#oc headcanon generator
kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
OC headcanon generator
Thanks @mysticstarlightduck here!
Rules: use this random headcanon generator for your OCs! Then talk about if it's right
Did this before here! More supporting characters this time.
Liam sucks at saying tongue twisters.
Honestly? This would be a fun quirk for him to have. Debating making it canon.
Ewan is not good with social cues.
I think Ewan is intuitive enough to figure out social cues?
Jazlyn has a sword under her bed.
Why not?
Wade has punched a hole in their wall.
I feel like this is something Parker would do, but it's possible if he's pissed off enough.
Parker has an incredible spice tolorance.
My guy could probably take three ghost peppers. He'd probably regret it, but he'd power through it.
Tyler is gay.
Nope. Bi.
Gabriel forgets to eat sometimes.
If you don't follow his food schedule he'll get hangry. He has alarms on his phone.
If someone he knew commited a crime, Niri would cover for them.
Depends on how he's feeling, what the crime is, and who it is.
Sam watched the Sonic movie.
She was a kindergartener I believe when this movie came out, so absolutely.
Tagging @reininginthefirewriting @stesierra @mrbexwrites @mk-writes-stuff @dyrewrites
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites
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anyablackwood · 3 months
OC Headcanons Tag 2
Thanks for the tag, @pandoras-comment-box! I probably could've smashed this together with the other one I got, but I enjoyed it so much I decided to do it again, lol. I'll be using Iris from my WIP Traveling Bards.
Rule: Use this headcanon generator to make headcanons for an OC, then rate their accuracy!
"Iris believes in ghosts and insists on trying to summon one at every sleepover."
Honestly? This feels more like a Claire thing, but Iris has her ✨quirky✨ moments, which she deserves. As a treat. 9/10.
"Iris had an emo phase."
10/10. This is just canon.
"Iris has an intense fear of people."
Maybe not INTENSELY afraid. More like a genuine distaste for them? 7/10.
"Iris nearly drowned in a river as a child."
0/10. She's actually a really good swimmer canonically, lol. LOVES the water. In fact, it would make more sense for Claire, as she canonically can't swim.
"Iris sings in the shower."
7/10. Not a bad idea. More of a Luna thing, but Iris has probably sung along to her playlist in the shower.
"Iris has fallen asleep at their desk while working in the middle of the night."
10/10. Canon. She's a med student.
"Iris has a very low alcohol tolerance."
5/10. I actually kind of imagine her to have a really high one? But it's not like it matters to the plot, so it's fine.
"Iris is very willing to eat inedible things."
10/10. Despite being a med student, I can imagine her having surprisingly low standards for herself- in true doctor's fashion!
"Iris is in your house."
Um... I don't know how to respond to this??? LMAO. I mean, her rough outline is based off of a family member, so... canon? 10/10 lol.
"If the source media was a musical, Iris would be the one character that asks why everyone is singing."
Hm. Maybe? Honestly, it's a toss-up. She loves musicals, so she's more likely to join in enthusiastically. Or get upset that no one gave her the memo for the rehearsals. 6/10.
This was fun!!! Not sure who to tag, I feel like there's so many tag games and not enough active users, lol. So I'll just go with gently tagging: @mysticstarlightduck, @amaiguri, @aalinaaaaaa
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2smolbeans · 2 months
Tags: Yandere x slightly yan reader. Yan isn't in love with reader, but with someone else, murder, based on my love me love me not story
Filthy, you retch as you stared at the maggots. Squirming, wriggling in the wet flesh, the skin open and exposed. Your stomach felt queezy the more you looked at the dancing rice on the barely distinguishable persons busted open face.
With a shovel in hand, you stare back at him, hesitant with the next instructions. "Go on honey, you can do it." He smiles at you, his voice sweet and reassuring. You begin to dig the dirt, not having a choice in disobeying. You shove the body in the hole, burying the person.
