#oc: Elisa cazador
bluejay-in-write · 2 years
✨OC Memes✨
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bluejay-in-flight · 4 years
Hey! I'm new! Could you give a brief overview of your ocs and ships I'd love to hear about them
I would love to and thank you so much for asking!! ☺️ So I'm actually gonna give you a link to an ask I answered where I summarized my main 6 ocs here! Also just because I paired everyone up doesn't mean that their friendships and their family relationships aren't just as important if not more so. So feel free to send asks about that too cause I'd love to tell you guys about their platonic relationships! 😄
Basically Avery is the smart anxious leader Elisa is the badass distant Co leader Felix is the light hearted playful team member, Jackie is the outgoing but wary team member, Stella is the prickly mom friend, and Mason is the caring quiet best friend. There are other members on the team but I'll probably wait to go into more depth with them until someone else asks cause like there's 6 other team members not including Avery, Elisa, Jackie, and Felix 😅 Now onto the relationships!
(Also I just realized as I'm about to post this ask that I only really talked about how they got together and not how they interact 😅 so if you guys are interested in any specific ships just let me know and I'll go more in depth about their interactions!)
The main pairing is Avery/Elisa/Mason although it's a very slow burn and it takes awhile for all three of them to end up together although Avery and Elisa have a romantic past and Elisa and Mason end up dating after a while a lot of stuff happens that prevents all three of them from being together.
To break it down tho Avery and Elisa knew each other when they were kids and were best friends and were in love with each other although they only kissed once and held hands a lot but they never made it official since they were early teens and both were afraid to voice their feelings. Then something happened and they didn't meet again until ten years later. After they met again though things were awkward and they couldn't seem to get along and were always fighting which is when Mason stepped in and that's how he met Elisa.
Now Mason and Avery have known each other for around seven years by this point and are best friends and Mason has been in love with Avery for awhile but never told her because he thought she wasn't interested. Although to be fair Avery never even knew Mason was in love with her because she is very oblivious when it comes to people's feelings towards her unless they tell her straight up.
Which is actually what a fellow shield agent Nikki did and so when Nikki asked Avery out Avery was interested so she said yes not knowing that both Elisa and Mason were still in love with her. Then Elisa and Mason ended up bonding over their unrequited love for Avery and eventually fell in love with each other and started dating. Now eventually Avery and Nikki broke up because of reasons (spoilers) and so after that Avery was heartbroken and felt jealous of Elisa and Mason and it took her awhile to realize she wasn't jealous because she was alone but she was jealous because she was still in love with Elisa and now realized that she had loved Mason the whole time as well but didn't even realize.
So yeah eventually all three of them get together after a while but it takes them a very long time for it to be all three of them and a lot of stuff happens in between while Avery pines away for the both of them and they both still love Avery but think she will never be interested in them.
The rest of the relationships will be under the cut because they include the other team members I haven't mentioned yet.
The first relationship I will be talking about is Jackie and Peyton…
So Peyton is actually the daughter of Pyro who used to be a part of the X Men but switched to Magneto's side. Peyton never met her father and was raised by her mother who refused to let Pyro return because he continued to work with magneto and she was worried he would endanger them. Then he ended up dying during a battle so Peyton never got the chance to know him but her mother told Peyton about him and she was happy they never met. Peyton was constantly worried about ending up like him especially because she was born with his powers.
Peyton and Jackie met at the institute and while Peyton was always enamored with Jackie like most everyone is she kept her distance because she knew about what happened between Pyro and Iceman and feared that if she ever became friends with Jackie history would repeat itself. So despite the fact that Jackie constantly tried to interact with her Peyton did her best to stay away.
This cause Jackie to think that Peyton didn't like her which upset her because everyone liked Jackie and Jackie wanted to know what she did wrong to hurt Peyton that caused her to keep her distance. Because of that Jackie started paying more attention to Peyton and then eventually started crushing on her which made Jackie feel even worse about the fact that Peyton didn't like her. Then Peyton eventually left the institute to take care of her mom and they didn't meet again until a couple years later where they became teammates.
Eventually Peyton gets over her fear that she's going to turn into her father and betray her friends because she realizes she could never be like him and will never be like him which makes her open up to Jackie and they get together but it takes awhile for that to happen even though both of them are interested in each other.
The next relationship is between Felix and Cameron…
Cameron and his sister Carmen were eventually found by the Professor living on the streets after being kicked out by their parents and he brought them to the institute. Neither of them really interacted with anyone else only really caring about each other and making sure they were both safe. But Cameron soon started to have feeling for Felix who was always smiling and joking around and was the prettiest boy Cameron had ever seen.
