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havenroyals · 2 months
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GQ | Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Back | Next
Tagging: @nectar-cellar @lynzishell @citylighten @authorspirit @riverofjazzsims
@mydramasims @death-by-glitter @stargazer-sims @spnmoosejerk
@empiredesimparte @simplywhytney @matchalovertrait @onestormeynight @blueyjoy
@smok3inm1rrors @sweetsummersim @discoverjoana @thagoddessdemi
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apxcalyptx · 2 months
My first post here. But I would like to introduce an Until Dawn OC I have created!
Her name is Maeve Allen. I don’t see a lot of Until Dawn Oc’s and I’m honestly not sure how the community will react to one, but here she is anyway!! I hope I will manage to draw her a bunch more.
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Here is her full body drawing, the next is just going to be one of the character sheets similar to in the game.
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 month
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juliaswickcrs · 12 days
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oops another oc :: laura hartley in "nobody's soldier" ( catws - endgame )
Laura Hartley knew what being a SHIELD agent had cost her. A normal life, for starters, having to say goodbye to her family and friends back in Boston to move to New York and eventually D.C following Loki's Invasion. But she was saving the world, intercepting dangerous artifacts and information before they fell into the wrong hands, or so she thought. Laura's whole life has been a lie. She's not working for the good guys, instead HYDRA has taken root and is slowly rotting the agency from within. And her boss, Alexander Pierce, has revealed a piece of Laura's life she never realized she was missing. A piece her mother and father have hidden from her for the last twenty years. Now on the run from the U.S. Government and in search of the life she lost, Laura finds herself face to face with an unlikely source of information. The Winter Soldier himself.
taglist: @bisexualterror @foxesandmagic @iron-parkr @camiemendess @a-song-of-quill-and-feather
@arrthurpendragon @starcrossedjedis @drbobbimorse @kingsmakers @noratilney
@stanshollaand @astarionbae @darth-caillic @mystic-scripture @aliverse
@misshiraethsworld @asirensrage @eddiemunscns
@princessmadelines @impales @waterloou @thatmagickjuju
MARVEL TAGLIST: @notxjustxstories @themaradwrites
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ghostoffuturespast · 3 months
A Like Supreme
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saiilorstars · 2 months
The A-Team
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Fandom: SVU; Sonny Carisi x OFC
Emilia’s Masterlist
Summary: Sonny is nervous about his first solo trial and so his girlfriend tries her best to help him out.
taglist: @ocappreciationtag​ @arrthurpendragon​​​​​​ @anotherunreadblog​​​​​​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​​​​ ​​ @stareyedplanet​​​​​​ ​​​​​@averyhotchner​​ ​​​​ @foxesandmagic @kmc1989 @caplanbuckybarnes​​​​​​​
Warnings: Due to the nature of the series’ plots, I do have to rate this as ‘mature’ for constant mentions of rape
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Emilia was nose deep in her laptop when Sonny walked in through the door. Her eyes flickered up from the screen and watched him drop his things on the couch. He didn't need to say a word — Emilia could tell whatever work he had going on had been terrible.
"Should I get that wine bottle now?" She asked him. "Or we could go the other route and relax?"
Sonny gave her half of a smile but shook his head. He wanted to calm down before he ended taking out his stress on her. Emilia didn't deserve any of the crap he dealt with at work.
Emilia was intuitive, however, and so she continued the conversation. "It's bad, isn't it? What's the case?"
"I don't" — Sonny shook his head —"want to ruin our good streak."
Emilia snorted and chuckled. "Good streak?"
"You know — we had a good Christmas and New Years. We had good holidays…"
"And now we're both back at work," Emilia said slowly, giving him a rather 'duh!' kind of look. "That's why it's a vacation. It's like an escape from reality and unfortunately we are all done with that, so…" She closed her laptop and motioned him to take a seat with her at the table, "Why don't you tell me what the case is?"
Sonny still hesitated. With a sigh, Emilia rose from her seat and walked over to him. She was gentle when she helped him out of his jacket.
"What are you working on?" Sonny asked her instead. He gave her a soft 'thanks' as she folded his jacket and left it on the couch for him.
