#obvs don’t want her to play if she’s injured
in-naeher-we-trust · 1 month
we desperately need rose to come on during the second half (preferably right now emma 👀)
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cheri-2047 · 3 months
Have you done Cynos new quest? If so, may I request a Tighnari x Reader oneshot where the reader also takes part in the duel at the end (as the traveller or something). Even tho they won they still got injured (but pretended to be fine as to not appear as weak) and after everything settled down and they went back to the city Tighnari takes care of them? Basically some fluff, comfort kinda thing? Sorry if it sounds kinda complicated :')
Thank you and have a good day/night!!
THANKS FOR REQUESTING !! So sorry this took long btw 😔
so uh… I didn’t actually do the story quest cause I stopped playing when lyneys banner was over 💀 BUT I will write like Tighnari tends to ur wounds (that you got after a commission)
Tighnari x injured reader
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TAGS: fluff/comfort, blood/wounds
CHARACTERS: Tighnari, mentions of Paimon
You opened the door to you and your boyfriends shared home, covering the blood stains on your shirt with a bag of things you got payed for in the commission.
“you’re home!”
tighnari walked up to you, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
He raised an eyebrows upon seeing some blood on your shirt,
“what’s th-“
“I’m going to bed, I’m a bit tired.”
you said, before paimon interrupted “heyyy! You haven’t even promised paimon her snacks for helping you when you got in-“
“kitchen paimon, top cabinet”
you slumped your way to your bedroom, not wanting to sleep with tighnari tonight so he wouldn’t see your wounds.
as you removed your shirt, you winced, looking at the loosely wrapped bandages around your torso.
you unwrapped it, carefully and slowly. meanwhile, back in the kitchen, paimon was running through the cabinets.
“finally! Paimon deserved this!”
she drooled at the sight of the chips, tighnari finding it odd how she actually helped In a commission. He heard your distant grunts, your curses, everything no matter how much you tried to stay quiet.
“paimon, how was the commission?”
he asked, hoping she’d give some info.
“Traveler got stabbed pretty badly by a hilichurl camp! Then traveler told paimon to stay quiet and they’d give me their snacks from inazuma!”
Paimon exclaimed, completely disregarding your agreement with her. “oops…. Uh.. don’t tell traveler”
she snickered, while stuffing her face with some dango you had left over.
“thank you paimon.”
and just like that, tighnari left the room.
you were struggling to tend to your own wounds, trying to not stain the sheets or anything, when you heard a familiar voice.
“tsk. You’re hopeless.”
Your boyfriend sat next to you and grabbed a cotton, adding some liquid to help disinfect it.
“Paimon told me everything. Don’t bother to hide it.”
he held your hand tightly before disinfecting the wound. It hurt a lot.
“agh-! Nari-“
you winced, holding his hand tightly
“almost done.”
you tried to not yell in pain, knowing tighnari’s ears are quite sensitive.
“I need to stitch these, drink this first.”
he suddenly pushed a drink to your lips. It was a drink to help you get sleepy so you wouldn’t feel much pain.
as you were being stitched up, nari held your hand tightly and placed a scarf nearby to your mouth to bite for pain.
he winces whenever he sees a particularly deep wound/scar, hoping the anesthesia is still strong while he treats them (yes he also injected some to you after he made you drink a sleep thing)
when he’s finished, he changes you out of your clothes. He obv doesn’t touch any intimate areas
the moment he changes you to comfier clothes, he presses a kiss to your forehead.
“oh traveler….dont hide things like this from me.”
he stays up all night to care for you.
the next morning, he does everything. Cleans dishes, makes sure you don’t move at all and most important (and the scariest thing…) he needs to hear what happened from YOUR mouth.
he reassures you that even if you’re injured, it’s okay to ask for help.
the entire day(every day until you’re better) he pampers you.
the end
A/N; CAN U TELL I RAN OUT OF IDEAS IN THE END 💀 my bad, and also thanks for the request ! Ask for another if u want it rewritten lmao. Anyways I also realized that I actually may have mischaracterized him cause I realized how little info I know abt this man AS IF I DONT LITERALLY COSPLAY HIM 💀💀💀 anyways that’s it, thank u !
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chaosabound · 4 months
This is just going to go into more detail about the main 5 and the au, and at the end is art soo yippee!
Remember, this. Is. A. Crossover. Au. And that I'm probably not the best writer, so yeah.
Characters (The main 5 anyway)
The “main” character
Girlfriend’s s/o
Pico’s Ex
Likes: Gf, Rapping, S*x(No duh)
Dislikes: Gf dying, Her parents, Frieza’s murder attempts
The Daughter of Mommy Mearest and Daddy Dearest
PopStar, Music player
5’ 6”
Boyfriend’s s/o
Unknown Ex
Likes: Bf, Music, Her friends
Dislikes: Her parents attempts to kill Bf, Frieza’s attempts to kill Bf, Mentions of the deal
The former Emperor of the universe
Bi + Asexual
Son of King Cold(Who is dead btw), and younger brother of Cooler
Quick to anger
Racist to an extent
Likes: Power, Control, Wine, Just some peace and quiet
Dislikes: Being powerless, Gf stopping him, Not being in control, Saiyans, Being called a “Powerbottom”, The deal
The hitman
Bi or Gay
5’ 1”
Boyfriend’s Ex
Harboring a criminal
Friends with Nene and Darnell
Likes: Getting hits, Earning Money, his friends safety, His guns
Dislikes: Not getting hits, Losing too much money, his friends getting hurt
The Criminal
Trust issues yippee
A liar
Nicer than Frieza, at least
Is able to tell if someone is lying, basically a walking lie detector test
Likes:his safety, life of luxury
Dislikes: His reputation, Frieza(For now at least), being on the run, Nene(She scares him)
Summary of basic ass story
Sooo anyways, let’s say this happens like sometime after the T.o.p and like a month after the base game of fnf. Bf and Gf were chilling when Gf was notified about someone coming over temporarily because of an arrangement. Surprise, surprise, it’s Frieza. Everything was chill, at least till Bf did something stupid, yet Frieza was forced to put up with it. Little did the trio know that the date Frieza would leave was delayed indefinitely.
Meanwhile Frost somehow found his way to universe 7 (Look, when fnf is involved, anything can happen) and ran into the trio of Pico, Darnell, and Nene. Long story short, Frost was almost seriously injured before Pico stopped the attack. Seeing potential in the blue ice-jin, Pico partners up with Frost to help make his job easier to a degree.
(give me a break, not only am I tired while writing this, I can barely write for shit bc idk autism, these aren’t exact events so y’all can do your own twists)
Relations yippee
(Also of the main 5 bc this post is long enough)
Bf + Gf : Dating soo pretty obv
Bf + Pico: Ex’s but on good terms
Bf + Frost: Meh, Bf mistook Frost for Frieza when they first met soo idk
Bf + Frieza: Bf has almost died several times to this mf, Frieza also started to call him a monkey after he did something stupid
Gf + Frieza: Friends?
Gf + Pico: Friends! Gf wants to help him with the whole Frost situation
Gf + Frost: Acquaintances, mixed feelings on Frost’s end
Pico + Frost: Partners in crime basically
Pico + Frieza: Don’t talk much, but they chill
Frieza + Frost: Strained to hell and back. But somehow getting better.
Other facts!
-The characters harbor traits from the people who were them in the stupid vrc thing (Ex. Frieza doesn’t really get much sleep, and possibly is very mentally unstable)
-Other series would come into play! It is a crossover au and fnf, anything can happen!
-Gf’s parents are overprotective
-In the vrc thing, most of, if not everyone is played by autistic people
-The vrc thing aint canon, just inspired this
-Pico and Frost sometimes stay with Bf, Gf, and Frieza
-Gf made Frieza play Hating Simulator… it was an interesting experience
-Bf and Gf are Hatsune Miku fans, while everyone else is more fond of Uta.
Annnd that’s all for now! Btw you can ask stuff about characters and I can answer them to the best of my ability, with drawings as well! Anything for motivation ig.
ANYWAYS, tine for the art!
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Pretty explanatory
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Gf, but with wings! She doesn't use them often.
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The Hating Simulator incident. Also Senpai reveal hello-
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Bro hyper, redraw of the results screen of fnf.
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Annnnd here is a thing I probably will never expand upon, considering I don't have the motivation to write anything sooo... idk. Also for those who have seen Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris.. hi.
K now I'm done, I'll see yall again when I randomly come alive with motivation.
Edit: not this taking over 3 tags 😭
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Jali Pt.2
Ali: [I’m dying at the parallel but also how completely different it is because of course, this girl doesn’t know all of that obviously but we’re buzzing because we want to be with you so this is everything we wanted and probably did not expect ‘let me be yours’]
Johnny: [I HAD to because that’s EVERYTHING and who am I if I don’t do these things, likewise soz Ali cos you probs will pass out but he is gonna have to hook up with you again rn immediately because it’s the only acceptable response, and struggle even harder to pull out than he did the first time because !!]
Ali: [you 1000% will have to which I’m sure has not happened to you yet so there’s another first but there’s no way in which you would not because you’re already so far gone]
Johnny: [keep her from falling off this bike and injuring herself more than she already has with these antics thank you, boy, we’re being too kind to y’all saying you aren’t being discovered by anyone but Ali deserves to lead a charmed life in that respect when we’ve surrounded her by death, let a bitch live]
Ali: [imagine, we’re already dazed enough without actually waking up on the cold hard ground about it, just looking at him when we come ‘round like you’re still here, looking down because he would have had to cum on you if he had to hold you whilst pulling out, playing with that between your fingers before tasting it]
Johnny: [when you’re just looking at her and stroking her hair softly like you would if she was casually asleep and didn’t know about it, not this boy caught being soft haha, have to just immediately pretend that didn’t happen and watch her other antics]
Ali: [we know how soft you are boy but we’re never going to tease you for it because it isn’t something you should be ashamed of in our opinion obvs, you are welcome for the distraction in how accidentally feral we’re being when we just wanted to see what it feels and tastes like here, also because I’m sure we were so near saying we loved you or something wild before so now we’re keeping quiet in the slightly sobered post-orgasm haze of it all lol, still giving you a little smile that’s basically like ‘you okay?’ without saying it, as if he was the one who KO’d]
Johnny: [‘we need to move ourselves’ cos again aware now that you were lucky not to get caught wilding and you should get slightly away from the scene of, getting up to re-dress himself only when he’s literally manoeuvred her hands so he knows they are holding onto something and she’s steady because also well aware she can’t move for a minute here, hence finding her clothes and putting them on her like she’s a baby, not that he’d know how to dress one, but you know, picking her up and everything, doing all the work here]
Ali: [nodding even if you then are just hugging onto this seat like you were him until he comes back to dress you because you don’t want to go but you also know you must and soon enough it’ll surely be an AM when the morning people start to show so you really do have to ‘you don’t have work, do you?’ because have not specified but hope this was done with a weekend the next day for y’all, fixing his hair for him, again, just to do it and so you don’t go full heart eyes mess at how he’s treating you right now]
Johnny: [tempted as I am to be evil and say you do have work it was likely at least thought about enough so none of you had to because Ronan would as well and nobody wants that the day after their bday when they’ve partied hard, it’s one of the few things you lads would care about so far as party planning goes, I’m sure, so shaking his head no in answer and then smiling because it makes his hair she just fixed go everywhere and that was not even his intention, sitting her properly on this bike now as fully dressed as she can be and starting it up again ‘hold proper tight to me’ cos he could feel how shaky she still was when he was dressing her and if she fell off wearing only this she’d have no skin left on her body]
Ali: [just smiling back and messing it up some more ‘I like it like this anyway’ just true, messy hair supremacy always, putting your arms tightly around his waist how you’re meant to ‘I’ll behave’ said like bants always but of course we actually mean it this time, can’t be falling off or stopping again immediately]
Johnny: [when you don’t fix your hair before driving off and just leave it because she said that, he’s in love, I’ve said it before, have a nice lil drive in silence for a while to try and process all the WILD shit that just happened]
Ali: [y’all deserve and need to chill like that or god knows we ain’t even gonna make it to this club lol, who’d’a thought you’d end up here tonight, not y’all, not us but here we are]
Johnny: [we ate and left no crumbs but he is gonna have to take her home eventually so it might as well be now, don’t mind him outing himself as having found out where she lives during the bad times when they weren’t speaking just so he could drive by there sometimes like an angsty bitch]
Ali: [I like to think this occurs to you when you’re halfway towards your house and definitely going in the right direction, you would just assume he had asked Ronan like he said he would when you were talking about your bike but that still means he really did that so you’re just like heheh, just squishing him a bit harder]
Johnny: [speaking of her bike, I think he should come back and get it later without her knowing when he inevitably can’t sleep because of everything that has occurred, and then he can work through the night/day swagging it up including new paint because what a mood, what a moment]
Ali: [LOVE that and I insist because got to continue being highkey in ways we can’t even think of because we’ve got home and you’re going to leave and we’re gutted this night has to be over]
Johnny: [again, not what I was planning going into this convo but it tracks, me here like soz your oversharing sister is dead cos you really could’ve returned the favour and had someone to tell all about this, girl Ro the absolute nun won’t wanna hear it]
Ali: [my boo says how typical of you to be dead, sweaty, god bless, you’re going to have to write about this in some way because you will be going insane if you don’t get it out somehow, for now, get off this bike and go stand in front of it so he can’t leave ‘I’d invite you in’ the but you would obviously not come in not needing to be said because you’re not that boy]
Johnny: [you could talk to her ghost if you want but unlike Ro you’ve probably outgrown that shit now, especially tonight lol, likewise if you wanna do a cali convo about it we can because even if Carly’s not still up you could vent and then either delete it before she is or let her reply when she is, but anyway, this boy here nodding his head in the direction of her front door ‘get yourself in’ like she’s just messing around out here and it isn’t valid]
Ali: [I feel like we probably wouldn’t come at you with this right now, it would seem a bit insensitive given the night you have had hun, maybe if you were drunker but by this point I’m feeling not, for now, coming back ‘round to the side to give this boy a goodnight kiss that’s obviously not quite as chaste as that sounds but is trying to be just a kiss]
Johnny: [because this boy is a contradiction, pushing her away like go inside you fool but at the same time kissing her back and making this into more of a kiss than she started]
Ali: [pulling at him like you’ll drag him in your house if he’s not careful]
Johnny: [gotta end up having the cliche makeout where she’s literally pushed up against her front door, I don’t make the rules]
Ali: [me like you’re lucky your parents are grieving/have a three year old so this is not waking them because you look like the messiest mess and this boy would have to run and we are having too much fun playing with fire to have to stop immediately at a real cockblock soz]
Johnny: [^^ that, the way has been no time but also would feel like such a long time to you already since all that happened, mcvickers would have to be canon heavy sleepers for how exhausted they’ve been lowkey their whole lives, thank god, cos yeah this is fun and games rn Alison but would NOT be if your mother saw the state of you, she literally would still have his jizz on her somewhere cos they didn’t have anything to wipe that off with]
Ali: [mhmm, like there is no explanation to be given here, we know what this is huns, still here whispering ‘come in’ between kisses like we think he will]
Johnny: [just kissing her harder like shh shh because he can’t/won’t]
Ali: [‘I’ll miss you’ putting your thumbs under the waistband of his trousers like you could honestly hookup here, kissing him more frantically ‘cos you know the clock is ticking for real]
