#oc muse: sophia
@smutventureland replied to your post “"These are the gift of the goddess... I fully...”:
Dorine: Seems calm on the surface, yet her trousers are very clearly bulging with a huge erection...
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​"Oh, you seem like lovely...-" She says that as her eyes took notice of the bulge upon it. ". . .lovely. . .~"
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sxturne-deadplate · 5 months
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{*Oh. Hello there, the restaurant already closed for tonight. The staff members are dining together before leaving-- that lady is not part of the crew? Ah, don't mind her.... She's a familiar.*}
New shift -> muse files (more info soon)
//List of Muses
Court Dineur
Sophia Lorraine
Vincent Charbonneau
Rody Lamoree
Manon Vacher
The chefs
Continue -> inbox
//Notes from mun Pins
Dead Plate is a game released by Studio Investigrave. Canon muses like Manon, Vicent, and Rody are not mine. Only OCs, Sophia and Court, are mine.
This blog is not officially canon. This is only made for fun, and canon muses are interpreted based on both facts and sometimes headcanons I have.
Content contains canon x canon or canon x oc ships, gore, dark themes, fanart and fanfics I make in the future, suggestive but not necessarily way TOO NSFW. All of this is fanwork so is not canon.
This blog is made for fun.
Memes are welcomed. Feed the crew with anything you can throw.
Flirting is okay(i find it funny when pick up lines just randomly come out in the inbox---). Just stay respectful as possible in general.
Canon x canon, canon x oc, oc x oc are allowed- just let us know beforehand!!!
The crew is pretty selective with picking what asks to answer and take time answering, I hope you understand.
No racism, xenophobia, bigotery, lgbtq+ hate- Nothing offensive, please!
🗞// headlines -> info tag, announcements, ask memes
🍰// appetizer -> Mun's fanwork
☕️// side dish -> reblogs
🥂// chit chat -> rp
🍽// customer service -> asks
🍷// temptation -> warning
🚬// backdoor -> ooc
Quit -> just click backwards darn it/lh
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theamazingmaddyas · 30 days
Okay, so for my own fanfictions, most of which take place post-TOA and therefore post-Percy "claim your children" Jackson and Jason "honor minor gods" Grace, I made myself a spreadsheet of all the cabins I believe could plausibly be at Camp Half-Blood, and ended up with a whopping 270, and there's probably more dieties whom I couldn't find any information on, and some dieties whom I don't believe would have a cabin (ex. Kronos) (if you think I should add someone comment) and decided to paste it here, since I don't feel comfortable sharing my original spreadsheet. I did add the water dieties, even though their kids could also plausibly go to the underwater camp, but I've decided to give them the option of what camp they want. I also didn't copy their domains, but I have the list from my research, so you can ask if you'd like, I'll be glad to explain! Most of my research was from Theoi Project - Greek Mythology, and Brittanica, and probably some others I've since forgotten, so if you know any good Greek Mythology resourses and books, please share!
Here's some symbols before we begin:
* - virgin goddess. I added them because Athena and Artemis already have cabins (and Athena kids by magical means)
" - Dieties whom have faded in the series. Their cabins are more memorials to them.
Additionally there are 2 dieties named Thalia, (1) Thalia refers to the muse, the goddess of comedies, and (2) Thalia refers to the goddess of festivities and banquet
(1) Thalia
Thyone(formally Semele)
(2) Thalia
So that's my list. I don't really have a rhyme or reason for why each number is each, but I did clump together gods with similar domains because that's where they were easiest to find in my research... I honestly think kids of minor gods are very underused in TOA fics, and even in PJO and HOO to an extent. Jillie, my nine year old daughter of Gelus with a contageous laugh? One of my fave OCs.
As for Roman gods and goddess, I'm not as knowledgable, but hopefully I'll make a spreadsheet for plausable godly parents, though unlike CHB it doesn't need to be organized as there's just Cohorts. I don't write Camp Jupiter fics all that often, but it'll be a good resource to have if I choose to.
14 notes · View notes
starwriterulia · 2 months
Tomb of the Goshenite Stargazer Dragon - Chapter 2
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Bat dividers by @violetbudd
Creator support banner by @cafekitsune
Latest revision: August 18, 2024. Added "Support your creators by reblogging" banner. Added ⏭️ emoji below end of chapter banner with text explaining its function as a navigational button.
Fandoms: DC Comics, Batfamily, no Batcest, Thalassic Space (OC; takes inspiration The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3, and other sci-fi, fantasy and horror titles, as well as original concepts, such as the science and lore of the galaxy.)
Chapter Summary: Faith tells more lore to Batman and Robin, and a bit more about herself to the group chat.
[In order of appearance] Characters: Faith Lawson (TBA; self-insert), Bruce Wayne (Batman), Damian Wayne (Robin), Tim Drake (Red Robin), Barbara Gordon (Batgirl), Stephanie Brown (The Spoiler) Dick Grayson (Nightwing).
Word Count: 6744 8381 (July 30 revision) 8303 (August 10 revision)
Content warnings: N/A, unless I've forgotten something while transferring and adding lore. Let me know if I did!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
"You've got nice, big beds, eh?" Faith said, lifting the blankets and climbing into the bed. Hawkman and Hawkwoman had left the room, leaving Martian Manhunter to sit in front of the monitor to listen.
"Of course." Batman brought the wastebin next to the bed, then sat on the bed while Faith made herself comfortable with the pillows, putting one under her chest.
"I've only got a twin. My apartment is small. One bed, one bath, shared living and dining room with a connected kitchen."
"You live by yourself?"
"Yeah. I have work on Monday."
“It should be fine?” Faith squinted her eyes. "There’s a Scripted event in that, if I leave Earth due to summoning or forced departure to another galaxy, such as Thalassic Space or this galaxy, I duplicate myself once so that I may continue life on Earth. But it might not happen. It's a Suggested Script, really. Not sure if it makes sense, so it’s not confirmed."
"What would it take for it to be confirmed?"
"You could comment on that part under the Unconfirmed Ideas heading of the Thalassic Space Planning document, saying it sounds fine, then I'll move it to its appropriate heading and mark your comment as resolved, and remove your comment. In this case, the heading is About the Great Little Starwriter. Here, I’ll share the TSRPG app with you, send you a friend request, and then a link to the document. It's encrypted and protected by another muse child, Chandra, whose mother is Calliope and father is Michael. Her Dragon Persona is part Android, SOFFFIAA: Simulacra of Friendship for Future Insight and Aspirations. Sophia, spelled with ph, is also the name of one of the Four Legendary Unicorns, and yes, Chandra is the type of person Sophia favours and allows to ride on her." Batman hummed. Faith woke up her phone and did some tapping. "Accept the download, please." Batman looked at his glove.
Thalassic Space Roleplaying Game would like access to your device.
Decline – Accept
"The loading screen of the app will explain its purpose. You can delete it at any time like you would any other mobile app, and you can share it with anyone through the Share button via your Profile with a QR code or device sharing, like I did with you. You’ll have access to all publicly known lore of the galaxy, and what isn’t there is in the Planning Document. You can see the Profiles of your Friends at their respective tab, and review their Health, Magic, Equipment, Status, Abilities, Skills, Personas and Soul Fragments, if any of the latter four Assets are applicable or known to you or your Friends."
"Alright." Batman selected Accept. The download and installation required three seconds. The app's icon was an eight-coloured sigil Batman had never seen before.
Four thick black circles forming a vertical number eight and a horizontal number eight, joined to create four angular teardrop shapes, perhaps better described as leaves, morphing the outward sections of the eights into fan shapes. The upper half of the vertical eight was sky blue, the lower half white; the left half of the horizontal eight was yellow, the right half red. The upper left leaf was emerald green, the upper left peacock or mermaid blue; Batman wasn't one hundred percent sure. The lower left leaf was ice blue, and the lower right leaf was a light red.
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"That was very fast." Batman said.
"You don't sleep, and you're at peak physical and mental condition. It was fast for me when Ra's and I were in Platonia because I registered when I started lucid dreaming in the dream world of Thalassic Space at fourteen."
Batman opened the app. The loading screen, seen for ten seconds, displayed a white-blue O-type star that rotated, surrounded by magic circles depicting religious symbols. A blue lotus, a red eternity knot, a purple oak tree, an orange bolt of lightning, a golden eye of Ra, a blue David’s star, a red sigil of Baphomet, and the eight-coloured sigil. The title, in white-blue, read Thalassic Space Roleplaying Game and below it, in white, read:
Serving citizens and visitors with memories and immersive gameplay in the galaxy created post-mortem of "Tony" Richard Lawson in November 2021 by his adoptive daughter, Faith Lawson, the mortal name and memory-bearing soul of the Author of Thalassic Space.
Faith is revered as Ønske Ulia Χαμένος (Chaménos), daughter of Skuld and Víðarr, fostered by Frejya and Freyr, and mentored by Urania and Uriel. Faith, through Ulia, is the Great Little Starwriter of Thalassic Space, and Playwright of the Rondo Theatre in the Dream World on Paper, the dream world of Thalassic Space.
Connection is possible thanks to your knowledge or introduction to the dream world’s mechanics and lore, Thalassic Space’s history, and intention to participate in adventures in the dream world and-or Thalassic Space.
Batman noted the loading was taking longer than the installation.