"Me?" Emilia mused. "Oh, you know, vacation's done and so online school started again. I'm just finishing up my first lecture of the semester. But c'mon, don't change the subject." She took his hand and walked him to the table to sit down. "What's the case?" She left him to go to the fridge.
"It's this woman — she left a big billboard message on the streets for everyone to see." Sonny eyed the books left on the table and felt even worse knowing he was interrupting Emilia's studies.
"Billboard?" Emilia closed the fridge door with a leftover bowl in her hands. They had made pesto pasta yesterday. "Ooooh, I saw that! We all did! Alice showed it to me at work a few days ago. You're taking up the case?"
"I guess I am," Sonny said, sounding like he was only just realizing the implications. Luckily, Emilia was quick to understand too.
"That'll make it your first case in the courtroom — on your own…" She popped the leftover inside the microwave and turned to look at Sonny. "That's the nerves, isn't it?"
Sonny nodded at her. "Monica — the girl behind the billboard — she's not making the case easy at all."
"Monica Russo? Yeah, we saw the whole thing online as well," Emilia crossed her arms. It had been a whirlwind of a mess concerning the girl making public accusations about a celebrity and then getting arrested herself. "God, Sonny, why didn't you tell me that was your case? It's been days since all that stuff came out!"
The microwave beeped three times before turning off.
"I didn't want to burden you, alright?" Sonny leaned back in his chair, taking the moment to actually start de-stressing from the day. "The things I see…"
"That's the thing, Sonny, you see them…" Emilia walked over to the table and set the pasta in front of him, "I just hear about them from you. It's very different. Sorry about the leftovers tonight…I was a bit stressed myself."
"You're heaven sent," Sonny assured her, reaching for one of her hands. He laced his fingers with hers and kissed the back of her hand. "Never forget that." Emilia smiled at him and handed him a fork. "What were you stressed about?"
"Ah, no, you don't get to change the subject on me," Emilia chuckled and returned to her seat. She opened her laptop and picked up her pen on the side. "I'm listening. Keep going."
"It's the usual stuff, Em. You hit the mark earlier — it'll be my first case in trial on my own. I guess it's just getting to me a bit more than I expected."
"Well, that's natural," Emilia said, taking down some notes in her notebook. "It's like my first day of teaching. Well" — she scrunched her nose — "except for the fact that I was nervous about handling 25 five year olds on my own and you're talking about rapists so…I guess it's not the same at all."
Sonny smiled at her despite her futile comparison. "I bet you were still very nervous."
Emilia hummed. "That I was. You'll be fine, Sonny. Eat, unwind, and then we'll go to sleep."
The only reason Sonny didn't protest was because of hunger. The pasta smelled delicious and he was truly eager to just forget it all until it was absolutely necessary to start thinking about it again.
Emilia knew something was wrong when she didn't hear from Sonny at all. The morning of his first trial, she had sent a few texts wishing him good luck — even a voicemail where she wished him all the luck in the world and reassured him that he would be fine — but he never responded. He was gone before her that day and she was back before him. With a quick call to Olivia Benson, she learned what happened. Emilia drove down to the D.A.'s office to find her boyfriend cooped up in his office. The door wasn't properly closed so she gave a light tap with her fingers and stepped inside.
"Hey there," she approached him with slow steps. The room was barely lit — it was a wonder how Sonny was managing to write on his notepad. "I was waiting for you to come home tonight…"
"Sorry, I was a bit busy…" Sonny mumbled, his pen working furiously on the notepad. Emilia eyed two crumpled balls of paper on the desk and wondered what he was working so hard on.
"I spoke to Olivia — she said the trial didn't go so well…"
"More like I got slaughtered out there," Sonny spat. He stopped writing and finally looked up at Emilia. "I'm writing my resignation letter."
Emilia's first reaction was to laugh. "You are not…!" The way Sonny was looking at her, though, made her stop altogether. "Stop — Dominick Carisi, you are not writing your resignation letter."
"Em, I'm gonna lose this case. Ms. Hadid already knows! She has her spies in the courtroom! I'm done!"
