#obvious i redesigned their patterns like quite a bit
zero-is-nebulous · 2 years
What If you and your mate were moths living in a kind strangers garden and you got to chill by the lamp
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Ver1 text:
[Hi, Mumbo!]
[U seeing this, G?]
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Since it's been a while, could we have your thoughts on the other evos for the Paldean starters?
We'll go with the last two stages of the Quaxly line, as those are the only starters I haven't done yet:
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Quaxwell isn't quite as unique of a middle evo as Floragato or Crocalor, as it doesn't have a distinctive visual element that's entirely its own (like Floragato's yo-yo or Crocalor's sombrero). With that said, it still avoids being nothing but a transitional stage due to its anatomy (not as humanoid as Quaquaval but not as duck-like as Quaxly) and its colors, which keep Quaxly's white and aqua but add a predominant darker blue into the mix.
Visually, I like the way the hand feathers are designed, and how the shape and patterning on them is mimicked by both the chest and the tail. I also like the simple limited color palette, with the light blue drawing attention to the face/eyes and a bit more on the chest and tail to draw the color through.
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The one thing that bugs me about the design is the "hat" on top. It feels weirdly bulbous compared to either its evo or pre-evo due to how high up it goes, and the hard highlight makes it look bizarrely plastic-y. Something about the blue on the feet also bugs me, probably just because it feels rather arbitrary. Aside from that, it's solid enough and makes the direction the line is going in clear.
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Thankfully, Quaquaval is a carnival dancer and not some kind of conquistador, as was my original fear when trying to guess what direction Quaxly would go in. It's also a peacock, something more obvious when its "aqua feathers" are spread out:
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I like what they were going for overall here. The dancer theme is clear enough but not overly on-the-nose, and combining a peacock with the festive costumes worn during carnival makes sense. There's also a fairly clear through line with it and its pre-evos.
With that said, though, I do have two major issues with this design. First, the anatomy is pretty wonky. You have fairly humanoid legs that lead up into a duck pelvis, which then abruptly joins with a more humanoid torso at a 90 degree angle, almost like a centaur. It's bizarre to say the least, and really makes it look stranger than it should. Here are two fan redesigns that give it proper bird legs that I'm rather fond of:
The colors also bug me a bit. The red feels extraneous, especially on the coot feet, where it only serves to draw more attention to the toes of all things. The dark blue also feels a bit too dark—I would've preferred something closer to Quaxwell's palette— and it's strange to have white only in the neck area and nowhere else. I'm also not fond of the wing-hands, which look a bit broken compared to Quaxwell's, and I feel like the string of tail feathers at the side aren't needed.
Overall, the line has the right idea and some interesting concepts, but unfortunately some funky anatomy really holds it back from being fantastic.
Also, shoutout to its running animation. They didn't need to make it that funny, but they did and I respect that.
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blueaizu · 11 months
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A somewhat older drawing, but one that I remember putting a ton of time into! Look closely - absolutely everything was done by hand, stroke by stroke. It's not representative of how I draw now, but I can't help but be mesmerized by the textured yet cartoony look.
== Read more commentary about this character after the break! ==
This drawing was one which was made to explore Lucida, which is and always was her legal name, as a character. Lucida is one of my oldest OCs (in terms of how long I've been drawing her, not her in-universe age). Lucida is a prodigy in magic and making potions for her family's business, but she's quite scatterbrained and naïve everywhere else. Notice the upside-down sign on the otherwise unrealistically-well-made-for-her-age wooden stand!
Lucida's design here is significantly different compared to how she is now. She's still a jovial little witch in a school uniform-like outfit, but other than that her appearance is completely different. Lucida isn't in any published stories (at least not yet), so there was a lot of freedom in how I could change her look, and change her look I did.
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I made Lucida blue because back then she was a mascot for my pages, but the old purple color didn't make any sense for someone with "Blue" in their name. Aizu's since taken her place and he's much closer to truly representing me than Lucida ever was, but I decided to keep her blue since it lent itself nicely to a more night sky like coloration, and I felt blue was a more unique color for a witch than purple. This also lead to the incorporation of crescent moon patterns in her overall look, but these revisions came later.
I also replaced the leech-like hat with a more traditional witch hat to make the fact she's a witch more obvious. The hat was always meant to add just a bit of edge to Lucida to keep her from seeming too "girly" (I want her to have cross appeal, in other words). Lucida's original backstory did heavily involve the leech, which kept her raging magic under control but made her a little... empty-headed. I felt it was too depressing for a non-horror character and like people were just kind of put off by the leech in general, so I decided to scrap it and redesign her.
Lucida's current backstory is much simpler and more lighthearted; she's a young, well meaning witch trying to help her family's business in making and selling potions. However, Lucida has a habit of unintentionally stumbling into or causing dangerous situations both because of mixing the potions and finding the ingredients for them. This makes people feel a bit uneasy around her, but she's genuinely friendly and also very cute so they'll usually ease up.
I haven't forgotten about Lucida just because Aizu's replaced her as the face of my pages. I have some pretty big plans in mind for adventures about her, in fact, so please look forward to seeing them!
By the way, there's also a Japanese version of the drawing I made for Pixiv!
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It's just a direct translation of the sign, "Lucy's Elixirs". Also upside-down, naturally! I didn't intentionally misspell the sign, though, so that was kind of lost in the translation. But if it's not grammatically correct I can call that a happy accident!
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freeleague · 2 years
Google maps apk for fire tablet
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Do you think that put the machine at an unfair advantage over Kasparov? WN: You took input from several chess experts in developing Deep Blue. We told it what it was doing wrong, in a sense, and hoped that would be fixed. It just understood more about chess and was able to play better because of it. That's some halftime pep talk.Ĭampbell: That was one of the factors we ran on a larger IBM supercomputer, but we also redesigned the chess-specific hardware so it would run more chess patterns. WN: Deep Blue got some software modifications and hardware upgrades for its next match that helped it analyze 200,000,000 moves per second.
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Pretty much it was right down to the wire, so we obviously were quite pleased when it won the first game of that match, even though it lost the match. So there was frantic testing before the first match. WN: The buildup to the first Deep Blue game - were you guys at all nervous?Ĭampbell: Yeah, it was a bit of a nerve-wracking time, mainly because the hardware that Deep Blue ran only got working a few weeks before the match. WN: Kasparov easily beat Deep Thought 2-0. There were just two games between Deep Thought and Kasparov and I think many people were surprised at the level of interest that that match drew. Actually, at the time, in 1989, it was a fairly low-key event.
WN: How did the notion come about of a contest with Kasparov? It was obviously going to be a high-profile match.Ĭampbell: I don't think it was obvious at all. There was a turning point in the '70s when it was realized that, if you let computers do what they do best - that is, search through as many possibilities as they can as quickly as they can - and stop the pretense of trying to emulate how humans play, you actually got better performance.Īnd so, from that day on, computers, including Deep Blue, tended to be focused on searching through as many possible chess moves as they could in the amount of time that was available for a computation. WN: What are Deep Blue’s roots, and on what technological principles did its forebears operate?Ĭampbell: Claude Shannon, the famous computer scientist and mathematician proposed that chess was a grand challenge for these new things called computers - if you could get a computer to play chess at the world champion level, you had done something really special. In the 10 years since the match, I have yet to see any evidence of cheating. One of the things about conspiracy theories is that, really, you should present some evidence rather than just make a theory up.
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Your response?Ĭampbell: In my mind, they're ridiculous. WN: Some conspiracies emerged that say the computer was being controlled by human grand masters behind the scenes. WN: Why do you think the match captured the public imagination to such a great degree? We're past the stage where there's a debate about who's better - machines or grand masters - and we're just looking for interesting ways to make the competition fairer. They're even taking relatively dramatic steps like giving handicaps to computers, making them play the game with a pawn less or playing the game with less time. WN: What’s going to be the next move in supercomputing over the next 10 years?Ĭampbell: It's almost the end of the story for chess in the sense that matches between chess machines and grand masters are becoming less interesting because it's so difficult for the human grand masters to compete successfully. If you look at the supercomputer that Deep Blue ran on, I think a present-day Cell processor has as much processing power as that entire system did in 1997. Murray Campbell: Not so well! The current world champion, Vladimir Kramnik from Russia, lost a match to a PC program in November, 4-2.
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foolish-gold · 4 years
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I know mlp is cringe or w/e but I felt like doing some mane six mild redesigns.