Alone in the forest, you stand there remorseful. You feel awful about the lack of remorse you felt for the man, you felt pity for yourself as you knew how pathetic you were for following his orders like a loyal pet. He doesn't even love you, he doesn't even care about you- yet you still love him. You're the other woman in this situation, the side character that gets left in the dust while the protagnists get together.
You feel so fucking angry with yourself, scowling with your own thoughts. But then he wraps his strong manly arms around you, humming in approval. And suddenly, those thoughts are forgotten.
It's an awful cycle really, but it's the only cycle you've known.
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ask-the-pioneer · 3 months
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"Yes, I am now heading towards Five Pebbles, the local iterator. I find it funny how I was born and spent my first cycles in the shadow of his superstructure, while being completely oblivious to the existence of this demi-god. And now that I came back here... it feels even more uncanny."
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"Though, I really... I really wish Hunter did not abandon me like that. I thought we were meant to go on that mission together? I'm not blind, I know something is wrong with him. We used to go on expeditions in the past, but now that he has a very important payload to deliver and could use some help, he suddenly doesn't need it? I don't understand... I'm more than capable in combat, we make a good team, I thought he was happy with my company?"
"We separated earlier at Farm Arrays. Hunter kept insisting he has to do it alone, despite my pleading. Instead, I was told to head straight to Five Pebbles. I thought we had to visit there anyway? Iterators often use slugcats as messengers, I've learned..."
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"Sigh... I feel a little lost all on my own. I miss Hunter already. I hope that, despite everything, he's okay and we will return to NSH soon. But first, I need to pay the local iterator a visit. I'm hoping for some guidance in regards to... ahem... rot, yeah. I heard they've been affected by the disease, too. Maybe they've got an idea on how to manage it? It doesn't hurt to try. Maybe I'll hang around this area for a while to collect as many pearls as possible, then have Five Pebbles read them to me? One of those has to have some kind of instruction on how to treat rot, it has to... I refuse to believe that the disease which plagued iterators for countless cycles is untreatable."
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"Uh... the Red One?"
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urpaperboy · 2 months
Actually guys forget when I said about wanting a part 2, cause I already have it
YV boys with the Headcanon Generator !! (Pt.2)
That’s all I have now, but let me know if yall want a part 3 :3
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
Part 2 on the yandere General hcs
Yandere! General pt.2
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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Pt. 1
Yandere! General is a battle-hardened leader with a reputation for being unyielding and fierce. An unapproachable force with a bloodthirsty aura present in his mannerism. So it’s no surprise that he’s out of place in the king’s banquet filled with joyous laughter and people waltzing onto the dance floor.
He feels repulsed by just being there, who cares if the royal family personally invited him, he should have stayed home. There were just too many people with ulterior motives for approaching and it didn’t help that the princess had a crush on him. God how he hated her, she just never seemed to want to leave him alone. She is a selfish little brat who whines all the time and always seems to balance others for her atrocious actions. “Please stay the night with me, I promise I’ll make it worthwhile? I’ve just missed seeing your face, I want to spend more time with you.” Yep, he really wished he stayed at home today.
Deciding that engaging in conversation with the princess was not worth it, he simply just ignored her and made his way outside to the royal garden. There, he sees a figure dancing in the moonlight. The way you moved had him transfixed and in a daze. He silently stares at them and waits for them to finish their performance. This dancer is actually you. Now the question arises, why are you dancing and in the royal garden no less? Well the answer to that question is quite complicated, actually.
Your father is a low leveled noble in the aristocratic society. Who is power hungry and strives to raise their social standing no matter what. Everyone in your family hates you and rarely acknowledges you. The reason for this is because your father cheated on his wife with a lowly maid working in his manor and conceived you. His wife, now your stepmother, was enraged by this and ended up murdering your biological mother. She was, however, never caught or tried. The only reason why she kept you around was because she thought that you would be useful for future purposes. Your family never really paid much attention to you and you have an older half sister who absolutely despises you. She treats you as if you were a dog or some common slave.
