#oc virgil
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demisofphoenixdrop · 8 months ago
Every time I write Aaron he gets more and more tired. He's a DILF, for sure, but he's fucking exhausted
You try single parenting the two kids who survived the curse that killed your wife and son. Even more, one of those kids is a feral genius and the other is an ankle biter that regularly sets themself on fire as a form of petty protest because "It Doesn't Hurt Me >:P"
Dude needs a fucking nap.
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official-voxtek · 5 days ago
Virgil Morningstar!
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Son of Vox and Lucifer!
Bunny: He’s so precious 🥹 Thank you @punikyukyu for this lovely commission of the baby boy!
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vinndas · 2 months ago
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loaded moments
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knight-tyme · 1 year ago
But...what if I told you: Animal Crossing Versions of our DnD party
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There's Blaise, The Lion (My Kalashtar/Aasimar Paladin)
Vokt, The Wolf (DMPC Changling Barbarian Monk)
Rinn, The Fox (Friend's Elven Monk)
Virgil, The Alligator (Other Friend's Dragonborn Fighter)
Peter, The Bear (@jam-n-ham's Druid Bugbear)
Ember, The Bird (@im-no-jedi's Dwelf Scorcerer)
Bruckan, The Dog (NPC Human Rouge)
Reblogs are very much appreciated!
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madhount · 1 year ago
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My cinnamon-roll from dnd. He was caught in spider web.
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ffxiv-f13ndish · 10 months ago
The Journal Just Opened In My Lap, I Wasn't Snooping-
collab drabble w/ @sorrel-haven characters:
Lament [ @ sorrel-haven]
Odetta, Penelope, and Bea (mentioned) [ sorrel-haven]
Virgil [mine, unfortunately]
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If Virgil was going to be trapped in a house with strangers for some time, he might as well make himself further acquainted. It was one of those spare moments where Virgil finally didn’t feel like someone else was breathing down his neck. With most family members out of the house – and Lament working in another room – Virgil took it upon himself to slink into a room and begin poking around. He started with journals, flipping one open to read through. 
The journals in the room were older, but not too old, judging by the yellowing of the paper. Each journal’s first page was blank save for a date range in the bottom corner with a name, Kovir Grimvik on the older journals and Lament Sorrel on the newer. The handwriting was all the same.
Virgil rose a brow. He looked between the two journals, noting the identical handwriting. 
‘Kovir, hm?’ the investigator thought to himself, making himself comfortable in a chair as he continued reading through an older journal. He helped himself to a nearby paper and pen, in case he needed to take any notes of any useful information.
I’ve decided. I’m going to record her story. She’s done so much already, I know she’ll be the stuff of legends! I’ll write that legend, turn it into songs sung for generations!
Virgil’s thoughts roamed back to Lament in the other room, and the music he would occasionally hear coming from the other side. A songwriter? Is that what Lament did? Well, that wasn’t all that shocking. What was worthy of further examination, however, was this talk of an admirable figure. He flipped a few pages ahead to skim through. 
Beatrice has an innate affinity for healing magics. Odetta had taken her camping to start teaching her basic survival skills. Unfortunately she was injured protecting her from a stray voidsent. However; Beatrice healed her! With no formal training just pure instinct! Who better to train this blossoming prodigy than Odetta? Bea will be a force to be reckoned with when she grows up.  
Odetta, Nelope and I will be headed to Gridania to fill out the registration forms for the Adventurer’s guild. We’ll get Bea a training wand while we’re there.
Nel can’t wait to be able to travel with Odetta in an official capacity, I can’t either. The excitement makes it hard to sleep. The question now though… Do I register under the name Grimvik? Or Sorrel?
Virgil gave an intrigued tilt of his head. He hadn’t thought much of Beatrice until reading this passage, primarily since he’s kept to himself while residing with the Sorrels. He couldn’t help but wonder what was it that prompted the change in Lament’s name. Had he missed something a few pages back? Or would it be expanded upon further on?
Then again, it didn’t seem like Lament was actually talking much about herself in these journals. He leaned back in his chair and continued on with reading. 
Lament Sorrel… a bit dramatic, but I just blurted it out when Mother Miounne asked me my name for the paperwork. It made Odetta laugh, she liked the irony of “one so optimistic being named Lament.” Mother Miounne was not as amused, however she wrote it down. 
“I couldn’t be more excited to be able to adventure alongside Odetta, and Nelope of course.” Lament read outloud, next to Virgil’s ear. 