The problem was that Felix at that time was in love with his best friend Jackie and didn't have eyes for anyone else but Cameron didn't know this. He was of the impression that Felix was in love with his sister because of the fact that Felix had always playfully flirted with her which was actually Felix's way of distracting people from his feelings for Jackie. Felix always wears his heart on his sleeve so he would jokingly flirt with Carmen because he knew she wasn't interested in him so he wasn't leading her on.
Anyone with eyes could see that Felix was in love with Jackie not Carmen which obviously means that the only people who were privy to that information were Felix and Carmen themselves and Felix's best friends minus Jackie of course. Everyone else not on that list including Cameron thought that Felix was interested in Carmen. So yeah a lot of miscommunication then eventually Felix realizes that Jackie will never return his love and that's okay and then Felix has a huge gay crisis in the middle of his asexual crisis due to his homophobic father and the fact that Cameron is very cute. Then after a whole lot of communication that clears everything up Felix and Cameron get together.
The last two relationships (yeah I know basically everyone is in a relationship I couldn't help myself they're all so cute together haha) are Carmen and Erica are together along with Tam and Kai. Although I'm not going to get into them on this ask not because their relationships aren't important or developed but because of the fact that I haven't talked about any of them yet. So I'll wait to go in depth about their relationships after I share more about them. 😊 There's also a surprise relationship in the future but if I tell you guys that would spoil the surprise character 👀
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🤐 - What’s one secret they never want to tell anyone?
Thank you so much for sending an ask!! I'm gonna pick my oc Elisa Cazador since I haven't talked about her much!
One secret Elisa doesn't want to tell anyone is about her past and how she used to kill and steal for a living because she's done her best to change and move past that and doesn't want people to see her for how she used to be and not how she is now.
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bluejay-in-flight · 4 years
can i get some facts about one of your ocs please?
Thank you so much for sending me an ask ☺️ I would love to tell you about an oc! I have a couple of original stories at the moment but I'm going to stick with my ocs from a fictional universe. Also I was gonna do Avery the main one but then I got carried away and ended up doing my six main ocs 😅 So this is a little bit about my ocs from my story Code Blue 😄 (the other five will be under read more)
Avery Plafaire (Main Character):
Avery is a mutant with the ability to hack into things with her mind and manipulate technology. She also has a physical mutation along with it where the neurons in her brain are actually thin metal circuits so her brain is wired more like a computer which is why she actually thinks in computer code. This also prevents any mutant with mind manipulation power from using it on her
Personality wise Avery constantly overthinks everything and can't stop second guessing herself. She doesn't have the best self esteem or confidence in her choices but when she decides on something she sticks with it. Avery is often the one people go to, to make the hard choices. She would rather not be in a position of power or in charge of anyone but when she has to be she rises to the occasion.
Avery is currently working at Shield as an agent and was actually trained by Nick Fury after she spent two years at the Institute learning how to control her mutation. Before that she had lived at an orphanage until she was sixteen when she ran away and lived on her own for the next three years. She has four best friends: Mason, Stella, Jackie, and Felix.
Elisa Cazador:
Elisa has been trained in the art of manipulation and fighting since she was young due to the fact that her family ran the Mexican Mafia in New York and her parents were training her to become her older sister’s second in command when she eventually took over.
She has always been suspicious of other people and for most of her life the only person she could rely on was herself. She has a hard time listening to authority figures and would prefer to do things herself without the help of others. For so long she had to pretend to be someone else that eventually she forgot who she really was underneath all the masks and is still working on figuring that out.
Due to many unforeseen circumstances Elisa came to work for Shield at their branch in Russia until an old friend called her back to New York asking for her help. So she left Russia behind her and showed up at New York Shield Headquarters only to be told that she was going to be training a new Shield team with a complete stranger.
Felix Ramirez:
Felix has the ability to manipulate and absorb electricity and has a habit of lightly shocking people for fun and because he likes to see people jump. Although if you ask him not to be won't. His friends also often use his powers to make toast when the toaster is broken.
Felix is a very happy go lucky person and loves to meet new people and make friends. He's always up for having a good time but sometimes that leads to him getting into dangerous situations when he wonders if he can do things and then thinks why not. Felix is always joking around and you can usually see him with a grin on his face. If you don't, that means something is very wrong.
