#oc antonella
rosetliv · 8 months
Antonella and Luca ♡
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streetsofsecrets · 2 months
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citylighten · 3 months
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So I decided that canonly there may be a small age gap between Michael and the twins. Specifically, as a child, he may be 8 to their 11. There's better dynamic possibilities there!
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rosegoldstarberry · 1 year
Humble Beginnings
A/N: This story was inspired by @lethalhedgehogs' Mario art and the Mario Bros Movie!
Mario would normally be sleeping beside his brother by now, but the muffled yelling from his parents room defeated that idea. Though, it doesn’t help that it’s also pouring rain with bouts of rolling thunder that shake the apartment building or that he is a light sleeper.
He had probably fallen asleep a couple of hours ago just as Luigi had. However, he was awoken by a slamming door, the thumping of something heavy across the floor, and harsh whispers that verged on the edge of hissing. Now, while the noise had grown muffled behind a closed door, Mario found it difficult to fall back asleep.
Mario yanks the extra blanket down from the back of the couch, bumping Luigi in the process. The younger of the two stirs but does not wake. At least, Mario doesn’t think so as he covers himself and Luigi with the new blanket.
“Mawio?” A small voice sounds breathy with sleep.
“Go back to sleep, Weegi,” Mario whispers back, laying the blanket over both of them and taking care to cover their feet.
Luigi rubs his eyes and scoots closer to Mario. “But Mamma and Papà are fighting again,” He yawns, wrapping an arm around Mario’s torso.
“I know,” Mario sighs, curling closer to his brother as thunder rattles the apartment building. They are always fighting and it has only seemed to grow worse every time Papà comes home as of late. He closes his eyes with a small yawn, “Let’s go to sleep, Weeg.”
“Okay.” The younger whispers, yawning again and settling back into the sofa.
The bedroom door swings open with a loud squeak, letting dim light spill into the room and washing it with warm yellows. Heavy boots thump their way across the worn wooden floor, making a few dishes rattle in the cabinets. They stop in front of the couch and Mario waits for something to happen. He feels Luigi tense slightly too. Though, before he can feel a hand on his shoulder, lighter footfalls enter the room and do the same. Only now, they are between them and the heavier steps.
“Don’t you dare wake them, Mariano,” Antonella whispers harshly. Her voice hoarse from yelling.
“How can they be sleeping through all that?” Mariano questions in a gruff tone, not bothering to keep his voice on the quiet end. Mario can practically see him motioning at them or the bedroom door with his large, calloused hand.
Mariano has never been a gentle man. From construction to zoo keeping, he has worked hard with his hands since before Mario and Luigi were born. He even has stories about saving the Mayor on many occasions. Mariano is a hero. At least, he is in the city, but he isn’t one at home. He hasn’t been a hero in the last few weeks.
“I work all day to provide for my famiglia only to come home to my table stacked high with bills and my boys asleep on my couch.”
“Well maybe if you came straight home after work instead of going out with your puttana for hours after dark, our boys would be awake to greet you!” Antonella shoots back, voice climbing an octave higher, “You spend all your time away from our home and expect everything to magically be perfect when you arrive. But it isn’t, Mariano! Because we have no money! Because you spend it all on your puttana instead of your family— our family!” Her voice wavers, just barely, but Mario picks up on it.
Mariano snorts, “So we’re gonna do this out here now, Caro?”
“Don’t you ‘caro’ me!” Antonella snaps, still trying to keep her voice low, “I want you out! Get out!”
“If that’s what you want, Antonella, fine.” Mariano stomps away, taking care to make as much noise as possible as he grabs his keys and yanks open the front door. As he steps out, he pauses, “I’ll come by tomorrow to gather my things.”
“Everything will be by the door,” Antonella responds, voice stern. The front door slams shut, knocking a frame from the wall, “Santa Maria, give me strength…”
Mario shifts to glance at his mother, Luigi does the same, both far too awake after everything that has just happened to think about sleep any longer. 
“Mamma?” Luigi asks, voice barely above a whisper.
“Oh, mio Dio!” Antonella jumps, placing a hand over her heart, “What are you doing awake?”
“We heard you and Papà,” Mario replies as the woman rushes to their side.
She places a hand on either of their cheeks and wobbly smiles. Her eyes are red-rimmed and puffy, “I’m sorry, amori miei.”