Johnny: [it’s the way he’s going with it because he really has no self control around her ever, and hence his only tactic was to hardcore avoid her for however long haha, like they REALLY are gonna hookup here rn immediately]
Ali: [we really are putting our hands down your pants right now because have to be as shameless as we can be and have not done that yet ‘you’ll make me too loud’ ‘cos we know ourself and how we’d feel if you started banging us here]
Johnny: [we love a self-aware queen because too many characters be deluding themselves about what they are capable of on this subject lol, this boy though cannot resist putting his hand over her mouth while he LOOKS at her like true but I could keep you quiet]
Ali: [when all you’re gonna be able to see is our WIDE af eyes that are lowkey about to roll to the back of our head with how much we want this, basically falling to our knees like you could ALSO keep me quiet like this]
Johnny: [SUCH an intake of breath because for whatever reason doing this hadn’t occurred to him, my reasoning is that sir you like to be the one in control so you can stop whenever you decide it’s enough and not give girls (especially the girls you didn’t care about) power over you like that, but he’s not psychoanalysing himself that hard ever nevermind on this night and in this moment, but because she’s put the thought in his head and because it’s her he now WANTS it so much]
Ali: [just watching his face this entire time, trying to read this all, slowly helping him out of his clothes as much as he needs to be for this to happen ‘you can pin my head to the door with it’ just letting you know you can have all the control you want here]
Johnny: [‘Christ’ so quietly but with so much feeling because the girl is unbelievable, no notes]
Ali: [the way the turn-on of this setting has you being so bold for your first attempt here, truly not being quiet at all with how you’re getting even messier but in the grand scheme of things these sloppy choking sounds aren’t waking anyone]
Johnny: [me like please try and not be loud af yourself sir, I don’t feel like you are, not saying you’re Buster or Teddy levels of feral but you’re absolutely not Fraze levels of quiet, especially about this because for you it’s not the setting it’s that this almost feels like a first thanks to how he’s actually just letting her do what she wants to do and not forcing her to do things the way he would’ve in the past if he did these antics with other girls]
Ali: [we are making that hard for you without even registering because we’re here casually hypnotized with how much we’re loving doing this to you, trying to go as hard and as far as we can in every sense whilst we’re shamelessly touching ourself about it here on the cold hard ground]
Johnny: [when he doesn’t know it’s her first time doing this and she doesn’t know it’s his first time doing it like this, oh lads I love you, you can be rewarded for your efforts girl with the fact he fully and dangerously moans her name right here and now the way he has never before done yet, dying that this is the moment you chose boy when you both need to shh]
Ali: [moaning around him which is honestly nearer screaming which is thankfully entirely muffled but we are that !! and the EYE CONTACT we are making which could look like we’re saying shut up with our eyes but truly we’re like please never stop]
Johnny: [accidentally making this door loud because he has to brace himself against it because of how !! he is by her everything, soz everyone, it was just the wind or something excuse us, can’t even notice because soz but we’re too here in this moment]
Ali: [the way we’re speeding up here like if we do get caught our priority is to make you cum before we do, not stop and get in a less compromising position, no no, and the way we’re fucking ourselves fully at this point to match says it all]
Johnny: [another swear word that isn’t even coherent because it’s just a moan fully about this, breaking the insane eye contact to watch how hard she’s fucking herself because simply must]
Ali: [every reaction he has just fully making us lose it somehow more than the last, our entire face of makeup would be beyond wrecked and we can’t get you any further into our mouth, nor can we get our fingers deeper]
Johnny: [this is why Carly basically doesn’t wear any makeup she’s too busy hoeing and not trying to look insane to boys who wouldn’t give her any grace about it, this boy is LOSING IT too, thank god for travellers having their own language and how little she knows of it cos the extra shit he’d be saying rn that she has no business knowing, no thought to the fact Carly knows loads from living on this site her whole life and you could ask her and therefore find out, that’s just something in jemily’s back pocket if we want you to know]
Ali: [we had a look to serve but we’re never opposed to said looking getting destroyed lol, especially not for this, very handy but for now just enjoy that anyone talking another language is attractive basically, especially when you know why he has to rn]
Johnny: [mhmm, it’s not subtle when someone does a language switch especially in a moment like this when they sound INDECENT and are clearly dying, but we get it, boy, you gotta do what you gotta do when you can’t kiss her to stfu like you normally do]
Ali: [could not be more into you having so much to say, even if we can’t understand it, we’re reacting as if we can and it was all encouragement for her to go harder and finish, like he did earlier, looking at him again for the like this? Of it all when you know you’re killing him]
Johnny: [literally this is the most he has ever said to her, it’s so amusing, until he can’t speak anymore even because he’s being killed that hard and all he can do is breathe insanely and pull her hair frantically, at least until she looks at him and then he’s gotta force out her name again and hold her face because it’s the most encouragement]
Ali: [when you don’t even care or think to care that you might puke because you gotta have him in your throat and cumming right now immediately you love him so much, excuse us everyone for the unholy sounds that none of y’all better hear]
Johnny: [it’s so awkward that mcvickers and Rocky are the bedrooms downstairs but it’s your saving grace atm lads cos heavy sleepers like we said, realistically Rocky might wake up as a toddler but we’ll spare him that trauma because we can opt for the realism of her actually puking instead as it’s her first time and there’s no need for it to be traced back to y’all when this fam lives in a rough area and random drunk people have surely done that on your doorstep etc before, we will let you cum first though sir or that’s very rude]
Ali: [I have faith in you you have time to aim it at the shrubbery that’s by the door or whatever, you’re okay, also we’re not hiding the fact we’re messy from our parents because that sort of rebellious acting out, not this messy though, they don’t need to be finding out like this lmao; just be here trying to catch your breath about this like oh wow, okay]
Johnny: [there’s not much re-dressing to do as per so yet again picking this girl up off the ground, literally dusting her knees off with his hand because god knows what type of surface you were on, just lowkey caring things again]
Ali: [me like it was probably paving of some kind because right outside the door and you usually have something not just grass, soz your knees will be fucked, not for your sake because you don’t care but this boy will ‘I’ll wash them’ like you need to assure him you’re going to take care of it, obviously we’re whispering whenever we talk here]
Johnny: [using his fingers and his spit to try and clean this as best he can while she’s saying it because such a boy move, we won’t talk about how he picked her up so now she’s standing and he’s crouching doing this and it’s the perfect role reversal]
Ali: [mhmm, tis not lost on us, putting our hand on his shoulder like come back here because we have to hug you lest we say something extra]
Johnny: [soz that he’s stopping and looking up at her in exactly the type of way that would make you wanna say something extra]
Ali: [biting your lip as you’re LOOKING at him like that ‘thank you’ which could not sound more sincere especially as you’re having to whisper, doubt that’s what you were originally going to say but you mean it nonetheless]
Johnny: [shrugging it off literally as he gets back up ‘get yourself inside’ an almost exact repetition of what he said before but we can all tell he means it more this time]
Ali: [‘goodnight’ putting your hand back on his shoulder briefly before taking it away like okay, it’s real this time, we are of course not going in the front door and are hopping the fence to go get in our window that we always leave open because just that sort of bitch, excuse us]
Johnny: [you get on your bike and go, sir, again I hope it’s not loud af when you drive off so you’re waking peeps up but at least if you do then you haven’t been caught being feral, absolutely love that he’s gonna get all the way home only to end up coming back to get her bike when he can’t sleep or do anything else]
Ali: [there is nothing sneaky about a motorbike but you live in an area where people shouldn’t be curtain twitching for every vehicle they hear, if they are, you already got a show when we got here so goodbye lmao, we love it, ‘cos clearly not sleeping either but are writing songs that are just the most indecent]
Johnny: [he will sneak when he comes back, I imagine bringing a car with some kind of trailer on the back he can throw this bike on or a truck he can throw it into, because he clearly doesn’t trust it to get him home even if it’s in perfect condition cos it’s not his and he’s never ridden it before so, will look like you’re stealing it cos you are, again look away neighbours because I’m sure it’s the AM by then and probably light cos barely summer still]
Ali: [at least no one likes this fam so no one would tell them if their shit was getting stolen lmao, accidental perks, just gonna send you a goodnight text vibe because she would]
Ali: [send him a picture of your knees with 🩹s on]
Ali: Remember to sort your own, boy
Johnny: [especially if that girl roali tried to kill is one of their neighbours like she was in the OG, speaking of the devil, so glad Ro has been banished to her own room and is also starving herself to death so she physically can’t have the energy to wait up for Ali or else she would and nobody needs that]
Johnny: [re this goodnight text though imma say he doesn’t reply but there’s progress in the fact she can see he’s read it and he isn’t ignoring her like he did before]
Ali: [where to next, that’s the question baby]
Johnny: [we should do him giving her the bike back because realistically I feel like if he doesn’t sleep and just works through on it he could have it done the next time she appears on site if she’s showing up some time the next day/evening/night after getting some sleep and whatever herself cos he’s only making it better we’re not saying it was dogshit, Ali would’ve done a lot to it already I’m sure]
Ali: [that makes sense girly pops, we would be swinging by not just for the shameless excuse to maybe see you but because we also need to check on Carly and Ronan respectively so we’ll do that]
Johnny: [my thoughts exactly, they do need checking on at whatever o clock she brings herself and she would because she cares about them both, you’re gonna have to let her and hope you can catch her after or grab her before, boy, and I don’t know which is better, maybe before so Carly and Ronan mind their business?]
Ali: [we’ll do before, why not]
Johnny: [you’re lucky Ali be knowing things and is gonna know it’s you instead of screaming the place down and fighting for her life thinking she’s getting snatched cos he will literally be grabbing her before she reaches whoever she was intending to visit first and dragging her to wherever he’s been working on this bike]
Ali: [lmao imagine, falling at the first hurdle there by letting everyone know, not saying we were expecting exactly this scenario but we were assuming we’d get to see you so it’s okay, can keep our chill in that way, even if we’re shooketh over this and asking you all the questions like when you came back and how did you take it because we were still up obviously, just here inspecting all your work in the way you’d only know how if you also knew how to fix things up]
Johnny: [when you’re just hardcore downplaying the fact you have not slept and worked all night/day on this like yeah I didn’t sleep nbd I’ll bury that and the whys and all my feelings in answering all your questions and being a nerd about mechanics and showing off everything I did though, we need to take a sec to appreciate, even though Ali hasn’t yet because she’s busy admiring this bike, that he’d be all dirty and covered in oil and the like, so he’s looking hot rn despite or also because of the lack of sleep]
Ali: [we’re trying not to check you out because we know we have to be on our best behaviour when we’re anywhere near the site or anyone else but you know it has not escaped our notice, how’d we get here in the first place huns ‘it even matches my push bike’ whether we mean the same colour or complimenting, saying it because I can and she’d always be biking over here so you would know ‘I owe you like, SO many hours work’ with a cheeky smile ‘cos we know you’re going to be like I don’t want a girl’s help but you’d also never take cash so what are you gonna do]
Johnny: [‘I know’ cos of course he’s watched her biking about everywhere on that push bike, said in a tone that’s like and I also know that’s the kind of shit girls care about, cos we LOVE to acknowledge she’s a girl especially in moments like this where we feel like she’s trying to be one of the lads, cos obvs he also knew she was gonna say what she said next, looking her over head to toe though she’s bound to be wearing slightly more clothes than last night who’s to say which scrapes etc are covered and which aren’t, your knees in particular could deffo still be out cos it’s still summer hols for a few more days, but even if they are not, staring at where he knows the plasters are from the pics, like, she’s gotta heal up first before she’s kneeling on the ground again, didn’t just wanna remind her of it all cos he’s been thinking of it non-stop, nope]
Ali: [‘that I have excellent taste’ with a grin because we’re not going to deny that we love to rock a look in all areas of our life, this included, just tell him how you’re going to respray and modify the helmet you have to match too, part because of course you are and also to be like see, I know about safety lol lol, whilst we’re also staring at our knees and going red from the reminder you also didn’t need because it hasn’t left your head either ‘put me to work when you want, yeah?’ like it’s completely casual]
Johnny: [shaking your head at her, partly about the good taste comment and partly because you’ve never worn a helmet a day in your life so it wouldn’t have even crossed your mind she would have one, pushing your own hair out of your face with a big breath as if you’re going hmmm as you say ‘what about your hair?’ taking the piss like she’s that girl haha, but really you just want an excuse to touch her when you then come over and totally mess her hair up, again like she did to you last night cos the reminders gotta keep coming, love that you’re then standing close enough you can more or less whisper ‘I’ll put you to work how I want’ and nobody else will hear how indecent it is]
Ali: [giving him a little shove like how dare you question my taste/deny its existence, which has you falling back closer for him to mess up your hair which obviously you have to return the favour, even though he’s already a hot mess so you’re just PULLING his hair about all this tbh ‘do it’ like you’re just challenging him to further this playfight and it’s all very platonic and you’re not !! and covering the mini shiver you just did over this]
Johnny: [when you stop her pulling your hair by GRABBING both her wrists in just the hottest move ever, it’s so casual and nbd and platonic, we’re not LOOKING at each other and breathing insanely and being !!, there’s nothing to see here]
Ali: [the effort it is taking not to try and kiss him is the realest and cannot be overstated how plain that would be to him when he’s THAT in your grill right now ‘Johnny’ like the slight whine to your voice is maybe because this is hurting and no other reason]
Johnny: [in my head this is like a patch of scrubby wasteland next to where his caravan is and on it there’s like an old one that needs to be either done up or junked as well as like old cars and bikes he’s working on, you know the vibe, so do let her go but push her towards it like get in, a dangerous game because I’m sure lots of your brothers and cousins help you fix stuff and also the younger ones play in all the junk but we’re doing it anyway because as I’ve said many a time there is no chill or self control around this gal]
Ali: [I can see it and is v much what I was picturing also so go us being on the same page there, obviously we are doing this because clearly no one is right here right now witnessing this blatant vibe and you can foolishly believe if you get to be in private you might deal with this tension some and be able to go back out and chill, of course we’re doing the thing where you walk backwards so you don’t take your eyes off this boy, for the vulnerability and also because you simply do not want to]
Johnny: [we’re in sync about this cos it tracks, as does him being on the end/edge of this site because he’s antisocial and as the oldest boy he’d want space from all the annoying younger kids that are always running about everywhere, likewise don’t take your eyes off this gal and don’t say a word til you’re both inside and have at least the illusion of privacy, then he says ‘this is our place’ in the same way he said you’re with me, no discussion, just like, this is our designated meeting spot now, whether that’s because they NEED to hook up on site or because she needs to talk to him about something IRL and can therefore wait for him here]
