#obtain quality holiday
alismak · 2 months
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Istanbul is one of the largest and most popular cities in Turkey and has a very important position in terms of medical tourism. Especially in recent years, hair transplantation, implants, eye laser surgeries and plastic surgery operations performed in Istanbul have become very popular. Many people who want to have these procedures done prefer Istanbul to receive quality service and to visit the city and have a fun holiday. In this blog post, we will give detailed information about hair transplantation, implants, eye laser surgeries and plastic surgery operations performed in Istanbul.
Hair Transplant Istanbul
Istanbul, which is one of the first cities that come to mind when Hair transplant istanbul is mentioned, is also a very important center in terms of hair transplantation. Istanbul, which provides services with clinics with high standards and experienced doctors for hair transplantation operations, is preferred by many people. Especially expert organizations such as LS Clinic perform hair transplantation operations successfully with their state-of-the-art equipment and professional team.
Hair transplantation has become very common with the advancement of technology and the development of surgical techniques. Thanks to modern methods, it has become possible to obtain natural and permanent results. Hair transplantation clinics in Istanbul offer aesthetic and natural-looking hair to their patients thanks to these advanced techniques.
In addition to hair transplantation operations in Istanbul, quality services are also offered in areas such as eye laser surgery, implant and plastic surgery. In this way, it is possible for patients to find solutions to their different aesthetic needs from a single center.
Implant Istanbul
When it comes to implant istanbul, the first thing that comes to mind is dental treatments. With the developing technology and the advancement of the medical world, implant applications have become quite common. Istanbul serves as a city that has proven itself in this field. At LS Clinic, high quality implant applications are performed under the supervision of specialist physicians.
Implants are also very important in terms of dental aesthetics in the Istanbul region. Professional service is offered in a sterile environment for those who want to have a more aesthetic appearance with smile design. Defects in your teeth can be fixed permanently with implant applications.
Additionally, you can get detailed information about dental implants and get support from specialist physicians by making an appointment at https://lsklinik.com/. Having a healthy and aesthetic smile is now much easier and more accessible.
Eye Laser Surgery Istanbul
Laser eye surgeries have become very popular in recent years with the development of technology. In a big city like Istanbul, there are many options for those who want to have eye laser surgery. However, if you want to receive quality and reliable service, it is important to choose a specialist center like LS Clinic.
Eye laser surgery istanbul is an operation performed to correct eye defects, and LS Clinic has extensive experience in this field with its expert staff. LS Clinic, one of the best eye laser surgery centers in Istanbul, prioritizes your eye health with its innovative technologies and expert physicians.
If you want to get rid of your eye defects and have a clearer vision, you can benefit from LS Clinic's eye laser surgery Istanbul services. LS Clinic, which cares about your eye health in a quality and reliable way, offers you the best service with its modern techniques and expert staff. For more information and appointments, you can visit the LS Clinic website.
Plastic Surgery Istanbul
LS Clinic serves as a clinic specialized in plastic surgery in Istanbul. It offers the highest quality service to its patients with its expert staff and state-of-the-art equipment in plastic surgeries.
Plastic surgery istanbul is a great option to improve your appearance and feel better. LS Clinic offers various plastic surgery procedures such as breast aesthetics, rhinoplasty, liposuction and face lift.
If you want to leave your plastic surgeries in reliable hands, you can choose LS Clinic. It provides the best results to its patients by using the latest technology. You can visit the LS Clinic website for detailed information.
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buskingalbatross · 2 months
results of a quest to identify the cicada in dnp’s rodent boy summer instagram post
[video: an audio comparison of dan howell's mediterranean cicada imitation and two real cicada species from the med]
abstract: following a perceived dearth of interest in the cicada latched onto the wall in one photo of the ten in dan and phil’s most recent joint vacation instagram post, the authors of this post (buskingalbatross and an anon who instigated this quest) have endeavored to determine its identity at the species level. using resources such as naturalism networking site iNaturalist, various scientific research articles, a databank of Mediterranean cicada song audio files, and Dan’s imitation of cicada screams in the AmazingPhil video “How Phil Nearly Died,” we have concluded that the cicada is most likely an East Aegean cicada (Cicada mordoganensis). obtaining these results would have been impossible had we not received assistance from @/bitchslapblastoids, who generously provided the herein unnamed geographical location* of dan and phil’s summer rat and relaxation destination. I would also like to thank @/pierogish for providing feedback on comparisons of cicada audio files with Dan’s cicada noises.
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[image: the individual in question]
methods, results, and conclusions below the cut.
*the authors of this tumblr post would like to flaunt their scientific achievements unencumbered by potential discourses surrounding the unearthing of this location, and thus have chosen to omit its name from this post. the authors of this tumblr post nevertheless understand that the location can be discerned by those curious enough to discern it. the authors moreover state that they harbor no wish to compromise dan and phil’s privacy.  
methods and results
iNaturalist’s search feature was used to gain an awareness of what species of cicadas have been observed on the mediterrranean peninsula where dnp went on holiday. a spreadsheet was created to organize data such as cicada common names, scientific names, the number of observations for any given species, the reliability of those observations (that is, how likely the observer was to have correctly identified a cicada; a high quality identification is referred to on iNat as a research grade ID), the period of time in which a species is the densest in numbers (most prevalent in its aboveground habitat), appearance, and, finally, a link to an audio file containing each cicada species’ song. audio files were the last piece of data to be acquired, and so were added to the spreadsheet very last.
once a list of species had been determined and entered into the spreadsheet, we compared the appearences of each candidate cicada species to dnp’s instagram image. all in all, we looked at seven cicada species: the black sorrow cicada (Cicadatra atra), the ash cicada (Cicada orni), the common cicada (Lyristes plebejus), the red cicada (Cicada haematodes), the east aegean cicada (Cicada mordoganensis), the geminate cicada (Lyristes gemellus), and Cicada lodosi (a species name now possibly defunct but with 4 observations in the area of interest in the past five years).
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[images: left - the east aegean cicada; right - the ash cicada]
then, I decided to read a truly excessive number of scientific research papers about cicadas in the mediterranean. why did I do this? besides reasons of entomology-associated passion (and legitimate professional interest), I did it because I learned that it turns out that basically, the aegean sea constitutes a “hot spot of cicada diversity,” with numerous species across different genera that nevertheless look—pretty much all the same! quite quickly, it became apparent that one blurry instagram image would be insufficient to determine the species. in fact, even if the image had been crystal clear, it wouldn’t have mattered. apparently, many cicadas of the eastern mediterranean are not morphologically distinct (meaning, again: some of them look identical) and what differentiates them is actually, primarily, their songs. they are “acoustically divergent,” with females being able to locate males of their own kind by their unique calls alone, not their looks. different species also tend to be distributed differently across this region, by which I mean some are only found on certain islands, or in certain areas of Italy, the Balkans, Greece, or Turkey, or Greece and Turkey, etc etc. I needed to read to form a better picture of all of this, essentially, and to gather clues.