"No you are not," Emilia plopped down in an empty chair and leaned her arms on his desk. "You had a bad first day. It happens!"
"Yeah, but…Em, what if I'm not cut out for this?" The devastation in Sonny's eyes just imagining that he made the wrong career choice was heartbreaking. Up until now, he had always been so animated about his new job. It was what he wanted to do from day 1.
"Okay, Dominick, listen to me," Emilia reached for his hands and gripped them tight in hers. "Remember my silly little comparison before about my first day at my job? Well, I'm gonna use it again but just bear with me. There's a point." She scooted closer to the desk. "My first day on the job, I had 25 kindergarteners in my care. I was responsible for them — I had to make sure that they survived the day!"
"And you did it beautifully," Sonny said, prompting Emilia to snort.
"I wish! My circle time was a disaster! I had four of them draw on the tables while I was doing an art lesson! I miscalculated how much time they would actually pay attention and so they got bored and started drawing on the tables, others started painting on themselves because that's another thing — I didn't plan on how to give them the supplies. And then that same first day, one of my kids had an accident on the playground. It was horrible. I had to call the parents and…agh, it was just awful. A really awful first day."
Emilia let go of one of Sonny's hands to then take his other hand in both of hers, urging him to listen to her words.
"But do you know what I did? I went home and I came back the next day with a new lesson plan. I came up with a new art project, a better system to watch the kids outside — I learned and I kept going. And now here I am, trying to go for a new credential."
"And I am very proud of you for doing that," Sonny said, smiling fondly at her. She adored her students every day, even when some of those days weren't all that great.
"The point is you can't quit. If you did, you'd end up regretting it," Emilia said sternly, yet softly.
"It's hard knowing that I failed, Emilia…"
"I know it is, baby, but you can't stop now. You can still get up and try again. Do it better."
Sonny squeezed her hand, loving her more in that moment. "What would I do without you?"
"You'll never have to find out. So then, what time is court tomorrow?" Emilia let go of his hands and leaned back in her chair. "No school tomorrow."
"You do not have to come," Sonny said. As much as Emilia loved her job, she also loved sleeping in. She took advantage of her days off to the fullest and that meant getting up past noon.
"I want to see the bitch lawyer who's making your life miserable and, I don't know, trip her or something."
"On accident of course."
Sonny playfully rolled his eyes at her. He still laughed, though, which just gave Emilia more fuel to keep her story going.
Emilia soon rose from her chair and moved around the desk until she was standing behind Sonny's chair. She planted her hands on his shoulders and gave him a light massage. "I'm taking that resignation letter, by the way."
Sonny chuckled. "Sure. You can take it and go home to rest. I'll probably be in here all night."
Emilia shook her head. "I'll stay here, give you all of my support."
Sonny closed his eyes as she pressed a kiss on his temple. "I'd like nothing more than that but I know you're as tired as I am. Besides…" He opened his eyes and reached back for Emilia, tugging her around his seat while he scooted his chair back at the same time. He brought her down on his lap and pushed some of her long hair behind her shoulder. "I know you'll be there tomorrow and that means the world to me. And on your day off…"
"On my day off," Emilia agreed, "So are you sure I can't trip the bitch or something?"
Sonny rolled his eyes at her. "No, you can't."
"Damn. Fine, I'll settle for seeing you kick hers and her rapist client's ass."
"That I can try to do."
Emilia gazed at him fondly. "You'll be great tomorrow, I know it." Her confidence was unwavering and Sonny took it to heart.
He leaned forward and kissed her. However bad his day had been, one kiss from hers was enough to change it around.
~ 0 ~
Like promised, Emilia had been there for the next trial. She sat in the rows and watched Sonny handle the victim and the rapist in one go. She had never really been in a courtroom and truthfully she did not like the tension in the room. She couldn't imagine doing this 24/7. Sonny was right to only ever tell her bits and pieces about his cases, even as a detective it had always been somewhat of an unspoken rule.