Ali: [nodding as you’re allowing yourself to look around for this moment because that is a good idea and you need somewhere like that and you love the fact he’s the one that suggested it, taking the few steps I’m sure there is between you towards him, putting your hands on either side of his face again, wiping at a bit of oil/dirt with no real intention to actually remove it ‘I love it’ whether you mean the spot or the bike or, as we know, all of the above and then some]
Johnny: [kiss her very dramatically, we can pretend it’s purely because you’re shutting her up how you do but really you just want to and in this boy’s head because he hasn’t been to sleep this all counts as the same day so he doesn’t have to start feeling bad about any of this or trying to stop yet so making the most of that]
Ali: [kissing you in what can only be described as a passionate way because it isn’t the feral of the night before but it’s still very intense and hard, just not as frantic, still losing our hands in your hair, scratching lightly down your neck with our nails, only allowing ourself to make the tiniest noises along with our slightly breathless vibe]
Johnny: [that’s exactly right my boo, you’ve nailed it, the entire vibe I was picturing, we’re so twin and big brained today, his hands are at her waist but then travelling up under whatever top she is blessing him with, exposing her stomach as he touches it, but there’s no feral bruising manner to this for once]
Ali: [finding a seat of some kind instinctively, even if it’s slightly busted or not a proper seat so you can gently pull him down with you because you wanna be curled up into him right now, tickling him with the lightest kisses you’re putting all over his face and neck ‘I missed you’]
Johnny: [the kind of get away vibes you do when you’re being tickled, not like a full playfight, just swatting her away quite softly, not even enough that y’all are gonna fall from this precarious perch because don’t really want her to stop ‘you said you’d’ because she did say she would miss him last night and that lives in his head rent free along with everything else]
Ali: [just doing some more fast and furious like you gotta before he actually gets you off of him, doing a little lol, at least there’d be no makeup today so you aren’t going to be a state from that, either of y’all ‘I didn’t wanna shower’ making a face like I know, you’re glad I did, don’t need to say it lol ‘made you feel further away though’ pulling up one of his arms so you can sneak under it and be that close and covered by him]
Johnny: [when she’s got snuggled under his arm and after a minute is being too adorable for this boy to bear, doing a kind of playfighty move to really trap her and squish her head into his armpit because this boy has not showered and is SO gross, except he’s not we all LOVE it]
Ali: [you know she’s gotta lick it because if you’re trying to gross us out you are gonna fail and we gotta let you know in the cheekiest way possible lol]
Johnny: [please lol so you don’t say or do something very extra about it, you’re sleep deprived to the point of feeling drunk again we can’t trust you sir]
Ali: [free yourself hun, at least vaguely, so it’s less blatant how 😍 you are unrepentantly ‘you think I’m weird’ half a statement half a question really, as you’re running your hands under whatever top he has on]
Johnny: [‘you’re not like no other girls ‘round here or nowhere we’ve been, I don’t know what I think’ btw my brain can’t not picture a cliche white vest absolutely covered in oil and scut, it’s been conditioned by the media]
Ali: [the hardest of sames lmao, soz not soz, you probably are and it’s definitely a vibe ‘it’s the trauma’ like it’s all bants and that isn’t slightly true but also the only thing you can think to say ‘I like you too’ and kissing him before he can to shut you up about it]
Johnny: [managing to get out before her shut up kiss ‘they’ve all got themselves some of that’ like it’s bants that every girl y’all’s age is traumatised by something and not just sad and true, but then just going with kissing her back, still not frantic af like last night but with some urgency because of these emotions]
Ali: [just lose yourself again in making out and the fact you can and no one is looking for y’all or bothering you because it’s the weekend and you didn’t announce your arrival like hi welfare check time ‘I can’t stop thinking about it’ between said kisses with no intention of stopping]
Johnny: [really losing himself in this makeout sesh too, to the point they’re now lying somewhere whether that’s the floor or on their makeshift seat from before or whatever ‘it’s for thinking about’ in the same way he said that it should be between 2 people, this boy is the anti-Moses and he thinks this stuff matters] 
Ali: [making a noise like oh good against his lips because we’re amused but also think you are so cute ‘you couldn’t stop me if you wanted to’ because we can feel it isn’t always going to be this easy to see you but thinking about it is something that can’t be taken away]
Johnny: [tutting into her mouth like he’s done before as though he massively disapproves of this, but the ensuing lil on the floor playfight is the softest it has ever been and he’s smiling through it]
Ali: [you know we’re letting you pin us so quick because we shamelessly want it right now, reaching out and running a finger across his smiley lips]
Johnny: [‘god, you’re so small, but there’s that much of you’ small has the same energy as little girl, because of course, and the way he’s looking at her when he literally is saying she’s big in all the important ways, like smart and sassy and saucy and we could go on and write an essay, it’s fine]
Ali: [when biting your lip isn’t completely stopping the little moan you have to make as you’re here squirming underneath his body and his gaze because what a line, we’re not okay]
Johnny: [‘what are we to do?’ cos yesterday when they were having their convo before any IRL shit happened she was like we can try and you can hate me after and he was like what are we to do if I like you instead and he likes her SO much rn, as well as everything she’s doing, deliberately doing the most himself with how he’s moving because her answer then was we do it again til we can’t and it’s the answer now too]
Ali: [nodding like exactly, you remember, failing to act like you’re not !! at that basic confirmation that he does like you too, the silent gasp as you’re shifting to meet him leaving your mouth open ‘this is our place’ repeating this like this is all we need is this because really, there isn’t much more to it, just avoiding people and being a bit more careful than Moses could bother to be]
Johnny: [the temptation to be evil and have one of these little kids kick a ball at the window or something and kick start his paranoia is too real though, but I won’t do it literally just as she’s said that because it’s very on the nose and I do want y’all to think this is your safe space and get more in your feels than you already are before I’m rude and introduce a realistic cockblock, so for now boy start taking off her clothes, taking a sec to be !! when you take off her top and see all of last night’s damage revealed vividly again, so obvs he has to be kissing and touching all of it, rougher than could be called caring or kissing better lol]
Ali: [that is a realistic cockblock and we must let it happen but we’ll let you have your moment and get more into this before we do it for more impact, for now we’re here loving life and enjoying exactly how rough you’re being ‘more’ whether we mean more lovebites or do more than just touch and kiss us, unclear but both, lbr]
Johnny: [taking it as both because he’s giving her an extra af lovebite, probably where she gave him the lowkey row of his, but at the same time he’s also dry humping her as hard as he ever has and his hand is going under her clothes to touch her again with all the same !! as when he was last night, all the foreplay ever happening]
Ali: [being in his ear telling him everything you can’t stop thinking about in all the vivid detail you’ve still got going ‘round your head]
Johnny: [do a NOISE into her skin about how vividly she’s recalling all these deets because we love that, then decide that in the spirit of last night he’s gonna do some oral action, because I doubt that’s something you have when your whole vibe before has been meh gals I don’t like you that much, just do what I want and then go away, so give her some more lovebites on your way, like on her hip and thighs because gotta, but let’s say when he REALLY starts getting into it is when this cockblock occurs and he stops SO abruptly, because I like being mean]
Ali: [My boo says here on this day we’re choosing violence and I love her nasty ways, be here pulling your clothes back up with lightning speed girl, keeping your ABSOLUTE frustration and 😒 internal, hugging your knees to your chest and trying to take a moment ‘you go out, distract them if it weren’t just a stray ball, I’ll leave when the coast is clear’ ‘cos you just KNOW he ain’t going to entertain staying never mind trying to continue]
Johnny: [mhmm, speaking of violence, literally pushing/pulling her out of sight of the door he’s about to charge out of to shout at these feral children, with the kind of roughness that isn’t fun or sexy, because despite everything he thinks and almost said earlier, in the moment, he doesn’t trust her not to be another stupid Carly-esque girl, then doing his diva storm out obvs, not acknowledging she spoke or her at all other than moving her like a piece of furniture, which is nice]
Ali: [oh huns, just be here sulking in this caravan until you’re certain you can get out and look like you’re merrily on your way to Carly’s or Ronan nbd, at least you can use this hiding time to try and calm down about it and figure out what you’re going to say to him]
Johnny: [the way he’s gonna be ignoring her so hard again now, at least you can go to bed though, boy, it’ll take you ages to fall asleep with all this in your head no doubt but you’d be exhausted so you eventually will]
Ali: [we know it’s coming but we’re at least going to feel justified in trying harder to make you talk to us this time so it can’t drag on for another month or whatever lol but as you have shit to do here today, you can leave him alone now ‘cos you also know nothing productive will be achieved atm]
Johnny: [mhmm, he’s got sleeping to do and then work in the AM to keep himself busy, moreso than usual because the others are gonna have to do Moses’ share for a minute because it cannot be overstated how hardcore Johnny beat him up for Ronan’s sake]
Ali: [I say I’m sorry you’re not deserving of a welfare check sir but you did that all yourself]
Johnny: [do you wanna post this and go on to who Ali is welfare checking?]
Ali: [That probably makes sense, yep]
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renegaedarchived · 2 years
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hi sexys it is i, gemma ( s/h, 21+ ), bringing u the fuckboy ur mother warned u ab, park jaehyun!! he’s a fallen national soccer player who escaped to maehwa after a match fixing scandal ( all true teehee ) bc he’s sick of the bad press n dirty looks from ppl in seoul 😘 as always, u can find more info of him under the cut ( j a caution that it is the length of an essay or ten.. .. . . ) but pls LIKE this post to plot! im also available on d*scord so lmk if u want it!!
( s/n: im also the mun for rue @blvelagoon​​ ( intro inc ) so if u wanna plot w her pls lmk!! )
aries sun / gemini moon / leo rising
if u recognise him no u don’t
only child of some nondescript middle class family n honestly he was cruising thru life w little complaints!! up until the age of 4 when his parents get into a fatal car crash courtesy of some drunk truck driver, n suddenly the police is dropping his ass off @ his grandma’s home in rural chuncheon,, cursed to livin life Below the poverty line
was a v loud n rambunctious kid growing up so living w his grandma was a huge change of pace bc she had a speech disability,, but more than that she raised him in a very Asian Grandma way aka smacking him w a sandal when he was misbehaving but other than that she didn’t communicate or outwardly show him love all too much,, like he knows she loves him but uhhh emotional constipation yk
fun fact grandma made do by selling nuts @ the wet market and the way he bonded w her was by helping her crack n pack those nuts every evening!!
he was also a rlly bad kid like,, alw caught stealing,, alw caught in places he Definitely shouldn’t be,, F student on good days : ) n ig at some point when his grandma has to pick him up from the police station for the nth time, he begins to feel Real guilty for everything he’s puttin her thru like the poor woman does not deserve this shit
so he's resolved to making a change!! promises himself that he’s gonna get both him n his grandma outta this poverty!! n yes he sucks w education but jaehyun’s strongest talent is that he’s hella good at soccer!! he alw played w the neighbourhood kids at some paddy field, but he got on the team when he was in middle n high school and he’s alw been the Star Student
gets scouted for fc seoul outta high school!! he goes off quickly to do his military service then comes back n has been playing for the national team ever since!!
anw the downfall starts when he gets a,, rlly bad injury in one of the games, n jaehyun being the man he is refuses to rest and keeps pushing n he Really damages it for good,, has to get knee surgery and he’s out of the game for 6 months yikes ( recovers from surgery ~beginning of 2021 )
when he gets back he never quite gets back to his former glory 😩✋ he starts playing again but he gets injured So Easily and there’s talk of fc seoul wanting to sell / drop him bc even tho he has gr8 skills, he gets injured too often rip
starts panicking n Dreading that him and his grandma are gna go back to his life of poverty if he loses soccer, bc he literally has No Other Talent
around the same time he catches wind of some of the soccer players contemplating match fixing,, basically what it means is people usually bet on the outcome of the game, and the players anonymously bet against their own team and sabotage the game so they get a huge payout
knowing that his career in soccer is prob coming to an end, out of his desperation he starts doin the same thing oop ,, this goes on for a year until him and the other soccer players get found out mid 2022 ( so like last month teehee ) and a Huge Scandal breaks out
all of them get dropped from the team obv and banned from playing soccer, jaehyun included 😩✋ n there’s people in seoul literally spitting on him when he’s walking past the street like tf
anw the leo rising in him is rlly Not Dealing Well w all this hate n one panicked night, decides to look up places to run to where people don’t know his name 😩 during his search he finds out ab the secluded maehwa mansion that recently opened up, so he packs his bags n the rest is history!!
he moved in like literally yesterday n the plan is to j wait out the scandal until it dies down, then Maybe he can go back to seoul or chuncheon to have a,, Normal life w the insane earnings he got from a) bein a soccer player n b) the match fixing hoho
personality-wise he’s hella loud n p rough around the edges from all that Locker Room Talk,, also has a resting bitch face n has been told that he gives off the vibe like he alw has smth better to do oop
hella emotionally constipated due to his upbringing n has a lotta toxic masculinity so uhm,, it’s alm like the only emotion he’s allowed to show is Anger so that’s literally the only emotion u see from him other than bein rlly loud
impt thing to note is it honestly,, doesn’t take v long to realise he has some sort of anger issues,, like it could b the way he’s sensitive ab certain things ( banter involving insults is one way to grind his gears fr ) but also he swears like a sailor so that may also b misconstrued as him bein Upsetti
thx to his injury, he can often be seen walking w a limp espc on colder days ( don’t ask me why )
if u got this far u must plot w me!!!! here r some piss poor ideas 2 get us started teehee
top of the list is some bros,, pls,, he’s good for havin a fun time but uh don’t rely on him if u want advice his advice is literally life-changing like in a life-ruining way
he j moved into maehwa ystd n he’s mad at the stain on his floor bc how can he go from a life of luxury to This,, prob tryna clean it angrily atm so pls help a brother out
id love for him to have some past connections!! i see a lotta athletes hoho yall hit him up im sure yall met somewhere somehOW idk im not an athlete
he often goes to the closest convenience store to grab a beer,, someone join him on his nightly routine hehe
picture this: u know ab the match fixing scandal n gasp!! is that park jaehyun the coverboy of the nation’s most hated men in 2022??? talk to him ab it i dare u 
rom wise jaehyun is uh,, that serial dater bc i think he genuinely craves love in a way he never got when he was a kid, but then he’s also that Shady ass boyfriend so that said im keen to explore exes / past flings!! all his prev romances were toxic asf so if u need a villainous ex in ur story, he’s ya man!!
also ive written hella toxic relos w this old muse so as a mun im tryna get him to turn over a new leaf 😘 that said present romances r also on the table teehee ( this tiktok is literally him as a bf, he is truly ur manipulate mansplain gaslighter malewife all rolled into one what a Treat ) callin all ‘i can fix him’ queens here’s ur chance xo 🤡
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the midwife’s secret - sorta liveblogging pt. xiii (last one!!)