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[image: some of the papers I read]
after perusing all of this fascinating literature—and also squinting really hard at dnp’s picture and the photos of cicadas we had accumulated—I came to the conclusion that, most likely, the cicada was either Cicada orni, the ash cicada, or potentially more likely, Cicada mordoganensis, the east aegean cicada. both had three observations recorded in the region of interest (the most observations of any species), and both had the most similar coloration and patterning to dnp’s cicada. my predilection for the east aegean choice stemmed from two things: 1. the east aegean cicada observations were of a higher quality (research grade) than the ash cicada, and 2. the papers I had read were telling me that while east aegeans were prevalent along the entirety of the our region of interest, ash cicadas were more constrained, geographically, to northern Turkey and the Greek mainland. in fact, according to mediterranean cicada scientists, no ash cicadas had ever been found on islands as southeast as Samos and Ikaria, two islands relatively close to the peninsula where dnp’s cicada resides. this contradicted the observations on iNaturalist.
apparently, this difference in distribution has a lot to do with the tectonic and geographical history of the eastern mediterranean. where certain cicadas are today has a lot to do with where warm refuges from ancient glaciers existed thousands and millions of years ago (cicadas like the heat). also, and I should not necessarily subject you to this tangent, but did you know that about 5 million years ago the mediterranean sea simply gave up on existence for a little while? ... during the Messinian Salinity Crisis, the mediterranean simply stopped being a sea for a little while and almost dried up completely, allowing certain creatures that could not otherwise traverse an entire sea to disperse across it, except for where there is a huge ass canyon in the seafloor, and—
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[images: highlighted, pertinent sections of papers discussing cicada distribution; relief map of the mediterranean seafloor]
anyway, what we were sorely missing at this stage were sound recordings of the cicadas. despite the evidence against the ash cicada, this cicada is still one of the most commonly found cicadas around the aegean sea. also, some of the studies I found were ten or more years old—who knows how climate change or other factors may have impacted the location of cicada populations since they were published.
while the audio of the cicadas outside in Phil’s video is poor, Dan does an imitation at 00:30 of what they’d been hearing during their trip. knowing Dan, this imitation is not merely a made-up, vaguely cicada-like noise, but an actually good approximation of the song that had been driving them crazy (this whole study mayhaps hinges on this lmao). if only we could uncover audio of these cicadas, maybe we could know for sure if this insect was of the ash or east aegean variety.
thankfully, at this point I was still reading papers. even more thankfully, the ten individuals who seemed to have cornered the market on mediterranean cicada studies since the 1970s made a website, and mentioned it in one of their papers. it is an exceptional, beautifully designed website called cicadasong.eu that evokes the ad-free, uncluttered, cozy and homemade feeling of the early noughties internet. it almost made me cry, and @/pierogish reported that seeing this website made her realize that in all these years recently spent online she had been choking, and only on cicadasong.eu was she finally able to breathe freely. on this website, there happen to be embedded YouTube videos of high quality audio recordings of all the european cicadas its creators have ever studied.
at last! comparisons of cicada songs to Dan commenced, and we were able to play the ash cicada’s sound alongside the east aegean’s and Dan’s. at the top of this post, you will find the compilation of these three sounds. here are the links to the original audio videos of the east aegean and ash cicada.
the main unit of sound—the chirp—of a cicada’s song is known scientifically as an “echeme”. in these audio files, you can perceive that, for the east aegean cicada, the duration of the echeme is longer, meaning the number of echemes per second is lower. this rhythm, and in general the structure of the east aegean cicada’s song was, in comparison to the ash cicada’s, deemed to the ear of all the authors and contributors definitively more similar to dan’s cicada song. thus, this final piece of evidence seemed to complement the rest of our data and confirm our initial assumption of the cicada’s identity.
accumulated data has lent support to our hypothesis that the cicadas suffusing the atmosphere of dip and pip’s holiday resort with their ebullient, lascivious songs were east aegean cicadas.
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artemisia-black · 8 months
Wizarding clothing and fashion
This meta/list of HCs has been sitting in my drafts for a while. But here is my meta about wizarding fashions. 
1.0 An insular culture with its own unique dress
No shade to people who enjoy seeing and drawing characters in muggle clothing, but I think that the majority of wizards and witches dress in wizarding clothing. 
Indeed, the fact that most wizards can’t dress as muggles and are quite conspicuous is mentioned in the first chapter of the series: 
“People in cloaks. Mr. Dursley couldn’t bear people who dressed in funny clothes — the getups you saw on young people! He supposed this was some stupid new fashion.” PS 
And then becomes a sort of running joke: 
“Both were dressed as Muggles, though very inexpertly: The man with the watch wore a tweed suit with thigh-length galoshes; his colleague, a kilt and a poncho” GoF
And in DH it is (partly) how Harry recognises that people are watching Grimmauld Place: 
“The lurkers were never the same two days running, although they all seemed to share a dislike for normal clothing. Most of the Londoners who passed them were used to eccentric dressers and took little notice, though occasionally one of them might glance back, wondering why anyone would wear such long cloaks in this heat.” DH
Side note: it is peak Londoner to barely take notice of something odd. And this also implies that robes and cloaks are all year wear and that wizards potentially don’t have seasonal clothing.
Given that wizarding culture is very insular (with its own economy, government, and education system), it would make sense that while it may occasionally borrow trends from the muggle world, wizarding fashion and clothing are unique. 
In fact, only the younger generation are seen in muggle dress, with Harry commenting: 
“Their children might don Muggle clothing during the holidays, but Mr. and Mrs. Weasley usually wore long robes in varying states of shabbiness.” GoF
2.0 Class and generational differences in dress
The previous quote demonstrates two things: much like in real life, there is generational and class stratification of dress. The condition and quality of wizarding clothing serves as a non-verbal cue about a character's economic status. This disparity is not just a background detail but is frequently brought into focus, such as through Draco Malfoy's derisive comments about Professor Lupin's tattered robes.
