#oc biker gang
r1ng-w0rm · 1 year
LBB! OC BIKER GANG (wip/concept??)
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Alrighty sooooooo I was thinking about one of my og/non fandom ocs- Roach [Roach is a hellracer/nascar racetrack owner within the swag pits of hell. He's also an engineer, but that's not important atm] B- and thinking about his character background got me interested in making a biker gang OC(?) for that awesome sim, Loveless Biker Boys (p.s u should play it <3).
CW/TW: Blood Oaths, uh.. Nascar murder durby? Suffocation/inhaling toxic gasses???
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◂◄Flamin' Biker Boys►▸
▸►Feel the burn! [Background info]◄◂
The Flamin' Biker Boys was a gang originally started by the one and only well known Nascar/Racetrack Murder Derby owner- Verner 'Roach' Hemp: A man who considers his racetrack to be the love of his life.
Though as the years passed, 'Nettie' and Matthias had moved near Roaches racetrack to help Roach manage the murder derby.. Then soon after that two more people joined (who'll be discussed later). Then after seeing the more than exciting beef going between the Loveless Bikers and the Rival Bikers, the group wanted to join in on the supposed violence. Thus the Flamin' Biker Boys were born!
But-.. How'd they come up with that name?.. Well they originally started with Irradiated Biker Boys due to the amount of nuclear waste around the racetrack and because their biker suit colors and uniforms were themed towards being neon green, but soon the radiation had bombarded its way into the derbies underground lounge...and as Roach walked down the concrete slab-like steps to inspect the issue- a sulphuric stench had already knocked it's way into Roaches brain, ridding his current state unconscious.. Though instead of killing him instantly, it mutated each sweat gland and pore within his body to produce a flammable substance- but instead of warning the rest, he was like "come down here so we can set our hair on fire and be cool!!🤓"
I haven't fully thought through the gangs status background so don't judge me(plz).
If you're thinking of joining these bad boys, here's a few things you gotta remember!
Be just a tad bit vehicle smart! (Whether you know a tiny bit or a lot)
Be able to withstand extremely high temperatures and violent conditions when you're on the race track.
Don't complain about the smell.
Please glare at the other biker groups to make yourself look cool!!
While I will talk more about what'd each biker would do to welcome you in(due to each of them having special abilities to mutate you), Roach would most likely be the one to woo you into mutating to officially be a member. He'd probably lock you into the old irradiated lounge room to see if you'll survive.
If you do survive, Congrats! You got cool inflamed hair(or your pores can release a deadly gas.. There's actually multiple things you could possibly end up getting, I'm just naming the two most common).
If you don't survive, you're either a melted blob of flesh and bloody goop or you're charred to death.
If you're wanting to go into a No Murder/Gore route: they'd probably just be like "I'm sorry, but go bother someone else"
If you want to go into a more violent route: there's multiple things that could happen- they burn you, you suffocate to death, you're handed over to the Rival Biker Boys uh... So on so forth.
These drawings are quick design concepts for them + Dante's official design
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A 30 year old, 6'4 god complexed man who still believes that Dice and Jeff are the same person disguised as two.
Dante's the supposed charisma of the group.
His flaims range between a multitude of colors, but mostly stay Highlighter yellow.
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A 26 year old, 6'6 eye sewn intelligent man whos IQ is above 200.
His name isn't actually Moth, it's Francis. The only reason why he's called Moth is because he called a wasp a moth and everyone absolutely destroyed his ego about it.
Moths flames usually remain teal or sea foam green.
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☣︎Verner 'Roach' Hemp and 'NETTIE' Hemp
I put these two together because you guys already know a bit about them BUTTTT-
Two completely opposite brothers who don't actually hate eachother. Roach being 42 years old and 5'6, while 'NETTIE' is 51 and stands at 7'0.
The funny thing about these two is that Roach owns a Hellracing nascar murder derby while Nettie owns a hefty metal welding warehouse that specializes in creating absolutely screwed up violent vehicle parts.
Roaches his hair is more lava/corium-like than it is at being pure fire, but his magma hair is usually a salmon pink color.