Your life was extremely miserable but the only thing that seemed to bring you happiness was dancing. You first learned to dance when you were eight. When one day you decide to sneak out of your father's manor and go visit town. Luckily for you, it was during that time that a festival was being held and you couldn’t take your eyes off of the dancers and secretly copied their moves. It wasn’t until one of them noticed you and asked if you would like to join them. Ever since then, you have been secretly going to town to learn and improve your dancing skills. It’s not like your family even cared that you were gone, heck they didn’t even notice.
Many years have passed and your love and passion for dance is still the same. This tranquility, however, did not last for long because the moment you turned eighteen your parents agreed to sell you off to be engaged to a rich but very old nobleman. No amount of begging and pleading could convince your parents to change their minds. It was always met with the same response of “Don’t you know we need the money? Why are you being so selfish?!?! How else could we raise our social status, don’t you know your sister needs this in order to have a chance with the crowned prince?!?! Just be lucky that you're alive and that we feed you!” You have never been more depressed. You’ve always dreamed of marrying for true love, you didn’t want things to end up this way.
The news of your engagement broke in high society which had helped boost your family's prestige. You had briefly met your soon to be husband and had to force yourself to not cry. After the meeting, your father severely scolded you and it was decided that the next time the two of you would meet, would be on your wedding day. Due to your family’s higher social status you were all invited to the royal banquet that was created to celebrate the country’s tremendous victory in the four year war. You’ve heard rumors about it and how it was mostly won due to the general who easily sunk ten battleships in one day.
The moment that you stepped foot into that room, you immediately felt as if you did not belong. You were so out of place and everything was just so suffocating for you. You had to go outside and take a breath of fresh air. When you made your way outside you noticed a beautiful path filled with followers and decided to follow it. There you saw a beautiful flower garden, none like you’ve ever seen before. Being there just felt so peaceful and relaxing. You couldn’t help but just live the moment and dance in the moonlit sky. During that time, everything just felt so right in the world.
After you finished your performance, someone coughed in order to get your attention. Looking to the right, your heart almost shot due to fear, it was Yandere! General. He starts to compliment your dancing and the way you shined brighter than any of the stars that night. You both chat for a few moments when he just randomly asks out of nowhere, if you wanted to marry him! You honestly could not believe this man, why would you want to marry someone you just met. Without batting an eye you quickly reject the offer and before he could say anything, one of his men went to inform him that the king wanted to speak with him. Clicking his tongue in annoyance he agrees to go and tells you that he’ll be back.
Watching him leave, you swiftly make your way to exit the garden and decide to hide out in one of the restrooms. When Yandere! General gets back and immediately tries to find you but to no avail because you successfully manage to avoid him and leave undetected. This does not deter him because he has been there to find you and orders his men to help his search. By the time that the sun starts to rise he learns almost everything about you. Your age, your family, and your engagement.
That same morning Yandere! General makes his way towards your house and demands for your hand in marriage. Your parents are unsure about what to say, on one hand you being married to the general would bring many benefits but, on the other, they already agreed to you being married to the old nobleman. Your father tells him about your engagement and Yandere! General responds calmly with, “Don't worry, I’ll handle it.” In the afternoon he mails the head of your fiancé to your parents. Welp problem solved, guess you’ll just have to marry him.
Running away in this situation is useless, the only thing that you can do is to just accept your fate. With a heavy heart, you interact with him everyday getting to know your future husband.
There were of course many protests from the upper class of society. How could someone like him marry a person of lower status? It just wasn’t right. These complaints mainly came from the princess who was the most vocal about it. She loved him so much how he could do this to her. She tried to stop the wedding of herself but Yandere! General threatened to kill her. When that didn’t work he told the royal family directly that if she tries to interfere any longer, then he won’t hesitate to rebel against the royal family. After that, all attempts were stopped.
Your wedding day is very grand, there is not one speck of dust to be seen anywhere. Everything seemed so perfect, with the best of items that only money could buy. There, in one of the rooms stood you, putting on your wedding outfit with many maids swarming you like a pack of bees. As you walk to the altar you are greeted with the smiling face of your fiancé. It felt like such a blur to you, that you could hardly even comprehend what was going on. It was as if some sucked all the air out of you.