22:05: ok I wasn’t going to write anything about the first five seconds, but Christian arrives in Meißen and tells the castellan about the messenger who summoned him, and that castellan is played by Fritz Roth. May he rest in peace.
22:09: Hedwig overhears the whole thing and tells Chris that she did in fact send a messenger - only to Randolf, not to Chris. She is sorry about the whole situation. Chris hops on Drago’s back and rides off. 
22:11: Jonas and Karl (?) are being whipped. Randolf grins. Emma, Marthe and Grete (the old woman) hold onto each other. Wiprecht and Hildebrand yell “stop!” but don’t dare do more.
22:19: sorry, got distracted by last-minute political work. Anyway, Marthe sends Lukas to get Chris. She herself helps Jonas and Karl while Randolf’s guards are distracted by a prostitute. Griseldis watches.
22:36: [sorry, politics AGAIN.] Lucas misses Chris obvs. Chris is back at the village. That “I’ll wait for him to come to me” Randolf was counting on, it’s happening sooner than expected: Chris offers to confess to having taken silver in exchange for Karl and Jonas’s freedom. Randolf, of course, agrees. His men free the lads but take Chris captive. Randy randy tells him what he did to Marthe. Chris tries to attack. Randolf has him prepared for a duel.
22:43: ok stuff is happening, phew, let me recap: Chris and Randy duel; Randy is somewhat better, Marthe jumps on his back (after Hildebrand tried to hold her back). Randy stabs Chris in the (injured) right shoulder and drags Marthe to the river where he threatens to drown her. Nice parallel to her mother’s death, I guess? Wiprecht remembers he’s a character and yells “let go of my wife” before someone runs him through with a spear.
22:49: Marthe appears to be dead. Chris goes to fight/drown Randolf in the river. Arnulf, whom Lukas met at the castle, arrives and yells at him to let Otto  judge Randy, because that’ll go so well. /s Lukas, Emma, Grete and ? Griseldis ? drag Marthe from the river. She appears dead for a few more seconds for dramatic effecct before she spits out water. Chris hugs her and picks her up.
22:54: Otto sends Randolf on a crusade to protect the pilgrims in Jerusalem. He makes Chris’s...fief? Vassallage?...hereditary, so “after his death his inheritance will not fall back to the Margrave”. Chris then summons Dietrich (the sick kid), whom Otto hugs and kisses, and Marthe, whom he asks Otto to elevate to his status so he can marry her. Otto be like, “you want to marry?!??!?!?!” yeah dude, you just gave him an inheritance, he’ll need children for that, won’t he?? But Lukas, Arnulf, Hedwig and Albrecht (?) seem equally surprised. Dunno which film they’ve been watching.
22:58: Otto agrees. Hedwig is semi-happy, everyone else applauds. THEN Chris remembers to ask Marthe if she even wants. Since Wiprecht is dead, duh, of course she does. They kiss. Then they ride home. Randolf watches them from the woods, hinting at a sequel which never came.
Fuck, it’s actually been two years, and now it’s finished. Hope you enjoyed the ride at least somewhat. Drago certainly did.
 ~ Fin ~
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cherryhomo · 4 years
idk if anyone cares but here are my predictions and thoughts about season 2 of the wilds!!
ok so i don’t think shoni are over? I didn’t interpret shelby’s behaviour in the interview that way at all, i thought it was more along the lines of ‘y’all are sneaky bitches but you just slipped up by mentioning toni when i haven’t’ kinda thing idk. plus i feel like how toni spoke about shelby in her interview didn’t suggest their being broken up either.
i don’t think nora or martha are dead - i think martha got either very seriously injured or ill, which is why she wasn’t shown at all in the after part and why her family was wanting to sue. either that OR her parents took her out of the project for an unrelated reason and she told them what happened (but i doubt it’s this)
i think it came out that nora was helping gretchen and that’s what was meant with the whole ‘do they know about nora’ thing. essentially, do their parents know that she played a massive role in what happened to the girls and in rachel losing her hand. i think that’s also why we haven’t seen nora, she’s essentially behind the scenes somewhere.
i also think that after the shark attack, leah will tell everyone what’s going on with nora / what happened with nora and that nora will, like, be picked up by the research team and won’t be on the island anymore but will be working in the lab with the team
i think leah is going to get found and they’ll try to convince her what she saw wasn’t what she saw and that she’s losing her mind
shelby obvs knows the whole fbi thing is fake - i think if/when leah gets caught shelby will sort of take over from her bc leah will be being watched at all times and i think shelby will get toni in on it
i also think shelby’s hair being shaved off is just because she realised she doesn’t need to prove shit to anyone anymore on the island - the whole scene with her cutting her hair and saying ‘i don’t fucking want it, i don’t want it’? she’s exhausted from her life before and the burdens from it, and her long, blonde hair is sybolic of that time. chop chop bitch
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lululawrence · 4 years
Can you recomend any kidfic’s? Particularly where one of them already has a child! Thank you!
hello my dear nonnie! you know what’s funny about kid fic like this? i don’t usually seek them out, but i’m not against them either, and i’m so glad because i’ve read some really amazing ones. since you didn’t specify pairing, i hope you don’t mind but i’m including other pairings here too (mostly because some of my very favorite kid fics ever were actually tomlinshaw hehe).
so here we go! these are some fics i’ve loved where one of the protagonists has a kid :D hopefully there’s some on here you’ve not read before and you find some new fics to love! 
as always, please show your thanks to the authors with kudos and nice comments!
come on over, we've got something to share by @jaerie - A/B/O fic featuring omega harry and alpha louis. they’re neighbors and both have kids, and it’s so hot but it’s also got such a lovely deeper layer to it as well. i love this fic very much a lot!
Down From the North by @chelsea-frew - this is SUCH a lovely christmas fic! harry and louis have been dating for long enough that louis is ready to introduce harry to his daughter, but when they’re introduced it turns out his daughter has already met harry. it’s just SOOOO cute the way it all unrolls. hehe
try to not remember (rather than forget) by @hereforlou - ANGST TRAIN! established relationship fic where harry has been in a coma for YEARS. ACTUAL. YEARS. so when he wakes up there’s a lot of catching up to do.............. including meeting their child. TEARS MY FRIENDS. this fic was incredible. so anyway. get ready for pain, but you’ll like it ;)
He Was a Different League (When I Was Nothing Much) by @afangirlfantasy - i just really love crying over kid fics, okay? lollllll this one is one of those where they knew each other when they were younger, lost touch, and then reconnect when they’re older, right? but add in marcel and single father louis and oh gosh. so many tears. like when i reread my comment i kinda laughed, because apparently i ran out of tissues and made my poor husband get me a new box so i could keep reading and crying lollllll so anyway. a great fic, highly recommend, once again get ready for pain. lol
Eye of the Zebra by @sadaveniren - lmaoooo listen, this fic was written for @wordplayfics and the prompt was zebra, and then sada went and found a hilarious tumblr post to base the fic off of and i about died. this fic is actually from the pov of the child, and it’s GREAT. 100% recommend. lol
Liminal by @thousandbelow - okay listen. if you have never read anything by kodi, you’re missing out. she has such a way of creating a very specific feel and atmosphere to her fics. truly, it’s a gift, and this fic throws you entirely into louis’ world. it’s incredible and the story is amazing and hard to read in some ways and it’s just. wonderful.
Face Your Fears by @sadaveniren - SINGLE FATHER AND SECRET OMEGA HARRY!!! during his very first heat he was mated by an alpha who wasn’t there when he came to and he had twins. THE WORLD BUILDING! THE LIFE HE BUILT FOR HIMSELF! THE WAY HE MEETS LOUIS AND THINGS COME TOGETHER!!!!!! gahhhhhhhh and listen, these kids are SO REAL. i love it.
happiness hits like a train on a track by leighbot - tomlinshaw fic! tbh i went to scan the fic to be sure i was thinking of the right fic and then accidentally spent 20 minutes reading and had to cut myself off so i could finish this lmaooooo SO ANYWAY single father louis moves in next door to liam and harry, who do as many happy couples do and try setting louis up on dates so he can find his happily ever after like they have lmaooooo it clearyl doesn’t work, but then one night his daughter gets sick and duh duh duhhh! doctor nick to the rescue! the humor, the banter, the rhythm of this fic is all incredible and obvs sucks you in lol i love it 
Come and Get Your Love by @rsadelle​ - another tomlinshaw! this is a five times fic and both nick and louis are fathers and it’s so wonderful. the fic revolves around them taking their kids to each other’s houses for play dates and such, but there’s also little interludes and there’s history you want to learn and you slowly put things together and i just... oh gosh i loved the feel of this fic so much. every single character in this made me wanna be part of their friend group lol
i've a feeling it's time to try (love it if we made it) by serenityandtea - I LOOOOOVE THIS FIC SO VERY MUCH SO SO SO MUCH SO VERY INCREDIBLY MUUUUUCH. i just... deep breaths. yeah. okay. tomlinshaw! yoga instructor and single parent louis! nick basically stumbles into a class of louis’ and of course has to go back. lol it’s famous/non-famous, there’s so much DEPTH to SO MANY PEOPLE IN THIS. i just. fuck. i love it in a lot of different ways and it is truly one of my very favorite kid fics EVER.
Things There Might Be Pictures Of series by @andyouknowitis - established relationship, featuring george shelley as harry and louis’ kid! listen, lj has the most amazing writing, they build these incredible worlds for us and the detail, the intricacies involved in this series! it’s just mindblowing. gorgeous. wonderful. there’s such truth in the snippets we are able to have here, and i love them.
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene by @allwaswell16​ - i STILL giggle when i think of this fic and i read it almost three years ago now, okay? this one sticks with you. it is short and sweet and just a total nightmare for a parent, but also such fun lololol you just really have to read it if you haven’t cause it’s a gem
Home for Christmas by @haloeverlasting​ - HALLMARK CHRISTMAS AU KID FIC! truly it’s amazing. harry didn’t think he wanted kids but then he wakes up! and he’s got a husband and kids! hahaha oh gosh this fic has such feeling and i legit have built it up so much in my mind that i truly thought it had so many more hits than it does?? how?? does it not have more love? anyway. i love this fic very much, it is so soft and lovely and i adore.
Packed Lunches, Sticky Fingers and Accidental Levitation by @londonfoginacup - this fic made me cry... but not because it’s sad? lollll okay so it’s witch harry who has an entire house full of kids and all the chaos that brings. he does it all himself and is not doing a great job at staying on top of everything. he really needs help, and fae zayn finally makes a decision for him and sends louis. and listen. louis does so much for harry that i as a parent who have felt very much the same way that harry did, i cried. lollll but anyway, it is such a lovely and soft and beautiful fic AND THE SEQUEL!!!! IS SO GOOD!!!! so anyway. an absolute fav of mine, right here, and that’s saying something cause emmu is one of my fav writers.
Took Me by Surprise by @becomeawendybird - listen. famous/famous, secret relationship kid fic? you hear what i’m saying?? louis was making a name for himself in the world of MLS when he got injured so he’s now a big name commentator and he has this sassy daughter who is in love with singer harry styles, so naturally things happen, right? gosh I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH. i’m just sitting here remembering everything i love about it, and i can’t name it all, so please read it.
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iamapoopmuffin · 3 years
Angst But It’s Team Chaotix
Fandom: Sonic The Hedgehog Genre: Angst (obvs) with a little bit of hurt/comfort Characters: Charmy Bee, Espio the Chameleon, Vector the Crocodile, Sonic the Hedgehog, Amy Rose, Miles ‘Tails’ Prower Trigger warnings: Kidnapping, trafficking, child abuse, descriptions of major injuries
Kidnappers in Seaside City set their sights on some rare specimens sure to net them a good price, and are none too happy when they try and make their escape. Team Chaotix are hot on the trail, with some back up from old friends, but time slips away all too quickly and with one of their own at risk, arriving just moments too late could have catastrophic consequences.
The world around him swam and blurred, hazing through various degrees of out of focus. Never quite in. He was face down on the ground. It was warm. He expected cold, but the ground was warm, like hot sand on a beach. And it hurt. His hand hurt, his head hurt, it really hurt. A sharp, throbbing pain, worse than anything he'd ever felt before. His instinct was to raise his hand, his good one, up to his head, to where it hurt, but he had to move first. Something dripped down the edge of his helmet and onto his face, and he squeezed his eyes shut, closing out the wavering, nauseating world.
Charmy lay still for several minutes, gritting his teeth, breathing in shattered sobs. He was crying. It hurt so much, he was crying. It took a lot of courage to get his good hand underneath him, to push himself up, and the movement made him feel very ill. He wanted to throw up. Scratch that, he was going to throw up.
"V-Vector...Espio?" Charmy tried to call out for them once he'd finished gagging, but it came out more as a whimper. His own voice sounded strange, like it was muffled, or through a filter. He managed to open his eyes, tried to look around. Couldn't see anyone. A long corridor stretched out in front of him. He raised his hand, feeling over his helmet, trying to work out why blood was on top of it. Because that was what was dripping down his face and onto his shoulders, it was blood. He was bleeding. His hand ghosted over his left antenna...or rather, where his left antenna should have been. He cried out again as a fresh wave of agony shot from the point of contact, and a panicked voice in his head managed to make itself heard. The antenna was gone. It just...wasn't there.
What were you supposed to do when you woke up somewhere weird, all by yourself, a part of your body missing and everything hurting, no memory of what happened beforehand, no clue who had hurt you or why? He knew when he'd grazed a knee or something, Vector would sometimes put a sticky plaster on it, one with smiley faces. Smiley faces would be nice right now. And Vector, if Vector was here it would be better. Or Espio. Or even Knuckles. Just anyone.
But when he called for them, there was no answer. No-one came to get him. So Charmy did the only sensible thing for a six year old to do in such a situation. He cried harder.