'NETTIE' On the other hand can change the color of his inflamed skull. It was originally a pastel yellow, but he usually switches from a toxic green to a midnight purple.
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☣︎Matthias *insert whatever*
A 35 year old, 6'4 man who deems himself the better twin between him and Tobias.
He's one of the racetracks 'enthusiastic' speakers/radio hosts. He specializes in making his own hazmat suits!
Matthias likes to keep his flames a classicorange! Totally not because he likes to mock his brain fried brother, but because he thinks orange actually suits him. (It doesn't, personally the rest see Matthias being a rose gold/dead pink kind of guy).
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An 18 year old, 5'9 man who idolizes the loveless biker boys just a bit too much.
Doobie (real name being: Dud) is a guy who originally sparked his stupid, drug-ridden way up to the top alongside his supposed childhood friend Neon, but instantly turned down Neons suggestion/invitation to join the rivals.
Doobie doesn't have any cool flame hair since he's the newbie, but his real hair is an auburn color.
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I plan on writing more for them(like their opinions on others etc)
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Massproducing ocs (i made 4 in one sitting i might be mentally ill)
5th girl belongs to @/boo-shigi this girl is the reason the other 4 exist
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rp-partnerfinder · 3 months
🐻 hi there! advanced literate / novella writer here looking for someone enthusiastic to work with. will literally send you memes, headcanons and create pinterest boards / playlists one hour after we start talking because I'm unhinged and proud of it. all i’m asking for is that you are above the age of 18! minors dni.
i only do f x m, as i’m not comfortable with anything else as of now. i prefer to write for the male roles! not necessarily looking for a fandom / canon based roleplay, nor plot. i have a bunch of male ocs i’ve been wanting to write! i’m all for the sappy, sweet and angsty slice of life plots — also very into darker themes / dead dove. i’m itching to write a western type of plot; outlaws, cowboys, saloons, you name it! i’d also be very very interested in a plot based on the 60’s / 70’s biker gangs, since one of my muses fits right into that role. nevertheless, i’m super open minded and willing to try anything, especially when it comes to plots and absurd ideas. thank you for reading! :)
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kaiartz · 2 months
@coolprofessorbagelwinner replied to your post “some recent ninjago arts first one is the skulkin...”:
Whoa!! Tell me about your bikers
OK so i don't know where the idea came from here, i just wanted a biker gang, and i don't have as many lady characters as i do dudes-i hyper focus in on fictional men way too easily its a problem-so i figured i should make em all ladies(or woman adjacent) to combat that problem.
Then i designed Vlatka and fell in love LOL
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So Vlatka(the long haired one) is the gangs leader, she has no special powers, shes a complete normie. But she knows the criminal underworld of Ninjago City well, and has been a thief and enforcer for years. The gang comes about as a result of her needing to pay off some debt, and a bunch of ladies she's worked with in the past-who all love her-join her to help out.
Then they get a taste for it, and keep going, then they get into a lot of trouble with a true big bad. They arent necessarily "villains" but they start off antagonistic-the ninja don't understand how a biker gang is giving them so much trouble its kind of embarrassing lol
The lady with short hair and the eyepatch is Rory, who is Vlatka's longtime girlfriend :3
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She likes guns and wears a mask on the job that allows her one useable eye infrared or x-ray vision-depending on the setting. Vlatka carries a small grappling hook to get around when not on her bike, and relies on seat of her pants decisions when fighting up close.
The other members either only have an initial lego art done, or no art yet as im still working on that ;u;
Next up is Eda
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Eda is a bit younger then the others-and on top of that has a very young face, and short build. She serves as the groups main Muscle-because. well. she has a huge battle arm. Eda's entire idea was "BIG ARM GO SLAM" and i think thats rather fun. You're going to notice that i have not put time yet into fleshing out all these characters oops
I feel like Eda would be fun as someone with a bodyguard dad who she hero worshipped and decided "well i can do that job too" and just. replaced an arm to make her more formidable. like a freak.
