#oc mlt: pavan shah
matchalovertrait · 4 days
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After about 10 months of dating, Dulce decided it was time for her family to meet Caruso, and well... let's just say that things could've gone better.... Will this shake things up in the Alegría household?
Note: For those who don't know, the "discovery" of "spa water" was a very real thing 💀 That sounds so unappetizing. Insulting in many ways lol.
Erick: Nice to meet you, Caruso!
Noemí: What a pleasure to finally meet you.
Caruso: Thank you. I see where your daughter got her good looks from.
Noemí: Oh my! How flattering.
Ángel: Um... is he really using his phone at the dinner table?
Noemí: It's so nice to have every seat filled up at the table! Now we wait for the grandchildren to come.
Erick: [Whispers] Are you seeing what I'm seeing...
Pavan is completely oblivious, too in love with Ángel to notice anything.
Ángel: [Whispers] Yeah...
Erick: I'll give him another chance... Nice shirt, what's your favorite album of theirs?
Caruso: Oh, I don't listen to this band. Their music is boring. I thought the design on the shirt looked rad as hell.
Erick: I see.... please excuse me.
Noemí: Your agua fresca is amazing! It's agua de pepino, right?
Caruso: ...Agua... fresca? No, no. This is my creation! I call it "spa water."
Noemí: Oh... clever.
Ángel: I'm not sure if my drawing is conveying the message y'know?
Pavan: Looks great to me. The colors play into the theme of not escaping one's past.
Ángel: Ah perfect. I was going to sign myself up for Color Theory 101 again.
Caruso: Color theory? What's there to theorize? Colors exist, obviously. Just look everywhere, haha. Am I right or am I right?
Ángel: Is this a joke?
Noemí: Ahem... Mija, can you come help sing a lullaby to the fish? They won't sleep.
Dulce: Oh we have pet fish now? Since when do fish need music to sleep anyway? [Says quietly] Also, I sing well?
Caruso: Yeah you sing beautifully.
Noemí: Um... It's a new kind of science. Let's go, just the two of us.
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matchalovertrait · 9 days
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Dulce... what a brat! She's always been catered to, hasn't she? Always taking advantage of Noemí and Erick's good attitudes and Ángel's kindness. Esperanza won't lie, she was genuinely warming up to Dulce because she's fun to be around and thought she was finally maturing; however, she went and put the family business in danger! How is the entire family okay with this? How were there no big repercussions? Did everyone forget about this rash decision? Well, yeah, Alfonso Alto got sent to prison for drug trafficking charges thanks to Dulce's video... but that's beside the point!!! Esperanza sees that Dulce is really starting to make a name for herself and that scares her. Is Dulce truly ready for a responsibility like that?
Esperanza: Hey, Dulce. Everything’s been good for you like always?
Dulce: ...Yeah? My life is pretty great. Thanks for asking?
[Esperanza sighs.]
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matchalovertrait · 1 month
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Pavan is basically part of the family now :)
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