“Where’s Papà going?” Luigi asks, snuggling closer to Mario.
Antonella smiles gently at them, “He’s going back to work.”
“But didn’t he just get home?” Mario asks, leaning into his mother’s hand.
Antonella glances at him, “You were awake the entire time, Tesoro?”
“I’ve been awake since I heard the bedroom door closed. Papà’s boots are loud.”
She laughs, “They are, aren’t they?”
The sound of a noise engine echoes up to them, causing Antonella to scowl towards the door. The van is the only vehicle they have that actually works, but of course, Mariano has to take it. Though, Antonella has always believed him to have another car somewhere else. There’s no way a self-respecting woman would climb into that sleazy thing and be seen in it.
“How about you boys come sleep beside me tonight, hmm?” She finally continues, “I’m sure we could all use each other’s company.”
The boys light up with Mario grinning from ear to ear.
“We don’t have to sleep on the couch tonight?” Antonella shakes her head, “Not tonight, Tesoro, there’s plenty of room in mine and your Papà’s bed tonight for us to share.” She lifts them both from the couch with the blanket in tow and places a kiss on each of their foreheads. Then, she begins humming a song that only she knows.
So I named the Mario brothers' father Mariano as it seemed like he would name one of his sons after himself. *shrug* I also added some Italian words (the italics) since it felt right--- but I also like to incorporate other languages into my fics.
Translations: Mamma - Mom Papà - Dad Puttana - wh*re Caro - Dear Mio Dio - My God Amori Miei - My loves Tesoro - Sweetheart
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antonella411 · 1 month
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It's time to introduce my Clack/Zakkura Shipchildren: Angeal and Aerith!
In my version of Final Fantasy VII, Zack is alive (just like in the remake)
Zack and Cloud meet as teenagers (Zack at 16 and Cloud at 14) during Crisis Core
In my version, Zack and Cloud are both SOLDIER
In my version, Cloud becomes a 1st class SOLDIER at 16
In my version, Zack and Cloud are Angeal Hewley's protégés
Cloud fall in love for Zack on his first day as a SOLDIER, for 2 years, Zack and Cloud become best friends
Zack and Cloud get together during the Nibelheim mission (before Sephiroth ruins everything)
In the ending of my version of Crisis Core, Cloud thought Zack was dead, but he actually went into a coma and was locked away in the Shinra labs
Zack wakes up in the ending of my version of Final Fantasy VII, in the same ending, Zack and Cloud reconcile
2 years later, Zack and Cloud are the owners of Strife-Fair Delivery Service
At the beginning of my version of Advent Children, Zack proposes to Cloud after 9 years of knowing each other, 7 years of being together, and 2 years of reconciling
Zack and Cloud get married in the ending of my version of Advent Children
Both children were born to Cloud
Zack stayed by Cloud's side during the birth of their children
Angeal Fair
Angeal is Zack and Cloud's firstborn
His full name is Angeal Tifa Strife Fair (his first name is taken from Zack and Cloud's mentor, Angeal Hewley, his middle name is taken from Cloud's childhood friend, Tifa Lockhart, while is third name is Cloud's surname)
Angeal was conceived on Zack and Cloud's wedding day
Angeal was born 9 months after the events of my version of Advent Children
When he found out he was pregnant, Cloud was very happy at the idea of ​​becoming a father, but he was also worried because, during the events of my version of Advent Children, he had fallen ill with geostigma, so he was afraid that his child would be born ill or, worse, that he would be born death or that if he and the child died
Fortunately, Cloud survives the childbirth and the baby, Angeal, is born healthy
When he picked up and saw his son for the first time, Cloud said emotionally: "My little angel, daddy is here, I thought I was going to lose you, but instead you are here in my arms! Me and your other father will love you and protect you...", then giving him a kiss on the forehead
Angeal is 21 years old, just like Cloud was in Final Fantasy VII
Angeal is considered Zack and Cloud's "beloved son"
Angeal is so loved by his fathers, especially Cloud
His personality is very similar to that of Cloud
Angeal has black hair, inherited from Zack, and blue eyes, inherited from his fathers
Angeal wears a red bow on his arm (in my version of Final Fantasy VII, also Aerith Gainsborough is alive, married and mother, for me the red bow that the Final Fantasy VII characters wear in Advent Children, including Aerith, symbolizes their alliance and friendship)
Angeal wields Cloud's Busted Sword
At the age of 14, Angeal becomes a SOLDIER just like his fathers, he will become a 1st class SOLDIER at 16