“Do you take Yandere! General to be your lawful husband?”
“… I do.”
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h20milk · 5 months
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how are yuu?
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starflungwaddledee · 8 months
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did you know that coo is canonically lonely? {shipaganza prompt by @veveisveryuncool}
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darkbluekies · 2 years
Family life with the yandere OC's
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A/N: a few of you have asked about having kids with the yanderes or already having kids when meeting them etc, so I figured I'll give my view on how they'd handle a family with you :)
Warnings: drugging, neglect, isolation, guns, threatening of beating up fifth graders,
Things will change once you have kids. Oh, they’ll really change. For the better? Of course not. He’ll grow even more protective and possessive over you and your children. I can see him with three daughters of different ages. He’ll move from his two story house to a bigger one out in the countryside so you and your child can grow up far away from the city’s polluting atmosphere. He wants to be able to ‘taint’ his children himself, no one else. After all … if your kids start to talk about your home life at school … maybe someone will try to take them and you away from him.
As a father, Silas will be the ultimate deal. He'll be loving, playful and protective. He will give your daughters whatever they desire. All he wants is to see them happy. They will go to school under fake names to make sure that none of his enemies can find them. You better get ready for hell if someone (even from school) dares to hurt your daughters because Silas will do everything in his power to get rid of the ones that have the nerve.
"Daddy's home! Hi, my beautiful girls, i've missed you so, so much! Have you been good girls while daddy's been gone? Wonderful. Where's Y/N? Upstairs? Thank you. I have to go hug them too."
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Dr Kry:
Once you find out that you'll have twin girls, Dr Kry is quick to turn off the poisoned air purifier. He can't risk that anything happens to you or your kids. He'll move you from the hospital to his house in the woods. He wants his kids to grow up near nature, to care about the earth and its inhabitants. It's a perfect place too, there's no one around.
As a father, Dr Kry is strict and a bit harsh. He wants both his daughters to succeed and not be compared to one another. He will read for the family in front of your fireplace in the evenings and teach your kids things about the world. As much as he'd like to homeschool your twins, he can't do everything at the same time. He'll let them go to a private school that shares his beliefs and tutor them a bit on the side. He will support your kids in any way they need to affirm that they'll succeed in life.
He won't keep them sick, like he does with you … unless they figure out what he's done to you. He's done his best to indoctrinate your twins, but if his smart genes have passed on to them … then he'll have no other choice.
"Sweetpea, don't look at me like that. I have to do that! They know about what happened at the hospital. They know everything. They're smarter than I thought. Of course I love them! That's why I'm doing this! They're safe this way. If I can't create a world for them, then they'll have to stay home. They have each other, Y/N, they're okay. I will do anything to protect my family."
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King Edmund:
He’ll be joyful. Maybe not too much about having a kid … but because that part is over now. He won’t have to worry about not getting an heir. The castle will get more guards now that there’s a baby coming. Every corner will be baby proofed and every staircase will be watched. Every window will be locked and every door blocked off. You’ll have maids surrounding you everytime Edmund’s not close. He won’t risk a. single. damn. thing.
As a father, Edmund’s absent and strict. He expects his son to be a worthy heir and continue his legacy. If he doesn't, he'll be more than disappointed. He'll watch you play with him from afar with a smile on his face. Deep inside he really loves the child, but there's so much more on his shoulders than just raising a kid. He has to teach him so, so much. He can't be a failure.
He'll teach his son to protect you when he's gone. And your son will do everything to impress his father. If you thought that Edmund was suffocating, you haven't seen his offspring.
"Why that look, my dear? Our son wasn't letting you leave the room? He threatened a guard? Oh my … sounds like it's my kid afterall. I'm proud of him. Now I know you'll be in good hands when I'm gone."