Verifying files…
Registering user's memory-bearing soul to Santa Claus' Snow Globe Room…
Registering user's magic-bearing spirit or lack thereof to the libraries of the pantheons…
Registering user's physique and attributes…
Creating a personalised Room for user at the Pàrras VLFS Hospital and Hotel…
The app made three jingle bell sounds. Batman was presented with a 3D room suited to his aesthetics with a two-screen monitor computer on a desk, a queen-sized bed, a nightstand, a wardrobe, a vanity desk, a bathroom, and a door with the label (HOLD 3s) Leave planet; Go to Pàrras, planet Youtrnaeyl beneath it. The black UI in the bottom of the screen said Room, Map, Journal, Friends and Party in white text. A pictograph of a camera with a label in white below was at the upper right of the screen. The upper left had a white letter B on a black background for his profile photo. Batman was written above a green bar that read HEALTH that was almost full, a bar beneath that read MAGIC that was a greyish blue and had the words DISABLED at its right end.
"Are you in?" Faith asked.
"OK, I’ll send a friend request."
Batman received a green notification banner on the app.
Ulia Χαμένος has sent a Friend request! <TAP TO GO>
"Feel free to explore your Profile and App Settings. For example, if you don't want jingle bells, you can change the ringtone, or set it to different levels of vibration, or a tickling sensation on your hand, nose or neck. Your Foes list shouldn't have any information you don’t know to be true. If it does, report it, and SOFFFIAA will purge it, so a paradox doesn’t occur."
Batman tapped the notification and was sent to the Friend Request screen of the Friends tab. He accepted Faith’s request, then backed out. He was in his Profile tab, showing his Health points were 480, 000; a question mark at its right end. Batman tapped it, and the pop-up read:
HEALTH is calculated by multiplying the user's age by 100 thousand, if human and non-magical, 150 thousand if human and magical, 200 thousand if non-human and non-magical, 250 thousand if non-human and magical, plus 1 million per decade if immortal or demi-immortal via demi-demonhood or demi-godhood.
"You came up with all of this too, right?" Batman said, as the game jingled and showed a notification.
Ulia Χαμένος has sent a message. <TAP TO GO>
"Yeah! The logic is supposed to be solid, like well-made video game worlds are." Faith said, while Batman clicked the link. "There's no password, for now."
"Thanks. I'll help you make a password later. But yes, just reading how Health works shows how much thought has been put into this."
"Thank you. You can use your Journal to view your life story as described by an angel, and you can search by date. If you have questions and are uncomfortable with talking to SOFFFIAA, but I'm not nearby, shoot me a message. If you'd prefer to not use the app or it's down for weekly server maintenance for an hour on Sundays at noon PST, my phone number is 778 [XXX-XXXX]."
"Will do. Thanks, Faith."
"You’re welcome!" Faith held her finger down, tapped, exited the app, and clicked to turn off her phone.
Batman’s TSRPG gave him a notification, and he opened the respective document. "By the way, your email for this is hilarious. I know it’s just a bunch of numbers, letters and symbols, but I can’t look at it without thinking how Matt Rose would read it, full send."
"Who’s that?"
"A YouTuber who reads Reddit. He’s British, so it's funnier." Faith started coughing. She heaved and swallowed. "Ew."
"What was the last thing you ate?"
"I tried to eat a banana and apple sauce. Threw it up earlier. Tastes sweet.'
"I know, right?" Faith giggled.
"I have your tea, Faith." Damian said, not wearing his mask, entering with a teacup and putting it on the nightstand. "It's hot, so be careful."
"Thank you, Damian."
"You’re welcome."
Batman asked, "Faith, what's the eight-coloured sigil?"
"The Double Eight of Thalassic Space. It tells the story of the O-type star's spirit. The white and blue spheres are for the O-type star, and the yellow and red for the G- and M-type stars. The inner leaves are for factions and locations involved in the story: emerald for the Emerald Thieves, who were the elite of the Thieves Guild and returned to greatness during the main novel, mermaid sapphire blue for the merfolk of Thalassic Space, who were corrupted by Nero Poseidon through Nero Dionysus and became the only known sirens in Thalassic Space, ice blue for the Ninth Circle of Inferno, as Lucifer was the one who told Nerobzal about the Door to Platonia and as a reminder of the evil that Kaleido wished to release, and blush red for the blood of the anthropomorphs of Thalassic Space. It's blush red instead of blood to evoke thoughts of gentleness and love after the struggles they faced." Faith said, and picked up the teacup, blowing on its tea. "Any other lore related questions?"
"Where do the Departed come from? You told the ones who were harassing Ra's to return to the Underside."
"Well, then I must explain a Soul Bridge, which Dreamer Mages can access, and sometimes the owner of the Soul Bridge in dreams can too. It's a soul-bound Landmark in the Dream World on Paper, which I think you've the name of heard before." Faith sipped the tea.
"Yes." Said Batman. "Just the name, though."
"It's named so because I had a dream where I saw that I had drawn a simplified version of the three areas of the dream world on paper I had glued to coloured construction paper as a kid, and it blew my friggin' mind." Faith giggled.
"That's cool." Damian said, not doing so well in hiding the tone that showed how he actually felt.
"These areas are: a desert with mountains where there's mines, Egyptian ruins and a massive sinkhole in the dunes, a forested mountainous island with a dojo surrounded by an ocean, and a town with a city within a short distance that is actually Vanderhoof and Prince George, surrounded by a forest." Faith sipped. "Neo Spirits hang from the Suspensions of a Soul Bridge and whisper, speak or sing to the High Mind part of the subconscious, the sky of the dream world, to remind us of dreams, self-love, and good memories, all to make us smile and improve our quality of life. Nero Spirits cling to the Underside of a Soul Bridge and snarl, shout or scream to the Low Mind part of the subconscious to induce of nightmares, such as panic attacks, self-hatred, which can be expressed in many ways, and bad memories, which come from experiences related to the former two aspects." Faith sipped again.
"In the waking world of Thalassic Space, the army of Nero Spirits include the undead, which can take the form of draugr or zombies, and evil vampires, werewolves and sirens, though the latter is quite rare, and I don't think Urania mentioned them as a result. They only appeared because of Nero Dionysus, and they weren't around for long after the events of the main novel." Faith sipped. "Nero Spirits have neon red, orange eyes or yellow to evoke the imagery of fire. If they're toxic, their eyes are neon green, neon blue means electricity, neon purple means corruption of mind and decay of body, and neon pink means nightmares."
"Neo Spirits have pastel, jewel or earth-tone eyes, and depending on what the narration describes that colour as, you can associate the meaning of that rock or plant as relevant to the purpose and sometimes the personality of a Neo Spirit." Faith sipped more. "Both are bound to a Soul Bridge but can be seen in dreams or nightmares, and Neo Spirits can be summoned to the 28 Mansions to provide a source of comfort to a person when they've passed on, and Nero Spirits can be manifested, which is terrible news. Ask me about that later, unless I bring it up naturally through more exposition."
"Will do." Said Batman.
"Any other questions?"
Damian said, "Yeah. Why did you spare Grandfather?"
“If I killed him, he would fight his way out of Inferno, and from Mansion 0 and the 28 Mansions of the Four Symbols of Chinese astrology learn about the existence of the Earth-ruining events he so desperately wants and of the nearest reincarnation Realm, the Realm of Tree Peoples." Faith sipped. "Bartholomew, or maybe Krampus, would seek Ra's and promote him to General, giving Ra's permission to command Nerobzal's army. Ra's would bring them back here, occupy all the heroes, and then, all he would need to do to trigger Red Storm Earth is to cut me with my tooth and dagger, stuff my necklace down my throat or injure my throat with it, and have me fall to my death from at least three stories onto a cluster of manmade or natural spikes and thorns, a death vaguely reminiscent of Sailor Venus from the first season of Sailor Moon. 'Cause you know I gotta shout out the O.M.G." Faith giggled, and sipped.
"Nice." Said Damian. "Uh, nice reference."
"During Red Storm Earth, the 200 Fallen Angels are released from Dudael to kill, burn and rape humans and animals as they please while a rainstorm of black clouds with neon red lightning pours down at all times, and the movement of the Fallen Angels will create hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and hurricanes. It will last for two days, and then Yahweh will send a massive, fiery planet to reset Earth to the beginning of the first day, but everyone will remember what happened." Faith sipped. "It can be stopped if the Four Legendary Unicorns are summoned from Thalassic Space, their Earthly riders win a race against the Wild Hunt, and brought to resurrect me. They are Bella, who is white with gold in her mane and tail and golden hooves, and she loves people with childish joy and love in their hearts who have forgiven themselves and others who have wronged them and those they love; Sophia, who is a dark liver chestnut with a light chestnut mane and tail with silver hooves, and she loves people who are wise about Earth, oceans and space, and who wish to spread that knowledge and sow inspiration to create a healthier world with the world and our neighbours; Pärla, who is baby blue eyed, her body pearl pink and her mane and tail lavender, is fond of magical people who use their gifts to help others, especially fairies and demigods; last is the stallion, Bedöma, who is black with orange eyes, and a red mane and tail alight with yellow lightning, and he allows heroic people who have never killed a god or fairy or the child of a god or fairy to ride him, but will deny people who have never saved a life."
"If the Four are gathered and I am resurrected in time, the day or days will reverse as if Yahweh had cast the fiery planet onto Earth, saving lives and the planet." Faith said. Batman hummed. "There's a second catastrophe he could cause, but the people in the 28 Mansions would only tell him about Red Storm Earth. Ra's could only find out about the Invitation of Nerobzal from Bartholomew or Krampus."
"Tell us about the Invitation of Nerobzal."
Faith nodded as she sipped. "So, I live as my Ego, as do all people. This is equivalent to a Neo Persona. We all also have a Nero Persona. While Neo Spirits and Nero Spirits are from the Suspensions and Underside of a Soul Bridge, our Neo and Nero Personas are Roles that we can each assume. Like you, as Batman and Robin, are Neo Personas, but Zur-En-Arrh and Robin before you properly settled into the Batfamily, no offense," Damian grunted. "Are examples of Nero Personas."