The whole thing started as a report of kidnappings in the area. It was two little girls playing together not too far from the docks, supervised by one of their mothers. The mother said someone had grabbed her from behind and held a funny smelling rag over her mouth and nose, and as she struggled and fell unconscious, another man grabbed the children. All she knew for sure was that it was a man with blue fur.
Team Chaotix hadn't been officially tasked with this particular case, it had been taken straight to the police. Still, with this happening so close to their detective office, keeping their eyes open for a clue that could help find these two girls couldn't hurt.
Things became a bit more personal when the same man with the blue fur grabbed Charmy as well.
Having witnessed the kidnapping and having been assaulted by the kidnapper's buddies, Vector and Espio had a much more solid lead to follow, and promised to rescue not just Charmy, but the two missing girls as well. Having been injured in the attack, when they narrowed down their search to the most likely place, they brought some back up in the form of some good friends used to playing the role of hero.
At this point, Charmy had been missing a little over a day, and the two girls for two and a half. The search party/investigation team arrived at a strange complex. The kidnapped girls were found locked in a room, unharmed but obviously frightened and greatly distressed. They revealed to their rescuers that the boy who had been with them had helped them try to escape, but the man with the blue fur had caught him again and had threatened to hurt him if the girls didn't do as told. They didn't see him after they were locked back in the room, but they were pretty sure he struggled and one said she saw him try and bite the man.
At around the same time, Sonic, who had accompanied the Chaotix on this particular venture, claimed to have found the kidnapper and two cohorts and to have apprehended them. The three refused to tell him where Charmy was, and further pressing from Vector and Espio only got the kidnapper to say he found the child incredibly annoying. One of the other two insisted their boss had taken the child downstairs, and that they weren't privy to the exact whereabouts. The second had cursed out his friend for spilling.
Tails and Amy took it upon themselves to escort the two girls home, and Sonic assured them he would be right back as soon as he'd deposited the criminals in a secure place. With that, Vector and Espio ventured into the lower levels to find Charmy.
The first clue they found was a telltale patch of blood on an old rickety staircase that creaked every time they so much as looked at it. The blood was dry to the touch, and led into a renovated basement level that now seemed to serve as a recreational room of some sort. Under a locked trap door beneath a lumpy carpet was a narrow corridor with more blood, a patch on the floor and a swathe on the wall made by a little hand. This blood wasn't completely dry, and so must have been less than an hour old. As unnerving as this trail was, they were on the right track. It seemed this area was used purely for storage of old and broken objects, possibly adjacent to a boiler room, and there were plenty of small, tight spaces to hide. They made sure to keep an eye out for him as they searched.
And there, tucked into a tight space in a cluttered corner, was Charmy. He was shivering violently and whimpering. Vector bolted to his side, kneeling close and trying to reach into that tight space. "Charmy, hey, Charmy, can you hear me?"
"Vec...Vector?" The bee shifted until Vector could see his eye, red from crying so hard.
"Yeah, kid, I'm here. Are you hurt?"
"Hhhh..." The sound was more of a breathy, shuddering moan than a proper reply. Vector shifted back, holding both arms out.
"Come here, Charmy, let me see."
"...It hurts..."
"I know. Come here, let me see."
With some hesitation, he managed to coax the child out of his hiding place, and felt his heart drop as he saw the damage. Charmy's left hand was clearly broken. It was swollen, and three of the fingers were at an unnatural angle. He had blood drying on his face and his left antenna wasn't visible. Vector gently tilted the boy's head, trying to get a better look. There was a crack across the helmet as well. A slight dent. There must have been one hell of an impact against the poor kid's head. This was not something Vector knew how to deal with, this was...this was bad. A look back at his company told him Espio wasn't sure how to manage this sort of damage either. He took a steadying breath and placed his hands on Charmy's cheeks, trying to get him to look him in the eye.
"Okay, Charmy, I...I'm going to take off your helmet to get a better look at your head, okay? I'll try and do it without hurting you, but it might hurt just a teeny, tiny bit, okay?"
"No! No, don't make it hurt! I don't want it to hurt any more! I want the hurt to stop!" He started to squirm and Vector pulled him in, getting a proper grip on him to prevent him scrabbling away.
"It will stop, I promise, but first I need to see why it hurts, okay?"
"I want to go home!"
"We're going home. We'll head home as soon as I'm done checking you over, okay?"
"I'm here too." Espio assured him, moving in closer, hiding his clenched fists from the child's view, not wanting to concern him. "We've apprehended the one who did this to you. You're safe now, and rest assured you did well. The other children are safe as well."
That seemed to calm him a little. He was still crying, still shaking, but he wasn't trying to escape or pull away. In fact, he rested his head against Vector's chest, seeking warmth and comfort. He held onto the larger figure, gripping tight as if scared his friends, his family, might disappear if he let them. Vector took this as his opportunity to remove the helmet, wincing when this caused Charmy to cry out again. He passed the helmet behind him, for Espio to hold, and took a close look at the damage. Around the area the helmet had cracked was a nasty-looking swelling, and a bloodied stump was all that remained of his antenna. The mere thought of someone doing this, of causing so much pain and damage to one of his boys, of leaving the kid to suffer...it made his blood boil. It made him angrier than he'd ever remembered feeling before, and it also scared him. He hadn't been there when Charmy had needed him, and this was the result. This would change the kid's entire life, his entire future, an injury this bad.
"Vector. We need to take him to a doctor."
"I know." He growled back. "How fast do you think you can get him to one?"
"On foot by myself to Seaside City? Two hours. One-forty-five if lucky."
"Not good enough. Get Sonic."
He disappeared back up the trap door, and Sonic soon took his place, promising to get Charmy to a hospital safe and sound. Tails would return in his plane to pick Vector and Espio up and take them to the same hospital, as it would be faster than having them make their own way back on injured feet. When the doctor overseeing Charmy's treatment spoke to Vector, she made a few things clear. The damage to his head likely would have killed him had he not been wearing a helmet at the time, the missing antenna would almost certainly result in permanent hearing loss on the affected side, there was a possibility the broken bones in his hand and fingers could require surgical intervention to heal properly and they were, of course, going to keep him in until they were absolutely sure he was good to go. The exact damage to his brain and what effects it would have in the long term was still uncertain, and he would have to be monitored in regards to that as well. Overall, far from the best outcome, but still not the worst. He wasn't in danger of dying, at least, but if only, he kept thinking...if only he could have stopped this, made it so Charmy never got hurt at all.
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jostenneil · 3 years
hi! Thank you so much for taking the time to recommend all those small town books and adding your thoughts and descriptions of them! It helps so much. I’m adding them to my list, I’m so excited! Also, if it’s no trouble, can you also recommend me dramas or tv shows with this narrative? I’ve been wanting a new show to watch :D
SOOO as i am sure you've seen over the course of the past few days,
hometown cha cha cha - a new gem that is absolutely fantastic to me. it's about a dentist who loses her job and takes a trip to a seaside city for some perspective, only to end up moving there and set up a dental clinic in semblance of a fresh start. the problem is that she's a city girl, and this isn't the city. there's a lot of preconceived notions that she has about the people in town, as do they about her, and so far the show has been a slow and steady practice in the kindness and patience we learn to emulate when meeting new people and understanding that they are as troubled and hopeful in their own lives as we are. also, the romance thus far is positively swoonworthy. i went into an emotional crisis last night over it
into the ring - another kdrama fave that i was positively obsessed with last year. it centers on the politics of a small town, and how a girl who is notorious for making (rightful) complaints to city hall ends up running as a district representative. initially this is only something she does bc she's in desperate need of money, but the mc has so much inherent love for her town that she ends up being a pretty proactive representative anyway. her relationship with one of the people who fields complaint calls at city hall is also a focus, and it's one of the most tenderly developed romances i've seen in a long time. there's just a lot of care and attention to detail in the show that makes your wholehearted investment worth it. every character brings something unique to the table
anne with an e - obviously if i was going to rec the book series then i was going to rec the show as well lol! if we are going to be completely technical then admittedly i do think the sullivan movies have the best portrayals of anne and gilbert as well as the best depiction of their romance (esp in the sense of accuracy, the third movie aside), but the more recent show i think does a better job of staying true to the books' nature of investing in a full cast. it really captures that homey, small town feel that i so love, and i think it expands on the cast in ways that other adaptations haven't really cared to
gilmore girls - admittedly i don't know that i need to include this bc i think everyone knows this is the go-to small town show. but nonetheless. there is a lot about the show that has aged poorly over the years (namely how enjoyable rory is as a character, which is. . . very little unfortunately as seasons go by) but i still think it possesses a lot of small town charm, esp in its comedy. the way everyone's lives just seamlessly interweave in stars hollow is both incredibly real but also ridiculously funny bc sometimes overlaps in episode plot points are so obscure as to be bizarre. i genuinely think it's a really enjoyable show up through the fourth season (the affair plot point aside)
sweet magnolias - this is a new show that started airing last year but oh my god! the level of invested i was as i watched it was so crazy. the plot touches on a lot of different characters but it centers itself in the friendship between three women who are each dealing with their own struggles and decide to open a spa together as a sort of healing project. the character arcs aren't particularly unique but everyone is nonetheless so endearing and i really appreciate how almost every character is human. like i think a lot of shows with teens can tend to make them out as unforgivable esp bc it's so common for adults to portray them these days, but the teens in this show are actually teens, and i like that they're given opportunities to grow and change in spite of mistakes they may make. i rly value those kind of narratives and overall the atmosphere of the show was just very healing. also heather headley is so damn pretty i was completely enamored with her the whole season
everwood - little to no one has heard of this show likely bc it started airing at around the same time as the oc and one tree hill and i mean. obv it was going to be overlooked in comparison. but personally i love it a lot! the initial plot's about this kid ephram who's just lost his mom and moves to colorado with his dad and sister. his dad worked a lot before his mom's death and as such ephram doesn't really have much of a relationship with him, so rebuilding that is a huge focus. there's also amy, aka the girl ephram likes, who's dealing with some trauma of her own bc her brother landed her boyfriend in a coma. there's a lot of baggage in this show re: death and i think there's a sadness that really permeates the atmosphere, but not in a way that's disconcerting per se. it's just real. it gets down to the ugliness and loneliness of trauma, esp wrt the teen characters, and i really appreciate that. the only major flaw is there's a plot point where ephram dates his college babysitter who is in college and gets her pregnant although his dad scares her off so he never finds out. but we ignore that
friday night lights - as someone who was in marching band and could still not for the life of me tell you what is what in football, this show is so damn good. it's about a rural texas town exclusively driven by its football team, except this year, the first game starts off with the star player being paralyzed from the waste down, putting a number of different people on the spot: the star player's girlfriend, his best friend, the new head coach, the runner-up qb who has never actually played a real game. i think anyone who watches the show ends up watching it for a specific character or dynamic but at the core it's just about the like. inherent goodness of people. like some of these people make mistakes due to pressure or grief but most of them are irrevocably human and that's what drives the show forward, as do the unlikely but endearing relationships formed between various people in the town. my personal favorite dynamic is between tim and lyla, who are in a bit of a unique place as the best friend and boyfriend of the injured star player
i hope you enjoy! let me know if you try any of them hehe
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curiosity-killed · 3 years
Can I ask your thoughts on ships between jiang yanli x lan xichen or jiang yanli x nie mingjue..? Based on their personality can jiang yanli romantic relationship works with either of them? (Of cource I ship jiang yanli and jin zixuan, and I know deep down he have a good quality). Sorry for the random question.....
Nooo no need to apologize! Random questions are fun and I am always down to chat
As far as Jiang Yanli ships go...well, despite what my fics suggest, I am a multishipper at heart and want Jiang Yanli to have nice things so, short answer: yes. Give her all the beautiful respectful men who love and adore her!!
Longer answer based on my views of the characters below the cut bc WOO boy this got long:
Jiang Yanli/Lan Xichen
Part of me really wants this to work because they are similar in a lot of the ways they interact with their family and with the roles and responsibilities they have to handle. And like frankly, both of them deserve some non-volatile relationships where they don’t constantly have to play peacekeeper. So pros in their favor: I just want them to have nice things, they both seem more emotionally mature and intelligent than...a lot of their peers, and in-universe it makes decent political sense. They could create a solid team of tact and diplomacy tying Gusu Lan and Yunmeng Jiang into a solid alliance. They can both have someone to take care of them for a chance. Jiang Yanli can broaden Lan Xichen’s culinary horizons; Lan Xichen can (depending on what headcanon you go with for Jiang Yanli’s health issues) play healing music for her and paint her lovely art. I like all of this for them bc I want them to have soft and good things 😂😂
As for things going against this relationship...I think there can be such a thing as being too similar. Both have the tendency to sublimate themselves for the sake of those they love, both are constrained by their duty and positions in a way that makes it hard to see them really going for it if their family or anyone raised objections, and especially post-sunshot, I think both would be likely to hold off for both personal and political reasons. Both their sects have been horrendously injured by the war and both of them are dealing with major family losses and struggles. Obv that can bring ppl together (see the “have someone to care for them” point above lol) but grief and loss are messy, non-linear experiences and oftentimes, the way we experience them doesn’t fit nicely with the way other people experience them. I think Jiang Yanli is pretty reluctant to leave her sect in the wake of the war, especially with Wei Wuxian clearly Going Thru Some Shit and with Jiang Cheng suddenly having to be a sect leader, and imo part of the appeal of Jin Zixuan at that point is that he offers a stability and security that her family can’t anymore—and which, having just lost their sect leader, had their home razed, and fought a war—Gusu Lan also wouldn’t be able to.
