#obviously that's a generalization of a mindset that i have seen before that not everyone will believe in
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shalom-iamcominghome · 3 months ago
One of the philosophical/theological differences between judaism and other religions is how we conceive of the consequences of doing bad things.
I just heard someone say, "well jews don't believe in hell, so why don't you-" and just never sits right with me that the only thing that could prevent you from acting in bad ways are the threat of an eternal punishment. The implication that you shouldn't care about the consequences of your actions on the worldly level are astounding as well.
I care about not doing bad because it hurts people - myself included. Even if I did believe in hell... It wouldn't factor into how I live life. I fundamentally don't agree that we should treat this life and this world as a temporary home - a rest stop - where our actions only matter insofar as it affects where you go in the afterlife.
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pixeltwix · 3 months ago
-Fiddleford Missing His Family-
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To me, one of the most heartbreaking details of Gravity Falls is just..everything McGucket related, but specifically him before he starts even getting his family back after Weirdmageddon
Because he spent the entire series and probably the last thirty years trying to recreate his family
It speaks volumes to me that despite a shunning son and a divorce on his pallet, and zero memory or how any of this even happened, that he’s desperately trying to recreate a life he doesn’t even remember but knows he at least had at one point and wants again
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Obviously we know he did have a wife and son, hell he’s introduced as a father first and foremost in the story and I think most people forget that, but through and through he is inherently a family man
I myself struggle to understand this mindset, and most do as well, but some people genuinely want to have a family. Like that’s genuinely their dream and their goal in life alongside their occupational dreams, and Fiddleford completely comes off as that kinda guy. I think he just struggled to balance himself thinking he couldn’t do fifty fifty and instead put one hundred percent into things separately and fell short in both categories here and there
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Regardless, we know Tate, and even though season one never planned on making McGucket anything other than a comedic side character we know that changed with season two in the shows new direction
All that really does is complicate things for why Tate is here. Obviously we can fill in the blanks with the lore later given last minute, maybe he wanted to see if his father was actually up in Gravity Falls, maybe he wanted to see if he could get through to him and it ‘wasn’t as bad’ as what he had heard or assumed, but that’s not relevant in this post at the moment
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What I’m focusing on instead is the fact that just because Fiddleford can’t bridge the gap and connect with his actual son, because he has zero clue what it is he’s done, it doesn’t stop him from being in the community and playing roles that a ‘normal father’ would be doing for his kids
Ie reading town history to local kids (even if he just wound up eating the books after) it’s usually still an important thing parents tend to want to do with their kids (the teaching aspect)
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Being there as a chaperone on a first date (I know it’s not the first for Gideon & Mabel, but the point is still there) as most ‘normal’ parents want to be active in their kids lives and make sure they’re being safe, & making good choices in the world
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Being at the Sev’Ral Times concert (later seen crowd surfing, which honestly still cracks me up) but nevertheless he shows up out of the blue to be vocally supportive of the girls excitement for the concert and their plans
Yknow, as a parent ought to be when taking their kid to their favorite bands concert
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Annnd then of course, far less subtle to anything else mentioned before regarding an image to general parenthood, we have raccoon wife
Again, there’s nothing subtle about this, it’s raccoon wife and it is bizarre that no one in town questions this. “Crazy local coot thinks he’s married to a raccoon? Yeah, makes sense.” (Though tbf there’s a local man married to a woodpecker, so ig it’s whatever for everyone)
Again x2 I’m not sure what to add on here because it feels pretty blatant what bro is shooting for mental wise here, it just makes me wonder wHAt about a raccoon reminds him of Emma May?
Maybe it’s just the pale round face, dark eyes, and brown hair that makes it click in his head
Regardless I still think it’s sweet that even when he’s gotten some recollection of himself back he’s still concerned for the raccoons in the apocalypse
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Anywho, call me an emotional loser if you want, but the concept of this old man wanting his family back for some thirty odd years and not knowing how to get them back so he substitutes it with other things is horribly depressing
I can at least rest easy knowing his relationship with Tate has improved after Weirdmageddon :)
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starcurtain · 6 months ago
Hii!! I saw your fact checking myths about aventurine and the ipc and I agree with your takes definitely. One thing I want to add is that I do believe Aventurine is owned by the ipc (under a legal binding contract) and even if he gets "kicked" out of Stonehearts, the ipc has some form of ownership over him. Especially since in the jade scene he seems to be willing to lay down his life to the ipc for his goals and the ipc are known for lifetime contracts mentioned by some npc and topaz. I've seen a lot of people compare him to a sugar daddy or with the genshin character childe as both being "rich" . This might be my lawyer brain coming in but I'm pretty sure anything aventurine owns is not actually his but belongs to the ipc. For example aventurine could buy himself an apartment under his name and he could be the sole owner of that said apartment but if ipc had a contract where aventurine's life is essentially theirs then that apartment actually belongs to them. Obviously it is down to specifc terms and conditions, he is more so a corporate slave than what he was before but I think the contract is very detrimenting to him. They provide aventurine with money and goods but it's a false sense of wealth he never actually truly owns. I think when aventurine mentions many times he has nothing left he means it metaphorically and literally as well. If the ipc wish they could strip him bare of any goods he "owns' because he is their property just as much as whatever he buys for himself is. This is one of the reasons why I think leaving the ipc is something he doesn't want yet because essentially he would have nothing and no one to turn to (there is ratio obviously but we know how self destructive and insecure aventurine is so he would never want to be a burden to the doctor). But anyway these are my thoughts on this i wanted to share.
Thank you for your message; I'm glad you enjoyed the original post!
As I mentioned elsewhere, I definitely think everyone should hold tight to their headcanons and enjoy their own versions of the story to the fullest. There's no wrong way to enjoy a game's story!
For me, I just get a little obsessive over having evidence from canon. I'm just the type who reads too much into the tiny lore details in every readable in the game all the time. I love to take every detail we know from canon and weave it into my personal headcanons.
I definitely think it's fine and logical to feel like Aventurine might have a life-time contract with the IPC. I don't think he could just leave his job if he felt like it, definitely not!
But for me, I worry that people choosing to view Aventurine as a corporate slave might be... minimizing his active role in being an IPC employee? Like, I think that with Topaz and Aventurine in particular, people want them very much to be good guys. They don't want to think of Topaz or Aventurine willingly doing the things that we see other IPC members doing, like manipulating people, cheating people, or just in general being kind of awful (RIP Skott, I'll be your fan if no one else will!!).
If we say that Aventurine is a slave of the IPC and that he doesn't own the riches he's surrounded with, then we're creating a barrier between him and the IPC's behavior--he isn't like them, he's just doing these things because he has to. He's not a hedonist; that wealth doesn't even actually belong to him, it's just the IPC's tool to control him. This makes Aventurine out to be someone who is "forced to be bad" and morally separates him from the mindless money-hoarding mindset of the IPC. To me, I just don't personally think this is how the story intends Aventurine to be viewed.
As I see it, Aventurine is very much a morally grey character who, although initially setting out to do something virtuous, lost his noble motivation along the way when he discovered his people, who he was trying to save, had all been wiped out. Losing the central motivation that was driving his decision-making left him utterly adrift, with no reason to keep on living, to cling to his morals, or to even care about who was taking advantage of him.
Personally, I don't view Aventurine as a slave of the IPC. Instead, I would argue that he is a slave of destiny--the destiny that told him he was a "chosen one," that he would lead his people to safety, that proved time and again that he alone would always, always be the final victor... He chased that destiny by gambling his own life--only to be entirely too late, leaving him with absolutely no reason to keep living, something the IPC was merely happy to capitalize on. And Aventurine allowed that.
Pre-Penacony, Aventurine's connection to the IPC was a symbiotic relationship--the IPC gave Aventurine opportunities to try to kill himself (which is what he wanted, not them) and they gained from him when fate continually failed to let him die. He allowed himself to be knowingly exploited and took an active role in generating wealth for the IPC/furthering their agenda.