"These can be dangerous on their own, but at times aren't nearly as dangerous as manifested Nero Spirits. Manifested Neo Spirits are not an issue, unless you're an angel, in which case you expose people to your real form and voice, and that'll fry people's brains and kill them." Faith sipped. "Manifested Nero Spirits torment people’s minds, and their bodies react with seizures or possession by the Nero Spirit, and the possessed may injure themselves or become paralysed and vulnerable to a dark sorcerer, demon, or the manifested Nero Spirit. They’re dangerous, even to gods."
"A Nero Spirit can be manifested by a dark sorcerer through a ritual in which eight buildings containing at least eighty people are set ablaze with the blue fire of Naglfar." Faith sipped. "As the fire kills people, so does the newly spawned Nest of Naamah and its insect demons, which can quickly spread to other buildings if the windows and doors are not sealed or covered by fire. Drown the insect demons with boiling saltwater or burn them until they and the Nest are eliminated. Red fire reminds the demons of the volcano from which Father Dragon was made by the seraphim, and it's not blue, so it does not count towards the fire of the Naglfar. If the insect demons have Nested in a person, death by boiling saltwater or fire is the only mercy and way to prevent further reproduction of the Nest."
"Ew, they nest in people?" Said Damian.
"Uh, think of the fetish. It's like that."
"Yeah, it felt right to make that creative decision, sorry." Faith sipped.
"No, uh, yeah, it works."
"If the Naglfar fire is not extinguished before the last person in the eight buildings dies, Nerobzal will rise from the ashes of the buildings and laugh, repeating the insanity that Earth felt when he laughed at Emperor Nero’s death. To return Nerobzal to Sagittarius A*, where he was banished to be torn apart for eternity at the end of the main novel, the archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel and the muses they each bore a child with must be summoned by a Jewish man of pure heart, whoi is brave, kind and masculine in all ways applicable to the definition of a man under the eyes of God across all eras of mankind,"
'I immediately know who she thought of, when writing this.' Batman thought.
"And a cultist of Asherah must be present as well. " Faith sipped. "The Jew and the cultitst must each throw a spear, the Jew of lightning and the cultist of ice, into the eyes of Nerobzal. Blinded and frozen by the power of God and Asherah, Nerobzal will retreat for five years, and be unable to be summoned during that time. It’s also written that the person responsible for the ritual will be punished by the archangels, and made to forget all that they know about that night, and all knowledge of Thalassic Space."
"Ah, so that's your plan to remove Ra's' knowledge, as we all know he won't agree to the Departed taking it from him."
"Yes." Faith sighed, and sipped. "I'm sorry, I-I can make another that isn't a disaster, if I have an Editor. Proper noun, he he. Same with words like Landmark, uh, well, you're Batman, you get the idea."
"I do, yeah. Do you have any other ideas to get this out of Ra's' head?"
"Well, I am a wish-granting creation dragon. I dunno if Urania or I told you that, already."
"No, that's actually new information."
"Oh! Well, I accept gifts."
"What gifts do you, sorry, does your Dragon Persona like?"
"Rocks, gemstones, flowers, seeds and saplings, and traditional, performance and digital art."
Batman hummed. "Are you in danger of being killed by Bartholomew again, now that your dragon powers have returned?"
“No, Ra's is the only danger. Bartholomew only wanted to kill me because he's transphobic, and I was with Argophael when he found Argophael."
Damian asked, "Why did you chose to write a story like that?"
"Because too many trans people have died because of awful people, and in fantasy and horror, we get to emphasise and explore different ways to express history and emotions." Faith said. Damian and Batman hummed. "Oh yeah, I should say: if Ra's doesn't want to bother with Platonia, he could travel to Andøya, Norway to find and solve the hidden puzzle to reveal the door to my dragon tomb that the Snow Elves and Astral Giant Elves will have arranged by now. Planet Yotutrnaeyl is just a bigger Earth with magic islands, after all."
Batman asked, "What are the Departed going do with your hair and blood that you gave them?"
"They’ll give to Analise, one of the twin girls of Krampus, to advance Odeya’s strength. She's not evil, she's just a biology girl."
Damian said, "Soooo, what are you going to do when you're not sick?"
"I'll use Platonia after I’m done being sick to get my other Relics and my Costume, unless you want to take me to Norway."
"We'll go to Norway." Batman said.
"Sweet, OK!"
Batman hummed. "You should be proud of Thalassic Space. It's really well done, Faith."
"Yeah, it's really cool." Said Damian.
"Thank you!"
Batman said, "You should try to sleep. I'll read over what’s available in TSRPG and your planning document."
"OK! Goodnight, Bruce. Goodnight to you too, Damian."
"Goodnight, Faith." Batman patted the blanket where her right arm was, then rose and walked to turn off the light.
"Goodnight." Damian said, leaving with his father. Batman closed the door.
"Do you want the app too, so you can read?"
"Sure." Batman interacted with his gauntlet, sending the app to Damian. "Thanks."
"You’re welcome. I'm going to read in the drawing room. I might have a conversation with Watchtower, while I'm in there."
"OK. I’ll be in my bedroom."
"Oh, and you can tell the others about our new member."
"Why do you think she’s unsuitable?"
Two second pause. "You have me there. I have nothing against her."
"Thank you."
"I will add her in the group chat, as well."
"Good idea. Thank you, Damian." Batman said, as Damian reopened the door of the guest bedroom.
"Sorry to bother you."
"No, no, it's fine. What's up?"
"What's your phone number? I'd like to add you to the group chat." Faith gasped with a smile. She repeated her phone number. "Thanks." Faith nodded.
"Um, what's the WiFi name and password? I like to listen to ocean ambience to sleep."
"VKR3L17WE is the name, and TREACLE0743, all caps, no spaces, is the password. That’s T-R-E-A-C-L-E, 0743."
"Thank you."
"Mhm. If you need anything, just text me or Father." Damian told Faith their phone numbers.
"Thank you so much."
"You’re welcome. And don't worry about making a mess. You're sick. You're allowed to be gross." Faith smiled a little. "I will brief the others on what's happened. You can say whatever else you'd like, after that, OK?"
"OK!" Faith said. Damian exited, went to his bedroom, and closed the door. He took off his costume and put on a comfortable shirt and pants. He opened the Batfamily group chat and added Faith to the group.
Damian added Faith Lawson (StarwriterUlia) to the group.
Faith Lawson (StarwriterUlia) changed their display name to Faith.
Damian: Everyone, meet Faith from Earth-33. Grandfather had a naughty dream and wanted her body and power and brought her to Father's mansion to taunt Father, but he cut himself with Faith's dragon tooth so Faith had to come along.
Damian: Some ghouls called Departed seized Grandfather and put him in a room of the domain that Grandfather and Faith used to travel from Earth-33 to here. The Departed harassed him while Faith and Father talked.
Faith: *Room, Domain. Sorry, author things, proper nouns need to be capitalised.
Damian: Yes, thank you.
Damian: Faith opened the door and requested for Platonia to show Grandfather. Faith told him to back off or face her full power later, and that a Departed would come to him after a week of nightmares and offer to take his memories and knowledge of Thalassic Space.
Damian: He won't agree, of course.
Tim: Yeah, no.
Faith: Aaaa, hi!
Tim: Hi Faith, welcome to the Batfam 😇👋
Faith: Thank you!
Faith: But yeah, and because he's a demon, he could not only use Platonia again, the Departed and Umbrella Man will just ignore him. He could go to Mansion 0 and any of the 28 Mansions of the Four Symbols of Chinese astrology, the afterlife of the people of Thalassic Space that has many doors to the afterlife Realms of the real religions that have magic circles surrounding the O-type star of the galaxy, protecting its planets from its massive heat and magic output, and find out about Red Storm Earth and the Invitation of Nerobzal.
Tim: Umbrella Man?
Faith: Do you know the TF2 ARG Project Skybox?
Tim: Oh! Yep.
Faith: Ra's isn’t considered an interloper now. I didn't mention this to Batman, but Ra's was attacked because he *was* an interloper until it realised he was a demon.
Damian: Father will read this too, don't worry.
Faith: OK!
Faith: Anyway, Platonia won't try to devour him again.
Tim: I'm sorry, what's Platonia?
Faith: It's the Navidson hallway from House of Leaves, defined as Julian Barbour's platonia. You summon a Door to Platonia with the door opening ritual seen in MyHouse.wad.
Tim: Ooooh, that's so cool!
Faith: Thanks, I’ve been working on Thalassic Space for four years.
Faith: Ra's could learn everything the public knows and the history of Thalassic Space and me, and the closest Realm in the world of the living is the Realm of Tree Peoples. Bartholomew or Krampus would gladly promote Ra’s to General upon meeting during Ra’s would-be trail of destruction in the Realm of Tree Peoples. Bartholomew is the Ebony Giant Elf who murdered my Dragon Persona, the Goshenite Stargazer Dragon, and my Animus/lover, a trans boy named Argophael who was Bartholomew's eldest triplet and fled from home because of his dad.
Tim: Bartholomew sounds like an evil wizard LOL
Tim: Is Santa evil too?
Faith: Oh yes, he’s a pirate warlock with a serrated black sword of blue Hell fire. That’s what he killed us with, as we enjoyed the night life of the Carnival of Seasons, on the Realm of Tree Peoples. He mutilated our bodies as we died, and he raped me. The Carnival is between the Stretch of Heart, the forest where the Oak Dwarves, Spruce Humans and anthropomorphs people suitable for the forest live, and White Sun Harbour, where Fir Elves and fish-anthros live. Astral Elves and Snow elves live in the villages around the Pivot Day Monastery, the Domain where the Astral and Ebony Giant Elves live.