The pegasi are tiny and thin as hell bc they gotta fly. They also have hollow bones. They have feathering because of the pun there. (And it's not really obvious here because the two main six pegasi already kid of fit this, but I imagine pegasi tend to be typical sky colours. Lots of blue, quite a bit of white grey and black, and then pegasi like fluttershy with pinks/yellows/oranges)
I meant the earth ponies to be like. Medium sized and stocky, but I made the unicorns a bit too tall and now the earth ponies look a bit short, whoops. Nothing really of note with their designs, but I imagine patterns are a lot more common on earth ponies, so I gave Applejack a load of freckles and Pinkie Pie those bubbly patches (meant to be remeniscent of vitiligo)
I wanted unicorns to look inherently magical, even without their horns, so I made them extra tall and preternaturally slender, and you can't really see it here but their backs slope down a bit rather than being level. I also gave them a different tail style because I feel that suits unicorns. And then to top it off I gave them a gradient on their legs with one colour that's a bit darker than their main body and a secondary colour for the tips that's one of the two neighbouring colours on a hue picker (so given that they both had purple bases I picked blue for Rarity and pink for Twilight because those colours were reflected elsewhere in their designs.)
I did keep their cutiemarks basically the same because I didn't want to go too over the top with changes, but I do have a concept where a cutiemark is made up of a few simple symbols that grow and spread over the coat as the pony ages.
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gloriaglamont · 5 years
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a planner. I plan weekly menus before I go to the grocery store. I map out an entire two-week road trip months in advance ensuring that all hotels are booked for the right days and I know the precise driving time between stops. I write outlines for everything I write, and writing is what I do in my other life (in this one, too, you might well respond – I don’t outline blog posts, though, which is probably obvious!).
To be clear, when I started my writing career many years ago, I learned very quickly that to sell a non-fiction book to a publisher, I’d need to learn to write a book proposal which is nothing short of a complete outline among a lot of other stuff. So, I learned the process of book proposal writing well enough to sell seven or eight books that way. So, when it comes to my sewing and design life, I pretty much take that same approach.
Remember my cruise collection? That started with an actual inspiration board, moved on to sketches, then I created original patterns, chose fabrics planned for specific projects (no fabric hoarding here). My Little Black Dress project? It progressed the same way as did my three Little French Jackets. So, I have no reason to think that much of my work will be on the fly. Well, you know what they say: “The best laid plans…” Let me back up a bit.
When I returned to fashion design and sewing a few years ago, much had changed in that world. For years my sewing machine collected dust between jean hemming and costume sewing projects. (I’m happy to say that the costume sewing for children’s theatre actually resulted in a child who grew up to be successful in the performing arts.) Then, the muse struck and I finally had the time to devote to a return to something I had loved as a young adult. But, as I mentioned, there were many new things.
This is the one I have. I use it infrequently. 
First there was the rotary cutter. When I first saw one, I thought, Doesn’t anyone use shears anymore? I soon learned that, yes, shears are the way to go on most projects for me. I use a rotary cutter mostly for interfacing and muslin cutting. Otherwise, they’re not my thing – dreadful on silk, wool, bouclé etc. Then there were the patterns.
I had never before heard that McCall’s, Vogue, Butterick and Simplicity were now referred to as “the big four” and not in a good way. What was that all about, I thought? This led me to learn about the new “indie” pattern companies. That sounds very democratic, doesn’t it? What I found was an avalanche of half-baked patterns, generally for tent-like bags that would fit everyone and no one – I’ll leave the rest of that rant for another day to equalize out all those rants from sewers who seem to dislike the “big four” with a passion. I happen to think they do very good work. But that’s for another day. Anyway, I finally found a legitimate one or two whose patterns interested me. Style Arc was one.
An Australian company, Style Arc’s sketches were what really drew me in. And I loved the fact that not all of their patterns are for knits which means that they really do have to know how to create something that fits. That being said, I decided to try one that was for a knit first.
What’s not to love about this sketch? Well, I should have look more closely at the version on the right. 
The other thing that had changed was that not all patterns came in little envelopes anymore. Some of them were pdf downloads. Who knew? Well, just about everyone but me! Everyone has to have a first time, though, don’t they?
Style Arc produces both hard copy patterns and pdf’s. I decided to try my first pdf and my first indie pattern all in one fell swoop.
I used to have a cardigan sweater I loved so much it was actually worn out by the time I finished with it. t hadn’t been expensive, either, but was black (a must for a sweater that will serve me over the long term) and instead of buttons, it had a half-waist tie. It looked terrific with collared shirts, T-shirts, just everything.  It had a lot more style than the average cardigan. So, when I saw Style Arc’s Terry Tie Cardigan pattern, I was in.
I downloaded it and printed it out. Then, of course, I proceeded to tape it all together, as one must. Interesting. I cut out the pattern pieces and looked for some fabric.
Wouldn’t you think that something called “sweater knit” would be great? I did. But…well, stay with me.
There were just so many things wrong with the pattern in my view. It has these shoulder tucks—too many of them and way too small for the fabric I’d chosen. When I went back to Pattern Review to look at other people’s versions, they were all in flimsy jersey, so the tucks worked – but they were hideous. They were shapeless columns of jersey even with the belt tied. If I had looked at them first (lesson learned) I would never have chosen the pattern. But onward…
Okay, the first problem was the tucks, as I mentioned. Then, there was too much overlap at the front – and neither the centre front nor the waistline was marked by the way, a real problem with trying to get it to fit properly. The ties were too close to the centre front resulting in an odd look which was very evident on the ones done by others as I found out. Oh, and the seam allowances: you have to be very careful not to assume that they are standard 5/8 inch. They are not. The sleeves were too long (of course, this is an easy fix, but do women really look like orangutans?), leading me to think the sketch is quite misleading. So, what to do?
  Back to the drawing board I go to try to rescue the project.
First, redraw those shoulders without the tucks.
Then, move the belt so that it is farther away from the centre front (which I had to find).
Then, as I went to sew it, I realized that the belt was going to be butt ugly so I ditched it.
Ditched the belt and took in the waist darts, extending them to the hem for a better fit.
Put it on Gloria junior, and began to redesign it on the fly.
Actually, I really enjoyed the “semi-draping” process. I redrew the pattern and it no longer resembles the original in any way.
It’s not at all what I had originally envisioned, but I’ll love it on cold days next winter. I left all the edges serged only. 
What I learned about myself is that designing on the fly might not be such a bad approach, and that I think I would enjoy learning draping as a design process.
I love it when I learn something from every project!
Designing on the fly…or how the first pdf pattern I ever used morphed into a GG Collection original #amsewing #indiepatterns #StyleArc #diystyle Anyone who knows me knows that I am a planner. I plan weekly menus before I go to the grocery store.
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woozi · 3 years
*waves* hi yza!! car crash anon here, it was nice to hear from you too!! I’ll be honest my first thought seeing ur response was “wow the shirt in that reaction pic is red, too” so u can fully see the extent of my brainrot. but I’ve actually gotten some more motivation to pick it up and am enjoying it! ok genuinely tho I was analyzing the coke zero lyrics half as a joke but now I am fully serious. I actually think my theory abt woozi not knowing abt the redesign is Crucial to the concept of the song *clears throat* so like, mv aside, the whole song “ruby” is obsessed w/ like… ruby and the color red. this person thats making the narrator go crazy over them. however, red isnt just what the person of interest (poi) wears or has (lips)—red is like… symbolic of the attraction itself. it’s what ties them together + reflects them in each other—as many things as the song references I feel like there’s a consistent pattern of the narrator being touched devoured or otherwise connected to red, as much as the poi? special attention to the “I see myself in you” line—the narrator is seeing red, the colour of infatuation, attraction, a children’s hospital (lol)… but like the poi is red, the narrator is red as well. idk mv this was obvious and I’m saying nothing new but like even the whole prechorus w/ the “making me a beautiful jewel” and “every time I look at you, I keep turning red” “go color me like you” so it’s like idk. the way red is literally inescapable and devouring him? the narrators had his heart taken captive so like, because everything about poi is red, everything abt him also becomes red. so like… even a Coke Zero, which hasn’t, until quite recently, become predominantly red, also becomes red… and it’s like. wow even in the most mundane bits of life the red will stay. not only will it stay it’ll change things into red. like idk maybe it’s not that #deep BUT I do think it’s interesting how the narrator has like lyrics of. wow he’s drinking a soda. he refers to the poi as “my forbidden fruit” right like it’s all… there he almost seems to suggest that this sort of obsession or love is some kind of desire that it’s his choice to fall into—a fruit he’s chosen to consume… but if anything, it seems like the other person here is the one consuming him—his attention, his attraction, his love, his vision, etc. ALSO the like sorta edited vocals in the back during his guitar part r like “ruby eyes, ruby ocean […] baby my eyes are ruby” (I hear it as maybe personally but my analysis doesn’t actually change with that) SO. idk I feel like eyes r always important conceptually window to the soul etc etc so I feel like that’s the moment u know like. ok now narrator has become like fully enamoured or whatever. now for what purpose am I saying all of this? well nothing really. but ALSO may I propose ruby: halloween (specifically vampire) ver. everything lines up. blinded by the shine? easy peasy theyre like the twilight sparklepires. ok w/ that joke out of the way lol. uhhh the infatuation situation have where the narrator is being consumed but also is infatuated. same way a vampire might enchant / seduce it’s prey. the forbidden fruit. poi is literally a vampire that’s all very dark and unreachable. but it’s also something u literally can’t reject? the whole go color me like you turning red thing… blood drinking. other vampire motifs u can have a blood moon somewhere too. what is a ruby ocean but blood really. easy. at the guitar solo now the narrator gets to turn into a “ruby” vampire too. ruby lips WOW ITS ALMOST LIKE IF YOU ENGAGE IN DRINKING BLOOD UR LIPS GET STAINED RED… etc etc. ill take my leave now lol ty for ur support once again! also I dunno if it was weird to use narrator and poi instead of like. saying woozis name but I wanted to be formal and like the person singing the song does not always = character / concept theyre embodying hence my choice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. have a good day/night/ambiguous time of day!
reading through this was an experience to say the least JKFDFKJDFKDJ
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otherworldlygame · 8 years
Progress Update - New Engine, Cliffside Textures, Text Box, Font, Stats, and more
Howdy! Here's a little update to salivate your appetites. God knows I haven't posted anything major lately. Well, say no more - now we have quite a lot of changes to cover!