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To be honest, Jerry doesn't want kids, but if she had one, it'd be a daughter. She knows she'll mess them up, she won't be a good mother. She's terrified of giving birth and hates toddlers. It'd be better if you already had a daughter / sister before Jerry laid her eyes on you. Wherever the child comes from, Jerry will take care of it her way. She'll teach her to protect herself and to fight. You'll notice that Jerry will be softer with her and do whatever the little girl wants. Bake a cake? Go shopping? Beat up some fifth graders? Jerry will bring her baseball bat.
Jerry will be more of a big sister / aunt, then a mother. She will move with you and the little girl to a new house to give all of you some more space. She will have her men watching the house at all times. You want to leave her, knowing that she's not good for the little girl, but the little girl seems so happy. She really thinks that Jerry is cool. Jerry will never let the two of you leave, she's never been this happy.
"Hi, baby boy/girl, how's it going? You're mad because you can't leave the house? Well, duh, it's for your safety. By the way, I brought our little girl to the shooting range. She needs to learn how to use a gun. What? No, I'm not making her into a mini-me! I'm creating a strong woman, like me. There's a difference. Now come over here with your cute, little body."
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Hedwig will live a traditional rich home life. Two kids, a boy and a girl, nannies, maids, chefs, everything. The four of you will have moved to another house that her family owns. The kids will go to expensive private schools and get taught by the best of the best. Hedwig will spoil them, just like she was. You'll not get to have a job and will stay home with Hedwig. She wants you to 'go full on out on your hobbies'. The only time you're allowed outside is when Hedwig’s with you. Never alone, especially never alone with the kids. You could run away with them.
As a mother, Hedwig will be present and understanding. She will stay home for the most time and will always be available. She has assistants for a reason. She'll listen to all of your kids' problems and stand up for them, even if they're at fault. Her kids can't do anything wrong. If they act spoiled and ungrateful, however … she will cut off all allowance until they understand how lucky they are. You'll do a lot of trips and go on a lot of vacations. Your kids will have a lot of freedom, but you will be wrapped around Hedwig’s expensive finger.
"Ah, they got in trouble in school again. I have to go get them. Some kid accused our son of throwing a ball in their face. I don't think our little boy could ever do that. No, sweetheart, please stay at home. I will take care of this. You shouldn't lift a finger. I love you, stay here. When i come home we can watch a movie, okay? Perfect!"
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beckyblah · 8 months
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My Durge and new names: at the beginning of the game, when she discovered her true nature, and when she was finally free of her Bhaal’s influence.
Also my Durge is a bard and I thought I was real funny huh
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
OC headcanons
Thanks @mysticstarlightduck here, @willtheweaver here, and @the-golden-comet here!
Use this headcanon generator to generate some headcanons for your OC! Then tell us how accurate they are!
I did the main cast here then the supporting gang here. Back to main cast!
Lexi has punched a hole in her wall.
I want to get her angry enough to do this now.
Maddie could easily survive The Hunger Games.
Ash has a diary that she writes in with a glittery gel pen.
Now I'm debating giving Ash a journal... I'm not sure but I'm thinking about it. No gel pen though.
Gwen cringes at her middle school yearbook photos.
My girl is IN middle school! Maybe a little though.
Noelle shops exclusively at thrift stores.
Not exclusively. But occasionally doing it? Sure.
Rose has a pet lizard.
Nope, that's Hye-Jin.
Kelsey is very good at using chopsticks.
Why not?
Robbie sucks at saying tongue twisters.
That sounds about right.
Akash is gay.
No, he does have a girlfriend (Gwen) that he is attracted to. However, I will accept bi headcanons or anything else that would still include Gwen.
Jedi has a knife under his bed.
My instinct said no but then I thought about it and I feel like Jedi would put some weapon nearby. But I don't feel like he's a knife guy.
Carmen would buy clothes from the soup store.
Carla cannot drive.
George doesn't own a single pair of matching socks.
Y'know what? This is canon now.
Hye-Jin tackles and wrestles people to show affection.
This is more Maddie. But I wouldn't mind seeing Hye-Jin tackle or wrestle someone. She just wouldn't do it spontaneously.