The journal fell from the Elezen’s hands when a familiar voice narrated in his ear the next sentence of the passage. Virgil sat up straight, turning his head to look at Lament with a steady gaze, as if they had interrupted him in the middle of his work… rather than him being in the middle of snooping. 
“And quite the adventures you have had, given the text you have accumulated,” Virgil remarked. 
Lament raised an eyebrow and smiled. He walked over and pulled a few seemingly random journals from the shelf. “Feel free to pry, nothing in those that I wouldn’t tell if asked, but I’ll be taking these few.”
Virgil leaned down to pick up the dropped journal, though his eyes continued to follow Lament as he picked a select amount of journals from the shelf. Virgil stood from the seat, but leaned his hip against the desk to keep himself steady as he adjusted to the change in position. 
“What is it that brings you to believe that the subject you write about has a legendary potential?”
Lament was quiet as he considered the question, “Have you ever felt… Warm? Like a sunbeam coming through the window hits you just right as you’re under a big comforter on a winter’s day? Or that feeling when you take the first sip of a hot drink and it just radiates from your chest and belly to warm your everything? Or even just a really nice hug? She’s all that and more.” 
 “She’s warmth, she’s light, she’s strength. She will bring her enemies to their knees and proffer a hand of friendship to help them back up if they accept. She believes in second chances, but will do what’s necessary if it comes to it.” Lament looked down at the books in her hands and brushed her fingertips on the cover.
Virgil gave Lament a long stare.
“I don’t believe that such an impression has ever resonated with me,” he said after a long beat of silence. “Quite the exuberant soliloquy of romanticism for one who has taken up the name ‘Lament.’”
Virgil walked over, sliding the journal back into its spot on the shelf. He pulled out another to flip through. Lament took one of the journals they had and gently bonked Virgil on the head with the spine.
“Did you not absorb what you read? The name is ironic. I’m a very optimistic person!” 
Virgil made no overt motion following the bonk to his head, only giving Lament an unenthused stare.
“I’d inquire if that was really necessary, but you appear to delight in all frivolity, don’t you?” Virgil said with a raised brow. 
Virgil placed a hand on the shelf to hold himself up, letting it linger there for a moment as he discretely steadied himself. 
“A change of name… on top of being a long way from home, I presume. What brought you all this way?” Virgil went on to inquire, studying Lament like a hawk.
Lament chuckled. “You don’t know much of viera culture do you? I’m an exile, it’s customary to change your name when you leave the village. It’s to symbolize you cutting ties with your former life. Since, well, I can never go back.”
He flopped in the chair that Virgil abandoned, putting his legs over the arm of it. He was seemingly unbothered by Virgil’s staring. Lament looked at Virgil, one hand behind their head. He was studying Virgil right back.
“I can’t say I have had the pleasure,” Virgil said, turning his head to one side in thought. He didn’t move from his spot at the shelf, but moved his body to prevent having his back to Lament. His gaze didn’t waver when Lament decided to stare right back at him.
“You write stories into songs. Do you intend to be some sort of… wandering minstrel?”
“Do not compare me to that man!” Lament sat up, “I am twice no three times the bard he is! Plus he thinks he can just use my sister’s story when I already am recording it? I think not!”
A rare smile crossed Virgil’s features, the corner of the right side of his mouth lifting by a fraction. 
“Feud aside, is that not what you are? I fail to see a difference in both of your endeavors. Do elucidate, if you will,” he continued, stepping closer to stand across from Lament at the desk.
Lament huffed and smiled. They leaned forward, rested their elbows on the table and propped up their chin on their hands. “The difference being is that I am the only one allowed to tell my sister’s story. I will destroy him.”
Virgil tilted his head to the other side. “Really, now? I have yet to see such a performance. It would be a shame if he were to tell your sister’s story with much more efficiency.”
“No he’s a hack,” Lament laughed, “I will say, cute of you to rile me up like this. You do know how to push people’s buttons.” Lament stood with their hands on the desk as they leaned forward, mirroring the tilt of Virgil’s head.
“Is it unintentional or do you find the information people drop in frustration easier to obtain than like say, just talking casually?” Lament asked with a calm curiosity. “Befriending someone, letting them tell you things because they want to, I find that very easy, in fact you get a lot more information from an open heart I find! So, is it really easier to make someone mad or does the possibility of getting your ass kicked excite you somehow?”