“ Malfoy gave Professor Lupin an insolent stare, which took in the patches on his robes and the delapidated suitcase.” PoA
“Look at the state of his robes,” Malfoy would say in a loud whisper as Professor Lupin passed. “He dresses like our old house-elf.” PoA
Even Harry comments on his robes and observes that: 
“Professor Lupin looked particularly shabby next to all the other teachers in their best robes”
The patched and frayed nature of both Lupins and Weasley’s robes seem to indicate that robe repairs can’t be done by an individual (or when it is done, it is really visible). Another example of this is when Ron removes the lace from his dress robes and leaves: 
“...the edges still looked depressingly frayed as the boys set off downstairs.” GoF
Additionally,  in Padfoot returns Sirius’s prison robes still appear tatty despite him having had a haircut and left the country. This indicates that he either can’t obtain new robes or can’t/hasn’t bothered repairing his Azkaban robes. 
This is interesting, given that Molly Weasley is able to make jumpers and scarves yet can’t seem to alter robes. While knitting and sewing are separate skills, it seems odd that there aren’t means of repairing robes. 
This suggests that robes can only be repaired and bought at official vendors such as Madam Malkins/Gladrags/Twifitt and Tattings. 
 It is also interesting that both Fred and George buy clothing when they become successful (also a parallel to the real world). They gift their mum:
“….a brand-new midnight blue witch’s hat glittering with what looked like tiny starlike diamonds, and a spectacular golden necklace.”  HBP
However, things being ‘frayed’ aren’t always an indication of poverty. Tonks is first introduced wearing an outfit that is a mix of muggle clothing but with something that is distinctly wizarding: 
“Tonks stood just behind him…. wearing heavily patched jeans and a bright purple T-shirt bearing the legend THE WEIRD SISTERS.” OoTP
This outfit is heavily reminiscent of Sirius and James in the Elvendork prequel: 
 “Both were dressed in T-shirts emblazoned with a large golden bird; the emblem, no doubt, of some deafening, tuneless rock band.”
3.0 The underwear question
Something that gets bought up a lot is whether wizards wear underwear. 
Harry (who was raised by muggles certainly seems to): 
“He was just piling underwear into his cauldron when Ron made a loud noise of disgust behind him.” GoF 
“He was shivering now, his teeth chattering horribly, and yet he continued to strip off until at last he stood there in his underwear…”  DH
So does Neville (in the UK, Pants means underwear)
“He broke off as Neville entered the dormitory, bringing with him a strong smell of singed material, and began rummaging in his trunk for a fresh pair of pants.”
And infamously, so does Snape: 
“Snape was hanging upside down in the air, his robes falling over his head to reveal skinny, pallid legs and a pair of graying underpants.”
Also we get some information about witch’s underwear from Sirius’s very Freudian joke: 
“Sirius looked slightly disconcerted for a moment, then said, “I’ll look for him later, I expect I’ll find him upstairs crying his eyes out over my mother’s old bloomers.”
Bloomers are a type of historical, baggy underpants (think boy shorts, but make it victorian). 
In conclusion, Archie, who wanted a breeze around his privates, was probably an outlier.  
4.0 Materials and accesories
So what is wizarding clothing made of? 
For robes and cloaks the materials most mentioned are silk/satin and velvet: 
“ She was dressed from head to foot in black satin, and many magnificent opals gleamed at her throat and on her thick fingers.” GoF
Additionally in GoF, we learn that even witches and wizards from other countries wear robes and cloaks: 
“Now that they had removed their furs, the Durmstrang students were revealed to be wearing robes of a deep bloodred.” 
“...Bulgarian minister loudly, who was wearing splendid robes of black velvet trimmed with gold.”
Other materials include Dragon hide which appears to be used to make practical gloves and boots but also fashionable jackets. 
“... followed by Fred and George, who were wearing jackets of black dragon skin.” HBP
Additionally, robes can be embroidered: 
“ The man’s scowling, slightly brutish face was somehow at odds with his magnificent, sweeping robes, which were embroidered with much gold thread” DH
“Harry glimpsed Slughorn at the head of the Slytherin column, wearing magnificent, long, emerald green robes embroidered with silver” HBP
“Madam Rosmerta scurrying down the dark street toward them on high-heeled, fluffy slippers, wearing a silk dressing gown embroidered with dragons.” HBP
Interestingly, both men and women appear to wear heels: 
“He was wearing long robes, a purple cloak that swept the ground, and high-heeled, buckled boots” PS
Madame Maxine: 
“Then Harry saw a shining, high-heeled black shoe emerging from the inside of the carriage..” GoF
Monsiour Delacour: 
“However, he looked good-natured. Bouncing toward Mrs. Weasley on high-heeled boots, he kissed her twice on each cheek, leaving her flustered.” DH
Madame Rosmerta: 
“ Next he saw another pair of feet, wearing sparkly turquoise high heels,” POA
Furthermore, witches carry handbags: 
“Mrs. Weasley now came galloping into view, her handbag swinging wildly” COS
“ She was wearing a thick magenta cloak with a furry purple collar today, and her crocodile-skin handbag was over her arm.”  GoF
“Professor Umbridge pulled a small roll of pink parchment out of her handbag”  OoTP
“Ron was rummaging through the little witch’s handbag.” DH
5.0 My HCs
When I imagine what male robes look like, I imagine something akin to a Morrcan thobe or an Indian Sherwani.
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I imagine robes to be enchanted to move and in my fic Pietas, I describe my OC Aeliana’s robes as follows: 
“She smiled slightly, smoothing the front of her dress, which was decorated with embroidered flowers and birds that had been enchanted to flutter their wings.”
I also HC some cultural variance in robes- with certain countries using different cloth or the skin of magical animals that are native to their countries. With hotter countries, having lighter robes and cooling/anti-perspiration charms.
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allhailkingsquest · 9 months
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And with that, the 1996 King's Quest Calendar is now complete!
Posts for each specific month can be found here.
The dates, excluding some holidays, will align perfectly for 2024. If you'd like to print a copy for use this year, I've compiled adventurerscap's scans* into a pdf. Your next opportunity will be 2052!
* Images vary in quality, but if anyone knows where I can obtain one of these relics, I'll gladly update the link with some HQ scans 😏
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realstrap · 2 years
Please help!! Urgent ask!!
Please Help a Mexican lesbian get dual citizenship for medical care and school!!
Hey everyone! I'm Rio/Xochitl a disabled  reconnecting indigenous Mexican lesbian
This is very hard of me to ask so bear with me if my language isn't perfect but here it goes:
Over the past couple of years, my disability (chronic pain and fatigue caused by cerebral palsy) has worsened due to overworking and the pandemic preventing me from having access to adequate medical care. As such, my ability to work and maintain a regular 9-5 job or even get around in my daily life without mobility aids has diminished significantly and I've had to come to terms with that reality after attempting to work recently.