He's an IPC employee, not a slave. This is just my personal understanding of the character, but I think Aventurine's morally grey nature and his willingness to allow himself to be taken advantage of for evil means is an important aspect of his character. To me, that absolute despair with the world, that complete sense of purposeless that he felt, which made him no longer care who exploited him or what they used his power to do, is a central facet of his character arc.
Aventurine's arc in Penacony involved, very literally, being confronted by the "future" his own actions were hurtling him toward, and having to choose between the nihilism of that future and the true freedom represented by accepting his "past." And he chose the past--he chose to reaffirm his faith in Gaiathra, embrace the pain of what happened to his family, and seek new meaning by finally recognizing his own life's value.
It's important that the "enemy" Aventurine fought in his 2.1 character story was himself.
(Sorry that was mega-long. I am very passionate about Aventurine's self-destructive behavior, apparently.)
Just in general though, I think there might be some canon hints that sort of dispute the idea that Aventurine has a lifetime contract like Topaz's.
For one, Sigonia-IV didn't join the IPC in the same way Topaz's planet did. They maintained a clear "Sigonian Sovereignty" and are allowed to make decisions on their people's behalf. We're not told that anyone from Sigonia has been forced into contracts with the IPC like Topaz's planet was, and while Aventurine did brush up against the IPC queen of deals, Jade, I don't think his encounter with her counts as a formal "Bonajade Exchange" because his goal and hers were the same from the beginning. He wanted in to the IPC, and she wanted to get him in. There was no cost or soul contract to be signed because it was a win for everyone from the start.
There's also multiple hints throughout the game that Topaz's lifelong contract is odd and not something that most people--even from her own planet--actually signed on to. Other members of the IPC are surprised to hear about it and act as if it not a standard IPC thing.
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I definitely agree that Aventurine probably cannot just quit his job because he's part of one of the highest up teams in the shady evil mega-corporation, but I don't think he's in the same situation as Topaz, who the game tells us is pretty unique.
As for Aventurine's money and material possessions not being his... I'm sorryyyy, I just don't think this is the case. He a highly-ranked member of the richest corporation in the world. There's no way he doesn't get a well-earned, very high salary. He buys his jewels, fancy watches, and expensive perfume with his own paychecks, I can almost guarantee.
I don't disagree that money and material wealth is a way to manipulate people though! By giving him the cushy, comfortable life of luxury he never had before, the IPC is definitely creating a situation in which no one would want to leave and give up on all that money and power, for sure.
But I just don't think we have any evidence in-game that Aventurine doesn't have control of his own finances or doesn't own the items that he buys.
When he says "I have nothing," I do agree that he means this both metaphorically and literally, but I think the "literal" point is that wealth and material objects are completely pointless to him because he has no one to share them with. They can't benefit his family or his people because none of the Avgin are left. What is the point of having a beautiful home if you have no one left to live with? What is the point of being able to buy the most exquisite food in the universe if you have no one of value left to feed?
To me, the idea that Aventurine doesn't have any control of even his material items or money feels like a popular fanon take. People love to imagine their favorite in the scary or angsty situation of having everything taken away from him! (Which, hey, I don't mind this kind of angst either, to be honest! 😂)
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wispforever · 1 year ago
Some thoughts on Itachi
So, I've seen a lot of comments circulating about my tags on this post, and I'm intrigued at the interest. I didn't expect it, as I see much more pigeonholing of Itachi's character than honest to god analysis. No hate- I'm no stranger to Kishimoto's writing. Some of his characters were unfortunately butchered or never given the chance to be developed properly, and Itachi is most certainly no exception. That said, I like to grant him a bit more nuance than I see on most blogs. I think people get a little wrapped up in the supposed "moral implications" of exploring how Itachi was also a victim of the system, as well as someone who victimized many people. But it's silly to equate character analysis and context consideration with condoning genocide.
I have a good laugh every once and a while at the metaphorical gymnastics people do in order to stay in the good graces of a bunch of internet trolls who are just Waiting for any opportunity to tell you you love murder and think it's delicious just because you made a post exploring a character's background. Media is grey; it's layered and wonderfully complex. There are many wrongs and rights in every story, and many wrongs and rights within those wrongs and rights. That's what I love about Naruto. Often times it's really too much like real life. Instead of people being black and white, right or wrong, bad or good- they're usually in a tough situation, trying their best and falling short, don't have all of the information, acting with good intentions or acting on what they believe will bring about a lesser evil, and then end up hurting others.
But it is much easier to assign blame and move on. A so-called bad person will always be the perfect scapegoat for issues bigger than them. In Itachi's case, the fascist government in the Leaf. It's easier to say Itachi could have just refused and decided not to be involved, than to recognize that like almost every other character in the narrative, he was under extreme duress, living in a military state. He was a child whose existence, along with all the other children and adults in the Leaf, was only valuable as long as he could serve as a tool for the war machine in the shinobi world's fucked up political system. And saying this is not the same as saying he was not capable of better decisions or that everything that he did thereafter or in general should not be read critically or subject to hypothetical consequences. It is the same as a saying his actions cannot be fully understood without complete context, and the themes of Naruto will never come through if every villain is just "evil" with no further nuance. And it would be boring too LOL
That said, I love to think about Itachi's situation back then. The ages in Naruto are a bit muddled, a little inconsistent, subject to change and interpretation, but Itachi was a child when he murdered everyone in the Uchiha compound. Most sources say he was 13. It should go without saying that someone so young isn't capable of the same decision-making or critical thinking as say, a 30-year-old, someone whose brain is finished developing and has much more experience on Earth.
Itachi's experience at this point in his life is informed by his age, and it's obviously informed by his childhood, as he has no other place from which to draw conclusions. Itachi grew up in a warring state. He saw people die and was subject to extreme violence in his formative years. To make matters worse, he was taught that war was inevitable and the only thing he could do to guard against it was kill others before they got the chance to kill him (threaten the village). Thusly, Itachi internalized at a very young age that what was in his power was to minimize damage (to himself, to his village, and to the world). What was not in his power was to stop this violence entirely (by adopting a critical mindset and going against fascist powers).
A part of this I think people often forget is that Itachi has absolutely nowhere to adopt this mindset FROM, as even though his father and the other members of the Uchiha clan seek equity in the Leaf, if they were to overthrow the Hokage and create a new system, it would still presumably center around the same ideals (minus, of course, the oppression of the Uchiha as a group). Fugaku is the head of the Uchiha clan at this time. As someone who imposed near impossible performance-related expectations on both of his sons, and withheld love and affection whenever they came up short (so often that it was at the cost of having any considerable emotional bond with either of them), there is absolutely no good reason to believe that Fugaku would reform the Leaf using a non-fascist ideology. And if he did, there is no good reason to believe that he would be some kind of visionary LMAO
This is important to remember because when it comes down to Itachi's decision to either kill everyone in the Uchiha compound and his family, or be part of the coup that would overthrow the Leaf, some people treat it as though it's a choice between fascism and non-fascism, which it most certainly is not. And if it was, Itachi, as a child who had grown up immersed in this ideology, would not be able to appreciate the difference. This context allows us to understand further what Itachi was really weighing in that moment. Accounting for his young age and limited worldview, the only valuable difference in this moment to Itachi was the amount of bloodshed that he would "allow" to happen. Essentially, he sees the options as follows:
Either give in to Danzo and kill everyone in the Uchiha compound, or facilitate a coup where the current government is (hopefully) overthrown and risk starting another war.
Here, Itachi pauses. He has known war. He knows how it affects children, adults, families, and whole nations. The peace he's living in currently is bought with blood, but it's the only peace he's ever known. The alternative is horrifying. And a war in this context, Itachi likely thinks, would be his fault, as he has now been put in the position to "prevent" it. Danzo and the whole shinobi system have groomed him into thinking so. Itachi, at age 13, cannot understand that there would be no war; it exists only as leverage for Danzo's argument at this point. His sensitivities are being played on.