“Superficial conversation tends to be futile. Nevertheless, I would not pronounce myself incapable of it. Careful peeling away for an open heart may bear noteworthy fruit, but the information obtained is only what the other wishes to share. Or perhaps, only what they know,” Virgil responded hollowly. But casual conversation was easier said than done. Virgil’s preening and guileful presentation could only take him so far – fact of the matter is, Virgil’s social skills were… subpar. “Chipping away at a person’s frustrations is less about the information which is spoken, but what is expressed.” 
He paused, giving a hum as he thought of a way to phrase it. “The flame either expresses a steam of possible potential, or reveals superficial cracks in the glass. While my methods have never granted me any friends, it has allowed me to survive.”
“As for you…” Virgil moved, side sitting on the edge of the desk. His head subconsciously cocked to the side in the other direction, yet again. “Well, perhaps in all your optimism, I suppose pushing you to express your frustration is… thrilling, to a degree.” He cracked a faint smile. 
“Hm.” Lament looked at Virgil for a moment. He reached over and put the back of his hand to Virgil’s face. “You’re more pale than usual. I’ll ask Bea to tend to you.”
Virgil tensed when Lament’s hand reached out, and the elezen leaned back. He reached up to brush her hand away. “I’d say I am in no danger of collapsing. Though, that would be awfully convenient for you, hm? I’ll attend to it.” He leaned a hand on the desk, using it to support him as he moved to stand. 
“It would actually be the opposite of convenient, I would have to carry you to a bed.” Lament walked around the desk and put a guiding hand on Virgil’s back. “Just because your personality is a bit warped doesn’t mean I wish you ill. I’m here to help you. Accept the help.” Virgil’s expression remained as frigid as it ever was, though the apprehension was sneaking through the cracks in the way he fidgeted with his fingers. He gave Lament a long side eye, then curtly nodded a moment later. Lament helped Virgil out of the study and over to Bea. Once Virgil was being cared for, Lament headed out to the Lemure Headquarters to ask them to hold on to her more sensitive journals for a while.
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colresskisser · 2 months ago
ok wait i need to post things i forget that's how social media works. i've been into sanders sides lately
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camiliar · 6 months ago
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Knight Takes Bishop
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tsuutarr · 5 months ago
Yandere!unicorn x reader
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Okay, it’s official: you’re lost. 
You had tried to run away from your captor, but you neglected to think about what would happen after you had left his castle made of crystal. Of course his stupid castle had to be located in the depths of the forest with no way for you to find your way out.
So, all you can do now is slump against a large tree, trembling. You should’ve brought some food or water or a coat or anything, but you had been too focused on escaping that all of that slipped your mind.
Your stomach grumbles as you curl further into yourself. The injuries you’d gotten while running away sting as a particularly harsh gust of wind blows past you.
Maybe you shouldn’t have run away.
You freeze.
Your mind rings. What if it’s a bear? A pack of wolves? You’re in absolutely no condition to fight or run. 
Warily, you look in the direction of the sound, shoulders tense.
“Oh, sweet thing.”
You’re not sure if you’re relieved or not when you see your captor emerging from the foliage.
“Look at you,” he murmurs, gently cradling your face in his hands. Despite your disgust, you can’t deny how warm he feels against your cold skin. “I hope you had fun, really. But it’s time to go home, hm?”
You can’t fight back as he scoops you into his arms.
“I understand wanting to go outside – I’m quite fond of nature myself,” he says while the adrenaline in your body begins to dissipate. “However, it’s very dangerous to go without me.” Carefully, he watches as you teeter between alertness and sleep. “So, for your sake, I’m going to have to keep you locked up for a little bit, okay?”
Alarm bells ring in your head, but you’re too tired to say anything.
“Oh, don’t worry! I’ve made the cage myself – I’ve made sure to add your favorite jewels and the comfiest cushions. You’ll love it.” He smiles, watching you snuggle into his chest. Gently, he kisses your forehead. “Really, I’m too kind. I should punish you, but I love you too much. I hope you’re thankful.”
He looks down at you expectantly, but you’re already drifting off to sleep. You do have one thought before you lose consciousness, though: 
You’re terrified to wake up.
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insidekatmind · 1 month ago
Interruption~Virgil Van Dijk
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Wearning: +18,light smut.
Request: yes!
It was a peaceful evening, the soft lights in the house created a warm and cozy atmosphere. You had just put the kids to bed, tucking them in with a gentle stroke on their foreheads and a kiss on their cheeks. You slowly closed their bedroom door, making sure everything was in order, and with a satisfied smile at their calmness, you quietly walked away.