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iwikitty · 4 months
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mothmags · 10 months
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hi I'm back on my bullshit lmao. Have a sloppy adult Nashi chara sheet. Its been a while since ive done digital on my ipad so if the proportions are wonky,,,,,,, no they arnt
referencing this post
Extra Headcannons :)
Her jewelry and spirits
Family dynamics
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urpaperboy · 2 months
YV boys with the Headcanon Generator !! (Pt.1)
Let me know if I should make a part 2 and who should be in it !! :3
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
Yandere! General Hcs
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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🌟 Yandere! General is very controlling and likes order. He has a specific way of doing things and doesn’t like seeing things out of line. Will be very demanding and forceful things don’t go his way.
🌟 Yandere! General who is insanely scary when pissed off. He basically triggers everyone’s fight or flight response no matter who they are. Can easily break every bone in someone’s body if he really wanted to or was pissed off enough.
🌟 Yandere! General has many scars on his body due to his many battles in war. He enjoys it when you run your fingers down on them. His battle scars are extremely thick and run all over his body. They symbolize his strength and resilience.
🌟 Yandere! General would write the world's most romantic letter to you everyday while he’s out at war. He feels guilty for leaving you alone and wants to finish the battle as quickly as possible just to get back to you. Every minute apart from you is torture and would always carry a picture of you in his uniform chest pocket.
🌟 Yandere! General gives you the juiciest French kisses when leaves or returns from war. He expresses his emotions mostly through action and rarely verbally expresses himself. Will also bring back jewels and clothes for you once he gets back.
🌟 Yandere! General met you at a banquet hosted by a member of the royal family. You were an aristocrat and he couldn’t help but be enthralled by you once you introduced yourself to him. He spent the entire night by your side getting to know you and currying your favor.
🌟 Yandere! General on the next day is meeting with your parents to demand for your hand in marriage. They most likely will say yes due to his high social standing and his incredible wealth. However, if they say no he won’t hesitate to kill your parents or use any form of intimidation to make it happen. Would kill a suitor he’s most threatened by and chop their head off. Then mail them to other suitors as a warning sign for them to stay away from you.
🌟 Yandere! General would betray his country and kill all the royal family members in a heartbeat if you wanted him to. Although he has a cold exterior and aggressive way of dealing with you, your wants are what he chooses to prioritize. Don’t ask too much out of him all the time though, if he feels as if your being to demanding he may spank you.
🌟 Yandere! General is incredibly hard to run away from. If you somehow manage to do so, he’ll use his position to scour the entire world until he gets his hands on you again. When he manages to do so, he’ll permanently break your legs and disabling you. This would cause you to rely on him for everything and he lives for that. You can scorn him all you want but in his mind you deserved it.
🌟 Yandere! General grew up as an only child. His mother died when he was young due to a sickness and was left with his father. Killed his father with his own bare hands which caused rumors to swell that he is a savage. Nobody knows why he did it but no one is willing to ask why due to their fear of him.
🌟 Yandere! General was forced to join the army as a child soldier in order to survive and make a living. Climbed up the ranks and is now the most respected man in the military. Over time he’s hardened a lot and the sight of blood does not bother him, in fact it excites him. The thrill of a dangerous battle gets his adrenaline going and wanting to smash someone’s brains in.
🌟 Yandere! General loves it when you read a book to him while he cuddles with you. It’s the peaceful times that he yearns for the most. Being out in war all the time and having to fight battles since a young age really traumatized him. A change in scenery is really like a breath of fresh air. He can only really feel at serenity when you’re in his arms.
🌟 Yandere! General has a very unique and strange sense of humor. He likes to make a lot of pun jokes which most of the time leave the room just silent. Thinks that he is extremely hilarious and gets proud of his jokes. When he tells a joke to you, you usually just ignore him but he will keep repeating that joke until he gets a reaction out of you. Usually it’s a pity laugh or a really tiny awkward chuckle.
🌟 Yandere! General keeps weapons hidden from you. Does not trust you enough to handle them and doesn’t like you holding them. Why would you need them when he can protect you himself? Won’t allow you to learn how to properly use weapons because he believes that it isn’t needed with him around.