With my parents currently living in Mexico, I have a unique opportunity to obtain dual citizenship, this will grant me access to affordable medical care and schooling opportunities I can't get in the US without going into even more suffocating debt. I've experienced the differences in care and they're too stark to ignore. Put simply, my quality of life would improve drastically.
I am putting faith in my community to help me achieve this goal, I have an opportunity to finally stabilize our lives and work toward our goals, but I need the initial funds to get there! So please help out if you can !
Right now, I require the funds for:
A plane ticket- $400
New clothes- $200
Mobility aids (cane, shoe inserts, crutches)- $200
Miscellaneous/intial day to day funds- $300
Totaling $1100!
My parents do not have a means to help me get there, and they will not be in the country for very long, which is why it is absolutely VITAL to meet this goal! *I'm looking for flights leaving on February 21st* so I need this goal met by the end of January to be able to get the same price on the ticket.
Please help me meet this goal, with little exaggeration, I can tell you our future hangs on being able to make this happen, please find it in your heart this holiday season to afford a disabled person the opportunity to genuinely change their lives for the better!!
Pay links
C*sh App: $grumblybear
V*nmo: XochiRose
DM for PayPal
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7grandmel · 1 year
Todays rip: 21/09/2023
Earth, Wind & Bombs
Season 1 Featured on: GilvaSunner's Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 7
Ripped by Nape Mango
Do you have ANY idea how hard it was to pick just *one rip* for today?
You all likely expected ahead of time what type of rip was to be featured for today - September 21st has practically become its own holiday, the day to celebrate Earth, Wind & Fire's September, due to the specific date mentioned in that song. Once a year, we all pay respects to one of the most legendary pieces of music out there, and of course SiIva is no different.
For seven seasons and eight years, SiIva has never missed a beat on celebrating Earth, Wind & Fire annually. Its not quite a mainstay meme on the channel, but its an inevitability we all love and cherish - an event as expected as Halloween, Christmas and Wood Man's birthday. There's even some in-jokes on the channel pertaining specifically to September: the composer for Dragon Ball: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 infamously plagiarized the song in the theme Capsule Obtain, and thus all SiIvaGunner rips from said game are actually just rips of September. Even outside of today's date, September continues to get attention in rips completely unrelated to the inofficial holiday, and they're almost all bangers in their own right.
In the end, I felt it was best to stay simple. The final few months of Season 1 of SiIva were magical in a lot of ways, such as what I wrote about on File Select Fusion Collab and Planet Wisp Mashup Medley. The most obvious reason for this magic is also the simplest to explain - the rippers had simply gotten REALLY good at their craft. While Season 1 as a whole is oft defined as the era lacking in proper quality control, the final quarter of the season had everyone firing on all cylinders, and Earth, Wind & Bombs demonstrates that perfectly. Like some of Nape Mango's other most popular rips, its a pitch-perfect Super Mario 64 arrangement of September - it exudes the joy of two deeply nostalgic pieces of art all at once. Super Mario 64 is even more beloved on SiIva than September is, yet with the two combined the feeling of warmth and comfort just gets amplified a thousand fold. Really, its an arrangement that speaks for itself - an absolute jam that shows how Nape Mango is, now and forever, the greatest of all time.
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hugsandnoregrets · 11 days
it’s so wild and super online to pretend that morally purity is obtainable by literally refusing to interact with anyone who shares different political views. or if you must, you are expected to publicly scream at them and chastise them. do you live in the real world and not online or in a blue bubble? like i do not think you are serious people.
when I worked for a red state government job every day I chatted with trumpies, libertarians, and people who thought that I was a ‘libtard’ and guess what? I was pleasant and friendly and sociable and asked them about their kids and talked about our work (enforcing protections for air quality - so they did more for the environment than 90% of my liberal friends purchasing off shein and insisting recycling doesn’t matter because big companies are at fault lol) and we got along. i was not fighting them or engaging in politics because we simply had to be in the same space and im an adult.
i see family members at every holiday who are republicans. i speak with loved ones who i grew up with that hold views i do not agree with. i interact with friends of friends who are anarchists and think the best way to solve everything is the glorious revolution and don’t believe in voting. every day of my life since i was literally born I had to interact with people of different political views and I had to not throw screaming fits and cut off every member of my entire community.
and guess what? I’ve changed more minds on political views than i can count because once they see me as a friend or ally they are willing to hear me out instead of dismissing me as a crazy screaming asshole :) but maybe I’m just an awful fucking person for not living my life as an isolated member of the blue team who all tell me I should never speak to anyone of a different political affiliation ever again
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
Got any Gogoat headcanons? Mind adding one or two involving Geeta and her Gogoat too maybe?
The line is docile even out in the wild. Exhausted trainers sometimes have luck in befriending a wild one and riding it to the nearest Pokemon Center without ever catching it.
A popular urban legend states that if you can grab onto a Gogoat's horns, even an aggressive one, it will imminently calm down and become tame.
The line is sometimes bred on farms for their milk. It's considered richer in vitamins than Miltank's milk thanks to the nutrients their plants provide.
Young Skiddo hatch without horns or leaves. They will headbutt each other in order to speed up horn growth; the leaves grow in after about two weeks.
The line are proficient climbers; many people will ride them in order to get supplies up steep cliff faces.
In Paldea, the line can often be found racing against Cyclizar.
In some regions, Gogoat have developed psychic typing, likely originating from their natural empathic horn senses.
In Galar, there's a yearly tradition that involves building a giant straw Gogoat for the holidays.
The line is often raised in areas with little vegetation. They can kept on low-quality land, and their energy helps support plant growth.
They are social Pokemon that should be raised with either Skiddo/Gogoat or another partner Pokemon.
Geeta obtained her Skiddo as first Pokemon, which was a present from her father. This is why she uses it even though it's not particularly strong.
Skiddo and Gogoat will gently nudge and headbutt trainers they have a strong bond with.
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schengentravelguideuk · 8 months
Schengen visa, Schengen visa UK, Schengen visa from the UK
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At Schengen Visa Consultant, we are dedicated to providing our clients with seamless guidance through the difficult process of obtaining a Schengen visa from the UK. Whether you want to apply for a long-stay or short-stay visa, we provide all the information you need to make informed decisions regarding your travel itinerary, medical insurance, accommodation arrangements, Schengen visa UK appointment and much more.
When a customer opts to avail our services, we deliver the best value for their money along with with our sincere efforts and personalized support to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction.