When his younger sister became a SOLDIER, Angeal promised to protect her
Aerith Fair
Aerith is Zack and Cloud's second-born
Her full name is Aerith Claudia Strife Fair (her first name is taken from Zack and Cloud's ally, Aerith Gainsborough, her middle name is taken from her grandmother, Claudia Strife, Cloud's mother, while her third name, like her brother Angeal, is Cloud's surname)
Aerith is two years younger than Angeal
Unlike when he was pregnant with Angeal, which he spent with joy and worry, Cloud spent his second pregnancy calmly
When Aerith was born, Cloud happily said: "Here is my little flower! You remind me of your big brother since he was born... I hope that when you grow up, he will protect you and love you..." then giving her a kiss on the forehead
Aerith is 19 years old
Aerith loves her fathers very much and has a great relationship with her brother Angeal
Her personality is very similar to that of Zack
Aerith has blonde hair, inherited from Cloud, and blue eyes, inherited from her fathers
Aerith wears two bows, a purple one in her hair, and a red one on her arm
Aerith got a scar on her cheek during a mission as a SOLDIER
Aerith wields Zack's Busted Sword (in my version of Final Fantasy VII, Cloud had given a new Busted Sword to Zack on the second anniversary of their reconciling)
At the age of 13, Aerith became a SOLDIER like her fathers, also Aerith will become a 1st class SOLDIER at the age of 16
I want to see your version of my shipchildren! And not only that, your version of Angeal and/or Aerith's birth!
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lafilledesamours · 1 year
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ladycathastrofe · 8 months
♱♡ MAMA'S BOY ♡♱
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bucketkicked · 11 months
it’s just a nosebleed. // for tony!
“We’d better take care of that.”
Tony quickly passes some tissues their way, lips pressed together. She wants to express her concern, but is worried about coming off as if she’s lecturing them. Deciding it’s best to show she cared instead of sitting in silence, she sighs.
“Yeah, but… what happened? They aren't good to have often, I should know.” He gives a light laugh, trying to make the statement more humorous and less preachy. "You sure you're okay?"
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sixie-art · 2 years
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these are getting smaller and smaller every year lmao whoops
happy new year!
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lemoncrushh · 4 months
Seven Six Five - Part Two
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Summary: They met once seven years ago. Now music has made them cross paths again.
Warnings: smut, body image issues, angst. 18+ ONLY!
A/N: Enemies to Lovers. This was originally written and posted in 2020, right before the pandemic, so the story takes place then with flashbacks of 2013. Harry Styles x Plus Size OC, written in third person.
Part Two Word Count: 3.6k+
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26 February, 2020 - New York, NY, USA
Releasing her hands from the keyboard, Bronwyn sat back in her chair with a sigh. She’d done it. The NPR review was completed; and after being edited and submitted for approval, it was now live. It had been a daunting task to write about someone she despised. But after a long, restless night, and heaps of caffeine, she’d managed to get something produced. Despite her inner voice wanting to express exactly what she thought of him, her article on Harry Styles was at the very least an unbiased one, if not a positive one.
Satisfied with her work, and glad to finally put it to rest, Bronwyn decided to get some rest of her own. Closing her laptop, she took a trip to the loo before settling under the piles of blankets on her bed. She’d barely closed her eyes, however, when she heard the all-familiar ringtone come from her cell on the nightstand. The screen announced it was Antonella calling, and had it been anyone else, she would have turned off the ringer and told whomever it was to piss off, albeit silently. But because it was her vivacious agent, she knew it was a pertinent call.
“Congratulations, darling!” Antonella declared as soon as Bronwyn pressed the speaker. “I knew you had it in you!”
“Thanks,” Bronwyn smirked as she shifted herself on her pillow.
“I assume your conflict of interest was sorted out?”
“I wouldn’t put it that way…”
“No? Well, I’m glad you put aside whatever differences you had, at least for the time being. I’m looking at the beautiful photos you took, and the fellow is...how do you say…”
“I’d rather you didn’t,” Bronwyn interrupted.
“Didn’t what?”
“Say anything about how he looks.”
“Bronwyn!” Antonella tsked before lowering her voice to a hushed tone. “You had relations with this young man, no?”