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For starters, you'll note the redesign of the cliffside tileset. I really want the environments of the magician's world to be as artificial as possible, hence the unnatural design I went with previously. However, it felt a little too...unprofessional, I think?...to use that earlier design, and so I've redesigned it with that same artificiality in mind, but with a much sleeker and blocky design (considering how we humans just love making things into simple shapes). Now the trees are purposely clunky but separated into even cube-like structures, and the cliff itself even has a notable black barrier to indicate it's fake nature.
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A far, far bigger change, however, is the conversion of the game into a newer game engine (VX Ace, instead of 2003). It's taken a bit of sprite redesigning and scaling, as well as rethinking of certain variables in the game's planned structure, but on the whole I truly believe this will allow for more flexibility in regards to the end goals I'm working towards for my game. The biggest challenge will be to rework the combat system - I may end up using some scripts in regards to that for a new combat engine altogether, but we'll just have to see how things go. One thing you might notice is the inclusion of a different font type. I'm not sure which font I'm gonna go with in the end, but, like the combat system, we'll have to see how things go. For now we'll be using the Calibri font until I find (or perhaps design!) something more retro.
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The Boxer's stats!...are still a WIP. Take note that the stats themselves are renamed for a more thematic effect. Attack = ATK, Defense = DEF, S. Attack = MAT, S. Defense = MDF, Swiftness = AGI, Fortune = LUK. Also note the change of Level to "Karma Rate"...this will be more than just a name change. Probably. No guarantees. Where's all the Boxer's magic, you ask? Well, he doesn't have any! He's not a magician, after all. Gameplay wise, this means he'll be functioning off of TP, so don't worry. What a curious nickname up there...I wonder what it could mean?
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Dialogue! Yay! :) I haven't addressed the glaringly obvious dialogue box change yet. I'm going over various themes and styles for the box, and so far the rainbow pattern looks good. It's much better than the bland grey I had earlier. The outer layer has been restructured or a more consistently retro look, but the inner pattern is more or less the same (pixel wise, not colour wise), and that may be changed in the future. Unfortunately there aren't any screenshots of the entrance to the Monk's monastery yet...at least, not the reworked version anyway. That tileset is still undergoing a redesign, but fear not! The end product will look much less bland and 2d!...I hope. Whatever, you get the point. Probably.
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BONUS -  Screenshot comparison between old version and new of the first walkable area. Note the jumbled formation of trees in the old vs the orderly, cubic formation of the new.
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biofunmy · 5 years
Would You Like to Spend Forever in This Tree?
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. — Death comes for all of us, but Silicon Valley has, until recently, not come for death.
Who can blame them for the hesitation? The death services industry is heavily regulated and fraught with religious and health considerations. The handling of dead bodies doesn’t seem ripe for venture-backed disruption. The gravestone doesn’t seem an obvious target for innovation.
But in a forest south of Silicon Valley, a new start-up is hoping to change that. The company is called Better Place Forests. It’s trying to make a better graveyard.
“Cemeteries are really expensive and really terrible, and basically I just knew there had to be something better,” said Sandy Gibson, the chief executive of Better Place. “We’re trying to redesign the entire end-of-life experience.”
And so Mr. Gibson’s company is buying forests, arranging conservation easements intended to prevent the land from ever being developed, and then selling people the right to have their cremated remains mixed with fertilizer and fed to a particular tree.
The Better Place team is this month opening a forest in Point Arena, a bit south of Mendocino; preselling trees at a second California location, in Santa Cruz; and developing four more spots around the country. They have a few dozen remains in the soil already, and Mr. Gibson says they have sold thousands of trees to the future dead. Most of the customers are “pre-need” — middle-aged and healthy, possibly decades ahead of finding themselves in the roots.
Better Place Forests has raised $12 million in venture capital funding. And other than the topic of dead bodies coming up fairly often, the office is a normal San Francisco start-up, with around 45 people bustling around and frequenting the roof deck with a view of the water.
There is a certain risk to being buried in a start-up forest. When the tree dies, Better Place says it will plant a new one at that same spot. But a redwood can live 700 years, and almost all start-ups in Silicon Valley fail, so it requires a certain amount of faith that someone will be there to install a new sapling.
Still, Mr. Gibson said most customers, especially those based in the Bay Area, like the idea of being part of a start-up even after life. The first few people to buy trees were called founders.
“You’re part of this forest, but you’re also part of creating this forest,” said Mr. Gibson, a tall man who speaks slowly and carefully, as though he is giving bad news gently. “People love that.”
Bring Your Dog, Forever
Customers come to claim a tree for perpetuity. This now costs between $3,000 (for those who want to be mixed into the earth at the base of a small young tree or a less desirable species of tree) and upward of $30,000 (for those who wish to reside forever by an old redwood). For those who don’t mind spending eternity with strangers, there is also an entry-level price of $970 to enter the soil of a community tree. (Cremation is not included.)
A steward then installs a small round plaque in the earth like a gravestone.
When the ashes come, the team at Better Place digs a three-foot by two-foot trench at the roots of the tree. Then, at a long table, the team mixes the person’s cremated remains with soil and water, sometimes adding other elements to offset the naturally highly alkaline and sodium-rich qualities of bone ash. It’s important the soil stay moist; bacteria will be what breaks down the remains.
Because the forest is not a cemetery, rules are much looser. For example: pets are allowed. Often customers want their ashes to be mixed with their pets’ ashes, Mr. Gibson said.
“Pets are a huge thing,” Mr. Gibson said. “It’s where everyone in your family can be spread. This is your tree.”
“Spreading” is what they call the ash deposit. The trench is a “space,” the watering can is a “vessel,” the on-site sales staff are “forest stewards.” When it comes to both death and start-ups, euphemisms abound.
It’s all pretty low-tech: mix ashes in with dirt and put a little placard in the soil. But there is a tech element: For an extra fee, customers can have a digital memorial video made. Walking through the forest, visitors will be able to scan a placard and watch a 12-minute digital portrait of the deceased talking straight to camera about his or her life. Some will allow their videos to be viewed by anyone walking through the forest, others will opt only for family members. Privacy settings will be decided before death.
Death Is a Growth Industry
As cities are running out of room to bury the dead, the cost of funerals and caskets has increased more than twice as fast as prices for all commodities. In the Bay Area, a traditional funeral and plot burial often costs $15,000 to $20,000. The majority of Americans are now choosing to be cremated.
“The death services market is very big — $20 billion a year — and customer approval is low,” said Jon Callaghan, a partner at True Ventures, an investor in Better Places. “The product is broken.”
The firm’s other investments include Blue Bottle, Peloton and Fitbit, and Mr. Callaghan sees consumers of those products as ones who would be interested also in Better Place trees.
“Every industry seems to have its time when things get wild,” said Nancy Pfund, the founder and a managing partner at DBL Partners, which led early funding. “It’s been mobile apps, it’s been cars, it’s been fake meat, and now it is death care,” she said.
“But we have to come up with a better name than ‘death care.’ Maybe it’s legacy care,” she added. “Maybe it’s eternity management.”
Around 75 million Americans will reach the life expectancy age of 78 between 2024 and 2042, Better Place suggests. The company’s pitch is that tree burial is good for the environment, the location is more beautiful than a traditional graveyard — and it’s cheaper as well.
Ms. Pfund also sees these forests as a way to monetize conservation. Actively managing a forest is expensive, so much so that financially strained state park systems are having to turn down gifts of land. Conservation easements, an agreement between an organization and the government to preserve land, have become more popular as a solution.
“No one has really made a big business monetizing conservation, nothing that could scale,” Ms. Pfund said. “So a bell went off when we heard this pitch.”