We have evolved in the past 20 years from a start-up to become one of our clients most trusted and established partners for Schengen visa from London Manchester UK. As we continue to keep our quality and services growing our clients & their satisfaction will always remain our top priority.
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In order to obtain a Schengen visa from the UK to explore the incredible countries of this beautiful area you have to first secure a visa appointment as walk-ins are precisely not allowed. Your documents will be verified by the visa officer during the appointment and you will also have to validate the reason of your trip.
Therefore, in order to successfully apply for a visa, you will need expert assistance to organize your documents as well as schedule the very important and complex visa appointment. We offer complete assistance to obtain VFS Schengen visa UK and manage the entire process from beginning to end for a nominal service fee.
We help you complete the visa application with our expertise for a quick approval. If there are any errors, we will cross-check and remove them from your application. To ensure that your Schengen visa application is approved quickly and you can enjoy your trip as planned, we deliver all our clients with top-notch services.
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usernoneexistent · 2 years
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Challenge: Anything's possible by @hp-12monthsofmagic
A/N: Finally was able to push past my burn out and wrote this. Delilah frustrated by the little alchemy she has done at Hogwarts, sets out to achieve the most plausible hardest achievement in alchemy for a sixteen year old.
Warnings: gross ingredients in the name of 'science'
Delilah fidgeted about with her quill, moving it smoothly between her fingers. Her alchemy professor was going over the theory of transforming base metals. Though she knew it already.
She would consume and study everything about alchemy and relate to it over the summer holiday. Delilah could recite every theory, technique, and invention by heart. Coming to Hogwarts, she had hoped to finally put all that knowledge into action. Even though they finally started brewing metals, Delilah still thought it was too basic.
"And that concludes today's lesson." The Professor finished, putting the broken chalk down.
The other students packed their books, tied them up with string, and left the classroom. Delilah approached her alchemy professor.
"Yes, Miss Sweets. How may I help you?" He wiped away the board with a flick of his wand.
"I was wondering when we shall start brewing harder potions."
"Miss Sweets, are you finding my lectures too dull for your tastes."
"I don't mean that Professor, but rather that I want to be more intellectually stimulating. I want a real challenge." Delilah expressed rather excitedly.
"I see, but as you must know Miss Sweets, an important quality is patience in alchemy. Alchemy needs patience because of precision." The Professor put his hands on his back and emphasized each quality to hit the point. "Alchemy is not one must triffle with without the fundamental basics."
"Yes sir, I am aware of that." Delilah quietly said. It seemed that the Professor would not be on her side.
"Good day then, Miss Sweets."
"Good day to you too, sir."
As Delilah left the classroom, she whistled for her red squirrel, Athena, or as she affectionately called her, Thena. The squirrel climbed down from the gothic-styled arch frames of the door and onto her shoulder.
"Come on Thena, we're going to be brewing something amazing tonight."
At night, she and Athena left the Hufflepuff common room. The pungent smell of the kitchen wafted through the corridor, making her stomach growl despite eating earlier.
She crept through the dark corridors. Her long-time friend, Winona, had shown all the best secret places in trade for her secrets. Delilah required a hidden area to experiment, to practice alchemy like she had one back home. Her family had a multitude of rooms dedicated to experiments. Some consider it messy, but to her, it was home.
In the lower North-East corridors, hidden rooms were mostly unknown of their purpose. Delilah found a purpose in one of them, stashing away ingredients that she had either honestly collected from the forbidden forests or dishonestly stolen from the potions classroom. Mostly, Athena did the stealing so no one would notice the little critter.
Hidden under the floorboard, Delilah had stashed vinegar, salt, sulfur vive, and even dreaded urine there. Though that were some sources, she won't reveal how she obtained them. There was also another thing, a terrible deed she had done. She had snuck into the forbidden section of the school's library. It pained her deeply to take an alchemy book without permission, but Delilah promised that she would return once it had been used.
The book may not look like much though Delilah won't be fooled by the disguise. There was instruction, and the recipe for Panacea, handwritten by Georg am Wald himself.
It was an alchemist's greatest dream to brew a panacea. The cure of all cures and longer life, and Delilah will achieve it. Be the youngest to brew it ever. She had started the process a few days ago and tonight she would complete it.
This wasn't to get her name published in the news articles, but it was personal. If she could do this at sixteen years of age, imagine what she could do in the future.
"Thena, get the salt." She commanded. The squirrel chittered back at her and placed the salt next to her. Delilah put on an apron to ensure that her nightgown would remain clean and piled her thick wavy hair into a haphazard mess barely held in place by pins.
She followed the instruction precisely, melting a few spoons along the way; wooden and metal. The author notes that this may happen, so having several on hand would be better.
The room stunk, but that was to be expected. Her wand was tucked behind her ear, using it only when she needed to stir or float the ingredients into the pot.
The liquid changed color regularly, but it all matched the instruction. However, it was bubbling more than the ambitious young alchemist had liked.
Her feet ached from standing in the same spot. Though Delilah figured that achieving without pain would not yield anything, it was simply the price to pay.
The solution was done.
Delilah poured the thin red liquid into a small glass bottle. This should show the Professor of her evident talents.
"It's done, Thena." Delilah gleaned with delight and pride of her concoction. Athena was clearly tired and napped on her shoulder. She glanced over at her father's old pocket watch. "Merlin's beard. I better get back."
"Hmm." The Professor scrutinized the liquid considered to be Panacea. Delilah looked at him, seeking his approval for her ambitious work. "What did you say that you put in?"
"Vinegar." Delilah simply said.
The Professor shook his head and let out a chuckle. "I'm afraid to say, Miss Sweets that you haven't made panacea."
"I beg your pardon?!"
"You have made an effective yet alternative method to cure boils." He quickly cleared his throat but couldn't hide his amusement at the student's mistake.
"How?" Delilah exclaimed. "I followed the recipe exactly, not a gram more nor a gram less than required."
Though the smile didn't vanish from the alchemy professor. "I assume you found the notebook of Georg am Wald."
Delilah hesitantly gave a nod of admittance.
"The notebook actually belonged to George Wald. An easy mistake to make but like you, many ambitious students of before have done the same mistake believing they have found the recipe for Panacea."
The girl was mortified. How could she be so foolish and fall for the lies of a fraud?
Almost seemingly sensing her humiliation, the Professor assured her. "This may not be Panacea but it is the best cure of boils I have ever seen. I hope you continue to bring this level of dedication to your classes, Miss Sweets."