“No. Not exactly,” Bronwyn muttered.
She could hear her agent breathing as she was obviously waiting for more juicy details. But Bronwyn wasn’t at liberty nor in the mood to give any.
“Fine then, I won’t press,” Antonella promised. “It’s over and done. Just called to tell you what a fabulous job you did.”
“Better than Dennis, huh?” Bronwyn chided.
Antonella snorted. “If I didn’t adore you so much, I’d tell you to fuck off.”
Bronwyn giggled. “The feeling’s mutual, love.”
Pressing the button to disconnect the call, Bronwyn noticed a notification for a missed one. It wasn’ a number she recognised, but that wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. She was used to receiving calls about various jobs or from websites or magazines, so it was difficult to really screen her calls. The caller, however, didn’t leave a message, so she turned off her phone and situated herself into her own warm cocoon before drifting off to sleep.
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The early afternoon sun shone through the flimsy curtains and awoke Bronwyn like an unwelcomed acquaintance. With a deep yawn and a stretch, she kicked off the blankets and reached for her phone, turning it back on. Before she could even check the time, the screen alerted her of two more missed calls from that same number that had rung earlier, but still had left no voicemail. Whomever they were, they were persistent but still wished to remain anonymous. Bronwyn considered just ringing them back, but first, nature called.
After a stop in the bathroom, she padded to her small kitchen with another yawn, prepared to make a pot of coffee. When she opened the cupboard, however, she was reminded that she’d used the rest of what she’d had the night before. With a groan, she settled for tea which wouldn’t quite satisfy, but would have to do. Just as she set the kettle on the stove, the phone that she’d left on her bed sounded its chime. Seeing the mystery caller’s number again, she decided to answer.
“Yes, this is she.”
“Thank God,” he said, exasperated. “I’ve been trying to get you all day.”
“I’m sorry. Who is this?”
The mystery caller gave a deep chuckle, and before he could give his name, Bronwyn knew who it was.
“No, I’m sorry. It’s Harry Styles.”
“Harry.” That was it. Just his first name. No hi or hello. No good to hear from you or glad you called. Just Harry. A statement, even, not a question.
“Hi,” he greeted. “How are you?”
“I’m...okay. Uh...how’d you get my number?”
Harry chuckled again which made Bronwyn clench her teeth.
“I have my ways.”
Bronwyn rolled her eyes. “Of course you do.”
“I got it through NPR. I hope you don’t mind.”
“I guess not,” she muttered.
“I suppose I should tell you why I’m calling. I saw your article online, and I wanted to thank you.”
“Oh?” She wasn’t sure why she should’ve been surprised. It was about him. Of course he’d read it.
“Yeah, it was really well-done, and your photos were excellent.”
“Thanks,” said Bronwyn, nonchalantly as she traced the pattern on one of her blankets.
“Also, I’m…” Harry hesitated. “I’m also calling for another reason.”
“You are?”
“It was really good to see you again, and I hated that you had to leave in a rush.”
“Well, you know, those articles don’t write themselves,” Bronwyn remarked sarcastically.
Harry giggled then, making Bronwyn want to throw something. She looked around the bed, but only found a discarded empty tissue box. It made an insignificant thud as it hit the bathroom door frame.
“I’d like to thank you properly, Bronwyn,” said Harry. “I’m in New York now. I’ll be here for the rest of the week. Can we meet somewhere? For dinner or drinks?”
Nearly dropping her phone at his inquiry, Bronwyn jumped as the kettle began to whistle.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Harry,” Bronwyn replied in a rush as she reached for the stove. “I don’t-.”
“I know you’re probably busy, but I’d love to catch up. It’s been so long and...I’d hate to know we’re in the same city, and I can’t even say hello.”
Bronwyn gave a saucy laugh. “I thought that’s why you called.”
“I mean in person,” said Harry, still not catching on to her tone. “Doesn’t have to be dinner. Just coffee, if that suits.”
The warm kettle in her hand, Bronwyn remembered how badly she’d wanted coffee. She’d still have to get dressed to go fetch it, but at least she could go to her favourite cafe and have some company…
Wait. Am I really considering this?, she thought.
“Please?” she heard him ask.
Well, she was right about one thing. The mystery caller was persistent. That only added to the long list of other adjectives she had going for him like deceitful, fake, obnoxious and contemptuous, although admittedly that list also included charming, handsome and talented. With a sigh of surrender, she poured the hot water out into the sink.