🌟 Yandere! General is very strict with you. He doesn’t like seeing you do things that he deems as “out of line” such as escaping. Has a daily routine that he likes for you to follow and won’t hesitate to demoralize you if you don’t. Although he can be very mean to you at times that doesn’t mean he’ll allow others to do the same. If he ever sees a maid bullying you, he’d gladly hang them in the middle of the city for everyone to see.
🌟 Yandere! General has so much power that at times, not even the royal family can stop him. He’s very influential and the only thing they can do is look at him in horror. Many successors in line for the crown will try to curry his favor in order to stabilize their position as the next ruler. His say is the most powerful out of all the noblemen combined. Absolutely no one can compete with him.
🌟 Yandere! General is very tall and extremely muscular all around. He’s the most well built person you’ll ever meet. His boobs are probably bigger than yours. Is as hard as a rock, if you ever tried to punch him you’re fist would probably break and is easily one of the most strongest people in the world.
🌟 Yandere! General isn’t as book smart as he’d like to be. It’s not surprising because for most of his childhood he’s been in the military. Most of his learning came from trying to understand important documents and make sense of them as a child. He loves to learn though and is willing to learn your native language if you have one.
🌟 Yandere! General has a lot of pent up stress due to paperwork he needs to complete. He lives to put you on his lap while he does his work in his office. Having you there just gives him delight and encourages him to complete his work faster. These days are very slow days to him and time just seems to drag on.
🌟 Yandere! General makes sure that you’re well taken care of and loves putting collars or chokers on you, it's just another sign that you belong to him. Don’t ever try resisting him because it just never goes too well for you. Just give up there’s nothing you can do.
Pt. 2
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laroserie · 10 months
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— character : yandere!high noble fae lord oc
— content : x human servant gender neutral reader , headcanons ?, just general toxicity / yandere stuff (very soft here)
— authors note : woo more about my high noble fae lord (first 'part' here) because inspiration has came to me - as said before it's heavily inspired from a book series i'm reading because it's a fantastic one ( it's 'Rowan Blood' by Kellen Graves ) it's kinda inspired by Cylvan (fun fact i hated his guts for the two first books and only started to like him now which motivated ... this ! but imma be honest i prefer his sibling ) anyways if you can definitly recommend y'all to go read it and support the author. ( i will need to make a third part because i have so many others ideas !! )
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they aren't the heir of their family - their sister is, which is great for them as they already feel suffocated by their position. in addition they have a younger sibling.
they never really care for humans before you - they never felt any specific ways for the humans servants working for his family. they didn't hate them but it's not like they cared if the servants got mistreated, but they always avoided engaging in it. - after meeting you, they still don't care about the others humans servants but they may try to be somewhat 'friendly' to your friends, fellow servants when they attempt to win you over and show you they are 'different'.
once the two of you got somewhat close, mostly by them annoying you will you work and changing your chores from sweeping the floors to listening to them talk about whatever books they read recently, they make you their official personal servant.
which include, waking them up, dressing them, brushing their hair and accompanying them pretty much anywhere. you are excluded from helping them wash and cooking duties.
like said before they are a big reader, they read a lot, pretty much anythings they find. after getting interested in you they started to read more 'humans' books in order to impress you, they took a particular liking to mythology and classical theatre pieces. they could force you to read to them while they lay their head on your laps.
in terms of jealousy they get overly jealous when others faes speak to you, they are really on the defensive and won't shy away from quite literally grabbing you and dragging you away from any others faes. for humans ... they care less - don't get it wrong. they will be jealous if an another human try to flirt with you but seeing you simply talk with another human is fine by their standards. they don't see humans as rivals, - they don't feel threaten by humans, as humans are naturally inferior to faes in their world.
this fact is something that made it really hard for him to accept, they hold themselves to extremely high standards and ... liking a human doesn't fit in it.
oh obviously they do not care either you love them back or not - if you do, it's great, they are really happy about for sure but if you don't ... it's fine, they will make you love them sooner or later.
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