"Thank you, professor." Delilah left, and despite her disappointment in the Panacea, she still has confidence that one day, she will make an actual panacea.
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mdlearning · 1 year
Working in Sweden
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Working in Sweden as a foreign national can offer unique opportunities in a country known for its high standard of living and progressive work environment. Here are key steps and considerations for working in Sweden:
1. **Visa Options:** Determine the appropriate visa pathway based on your qualifications and intended duration of stay. Common work visa categories include:    - Work Permit (Arbetstillstånd): For individuals with job offers from Swedish employers.    - EU Blue Card: For highly skilled non-EU nationals with a job offer in a profession requiring high qualifications.    - Working Holiday Visa: For young people from certain countries to work and travel in Sweden for a limited period.
2. **Job Search and Networking:** Research industries and job opportunities in Sweden that align with your skills. Networking, job boards, and industry events can help you find job openings.
3. **Job Offer:** Secure a job offer from a Swedish employer if required. The employer will typically need to demonstrate that they have been unable to find a suitable candidate within the EU/EEA.
4. **Work Permit Application:** If applying for a work permit, your prospective employer in Sweden will usually initiate the application process. They will need to provide necessary information and documents to the Swedish Migration Agency.
5. **Self-Employment:** If you plan to work as a self-employed individual in Sweden, you may need to fulfill certain requirements and demonstrate your ability to support yourself financially.
6. **Documentation:** Prepare all required documentation, including application forms, job offer letter, proof of qualifications, passport, health insurance, and fees.
7. **Biometrics and Interview:** Attend a biometrics appointment and/or an interview if required as part of the application process.
8. **Arrival in Sweden:** Once your work permit is approved, travel to Sweden and complete any necessary formalities, such as registering your residence with the Swedish Tax Agency.
9. **Integration:** Obtain a Swedish personal identity number (personnummer), open a bank account, and familiarize yourself with local services.
10. **Language:** While many Swedes speak English, learning some Swedish can enhance your integration and job prospects.
11. **Quality of Life:** Understand the Swedish work culture, social norms, and lifestyle, which often prioritize work-life balance and equality.
It's important to stay updated on Sweden's immigration laws and procedures, as they can change. Consulting with an immigration consultant or seeking guidance from official Swedish government sources is recommended for accurate and up-to-date information.
Tailor your job search to the Swedish job market, utilize local job boards, networking events, and online platforms to find suitable job opportunities.
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mansipatel5 · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Choosing Turkey Travel Packages
In the regional Turkish language, Turkey is often referred to as Türkiye. It is primarily found in Western Asia, in the Anatolian peninsula. Since one leg is connected to Europe and the other to Asia, it is also referred to as a bridge between the two continents. The Black Sea, Marmara Sea, Aegean Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea border the nation on three sides. It is the homeland of Turks who long ago migrated from Mongolia's interior. Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Greece, Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, and Syria are all within modern Turkey's borders.
When it comes to the area, the Turkish race initially settled in western modern Turkey, where they went on to reside under the name Selcuk Beylics. The Osmanoullar community was established in the region where Bursa was the capital, some 4-5 hours' drive from Istanbul today, as a result of the separation of Selçuk Beylics into several groups over time. They transferred the capital from Bursa to Istanbul in later years. They lived through the golden eras when their borders stretched across tremendous periods. They eventually reached a point of stagnation and dissolution and handed the historical reins over to the Modern Turkish Republic.
Understanding Your Travel Style and Preferences
Understanding your travel tastes and style is the first step in selecting Turkey Holiday Packages. Think about the following:
Who are you as a traveller? Are you a daring backpacker or a pampered traveller seeking a more relaxing experience?
What do you find interesting? Do you favour outdoor pursuits like hiking and environmental exploration or are you more interested in history and culture?
What is your spending plan? What are your financial limits for a tour package?
What kind of transportation do you prefer? Would you like to take the bus, the train, or the aeroplane?
What kind of lodging do you prefer? Do you feel at ease staying in hostels or hotels, or do you like private lodging?
You can focus on tour packages that are suited to your needs by focusing on those that fit your travel interests and style.
Researching and Comparing Tour Options
Researching and contrasting tour choices is the next stage after you have a firm grasp of your travel interests and style. Here are a few pieces of advice:
Make use of reliable travel websites: Check out Turkey Holiday Packages from credible online sources as they offer testimonials and rankings from tourists who have taken the tours.
Visit the websites of the trip operators: The majority of tour operators have their websites where you may obtain details about the tours they provide, including itineraries, costs, and lodging choices.
Read Reviews: You may learn a lot about the tour's quality, the degree of customer care, and the entire experience from reviews written by other tourists.
Compare costs before choosing one product over another. Take into account the tour's overall worth and what is included in the cost. Some Turkey Travel Packages From India may appear more expensive, but they provide greater value for the money since they provide more activities or better accommodations.
Key Considerations for Choosing a Turkey Tour Package
There are numerous important factors to keep in mind when contrasting Turkey Travel Packages From India.
1. Itinerary: Finding a tour package that includes the locations and activities you are interested in is a good idea. Take into account the tour's duration and speed. Will you feel rushed or that you'll have plenty of time to visit each place?
2. Inclusions: Make sure you are aware of the tour package's inclusions. Does it include lodging, travel, meals, and entertainment? Do you need to budget for any additional fees or expenses?
3. Tour size: The magnitude of the excursion should be taken into consideration. Which do you prefer—a smaller, more private one or a bigger, more communal one?
4. Tour guide: Your trip can be greatly improved by a skilled and amiable tour guide. Make sure you check the tour guide's licence and read customer feedback.
Finding Turkey Travel Packages From India that allow you flexibility in terms of the schedule and activities is important. You will then have the option to go exploring on your own or to forego participating in activities that bore you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q 1: Are private tours or group tours preferable for seeing Turkey?
A: That depends on what you desire. Private Turkey holiday packages from mumbai can be customised to your unique interests and demands, while group tours are typically less expensive and provide a social experience.
Q 2.Is travelling to Turkey safe?
A: Travellers can feel secure visiting Turkey. But you should always proceed with caution and pay attention to your surroundings.
Q3. When is the ideal time to travel to Turkey?
A: The months of April to May and September to November are ideal for travelling to Turkey because of the nice weather and reduced tourist traffic.
Q 4: Is a visa required to enter Turkey?
A: The majority of visitors do require visas to enter Turkey. You have two options for applying for a visa: online or at the airport.
Your travel interests, money, and style must all be carefully considered before selecting the ideal Turkey holiday packages from mumbai. You may choose wisely and have an unforgettable trip to Turkey by doing your homework, comparing your alternatives, and considering crucial factors like itinerary, inclusions, tour size, tour guide, and flexibility.