Tim: Wow, this lore is SO GOOD!? 😮
Faith: Also, no, Santa is an Astral Giant Elf, not an Ebony Giant Elf; he's the good one of Nerobzal's sons. Bartholomew and Krampus are the other, older two. Nerobzal is the big bad evil of Thalassic Space. At least, in the Script. Backstage at the Rondo Theatre, where I'm the Playwright, he's just an Actor, like everyone else who's named in Thalassic Space who isn't a deity or demon.
Damian: OK *that's* an important detail you should have mentioned earlier. Urania didn't say that, either.
Faith: Sorry, it's so easy to get carried away with my own toys!😛 It's a blessing if a chapter for anything I write is less than 20 pages LOL
Tim: LOL
Faith: Nerobzal was Erophael, a Court Fool of Yahweh, until Emperor Nero off'd himself, then Erophael laughed so loudly that all living things went nuts for five seconds until Yahweh cast him out of Paradiso. Oh shit, I forgot to tell this part of the lore, aaaaa, but Yahweh had also been affected! Michael stuffed that malice into Nerobzal's throat, literally, so Yahweh's OK now, but still.
Tim: Oh geez!
Faith: Michael stuffing Nerobzal's throat is where the Siren's Knot comes from. If a siren has a Siren's Knot in their throat, they can't sing or talk well, even in Neofom or Nerobzal, and are more likely to choke to death. Sirens are characterised by yellow eyes and a tail belonging to any fish that is unfriendly or toxic, manages to leave the hive, always bulit in or nearby the den of a sea monster, such as those on planet Bafsina (bahf-sin-uh; means 'basin' in Neofom, the language of Neo Spirits, who are friendly, unlike Nero Spirits; both come from Soul Bridges. OH GOD, LATER, OOPS. SAME WITH THE NAMES OF THALASSIC SPACE'S SIX PLANETS. Also yes, Damian, there are three more planets! They were created by the massive amount of magic used in the Third War for the O-star Spirit, and they are Judge, Little Path and Sia; Tim, the original six are Yotutrnaeyl, meaning 'journey', Bafsina, and Grace, the *OG* of the entire series that I made before my adoptive dad died, motivating me to make 8all of this* LOL)
Tim: LOL, "OH GOD, LATER, OOPS". Also, thanks for the quick lore drop this time around!
Faith: I girlbossed too hard with the lore in four years LOL
Tim: LOL
Barbara: Are there unicorns and pegasi in Thalassic Space?😮
Faith: OMG hi!
Barbara: Hi there! Welcome! 🥰💖
Tim: Tell us about Soul Bridges, while you're at it!
Faith: OK!
Faith: The Sanctuary of Gla’si’ (Glass, in Neofom, the language of Neo Spirits; Nerobzal is both the name a character and the language of the Nero Spirits), on the Realm of Album. Thanks to the formation of the Oracles, the twelve most powerful Dreamer Mages from different universities on the original three planets of Thalassic Space, the population's questions of how the body is able to or unable to use magic from the O-type star and Sagittarius A* was finally answered. The names of magic in Thalassic Space are Elevifeb, unscrambled as 'believe' and 'belief', in reference to what a person believes in, be it themselves, their family and-or friends, and belief being a more divine-centric term for a person's faith; good, solar magic; all three words are used interchangeably, and Eledisfeb, unscrambled as 'disbelief'; references the same terms as Elevifeb, but with negative connotations; dark, singularity magic; again, all three words are used interchangeably.
Tim: I'm sorry, but couldn't you have just called it Elevib or Elefib?
Faith: Yeah, but then I'd be one syllable short.😛 Symmetry or lack thereof is important to the bards and Playwrights of Thalassic Space!like me, the Playwright of the Rondo Theatre in the Dream World on Paper, a term I came up with after I had a dream where I saw childhood drawings of the dream world I glued onto coloured construction paper, and I REMEMBER DRAWING THEM. It blew my friggin' mind. 😵
Tim: Fair. Also, cool!! 😮
Faith: People who live in, have visited or acknowledge the existence of Thalassic Space have Five Mortal Qualities: the memory-bearing soul, which dies with a mortal and immortal, but their memories are archived in Santa's Snow Globe Room. Memories from a past life can be restored via resurrection by a divine or demonic entity who has their Snow Globe at whatever ritual the entity is conducting. Snow Globes *can* break, but they respawn in the Snow Globe Room if broken. Yes, this is stolen from the Santa Clause movies. Also, this is how my Animus literally gifted me Thalassic Space for Christmas when I was a demigoddess LOL
Tim: LOL!
Barbara: LOL I love that.
Faith: Second is the magic-bearing spirit, which can be disabled or awakened due to many circumstances depending on the person's status as a human or non-human, their physical and mental status, and even if they're alive or dead. The spirit stores knowledge related to magic, including any physical motions or verbal phrases required to cast a spell.
Tim: Can the spirit die?
Faith: Nope. But it *can* be stolen, and drained, by dark sorcerers.
Barbara: Ah.
Tim: Ahhhh.
Faith: Third is the mind, which is directly connected to the soul, and that's how impulses and protective actions are communicated to the fourth, the body, which acts out what the mind instructs it to. The heart is technically both the fourth and the fifth, according to some faiths.
Faith: The Soul Bridge is where Neo and Nero Spirits are born; Neo from the Suspensions, and Nero from the Underside. I use different specific verbs to describe the emotions, but both whisper, talk, shout or sing to the High Mind (the sky, exclusively interacted with by Neo Spirits) or the Low Mind (the river, exclusively interacted with by Nero Spirits) to influence or remind the Five Mortal Qualities of whatever the frick that Spirit was born for.
Tim: Ha ha!
Barbara: This is a fun read!
Tim: Heck yeah it is!
Faith: Soul Bridges can be accessed by expert Dreamer mages, and in the dream world by a person. Mine starts out like the bridge in Vanderhoof near Riverside Park and connects to Old Loop Road, but it's *so broken and twisted* that it's literally the most impossible roller coaster my subconscious could come up with. That's how it views my memories, my magic, my body, heart and mind; they're all out of sync, and it's dangerous and nonesensical. But I remember a dream where I was riding on it like in a crazy mine cart mobile game mixed with an arcade railgun shooter with Final Fantasy elements thrown in there, and I've come to accept that, if I ever go downtown, I will have a very violent awakening, literally. It'll be one of those dreams I wake up from in a hot sweat, shaking and letting out a loud scream.
Faith: And that's all about Soul Bridges and how they work, with a bit of info. about Neo and Nero Spirits! I had to throw the Five Mortal Qualities in there, 'cause that's just how I explain it in the planning document.
Barbara: Holy crow, your mind, girl! 🤯
Faith: Thanks LOL
Faith: That being said! If made General, Ra's would have access to Nerobzal's army of undead, Nero Spirits, and evil vampires and werewolves. There are also dark sorcerers, but Ra's wouldn’t order them around. All of that is the cult of Kaleido, or what remains of it after the Third War for the O-star Spirit. Kaleido was Kitsch, now Kaleido has been freed again and is Kirei. Instead of Italian vampires, the Japanese control it now!
Dick: All of *this* is what you've been cooking for four years? 🤯 I think we have a creative genius in the group now, holy smokes!
Faith: Oh geez, hi! Also, thank you! The complexity of Thalassic Space is me trying to emulate the masters of fantasy LOL
Dick: Hi Faith, welcome 😊 Also yes, it shows!
Faith: Uh, and I've been cooking soup.
Tim: Soooouuuup!
Barbara: Sooooouuupppp!!
Stephanie: (smacks lips) good soup.
Faith: Aa! Aaaaa!
Stephanie: hi 😉
Faith: I'm gonna freaking explode aren't I? LOL
Barbara: Please don't explode. 😜
Stephanie: so you've got magic dragon powers? :ooo
Faith: Yes! I can use the Thu'um, and my dragon tomb has my other two Relics. One is a white ebony dagger that can become Uriel's fiery sword (he’s my spiritual father; Urania is my mother), which Ra's cut himself on 'cause he was being greedy, and he ran out with only the dragon tooth 'cause he woke up my ten Dragon Priests. :D They're technically just guarding Argophael, now.
Barbara: Ooooh, was he your dragon boyfriend?😮
Faith: Yes! And trans! I've always been pansexual lol.
Tim: Eyyy, another gay in the family, woo hoo!
Faith: 🎉Let's freaking go, lesbians💅✨
Tim: LOL
Barbara: LOL
Stephanie: lmao
Dick: Ha ha ha!
Faith: Do I have to say what Bartholomew did again?
Barbara: Nope! We scrolled up 👍
Barbara: LOL
Tim: Also, why did you name him Bartholomew?
Stephanie: LOL you named him Bartholomew
Faith: Bartholomew Roberts.
Stephanie: a good fit for a transphobe, ngl
Faith: Yeah! And he's captain of the Naglfar because why the fuck not? XD
Dick: Whoa! We're tossing f-bombs out, now?
Faith: I'm always tossing f-bombs out. I just get bored of it sometimes. Also, it's not always time for an f-bomb.
[Faith sent an audio message.] [Singing merrily:] Ohhhh, fuck fuck, fuckity fuck fuck! A-fuck fuck, fuckity fuck fuck! Fucking fuck, fucking fuck! Oh, fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuuuuck! Fuck.
Dick: Nope. Not listening to whatever that is.
Dick: Nevermind, Barbara played it on her phone.
Barbara: LMAO
Faith: I'd like to thank Casey Jones from the comic that was in the back pages of the manual for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 for the Wii for introducing me to 'fuckity fuck'. Fucking is just a normal verb form for fuck.
Barbara: LOL
Tim: Oh no, noooooo, that game *sucked*!