Which is all to say that this has turned into a desire for me to see star-crossed Jiang Yanli/Lan Xichen where he doesn’t want to drag her into the mess of post-war Gusu Lan and she doesn’t want to be another burden when he’s already dealing with a lot (& also understandably wants one (1) thing to be easy). It would make me sad and I would love it
Jiang Yanli/Nie Mingjue
On the note of tragedy! I feel like you can really make this ship an ocean liner of sadness and pyrrhic revenge :’)
But we’re talking compatibility so: I think Jiang Yanli could enjoy having Nie Mingjue’s strength and steadfastness behind her—both in larger terms and in the personal. Politically, after sunshot, the Nie are pretty much the best-off after the Jin (the bar is so low here folks but anyway) which means that marrying into the Nie sect might actually be the best route for stable power, non-lecherous in-laws, and being able to both live comfortably herself and have more ability to help her own family. a strong marriage alliance between qinghe nie and yunmeng jiang coupled with Nie Mingjue’s close friendship/sworn brotherhood with Lan Xichen might actually create one of the few settings where I can buy into the other sects having a reasonable amount of alliance/strength/solidarity to stand in opposition to Lanling Jin (which is ofc vital for keeping Wei Wuxian and the Wens alive, which is a major component of Letting Yanli Have Nice Things)
on the other hand, what we get of Nie Mingjue in canon is...pretty rigid and grounded in principle rather than practicality, and I think Jiang Yanli is used to the practical aspects of living with people—being someone without a lot of control over her own life, who is constantly trying to balance and smooth over the troubles of her notably volatile family, I think she is well-acquainted with the (oftentimes bitter) art and necessity of compromise. and as we see from nie mingjue’s arguments with lan xichen about jin guangyao, nie mingjue doesn’t handle that kind of flexibility super duper well. so that’s a pretty major obstacle to compatibility and a happy marriage, especially if you throw wei wuxian into that argument because being married to someone who genuinely thinks her brother deserves death is not a thing I think would be conducive to Jiang Yanli’s happiness TBH
SO my conclusion for both ships:
can totally be persuaded to buy into them and have a great deal of fun 
 with fluffy versions where Jiang Yanli just gets nice things and they get either 
(in lxc’s case) someone to love and support them without needing him to Be A Big Brother all the time or
 (in nmj’s case) someone who cares about him and encourages him to broaden his moral and life perspective
in tragic versions where lxc and jyl can’t be together because of their separate duties or nmj dies and jyl winds up as part of nhs’ plans as either co-conspirator or collateral damage 
and think in both cases there are significant personal challenges that would lead to conflict/friction that could be v fun story-wise or could cut them off before they get together
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Instinct |5|
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Attack on Titan Fanfic
Levi x Reader 
Summary: An unwelcome(ish) blast from the Captain’s trainee days comes back to the Scouting Regiment and old habits die hard.
Instinct: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Warnings: Swearing (Obvs), Smut - Orgasm denial, knife/cum play (Oh yeah I went there!).......Sub Levi.....Like Oooof!
This took me wayyyyy to long to finish. So i’m sorry! Thank you to everyone who has messaged at one point or another asking if there will be more chapters.
This was going be the last chapter...but I decided that i loved it too much. There will be more but there will just be a time jump to a much more recent arc. So if you wanna be tagged let me know :)
Huge shout out to @submissive-bangtan who not only inspired me to do a Sub as f**k Levi but also helped me out with a few ideas (knives and cleaning of certain fluids :P) when my Smut brain died for a while.... Thank you, you’re amazing and I purple the hell out of you!!!
Permanent tags: @spideyboiiiiiii @pjimochi @nefelimalfoy​  
Sooo enjoy:
“Hhhhhmmmm Cold” Levi hissed as you removed the ice filled packet from his ballooned ankle.
It was a rare sight seeing Levi actually laying in his bed, you just wished it was under better circumstances. You’d done as much first aid as you could for him, his ankle had been iced and was now elevated comfortably under a few pillows.
The mission had for most purposes failed. Levi’s squad was slaughtered as well as countless others from the unit. The female titan had surprised everyone with a hardening ability everyone had yet to even comprehend; allowing her to escape. The corps nearly lost Eren, it was only thanks to Levi and Mikasa you didn’t. Mikasa disobeyed direct orders resulting in the subsequent injury of Levi. Things were not looking good for humanity. Faith In the corps had gone to lower depths than you’d thought possible; Eren’s custody was to be transferred tomorrow to the Interior police. Erwin had one last final plan; the option of failure for this non-existant.
“Don’t move!” you ordered
“I’ll be back with some tea” Levi responded with nothing but a huff but even Levi dare not move under the gaze you shot him before heading downstairs.
“How’s he doing?” Hanje asked
“As grumpy as you can expect” you responded placing the water jug over the flames. Hanje smiled weakly, even behind the bright glare of her glasses you could see the dim and tired dying out glow.
“I know everything looks bleak but even when we discover the smallest amount of knowledge about the titans it will help” she offered
“I know, just wish the squad would feel your optimism, but this plan has got to work tomorrow otherwise we’re fucked even you can’t deny that surely?”
“I try not to dwell on any other outcome than our victory tomorrow.”
“I thought I told you not to move?” Frowning at Levi who’d sat himself up, legs dangling over the bed. As petite as he was the tone on hi body was near ridiculous as was his physical strength. The underwear only teasing his thighs.
“You did, I’ve ignored you. It’s not bad, I heal fast” You placed the tea next to his bed, sighing with a shake of your head.
“This is why I … At least let me strap it first” You grabbed a bandage from the draw and plonked yourself next to him and shoved him on his back and cradled his leg over your thighs and began wrapping.
“I wish you’d just listen to me, just once” you confessed defeated as you got up sliding your shoes off near the door subsequently locking it. He did used to listen but only when he submitted in the bedroom, never in the field.
“I’m going to keep you off your feet for a little longer” You offered with finality to a Levi who already had his legs dangling over the bed ready to get up again. You hindered him from getting up any further pushing him back as he went to stand. He conceded, bratty pout slapped on his lips; he pulled himself up to resting his head against the pillow. Your legs clamped either side of his waist resting on the back of your calves trapping him where he lay. Even injured he was strong enough to put up a fight but he didn’t.
Wise choice! Plan successful!l
“Yeah?” he questioned, his lips curving up at either end wickedly; his hands rested and gripped at your behind. You naturally arched into him.
“Mmmhmm” your hands found solace brushing up his undercut from the side and tangling in his hair.
“I was thinking we could play a game, like we used to or have you forgotten how much you like it when I’m in charge?” you traced a finger from his neck in a delicate soft move to under his chin. He chased your finger meekly into a kiss, soft at first. His grip on your behind grew tighter. His lips rougher, dancing with yours. His eyes flashing back to the echo of training days, two cadets sneaking out to the training posts.
With enough motivation to stay where he lay you slid of the bed and scooped up his harness that was hung pristine and delicate on the back of the door.
“Take everything off and put this on, I’ll be back in a minute” The leather was removed from your hand with instant obedience.
You took ten minutes to return, you only needed three. The other seven were purely for his imagination to stew.
On your arrival back he’d done as you asked.
“Good Boy” His eyes bloomed. Those words. Coming from anyone else would easily have earned a broken jaw, but from you; they riled something at his very core. He would sin to the heavens for you just to hear those words roll off your tongue. The leather, ribboning round his skin. Beautiful as it tried to contain the muscle underneath.
You grabbed the chair, wrist swinging it in front you. Your head nodded to the chair
He sat.
“Did you think I’d forget how my Levi likes to be treated?” Your fingers clasping together at the base of his neck, your chest almost to his, your hips angling into his groin; his palms already applying pressure at your hips.
“Did you think I’d forget every last dirty thing I can get you to do to me?” your words slipped into a whisper at his ear as smoothly as your lips enveloped his ear lobe. Adams apple bobbing a deep groan in his throat as your teeth pinched the skin and your hips rolled into him hard.
“You sound so beautiful when you moan for me” praise tickling awakes the triggers at the back of his mind. He was weak for it, but what really drove him when you were in charge was the need to please you; to drag every breath, moan and obscenity from your lips. When you demanded it of course. When he was yours, the ability and familiarity of following orders to a fault remained in tune with his Corps life.
“Wanna play?”
“Yes” You tugged at his hair.
“Yes, M’aa…m” You ground your hips against him again for a final time as he grew hard beneath you.
“I’ve just got to grab something from downstairs”
“Again?” he whined.
His hands were locked in yours, pinned above of his head. His wrists looking so pretty with rope weaved around them. He was unable to see the way your mouth had curled into a smile, laced with satisfaction. Thee make shift blindfold seeing to that. He’ll have a reason to smile every time that cravat is round his neck from now on. His eyes had blown out so beautifully when he saw what you’d brought from downstairs. His thighs were tinted red, small red squares. The way he hissed through his teeth as the riding crop struck. Your core hovered, aching for the pressure of his thigh centimetres below.
“If I don’t cum from your words while I’m riding your pretty thighs you’re going to say blind and tied and I’m going to ruin every orgasm that I allow”
“If you do” he countered.
“If I do… you’ll be able to see and touch me and when I’m finished with you I’ll let you make me cum once however YOU want. Does that sound good to you?”
You lowered onto his toned muscle. His agreeance of his reward was tainted by a sigh that melted into your ears like honey when your hips circled; spreading how much he affected you.
“I’ve hardly even started and yet feel how filthy your thigh is already, coated with me”
His body fidgeted; Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. The thought of getting dirty with you was too good. He wanted to feel your cum coat his thighs as you unwound above him and he wanted to SEE it.
“I’m waiting” You prompted. You wanted his words mixing with your hip movements. He’s was never much of a talker, so all them years ago you started doing these ‘games’ to get him to articulate what he enjoyed the most; and he was ridiculously good!
“I bet you wish it was my tongue in between your legs instead of my thigh don’t you?” Your fingers curled into his skin just above his chest, pressing more weight through your hands.
“Why don’t you tell me why…I should” you prompted through supressed moans as he tensed his quads beneath you. His hair falling off of his forehead as he rolled his head to the side, veins twitching frustrated in his neck.
“You love when my tongue glides through you, the way my teeth leave pretty little bruises on the inside of your thighs”
“Mmmm” you hummed in bliss rocking your hips.
“The long flicks of my tongue, the way you quiver and your leg tighten around my head”
Your hips circled in long drawn out ones, rushing to that high quicker than you thought you would.
“Your clit in my mouth, the way you arch your back when my fingers disappear into you. I love it when your fingers scratch down my back, marking me whispering how good you take my cock into your ear”
Your hips jolted along his tensed muscle, nails dragging down his chest
“Fuck” you hissed leg muscles dancing, clenching his thigh. A victorious smirk plastered across his face.
“Didn’t take you long were you that desperate?” You gripped his jaw harshly bringing his face to the centre, his lip partially pouting.
“Watch your mouth” you shoved his head to the side. He huffed, the regretful moan that followed when your hands clamped down around his weeping cock.
“You’re now going to suffer a bit longer for that cockiness” Your hands weaved through the harness tugging gently.
“But I’ll do as I said after”
“How’s that” you preened talking over the deep groan rolling around his throat as you lowered yourself down on him.
“Mmm tight…soo good” he whined. He had the audacity to roll his hips into you without permission.
“I don’t think so…” you half choked keeping your moan from him.
“You’re NOT going to move and you’re NOT going to cum are you?”
“No ma’am” Muscles twitched in his arm as the frustration was tugged onto the rope cocooning his wrists. You weren’t going to make it easy for him. The rhythms of your hips were something Levi confessed in being weak for; especially when he couldn’t control them. You could never get over how sexy it was when Levi’s bottom lip disappeared under his teeth, groans filtering through.
You stifled yourself as you lent backwards grabbing your next play thing. His cock now pressed firm against the velvet patch inside you. Your fingers traced over some light lines on his chest, a subtle hint and memory triggering gesture.
Red trickled over tense pectorals, the stain spreading through the white linen. Hisses passed through pursed lips. Your hips circling torturous and slow clenching around him; his hips jutted up minutely as the glinting silver blade caressed over his skin. His head rolled back into the sheets; drunk on the sensation, goosebumps igniting a pathway where the red trickled down.
“Did you think I’d forget how much you love it when I make you bleed?”
“God I can feel your cock twitching; you love it when I mark you don’t you”
“Mmmhhmmm” he hummed, redirecting every ounce of energy he had to not fuck up into you. His cheeks secured in your hand fast.
“Excuse me?” you cued.
“Yes, fuck!” He whined.
“Does that sound like you want more?” You gave him a moment to retrieve a breath which you only stole clenching around him.
The knife edge balancing elegant over his collarbone. Obedient metallic soldier waiting for its command.
“More” he pleaded.
“Manners” Your hips had stilled waiting for the magic word. You detected slight exasperation amongst the breath of his whine of the sudden stopped motion.
“Please, god please don’t stop moving, you feel so good. Please mark me as yours, please”
“Much better” you praised, your hips resumed their light circles; your breath hitching when he reached the velvet goldmine at the front of you. Eliciting hisses from his lips, clenching and drawing neat lines soon to be littered with little pin pricks of red.
“So pretty” you cooed, hands ghosting down the centre of his chest; his muscles tensing at the contact.
The rope fell away from his skin, pretty rose pink lines now glazed on his wrists. His eyes flitting adjusting to the light finally landing between your thighs and his. Cum and arousal glistening off them. His arms had dropped above him resting on the squishy cotton of the pillow. His pupils fully blown out saturated with desperation.
“Can I move now?”
“Mmm yes, but you still can’t cum until I say” He didn’t need permission twice. He sat up, his freed hand supporting you at your lower back. Your own hands tightening together at the back of his neck; fingers gliding past the soft prickles of his undercut. The moment your back touched the mattress his head dived to the crevice of your neck allowing him to nudge your head to the side. Hot thirsty kisses decorating your neck, kisses becoming heavier across your clavicle. Fading red petals drifting away quickly. The kisses across your scarred side were longer, almost more sincere and compassionate. The warm comfort of oxytocin you brushed away pushing his head further down to where was really aching and pressing on your priority list. Humanities strongest weak for the treasure between your legs offered no resistance.
“Fuck…Stop!” you cried yanking his head up from your core, his chin glistening, cheeks tainted light pink from the heat.
“Just fuck me now” you whined. Moist plump lips made their way up your body. Your devilish eyes holding onto his with a vengeance.
Heavy breathed expletives diffused into the air. Levi’s low grunts getting deeper rapidly. His head already buried heating up your neck with nips and bites. Blossoming pink half crescents indenting on his back.
“You feel so fucking good” you managed in unison with the harsh juts of his hips.
“Fuck… I can’t” he struggled.
“After 3 and you can cum, you’ve been such a good boy” you purred. You were trying your hardest to control your muscles, hindering them from releasing the intoxicating waves.
“Ugh I can’t” he whined again. The desperation emitting through his struggling pants shoved you straight into a convulsing mess. He broke. Pulling out unable to hold just one more second. Spilling out over your stomach.
“That desperate you couldn’t even hold on one more second; and now you’ve made a mess” you were chasing your breathes, body basking in the aftershocks.
Exhausted pants fanned across your neck, low groans soaked in his throat.
“Mmm, I’m sorry” He whimpered. You dragged him into a suffocating kiss, his knee pressing against your soaked core causing sweet shudders.
“Seeing as you couldn’t control yourself you can clean your mess up” He nodded accepting his task, shifting upwards to leave the bed.
Oh no!
“With your tongue” you added holding his arm.
He made sure to scatter your breasts with wet prolonged kisses. The attention firing through your nerves like a flame spreading through gasoline. He smirked as his lips engrossed around your nipple which was already stood pining attention. His body shuffled down; eyes face to face with his mess. Your eyes never faltered, fixed on the all too intoxicating view of his tongue brushing against your skin, lapping up his own cum. A starving kitten getting all the cream.