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Lyn is a singer at her employers bar, her playful outside is complimented by a vicious streak of tearing other people down to make sure she keeps this job(gaslight gatekeep girlboss). The microphone trinket around her neck heightens and amplifies her voice to allow sonic screams that tear through walls and shred peoples eardrums.
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Janet is where the lady adjacent part comes in, she's nonbirary and prefers she/they pronouns. They serve as the teams "guy in the chair" of sorts, staying behind to monitor Maps and how the team is handling it's missions. Her prosthetic eye allows them gps locating and searching right from in her head! They're a little no nonsense, being a corporate person herself who's actively a higher up in a tech company.
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Briona, or Bri as she prefers is the expert on Breaking and Entering, Scaling buildings, and really just getting in and out of tricky spots. She wanted to be an archaeologist in her youth but wanted to keep everything she dug up and took to crime instead. She's eternally miffed to some degree and will swear up and down that she's only in this gang because she "owes" Vlatka. She's a big softy who loves all her teammates underneath.
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​The last biker is Torelei, an honest to god Elemental Master from an influential family. It's her uncle the team gets into hot water with. She feels responsible and pulls away emotionally from the others in response. She's the Elemental Master of Reflection. She chooses to take this literally as a Mirror Reflection(and not the other ways it could be interpreted that she's also totally capable of), and it's because of her that the girlies are able to avoid pursuit so easily. She fights with a metal fan.
(thank you for the compliment in the other reply <3)
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master-wus-tea · 8 months
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Uhhh I've been doodling yo
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bubblyernie · 9 months
literally every single one of my ocs (who are dudes, or masc-leaning) are the most doofy-aaaa boyfriend ever. like without fail i don't think i can even write a guy who, regardless of composition and personality, will turn into the most stuttering man-loser the second he's confronted with the sheer beauty/levelheadedness/competency of his boyfriend/wife/girlfriend/whatever
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byberbunk2069 · 9 months
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Every merc has a story about their first job...
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kittyhasskittles · 3 months
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Izzy but in a modern au. Yes she'd be a biker butch lesbian.
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mythcaels-a · 4 months
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i have to decide who i want to use as a faceclaim for: a stuffy ceo of an important company that really needs to come out of his shell
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yippeleeka · 1 year
A few characters I designed. They're all in a biker gang
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vtmgremlin · 1 year
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They would be friends
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rottedsoulx · 1 year
so I was looking at your rotten origin au and I wanted to ask if I could make a rotten origin version of my ninjago oc
Go ahead! I'd like to see what you've come up with once you're done :D
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jackgoodfellow · 2 years
"Chapter 1: Smoke"
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Darkness, silence.
Zoom in slowly to reveal thick iron bars: a close-up shot centering a large iron padlock keeping a cell door shut. The bars and the lock are dirty, worn, rusted, and very solid. The bars are unevenly spaced and not completely parallel to each other. In the darkness, someone *inhales* and *exhales*. The scene is lit in dim, eerie greens and blues that color everything visible in an ominous, sickly light. 
A pair of hands emerge from the darkness, reaching through the bars on either side of the lock. If these hands were not so worn and calloused - covered in small scrapes, half-healed bruises, and smudges of dirt, they might be called elegant, deft. 
But as it is, the beat-up hands shake just a little as they begin to pick the lock on the cell with a small jagged piece of metal.
A few moments of metallic clinking, and then the lock pick is jammed hard and purposefully into the keyhole with a small *snap*. Small handwritten text reads: *shaky breath*.
Then, the hands tense and emit a small but concentrated electrical spark from each side.
The *CLICK* of the lock seems to fill the darkness. The lock drops open, broken and hanging from the cell door. 
[continue reading on AO3]
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master-wus-tea · 11 months
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I don't think these two would meet? Probably not, maybe tho
Addam is terrified of Gav
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wolvieswhiskeyclaws · 6 months
The RDR2 Biker Gang AU in my brain with my bestie has been eating me alive for the past few days and I am foaming at the mouth
Can't wait to get further in my sketches of my OC x Arthur ����
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devilsdiscipleshq · 1 year
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