Where’s Grandma?
Those tracking the death services industry are more skeptical about how disruptive it will be.
John O’Conner, who runs Menlo Park Funerals, said more than 90 percent of his clients opt for cremation.
“Most of my people scatter on their own,” Mr. O’Conner said. “They just go at night, scatter grandma, have a cup of champagne, and every day they drive by that park they know grandma is there. Why would they pay $20,000 to go to a memorial grove when they can scatter at any little park they want to for free?”
That act is, technically, illegal.
“Don’t ask, don’t tell,” Mr. O’Conner said. He said he knew of a few golf courses in the region that had to put up signs imploring people not to scatter guest remains there.
Ben Deci, a spokesman for California’s Cemetery and Funeral Bureau, said Better Place Forests’ activities do not fall under the bureau’s purview.
“It looks to me like they’ve just purchased large tracts for forest land and are allowing people to disperse their ashes, and they say here ‘This’ll be your tree or whatever,’” Mr. Deci said. “You don’t need our approval to do that.”
Mr. Gibson does have a permit from the state verifying him as a cremated remains disposer. “But that’s not quite the right way to think about it,” he said.
How to Choose the Right Forever Tree
One recent day, Mr. Gibson walked through his 80 acres of Santa Cruz forest where about 6,000 trees are available, many wrapped in different colored ribbons, waiting to be chosen.
“The last major innovation in cemeteries was the lawn cemetery in the ’50s and ’60s, basically so they could get a lawn mower through easier,” Mr. Gibson said.
To claim a tree, customers walk through the forest and find one that speaks to them. The Better Place brochure also guides them: Coastal redwoods are “soaring and ancient,” tan oaks are “quirky and giving,” while a Douglas fir is “stately and reverent.”
“Some people want a tree that is totally isolated, and some people really want to be around people and be part of a fairy ring,” Mr. Gibson said. “Some people will come in and they’ll fall in love with a stump.”
“People love stumps,” he said, pointing out a few trees people bought just for the nearby stumps. “They’ve got a lot of personality.”
Younger people often choose younger trees because they like the idea of growth.
Debra Lee, a retired administrative assistant in San Jose, felt immediate kinship with the madrone tree she chose.
“She’s about 60 years old, and I’m 63,” Ms. Lee said of the mature evergreen with dark red bark. “Looking at her growth pattern you can see things have been hard at times because she’s kind of curved, but she made it to the top to get to the sunlight.”
When a customer chooses her tree, as Ms. Lee did, she cuts the ribbon off in what Better Place calls the ribbon ceremony.
As Mr. Gibson hiked across the Santa Cruz forest in a sweater and work boots, he noticed a rhododendron, his mother’s favorite flower, growing out of a stump.
Both his parents died when he was young, and, at 12, Mr. Gibson was adopted by his half brother. He is now 36, and, since then, he has spent many afternoons in Toronto at his parent’s grave site, set on a noisy corner, with a shiny black headstone that reflects traffic.
“You remember them dying, you remember the memorial service, and you remember the image of their final resting place,” Mr. Gibson said. He was haunted by that badly designed grave site. “It’s comically bad.”
Visiting their grave in 2015, he decided to quit his job running a marketing automation company. He would make a better graveyard.
“A lot of investors laughed at us when I first pitched this,” Mr. Gibson said. “People don’t really like thinking about this.”
Sahred From Source link Technology
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2F6hB4D via IFTTT
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Armchair Analyst: One big Q for each of the Conference Championship teams
November 12, 201812:19PM EST
We’re 14 days away from the first leg of the respective Conference Championship series, which mean nothing yet falls under the category of “urgent.” That said, film study and tactical prep has already started in New Jersey and Georgia, and Portland and KC. There will be down time, but that will be followed by a week-and-a-half of work.
Each team will have a dual focus. Focus No. 1: Sharpening up the things you already do – making sure passing patterns are well drilled, and off-the-ball movement is clear and sharp, and defensive responsibilities are clear. Focus No. 2: Preparing for what your opponent’s going to throw at you. For Peter Vermes, pulling apart the Timbers’ low block is a different sort of proposition than surviving RSL’s street-ball attack, you know?
With that in mind, here’s one big question for each of the four teams remaining in the hunt for MLS Cup.
Atlanta United
Can they handle RBNY’s press and physicality?
This column is mostly supposed to be a question for each of these teams, but let’s not mince words: This is the question for Atlanta United, given how easily and thoroughly RBNY have handled them over the past two years.
The culmination (to this point, anyway), came at the end of September when the Five Stripes went up to Harrison and got both played and kicked off the pitch in a dispiriting 2-0 loss – one that seemed to stick with them for a month. You could certainly say that they weren’t the same team in October that they’d been in the six months prior to that.
And guess what? They’re still not the same team. And that actually might not be a bad thing because this new sit-and-counter-and-get-into-the-occasional-rock-fight version of Atlanta United seem better equipped to give RBNY fits. Look at what they did to NYCFC on Sunday:
It’s all pretty nondescript and even until you get down to total passes, passing accuracy, possession and duels won, and that tells the story. The Five Stripes didn’t try to play through NYCFC (another very good pressing team) this series; they invited the Cityzens upfield and then blitzed into the space behind them. They didn’t stretch their own backline; they dared David Villa & Co. to bust down the door. And in the process, they won the lion’s share of duels – 50/50s, essentially – all over the field.
This is probably what they should do against the Red Bulls. Maybe I’ll go a step further: This probably what they have to do against the Red Bulls, given how lopsided the match-ups between the teams have been so far.
And bear this in mind: RBNY don’t struggle against pressing teams, and they destroy possession teams. Know what still troubles them every time they see it, though? The bunker. 
New York Red Bulls
Will the attack keep sharing the load?
Over the past four years I’ve harped on the fact that Bradley Wright-Phillips hasn’t been quite good enough to carry the Red Bulls through the playoffs on his own, and left unsaid has been the obvious subtext: If the rest of the attack had showed up, he wouldn’t have been asked to carry the Red Bulls through the playoffs on his own.
Through one series, 2018 has been different so far. Columbus made a concerted effort to make the other guys do the work and held BWP to a single chance across 180 minutes. They cut him out of the game, and that meant the rest of RBNY would have to answer the “can we actually put the ball in the net?” question.
On Sunday, they did so in the affirmative. First it was Alex Muyl redirecting an Aaron Long shot off a set piece, and then it was Myul (along with just about everyone else on the field, including BWP) setting up the first of Daniel Royer’s two on the night. This is just a spectacular team goal:
Muyl and Royer, and hopefully Kaku and maybe Derrick Etienne Jr. will all have to keep up something close to their recent output for the Red Bulls to get past Atlanta. Partly because we’ve seen this movie before, and partly because BWP is actually in a bit of a dry spell – he’s scored in just two of his last nine appearances, and has only one goal in his last six games dating back to mid-September.
It’s a bad time for a slump, but a good time for teammates to get your back.
Portland Timbers
Are they going to have to open it up at any point?
The Timbers have Diego Valeri and Diego Chara, two of the greatest players in league history at their respective positions. They have, in Sebastian Blanco and Jeremy Ebobisse, two starting attackers capable of making a difference in the playoffs. They have a solid if unspectacular backline and ‘keeper. They have Dairon Asprilla off the bench, and it turns out that if it’s November, Dairon Asprilla off the bench can win you a game or two.
They also have a thing. Their thing is that they don’t really want that much of the ball and are perfectly content to absorb and counter. They tried to be different earlier in the season, and it didn’t work. So they went back to their thing in early October, and they’ve looked like one of the best teams in the league ever since.
Here’s the thing: That thing doesn’t work if they have to open up and chase the result at all. You don’t bunker your way to a come-from-behind victory unless your opponent forgets how to soccer.
This, from two months ago, is what it looked like the last time the Timbers had to chase a game:
I expect Gio Savarese to play this one slow and steady at home. The series can’t be won at Providence Park, but it can for damn sure be lost in a big hurry. And while SKC haven’t been great defensively, their goal at Rio Tinto a week ago is a reminder that they still remember where and when and how to press when they absolutely have to.
Sporting KC
Can they defend up the gut?
I feel very much like this is a question submitted from bizarro world, because we’re living in a timeline where SKC don’t really seem to know how to defend. This is weird.
Sunday was also weird, because they came into the game with a very nice road draw, and then went up 2-0 early. At that point everyone in the world – except, apparently, for the 11 guys in Claret and Cobalt on the field and probably a few on the bench – thought the series was done, dusted and consigned to the trash bin of history.
But credit to RSL: They would not stop going in. And no credit to SKC for never really coming up with a plan to just make them quit it.
That is way, way way way too easy. Throughout the entire second half SKC were unable to navigate the tension between staying compact and getting pressure to the ball, and so they became stretched and ragged, and forced into copious amounts of emergency defense. It is a borderline miracle they did not concede a third goal over the final 15 minutes, and the final scoreline truly did flatter the hosts.