To make your tour the most suitable for you, don't forget to read reviews, ask questions, and don't be scared to customise it. Considering all there is to see and do in Turkey, picking the appropriate vacation package might be crucial. You won't regret it, so go ahead and reserve your ideal Turkey vacation package today!
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kokokumaduy · 2 years
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A true #Kaiseki #Omakase & #Whisky Appreciation Dinner with a top Kaiseki chef who hails from #Sapporo #Hokkaido #Japan and superbly paired with top-notch cutting edge whiskies from the Nagano and Kagoshima region consisting of #iwai #mars Manzanilla single malt Komagatake and single malt Tsunuki - astonishingly smooth and awesome! Considered the epitome of Japanese cuisine, Chef Saitoh-san, uses his Kaiseki and Omasake technique to showcase his title as the grand master of Japanese cuisine, and he came to Singapore, out of his own desire, to share the appeals of traditional Japanese cuisine, which is recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. Saitoh-san uses his professional experience and discerning eye to procure only the finest ingredients. This ability is vital in Japanese cuisine where much emphasis is placed on seasonality and the ability to bring out the best of every ingredient. Seasonal fruits and vegetables that are usually not easily obtained, as well as fish and meat of the highest quality, are procured from all over Japan. The Tasting Panel were thoroughly spoilt with an 8-course menu which was well curated with the 4 distinct whiskys on-taste at each tier within the degustation. My personal favorites were the sashimi - whiskey aburi snapper, scallop and botan shrimp… temaki hand roll, charcoal grilled kurobuta black pork infused with whiskey… and the chuturo sushi.. i like the way how the appetizer was being assembled in a kaiseki-formatted provision and the motivation behind the chef’s hand whipped matcha.. truly one of the best whiskey pairing dinners I have ever had.. @sushi.sei.sg @rosettemedia @rosett_asia The quality was impeccable, the ingredients super fresh, and sashimi well-structured.. my media rating is at 9/10, much higher than most omakases that i have tasted at well known establishments in Asia, Shanghai, Ho Chi Minh and Singapore. . . #love #instagood #fashion #beautiful #happy #art #photography #style #travel #life #cute #hiso #luxury #lifestyle #SGLifestyle #like4like #photooftheday #picoftheday #instamood #ooishi (at Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpCaIIju92m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thenightling · 1 year
Notes for newbie Halloween collectors: JOL = Jack-o-lantern.   You'll see JOL used a lot on Halloween collector sites.  It just means Jack-o-lantern but tends to be used most often for very old ceramic or wooden ones.     Hyde and Eek = This is actually a division of the Target Company.  Hyde and Eek make Halloween decorations and collectables specifically sold by Target in September and early October.  They change from year to year so if you want to replace a crow figurine you bought wearing spectacles and a scarf in 2008, you're not likely to find him again except used and over-priced on Ebay.     Hyde and Eek actually make some great vintage-style Halloween products, and vintage-style "shelf sitters." Warning: A lot of the plastic products from Hyde and Eek still use lead paint.  Their electric (plug-in) Jack-o-lanterns are high quality except in regard to paint.  They still use lead paint, or they did as recently as five years ago.  The tags often have warnings that they are not toys for this reason.  They don't chip very often.  Just don't let little kids handle them too much and especially don't suck on them. Shelf Sitter = A plushy or "Fabric" figurine or doll of a human character or animal intended to be seated on a shelf.   It's pretty much a toy and only "not a toy" in name only.  Toys get taxed differently than decorations even when collectible. Michaels = They actually sell reproductions of late nineteenth century / early twentieth century Halloween figurines but they are a bit over-priced and you need to go there upwards of five months ahead of time. Spirit Halloween = Spirit Halloween is probably the most mainstream way of obtaining Halloween collectables. They mostly favor modern instead of vintage but they're the place to go IF you can afford buying your own life-sized monster animatronics.  Their online store is open year 'round.  Their physical stores open as early as the first week of August and they close in the first week of November, seasonally. Spirit Halloween has some annual items, like Hyde and Eek, which are available one year but not the next.   Many are themed throw blankets, animatronics,  mugs, and Little bopper (dolls). Home Depot = The place to go if you want your own twelve-foot-tall skeleton that became strangely popular a few years ago. :-P Hallowe'en = The usual way the holiday was written in postcards and products from the laten nineteenth century until the 1940s when the ' was phased out to save money on ink.   It's still used today in reproductions.  Both Hallowe'en and Halloween are considered acceptable spellings for the holiday according to dictionary (dot) com. New England Hallowe'en cards = Most late nineteenth century to 1940s Hallowe'en postcards were printed in New England and reproductions are pretty easy to find.  Originals sometimes sell for a lot of money, depending on condition. German figurines and lanterns = Most figurines, lanterns, and "cut-outs" were originally manufactured in Germany.  Some have very accurate reproductions but a lot of original molds were lost or hand sculped so sometimes proportions aren't quite accurate. It's likely they don't use originals to make new molds because they don't want to risk damaging preserved pieces just to sell reproductions. Image of some Hyde and Eek Shelf-sitters.  Not mine.
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shoplobster · 2 years
Shoplobster review
Shoplobster review
Shoplobster is a curated marketplace of unique lobster dishes from restaurants across the US. This site allows you to search for lobster dishes based on your preferences and budget, so it's easy to find a dish that fits your needs. Some of the dishes are surprisingly affordable, so you can order for yourself or someone else without breaking the bank. lobster trap This family-owned business is dedicated to the highest quality lobster products and aims to make them accessible to everyone. They pride themselves on the traceability of their lobsters and work to ensure that sustainable harvesting practices are met. Plus, they offer a B Corp certification so you can be sure your seafood was sourced responsibly. Community Seafood This Maine-based company uses industry best practices, including not waiting for the lobster to come back to town before cooking it in artesian well water. That way, the lobster stays fresh and retains its merroir throughout the cooking process. Lucas' Lobster For over a decade, this family restaurant has served sustainably harvested seafood. They've gone through the arduous process of obtaining B Corp certification, so you can be sure your lobster was sustainably sourced. They offer a wide range of products from lobster tails to claw and knuckle meat, so you can choose what fits your needs. They also have a variety of dining sets, including one for six, so you can easily create a meal that fits your schedule and budget. A lobster dinner is a delicious meal that makes the perfect gift, but it can be pricey. This service allows you to buy lobsters for a low price and receive free shipping anywhere in the United States. Then, you can add any other ingredients and create a gourmet meal for your loved ones. The Great Lobster Debate There's no denying that lobster is one of the most delicious and versatile foods in the world. Whether served cold or cooked in a pan, these crustaceans are hard to beat for their sweet, tender texture and flavor. The best part about these delicious treats is that they are easy to cook at home. They are available frozen or fresh, so you can have them in your fridge whenever you need them. You can even order ready-to-serve lobster dishes like lobster thermidor and lobster mac 'n' cheese for easy prep. Lobster meat is packaged in a vacuum-sealed container, just take it out of the package and heat it up. Cow Crowd For a special dinner at home or to impress at a holiday party, this box of steaks with lobster is the right choice. It features two pasture-raised New York strip steaks and two sirloin steaks along with four lobster tails. The steaks are seasoned with herbs and garlic, and the lobster tails are served in a cream sauce. Omaha Steaks This favorite seafood shop is known for its delicious sirloin steaks, but during the favorites sale, they sell them at a discount. With over 40% off, they make the perfect gift for the sirloin lovers in your life. Or book them for a date night and enjoy the sweet taste of the savory pairing.