Fugaku, though he is not the same as Danzo, offers about as much help as he does (that being none). Fugaku has no interest in avoiding war; if a war breaks out, it's justified because it will still mean his clan will no longer be living in oppression. This idea is valid, as fascist systems and discrimination can only cease to exist when we rise up against them; unfortunately, this most often calls for righteous violence, as the oppressive powers will not be moved with peaceful shows (not to mention they are willing to go to extreme lengths to avoid losing their hold on the people they have crushing power over, i.e. the Uchiha massacre). But Fugaku has no words to explain this to Itachi, who fears the worst and further fears being responsible for the worst. All he does is act as if it's a moral failing that his 13-year-old son is unwilling to stage a coup, which he believes could mark the abrupt end of a peace that's only just begun.
That said, let it be known that Itachi does appreciate this situation with SOME nuance, though it isn't of the kind that might have enabled him to see he was being manipulated. He at the very least understands that Danzo is a warmonger and oppresses those he fears (the Uchiha). He understands that the rights of his clan have been sorely disrespected, and that the issue needs correction. He understands the anger of his friends and family. This is why it takes him much deliberation before he can even come close to making a decision. He plays both sides right up until the end, listening to Danzo, as well as Fugaku and Shisui, paying attention to the current atmosphere in the Leaf as he tries to decide.
It is something he doesn't want to do. Here's where I get to the part I put in the tags of my drawing.
In this situation, it's almost worthless to write an analysis about Itachi's feelings at this time, his understanding of what was actually going on, his loyalty to his clan or his loyalty to the Leaf, because really, he could not grasp it. He was never prepared for this. He never knew he would be asked to make a decision he could only understand as "your family or the world?"
Itachi was put in a position that had no happy ending. There was no decision he could make that would not hurt. That could not result in a cataclysm that split him right down the middle. There was no version of this story that a 13-year-old could carry out thinking "I have done the right thing."
And that's the important part. Both sides asked him to make this decision, and so both sides are guilty of placing an immeasurable pressure on a child who should never have been put in such a position. Regardless of ideology, regardless of price, regardless of oppression or loyalty or devotion or any other thing- someone else should have made this decision for Itachi. Someone else should have been responsible. An adult, at the very least. Someone who COULD understand the implications of both options. Someone who COULD go forward and appreciate the evil of fascism and know that a coup was necessary. Itachi was never capable of such a thing. If he made the "wrong" decision, than every child who can't explain to you what a fascist government in a military state looks like and explain what the difference is between a hate crime and resisting a hateful power, is also wrong. Here is the nuance. These are things a 13-year-old in this universe cannot be expected to understand unless they are taught. And Itachi had no teacher. Quite the opposite. There were only forces pressing him from both sides, saying "choose."
Had his father done this for him, had Shisui been in this position, had any other adult Uchiha acting as a spy been put to this task, it would be a much different narrative. But of course, it had to be Itachi, who Danzo knew he could manipulate. It had to be a child, someone skilled enough to do the job, but inexperienced enough, afraid enough, to be willing to sacrifice everything they had to see the mission through. Someone you could whisper "greater good" to and have them hand over their well being on a plate. Someone who didn't understand they had the power and strength to destroy the system threatening them.
On a narrative level, Itachi exists to illustrate this point. How young people are systematically indoctrinated to serve a greater purpose, be it under a specific government, religion, or otherwise. We see it in real life fascism, in real life cults. There's no mistake. It isn't an accident that Itachi's story begins like this.
Which brings me to the rest of his life. The reason I drew the picture in the post referenced at the top. Itachi's character is a bit of a mystery the rest of the anime. Be that because of bad writing or an intentional omission, his motives, thoughts, and opinions are largely left ambiguous. However, there are still a few moments that interest me as far as the implications of his development.
When Itachi first comes back to the Leaf village, he faces Kakashi. On the one hand, this could simply be a narrative tool- the big bad meets the big good. He takes Kakashi out of commission! The first rogue shinobi we see who is able to defeat the pillar of the Leaf, the Copy Ninja, and without even breaking a sweat!
On the other hand, I find the brutality of Itachi's attack very intriguing. Again, it could be the tough guy act, but he's able to keep three jonin busy easily using standard genjutsu (with the help of Kisame). It wouldn't be a stretch to say that using the tsukuyomi is overkill, and at a considerable price, we learn later.
Why then would Itachi, who has been shown to have excellent battle intelligence, who is strategic to a fault, be willing to jeopardize his health among other things just to... scare the Leaf? Make sure Kakashi wouldn't be a nuisance in the future? Sure, the last one would make collecting Naruto less complicated, but they dispatched Kakashi easily enough, and surely Jiraiya, who Naruto was with at the time, would pose a bigger problem than Kakashi.
It doesn't make strategic sense, which makes me wonder if Itachi has a special animosity toward Kakashi. Being his superior in the ANBU before the Uchiha massacre, someone who was willing to conduct surveillance of the Uchiha compound without question, Kakashi could have become a symbol of the indifference of the Leaf for Itachi. He could very well have been a reminder of the inoperable position Itachi was put in when he was still a child, and Kakashi, of course, was an adult. Another adult who did nothing. Noticed nothing. Did not help Itachi.
And while I'm certain that Kakashi would have taken severe issue with the goings on in the Leaf at that time, judging by his reaction when he finds out the truth in Shippuden, Itachi knows him only by what he did then. Facilitated surveillance of the Uchiha compound, was a supportive superior, but nothing greater. A bystander whose compassion, while well meaning, was entirely unhelpful.
I don't think it's far fetched that Itachi fucking crucified Kakashi because he was so angry at what being in the Leaf did to him. At some point, as he got older, he realized how terrible it was. He realized there were people like him. Children who were "born killers". Pawns in the game of the shinobi powers.
After leaving the village, Itachi joins the Akatsuki, who are also seeking peace through war (another story). He is supposed to spy for them, but doesn't follow through in any enthusiastic way (that we're shown). He works alone for quite some time, or else with a group (briefly he was shown with Conan and Kakuzu). He is partners with Orochimaru before he's expelled from the Akatsuki. He is partners with one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. He grows up and meets many people, sees lots of stories unfold. He learns that he isn't in a minority. Many shinobi are just like him.
And then, as an adult, he is partnered with Kisame, who he finds excellent camaraderie with because of their similar backgrounds. We see in this relationship that he understands what happened to him and what he did enough to acknowledge that, while neither of them are monsters, as many people say, they are human. And humans make mistakes. Humans are complicated. Wrong and right and wrong and right. They understand each other, and Itachi understands more clearly what the world puts these children up to. What it forces shinobi to become. That it isn't all his fault, but he still did it. And so he is responsible. He appears to be able to live with that.
But when he returns to the Leaf, those feelings bubble up. He hates the Leaf. He hates that system. He hates what he did. Maybe he even hates being a shinobi, how his excellence was weaponized, how being an Uchiha doomed him and his clan. And for what?
Itachi is played as a character who is only sensible, only logical, only interested in practical things, has nothing to express. But the way he behaves toward Kakashi in that moment bares all his grief and anger. I just like to think about it. We have so few moments where we get to see Itachi genuinely. The fight with Kakashi, the Sasuke/Deidara fight, his thoughtful moments with Kisame. Just makes me wonder what could've been if Itachi's story had gone a little differently.
Anyway, if anyone would like me to expand on any points or has additional thoughts, feel free to hop in my ask box or leave a comment. Thanks for the interest, I love to talk.