They break down when teams go right up the gut. Valeri, Blanco, Chara, Ebobisse… let them turn inside and start combining, and it gets ugly quick for Sporting.
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MLSsoccer.com News
Armchair Analyst: One big Q for each of the Conference Championship teams was originally published on 365 Football
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itesfashion · 6 years
Top Ideas for Website Patterns
Many commercial enterprise website development assignments start with superb vision although end up creating less than good results. Small enterprises faced with funds constraints and little or no experience in the process of business web design often find themselves on the wrong side of their finished net project thinking exactly where issues went wrong. Usually the response lies with the client plus the web design or development organization.
It’s Everything regarding Communication The effort of a good web development provider is to guide you in taking the perspective you have for your website or perhaps web task and turn it into a simple fact. An initial “discovery meeting” should be the first step in working with your own business web design and development firm. The way to generate that process most effective is good for the client and the developer to possess a clear comprehension of both the main issue and the great points. The goal is usually to arrive at a consensus to your project that meets the project goals you have specified. Those aims should be led by the funds and specialized considerations that you and the web design company have got identified prior to beginning building your project. As we all know, the devil is usually inside the details.
The best way to insure maximum results to your small business webdevelopment project should be to take some time in preparation to get obvious in your mind what exactly your are planning to accomplish. The next step in the process should be a good reality finding mission guided by the web job manager or perhaps web designer. The web builder should use this opportunity to not merely gather the details of your project but to clearly understand your vision and what you need the end result being. From there it is crucial that lines of interaction between you and the web development firm or website design company be stored open each step of the process of the method to ensure a continued consensus on the task direction.
Understanding that, here are a few essential steps you can take in preparation with the first talking. The aim should be to help you make one of the most of the “discovery” process and still provide some appear advice to guide you along the way.
Great Process Makes Good Associates
1 . Broad Strokes Take some time to think about what you will absolutely trying to accomplish with your site or net project. Develop in about how your project fits with your organization, your market and finally your customers. In case the project is perfect for internal work with, how does it fit with the staff? Your internet site is ultimately about a business or advertising solution that solves a problem or pair of problems. Are these the best trying to solve? What are you trying to attain?
2 . Who Are You? Support your web development company figure out your business as well as your brand. If it’s a new internet site or a redesign that shows a new seem, it’s helpful to have some of the promotional materials, logos, letterhead, etc . available for the discovery reaching. You want to convey who you are being a business and just how you present yourself to the earth. The company or web programmer you work with needs to be interested in this kind of and be able to sum up it back to you personally. If you’re a fresh company tackling small business web development for the first time , nor really have a lot in the way of logos or logos, don’t sweat it. An effective website design firm should be able to assist you to generate design elements that indicate who you are or perhaps recommend a copy that specializes in company logo or personalisation for business. Retain a list of websites you come across where the website development speaks to you personally. The important thing is to reach a good design consensus.
3. Remember Your Target market As your contemplating your business website development project, give attention to your website site visitors. Who happen to be your customers? Which ultimately who have the website or web development job is being created for. Who is going to be using the web page and how light beer going to use it? Can be the objective? Are you looking to generate leads from the website, systemize your getting process, sell products over the internet, allows buyers or personnel to access several information? Because you are the tone for the end users within the site, ensure that and give all of them ample concern during the development process.
4. You Don’t Have to Get it done All At Once The advantage of the web is the fact it is a potent and coming in medium. Your site can progress in levels and you don’t have to accomplish anything in Phase i treatment of your internet project. You may brainstorm with out barriers of what you really want. Then, develop in and decide where the best starting point is. That is an area where an experienced world wide web developer will be able to provide instruction. Perhaps phase i treatment of your organization web development project will be a fresh site creation that is targeted on good style and offers necessary content with regards to your company as well as your services. It may include a e-zine subscriber “call to action” box to each page. Stage II might be the addition of an internet store that allows customers to view order history and create reorders. Phase III could integrate added efficiency to the store like the set up of a number of components, in depth reporting or a place just for customer opinions. For business web design and development, financial constraints have to be contended with. A website can be quite a work in progress and develop with your organization. Breaking the job into digestible pieces cannot only help you in getting better insight into what the points are nonetheless it can also help in spreading your cost.
some. The Devils in the Information You don’t need to understand every detail earlier in terms of the way the project look. A good business web designer or perhaps developer will need to work with you through the process to draw out those great points. It really is useful to provide some believed in advance to as many regions of the job as possible, specifically where jobs involve interactive customer-based websites. To that end, it usually is helpful to sketch out the step-by-step flow of what you’re here trying to accomplish and how facts flows. You could have a superior idea in your head regarding how each component should glimpse and act. Putting it on paper facilitates communicate it to the net company. Or, maybe 2 weeks . bit devious and setting up the pad to conventional paper can be extremely helpful in clarifying the own strategies and aims. Whether designing a new internet site or redecorating an existing internet site, jotting down a website outline is a great starting point. Exactly what the key parts of the website? What content do you wish to include for your visitors and where are you wanting them to go? During the first discovery meeting, the objective ought to be to do a large amount of fact finding. The more information you wpress1.nearlohosting.com can supply the web development business, the quicker and more successfully you can take your eyesight to fruition.
6. Have a tendency Sweat The little Stuff While it is very useful to put some significant thought in to the project to your initial breakthrough discovery meeting, the nature of business web development projects is that many excellent points will be shaped and forged because the job development unrolls. That’s why an important part of the process should involve the net development enterprise staging your project on the web (preferably in a staging area of the internet company’s server). Then, while steps are completed and the project steps forward, a consensus relating to the final result is definitely maintained. Tiny adjustments when the task progresses are normal and anticipated. As long as all of the key points are in place, do feel like you can’t adjust moderate details because things head out along. With that in mind do keep in mind that major revisions or additions to project development can add on an hourly basis labor and impact the cost. Make sure you learn how much “adjustment” space to get allowed with out incurring more costs. Should you have a change or perhaps addition that will impact the results on the proposal, request that you be advised in advance and possess full divieto or authorization before function proceeds.
Final result The best way to ensure that your web development task doesn’t miss the recognise is by preparing for the process and selecting a small company web development firm that can help you to realize your vision. Ideally, this guide definitely will serve as a useful tool in the imaginative and development process. It was designed not merely for small business owners and managers but to end up being shared with the web page developer or perhaps designer you ultimately occupy. The process of great web development is approximately reaching a general opinion defined simply by budget, eye-sight, technical requirements and great communication. The blending of people elements functions to build the research for success with the project and a final result that understands your vision and functions your business.
The post Top Ideas for Website Patterns appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion https://ift.tt/2KM0zco via IFTTT from Untitled https://ift.tt/2INdP09 via IFTTT from Ladies Fashion https://ift.tt/2GLV1MK via IFTTT
0 notes
fashionoutfit6 · 6 years
Top Ideas for Website Patterns
Many commercial enterprise website development assignments start with superb vision although end up creating less than good results. Small enterprises faced with funds constraints and little or no experience in the process of business web design often find themselves on the wrong side of their finished net project thinking exactly where issues went wrong. Usually the response lies with the client plus the web design or development organization.
It’s Everything regarding Communication The effort of a good web development provider is to guide you in taking the perspective you have for your website or perhaps web task and turn it into a simple fact. An initial “discovery meeting” should be the first step in working with your own business web design and development firm. The way to generate that process most effective is good for the client and the developer to possess a clear comprehension of both the main issue and the great points. The goal is usually to arrive at a consensus to your project that meets the project goals you have specified. Those aims should be led by the funds and specialized considerations that you and the web design company have got identified prior to beginning building your project. As we all know, the devil is usually inside the details.
The best way to insure maximum results to your small business webdevelopment project should be to take some time in preparation to get obvious in your mind what exactly your are planning to accomplish. The next step in the process should be a good reality finding mission guided by the web job manager or perhaps web designer. The web builder should use this opportunity to not merely gather the details of your project but to clearly understand your vision and what you need the end result being. From there it is crucial that lines of interaction between you and the web development firm or website design company be stored open each step of the process of the method to ensure a continued consensus on the task direction.
Understanding that, here are a few essential steps you can take in preparation with the first talking. The aim should be to help you make one of the most of the “discovery” process and still provide some appear advice to guide you along the way.
Great Process Makes Good Associates
1 . Broad Strokes Take some time to think about what you will absolutely trying to accomplish with your site or net project. Develop in about how your project fits with your organization, your market and finally your customers. In case the project is perfect for internal work with, how does it fit with the staff? Your internet site is ultimately about a business or advertising solution that solves a problem or pair of problems. Are these the best trying to solve? What are you trying to attain?