“If only everyone else knew just how filthy you really are. The clean freak stops at the bedroom door” you shuffled under his mouth, already feeling that fuzzy feeling in between your legs pooling round your bundle of nerves.
“Nobody would believe you baby” he cooed in response creeping back up to nudge into the crevice of your neck; you could only hum in response.
“Enough now, let me go and get a towel and some water so I can clean you up” you offered glancing at the red smeared over his chest.
“Not yet”
“If I know you and you know I do; you watching me clean up my own cum would have easily made you want to fuck again…so… I’d rather do that” Fingertips trickled down your body, dipping between your legs.
“Mmm see…your just as much of a slut as I am. Annnddd you said I could have you once exactly how I wanted”
“Well you know I’m a woman of my word”
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aj521z · 4 years
Olympic Roster
Okay since I keep getting asked, this would be my guess for Vlatko’s olympic roster (+ my irrelevant opinion) assuming there are no r*tirements/injuries. I’m including like the rotation pools too.
GK (2): Alyssa Naeher, Ashlynn Harris (but I have a gut feeling AH might change by next year 👀dont @ me)
Pool: Aubrey Bledsoe/Adrianna Franch/Jane Campbell
Decision if AH out: Out of the 3, I’d take Franch. Just haven’t seen Bledsoe play on NT at all so idk her under that type of pressure; the times Jane played, Jill royally fucked her confidence 🙄
Def (6): Kelley O’Hara, Abby Dahlkemper, Becky Sauerbrunn, Crystal Dunn
Pool: Tierna Davidson/Emily Sonnett/Ali Krieger/Midge Purce/Casey Short
Decision on last 2 spots: little t is a fucking savage when she is alive and well, but has been screwed by injuries I need to see her back fit again to properly analyze; Sonnett is bulletproof like never gets injured, so that’s a huge plus; AK I just don’t know, she hasn’t had any play time in forever, I’m less likely to take her; Midge is my wild card since they’ve been trying to convert her here. She has mad potential, I’m here for it and she can obv play forward, so versatility, which is vital in the olympics; Casey is such a strong defender and is FAST getting up into the attack and creating plays, but fucking INJURIES. Same situation as little t). 
If I had it my way? Leaving for the olympics rn w/o injuries + full form I’d take Tierna and Casey or Sonnett (hot take? idk. t and short play on the same team, adds chemistry, Casey is underrated af)
Mid (5): Julie Ertz, Lindsey Horan, Rose Lavelle, Sam Mewis
Pool: Andi Sullivan/Morgan Brian/Allie Long (nope not happening)/Jordan DiBiassi
Decision on last spot: Andi oml poor bb. Her injuries have been absolutely wack. She is such a smart mid and if she can stay healthy, I’m taking her out of the options; Moe is so injury prone and it’s just not realistic in the olympics. Barely feel like I’ve seen her play over the past couple years ugh; Allie nope the end; Jordan has potential, but she was only called in once and idk if she’ll break in.
If I had it my way? Leaving for the olympics rn w/o injuries + full form I’d take Andi
Fwd (5): Tobin Heath, Christen Press, Alex Morgan, Megan Rapinoe, Carli Lloyd (I hate it sm, but I think US soccer is gonna let her have it, the hoes)
Pool: Mal Pugh/Jessica McDonald/Lynn Williams/Sophia Smith/Midge Purce (I know I put for def too, but throwing her in here as well)/Ashley Sanchez (I know she’s not in the current pool, but I’m adding her lol)
Decision on last spot (if Carlos somehow goes away and leaves a spot open): Mal has been wrecked with inconsistent form for a while now and I hate it bc the potential is strong, I think Jill messed her up what’s new; Micky D I don’t see it happening, no way there are just better options; Lynn... I still don’t think she’s NT material. Consistency is everything, especially in the olympics, which is fast paced and there’s no time to develop form, you gotta be on point asap; Sophia is a biiiiit too new I think still. There’s no way she would be in Tokyo rn and I don’t think she’ll quite break in by next year. Promising tho!; Midge. I. Like. Midge. She’s versatile (vital on an 18 woman roster) and just has that fire in her where she wants to get things done and does them well. She played really well for pdx during the WC. Needs a bit of polishing here and there as sometimes she’d hold the ball and try to play hero, but by next year, I think she could contend; Sanchez. I’ve always liked her. She was a bright spot for the U-20s and UCLA and I liked what I saw in the Challenge Cup so far. Keeping my eye out.
If I had it my way? Leaving for the olympics rn w/o injuries + full form I’d take Midge
GK: Naeher, Harris
D: KO, Abby, Broon, Dunn, Tierna, Short (Sonnett if short injured)
M: Linds, JJ, Rose, Sam, Andi
F: Heath, CP, Alex, Pinoe, Lloyd 🙄(Midge if CL somehow blesses us and retires)
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trensu · 5 years
Episode 13: The One where WWX’s Gaydar is Completely Nonexistent
But in case you don’t know, I’M GONNA TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT
So we start off with wwx offering to carry lwj
Lwj, being the Repressed Gay that he is, flatly refuses: “how boring”
Pretty sure the thought of wwx touching him gives him vapors
Also? LWJ, You gotta come up with some new stuff; this line’s getting old
And wwx is completely immune to it by now
Wwx: *internally* such a stubborn fool!
He’s annoyed that lwj isn’t letting him help him in any way
And, like, i get that
I understand, wwx
Okay, moving along now
And ~Their Song~ starts playing as soon as we see the paperman appear
Wwx sends it floating over to wen qing
Paperman!wwx: plz find a way for lwj to get some rest
Actual!wwx: *hovers at lwj’s shoulder TOTALLY READY TO CATCH HIM IF HE FALLS*
WQ pulls through like a BOSS and everybody takes a break from walking near a river
Poor lwj looks so tuckered out here as he sits down on a rock
Wwx: i’ll go get you some water lan zhan! *runs off to get water*
Omg wwx, you are not subtle
How do you not realize what you’re doing wwx. How.
Ewww, now wc is talking, double ewww, he’s talking Plot Things
Gross, now his gf JiaoJiao is talking and is annoying and unfortunately necessary for a future wangxian moment so we have to acknowledge her existence
I know it hurts guys, but i promise you it’s worth it
She’s all “alright losers, go find us that cave with the cave monster thing”
Wwx releases a talisman (no Dramatic Twirl tho) which then locates the cave
Right, the cave.
The very important cave
The cave that will give us lots of quality wangxiantics
That cave.
And now we’re in the cave!! The best cave!! I mean, it’s way bigger and way scarier than the other cave, but still! (Dancing Fairy Cave, who??)
Plot stuff happens, wc is being an asshole, nothing new or exciting here
Then we see everyone find a cliff within the cave!
Wwx: wow, that looks like a bottomless pit
Wc: let’s see if that’s true! *yeets wwx off the cliff* (WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WEN CHAO)
Lwj: Wei Ying!! 
he not-quite shouts this, it’s more of a startled yelp than anything
Be grateful bc when he starts yelling his name for realsies in this show IT’S NOT GONNA BE FUN
ALSO if wc was not at the top of lwj’s shit list before, he’s definitely there now
So now that wwx confirmed that the pit is NOT bottomless, the hostages i mean visiting disciples throw down some rope and start to climb down
Uh, why didn’t they use that BEFORE chucking wwx down like a bag of trash?? Oh right bc wc is an asshole
Once they reach the bottom, lwj ALL BUT RUNS to wwx’s side
I’m gonna give JZX a moment here bc this episode is chock full of wangxiantics and jzx was in snark-master mode
Wwx: well, i know why LWJ and JC came down to check that i wasn’t eaten by a monster, but why are you here, jzx?
Jzx: i’d rather fight an unknown monster whilst weaponless than listen to wc and jj talk for another minute
Lol, everyone is like yeah, that makes sense
More stuff happens and eventually wc and his flunkies catch up with everyone else at the bottom of the cliff and want to lure the monster out
Wc: lets bleed some of this cannon fodder as bait bc i’m an asshole
Jj: i pick mianmian
And of course everyone loves mianmian so they jump to her defense 
Now there’s a showdown between the wens and the hostages, i mean visiting disciples
While he’s doing all that, wwx is completely humiliating wen chao by reciting some of the wen clan rules
WC: stop talking shit
Wwx: uh, i just quoted the wen clan rulebook sooooo you actually just insulted your ancestors
Wwx: what did the rulebook say was the punishment for insulting the ancestors…? Oh yeah, EXECUTION. Prepare to die!!
Wwx proceeds to take wc as a visiting disciple, i mean hostage on top of a giant rock in the middle of a pond inside the cave and we’re at a standstill
It probably could’ve gone on forever except 🐢🔪🐢🔪🐢 SURPRISE MURDER TURTLE!! 🐢🔪🐢🔪🐢
LWJ, being the clever boy that he is, notices that the Murder Turtle has bad eyesight
Lwj: quiet, don’t move! It can’t see us *🎶jurassic park theme plays🎶*
Maybe i should call the Murder Turtle something else. It looks more like a loch ness monster tbh
A distant cousin perhaps?
Nessie: oh, that guy? We don’t really talk to that side of the family
Murder Turtle: *is murderous*
Nessie: yeah, he makes family dinners awkward…
Ahem, anyway
Wen chao is a coward and instead of staying quiet and still like lwj says, he starts screaming like the world’s ugliest baby for wen zhuliu to save him
Murder Turtle does not like this noise coming from it’s shell so wwx and wc end up leaping off of it and landing back on shore and all hell breaks loose
In all fairness to the Murder Turtle, I too hate listening to wc
Murder Turtle starts, you know, murdering. And the hostages i mean visiting disciples don’t have weapons and the wen flunkies are awful
Shit’s happening is what i’m saying
And while all this goes down, jj shows us that she is the MOST AWFUL DUMBEST PERSON ALIVE
She has two of the wen flunkies hold mianmian in place and is about to stick a wen crest branding iron on her face (WTF, JJ)
But oh, WWX TO THE RESCUE!! He shoots an arrow in jj's arm and she ends up throwing the branding iron at mianmian but wwx dives in to stop it!
(and we’re just gonna ignore how terribly fake that dive looks, okay?)
Anyway he dives and blocks the branding iron but oh no, it somehow manages to hit him square in the chest with enough force to burn through his clothes and into his skin!!! 
(we’re not gonna question this, just roll with it)
And he drops the Medicine Bottle he hid away to use on lwj eventually
(we’re gonna also ignore the fact that it somehow fell out of where it was securely hidden in his robes even tho he was literally just thrown off a cliff and the Medicine Bottle manages to stay with him and not break at the time)
(look we’re ignoring a lot of things bc we've already determined that special effects are not a high priority in this show AND all this is gonna lead up to great wangxiantics and that makes all of it worthwhile)
Okay so all that happened and then the wens FLEE LIKE THE COWARDS THEY ARE and totally ditch their hostages i mean visiting disciples
Then the bastards not only run away, but cut the ropes leading up the cliff and THEN block off the cave entrance WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU WC
The hostages i mean visiting disciples start freaking out. Like oh no, we’re stuck in here forever, WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE
Wwx diffuses the panic by being like, hey CANNIBALISM LOL I’M ALREADY PARTIALLY COOKED. i am a snack FOR REAL LOLOLOL
After all this, AFTER ALL THIS PLOT-ISH NONSENSE I HAD TO EXPLAIN, we get a little bit of wangxiantics. As a treat.
Mianmian is crying her heart out and apologizing profusely bc she feels bad for getting everyone trapped in this cave EVEN THO IT’S NOT HER FAULT AT ALL PLZ DON’T CRY MIANMIAN ILU
Wwx obvs agrees with me and goes to comfort her. Which he does in a weird way
Wwx: mianmian, why are you crying? I was the one that got branded! It hurts so much mianmian, won’t you stop crying and say something nice to me to make me feel better??
If jzx had tried this, he’d have sounded like a douchebag BUT WWX? WITH HIS SUNSHINE SMILE?? HOW COULD ANYONE RESIST THAT???
(apparently mianmian can, bc she keeps crying and doesn’t say anything nice to wwx)
Lwj takes one look at wwx & mianmian being all cozied up to each other and you know, spilling feelings everywhere and turns away in a snit
Lwj: *internally* what am i willing to put up with today? Not fucking this.
Jc: lwj, where are you going??
Lwj: to the pond bc it has a way out not bc i can’t stomach the sight of wwx flirting with mianmian
(if you hadn’t been so proud earlier, lwj, you could’ve had wwx carrying you lovingly in his strong arms i’m just saying)
And now we get another example here at how well lwj and wwx work together
So obvs wwx zooms to lwj’s side as soon as he realizes lwj’s going somehwere without him (again!!) and he’s all “there’s a way out??”
And all lwj says in response is “maple leaves”
That’s it. Two words.
Wwx: oh, yeah, the leaves couldn't possibly come from the cave so there must be an opening in the pond where the leaves are floating in!
Now everyone’s coming up with a plan to escape the cave and the Murder Turtle
Details don’t matter here
Skipping that
Nearly everyone escapes the Murder Turtle Cave!! Because of teamwork and the buddy system!! It’s very heartwarming and inspiring AND WE DON’T CARE BC IT’S NOT WANGXIAN
But oh no, at the last minute when lwj and wwx are oh so conveniently the only ones left in the cave, the Murder Turtle notices them!!
It tries to attack wwx!!
Wwx notices right away and goes to grab lwj and pull him to safety now
It’s nice having partners willing to share duties like that
Like, oh, you washed the dishes yesterday? I’ll do them today!
Except, you know, at a more intense level what with the whole “barely escaping the jaws of death” thing they’ve got going on
But same thing basically
So now our wonderful injured boys are in a different part of the cave that the Murder Turtle can’t reach.
Wwx: lan zhan, it’s fine now! The Murder Turtle is asleep or smth
Then shoves the tattered robes around lwj’s leg out of the way to get a better look at the wound, and he’s got his worried expression on!! WHILE ~THEIR SONG~ PLAYS IN THE BACKGROUND
Wwx: wait here!!
Lol, where do you think he’s gonna go wwx, it’s not like HIS LEG HAS BEEN MAULED AND THE ENTRYWAY IS GUARDED BY A MURDER TURTLE OR ANYTHING
Wwx comes back with a branch that he turns into a makeshift splint
And now he steals lwj’s SACRED FOREHEAD RIBBON to tie the splint on properly
Wwx: chill out about the ribbon, we have MORE PRESSING MATTERS, like how your LEG IS PROBS GONNA FALL OFF IF WE DON’T TREAT IT
Wwx: oh hey, Medicine Pouch! Wait where’s Medicine Bottle?? I saved it specifically for…*meaningful look at lwj* uh, never mind
what’s the matter, wwx?? why so shy suddenly???
are you embarrassed to show how much you think of lwj?? is that it?