But today Emilia was amazed by her boyfriend. He who was absolutely distraught with how the previous day had gone was now a very different, more confident, man throwing questions at the culprit. She was proud.
After the jury was sent out, Emilia stepped out of the courthouse to make a few calls and to give Sonny whatever time he needed with his colleagues. When she returned, she was a little lost. The courtroom was empty of course save for a few lingering reporters. She ventured the hallway until she came across the squad.
"At the risk of looking like a bigger idiot for just wandering around, could somebody please tell me where I might find my boyfriend?" she chuckled nervously.
"Might want to try the restroom," Fin said, "Or wait outside…"
Emilia raised an eyebrow at him, the idea donning on her in a few seconds. "Oh, that man and his weak stomach…"
The others chuckled.
"Where's the men's restroom?" she ultimately asked.
They were kind enough to show her the way. She got lucky as Sonny was just coming out of the restroom when she arrived.
"Hey," she hurried to meet him, "There you are! Are you okay?"
"Not really, no…" Sonny didn't hesitate to say, "Jury's been out for days."
Emilia smiled sympathetically. "Babe, it's only been 3 hours…give or take." Sonny actually stopped and checked the time on his watch. Emilia felt even worse for him. "Were you throwing up in there?"
"No…yeah…" Sonny sighed, "Waiting for the verdict, it's-it's different when it's your case."
Emilia laughed softly and offered him some gum. Sonny couldn't take it any quicker
"Oh, hun…" She stepped closer to him and touched his face. "If it's consolation, I think you did great back there. You definitely got that guy to show his real self."
"Thanks for being here," Sonny said, lowering his forehead against hers. Her mere presence had been enough to boost his confidence.
"Anytime," Emilia said, kissing his cheeks. "You want to take a walk or something?" But not a moment later, Sonny got the news that the jury had finally come back.
Their walk led them back to the courtroom. Once gathered together, they learned that the jury had found the defendant guilty. Relief washed over the right side of the courtroom as the defendant was taken into custody. Sonny looked back at the squad and more precisely his beautiful grinning girlfriend.
~ 0 ~
Later in the evening, Emilia walked out of the bathroom after a much needed shower and immediately smelled the delicious scent of her boyfriend's cooking. She practically floated to the kitchen.
"Okay, I thought we agreed on some take-out?" She laughed seeing Sonny busy in the kitchen. "My shower wasn't that long, was it?"
Sonny shook his head at her and lowered the flame of the stove. "I wanted to treat you right tonight."
"Me?" Emilia's eyebrows raised together, another laugh slipping through her lips. "You're the one who did amazing today. The take-out was my treat."
"I wasn't all that great with my moods," Sonny said, leaving the stove for a moment and walking up to her. He could smell her freshly wet hair's lavender scent. "And I just want to say thanks for sticking it out with me."
"You say it like I wasn't supposed to," Emilia said, taking his hands in hers. "Like I was supposed to let you wallow on your own. Never gonna happen."
"Oh, I know," Sonny said with a long sigh. He wrapped his arms around her and brought her body flush against his.
"We're like a team...except that I don't know the first thing about lawyering and I'm sure you'd lose your head trying to entertain 25 five year-olds." Sonny looked down at her then, making her laugh. "Yeah, who am I kidding? You're great with kids. You could probably do my job with your eyes closed. Not that you should because that would make you a horrible teacher."
Sonny couldn't help his chuckle. He was the lawyer but Emilia always seemed to know exactly what to say to make things alright. "Dinner?" He pecked her lips.
"Yes, please!" Emilia made to go around him but he caught her head and turned her back for another kiss, this one longer.
When they broke apart, Sonny mumbled a soft 'thank you' and tugged a pleasantly dazed Emilia into the kitchen with him.
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vexic929 · 4 months
OC Pride Moodboards pt. 1
starting with Flash characters and sexualities/romantic orientations, I'll probably move on to gender moodboards and Titans or at least the Robins later <3333 moodboards below the cut!
Barbara (bisexual)
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Eoland (lesbian)
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Hartley (lesbian)
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Berrie (lesbian)
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Beth (bisexual)
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Malcolm (aroace)
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