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kiwibongos · 9 months ago
im writing Something for a little fic and i was putting stuff in my notes for later on and it really just made me realize like how fucked up hajime is after all the Horrors. like, emotionally. him rediscovering emotions entirely. (maybe someone has talked abt this before, i just wanna store this here)
because when he's less of a hollow shell, all there is is grief and guilt in his brain. but then as time goes on, he slowly rediscovers what it means to be human, and learns these feelings again one by one. and it has to be such an agonizing process too ? and when they do happen, theyre all extremely overwhelming, out of the blue, and most likely even caused by really small things. my dude will eat a stale piece of bread or even smell expired dairy products, suddenly relearn disgust and feel ABSOLUTELY nauseous and just hurl over lmaoo
but for as for more serious topics, like properly feeling anger again, it'd be ticked off by little shit, bc he doesn't wanna lose control like that cause the frustration doubles. it'd get bad when he makes a mistake too. he'd freak the hell out, because izuru was the embodiment of perfection, of every talent cultivated into one single brain, so he *cant* mess up, but its too much for him to handle cause he's so used to being under that obligation and expectation, but now that he's losing his stability over all that, when he messes up just *slightly*, he feels ashamed and tries to fix it as fast as possible, whether or not its a big deal. itd definitely be really hard to get out of the mindset that, even though hes not izuru anymore, he has to be perfect. to him, he has to stay that way. cause if he fails at all, then he can't protect his friends anymore. does that make sense. the pressure would be literally crushing
also shock/surprise/excitement. everything was predictable and boring to him as izuru, so obviously all of that is still a huge issue that still lingers within him after the simulation, so he'd probably overcome that first and be caught off guard a lot bc, well, he's learning to be hajime again, he's not *exactly* the op superhuman genius anymore (in my head at least. cause when two minds practically mash together weirdly it creates a horrible hit-or-miss concoction lol) so even basic things become brand new to him, and hes fascinated and curious by everyone and everything. not like hes never seen it before, but its like hes experiencing it for the first time, even if its just mundane tasks in life, new methods and alternatives to things, etc. he's generally a very observant guy, and would also pick up on little traits and habits from all his friends. i have the feeling people would rub off on him extremely easily
love, serenity and happiness itself would be extremely hard to tackle and learn, or even notice? i think of so many scenarios of how this could happen. cause like sure he can feel joy, he can be glad, proud, relieved, and smile because his friends are there. but he's still yet to experience what happiness truly is, what it means to him, and it's not something he can do alone. so it just takes a while for that big boom to happen. perhaps its up to interpretation how it happens, go for it idc i have alot of scenarios stirring up in my brain, but overall, i think him actually bursting with happiness and feeling genuine peace within himself, and realize hes grateful for the life he has, and the future he got to choose, would probably be caused in the process of moving to jabberwock island. just seeing all his friends on the boat and knowing they've made it this far, and theyre going to be starting a new life on this island, and that theyre safe, would be enough to just like hit him. like Ough. and thats when he actually consciously realizes that he's happy, when every other waking moment, there's been some kind of empty pit in his stomach eating at him for so long
on top of all of this, he cant really control his emotions very well, either. thats also another massive con to all of it, and a downside of relearning these things because of how strongly they came swinging back. its alot to handle. even if theres so much knowledge packed in his brain, one little thing like that could be enough to make him bluescreen. so he ends up just going on autopilot or stuffing all of it away, just to make the bad stuff stop. (it becomes a very unhealthy habit that bites him in the ass later. everyone is mad at him for not taking care of himself. hajime is then swaddled into a blanket with a kiss on the forehead)
anyway theres probably more to add and id get into the nitty gritty of specific shit but i had to impulsively dump this here so might as well put up the basics. makes me so excited to work on this fic more, even if its in a more somber, different context, i just love to think about hajime and how he works through his emotions and picking up his old traits. yknow, being himself. but at the same time he isn't doing it alone. let my boy be happy. let him find himself again and move on from izuru
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gogobluedynamite · 12 days ago
I’ve been thinking about how the other players (and Caine) view Kinger, courtesy of the First Player. Sooo…I guess you will be expecting something like this in full for the fic.
Of the main cast, I can see one half treating Kinger as an actual person and the other half treating the man…not ideal.
The ones who I think treat Kinger like a regular person are Pomni (obviously), Gangle, and (believe it or not) Caine.
I’m not too sure how Pomni originally thought of Kinger, since she only had her one-to-one with him in Ep3. Before, she probably did just see him as a loon like everyone else. She does seem a bit patient with him throughout the manor adventure. I do think that after seeing the side of Kinger in the dark very much changed her views of him and just treated him like an actual person because the Kinger she got to know in Hell still exists in the fractured mind of the insane Kinger.
As for Gangle…Of what little interactions we’ve seen with the two, Gangle is very patient with Kinger with his forgetfulness and odd mannerisms. She also just talks to him as she would with anyone else.
Now Caine…We’ve seen about two interactions between the two (Ep1 and Ep4) and they weren’t really a one-to-one scenario like what Caine did with Zooble and Gangle. I reeeeeeeaaally we get that in a future episode. Other than that, I am a lowkey Royalteeth shipper. However, I do adore the father-son relationship writers cooked up for the pair in their fics, especially if Kinger did have a hand in Caine’s creation. But, for me, I lean more towards the fact that the two are very good friends. Perhaps even close friends before. At least colleagues in a way. I can see Caine generally going along with whatever insanity Kinger is spouting cuz…well, Caine is rather insane himself too. Think of the Mad Hatter and March Hare, I guess. I do think that Caine has similar views as Pomni does towards Kinger, but the main difference is that Caine truly got to meet the Kinger he once was…And maybe misses that side of him, despite entertaining Kinger's insane thought processes. Just like he missed the first arrivals to the Circus.
And, come on. I soooooooo headcanon that Caine’s love of bees came from either Kinger or Queenie. My money’s on Queenie.
As for the rest…
I do think that Jax and Zooble just see Kinger as a man who had long lost his marbles, with Jax (clearly) not thinking very highly of Kinger and Zooble, while probably nicer to Kinger in comparison, also doesn’t put a lot of faith in him.
Ragatha…is interesting. I don’t remember who brought this up to me, but this person kinda sees Ragatha as the de facto leader of the players. True, it was Jax who was taking charge in who's rescuing Zooble and who’s getting Kaufmo. Buuut…during Candy Carrier Chaos, it was Ragatha who was initiating conversation with the princess and Jax just does whatever as long as he can do crime. So, in a way, Ragatha succeeds Kinger as the group's leader and she knows this. She might have figured that Kinger used to be a leader of some kind because of how long he’s been around and he just…snapped one day. And she took it upon herself to take the leading role so Kinger doesn’t have to deal with it since he’s ‘already suffered enough’. What I’m getting at here is that while Ragatha could still respect Kinger, she still sees him as something broken that needs to be handled with care since he’s been through so much.
In other words…Ragatha might be a lowkey ableist here (I think microaggression might be accurate for this). Heck, she’s kind of an enabler too. Not in an encouraging way, but her people pleaser mindset sort of makes her let shit happen.
I know this might be a weird take as, well, if this is the case, then why would she let Kinger participate in adventures? Answers to that could be that, maybe, she’s tried this before. Long before Pomni arrived. And maybe the only reason she relents in letting Kinger join is because Caine insisted as he knows that Kinger can handle his adventures as he has done many times before the ragdoll’s arrival. Despite her worry (and despite not seeing that Kinger is very much capable of handling himself), Ragatha lets it be. She does grow to appreciate his presence, but is still concerned for his safety. His mental safety, that is.
I’m not sure if any of this made sense (and I might revamp my thinking on this in the future), but it was so interesting to think about.