Wwx: *internally* gotta find a way to get lwj to spit out that bad blood he’s so obviously choking down
Wwx: the only possible way to accomplish this is by STRIPPING BOTH OF US OUT OF OUR CLOTHES
Wwx: hey lan zhan, take off your clothes!
Lwj: you want me to what now??
Wwx: strip! Both of us! Since we’re all wet from the pond
Lwj as you might guess, does NOT start stripping in front of the Love of His Life
Wwx notices that lwj is not stripping even tho he himself has already divested his black outer robe and is clad in only his red inner robe
Wwx reaches over and starts tugging at lwj’s robe
Wwx: BEING HELPFUL!! But i guess if you don’t want my help, i’ll finish getting myself naked
Lwj: *turns around and pukes out the bad blood from the sheer strength of his Gay Panic*
Wwx: haha! My plan worked! Now all the bad blood is out!
Lwj: oh. Right. That. 
Lwj: thanks
Wwx: noooo, don’t thank me! I can’t handle it when ppl thank me!!
After THAT PHENOMENAL STRIP TEASE, wwx goes back to tending lwj’s wounds
He applies stuff from the Medicine Pouch bc Medicine Bottle is gone forever now
He does this very carefully and is very focused on his task
Then lwj snatches a bit of the medicine and presses it into the burn on wwx’s chest
Wwx: owww, that huuurts
Lwj: you’re welcome
Lwj: *internally probably* omg i just touched wwx’s chest, be cool be cool bE COOL
Then they have this cute little exchange where wwx tells him how he got injured all the time bc he was a rambunctious tyke (no, surely not you, wwx! I’m shocked!) so he doesn’t need much medicine and lwj’s injury is more serious so he should get more medicine anyway
Lwj: if you know you’re gonna get hurt, don’t be so rash all the time
Wwx: it’s not like i got myself injured on purpose!!! 
Wwx: I had to protect mianmian! She’s so pretty 
(he says distractedly while staring at their campfire and COMPLETELY MISSES LWJ’S LONGING LOOK) 
Wwx: what if she’d gotten her face all scarred up?
Lwj: but now you’re scarred for life!
Wwx: that’s different!
(bc he has issues with self worth and ALWAYS RISKS HIS LIFE FOR OTHERS AT ANY GIVEN OPPORTUNITY)
Wwx: i’m a guy. Scars are cool for us!
(that too, I guess)
Wwx: besides, it’ll be a reminder of the time i saved a pretty girl who now will remember me always~!
Lwj: *bitchy* oh, you’re sooo sure she’s gonna remember you, huh
Wwx gives him a wounded look, like, sincerely confused and hurt at lwj’s tone: “why are you mad?”
And, good god, lwj sees that expression and can’t keep looking at him. He has to turn away, like FUCK i’ve hurt his feelings, shit, i’m getting my feelings all over him
It’s actually kind of painful to watch, POOR LWJ
So he looks away and says: if you don’t mean it, you shouldn’t go around flirting with people
Wwx: *pouts* it’s not like i was flirting with you
Remember how i said wwx is dense? Here’s another example
Wwx: *teasing* ohh, you like mianmian~! 
Like, really teasing. It doesn’t sound like he believes what he’s saying either
Lwj gives him an incredulous look and we get some slo-mo here WHILE ~THEIR SONG~ PLAYS IN THE BACKGROUND AND THEY GAZE SOULFULLY AT EACH OTHER FOR A SOLID 10 SECONDS 
Wwx’s face gets this befuddled look and after staring at each other for 10 continuous seconds he says much more seriously, “oh...you really do like mianmian?”
Why do you sound so disappointed wwx? WHY ARE YOU SO CONCERNED ABOUT IT, HUH?
And omg guys, i will NEVER get over the expression LWJ gives him after he says this
It’s an expression that says R U FUCKING SRS RN
Then wwx laughs to diffuse the situation (it’s so cute, my heart bursts with rainbows)
And we’re winding down now
Lwj: why should i talk about these meaningless things with you here?
Wwx: you don’t have a choice pal, it’s just you and me stuck here in this cave
Wwx: hey, lan zhan, i think this is the longest conversation we’ve had!!
Omg why’s he keeping track of that? How did he even notice this??
WWX: even after all we’ve been thru, you still don’t talk much. You lan clan types--
*awkward silence*
Wwx realizes he’s stepped in it and taps his mouth as a reprimand for being insensitive
Then he changes the topic about how long they can survive without food/water and how long it will take for help to arrive
And here we have lwj verbally acknowledge what’s happened to him for the first time
He explains that they won’t get help from gusu
Lwj: the cloud recesses has been burned. Uncle is badly injured, brother is missing.
His tone is so matter-of-fact but HE ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE HE’S ABOUT TO CRY!!
And then lwj is like, welp, that’s enough Emotions for the day! And falls asleep.
And that's the end of the episode
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Ingo/Emmet/Concordia 😏
who is more likely to get injured doing small tasks - Emmet, most likely. He can get a bit overenthusiastic, and when he’s on a roll he can not realize if he’s hurt himself in that enthusiasm until Ingo or Concordia notices and makes him sit down so they can get out the first aid kit. who worries more about the other - This is a hard one since all of them have their own worries over each other in different ways? Concordia worries that she can’t always keep up with or be there for her partners since they’re so different (both in personality and species), the brothers worry about each other like they’ve always done, but also worry about Concordia, but then in different ways. Emmet worries about providing for her and making her happy even though she’s a human and they’re not. Ingo worries that being with her will throw off the dynamic he and Emmet have had for centuries... at the same time, they’re all pretty good at communicating, so these worries usually don’t fester. who is more afraid about the other leaving them - I’m going to answer this with a curveball and say it’s their son Janus who worries about his parents breaking up. As in, while Concordia loves her partners, she knows that their relationship might not last and is happy to enjoy it as it happens, while the brothers know full well that their relationship with Concordia is going to be transient in the long run (as these things always are for them and humans). But Janus has only known his parents being together, so he dreads the day when that might no longer be the case and as a result can be clingy about wanting all four of them to spend time together. who is more likely to leave (for any reason) - Concordia. Emmet and Ingo are ride or die for each other and always have been, while she’s the newcomer to a long-established dynamic. Half the reason she even moved in with them rather than keeping things casual was because of Janus, so if things ever start going south, she’s the one who’d step back without much fuss, taking things with grace as she always does. (This doesn’t mean the twins won’t want to try to convince her to stay though! They definitely have both come to care about her a lot even if such feelings were maybe unexpected.) who is more likely to drunkenly confess - None of them? I can see Emmet and Concordia both being affectionate drunks though (Emmet more clingy and Concordia just wanting to cuddle and fall asleep). Ingo has to carry them both home haha.  who is more likely to push the other away (for any reason) - Ingo can be standoffish when he’s in one of his moods. Especially earlier on with Concordia, who he had reservations about. She and Emmet were originally just seeing each other, but Ingo is a package deal with Emmet so he got involved and let’s just say he wasn’t sure getting so close with a human like her was a good idea. Would just invite trouble. who picks fights more often - None of them really fight much? But again, Ingo I suppose. Can be surly sometimes, but his fights are almost always with Emmet and are the usual arguments they’ve always had that get resolved quickly. Concordia is scary whenever she gets involved with a fight so the twins have both learned not to test her patience. Or both will be sleeping on the couch.  who usually apologizes first - They’re a weird trio where they don’t really apologize with words but with actions? Make it up after a fight by doing something nice for the other(s). So it’s hard to tell who’s usually the first since it’s often mutual. who is more likely to withhold their feelings for the other - Ingo and Concordia for sure. The slowburn branch of the relationship, while Emmet was very quick to grow infatuated with Concordia. She on the other hand was wary of growing attached to anyone after her upbringing, especially people so... different as the twins, while Ingo had similar reluctance. So obvs Emmet just decided to play matchmaker between the two so all three could be happy! Somehow it worked. He’s just talented like that.  who is more likely to lash out at the other - None of them, really.  who gets more jealous - Ingo, sometimes, but he refuses to acknowledge these feelings. It can be hard to share when you’ve been with someone exclusively for so long. who is more likely to support the other in a relationship with someone else “as long as they’re happy”: - The twins for Concordia. Both of them know they’re probably not the most ideal boyfriends for someone more normal like Concordia, so if she found a nice human person to settle down with... that’s fine! Even better! (Just as long as they can still see Janus though, of course. That boy is spoiled and doted on by all his parents.)
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sondpyo · 5 years
𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙮𝙪𝙡 𝙖𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙
a/n: this is kinda long phew ,,, i just love hangyul tOo much :(( enjoy !!
warnings: !!!!cursing
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let’s put the jokes aside
hangyul is probably the best boyfriend ever
he just IS
he does everything to make you feel comfortable
he buys so you food
he gives you piggy back rides when you‘re too tired
just,,,,,what a man
he cares about you 24/7
and likes to baby you
squishing ur cheeks and kissing ur puckered lips is part of his daily routine
but we ain’t complaining
because who doesn’t want to get hugged and kissed by hangyul
lucky YOU
and let’s not lie here
when was the last time you wore YOUR clothes
yes bitch im talking to YOU
you hang out in hangyul‘s hoodies and shirts everyday you literally robbed this man
but he loves it ngl
only when he has to go out with his friends and his closet is just....
...... empty
so he always takes his things back
but the thief you are 🤫🤫🤫
„what’s inside that bag"
„my love for you“
„ haha,, lmao,,, put that shit back to where it was."
and u just 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️💨
because what can he do haha
run after you and pick you up
yea that‘s exactly what he does so why did you even try honestly
and he just picks you up and throws you onto the couch
but ur mad like how can you not let ur own gf succeed in stealing ur things
at this point hes just asking himself why he’s even dating you
but yk he loves you so what can he do
y’all raised a cat together
that‘s how you two even met :(
one day you were walking down the street on a rainy day when you heard a little ᵐᵉᵒʷ
so you were like hold tf uP and looked around
only to see a little kitten on the street being comepletely wet and lost
when you crunched down you just could feel sadness radiating from her
yes it’s a female 👀
you were about to cry ngl watching a sad kittie made you sad
so you picked her up
buT sissie was a little wild 🤥
she tried to climb up your chest so you had to use ur other hand too and let ur umbrella fall
„nO kiTtIe stOP ah shit we‘re both wet now“
but after some time struggling she kinda calmed down but was still moving
you were comepletely wet
the shower you wanted to take later ?????? already done now
as you wanted to pick up your umbrella
another hand reached picked it up and held it above your head
you turned around and saw an extremely good looking guy
„ive seen a lot in my life but never someone walking outside in the rain with their kitten“
he was obv amused by the situation
you looked down to the kitten
„she’s not mine i just found her“
as you wanted to grab ur umbrella back
he pulled it back and insisted holding it for you as you walked back home
he just saw that u didn’t know anything about cats
so on the way back he told you a lot about cats and everything and you kinda started talking
and u were patting her head
when u reached ur house u were kinda unsure of what to do
because u cant just pull up to your family like lmAo look what I found
„i cant just leave her outside again“
so he just took her
„I already have two so why not a third I guess“
„but i found her >:("
„but you cant keep her“
true 😔😔
so he gave you ur umbrella and hid the cat under his jacket
so when he was already going you were like somethings not right
so you yelled excuSE ME
and he turned around
so you ran to him and gave him the umbrella
„no don’t worry I don’t need it“
but you just shoved it into his hands and walked back
before you would open your gate and get in you yelled that he should take good care of her so you waved him and went in
and he honestly just stood there
that was the moment where he kinda fell in love with you I guess
in the next days he brought you u ur umbrella back and u asked him if u could visit boba once
( i had to crackle at that name ne ways)
and he obviously was interested in you so he was like suRE !!!!!
and you eventually also started falling for him
so here you are 3 years later
a happy couple
confirmed mom & dad of a cat
boba sometimes still kinda attacks you but whatever I guess
and he always tells that story his and ur friends saying that he thought u were crazy
when he literally thought u were cute since the first second he saw you wbk
his fav places to kiss you is your face
when ur being too overly cute in his eyes he just kisses ur cheeks like a 100 times
and when ur being sad or stressed he usually kisses ur temples
but hangyul litterally is your emotional support boy
when ur sad or crying he just hugs you and doesn’t let go
he sometimes cracks up some stupid jokes just so he can hear a small laugh from you which always works tbh
there just isn’t a day where he isn’t by your side when you‘re in the wrong place
but when your upset or mad he usually gives you a little space since he knows that people usually need to figure it out themselves first before they talk to others about it
but if you want him to be with you he’s there in a second
and you appreciate that a lot
you two are the crackhead duo everyone fears
the last time played mario kart with the rest of his friends it ended with you and him laughing about some dumbass shit AGAIN
everyone is just tired by now and sighs,,,,,,,,
„is it crack???????? is that what you two smoke“
but u cant unsee the little smiles they have after watching you two for awhile bcs ofc they are also kinda happy that he found someone he can have fun and be himself with
h e e h e e fun 😼😼😼 18+
just kIdding
im keeping this family friendly
but lemme dRoP thAt real quick
hes a dancer so he sure knows how to work his hips o o p 👀👀👀👀
moving ON
teases you
all the time
„you‘re so tiny can u even see something down there.“
„you kinda grew.“
„that girl there is kinda pretty don’t you also think?“
and let’s just say
at this rate
his kneecaps are pretty much injured
but he doesn’t mean it like that
when he even senses that he’s going to far he simply kisses you and apologizes
personal hypeman
you don’t know iF you should wear that dress outside because you don’t feel pretty in it????
not with hangyul SWEETIE
hes like
👏🏻you 👏🏻are👏🏻slaying👏🏻that👏🏻dress👏🏻and👏🏻thats👏🏻on👏🏻PERIODT👏🏻
physical fights with him happen a lot and are normal
fun fights
cause my man ain’t abusive 😔
and ofc he wins
once he even threw you off bed
and u eventually hit your head
and he was literally caressing your head while trying to hold back his laughter
he calls it training for actual fights
hes pretty much overprotective
and swears that he’ll never let you out alone in the dark
so you kinda doubt these fights he talks about will ever happen
but whatever floats his boat 🤡
this is getting long
should I just make a part two
. shit
okay over all
hes soft for you
like everyone at first is kinda intimidated by him because he looks really manly compared to other guys even you were
but when they see how he treats you and looks at you and smiles at you and everything it’s just kinda gone then 🥺🥺
he deserves an award as best boyfriend
he also deserves all the love he gives back
don’t let him down
because he wouldn’t do that to you either even if u had a big ass fight
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