Your heart raced a little as you climbed the stairs, thinking about him. Virgil. Your husband. After a long day, it was finally time to be together, away from distractions and daily responsibilities.
When you entered your bedroom, you saw him lying on the bed, already in his pajamas, looking at you with a calm smile. His blue eyes were deep, as always, and they made you feel like the rest of the world didn’t exist. You approached the bed and lay down beside him, your body finding its place next to his.
Virgil wrapped you in his arms tightly, as if he had been waiting for this moment all day. His hand slid across your back as he leaned toward you, and you felt his breath close to you. It was a moment you both had longed for. There were no words, only the comfortable silence and the awareness that you were finally alone, with nothing but the love that binds you.
You looked into each other’s eyes, and no words were needed to understand each other. In that silence, time seemed to stop as you both relaxed, enjoying the peace that the night brought with it. No other thoughts, no rush. It was just you and him, and the world outside the window fading away.
You smile and straddle him, adjusting the covers, and kiss him. Virgil wrapped his arms around you as you straddled him, his hands on your hips, his lips brushing against yours. The covers draped over your bodies, creating a private and intimate space for just the two of you. He returned your kiss, his lips gentle and loving, as if he wanted to savor every moment together. His hands wandered up and down your thighs, tracing small, soft patterns on your skin.
“Honey, I need to come inside you,” Virgil whispers. You felt a shiver run down your spine as Virgil whispered in your ear, his voice low and urgent. His words sent a flutter of excitement through your body, and you leaned in closer to him, your hands gently caressing his chest."Is that so?" You replied, your tone playful and teasing. "You need to, do you?"A smirk danced across Virgil's lips as he pulled you closer, his hands moving to your hips, and he nodded. "Oh, absolutely."His eyes darkened as he ran his fingers over your body, his touch both possessive and gentle. "I've been thinking about it all day."
You smile and undress, getting back under the covers, and you straddle him, letting him enter you. Virgil's hands roamed over your body as you undressed, his touch leaving a trail of heat, and his breath grew heavier as anticipation filled the air. You straddled him, and he let out a low groan as you lowered yourself onto him, joining your bodies together.
He looked into your eyes, and his hands gripped your hips, holding you in place. "You feel so good," he whispered, his voice now a little ragged. Virgil's hands roamed over your body as you undressed, his touch leaving a trail of heat, and his breath grew heavier as anticipation filled the air. You straddled him, and he let out a low groan as you lowered yourself onto him, joining your bodies together.He looked into your eyes, and his hands gripped your hips, holding you in place. "You feel so good," he whispered, his voice now a little ragged. "It's been too long" You nodded, and he pulled you closer, his hand moving to the small of your back, and he started moving his hips. He let out another low moan, his eyes closed, and he focused on the sensations that spread through his body. You rode him, sighing softly, and Virgil's breath grew more uneven, his hold on you getting tighter with every movement.
"Feels so good...so good," he breathed, his voice thick with pleasure. "Don't want to ever let you go."Virgil's hands roamed over your body, his touch leaving a trail of heat, as you moved on him. He tried to keep his breaths steady, but the sensations were too overwhelming. Each movement of your hips made him moan, and he found it impossible to keep quiet.He pulled you closer, pressing your body against his chest. His face buried in your neck, his breaths hot against your skin. "Can't get enough of you," he whispered, "You drive me crazy."
As you moan softly, and he felt your mouth on his lip, something ignited inside him. He couldn't take it anymore, and he rolled over, putting you underneath him. He pinned you down, his body pressing against yours, and he looked down at you with lust and desire shining in his eyes.
Virgil began to move his hips, more forcefully, and he leaned in, his mouth finding yours and kissing you deeply. His tongue tangled with yours as he deepened the kiss, and he groaned, lost in the sensations that you were causing inside him.At that moment the door opens and your little daughter enters. She looks at her father worriedly. "Daddy why are you making these noises, are you hurt?" Your daughter asks innocently.
Virgil froze for a second, his eyes wide and his face flushed. He looked down at you, then at his daughter, who was standing at the door, a look of concern on her face. He quickly rolled off you and pulled the covers over both of you."No, sweetie, I'm not hurt," he said, his voice slightly shaky. "I'm just... playing a game with Mommy."
Your little daughter eyed them for a second, not quite convinced by her father's explanation. "But why are you breathing so heavily, Daddy?" she asked, her small eyebrows furrowing.Virgil's mind raced, trying to come up with a believable explanation. "Well, you see," he began, clearing his throat, "playing this game is a bit of a workout, so Daddy is a bit winded."