“The Corner Cafe,” she said. “I’ll meet you there. Four o’clock okay with you?”
“It’s fine. What corner is it on?”
“Google it,” ordered Bronwyn. “That’s the name of the cafe.”
“Not a very original name.”
Managing to crack a smile, Bronwyn opened her bureau and pulled out a pair of jeans and a jumper.
“Four o’clock, Harry. See you then.”
Pressing the button to hang up before he could say anything else, Bronwyn dropped her phone on the bed next to the clothes she’d just picked out and turned for the bathroom.
“What the fuck are you doing, Bronwyn?” she asked herself aloud as she stepped into the shower. “You have gone and lost your mind.”
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Despite the bright, cloudless day, there was still a brisk chill in the air. Bronwyn pulled the collar of her coat up, wishing she’d brought her hat and scarf. Fortunately, the walk to the Corner Cafe was short, and she arrived well before time to meet Harry. Ordering her favourite latte, she decided on a chicken salad sandwich as well, since she hadn’t anything to eat after her long nap. Choosing a table in the corner by the window, she shrugged out of her coat, placing it on the back of the chair. Biting into her sandwich, she saw a small crowd form just outside. She wondered what the commotion was about until a girl turned around with her hand over her mouth, her phone in her hand.
It was not uncommon for Bronwyn to see a celebrity or two on the street. Granted, it was not an everyday occurrence, but she’d walked by a few since living in New York. Just last week she saw Jimmy Fallon and his wife at a pizza joint she frequented. Even being somewhat in the business, she still got starstruck from time to time. What she did not do, however, was disturb a celebrity when they were having dinner or even stop them on the street to ask for a selfie. She adored her privacy, and tried to respect others’. She wondered how famous people handled it all. She reckoned she’d go mad.
Within minutes, by the time she’d just about finished the first half of her sandwich, the crowd dispersed and a tall figure in a black hoodie turned and made his way to the cafe door. When the bell jingled, Bronwyn looked up from her latte to see him pause and scan the room. Their eyes connecting, he smiled with a small wave of his hand before walking up to the counter to place his order. Bronwyn took in his appearance - a black hoodie, black sweats and black trainers. She wondered how on earth anyone had recognised him at all. Perhaps it was the large pink tote bag he was carrying on his shoulder. She snorted to herself, taking another bite from her sandwich. Grateful the cafe was somewhat empty except for a couple of people hastily typing away on their laptops, she waited as Harry received his beverage and strolled towards her.
“I promise I tried my best to be on time,” he declared, his free hand on his chest.
“You are,” remarked Bronwyn. “I was early.”
“Ah!” Harry nodded, placing his cup on the table across from her.
She caught the look on his face as he paused again, clearly waiting for her to rise for a hug or kiss on the cheek. When she didn’t, he bit his lip, removed the bag from his shoulder and sat down.
“You look lovely,” he said.
For a second, Bronwyn was about to look down at her rose coloured jumper when she remembered his comment was probably automatic, and not necessarily sincere. Still, she wasn’t one to ignore or dismiss a compliment.
“Thank you,” she muttered.
“Sorry I look like a right slob. I was hoping to look inconspicuous.”
Bronwyn couldn’t help but smirk. “Didn’t work out for you, no?”
“Oh, you noticed?”
Bronwyn shrugged. “I might’ve caught something through the window.”
Harry’s shoulders shook as she chuckled low. “Could’ve been worse. At least it was just a few.”
“I couldn’t stand it,” Bronwyn shook her head as she wiped her hands on the napkin. “I dunno how you do it.”
“You get used to it.”
“I doubt it. I value my privacy too much.”
Harry was quiet as Bronwyn pushed aside her nearly empty plate and took a sip from her latte. She eyed his ringed fingers as they picked up his own drink and brought it to his lips.
“So, how’ve you been?” he finally asked, setting down his cup.
“You asked me that already.”
“When?” Harry raised a brow.
“Yesterday. Unless you meant, how’ve I been since then.”
Harry smirked and shook his head. “No, I guess not. I reckon I’m just interested in what you’ve been doing since...I saw you last.”
“Are you really?” Bronwyn asked flatly.
“Of course. You live here in New York now,” he said.