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aldritch-ao3 · 4 months ago
(person who asked about toji and naoya) I'm really glad you feel the same way as me when it comes to their relationship, i honestly thought i'd only get a couple sentences, so thank you so much for that lengthy answer. Also with the 'naoya being an example of what gojo could've been' thing, i think that's really interesting. Cause i've seen something similar be explored before, with people writing naoya and gojo being raised as almost rivals of eachother, but they also seemed to glorify naoya in a way, so i took it more as their own intepretation rather than a reflection of how things would have been in canon. Back to your point with gojo and naoya tho, thinking about it more, you're really onto something there, cause kid gojo sorta acts like naoya?? still different, but the similarities are there. i also just realised toji seriously affected both of their lives. I can't imagine how naoya would have been had he not met toji. It just feels like he wouldn't be naoya. Christ, you were so right about toji haunting everyone. It's funny how someone regarded as nothing impacted so much of the lives of those who are regarded as everything. (you may be america's strongest run-on sentence soldier, but i'm britain's. we will compete to see who gains the title of world's strongest run-on sentence soldier one day..)
omg cross-sea solidarity ... why would we compete when we could instead join forces to make runon sentences that would make english majors puke
i case you couldn't tell by [gestures to playback] i have a lot of big big feelings about the zen'in clan in general, and naoya - honestly, feelings i didnt have before starting it that i've come around to the more i study these guys under a microscope! i dont know if the comparisons between young gojo and young naoya are intentional, but to me they're very much there - each is the prodigal genius heir of their clan, inheriting a genetic technique that sets them apart from a young age and has them both praised and isolated for this technique. each at a young age is egotistical and carries themself above others because that's been treated as outright fact by the people around them. gojo is exposed to other viewpoints and experiences that allow him to grow beyond it, though aspects of that mindset remain in him they don't take a malicious form - naoya isn't given that social opportunity, and instead stuck in an echo chamber that eventually makes him even worse than the people around him. they obviously aren't 1:1 but i do really think there's a comparison to be drawn
and imho the zen'in clan as a whole are kind of a microcosm of jujutsu society, where even those in privileged positions in the social hierarchy suffer and live less fulfilling lives for it. literally none of them seem happy. naoya is one of the most insecure, bitter, unhappy characters we meet imho, feeling challenged by and overcompensating to extreme measures to every single perceived threat and slight. we see much of the same with ogi, honestly, with one key difference - naoya doesn't seem to have anything or anyone that would make him happy, while ogi has a wife and children and yet self-sabotages every chance at a meaningful life and meaningful human connection because of his fixation on rank and power. his family is just an extension of himself, and therefore disappointing and discarded as worthless because they don't meet his expectations.
their hierarchy prevents a lot of meaningful connections from being formed with ideas of rank and power and honour and tradition getting in the way of them. not in a way that excuses the way a lot of these guys are, but as a whole this is a generational and societal issue as much as it is an individual one, and its noteworthy that someone like gojo, in contrast, turned out as relatively well-adjusted and normal as he did - under the right circumstances, he very well may have been much worse. isnt that just what all of their stories are? under the right circumstances, almost anyone could have ended up like geto, or like naoya. to me jjk is a series where theres a sense of nurture taking precedent over nature very often, and all the spectacular ways one's nature can remain unshaken and unchanged even in the face of that. or something.
this isn't even what your ask was about. i feel like a lot of this pertains to toji in interesting ways but also theres very little to be said about toji that hasn't been already. something something nature of cycles and how his breaking out of it had ripples across the entire world because the clan is representative of the world he was a part of something the way you must break tradition before it breaks you whatever.
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cookingwithroxy · 8 months ago
I found these reviews on this book written by this person under the pseudonym The Last Psychiatrist. The scroll bar makes them look long, but most of the bulk comes from the comment section. One review is longer than the others in a way, but only by half. I highly recommend you read through them all by maybe putting them in a text-to-speech program to run in the background to understand my question's context because I really need an informed opinion. There will be a popup to subscribe to the website but in reality, it isn't really required to read the whole review, so you can just close out the popup:
Article 1 (longest)
Article 2
Article 3 (shortest)
My question is, what do you think of the author's message? Is his message that "all media is porn" have any fruitful meaning or understanding that can be gleaned, alongside his other opinions? I feel like he's very misanthropic and due to my personally stemming distrust of anyone in the psychology field and anyone who reads self-help or "[concept/topic] is mentally destroying you and it's your fault" books, I can't really answer them myself without feeling biased. Everyone is hailing this book as a mirror held up to yourself, but I just don't get it.
TL:DR? I TL:DR'ed the review because the excerpts it used were too painful to read. 'All Media is Porn' is a concept that is nothing new, but it works it's best to note that this is to show there's nothing unnatural or corruptive about porn itself, and any faults it has can be shown in anything else. Using that concept to condemn all media is the mindset of a toddler.
You want to share my suffering, read past.
just reading the first review and honestly having to actually skim at times and I'm stuck with the takeaway of 'this is an intentionally pretentious book by an excessively pretentious narcissist written for extremely pretentious philosophy students'.
And that's before we even get to the concept of 'all media is porn' which... what does that even mean? 'Everything done for enjoyment is of equal value as things consumed for sexual gratification'? Congratulations, dipshit, you've reduced the entirety of the human experience to a binary equation that frames all the good things as form of utilitarian state that even you don't live up to.
Can I see that this book would be seen of as 'a mirror held up to yourself'? Yes, in that from what little I did read is so blatantly and obviously self-important and absolute horseshit that the people who'd actively seek it out are as equally self-important and bullshit.
I mean fuck, let me just excerpt an excerpt and you'll see what I mean:
'"Why so many footnotes???” Which is the same question as, “why are your sentences so long, why so many commas, what the hell is with you and semicolons?” It’s all on purpose, to get rid of readers. You’re stumped by the physical layout? This book is not for you, your brain is already set in concrete, it can never change, only crumble as it ages. Which is fine if your plan was to be a foundation for the next generation, but it isn’t; you’re the rotting walls that they have to knock down while you play the flute and pretend to give freedom to everyone else. If you look forward to TV, if you think “the problem with the youth today is that they’re entitled,” if you think, “damn all the partisanship, I wish someone in government would take charge and do the right thing — you are a true Athenian democrat. “I’ll take that as a compliment.” Yeah. I’m not saying you are necessarily a bad person, I’m just saying your kids would benefit from a more hands off approach to parenting. And a math tutor. Most of you should not read this book, the Disclaimer represents all the justification you deserve, I did everything I could to exclude everyone, including adding the porn story at the beginning, a Beware Of Dog sign written in cat.'
Is this pretentious? Oh fuck yes, but here's the thing that puts it further into context: The reviewer explaining what leads to it:
'Because this book is . . . what even is this book? The first page has an eight-page long footnote at the bottom, which covers the Delphic Oracle, the Salem Witch Trials, and the movie Fast Times At Ridgemont High, and ends up concluding that you (yes, you) are incapable of having desires. Immediately afterwards, the narrative breaks off for a thirty page cuckold porn story, which sounds like the sort of thing you do in order to discuss later, except that it never does. Then it’s back to more seemingly-crazy assertions and multi-dozen page footnotes. Footnote 35 is half a page of the author screaming at a hypothetical reader who wants fewer footnotes:'
So that whole screed about how you're some form of stodgy mind-blind stick in the mud...
If you recognize that his shit page layouts and bad annotations are shit and bad.
Seriously, I don't need to go further and this is so fucking stupid I really should put a fucking read more and tldr at the start rather than make you suffer what little I let myself suffer.
More detailed TL:DR? Anyone who hails this book to you needs to be checked out for dark triad traits more like than not.
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toxxtt-kotlc · 2 years ago
Hello! If I may, would you be amenable to expanding on your "most of you are kinda racist" tag? I do have an idea of what you're referring to with characterization for character of color, and there have been several posts about that in the fandom in the past, but I wanted to ask for clarity to know what you, specifically, have noticed. To be aware of what's happening, talk about it, correct mindsets and actions if needed
Of course, you don't have to answer and can just delete this if you'd like. No pressure. Hope you have a good day :)
hi! mostly i was referring to characterizations of the song twins and wylie and maruca. obviously posts about the issues with linh and tam have been made many times before. for the most part i think that problems with the song twins come from canon itself, but i think people in general need to be more conscientious when looking at their characters and the stereotypes that are already in them :)
and for wylie and maruca, i can't really speak on stereotypes and biases that the fandom has for them as a non-black person, but i just feel like they get put aside by the fandom a lot despite being major characters (wylie in particular)
i really feel like wylie should be an incredibly popular character in this fandom. i mean, he's just got so much... angst about him. you guys love angst. i feel like people take what makes his character so interesting and the hurt and loss that comes with him and just slap it onto another non-black character.
obviously not everyone has to be in love with wylie. but i think the reason such a hurt-and-comfort fic generating machine is ignored so much is because as a black male, he's automatically viewed as more masculine than other characters. therefore he can't be the fandom's "boohoo sad wet sopping cat" character like fitz or keefe, even though HE IS LITERALLY THE DEFINITION OF SOPPING WET SAD GOT KIDNAPPED AND TORTURED DEAD MOM FUCKED DAD WHAT ELSE DO YOU GUYS WANT FROM HIM!!!!!!!!
anyways i wish this was more eloquent but i just wrote this really quick!! these are really specific examples but i don't know how to put the general overall racism that i see into words... i'll work on that!! i also don't know how to explain the issues with fanon maruca that i see so
tldr: the song twin's characters have pretty obvious bias and stereotypes that the fandom needs to be more aware of, wylie isn't popular despite his sad cat-ness because black men are seen as more masculine, maruca's characterization makes me uncomfortable in general but idk how to explain it
please tell me if anything i said was wrong or hurtful! i am not black so you should always listen to black people before me. also i am probably biased as a die-hard wylie fan so take anything i say with a grain of salt :) would love to hear other people's opinions on this!