2 . Who Are You? Support your web development company figure out your business as well as your brand. If it’s a new internet site or a redesign that shows a new seem, it’s helpful to have some of the promotional materials, logos, letterhead, etc . available for the discovery reaching. You want to convey who you are being a business and just how you present yourself to the earth. The company or web programmer you work with needs to be interested in this kind of and be able to sum up it back to you personally. If you’re a fresh company tackling small business web development for the first time , nor really have a lot in the way of logos or logos, don’t sweat it. An effective website design firm should be able to assist you to generate design elements that indicate who you are or perhaps recommend a copy that specializes in company logo or personalisation for business. Retain a list of websites you come across where the website development speaks to you personally. The important thing is to reach a good design consensus.
3. Remember Your Target market As your contemplating your business website development project, give attention to your website site visitors. Who happen to be your customers? Which ultimately who have the website or web development job is being created for. Who is going to be using the web page and how light beer going to use it? Can be the objective? Are you looking to generate leads from the website, systemize your getting process, sell products over the internet, allows buyers or personnel to access several information? Because you are the tone for the end users within the site, ensure that and give all of them ample concern during the development process.
4. You Don’t Have to Get it done All At Once The advantage of the web is the fact it is a potent and coming in medium. Your site can progress in levels and you don’t have to accomplish anything in Phase i treatment of your internet project. You may brainstorm with out barriers of what you really want. Then, develop in and decide where the best starting point is. That is an area where an experienced world wide web developer will be able to provide instruction. Perhaps phase i treatment of your organization web development project will be a fresh site creation that is targeted on good style and offers necessary content with regards to your company as well as your services. It may include a e-zine subscriber “call to action” box to each page. Stage II might be the addition of an internet store that allows customers to view order history and create reorders. Phase III could integrate added efficiency to the store like the set up of a number of components, in depth reporting or a place just for customer opinions. For business web design and development, financial constraints have to be contended with. A website can be quite a work in progress and develop with your organization. Breaking the job into digestible pieces cannot only help you in getting better insight into what the points are nonetheless it can also help in spreading your cost.
some. The Devils in the Information You don’t need to understand every detail earlier in terms of the way the project look. A good business web designer or perhaps developer will need to work with you through the process to draw out those great points. It really is useful to provide some believed in advance to as many regions of the job as possible, specifically where jobs involve interactive customer-based websites. To that end, it usually is helpful to sketch out the step-by-step flow of what you’re here trying to accomplish and how facts flows. You could have a superior idea in your head regarding how each component should glimpse and act. Putting it on paper facilitates communicate it to the net company. Or, maybe 2 weeks . bit devious and setting up the pad to conventional paper can be extremely helpful in clarifying the own strategies and aims. Whether designing a new internet site or redecorating an existing internet site, jotting down a website outline is a great starting point. Exactly what the key parts of the website? What content do you wish to include for your visitors and where are you wanting them to go? During the first discovery meeting, the objective ought to be to do a large amount of fact finding. The more information you wpress1.nearlohosting.com can supply the web development business, the quicker and more successfully you can take your eyesight to fruition.
6. Have a tendency Sweat The little Stuff While it is very useful to put some significant thought in to the project to your initial breakthrough discovery meeting, the nature of business web development projects is that many excellent points will be shaped and forged because the job development unrolls. That’s why an important part of the process should involve the net development enterprise staging your project on the web (preferably in a staging area of the internet company’s server). Then, while steps are completed and the project steps forward, a consensus relating to the final result is definitely maintained. Tiny adjustments when the task progresses are normal and anticipated. As long as all of the key points are in place, do feel like you can’t adjust moderate details because things head out along. With that in mind do keep in mind that major revisions or additions to project development can add on an hourly basis labor and impact the cost. Make sure you learn how much “adjustment” space to get allowed with out incurring more costs. Should you have a change or perhaps addition that will impact the results on the proposal, request that you be advised in advance and possess full divieto or authorization before function proceeds.
Final result The best way to ensure that your web development task doesn’t miss the recognise is by preparing for the process and selecting a small company web development firm that can help you to realize your vision. Ideally, this guide definitely will serve as a useful tool in the imaginative and development process. It was designed not merely for small business owners and managers but to end up being shared with the web page developer or perhaps designer you ultimately occupy. The process of great web development is approximately reaching a general opinion defined simply by budget, eye-sight, technical requirements and great communication. The blending of people elements functions to build the research for success with the project and a final result that understands your vision and functions your business.
The post Top Ideas for Website Patterns appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion https://ift.tt/2KM0zco via IFTTT from Untitled https://ift.tt/2INdP09 via IFTTT from Ladiesfashion25 https://ift.tt/2ILAmys via IFTTT
0 notes
ladiesfashion25 · 6 years
Top Ideas for Website Patterns
Many commercial enterprise website development assignments start with superb vision although end up creating less than good results. Small enterprises faced with funds constraints and little or no experience in the process of business web design often find themselves on the wrong side of their finished net project thinking exactly where issues went wrong. Usually the response lies with the client plus the web design or development organization.
It’s Everything regarding Communication The effort of a good web development provider is to guide you in taking the perspective you have for your website or perhaps web task and turn it into a simple fact. An initial “discovery meeting” should be the first step in working with your own business web design and development firm. The way to generate that process most effective is good for the client and the developer to possess a clear comprehension of both the main issue and the great points. The goal is usually to arrive at a consensus to your project that meets the project goals you have specified. Those aims should be led by the funds and specialized considerations that you and the web design company have got identified prior to beginning building your project. As we all know, the devil is usually inside the details.
The best way to insure maximum results to your small business webdevelopment project should be to take some time in preparation to get obvious in your mind what exactly your are planning to accomplish. The next step in the process should be a good reality finding mission guided by the web job manager or perhaps web designer. The web builder should use this opportunity to not merely gather the details of your project but to clearly understand your vision and what you need the end result being. From there it is crucial that lines of interaction between you and the web development firm or website design company be stored open each step of the process of the method to ensure a continued consensus on the task direction.
Understanding that, here are a few essential steps you can take in preparation with the first talking. The aim should be to help you make one of the most of the “discovery” process and still provide some appear advice to guide you along the way.
Great Process Makes Good Associates
1 . Broad Strokes Take some time to think about what you will absolutely trying to accomplish with your site or net project. Develop in about how your project fits with your organization, your market and finally your customers. In case the project is perfect for internal work with, how does it fit with the staff? Your internet site is ultimately about a business or advertising solution that solves a problem or pair of problems. Are these the best trying to solve? What are you trying to attain?
2 . Who Are You? Support your web development company figure out your business as well as your brand. If it’s a new internet site or a redesign that shows a new seem, it’s helpful to have some of the promotional materials, logos, letterhead, etc . available for the discovery reaching. You want to convey who you are being a business and just how you present yourself to the earth. The company or web programmer you work with needs to be interested in this kind of and be able to sum up it back to you personally. If you’re a fresh company tackling small business web development for the first time , nor really have a lot in the way of logos or logos, don’t sweat it. An effective website design firm should be able to assist you to generate design elements that indicate who you are or perhaps recommend a copy that specializes in company logo or personalisation for business. Retain a list of websites you come across where the website development speaks to you personally. The important thing is to reach a good design consensus.
3. Remember Your Target market As your contemplating your business website development project, give attention to your website site visitors. Who happen to be your customers? Which ultimately who have the website or web development job is being created for. Who is going to be using the web page and how light beer going to use it? Can be the objective? Are you looking to generate leads from the website, systemize your getting process, sell products over the internet, allows buyers or personnel to access several information? Because you are the tone for the end users within the site, ensure that and give all of them ample concern during the development process.
4. You Don’t Have to Get it done All At Once The advantage of the web is the fact it is a potent and coming in medium. Your site can progress in levels and you don’t have to accomplish anything in Phase i treatment of your internet project. You may brainstorm with out barriers of what you really want. Then, develop in and decide where the best starting point is. That is an area where an experienced world wide web developer will be able to provide instruction. Perhaps phase i treatment of your organization web development project will be a fresh site creation that is targeted on good style and offers necessary content with regards to your company as well as your services. It may include a e-zine subscriber “call to action” box to each page. Stage II might be the addition of an internet store that allows customers to view order history and create reorders. Phase III could integrate added efficiency to the store like the set up of a number of components, in depth reporting or a place just for customer opinions. For business web design and development, financial constraints have to be contended with. A website can be quite a work in progress and develop with your organization. Breaking the job into digestible pieces cannot only help you in getting better insight into what the points are nonetheless it can also help in spreading your cost.
some. The Devils in the Information You don’t need to understand every detail earlier in terms of the way the project look. A good business web designer or perhaps developer will need to work with you through the process to draw out those great points. It really is useful to provide some believed in advance to as many regions of the job as possible, specifically where jobs involve interactive customer-based websites. To that end, it usually is helpful to sketch out the step-by-step flow of what you’re here trying to accomplish and how facts flows. You could have a superior idea in your head regarding how each component should glimpse and act. Putting it on paper facilitates communicate it to the net company. Or, maybe 2 weeks . bit devious and setting up the pad to conventional paper can be extremely helpful in clarifying the own strategies and aims. Whether designing a new internet site or redecorating an existing internet site, jotting down a website outline is a great starting point. Exactly what the key parts of the website? What content do you wish to include for your visitors and where are you wanting them to go? During the first discovery meeting, the objective ought to be to do a large amount of fact finding. The more information you wpress1.nearlohosting.com can supply the web development business, the quicker and more successfully you can take your eyesight to fruition.