Faith: I had some fun with it, playing with my brother, and it and the movie it was based on introduced me to the fandom I wrote my first fanfic for, OK? I wouldn't be here without it! Muchlessbeamonsterfucker. Anyway!
Tim: LOL
Barbara: OMG FAITH 🤣🤣
Faith: The other is a white-blue gradient scallop seashell necklace that works like the Mermaid Princess pearls of Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch, but I can also dance, and my genre is Tohou Eurobeat.
Stephanie: (gasp!) so you're a magical girl too!! :oooo
Faith: Yes! :DDDDD I also have a Fairy Persona named Solas. My birth demigoddess name is Ønske, but when Urania became my mentor, I also got Ulia Chaménos, the surname to tribute the people I'd go on to save. And I got invited to Paradiso, where Uriel greeted me as my patron angel, and I was told my mortal name, which is, well, Faith!
Stephanie: coool :o what does your fairy 'sona look like?
Stephanie: wait no!
Stephanie: you can just show me some time!! right?
Faith: Also yes, I can! Dragon powers awake = everything is awake.
Faith: I also have a magic Costume, formally called my Astral Jester Costume. The styles of the pieces can change, but by default, it's a T-shirt crop top, shorts, cuff-bracelets lined with jingle bells, a choker with a cluster of jingle bells, hiker shoes (I have a deformed right foot, and my feet are naturally wide, so no flip-flops, flat shoes or high heels!) with a cluster of jingle bells, and, of course, a jester hat with four “ears”, each with a cluster of jingle bells. The entire outfit is white but can change colours as it changes styles. It's a magic cosplay piece LOL
Tim: OK cool but *why a jester?*
Faith: Look, Harley didn’t make me gay, LEGO Catwoman did, but I gotta do one for the clown gays, all right? Harley is an iconnnnn
Stephanie: lol truuuuueeeeee
Tim: Go off, girl! 🤣
Faith: When LEGO Catwoman used the diamond to cut the window, and was caught in the spotlight? And then we saw it again after the villain level? I was like "Oh, she’s cool! …Is she hot, too? Is that just her thing?" There's a reason my imaginary friends were fairies and mermaids and I've had my first imaginary friend, Bella, since I was like 6 🧚🦄🌈✨
Tim: yaaaaassss! ✨🌈✨
Stephanie: yes, miss gurrrlll!! 💖💖✨✨
Barbara: I love that for you!! /gen
Dick: Yeah that's cool 😁
Damian: You can all read about the Four Legendary Unicorns in the app's lore or the planning document.
Faith: Thank you, Damian!
Damian: You're welcome.
Dick: Hey Faaaaaaith
Faith: Yeeeeees
Dick: Who's your favourite Robin? 👀
Faith: He's not present. (throws a peace sign, vanishes)
Dick: GAAAAASP! (holds chest)
Tim: Eh, fair.
Stephanie: lmao
Faith: (Reappears with the sound of a tendon going over bone) But uh, the Four represent the emotions and head-spaces of the people they allow to ride on their backs. Two Italians, and two Swedes LOL
Stephanie: aw man, not the swedish!
Dick: LOL why that sound??🤣
Faith: I've got hyptonia from my dwarfism, OK! I make it a lot!
Tim: Oh cool! How tall are you?
Faith: 4'6" (146 cm)
Faith: Just know that it was supposed to be Polish as a Witcher reference. 💀
Stephanie: bruh 💀💀💀
Tim: LOL the opposite of the Wild Hunt
Faith: Literally 💀Anyway! I have the flu right now so please don’t visit, thankssss
Barbara: No. ❤️
Faith: OK! I believe you! Jump in the line, rock your body in time.
Faith: OHHHHHHH!!!
Barbara: LOL!!
Faith: I know that song from Just Dance 2. Or was it 3? I don't remember and I don't care to ask SOFFFIAA right now LOL
Dick: You’re so energetic, I love that.
Stephanie: oh you're *def* a Just Dancer.
Faith: Thank you! (ihaveareactiveattachmentdisorder)
Steph: felt that
Tim: LOL
Barbara: LOL oh hon, you're perfect 🤣
Dick: 🤣🤣
Damian: I can hear you laughing from across the hall…
Faith: Also, I haven't played since I broke my knee in March 2015 ☹️
Stephanie: awww, that sucks! but we can get you back into shape!
Faith: It's gonna be a *real* challenge.
Dick: We can do it, though 😊
Faith: And heck yeah! Oh, also.
[Faith sent a voice message:] Damian climbs out of bed, takes a decent stride away from the furniture, and does a backflip.
Damian did as told. He held in his scream of fury, and sat back on his bed.
Damian: Never do that again. Whatever that was.
Faith: Wow, he didn't scream in anger! I'm glad /gen. Also agreed
Tim: Girl is OP af💀
Faith: It’s the power of the Thu’um, but I just speak English >w<
Stephanie: i kinda wanna try 😮
Faith: Also yeah, sorry for being a Mary-Sue, everybody blame Ra's for bringing this shit into DC Comicsssss
Tim: Nah, don't apologise.
Dick: Do you *remember* the magic users we've got?
Faith: Oh yeeeeah, sorry, too used to being mean to myself
Stephanie: mood honestly
Barbara: Well, *that's* going to change, Miss Faith!
Faith: Honestly, that would be nice.😄
Barbara: ❤️
Faith: Are you sitting or standing, Steph?
Stephanie: i’m laying in bed bored as shit
Faith: REAL XD
Faith: Also feel free to get this on video for evidence, up to you
Stephanie: oooh bet, lemme record this, go ahead!
[Faith sent a voice message:] Stephanie runs to the wall, runs up the wall, does a cartwheel as she reaches the ceiling, and lands firmly on her feet.
[Stephanie shared a video.]
Stephanie: THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!
Barbara: Nice flip, Steph!
Dick: Good form 👍
Stephanie: Thanks!
Tim: I mean, I wasn’t doubting your dragon powers were real, but hey! They’re real!
Faith: But uh yeah! I think the magic should be easy for me. It'll be trying to get my body to work like it did in high school that'll be the problem 🙁
Dick: How fit were you in school?
Faith: I could lift 420lbs on the leg press.
Dick: Nice!
Barbara: Wow!!
Stephanie: damn!
Tim: You had strong legs!
Dick: You had an injury?
Faith: Yeah, I broke my left patella in tenth grade. I'll spare y'all the story for now, but it gave me anxiety and depression, and that led to a rough last semester and an even rougher grade eleven and twelve. I tried homeschooling, but Internet and fanfiction writing hooked me, and I would have been just fine at the high school branch near the police station, but then I met the one IRL boyfriend I’ve had, and then I was even more depressed. Another story for another time. I used to play volleyball and dance, and now I can only dance while sitting down. It’s not quite the same to make a choreography and be unable to do it. Hence my magic pearl!
Dick: You fit right in with us. You had a rough life too. And now you've been given the opportunity to take your life back.😊
Faith: Yeah! I mean my job is going fine, and Bruce just approved the idea I had for my Earth-33 self to return and continue her life, so no worries there. But I've spent so much time reading and consuming media just trying to understand how people make friends, and what family is like! Not that my adoptive family didn't love me, or try to teach me. My foster parents just screwed up *bad*. I was a Benadryl kid.
Dick: That sucks. Sorry to hear that.
Barbara: Awww, yeah, sorry. 😢
Faith: Again, I could literally go on, but you get the point.
Stephanie: yep.
Barbara: You're welcome to talk to us about yourself anytime, Faith! I'm sure you know plenty about us already ha ha.
Faith: Maybe not plenty, but enough to be very comfortable.
Barbara: Good!
Dick: Awesome.
Tim: So, are you aiming to get your 420 lift back?
Faith: I mean, that'd be *amazing*, I'd like to try!
Dick: Well, when you're not sick, we’re abducting you from the mansion. 🤪
Faith: Woo hoo!
Stephanie: i have a question!
Faith: Shoot.
Stephanie: where are you from? like, the country
Faith: I’m Canadian. Yes, I've been to America. We visited my adoptive dad's family in Gilmer, Texas in Easter of 2008 or '9. It was *so hot*. We flew kites, had authentic iced tea that Mom only let us have a bit of 'cause it had caffeine, there was a wasp on the bathtub that was in the backyard, and I remember briefly playing Tetris and one of the galaxy shooters with one of our cousins. And we went to the zoo! I vaguely remember the black panther, the birds, and the rhinos. We took a weird route there, but a more expected route back. I *think* that's the trip we stopped in Seattle or something to sea the ocean? I remember seeing the trees you used to be allowed to walk/drive through.
Barbara: You're just so full of stories. ❤️❤️
Faith: Aw, thanks!
Stephanie: deadpool or wolverine?
Faith: Smash both but Deadpool first unless the chemistry isn't there, ditto reasoning for Wolverine, marry Deadpool, talk history with Wolverine, I don’t think he’d like me enough to marry me; no killing here, folks.
Stephanie: wow. what a slut /aff
Faith: Thanks, I learned it from the cult of Asherah that the Yahwehists tore down, but before then, R34 and Bayonetta. Also Catwoman, again. Poison Ivy, too. OH and Her Imperial Condescendence from Homestuck.
Barbara: Oh my Gooood…
Stephanie: oh she’s *chaotic* gay!
Tim: Not Homestuck!! 😭 😭 😭
Faith: I used to be a Nepeta kinnie. Now I’m an Eridan sympathiser and fucker.
Stephanie: AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Dick: (Points at the cuss) Get outta my sandwich!
Faith: (Mine turtle) Hello!
Dick: LOL
Stephanie: lmao!
Barbara: LOL!
Tim: oh of course you like asdfmovie /aff
Faith: Anyway yeah! This will be fun if my body stops breaking after the first couple of weeks or so!