“And you still take photos.”
“And you do freelance work.”
“What else?”
Bronwyn pursed her lips and shrugged. “That’s...pretty much it.”
“Oh, c’mon, there must be something else,” argued Harry as he leant forward. “Tell me more about you.”
Trying not to roll her eyes at him, Bronwyn sighed.
“I…” she began, holding her arms out at her sides, “still look the same.”
“Yeah, you do,” Harry grinned widely. “That’s why I recognised you so quickly. Your hair might be a wee bit shorter, maybe a little darker…”
“Hmm…” Bronwyn pondered.
“No cute, short dress or boots though,” Harry added, taking a peek under the table.
A laugh left Bronwyn’s throat before she could stop it, and one from Harry soon followed. She felt the blush in her cheeks and quickly cleared her throat.
“You still into the vintage stuff?” Harry asked.
“Of course. I just don’t regularly parade around in it at four o’clock on a Wednesday. In February.”
Harry giggled again, his eyes squinting.
Please stop doing that, Bronwyn thought. This is hard enough for me without you being so...ugh.
She didn’t want to admit that she still found him so incredibly attractive. Years may have separated their last encounter, but it wasn’t as though she hadn’t seen his face since that night. Despite her persistence in trying to avoid having anything to do with One Direction, they had been a massively popular band. When she’d heard of their split, followed by the buzz of Harry’s rising solo career, she’d continued to keep her distance as much as possible. Sat across from him now in a quiet cafe, his green eyes trying their best to read hers, the memories of seven years ago came flooding back.
“That reminds me,” announced Harry, interrupting her thoughts. “I brought you something.”
Raising her brows in question, Bronwyn watched Harry pick up the tote bag by his feet and hand it to her.
“I remember how you prefer vinyl, so I thought you might like that,” he added.
Taking the bag from him, Bronwyn hesitantly opened it and pulled out an album, Harry’s pointing pose adorning the front cover.
“This is your album,” she frowned.
“You don’t have a copy already, do you?”
“No. I actually listened to it on Spotify.”
“Oh. Good, then,” Harry grinned.
“Thanks,” Bronwyn commented dryly. “Do you...um...want the tote bag back?”
“No, no. I brought that for you to carry it in. So you won’t be walking home with my face under your arm,” he laughed.
“How thoughtful.”
She could feel his eyes on her as she hung the tote on the back of her chair. Looking back at him, she caught the deep frown on his face before he lifted his coffee cup to his mouth. No doubt she had hurt his feelings, or at least bruised his ego a bit. But she didn’t care. She found it utterly conceited of him to assume she’d want a copy of his record. But then...of course he did. That’s why he was there with her. It was all about the article she’d written about him. His music. His album. How stupid she was to even consider anything else.
“Well um...I’m glad you liked my article,” she said, trying to soften the blow a bit, and also hopefully end their meeting soon.
“I did,” Harry nodded, lowering his cup. “But that’s not really why I called you. I said that, right?”
“Why did you?”
A smile twitching at his lips, Harry leant forward again. “You think I call everyone who writes something about me?”
Oh fuck off, are you joking?
“You mean, you don’t?” Bronwyn asked, playing his game.
Harry laughed, resting his chin in his hand. “Bronwyn, love. What happened that night?”
“What night?”
Rolling his eyes, Harry scoffed. “What’dya mean, what night? The night. The film premiere. You and I.”
“It’s you and me,” Bronwyn corrected. “Why do people always get that wrong?”
“You know what I’m talking about.”
“I had to leave,” she answered softly.
“Without saying goodbye?”
“Something came up.”
“What something?”
Her eyes involuntarily began to water, and she looked around the room. “Can we not talk about this now? It was a long time ago.”
Harry stared at her for what felt like minutes as she finished the last sips of her coffee. Finally resolving to the fact that she wasn’t going to give him a legitimate answer, he sat back with a sigh.
“Alright then.”
“Right,” Bronwyn agreed. “So, if we’re done, I do need to get home. I have some work to do.”
Harry didn’t bother to hide the disappointed look on his face this time. He rose from his chair as Bronwyn stood and grabbed the tote bag and her coat. He startled her when he took her coat from her and held it out for her to slip her arms inside.
“Thank you,” she barely whispered, looking at the ground. “And thanks for the...um...vinyl.”