6. Have a tendency Sweat The little Stuff While it is very useful to put some significant thought in to the project to your initial breakthrough discovery meeting, the nature of business web development projects is that many excellent points will be shaped and forged because the job development unrolls. That’s why an important part of the process should involve the net development enterprise staging your project on the web (preferably in a staging area of the internet company’s server). Then, while steps are completed and the project steps forward, a consensus relating to the final result is definitely maintained. Tiny adjustments when the task progresses are normal and anticipated. As long as all of the key points are in place, do feel like you can’t adjust moderate details because things head out along. With that in mind do keep in mind that major revisions or additions to project development can add on an hourly basis labor and impact the cost. Make sure you learn how much “adjustment” space to get allowed with out incurring more costs. Should you have a change or perhaps addition that will impact the results on the proposal, request that you be advised in advance and possess full divieto or authorization before function proceeds.
Final result The best way to ensure that your web development task doesn’t miss the recognise is by preparing for the process and selecting a small company web development firm that can help you to realize your vision. Ideally, this guide definitely will serve as a useful tool in the imaginative and development process. It was designed not merely for small business owners and managers but to end up being shared with the web page developer or perhaps designer you ultimately occupy. The process of great web development is approximately reaching a general opinion defined simply by budget, eye-sight, technical requirements and great communication. The blending of people elements functions to build the research for success with the project and a final result that understands your vision and functions your business.
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5hit-i-l00k-at · 7 years
2020 Acura RDX - Redesign, Changes, Release Date
New Post has been published on http://www.autos-arena.com/2017/08/2020-acura-rdx-redesign-changes-release-date.html
2020 Acura RDX - Redesign, Changes, Release Date
2020 Acura RDX – Redesign, Changes, Release Date – The Acura RDX 2020 project is equipped with the most up-to-date advancement, contemporary design, and modern interiors. Currently, the RDX may be the next very best-selling brand name and mimics the MDX. The RDX actually discovered some important changes in their physical appearance and satisfaction for 2020. With every piece of information at your fingertips, it can be obvious that Acura’s plan, one of its automobiles like the sedan, will probably be extremely effective TLX probable. Since the section expanded, most access engines used 6-tube normally aspirated engines as well as the sales did not look at the RDX orbit. Numerous new and contemporary crash avoidance technology is collected straight into an idea known as AcuraWatch.
2020 Acura RDX Concept
Think about Acura as being a stepping stone in the middle volume-marketplace famous brands such as Honda and full-line great-end such as Mercedes-Benz- the RDX actually starts to make quite a lot of sensation. We’ve offered it points above typical because of its cozy entrance car seats, superb freight location, and high finish truly feels, nevertheless, we ‘d prefer to see classier interior meetings. For an outcome, it’s a 7 from 10. The RDX’s front side chairs offer wonderful comfort for individuals who like a bit more again assistance. One particular unhappiness would be that the bottom RDX’s visitor chair isn’t truly height-variable, nonetheless a minimum of the Technologies Deal subs in the genuine leather material (in the spot of leatherette) and entirely changeable seating. Row 2 materials adequate space for common-dimensions grown-ups nonetheless 3 abreast isn’t actually one thing we had in fact suggest. That 2nd row folds up not-quite-toned, one more demerit, nevertheless the RDX’s reduced freight flooring and 61.3 cubic feet freight capability are ideal for a crossover of this sizing. A single surprise is all the region obscured beneath the freight flooring- yet another 15 cubes, bringing the ideal presented place for points to 76.9 cubic ft.
The RDX is made like a car, like traveling a car, and its particular little dimension will make it park your car in the small area and is easily maneuverable. This update is definitely the eye Guided fronts to further improve the lighting Acura, I do believe certainly outstanding, along with a reworked front panel, a new three-dimensional raster. Fundamental types and “AcuraWatch” Get a 7-speaker audio system by having an LCD 5-in. the coloration on the control panel. USB, iDevice, and also Wireless Bluetooth assimilation are widespread, along with the Sirius / XM along with the Pandora stereo. Acura has really been through many models of the “beak” front side fascia, not one which has really worked. The RDX makes use of the appearance far better than the brand name’s sedans have and that we like the strategy its 5-sq LED headlights are incorporated. It’s not just a dual-acquire kind of physical appearance, nevertheless, the RDX is mainly inoffensive. The 17-” alloy tires uncovered on basic patterns compare on their access-levels label. When you wish a bit more display, go along with the Technological innovation Package with its equipment-concluded 18s. Inside of, the RDX uncovers its age much more having a style that’s busy and never extremely upmarket, especially in the easily accessible grayish tone. Littles flat sterling silver trim does not assist very much- they look a lot more like some thing you ‘d see in a decently optioned Honda CR-V compared to anything professing to be a substantial-conclusion car. Put simply: in the event you want the display, be ready to commit more for some thing from a variety of brand.
2020 Acura RDX Engine
The 2020 Acura RDX is satisfying to have, assisted by its solid and enhanced V-6 engine and controlling that’s precise, or even extremely stylish. We have presented it details above typical for its amazingly primary steering and also for the grunt supplied by its sole engine option, which boosts it to a 7 from 10. Unlike opponents, the RDX is readily available with merely one engine- nonetheless, it’s an outstanding a single. Acura’s 3.5-liter V-6 is estimated here at 279 HP and 252 lb-feet of torque. It shuttles capacity to sometimes the front or all 4 rims via a clever-shifting 6-rate automatic transmission that comes condition with paddle shifters. All those flappy paddles indicate sportiness that is not definitely there with the RDX, nevertheless. Even so, that’s not necessarily bad, because of the fact that it crossover’s suspensions usually takes in pavement flaws with aplomb plus it keeps track of properly on sizeable open up expands of the roadway. A seriously rimmed 3-spoke wheel once again suggests more cornering endurance than you’ll uncover within the RDX, however, credit rating is caused by Acura for adjusting the electric powered potential directing to deliver up a directness doing not have access to in, status, the Lexus RX.
2020 Acura RDX Release Date And Price
So far not much is legally known about this upcoming car. However, due to the fact the newest CR-V had been released a few weeks back again, it can be risk-free to believe that this RDX can also be unveiled from the upcoming season. The car will in all probability turn out to be on sale at the end of 2019 and it ought to nevertheless charge something in between $36,300 to get a basic product and $45,300 for a top of range edition.
medianet_width = "300"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "583126188"; medianet_versionId = "111299"; (function() var isSSL = 'https:' == document.location.protocol; var mnSrc = (isSSL ? 'https:' : 'http:') + '//contextual.media.net/nmedianet.js?cid=8CUG46373' + (isSSL ? '&https=1' : ''); document.write('<scr' + 'ipt type="text/javascript" id="mNSC" src="' + mnSrc + '">' + 'ipt>'); )();
0 notes
levaduraa · 7 years
2020 Acura RDX - Redesign, Changes, Release Date
New Post has been published on http://www.autos-arena.com/2017/08/2020-acura-rdx-redesign-changes-release-date.html
2020 Acura RDX - Redesign, Changes, Release Date
2020 Acura RDX – Redesign, Changes, Release Date – The Acura RDX 2020 project is equipped with the most up-to-date advancement, contemporary design, and modern interiors. Currently, the RDX may be the next very best-selling brand name and mimics the MDX. The RDX actually discovered some important changes in their physical appearance and satisfaction for 2020. With every piece of information at your fingertips, it can be obvious that Acura’s plan, one of its automobiles like the sedan, will probably be extremely effective TLX probable. Since the section expanded, most access engines used 6-tube normally aspirated engines as well as the sales did not look at the RDX orbit. Numerous new and contemporary crash avoidance technology is collected straight into an idea known as AcuraWatch.