*also, put this in the tags but i feel like its important to say here too: sad sopping wet meow meow wylie is NOT a good interpretation/characterization its pretty shallow but he still should be getting the same treatment as other characters
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tryndei · 9 months ago
man i grew so tired of people portraying alexander as a manipulative heartless selfish evil villain and call him ooc if he doesn't lie to daniel for whole 0,0001 sec in fanfiction so right now right there i am going to explain YOU why YOU are wrong about this character!
and first of all, he is a complex character, just like daniel and has various traits that most people seem to forget. this means that alexander is not only capable of lying, abusing and torturing people near him, this means that he is also capable of sypmathise and care for people near him, just like he cared for daniel
most people seem to forget that alexander actually WANTED to save danny and even bring him to the other world, the only reason why he didn't is because he couldn't TRUST daniel(and because the portal could not allow more than a one person to go through it-) and not because he was so selfish and cruel that he easily left his friend behind.
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and the reason why he forced daniel to torture those victims was because his efforts weren't enough and he "had to teach his friend to harvest vitae", not because he thought that it would be fun to watch danny lose his mind from seeing gore
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people also do not pay the needed attention to the fact that alexander was betrayed by johann weyer and therefore he obviously lost his faith in people, which is very important, considering that at the end of the day he is still an otherwordly creature and not an actual human, however through the ages of living on earth he naturally managed to develop genuine connection with the humans, which his species perceive as a lower kind
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what i am trying to say is that if you want to call anyone in this game a villain(which is, honestly, a stupid decision as everything in atdd is messed up and everyone were hurt by everyone + labels are shit) then you should be honest to yourself and remember that not only the protagonist was hurt by his trusted ones :^
and the way he was explaining himself to his wife in those capsules showed that HE IS AWARE of the fact that what he does to his victims is inappropriate.
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and that he also regrets the atrocities that he commits to those people :)
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however i defend him not because i see him as a pure and innocent soul, i am not blind either, and i realise that alexander tends to justify himself and refuse to agree that he might be wrong, but, unfortunately(or fortunately? :0), we cannot be certain as we have never seen the real things that happened before his banishment
and he also might be simply not aware of the fact that he is wrong(or might be aware :D) and that is why i can say that alexander / ayandra is a complex characters because he really has a personality and isn't "evil" for the sake of being evil, he has his flaws and there are many of them, but he also is a victim in some way, so calling him "bad", because he was manipulative and calling daniel "good", because he was manipulated is not really smart way of viewing the characters and lore in general..... just like calling alexander good, because he had intention to reunite with his wife and calling daniel bad, because he killed people to save himself what a bastard how dare he have an instinct of self-preservation)))
and uhh he also didn't know everything about the orbs and the shadow so it's logical that he made mistakes poor old man(( shouldn't have commited crimes in his world :(
i know that i may be wrong and that i may love the character way too much and therefore not see the things that make him really shitty person, but my reason is already written in the beginning of the post i am tired even of being angry at the half of the fandom, that see only ugly traits of alexander and generally see the characters as "good" and "bad", this black and white mindset just pisses me off srry
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genderfluiddoppio · 1 year ago
Hiiii you should talk about why you love pakunoda a lot, I absolutely did not glom onto her when I was watching through hxh 2011, but I am so excited to be sold on her. Sorry if this is the wrong blog to ask on!
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I'm so glad you asked :) I also didn't really click with Pakunoda after watching the 2011 anime. I thought she was neat but that was it. But the 1999 anime (and ova) gave her a bit more time in the spotlight and developed her character A LOT more and once I watched that I was obsessed.
(Honestly I think the 1999 anime is better than the 2011 anime in general but that's a topic for another time)
Any time I go into the Pakunoda tag I get so mad because a lot of people tend to make her one personality trait Being A Woman. And I suppose it's my own damn fault for becoming obsessed w a female character in a shonen anime, especially one that only shows up for one arc (and a flashback in the manga).
Okay I'm gonna start with actual canon evidence (meaning like. literally any scene that has her in the 1999 and 2011 animes and the manga) of her personality/character before I delve into my insane theories/headcanons. Also spoilers for the manga obviously I'll try to keep the most spoilery bits to their own section
So Pakunoda doesn't get a lot of screen time and before the hostage exchange situation, she's pretty passive. She doesn't speak much and in the beginning of the York new arc, she's chilling with chrollo at the hideout. She doesn't get an active part in the story until the blackout happens and she decides to ignore chrollos orders to save him. Before this, the phantom troupe were like. Not generic villains, but they haven't had a chance to truly show their motivations. As far as the audience could tell, they were villains through and through and didn't have any sympathetic qualities. During the hostage exchange plot, we see a sympathetic side to Pakunoda and the rest of the phantom troupe and the troupe becomes more nuanced as characters. Not only do we see the spiders loyalty to chrollo, we see it's not as simple as "aw the villains wanna save their friends too just like the heroes" though that is part of it. It's made clear that some of the troupe considers following chrollos orders true loyalty, while Paku, shizuku, machi, nobunaga, and kortopi think saving chrollo is more important. Pakunoda even admits this would be seen as a "betrayal" because she's ignoring chrollos orders and compromising the safety/integrity of the troupe by valuing his life above all else. She says "consider me betraying the spider for your sake" when she decides to follow Kurapika's demands and go through with the hostage exchange. her loyalty differs from most of the other spiders because she's loyal to chrollo ABOVE her loyalty to the spiders. While I'm sure most of not all the spiders consider him a friend, they value his leadership and his orders above that. 
Also everyone talks about how chrollo and kurapika are parallels and like they're not wrong but kurapika and Pakunoda are just as similar if not more so and melody even points it out (internally) during the negotiation!
Melody says "[Pakunoda] who you despise with everything you have is driven by the same motive as you. She wishes to save her friend, her boss." 
Kurapika doesn't realize this because he's still clinging to the mindset that the troupe is a group of bloodthirsty heartless monsters, when in reality they are complex people with the same motivation as him, especially Pakunoda. The only reason kurapika is able to get Gon and killua back safely is because Pakunoda is just as desperate to get chrollo back safely. 
(Manga spoilers here kinda)
In the phantom troupe backstory, we see that Pakunoda was closer to chrollo than any other member of the phantom troupe. she refers to him as her "little squire/little brother" (depending on which translation you read) and says she likes how kind he is
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gonna throw one of my headcanon/theories in here but like. i feel like pakunoda still thinks of chrollo as that sweet kid who everyone had to look out for. i think part of her yearns to just be happy and carefree with her friends again. I didnt mention the ova's extended scene with the cat before now because i feel like thats the scene everyone points to when they say they like pakunoda. but i think it's even deeper than "pakunoda is nice to cats" because in the ova, the cat represents her and the troupe. while she takes the cat back to its colony, she flashes back to her time in meteor city when the troupe was first formed. not only that, but the cat has purple eyes like paku does (in the 1999 anime) and the black cat is positioned on top of the slide like how chrollo is positioned on top of the junk pile. i think thats when pakunoda made her decision to go back to the troupe and share what happened during the exchange, though she knew it would cost her her life.
Tldr; Pakunoda is (almost) singlehandedly carrying the phantom troupe's reputation as well written and nuanced characters and people tend to forget that
ALSO. Very important information.