“You’re welcome. I’d hoped to buy you coffee and perhaps something to eat, but you’d beat me to it.”
“Sorry,” she managed a shy grin. “I was hungry. I’d slept all day, what with being up all night writing. That’s why I came early. I wasn’t expecting you to...I mean, you didn’t have to buy me anything.”
“Ah, I see,” Harry grinned back. “Well...I hate to say goodbye, Bronwyn. But it really was good to see you. I hope it’s not another...seven years until we meet again.”
Giving a tight smile, Bronwyn nodded. “Well, goodbye, Harry. Take care.”
This time she allowed him a short embrace as he kissed her cheek. Then he held the door open as she slipped outside into the cold air. Harry said another goodbye before shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. Bronwyn strode swifty down the sidewalk until coming to a stop, turning only to watch him pull his hood over his head and cross the street before wiping her wet eyes and walking the rest of the way home.
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20 August, 2013 - London, England, UK
Nah, nah nah, nah nah nah nah!
Bronwyn giggled as she swayed against Harry’s body as he stood behind her, his arms wound around her while her own waved high in the air. The entire room had decided to join in a chorus of the Beatles’ “Hey Jude”, and in their overt intoxicated state, she and Harry were happy to include themselves in the mix.
Bronwyn felt like she was on cloud nine. She’d been having the best time with Harry all evening. Not only was he cute and charming, as well as a bit cheeky, but he was also a gentleman, continuously asking if she was okay, if she needed anything. After several drinks and a raiding of the buffet, she was surprised that he had stuck around, never leaving her side except to go to the toilet. They chatted with several people throughout the night, including a couple of his bandmates, but mostly they just enjoyed each other’s company and getting to know each other.
By the time the song was over, Harry had his face in the crook of her neck. His breath gave her goosebumps, but she hoped to God he wouldn’t release her just yet.
“Come with me,” he requested, his voice low in her ear.
“Where?” she asked, her hands on his arms that were still around her.
“Somewhere...away from here.”
Unsure if he was being literal or figurative, Bronwyn grabbed his hand, loosening his grip. Turning to face him, she smiled up at his heavily hooded eyes.
“C’mon,” she beckoned, pulling in towards the door.
They made it out into the hallway, a set of lifts in front of them, two more hallways on either side.
“Which way, darling?” she asked him. “Take your pick.”
Tugging her arm, Harry chose the hallway on the left, guiding her to where exactly, she didn’t know. Nor did she care. She was just so happy to be with him, she would have followed him anywhere.
When they reached a closed door on the right, Harry stopped and tried the knob. Locked. Then he tried another. Locked as well.
“Bugger,” he scowled.
Bronwyn giggled, finding his pout fetching.
“I reckon they don’t want any hanky panky going on here,” she commented.
Harry glared at her, feigning shock. “Who said anything about hanky panky?”
“Oh please!” she ribbed, playfully poking him in the side.
“Heyyyy,” he laughed before pulling her closer.
Bronwyn stared at him as he beamed at her, flipping her insides so much it felt like a gymnastics team doing somersaults.
“Let’s see what’s down this way,” he urged, pulling her with him once again.
At the end of the hall was a small alcove. It wasn’t much, but no one was in view, and it was probably the best privacy they were going to get. Guiding her inside, Harry pressed her against the wall, his hands on her hips.
“I do kinda fancy you,” he confessed, his eyes dancing while his lips were so close to hers they almost touched.
“I kinda figured that out,” Bronwyn nodded with a smirk.
Another glorious smile spread across Harry’s face as Bronwyn slid her hands up his arms. He continued to stare at her, like he was examining every feature of her face, piece by piece. She liked the way he looked at her, but the fire that had already ignited down below was now aflame.
“Only one thing I can’t figure out though, and it’s been driving me mad, Harry,” she added.
His eyebrows lifted in question as his perfect lips fell into a look of perplexity.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“Why it’s taking you so bloody long to kiss me.”
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What do you think of Harry and Bronwyn so far?? Please like, comment, reblog or send me a msg!
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rosetliv · 8 months
antonella and luca sketches..... tropicália mpb gf and post punk new wave bf ❤️❤️❤️
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streetsofsecrets · 2 months
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citylighten · 6 months
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Twin Things ✨💖
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st4ys1k · 2 months
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new oc! her name is Antonella
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antonella411 · 2 months
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It's time to introduce to my shipchildren, starting with my Soriku Shipchildren: Roxas and Kairi!