2020 Acura RDX Concept
Think about Acura as being a stepping stone in the middle volume-marketplace famous brands such as Honda and full-line great-end such as Mercedes-Benz- the RDX actually starts to make quite a lot of sensation. We’ve offered it points above typical because of its cozy entrance car seats, superb freight location, and high finish truly feels, nevertheless, we ‘d prefer to see classier interior meetings. For an outcome, it’s a 7 from 10. The RDX’s front side chairs offer wonderful comfort for individuals who like a bit more again assistance. One particular unhappiness would be that the bottom RDX’s visitor chair isn’t truly height-variable, nonetheless a minimum of the Technologies Deal subs in the genuine leather material (in the spot of leatherette) and entirely changeable seating. Row 2 materials adequate space for common-dimensions grown-ups nonetheless 3 abreast isn’t actually one thing we had in fact suggest. That 2nd row folds up not-quite-toned, one more demerit, nevertheless the RDX’s reduced freight flooring and 61.3 cubic feet freight capability are ideal for a crossover of this sizing. A single surprise is all the region obscured beneath the freight flooring- yet another 15 cubes, bringing the ideal presented place for points to 76.9 cubic ft.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
The RDX is made like a car, like traveling a car, and its particular little dimension will make it park your car in the small area and is easily maneuverable. This update is definitely the eye Guided fronts to further improve the lighting Acura, I do believe certainly outstanding, along with a reworked front panel, a new three-dimensional raster. Fundamental types and “AcuraWatch” Get a 7-speaker audio system by having an LCD 5-in. the coloration on the control panel. USB, iDevice, and also Wireless Bluetooth assimilation are widespread, along with the Sirius / XM along with the Pandora stereo. Acura has really been through many models of the “beak” front side fascia, not one which has really worked. The RDX makes use of the appearance far better than the brand name’s sedans have and that we like the strategy its 5-sq LED headlights are incorporated. It’s not just a dual-acquire kind of physical appearance, nevertheless, the RDX is mainly inoffensive. The 17-” alloy tires uncovered on basic patterns compare on their access-levels label. When you wish a bit more display, go along with the Technological innovation Package with its equipment-concluded 18s. Inside of, the RDX uncovers its age much more having a style that’s busy and never extremely upmarket, especially in the easily accessible grayish tone. Littles flat sterling silver trim does not assist very much- they look a lot more like some thing you ‘d see in a decently optioned Honda CR-V compared to anything professing to be a substantial-conclusion car. Put simply: in the event you want the display, be ready to commit more for some thing from a variety of brand.
2020 Acura RDX Engine
The 2020 Acura RDX is satisfying to have, assisted by its solid and enhanced V-6 engine and controlling that’s precise, or even extremely stylish. We have presented it details above typical for its amazingly primary steering and also for the grunt supplied by its sole engine option, which boosts it to a 7 from 10. Unlike opponents, the RDX is readily available with merely one engine- nonetheless, it’s an outstanding a single. Acura’s 3.5-liter V-6 is estimated here at 279 HP and 252 lb-feet of torque. It shuttles capacity to sometimes the front or all 4 rims via a clever-shifting 6-rate automatic transmission that comes condition with paddle shifters. All those flappy paddles indicate sportiness that is not definitely there with the RDX, nevertheless. Even so, that’s not necessarily bad, because of the fact that it crossover’s suspensions usually takes in pavement flaws with aplomb plus it keeps track of properly on sizeable open up expands of the roadway. A seriously rimmed 3-spoke wheel once again suggests more cornering endurance than you’ll uncover within the RDX, however, credit rating is caused by Acura for adjusting the electric powered potential directing to deliver up a directness doing not have access to in, status, the Lexus RX.
2020 Acura RDX Release Date And Price
So far not much is legally known about this upcoming car. However, due to the fact the newest CR-V had been released a few weeks back again, it can be risk-free to believe that this RDX can also be unveiled from the upcoming season. The car will in all probability turn out to be on sale at the end of 2019 and it ought to nevertheless charge something in between $36,300 to get a basic product and $45,300 for a top of range edition.
0 notes
mariokolaric · 7 years
2020 Acura RDX - Redesign, Changes, Release Date
New Post has been published on http://www.autos-arena.com/2017/08/2020-acura-rdx-redesign-changes-release-date.html
2020 Acura RDX - Redesign, Changes, Release Date
2020 Acura RDX – Redesign, Changes, Release Date – The Acura RDX 2020 project is equipped with the most up-to-date advancement, contemporary design, and modern interiors. Currently, the RDX may be the next very best-selling brand name and mimics the MDX. The RDX actually discovered some important changes in their physical appearance and satisfaction for 2020. With every piece of information at your fingertips, it can be obvious that Acura’s plan, one of its automobiles like the sedan, will probably be extremely effective TLX probable. Since the section expanded, most access engines used 6-tube normally aspirated engines as well as the sales did not look at the RDX orbit. Numerous new and contemporary crash avoidance technology is collected straight into an idea known as AcuraWatch.
2020 Acura RDX Concept
Think about Acura as being a stepping stone in the middle volume-marketplace famous brands such as Honda and full-line great-end such as Mercedes-Benz- the RDX actually starts to make quite a lot of sensation. We’ve offered it points above typical because of its cozy entrance car seats, superb freight location, and high finish truly feels, nevertheless, we ‘d prefer to see classier interior meetings. For an outcome, it’s a 7 from 10. The RDX’s front side chairs offer wonderful comfort for individuals who like a bit more again assistance. One particular unhappiness would be that the bottom RDX’s visitor chair isn’t truly height-variable, nonetheless a minimum of the Technologies Deal subs in the genuine leather material (in the spot of leatherette) and entirely changeable seating. Row 2 materials adequate space for common-dimensions grown-ups nonetheless 3 abreast isn’t actually one thing we had in fact suggest. That 2nd row folds up not-quite-toned, one more demerit, nevertheless the RDX’s reduced freight flooring and 61.3 cubic feet freight capability are ideal for a crossover of this sizing. A single surprise is all the region obscured beneath the freight flooring- yet another 15 cubes, bringing the ideal presented place for points to 76.9 cubic ft.
The RDX is made like a car, like traveling a car, and its particular little dimension will make it park your car in the small area and is easily maneuverable. This update is definitely the eye Guided fronts to further improve the lighting Acura, I do believe certainly outstanding, along with a reworked front panel, a new three-dimensional raster. Fundamental types and “AcuraWatch” Get a 7-speaker audio system by having an LCD 5-in. the coloration on the control panel. USB, iDevice, and also Wireless Bluetooth assimilation are widespread, along with the Sirius / XM along with the Pandora stereo. Acura has really been through many models of the “beak” front side fascia, not one which has really worked. The RDX makes use of the appearance far better than the brand name’s sedans have and that we like the strategy its 5-sq LED headlights are incorporated. It’s not just a dual-acquire kind of physical appearance, nevertheless, the RDX is mainly inoffensive. The 17-” alloy tires uncovered on basic patterns compare on their access-levels label. When you wish a bit more display, go along with the Technological innovation Package with its equipment-concluded 18s. Inside of, the RDX uncovers its age much more having a style that’s busy and never extremely upmarket, especially in the easily accessible grayish tone. Littles flat sterling silver trim does not assist very much- they look a lot more like some thing you ‘d see in a decently optioned Honda CR-V compared to anything professing to be a substantial-conclusion car. Put simply: in the event you want the display, be ready to commit more for some thing from a variety of brand.
2020 Acura RDX Engine
The 2020 Acura RDX is satisfying to have, assisted by its solid and enhanced V-6 engine and controlling that’s precise, or even extremely stylish. We have presented it details above typical for its amazingly primary steering and also for the grunt supplied by its sole engine option, which boosts it to a 7 from 10. Unlike opponents, the RDX is readily available with merely one engine- nonetheless, it’s an outstanding a single. Acura’s 3.5-liter V-6 is estimated here at 279 HP and 252 lb-feet of torque. It shuttles capacity to sometimes the front or all 4 rims via a clever-shifting 6-rate automatic transmission that comes condition with paddle shifters. All those flappy paddles indicate sportiness that is not definitely there with the RDX, nevertheless. Even so, that’s not necessarily bad, because of the fact that it crossover’s suspensions usually takes in pavement flaws with aplomb plus it keeps track of properly on sizeable open up expands of the roadway. A seriously rimmed 3-spoke wheel once again suggests more cornering endurance than you’ll uncover within the RDX, however, credit rating is caused by Acura for adjusting the electric powered potential directing to deliver up a directness doing not have access to in, status, the Lexus RX.
2020 Acura RDX Release Date And Price
So far not much is legally known about this upcoming car. However, due to the fact the newest CR-V had been released a few weeks back again, it can be risk-free to believe that this RDX can also be unveiled from the upcoming season. The car will in all probability turn out to be on sale at the end of 2019 and it ought to nevertheless charge something in between $36,300 to get a basic product and $45,300 for a top of range edition.
medianet_width = "300"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "583126188"; medianet_versionId = "111299"; (function() var isSSL = 'https:' == document.location.protocol; var mnSrc = (isSSL ? 'https:' : 'http:') + '//contextual.media.net/nmedianet.js?cid=8CUG46373' + (isSSL ? '&https=1' : ''); document.write('<scr' + 'ipt type="text/javascript" id="mNSC" src="' + mnSrc + '">' + 'ipt>'); )();
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