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she has dimples
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beautifulpersonpeach · 2 years ago
I want to ask u sth serious pls its ok to ignore. What is ur view of solo stans? Do u think solos are bad or army can be friends with them?
I’m not friends with any solo stans, Anon. I’ve said what I think about solos before so I won’t rehash it, but given what I said, any ‘friendships’ I’d have with the solo wouldn’t be genuine. I know it, so why bother, you know? Anyway, while I’m not friends with solos, there are a few I occasionally talk to who generally give me the gist of what’s current. They’re intelligent, able to form a proper argument in their heads and see from an opposite point of view. So in many ways, my kind of people… they just also happen to be more morally ambiguous than I am and a little bit sociopathic. So, of course, they’re solos. Anyway, the ones I sometimes see are good at keeping their opinions concise and coherent. I also really appreciate their extremely sardonic sense of humour. I’ve noticed solos are really good at that biting, cynical, but richly humoured commentary that war veterans take on during their third campaign. You get this sense especially from PJMs. Those bitches have fought taekookers every day of their lives. They’ve seen some shit. Because taekookers are the actual scum of the earth, backwater stupid, oloriburukus that god forbid you ever encounter in real life. And nobody has to deal with taekookers more than PJMs.
And so for that reason, when I receive a silly ask from someone who is obviously a PJM, I usually delete it before I even finish reading it. Quietly, respectfully (?), and promptly. Rather than post them for jokes or whatever (though this might happen later lol). Not like that’s something special - a lot of asks I think are weird do get deleted and every solo gets the same treatment from me.
I don’t like that solos are so myopic and pessimistic. I don’t like the mindset being a solo stan (especially the sort at the frontlines of dealing with other lunatics) forces you to inhabit. I do like that their communities are a bit more close knit than ARMY, but that also means that solo stans have much less variation in thought and belief, than ARMYs do. It kinda irks me too that a lot of them are really tunnel-visioned in particular ways. But at least they provide raw manpower for supplemental streams and sales. And for voting, solos are admittedly more disciplined on being consistent at this, than any other section of the fandom.
Too many of them just want to see it all burn. I don’t like that either.
And so, no Anon, I’m not friends with solos nor do I think it’s alright to be friends with one. But it’s not like you need my opinion anyway, since everyone here just does what they want.
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runthepockets · 1 year ago
I've been thinking a lot about "the war on masculinity" today and I came to this conclusion: I don't believe there's any grand war being waged on it, or that men are being "pussified", or whatever, but I do have reservations and resentment toward anything that boils down to "if men would just embrace their feminine sides and paint their nails and wear pink and show their soft sides more, everything would be perfect!" and nothing beyond that.
Look. I like stuffed animals, and chick flicks. There was a point in my life where I was a "boy with long hair" (I had dreads and cornrows till I was like, 14) I tell my little brothers and my dad and my roommate and my friends and pretty much everyone I love in my life that I love them and miss them and am proud of them and when I'm sad or insecure like, every day. I'm chill with dudes who like makeup and skirts and pink stuff, and wholeheartedly believe there's merit and letting these guys know they're as sexy and desirable as any flannel wearing, beefed up dude. I'll admit that there was a point in my life where I was that of your standard homophobic middle school straight boy where I turned my nose up at / mocked guys like that, but now I'm older and wiser and learned better and I have no ill will or condescending remarks or anything to say toward them. I know all that soft stuff pretty intimately, and feel no shame in admitting anything of it.
That said: I still kinda hate the idea that in order to be seen as "nonthreatening" I gotta divulge all of these things about myself. I won't say it's a large scale issue, or whatever, but I do sense the hesitation when I see people recommending that men who worry about their positions as patriarchs under patriarchy and what that means for the women and kids and gay people in their lives, who have never explicitly expressed any prior interest in experimenting with their presentation or interests or genders, simply "accept the feminine side they're so obviously in denial of" as the solution to combatting the capitalist white supremacist patriarchy and the rigid gender roles they're beholden to rather than, like, advising those guys to pick what they like about their current interest / presentations and shirking off all the bits that come off as chauvanistic (IE: I'm a heterosexual, working class dude from the south. I like guns, I like fancy pocket knives, gritty rock music, I like old school muscle cars and 90s pickup trucks and doing shit with my hands. I'm also black and a huge nerd, and am fully aware that these subcultures are very gatekeep-y toward women and gay people, let alone myself as another straight dude solely because of the color of my skin, so I just treat everyone that shows any interest in them the same as I would any other dude.) and simply proceeding on as you were before.
Again, I think it's great that men are very openly wearing skirts and painting their nails and watching magical girl animes, and stuff. That shit is wicked, and I know the occassional "friendly reminder that it's ok for boys to be soft" or "I love boys who've undergone the trials and tribulations of unpacking toxic masculinity, I feel so safe around them" post is helping more than it hurts, and generally isn't the grander opinion society draws to and needs to be said as a result. But also.....idk man, you can't be telling me the only way to escape hegemonic masculinity as a man is by being more like Harry Styles. Or by telling girls you listen to Pop Music and cry over Disney movies. Like even in a world without patriarchy, that's not going to be most men. Even under patriarchy, that's not all women. That's not a sustainable mindset. This can't be all there is. Surely there's a way to enjoy action movies and archery as a man without alienating the marginalized people around you or having to compromise yourself.
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Destroying the Red Ribbon Army: Chapter 2
King Cold took them to the war room on his ship. It was just about everything one could expect from a space war room of the ruler of a multi-galaxy empire. There was holographs everywhere, especially on the war table itself. The war table showed the section of Earth around where the ship was. No one liked that these ships can scan their surroundings up to 1,000 kilometers, as the holographic map showed. 
“The first lab we are going to destroy is about 800 kilometers away from us,” Cold started to explain, “It is rather large, so we sent scouts to scan the place so we can get a floorplan.” 
“You can do that?” Krillin asked
“Of course, we obviously do not want to go in blind,” Cold stood over the table, using his hands to zoom in so he could see the lab up close. Everyone could see the floor plan slowly being generated before their eyes!
“Wow, that’s some sick tech. How is that happening?” Yamcha asked in awe.
“My scouts are using scanners that can detect things such as walls, vents, wire, depth, and more to scan the building from a distance. This is helpful in this particular case, as most of the building seems to be underground.” Cold answered
“And how are they doing that without being detected?”
“As you can imagine the scanners are designed to undetectable by several means of long distance detection. Not to mention the scanners they are using have a range of about 20 kilometers, so the scouts shouldn’t be detected unless they are physically seen.”
“Man, that explains how Frieza and Cooler kept finding us so quickly. I bet the scouters that these guys wear do similar things.” Tien said.
King Cold didn’t reply; he was thinking, carefully formulating a plan in his head as the floorplan formed before him. He was especially making sure to look for any rooms where any prisoners or test subjects might be held. Little did the heros know that King Cold was a military genuis. Considered the best Acorsican general of the millennia, not only did he amass and conquer the empire he’s known for today, he’s actually the first one of his family to rule. Earlier in life, before marriage was ever on his mind, he overthrew what is now called the Old Acorsican rule and everyone wanted him to be the new king, so he became king. Oh yeah, and he was only 15 when he did this. 
King Cold’s men got excited. It had been a while since the king had done a campaign himself, with the latest Acorsican campaigns being done by Frieza and Cooler. The new recruits that were with him especially wanted to see the King’s famed genius in action. In fact, it was already happening, with the gears turning in his head as more and more of the lab was revealed to him. The heros were certainly in for a treat when the time comes. 
Speaking of, the heros decided to go to another room and talk amongst themselves. They chose the training room to do so.
“Did you see the look on that guy’s face? He’s thinking really hard” Yamcha said.
“Yeah, it actually makes me kind of nervous. Imagine if Frieza or Cooler used that technology and their brains instead of just fighting us. What Frieza did to me on Namek was bad enough; I don’t want to know what they’re capable of when they actually think.” Krillin almost shuddered at the thought of one of the brothers actually waging war on Earth.