Barbara: Oh, we get hurt aaaalllll the time.
Dick: Yep.
Tim: Yyyyyep.
Stephanie: uh-huh!
Damian: Yeah.
Faith: I know, I've seen the panels… I don't usually save time or money to buy or even pirate comics tbh.
Stephanie: Fair.
Tim: Yeah.
Faith: OK! I'm gonna try to sleep now! Nice meeting y'all! 👋
Stephanie: Byyyyeeee!
Barbara: TTYL!
Dick: Bye! 😄
Tim: Sleep well, Faith!
Damian: See ya.
Faith has changed her status to Do Not Disturb.
Faith has changed her status to flu needs the z’s.
Tim: She’s got a good sense of humor.
Dick: Yeah, she seems easy to get along with.
Barbara: I think we're her only friends, though. 😉
Dick: Yeah.
Stephanie: yeah
Tim: Yeeeeah. Not that I mind, though.
Barbara: Neither do I.
Stephanie: same
Dick: Ditto. Some people just need the winds of fate to blow differently for something to go their way.
Barbara: Oh, for sure.
Tim: True.
Stephanie: i'm excited to help her, though! and be her friend. 😊
Tim: Heck yeah!
Barbara: Bruce, could you take her to the Belfry when she's not sick to start with the basics?
Bruce: Sure. 🙂
Dick: Yes, great idea.
Damian: Is it mandatory?
Dick: Nope. If you don’t feel like it, you don't have to, Damian.
Damian: 'Kay.
Dick: I think that's all for now, yeah?
Tim: Yeah.
Barbara: I think so!
Stephanie: yeah, no ideas for now.
Dick: All right. We'll let Faith know when she's done snoozing and go from there. [Multiple people Liked this message.]
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Click emoji to navigate to next chapter. ⏭️
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fruitchouli · 1 year
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now introducing to the fruitchouli fragrance archives: the forgotten marc jacobs essence (2003), flanker of the seminal fresh watery gardenia, marc jacobs (2001). i’ve always thought marissa from the oc would have smelled like marc jacobs.. as with the original, sophia coppola is the ad girl / muse
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heartsbreaking · 2 days
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WANTED CONNECTIONS ( mutuals only )
if you write one of the muses and are interested in interacting or plotting feel free to send some memes or hmu in the ims/on disco
these are 99% platonic, if you want shippy dynamic i have ideas on my muse's info pages
KÀRA HRAFN : i would love interactions with loki, thor, maybe sif or even odin. also i would love to write with wanda or strange, or legit any magic user in the mcu. would love some threads with the young avengers too (especially cassie, kate and wiccan)
ALEKS VASILYEV : would love to write aleks against either of her brothers anatoly & vladimir. would also love to write against any of the defenders and street level heroes in the mcu
MARINA REYES : robbie reyes. give marina her older brother. also any agents of shield muses
CLARY STARK : gimme tony, gimme pepper, gimme peter, mj, ned, flash, gwen, harley, riri, give clary friends.
KITTY CARVER : jason carver, give me sibling things and angst, also give me more interactions with adult muses in hawkins
MADELYN & VIVIAN KELLMAN : someone write gerri for the girls pls i'm begging.
VIVIAN KELLMAN : gimme friends from college, influencer girlies, gimme chaotic ships for her
OPHELIA WAMBSGANS : i would LOVE to have a tom or shiv to write with but i'm incredibly hesitant to approach someone first. i'd also love a kendall, connor or willa.
RAFAELLA FLORES & SOFIA LENNOX : gimme more members of the richmond wfc and plots with other ted lasso muses, i'd also love some interactions with people's other athlete muses
EMILY CRIMM : gimme emily interacting with the richmond team and staff, gimme her dad, give emily friends
ALEJANDRA ROJAS : would love some threads with her getting to know the richmond team/staff, and generally making friends with her older brother's friends. (would pay in cute instagram reels for a dani too)
ALICE LAHEY : more teen wolf muses come interact with her i miss this fandom
BEATRICE DE MARTEL : more interactions with legacies muses (generally begging for this love her or hate her for being a weird lil girly she needs friends and enemies), gimme mikaelson muses too! would love a klaus but i will accept anyone. also if anyone writes aurora and doesn't ship her with her fucking brother come write with me.
CECELIA DE MARTEL : same thing as above, someone find me an aurora to write with that doesn't ship her with her brother so that cece can have her older sister. also same goes above for mikaelsons. i would also love to throw cecelia at more witches
CARRIE DAVIS : gimme more interactions with the yellowjackets thanks
KAT HARRISON : literally any twd muses carl, enid, daryl, rick, alden
CARLY SIMPSON : someone write gwen (carly's co-pilot), give her more interactions with top gun muses in general
DANA CORTELL : give her more interactions with top gun muses,
JACK HARDING : if anyone writes bill, find me. also any twisters muses i would love to put jack in more situations
SABRINA TYLER : gimme brina interacting with the 118 and becoming friends with them through buck, also i will find a way for her to interact with the 126, i'm not sure how but i will
ALYSIA DIAZ : generally would love to see alysia interacting with the 118 & 126, would love a main eddie. would also love interactions with people's musician ocs
SOPHIA DIAZ : would love a main eddie, would love threads with the 118 and also threads with other people's like legal/crime based muses.
STEVIE BURTON : more threads with the 118 :)
LUCIANA SCARCELLA : give me vampire interactions, i would love to build up luciana's history with other vampires (both friendly and unfriendly dyns)
YASMIN KARA-HANANI : i would love to throw yasmin at y'all's muses who are more business and crime based. come love my nepo baby finance girlie
CALYPSO : would love some interactions with other pjo muses, the gods ect
GABRIELLE GAO : gimme bullet train characters, gimme people who know here as an heiress and not an assassin
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daryl-and-carol-oh-my · 3 months
Hello! Just wondering why you tag your gifs in the Caryl tag when most of them aren't Caryl gifs, no hate, just curious.
Hi! Yeah, sorry, I had to sit on this a couple of days. My first reaction was to take down my posts and delete my blog. I have that hyper anxiety, and question why I do what I do a thousand times a day lol.
I suppose the simplest answer is that 'Caryl" is a duo. Carol is one half and Daryl is the other half of Caryl, and I love them equally, more than anything other ship I currently ship. I tag Daryl in Caryl and Carol in Caryl. They are my OTP.
It started with me unable to find gifs that I wanted to use as inspiration. There are so many talented Gif makers and I wanted to see if I could learn how to do it. I wanted gifs of EVERYTHING Daryl and Carol. Even if they weren't the main focus of the scene, or gif.
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This scene right here. I wanted that gif of Daryl walking and Carol and Sophia by Daryl and Mere's truck. I couldn't find any, so I asked my writing partner to teach me how to make gifs and it turned into this huge project that sort of took over.
Like, does Daryl see them strolling around his truck and go over? Do they have a conversation? Do they just kinda look at each other? I had all these ideas and the gifs helped fuel Muse. I didn't mind so much that the focus is Lori and Shane. My focus was Daryl, Carol and Sopia - So when I uploaded to share them here it was marked in the Caryl tag.
Then I started seeing all these background moments where they are near each other but not the focus. I wanted to gif it all. Every moment, every second.
Like these too.
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Like, where is Daryl gonna go? Carol's standing over that way. I don't know. I just wanted every second gif'd in case Muse wanted to write some little plot bunny.
And moments like this where they are standing next to one another that I just love - Also because I have a weird obsession with Carol/Melissa's neck. It's so elegant.
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Like, even if just a shoulder or an arm is in the frame, I wanted to gif it.
It all started with season one. Not very much content, that I could find, of gifs like this or many gifs in general of Daryl or Carol. Now I have over a thousand gifs of season one Daryl/Carol/Caryl to use if I want - And! For others to use as well, as they are all posted and shared here.
I digress.
I tag them in Caryl because I love the Caryl fandom and want to shared them with them. To me, they are all relevant to Caryl. They have journeys and arcs that run along next to each other. I am not a analyst and I suck at expressing my thoughts. Plenty of awesome Carylers who write long, thoughtful meta's <3333 lol
I crop a lot too. If it's blatantly not Caryl and might be upsetting, to myself as well, I won't tag it Caryl. I have already considered this. I only want to gif moments that inspire Muse and show how parallel Caryl is to each other.
Thank you for the ask! I hope this answers you! ^....^
Here are my other blogs where I make FC gifs for my OC's. @foreign-bodies @my-ladies-noble
All I really do now if make gifs lol
Carylering On<33333333333333
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rosecartridge · 6 months
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Caviar and cigarettes Well versed in etiquette Extraordinarily nice
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(18+)Low activity side rp blog starring muses from lots of video games. Promo featuring Princess Peach, Princess Zelda,Sophia,The Princess, and Kouign-Amann Cookie--Lovingly penned by Red(She/They 21+) --Crossover friendly--Oc friendly--Personals and non rp blogs dni -- --- Promo X PSD X Banner X Promo help X
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She's a Killer Queen Gunpowder, gelatine Dynamite with a laser beam Guaranteed to blow your mind
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Wait hold on, I got this randomly and this is hella cute!
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reigningqueenofwords · 4 months
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Pairing: past Dean x Reader, past Dean x Allie (OC), past Benny x Reader, Sam x Jess Word count: 2,255
Read on AO3
Final Part of Unholy
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Mary knew Holland, and had for years. So, she offered to speak with her that night while Dean worked on your car. You honestly felt that was the best way to go about things. You truly hoped that Mary could get through to her. 
Once you locked up, you went to ask Dean what he would like for dinner. “Hey.” You greeted him. He was by your car, getting it on to the lift. 
“Hey.” He glanced at you for a moment. 