You get dressed quickly and pick up your daughter. "What are you doing awake, honey?" you whisper softly, stroking her hair. The little girl snuggled closer to you, her small arms wrapped around your neck. "I couldn't sleep," she replied drowsily, burying her face into your chest.
Virgil watched the two of you, still a bit flustered, as he quickly put on his pajamas again. He sat on the edge of the bed and ruffled his daughter's hair lovingly. "Why couldn't you sleep, sweetie?" he asked delicately.
"I had a bad dream," the little girl mumbled against your chest. You felt a pang of sympathy, and you held her closer, trying to soothe her. "Oh, poor darling," you said soothingly. "Would you like to sleep with us tonight?"The girl nodded, and Virgil scooted over to make room for her. "That's a good idea," he agreed. "We can all sleep together tonight."You climbed under the covers with your daughter nestled between you and Virgil, her small body warm and comfortable. Virgil wrapped his arm around both of you, pulling you close.
"Close your eyes and sleep now," Virgil whispered gently to his daughter. "Everything is fine, and Mommy and Daddy are here."The little girl yawned and buried her tiny face into your neck, her breaths growing steady and slow. It was a cozy and affectionate moment, despite the earlier interruption.
You ran your fingers through your daughter's hair, feeling her relax against your body. "She's exhausted," you murmured quietly. You looked at Virgil, who was now propped up on his elbow, his gaze fixed on both of you.Virgil sighed, a mixture of affection and frustration. "I can't believe we got interrupted," he said softly, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "We were in the middle of... something." He looked at you, his eyes still smoldering with desire.
You giggle softly. "We'll continue tomorrow when they go to school." A small smirk appeared on Virgil's face as he heard your words. "I'll count the hours," he replied, his tone low and suggestive. He leaned closer, his breath warm against your ear. "And you can be sure I'll make up for lost time."
He placed a soft kiss on your cheek before settling back on his side, his arm still around you and your daughter. The room was quiet now, the only sounds were the steady breaths of your daughter and the soft rustle of the sheets as you all settled in for the night.
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the-dangerous-mute-lunatic · 3 months ago
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Happy Holidays @ghostedglitch !
I'm your Portal Secret Santa this year! I followed the Aperture Science Core Research Team back when you started it, so I had to draw the crew for your PSS gift. Enjoy!!
( @portal-secret-santa )
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demisofphoenixdrop · 8 months ago
Elaborating on this
So, in every version of Aaron I write, he remains the ex-lord of Falcon Claw. But he's a werewolf. Because I make the rules.
Most of the time, he's also adopted my two ocs - Lowan and Virgil - as well. They were in the woods near FC before Zane razed it and survived.
Aaron, in my work, acts a lot like he does in mid season 2 before he and Aphmau get down and dirty together. He's stern but fair. He cares so much about his kids and sees Aphmau as one of them. He recognizes by S2 that she's living a tragedy much like the one he and the kids survived and tries to impart as much wisdom as he can.
Lowan, also a werewolf, spent most of her childhood learning how to be a wolf from Aaron - something he struggled with because he is not connected to his wolfness at all. He did what he could be pushed Lowan to study her alchemy and use her wits to win rather than her claws.
Aaron taught Virgil all the martial skills he could. They had volatile magic to manage which posed a lot of challenges, but Aaron helped Virgil hone it while they learned what they wanted from life. He let them go to the guard academy when he couldn't teach them anymore and damn near turned Ru'an upside down looking for them when they were abducted by shadow knights.
I haven't decided if I want him to be the avatar of Shad, though. Could be really dramatic for Virgil - their dad suddenly using power to hurt people for selfish reasons instead of helping as best he can - all that fun stuff. But I'm not sold yet :/
At this point, Aaron is my oc.
He's mine.
And Aphmau can't have him >:[
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vhs-consumer · 11 months ago
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i fuvkin love robots
Feeling bad for Stirling ngl, they were so mean to him :(( he just wanted to rebuild his home man, I would never betray this little guy
also gave my guy a name, meet Carrion the bone core, they can definitely be trusted with humans, trust me!
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vinndas · 10 months ago
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rip to all my oc art I never finish ....
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gravedigg · 11 months ago
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And then, you get shipped back home a little less than you were when you left.
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madhount · 10 months ago
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Doodlez with my broken characters from dnd and other trpg~
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