“Well at least we have Goku. I like to think that all that stops mattering when you’re fighting a Super Saiyan.” Tien reassured 
“Yes, but we also have to consider that we might not have Goku forever.” Piccolo pointed out, “He is a magnet for these kind of guys, from the Saiyans to Frieza on Namek to this upcoming Andriod invasion there will come a point where he will have to leave us. We have to continue training and getting stronger so we can show Goku that we can defend ourselves and what is important to us.”
Chaiotzu’s face said that he did not like the thought of that at all. 
“Guys come on, we’re not going to get anywhere with that mindset. Yes, we will all continue training but I’m not giving up on my friend Goku either.” Yamcha said confidently
“That is not what I meant but if that motivates them to train then fine” Piccolo thought to himself.
“Yamcha’s right, we gotta have faith, and hey, this whole war campaign with Frieza’s dad might not be so bad after all. Though I do wonder what he’ll have us do.” Krillin sat criss crossed on the floor
Tien, Yamcha and Chaiotzu did the same. Everyone knew they would have to rest up and not push themselves too hard before whatever mission King Cold was planning. It occurred to them that no one was actually experienced in actual war tactics, so it really will have to be them following orders at least until the plan goes awry, if it goes awry, that is.
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asphodelzthornz · 2 years ago
Here is an incredibly long and probably mistake filled infodump I made on adora in she ra cause I love her.
I’m so tired of people saying what happened in the horde didn’t affect adora, because it visibly did and most likely still does.
The two main causes of this are most likely cut down to two things, the military lifestyle of the horde, and shadow weaver.
She is always read for combat, in an episode decently well into the series we see she sleeps a dagger under her pillow (the one where she visits bows family). She is also more jumpy and on guard, she herself states she hasn’t relaxed in her life and while it’s played as a joke her behavior seems to reflect on that. She is constantly throwing herself into battle, doesn’t matter if she’s prepared or not she’s ready. She also has a habit of not sleeping when stressed and just in general seems to view herself as a weapon.
She seems to separate herself from she ra but not in a way that matters, she veiws she ra and in a way herself as a weapon. It’s not unreasonable to assume that the horde tried to make them into human weapons, but adora seems to have a harder time balancing that.
This is when shadow weaver begins to come into play. Shadow weaver is incredibly cruel to both catra and adora, we see this in the flashbacks to their childhood and we see this in mystacor etc.
Shadow weaver wants adora to depend solely on her, she needs adora for the horde to win therefore she needs adora to see her as the only thing she has. Obviously shadow weaver isn’t stupid, she most likely understands that adora will resent her if she forces her to only talk to her etc. The thing is is that with catra adora starts to depend on her, they love eachother and based on how catra acts when adora talks to lonnie they most likely only typically spend much time together, they *need* eachother. Which is something that shadow weaver most likely noticed, she knows that catra is a bit more rebellious which means that at any momment catra could convince adora that shadow weaver is bad. This most likely is why shadow weaver started to resort to Violence as often as she did.
We also aren’t fully sure if shadow weaver had ever pulled the mind erasing trick on adora before. She convinces adora that catras punsihment when they where young in a way was adoras fault since “adora is responsible for her.” In a way this is probably a big reason for adoras mindset. Yes the horde conditioned them to be nothing but soilders (as seen in the fact that showing weakness was bad from when she tells glimmer to not show signs of a cold when she’s glitching) but shadow weaver taught her that she needed her. Adora cares about shadow weaver, she can deny it all she wants but you can see in the way she speaks about her that she views her as important. If she views her as important then who’s to say that shadow weaver isn’t right, that she is responsible for her friends therefore responsible for their lives, no matter the cost. Shadow weaver also recognized this fear in the mystacor episode, saying they only wanted her because of she ra. And when shadow weaver does come back she intentionally aggravates adora, even if it was just teasing it wouldn’t be past shadow weaver to be trying to manipulate her. Hell even when she supposedly switched sides in the end she STILL tries to make adora atleast semi more dependable on her, saying catra was a distraction ehich would mean shadow weaver isn’t one.
The horde like I said also had its negative effects, it did on everyone. The difference is the severity of those affects, look at scorpia, lonnie, etc for a momment. They almost seem less jaded then adora and catra sure they are still soilders and under manipulation but they almost seem less bothered by it. Scorpia doesn’t have that same fearful look catra holds when shadow weaver is close, and with Lonnie and the gang they seemed more distressed when catra was in lead. Every single one of the horde soilders wants to fight the princesses but none of them have the issue adora has, throwing themselves into the problem over and over till Someone grounds them. Catra and adora are also very visibly flinch at sudden movement. They also seem to suffer nightmares, adora having a few instances she woke up gasping or again during the mystacor episode where when she wakes up she shouts for glimmer until she appears, and glimmer doesn’t appear to be suprised by this.
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celest1alchaos · 1 month ago
Shadow work thoughts:
What are my problems internally?
Why did the why? Solution.
I feel dumb - due to lack of knowledge on music, politics, movies, history. Being behind in life due to mental health. Not being able to speak fluently due to v
I feel like I can’t talk - due to feeling dumb and weird, having self doubt and being overly critical and worried what others think of me. - this came from being too outspoken in the past publicly/triple c rants that caused deep embarrassment and shame from others judgment and shunning of me.
I feel like a lame friend- this is bc of Jessica dumping me, her and Karissa’s posts and general rhetoric on friends w issues being toxic & beneath those who r normal, my ex cheating on me for my friends, them not telling me and looking down on me for staying. Alexa taking advantage and mistreating me. People unfriending me online when I’m supportive of them/ not bothering to add me vs others cuz I’m not goth looking enough online or popular enough?
I feel like I don’t fit in anywhere and stick out like a sore thumb, also causing me to recently become self concious that what if my self expression is perceived as attention seeking? Am I too old to be fashionable in this lifestyle - bc my style and artistic expression and presence is more important to me than pleasing suits and old people so I can make shit money at some bs job. which gets good attention mostly but ig these days with my hyper self consciousness and low confidence it does make me feel out on the spot to stay on defense or like perform cuz I don’t feel confident or okay w myself and feel very looked at + worrying that I’m being perceived as trying to look hot when not having a hot personality or aura but a menacing grim one which is a contradiction I love and wear very well but I’m not sure if that aura is helping me step up in life due to being intimidating? - but in my core I am a fuckkng attention whore that doesn’t even have to speak to express myself, I’m an artist and punk that hates this worlds mediocrity and conformity. And even if I don’t create or make capital off my artistry , simply looking interesting and daring to be a sore thumb is art in this bleak fucking world. I’m my hearts dreams I wanna be a singer in a band god dammit. - I think what may bring these thoughts in my mind is that I’m 22 now, and everyone ik that’s “successful” dresses modest and boring asf. Since I didn’t make it on social media as a teen I could be seen as a loser try hard that can’t accept she’s an adult?
Am I too old to reach a lifestyle where I can dress cool and party and post pics - I feel this way obviously because of social media, the styles I love and girls I adore are like 18-19 and they seem they got the whole world in their hands since they r skinny and have money and popularity and confidence. And the ones my age or near are doing music, have many followers and admirers and do their art and making money off of being artsy and fashionable and badass and I’m still trying to figure out how to keep a post up for more than 5 mins without finding a way to cringe at myself n delete it. I still feel a teenage wound that I never reached thinness so I could model and post like I always wanted to.
I don’t know how to post or talk to a audience anymore- this is yet again because of psychosis embarrassment and being cold shouldered by Facebook, and being too self critical and in my head before I speak.
I think im fat and ugly - this is because I have a binge eating disorder, ana/mia habits and mindset. I don’t like my body, I binge too much, by reasonating with having a BED it glitches my brain to enact those habits even if I don’t actually want to. It’s a response to stress and self sadness. My skin makes me feel horrible, it’s always breaking out now could be cuz my diet, drinking, stress, hormones, and that I stress pick and pop every pore, and have made it a normal self destructing coping mechanism like BED. And I also feel ugly cuz I don’t have many followers cuz I don’t post from waiting to be beautiful enjough and I don’t get compliments much anymore from my bf or family.
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