“I’m gonna order dinner so we can eat before you deal with my tires.” You told him. “Any requests? Subs? Pizza? Chinese?” 
He thought for a minute. “How’s subs sound? Haven’t had those in a bit. I’ll get their pizza one.” 
Smiling, you nodded. “Sounds good.” You turned to go get those ordered. 
“I’ll run down the street to get us drinks. What would you like?” He asked, wiping his hands. 
“Can you get me a Sprite and an OJ? I like to mix them.” You chuckled. 
“Sprite and OJ coming up.” He agreed, going to clean up. He’d leave his coveralls on, not seeing the point in taking them off, just to put them back on. He hoped that the two of you could get to a point where you were friends. 
Smiling, you went to go relax at the counter. You’d work on getting things ahead for the following day until the subs arrived. Then you’d be done for the day. 
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You had just finished eating when Dean got a text. You couldn’t tell who it was from by the look on his face. “Mom talked to Holland.” He told you. “She said that she told her how Allie talked to her about everything that happened, and how Allie was your friend. She also told her that Allie would be very disappointed in Holland’s actions towards you.” He went on, then chuckled. “She ended with the mom voice and telling her she needed to behave before my mom went to speak with Holland’s mom because this would affect the kids.” 
That made you laugh. “Yeah, don’t get other mom’s involved.” You shook your head. 
“Thankfully all that worked. Holland promised to back off. That she’s still not happy with everything, but the last thing she wants is to upset the kids.” 
“I owe your mom some flowers and a thank you card!” You smiled. “Maybe tomorrow after work I’ll go get my car washed and then stop to get her one.” 
“I’m gonna powerwash that side of your car. That should take care of that spray paint.” He didn’t want you driving home with your car like that. “Won’t take too long.” He assured you, knowing you’d likely try to refuse. 
You nodded. “Alright.” You agreed. That would be one less thing on your mind, at least. 
After a few minutes of silence, Dean spoke up. “Did you want to talk names before I go back to working on your tires?” He offered, taking the last bite of his sub. 
“How about we each make a list, and then tomorrow after the kids are in bed we can call and talk about them? Unless you already have a list.”
He looked a bit bashful. “I have a couple in mind, actually.” He admitted. 
You were a bit surprised. “Yeah? Can I hear them?” 
He pulled up his notes app where he’d been putting them as they came to mind. “Clara, Jane, Daisy, and Alice.” He looked to you. 
“Those are really cute names!” You grinned. “Not gonna lie…Clara Jane sounds like a good name.” You said truthfully. “The names I like are Grace, Sophia, Penelope…Yes, like from my favorite show. You cannot fault me. She’s amazing.” You chuckled. “And then Emma.” 
Dean thought those names over, putting different name combinations together. “Isn’t Penelope from that serial killer show you watched with Allie?” He asked after a moment. You nodded. “Penny is a cute nickname for that.” He mused. “I’m digging either the Clara Jane or maybe Penelope Grace. Those right now are the top two.” 
You pulled out your phone to write those down. “I think both would sound good with ‘Winchester’, too. Only reason I avoided ‘w’ names.” You chuckled. Seeing the shocked look on his face, you tilted your head. “What’s wrong?” 
“She’s gonna be a Winchester?” He asked, voice quiet. 
“Of course. I can tell you’re a great dad, and you didn’t run for the hills when you found out I’m pregnant.” It was easy for you to decide that. 
He looked emotional. “Thank you. I’d been wondering, honestly.” He downed the last of his soda. 
You gave him a soft smile. “Of course.” 
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After that night, you were invited to weekly dinners at the Winchester’s house, feeling more and more welcome as time went on. You’d even had Dean and the kids over a couple times to have pizza and a movie night at your apartment. Layla looked more and more like Allie as time went on, as well. She loved to ask you to brush her hair when she saw you, and you had no objections. 
You and Dean were friends, and nothing more. If you were honest with yourself, he was your best friend. Garth and Cas become like your family, as well. When you were 8 months pregnant, Mary threw you a baby shower at their house. The guys were there, and so was your mom. It was the first time your mother was meeting the rest of them. You were nervous as all hell. She knew the truth of what had happened, and you didn’t know how she’d be with Dean. 
Everyone was having a good time and you realized that you couldn’t see you mom…or Dean. “Great.” You groaned. Hopefully your mom hadn’t dragged him off to yell at him or something. Just as you were about to go check the backyard, you saw them coming back. Your mother patted his cheek lovingly and you chuckled. Clearly, your mother liked Dean. You went over to your mother when Dean went to talk to John who was refilling the cooler. “Mom, please tell me you were nice to Dean.” 
“I just wanted to make sure he was going to keep up the whole ‘being sweet’ thing for you.” She smiled. “And I approve.” 
You raised an eyebrow at her. “You approve of him being my friend?” You chuckled. 
She dramatically rolled her eyes. “That boy loves you, and I know it.” She shrugged, sipping her drink. 
“Please don’t, mom.” You sighed. “It’s only been three months since Allie and Benny passed, and do you forget that he cheated on her with me? What’s to say that wouldn’t happen again?” Your voice was low. “So please, don’t meddle.” You asked her, clearly ending the conversation. “Just enjoy the baby shower.” 
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You worked until you were 38 weeks pregnant, and then you opted to take some time off. Thankfully you still got paid, which was a huge help. It was one less thing for you to worry about. It did mean you felt somewhat bored most days. Not having to go into work left your days wide open. You hoped you had her on time because that would mean you had her to look after.
However, come 41 weeks pregnant, you were still very much pregnant. And very much over it. Every day you took a walk after dinner, having been told that could help. You also continued to go to the weekly dinners at the Winchesters. You adored the kids, and played cards or board games with them whenever they asked. 
“Are you okay?” David asked you as he sat next to you at dinner. “You made a funny face.” 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You assured him. Until you made a face a few minutes later. “Okay, maybe I’m not.” You breathed. “I think I’m going into labor.” You looked at Dean, scared. You’d never done this before!
“Alright, Dean, bring Y/N to her apartment. Relax there until contractions are about 5 minutes apart.” Mary spoke up. “The kids can stay here.” She added. Although she knew Dean had done all this with Allie, his mind was likely in a very different place. The last time he brought her to the hospital…she didn’t make it out. 
Dean nodded, quickly getting up to help you up. “We’ll drive your car, okay?” He told you. 
“Yeah.” You agreed. “Bye, guys.” You waved at the kids. 
“Bye!” They waved. Did they know they were getting another sister? 
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Once back at your place, you went to sit on the couch and paused. “Can you get me a folded towel to sit on? Just in case?” You asked him, watching him rush to find one. “Thank you.” You watched him get it set up for you and then helped you sit. 
“Do you have a hospital bag packed and a diaper bag?” He asked, wanting things ready to go when you told him it was time. He was doing his best not to let panic take over, wanting to remain calm for you. 
“They’re both in my room in her crib.” You told him. “Sit down. Relax. There’s nothing you can do for me right now.” You said gently as he paced the living room. “She’ll let us know when it’s time to go to the hospital.” Holding out your hand for him, you also wanted to remain calm for him. Four months ago he was in the same spot with Allie, and he didn’t know that he’d lose her. You couldn’t fathom what was going through his head at the moment. 
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Mary was plating up breakfast the next morning for the kids when she got a text. Putting down the pan that held the cheesy scrambled eggs, she quickly looked. It was a group text from Dean. “Penelope Grace Winchester. 8:01am, 21 inches long, 7 lbs 3 oz.” He sent with a picture of her sleeping. 
She instantly replied, gushing over how cute she was. Hearing Ethan fuss, she went to scoop him up. He instantly quieted, making her chuckle to herself. He just really wanted to be held. She kissed his forehead and finished serving breakfast one handed. She loved her grandkids, and looked forward to being there for Penelope, too. 
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It was a whirlwind when you brought her home. Mary had surprised you with some freezer meals so you didn’t really have to cook, which was a massive help. She also told you if you’d like, she could bring Ethan and Layla over some days to keep you company. Those days, she cuddled Penny as much as she could. 
Before you knew it, it was time for you to go back to work. Penny was three months old, and you were all but pouting. Dean was over with Ethan while John and Mary took the older kids to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner. You couldn’t wait for Xander and David to tell you all about it. “I’m so used to being around her that I don’t know how I’m gonna last all day without seeing that little face.” You told him as he fed her. You were holding Ethan who was contently watching you. 
“I actually thought about that…” He smiled at you. 
“I can’t stay home any more.” You chuckled. “I need to work.” You reminded him. “And she needs to eat.” 
He stuck his tongue out at you. “Bring her to work. You have that baby carry Cas got you, right?” You simply nodded. “She’s not mobile just yet, and it’s not like the shop is all that loud. Just bring her carrier, diaper bag, and swing.” He suggested. “I happen to know the owner would be totally okay with that being the solution.” 
You looked down at Ethan and made a face at him before looking back to Dean. “And plan to find a daycare when she’s more mobile?” That seemed a bit more feasible. 
“Oh, no.” He didn’t like that idea. “That’s when we get a playpen for behind the counter and give her some toys.” He said like it was the easiest thing in the world. “We’ll make it work.” He promised. 
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And you had made it work. Penny was a fixture in the shop most days of the week. Some days Mary and John wanted time with all their grandkids and would come get her. You never argued. You’d met Sam, Jess, and their two kids early that summer. You’d been beyond nervous, but it soon occurred to you that you had no reason to be. Sam took to both Ethan and Penny, easily carrying both infants around the yard as the older kids all played. 
You and Jess hit it off right away, as well. In many ways, she reminded you of Allie. While the guys played with the kids, you and her sat with the babies in the shade. She told you a bunch of stories about Dean, about Allie, and the group as a whole. 