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elsykkeloslo · 2 years
Which are the Advantages of Electric Stationary bikes?
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elsykkel trondheim
"In a organized energy flow assessment, a grid-charged power driving an electric motor unit will provide mechanical electrical power about ten circumstances more efficiently than a people eating a typical eating plan. For personal holiday between 5 together with 30 miles on a daily basis, the electric peda bike offers the lowest green and personal financial cost, usually without the need of increasing urban travel and leisure time" From Electrical power, Global Warming, and additionally Electric Bicycles Electricity Flow Analysis with the Emphasis on Personal Vehicles
elsykkel oslo
1 . Hill Mountaineering That may sound evident, but it's the prime advantage. A good utility bike effectively flattens hills, increasing your usual speed and clearing away the 'groan' issue when a gradient makes view. Provided people supply a reasonable number of effort, you can expect to increase hills of 1 with 10 (10%) for an electric bike easily, and clear some sort of maximum gradient of just one in 7 (14%), or much more. With hilly country, the consequence is nothing in need of miraculous.
elsykkel bergen
2 . Protection It sounds extremley unlikely, doesn't it? Nevertheless mathematics is engaging. Think of a large and busy streets, with cars mountaineering at 30mph. If you happen to previously slogged in the hill at 6mph, but can sport fishing tackle the same gradient with 12mph with an power bike, you will see 33% fewer cars, and they'll pass you for 18mph rather than 24mph. Or at least, people think that's proper.
Whatever the figures, there's certainly no doubt that an electronic bike helps to keep everyone out of danger. The identical general principle goes for road junctions : the faster ones acceleration, the sooner you can receive out of trouble. With no need to rush that hills, you won't end up tempted to vehicle downhill at breakneck speed… another effective safety feature.
Personal Fitness Really a conventional bike will continue you fitter? That will, of course, depends the amount of - if at all -- you use it. Explore (b) has seen that 46% with conventional bikes are utilized only once or again a week, with a additionally 30% being used when a fortnight or simply less. By contrast, a recently available survey of energy bicycle owners unveils that a third operate their bike at least one time a day and 81% use the bike one or more times a week (c).
That figures confirm some of our experience that an utility bike typically obtains used at least doubly often as a standard machine.
Because sitting an electric bike is a good deal more enjoyable within hilly country, inside strong winds, and when carrying serious loads, users makes better use of these. The motor supplies up to half the hassle, but more usual use means even more exercise for the participant.
No Perspiration! Sweat may not be a sexy issue when you're available for a leisure cycle, but it's much more important if you're have a go at to work. Although some businesses are rather grudgingly providing showers and also other facilities for bicyclists, the great majority have no purpose of doing so. A stainless steel bike eliminates the challenge at source. Within hot weather, it's possible to keep up a normal schedule just by transferring a bit more download to the electric continuous-duty motor. In colder climatic conditions - or if you're in need of exercise : just throttle again, or turn this motor off.
Clean & Natural
Electric bikes not surprisingly consume energy, in which a conventional bikes fails to (provided we disregard the environmental cost involving growing and digesting food - discover below). However , the quality of energy used is incredibly small compared to some moped, motorcycle and also car. Besides power, the only consumables are definitely the batteries, and a lot of these can normally get recycled when life-expired. As for energy employ, electric bikes generally consume fuel in an average rate associated with 100 to one humdred and fifty watts of energy, against 15, 000 or so for a vehicle (admittedly travelling considerably faster). In terms of petrol consumption, an electric bicycle achieves about 800-2, 000mpg (290 -- 700 litres/kilometre) (d). No other commercial available vehicle may well match figures from this kind.
If it's challenging to place these results in your own lifestyle, see a 100 watt electric light bulb losing for an evening : that's enough electricity to propel a great electrically-assisted bike with regard to 20 to forty miles…
Really Sustainable There's a lot of non-sense talked about sustainability around transport, but a stainless steel bicycle can be produced genuinely sustainable. Get electricity from a 'green' supplier, or get your own with a roof-mounted windmill or -panel array (see Solar pv facts), and the vehicles' fossil fuel drinking will be zero. Undoubtedly a conventional bike will do that already? Only when you grow the produce you consume even though riding it. Sorry to say, most modern food output and distribution can be so fuel-intensive that the use of a typical cyclist is not really terribly good.
Faster travel Theoretically a car can standard a high speed, , in practise speed quite often falls below 10mph in cities. Help congestion - motor bikes get around this in some degree, but they're nevertheless confined to the roads network. An electric dirt bike can maintain a better average speed compared to a bicycle but benefit from the same network from cycle facilities, providing access to routes that will cars and cycles cannot reach. Your result is often a faster door-to-door journey time as compared to any other mode. Together with by taking advantage of your uncongested cycle multi-level, but eliminating hillsides and headwinds, power bikes are often probably the most consistent mode with travel.
Excessive Resale Value Utility bikes are innovative technology, and it's conception yet, but the signs points to a better resale value than the conventional bike. The case, a typical electric motorbike costs more to own, at £400-£1, 000, but it seems you will definately get most of that rear if you sell the slicer on.
Motorised, Without The Red Video tape! You know how it can be… MOT due, diary book missing, insurance charges rising year with year. Electric stationary bikes are treated much like ordinary bicycles meant for legislative purposes, which means that there's absolutely no sign up or legislation to help worry about. You are not surprisingly free to insure the device if you wish, but there is no compulsion to do not enjoy yourself!
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