I gave all KH characters surnames so as not to confuse them with the other KH characters
Sora and Riku met as children (Sora at 4 and Riku at 5) before the events of Birth by Sleep
For 10 years, Sora and Riku became best friends
At the beginning of my version of Kingdom Hearts, Riku shows Sora the Paopu fruit, saying that according to a legend, if two people share one, their destinies will intertwine and they will remain a part of each other's lives
Also at the beginning of my version of Kingdom Hearts, Sora had fallen in love with Riku and, discovering the legend of the Paopu fruit, Sora goes to the secret cave and draws a picture of himself and Riku giving each other the Paopu fruit on the beach of Destiny Islands during sunset
At Hollow Bastion, Sora sacrifices himself to save Kairi Sea's life and by transforming into a Heartless, Riku manages to turn Sora back into a human (realizing that he is in love with him), and soon after the two share their first kiss, getting together
Unfortunately, in the ending of my version of Kingdom Hearts, Sora and Riku were separated, Sora promises to find him at all costs
Sora and Riku remain separated during the events of my version of Chain on Memories, 358/2 Days, and Kingdom Hearts II
After a year of being separated, in my version of Kingdom Hearts II, Sora and Riku reconcile in The World That Never Was (although Riku had the appearance of Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, but thankfully reverts to his original appearance)
In the ending of my version of Kingdom Hearts II, after they defeat Xemnas and get stuck in the Realm of Darkness, Sora and Riku talk about how they missed each other for a whole year, and then they kiss after a year (before the letter in a bottle created by Kairi arrives, causing Sora and Riku to return to the Realm of Light)
In my version of Dream Drop Distance, Sora and Riku are subjected to the Mark of Mastery exam, in which Sora was taken to join the real Organization XIII, but Riku saves him and became Keyblade Master
Before the battle in the Keyblade Graveyard, in my version of Kingdom Hearts III, on the beach of Destiny Islands during sunset, Sora and Riku share the Paopu fruit, so that their destinies become intertwined and they remain a part of each other's lives
In the ending of my version of Kingdom Hearts III, after Sora uses the power of awakening to resurrect Kairi, during a celebration in Destiny Islands, Sora disappears before Riku's eyes
After another year of separation, in the ending of my version of Melody of Memory, Riku goes to Quadratum to find Sora
In the ending of my version of Kingdom Hearts IV (even though it hasn't been released yet), Sora and Riku reconcile once again and the two return to their world
2 years later, Sora proposing to Riku after 14 years of knowing each other and 4 years of being together
Sora and Riku get married in Radiant Garden by Ansem the Wise
Both children were born to Riku
Roxas Sky
Roxas is Sora and Riku's firstborn
His full name is Roxas Axel Yozora Land Sky (His first name is taken from Sora's Nobody, Roxas Blond, his middle name is taken from Nobody Axel/Lea Red, Roxas' husband, his third name is taken from Sora's traveling companion on mine KH4, Yozora Rex, while his fourth name is Riku's surname)
Roxas was conceived on Sora and Riku's wedding day
Roxas was born the day after Sora became Keyblade Master
Roxas is 14 years old, like Sora was in the first Kingdom Hearts
Roxas is much loved by his fathers
His personality is very similar to that of Sora
Roxas has brown hair, inherited from Sora, and green eyes, inherited from Riku
Roxas wields the same Sora's Keyblade
His greatest dream is to become a Keyblade Master just like his fathers
Kairi Sky
Kairi is Sora and Riku's second-born
Her full name is Kairi Naminé Sterlitzia Land Sky (Her first name is taken from Sora and Riku's best friend, Kairi Sea, her middle name is taken from Kairi's Nobody, Naminé White, her third name is taken from Sora's traveling companion on mine KH4, Sterlitzia Pink, while her fourth name, like her brother Roxas, is Riku's surname)
Kairi is two years younger than Roxas
Kairi is 12 years old
Kairi loves her fathers and her brother Roxas very much
Her personality is very similar to that of Riku
Kairi has silver hair, inherited from Riku, and blue eyes, inherited from Sora
Kairi wields the same Riku's Keyblade
Also Kairi, like her brother, wishes to become a Keyblade Master
I want to see your version of my shipchildren!
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lafilledesamours · 1 year
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