Felix grew up rich and was never very responsible until something happened where he finally realized who he had become and that he needed to change. Now he helps to train children mutants at the Institute to control their powers and how to stop themselves from losing control and accidentally hurting others.
Jacquelyn Noell:
Jacquelyn usually known as Jackie is a mutant who can manipulate ice and snow as well as being able to freeze anything. She loves the winter and might be persuaded to make it snow for a day in the middle of summer if you show her a pair of puppy dog eyes. She's also trained in many types of fighting but her favorite is boxing because it makes her think of her dad.
Jackie is very friendly and outgoing like Felix but makes sure to be on her guard at all times around anyone other than her best friends. She also has more self preservation than Felix but is always around to egg him on whenever he's thinking of doing something stupid which constantly tests Stella's patience and brings endless amusement to everyone else. She may be one of the nicest people you'll ever meet but she's also the fiercest you'll ever meet when she's protecting her friends.
Jackie grew up a black girl with two dads and quickly had to learn how to defend herself from people who would wish her harm because of it. Her favorite fighting style was immediately boxing due to the fact that one of her dads was a famous boxer. Now she teaches self defense to young kids at the Institute so they're prepared for any situation.
Stella Kumar:
Stella has a mutation where she can not only heal people's non life threatening injuries but she can also take people's pain although if she does she ends up feeling their pain in their place. But before she even discovered her powers she was interning as a nurse at a hospital and was planning on getting her Doctorate in medicine when her brother died.
Stella used to be a very open and sweet person but after she lost all of her family to death she became closed off and sharp. It took her a long time before she let herself get close to anyone again and even after she did she was still never the same. Stella is a brilliant doctor but she doesn't have the best bed side manner and can get irritated if she finds out that you did something dumb to injure yourself like Felix often does. Regardless of her temperament she is one of the most caring people you will ever meet.
Because of the death of her father and brother she ended up leaving medicine behind until the day that the Professor found her and brought her to the institute. Now she works alongside Hank McCoy to heal and take care of fellow mutants at the Institute while doing her best to keep her friends -- specifically Avery, Jackie, and Felix -- from getting into too much trouble.
Last but not least…
Mason Adams:
Mason is an empath which means that his mutation gives him the ability to know what the other people around him are feeling. He can't actually read their mind although if they're feeling something very strongly he might get an image or impression from them but he can actually manipulate people's emotions if he locks eyes with them. He usually uses his powers to defuse volatile situations at the Institute.
Mason has always been very introverted and mainly kept to himself his whole life until two of his best friends -- Felix and Jackie -- shoved their way into his life which led to him becoming friends with Avery and Stella as well. He now talks a lot more than he used to and tends to have a dry humor that he brings out here and there but above all Mason prefers to keep quiet while observing other people. He has always been a very caring person which was only enhanced by his empathy but Mason has no patience for people who come to him seeking advice only to not take it.
Mason practically grew up at the orphanage after he ran away from his abusive mother and was found by the Professor. Ironically despite the fact that he prefers his own company rather than being around people, other than his best friends, Mason is usually the one to give the new people a tour of the Institute and get them settled in. Due to his mutation he was always a natural at calming people down and making them comfortable in their new environment.
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Elisa for the ask game!
Thank you for sending in an ask!!!
Full Name: Elisa Cazador
Gender and Sexuality: Female and Pansexual
Pronouns: She/Hers
Ethnicity/Species: Hispanic/Human
Birthplace and Birthdate: America and October 27th
Guilty Pleasures: Romantic Comedies
Phobias: Fire (It killed the people closest to her)
What They Would Be Famous For: She's a famous thief called Zorra but if she wasn't already famous for that she would be a famous dancer
What They Would Get Arrested For: Theft, murder, breaking and entering
OC You Ship Them With: Avery and Mason
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Stella (cause Elisa gets Avery into trouble a lot)
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Romance
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Damsel in distress
Talents and/or Powers: She is extremely skilled with swords and daggers as well as breaking into places and she's also deadly silent
Why Someone Might Love Them: She is extremely loyal once you give her a reason to be and she will go to the ends of the earth to make you happy
Why Someone Might Hate Them: She has very loose morals and has trouble sometimes seeing why certain things are wrong based on the fact that she was raised in the mob. She can also be very sarcastic and stubborn.
How They Change: For a while she feels empty and doesn’t really care about anything as a way to cope with her loss but eventually learns how to care about people again and learns how to do what is right (even though she sometimes goes about doing it the wrong way)
Why You Love Them: Because she's a badass who really cares about the people close to her and has gone through a lot to get to where she is.
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