When they left, you and Jess exchanged numbers, wanting to stay in touch. “I was a bit worried how awkward things would be…when Sam explained the entire situation about you and Dean.” Jess told you softly. “But there was none. You two are great together. I’m still upset about him being a dick, but doesn’t mean I don’t want him happy in the long run.” 
You blushed. “We’re not together.” You corrected her. 
She smirked. “Yet.” She teased before hugging you. 
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thatmagickjuju · 6 months
i’ve been in a criminal minds kick for a while which is only fueling my OC that i have all the muse and ideas for, but can’t decide on a face. help?? this OC will be Rossi’s daughter and looks goods with Hotch.
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📖 + Glee, please??
@dancingsunflowers-ocs 💖
Thanks a bunch for this ask, Alexandra!! Also gonna tag the rest of the Glee gang @manyfandomocs, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @luucypevensie, and @ginger-grimm!! <3
A girlfriend for Mercedes! I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.
Someone with Madison Iseman as an FC - she’s so pretty, I just really wanna use her.
Either a Kurt ship or a poly Klaine ship.
A Santana ship.
A Brittany ship (or possibly a poly Brittana ship).
A Hudson sibling.
A Hummel sibling.
A Berry sibling.
A Fabray sibling.
An Abrams sibling.
A Sebastian ship.
A Smythe sibling.
A Jesse ship.
Someone with Reneé Rapp as an FC.
Someone with Sabrina Carpenter as an FC.
Someone with Joshua Bassett as an FC.
Someone with Olivia Rodrigo as an FC.
Someone with Sophia Carson as an FC.
Someone with Rachel Zegler as an FC.
send me 📖 + a fandom and i’ll tell you some muses from that fandom i’ve thought about writing!!
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Muses and Rules.
Rick Grimes
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"I don't take chances anymore."
Daryl Dixon
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"Is that supposed to make me like you?"
Beth Greene
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"I've survived and you don't get it,"
[ Note ] : These canon characters are the ones I've had the most experience playing and feel the most comfortable using as canon leads in a plot or ship. With that being said, there are other canon characters I'm very willing to play as side characters in a plot. :) Shane Walsh. Carol Peletier. Simon. Glenn Rhee. Hershel Greene. Carl Grimes. Sophia Peletier. Lydia.
No matter who I play canon-wise, I try my best to portray them as accurately as I can, while incorporating my own twists.
C O M I C C H A R A C T E R S.
Billy Greene
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fc: Jonah Hauer-King https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pEgoeED0hsZZ0MDCty5m-0DRiPDSsp1VS1tEORNWxEY/edit?usp=sharing
"I just wanted to play my fucking drums."
Jeffery Grimes
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fc: Alex Pettyfer bio coming soon
"Tell Rick Grimes, Jeffery's looking for him."
O C C H A R A C T E R S.
Peter Dixon
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fc: Charlie Heaton
"You goin' in, or should I?"
Alice Henley
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fc: Emilia Clarke
"I'm gonna cut off your dick, let you bleed out, then when you turn I'll feed it to you. How does that sound for serious?"
S H I P S.
( MxM, FxF, MxF. )
Canon Rick x Negan Rick x Daryl Rick x Andrea Rick x Michonne Daryl x Beth Daryl x Carol Daryl x Negan Daryl x Glenn Beth x Negan Beth x Daryl Beth x Tara Beth x Andrea Beth x Glenn ( Don't be afraid to pitch a canon ship that isn't listed here! In any ships involving Beth, she will be 18+ )
Ocs Alice x Rick Alice x Negan Alice x Daryl Alice x Andrea Alice x Tara Alice x Maggie Alice x Beth Peter x Beth Peter x Glenn Peter x Negan Peter x Rick Peter x Andrea Peter x Governor
( Don't be afraid to ship Alice or Peter with your OC or a canon character not listed. I'm open to most ideas! )
R U L E S.
(I promise I'm not mean, I just know what I like! &lt;3 )
(18+) ONLY. I don't feel comfortable writing with minors.
MUST be okay with NSFW content. I will always respect your triggers but would like any plots we do to include some level of violence and smut. If you don't like these themes, no shame, we just aren't the right fit.
No pre-established romantic relationships. (I do make rare exceptions for this depending on the plot.)
I love ocs. I've had some incredible roleplays with amazing ones and will never turn you down for wanting to use yours. WITH THAT BEING SAID--I heavily prefer well-thought out ocs with bios, not blurbs. If I'm going to write a canon character against yours, they have to be fleshed out. I don't want their whole personality and creation to revolve around being with a canon character. It's boring. I'm here for plots and character development, not to solely fulfill fantasies. My ocs have flaws, strengths, backgrounds and can hold their own in a plot without a ship. It makes the story more exciting!
5. Pretty please put effort into the plot and the characters you play. I love smut but don't just want to write smut, or constantly have my character saving yours. I want there to be things happening around our characters, not just to them.
6. Don't pressure me for replies. I work in film and in a bar. Sometimes I get insanely busy. Most times I'm free. I will always do my best to communicate when I'm not, but if you pressure me, I simply won't respond. Especially if I don't respond for an hour and you message me three times. (With that being said if I haven't responded in like a week, feel free to follow up.)
7. If you've read this far, come say hello! I don't bite. :)
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hawkinshellraiser · 1 month
❤️ 👉👈
❤️ for some positivity about your muse
oc's that are related to canon characters can be a slippery slope. it's one thing to do it well, and it's another to excel at it. which you definitely do. sophia being steve's sister is only part of her character, and she would be very similar without him. we LOVE to see it
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burntthecity · 1 month
hi all, updated plotting search post coming at you. i'm attempting to get my oc muse back after a slight drought with some of my most wanted fcs, opposites and pairings atm. although you can assume i’m searching for romantic plots unless stated otherwise, i also love platonic and would be happy to do friendship plots. everything is under the cut!
fyi, i will do f/m, f/f and f/nb plots! :)
wanted fcs/people I’d like to use: shelley hennig, joseph gordon-levitt, cody christian, rachel sennott, emeraude toubia, elle fanning, bill hader, zendaya, dylan arnold, eve hewson, sophie cookson, hailee steinfeld, josephine langford, victoria pedretti, virginia gardner, elizabeth lail, brenton thwaites, paul mescal, sarah pidgeon, robbie amell, jennifer morrison, vanessa morgan, bruna marquezine, hande erçel, grace van patten, charlie heaton, gideon adlon, greta onieogou, diana silvers, sophia carson, daisy edgar-jones, devon bostick, arden cho, molly gordon, phoebe dynevor.
general opps i’d love: nicholas galitzine, peter gadiot, lola tung, lakeith stanfield, diego luna, josh hutcherson, caitlin stacey, ben feldman, ayo edibri, lizeth selene, ryan gosling, rachel sennott, gael garcia bernal, michiel huismen, molly gordon, ruby cruz, vanessa kirby, victoria pedretti, felix mallard, penn badgley, grace van dien, madison bailey, taron egerton, aaron taylor-johnson, lakeith stanfield, shelley hennig, nick robinson, ross butler, gael garcia bernal, dominique provost chalkley, david harbour.
specific pairings (bold is who i want to write as)
nicholas galtitzine x any female (will give you your most wanted fem opposite)
luke hemmings x chase sui wonders
dylan o’brien x shelley hennig
maia reficco x kit connor
taylor swift x harry styles
jessica chastain x any male
cailee spaeny x any male
cody christian x any female (might require some backstory/an interest check, my cody oc is a hot mess lmao)
joseph gordon levitt x any female (35+)
phoebe tonkin x claire holt (platonic)
madison iseman x any f/m/nb (platonic and/or romantic, m if romantic)
priscilla quintana x any female/femme nb (platonic and/or romantic)
riley keough x any f/m/nb (platonic and/or romantic)
natalia dyer x any f/m/nb (platonic and/or romantic)
other important things:
if we’ve gotten to the point of plotting on discord before and you went ghost on me, i’ll be hesitant to plot with you again. sorry, but i hate feeling like i’m wasting my time. i am in no way innocent with this either, but i generally do not let it go to that stage and ghost. communication is key.
will also be hesitant to write against you if you only write f in f/m plots or require doubling. no one wants to be used for their males. i'd be happy to give you my guys when i have the muse for them, but i also have many queer lady charas that deserve special treatment too.
i’m a pretty low maintenance partner, meaning as much as i love plotting and sending headcanons and will happily do that with you, i don’t expect to hear from you constantly throughout the day and expect the same of you with me. as long as you let me know you’re still interested, great! but please do not pester me for replies or track me if i'm online. it makes me extremely uncomfortable. respect my boundaries and i'll do the same for you.
i am a smut fan but find my muse burns out really fast if the plot is solely smut and no real storyline to go with it. if sexy stuff happens, let's explore it! i just don't want it to be the whole plot.
despite all that seeming slightly harsh ^^, i promise i'm very friendly and approachable.
if you got through all this, bless you. please send me a message if you're interested or like this and i will come to you!!
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soulstagger · 2 months
Pinned Post Please Read.
This is a low activity rp blog for a set of OCs
Skadi Sedna, Sophia Gates, Celune, and Ziatrix.
You can read their four profiles here as well as any rules. The doc also includes brief profiles of any legacy muses still hanging around.
I won't be making any fancy themes or pages to keep this blog mobile friendly. There is also a sideblog called @soulflatter for some spicy stuff and some old legacy muses.
Mun has several years of long and short form rp experience, uses some ingame icons and usually tries to match lengths.
Other than that, have fun. Be respectful, I work full time and stream, so I'll be around when I can and have energy!
Mature themes will be present.
Here is a form for mutuals to express interest between muses.
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